Ulrich Germann 524109e2ca Reorganisation of options.
The purpose of this effort is to have options local to the individual translation task,
so that they can be changed in the running system in a multi-threaded system.
2015-08-06 21:11:43 +01:00

834 lines
24 KiB

// -*- mode: c++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2 -*-
// $Id$
Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2006 University of Edinburgh
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef moses_StaticData_h
#define moses_StaticData_h
#include <stdexcept>
#include <limits>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include "Parameter.h"
#include "SentenceStats.h"
#include "ScoreComponentCollection.h"
#include "moses/FF/Factory.h"
#include "moses/PP/Factory.h"
#include "moses/parameters/AllOptions.h"
#include "moses/parameters/BookkeepingOptions.h"
namespace Moses
class InputType;
class DecodeGraph;
class DecodeStep;
class DynamicCacheBasedLanguageModel;
class PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased;
typedef std::pair<std::string, float> UnknownLHSEntry;
typedef std::vector<UnknownLHSEntry> UnknownLHSList;
/** Contains global variables and contants.
* Only 1 object of this class should be instantiated.
* A const object of this class is accessible by any function during decoding by calling StaticData::Instance();
class StaticData
friend class HyperParameterAsWeight;
static StaticData s_instance;
Parameter *m_parameter;
AllOptions m_options;
std::vector<FactorType> m_inputFactorOrder, m_outputFactorOrder;
mutable ScoreComponentCollection m_allWeights;
std::vector<DecodeGraph*> m_decodeGraphs;
// Initial = 0 = can be used when creating poss trans
// Other = 1 = used to calculate LM score once all steps have been processed
// m_beamWidth,
// m_earlyDiscardingThreshold,
// m_translationOptionThreshold,
// PhraseTrans, Generation & LanguageModelScore has multiple weights.
// int m_maxDistortion;
// do it differently from old pharaoh
// -ve = no limit on distortion
// 0 = no disortion (monotone in old pharaoh)
bool m_reorderingConstraint; //! use additional reordering constraints
// bool m_useEarlyDistortionCost;
// size_t m_maxHypoStackSize; //! hypothesis-stack size that triggers pruning
// size_t m_minHypoStackDiversity; //! minimum number of hypothesis in stack for each source word coverage;
BookkeepingOptions m_bookkeeping_options;
size_t m_latticeSamplesSize;
// size_t m_maxNoTransOptPerCoverage;
// size_t m_maxNoPartTransOpt;
// size_t m_maxPhraseLength;
std::string m_latticeSamplesFilePath;
bool m_dropUnknown; //! false = treat unknown words as unknowns, and translate them as themselves; true = drop (ignore) them
bool m_markUnknown; //! false = treat unknown words as unknowns, and translate them as themselves; true = mark and (ignore) them
std::string m_unknownWordPrefix;
std::string m_unknownWordSuffix;
bool m_wordDeletionEnabled;
bool m_disableDiscarding;
bool m_printAllDerivations;
bool m_printTranslationOptions;
bool m_sourceStartPosMattersForRecombination;
bool m_recoverPath;
bool m_outputHypoScore;
bool m_requireSortingAfterSourceContext;
// SearchAlgorithm m_searchAlgorithm;
InputTypeEnum m_inputType;
mutable size_t m_verboseLevel;
bool m_reportSegmentation;
bool m_reportSegmentationEnriched;
bool m_reportAllFactors;
std::string m_detailedTranslationReportingFilePath;
std::string m_detailedTreeFragmentsTranslationReportingFilePath;
std::string m_detailedAllTranslationReportingFilePath;
bool m_PrintAlignmentInfo;
bool m_PrintID;
bool m_PrintPassthroughInformation;
std::string m_alignmentOutputFile;
std::string m_factorDelimiter; //! by default, |, but it can be changed
XmlInputType m_xmlInputType; //! method for handling sentence XML input
std::pair<std::string,std::string> m_xmlBrackets; //! strings to use as XML tags' opening and closing brackets. Default are "<" and ">"
bool m_mbr; //! use MBR decoder
bool m_useLatticeMBR; //! use MBR decoder
bool m_mira; // do mira training
bool m_useConsensusDecoding; //! Use Consensus decoding (DeNero et al 2009)
size_t m_mbrSize; //! number of translation candidates considered
float m_mbrScale; //! scaling factor for computing marginal probability of candidate translation
size_t m_lmbrPruning; //! average number of nodes per word wanted in pruned lattice
std::vector<float> m_lmbrThetas; //! theta(s) for lattice mbr calculation
bool m_useLatticeHypSetForLatticeMBR; //! to use nbest as hypothesis set during lattice MBR
float m_lmbrPrecision; //! unigram precision theta - see Tromble et al 08 for more details
float m_lmbrPRatio; //! decaying factor for ngram thetas - see Tromble et al 08 for more details
float m_lmbrMapWeight; //! Weight given to the map solution. See Kumar et al 09 for details
size_t m_lmcache_cleanup_threshold; //! number of translations after which LM claenup is performed (0=never, N=after N translations; default is 1)
bool m_lmEnableOOVFeature;
// bool m_timeout; //! use timeout
// size_t m_timeout_threshold; //! seconds after which time out is activated
bool m_isAlwaysCreateDirectTranslationOption;
//! constructor. only the 1 static variable can be created
bool m_outputWordGraph; //! whether to output word graph
bool m_outputSearchGraph; //! whether to output search graph
bool m_outputSearchGraphExtended; //! ... in extended format
bool m_outputSearchGraphSLF; //! whether to output search graph in HTK standard lattice format (SLF)
bool m_outputSearchGraphHypergraph; //! whether to output search graph in hypergraph
bool m_outputSearchGraphPB; //! whether to output search graph as a protobuf
bool m_unprunedSearchGraph; //! do not exclude dead ends (chart decoder only)
bool m_includeLHSInSearchGraph; //! include LHS of rules in search graph
std::string m_outputUnknownsFile; //! output unknowns in this file
size_t m_ruleLimit;
// Whether to load compact phrase table and reordering table into memory
bool m_minphrMemory;
bool m_minlexrMemory;
// Initial = 0 = can be used when creating poss trans
// Other = 1 = used to calculate LM score once all steps have been processed
Word m_inputDefaultNonTerminal, m_outputDefaultNonTerminal;
SourceLabelOverlap m_sourceLabelOverlap;
UnknownLHSList m_unknownLHS;
WordAlignmentSort m_wordAlignmentSort;
int m_threadCount;
long m_startTranslationId;
// alternate weight settings
mutable std::string m_currentWeightSetting;
std::map< std::string, ScoreComponentCollection* > m_weightSetting; // core weights
std::map< std::string, std::set< std::string > > m_weightSettingIgnoreFF; // feature function
std::map< std::string, std::set< size_t > > m_weightSettingIgnoreDP; // decoding path
FactorType m_placeHolderFactor;
bool m_useLegacyPT;
bool m_defaultNonTermOnlyForEmptyRange;
S2TParsingAlgorithm m_s2tParsingAlgorithm;
FeatureRegistry m_registry;
PhrasePropertyFactory m_phrasePropertyFactory;
void LoadChartDecodingParameters();
void LoadNonTerminals();
//! load decoding steps
void LoadDecodeGraphs();
void LoadDecodeGraphsOld(const std::vector<std::string> &mappingVector, const std::vector<size_t> &maxChartSpans);
void LoadDecodeGraphsNew(const std::vector<std::string> &mappingVector, const std::vector<size_t> &maxChartSpans);
void NoCache();
bool m_continuePartialTranslation;
std::string m_binPath;
// soft NT lookup for chart models
std::vector<std::vector<Word> > m_softMatchesMap;
const StatefulFeatureFunction* m_treeStructure;
// number of nonterminal labels
// size_t m_nonTerminalSize;
void ini_compact_table_options();
void ini_consensus_decoding_options();
void ini_cube_pruning_options();
void ini_distortion_options();
void ini_factor_maps();
void ini_input_options();
void ini_lm_options();
void ini_lmbr_options();
void ini_mbr_options();
void ini_mira_options();
void ini_oov_options();
bool ini_output_options();
bool ini_performance_options();
void ini_phrase_lookup_options();
bool ini_stack_decoding_options();
void ini_zombie_options();
void initialize_features();
bool IsAlwaysCreateDirectTranslationOption() const {
return m_isAlwaysCreateDirectTranslationOption;
//! destructor
//! return static instance for use like global variable
static const StaticData& Instance() {
return s_instance;
//! do NOT call unless you know what you're doing
static StaticData& InstanceNonConst() {
return s_instance;
/** delete current static instance and replace with another.
* Used by gui front end
#ifdef WIN32
static void Reset() {
s_instance = StaticData();
//! Load data into static instance. This function is required as LoadData() is not const
static bool LoadDataStatic(Parameter *parameter, const std::string &execPath);
//! Main function to load everything. Also initialize the Parameter object
bool LoadData(Parameter *parameter);
void ClearData();
const Parameter &GetParameter() const {
return *m_parameter;
AllOptions const&
options() const {
return m_options;
options() {
return m_options;
const std::vector<FactorType> &GetInputFactorOrder() const {
return m_inputFactorOrder;
const std::vector<FactorType> &GetOutputFactorOrder() const {
return m_outputFactorOrder;
inline bool GetSourceStartPosMattersForRecombination() const {
return m_sourceStartPosMattersForRecombination;
inline bool GetDropUnknown() const {
return m_dropUnknown;
inline bool GetMarkUnknown() const {
return m_markUnknown;
inline std::string GetUnknownWordPrefix() const {
return m_unknownWordPrefix;
inline std::string GetUnknownWordSuffix() const {
return m_unknownWordSuffix;
inline bool GetDisableDiscarding() const {
return m_disableDiscarding;
inline size_t GetMaxNoTransOptPerCoverage() const {
inline size_t GetMaxNoPartTransOpt() const {
inline size_t GetMaxPhraseLength() const {
bool IsWordDeletionEnabled() const {
return m_wordDeletionEnabled;
// size_t GetMaxHypoStackSize() const {
// return;
// }
// size_t GetMinHypoStackDiversity() const {
// return;
// }
size_t IsPathRecoveryEnabled() const {
return m_recoverPath;
bool IsIDEnabled() const {
return m_PrintID;
bool IsPassthroughEnabled() const {
return m_PrintPassthroughInformation;
int GetMaxDistortion() const {
return m_options.reordering.max_distortion;
bool UseReorderingConstraint() const {
return m_reorderingConstraint;
float GetBeamWidth() const {
float GetEarlyDiscardingThreshold() const {
bool UseEarlyDiscarding() const {
!= -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
bool UseEarlyDistortionCost() const {
return m_options.reordering.use_early_distortion_cost;
// return m_useEarlyDistortionCost;
float GetTranslationOptionThreshold() const {
size_t GetVerboseLevel() const {
return m_verboseLevel;
void SetVerboseLevel(int x) const {
m_verboseLevel = x;
char GetReportSegmentation() const {
if (m_reportSegmentation) return 1;
if (m_reportSegmentationEnriched) return 2;
return 0;
void SetReportSegmentation(const int &val) {
if (val == 0)
m_reportSegmentation = m_reportSegmentationEnriched = false;
else if (val == 1)
m_reportSegmentation = true;
else if (val == 2)
m_reportSegmentationEnriched = true;
std::cerr << "Warning: Invalid value for reportSegmentation (0 - 2)! Ignoring";
bool GetReportAllFactors() const {
return m_reportAllFactors;
bool IsDetailedTranslationReportingEnabled() const {
return !m_detailedTranslationReportingFilePath.empty();
bool IsDetailedAllTranslationReportingEnabled() const {
return !m_detailedAllTranslationReportingFilePath.empty();
const std::string &GetDetailedTranslationReportingFilePath() const {
return m_detailedTranslationReportingFilePath;
bool IsDetailedTreeFragmentsTranslationReportingEnabled() const {
return !m_detailedTreeFragmentsTranslationReportingFilePath.empty();
const std::string &GetDetailedTreeFragmentsTranslationReportingFilePath() const {
return m_detailedTreeFragmentsTranslationReportingFilePath;
// bool IsLabeledNBestList() const {
// return m_options.nbest.include_feature_labels;
// }
bool UseMinphrInMemory() const {
return m_minphrMemory;
bool UseMinlexrInMemory() const {
return m_minlexrMemory;
// for mert
// size_t GetNBestSize() const {
// return m_options.nbest.nbest_size;
// }
// const std::string &GetNBestFilePath() const {
// return m_options.nbest.output_file_path;
// }
// bool IsNBestEnabled() const {
// return m_options.nbest.enabled;
// }
size_t GetLatticeSamplesSize() const {
return m_latticeSamplesSize;
const std::string& GetLatticeSamplesFilePath() const {
return m_latticeSamplesFilePath;
// size_t GetNBestFactor() const {
// return m_options.nbest.factor;
// }
bool GetOutputWordGraph() const {
return m_outputWordGraph;
//! Sets the global score vector weights for a given FeatureFunction.
InputTypeEnum GetInputType() const {
return m_inputType;
// SearchAlgorithm GetSearchAlgorithm() const {
// return m_searchAlgorithm;
// }
bool IsSyntax(SearchAlgorithm algo = DefaultSearchAlgorithm) const {
if (algo == DefaultSearchAlgorithm)
algo =;
return (algo == CYKPlus || algo == ChartIncremental ||
algo == SyntaxS2T || algo == SyntaxT2S ||
algo == SyntaxF2S || algo == SyntaxT2S_SCFG);
const ScoreComponentCollection&
GetAllWeights() const {
return m_allWeights;
void SetAllWeights(const ScoreComponentCollection& weights) {
m_allWeights = weights;
//Weight for a single-valued feature
float GetWeight(const FeatureFunction* sp) const {
return m_allWeights.GetScoreForProducer(sp);
//Weight for a single-valued feature
void SetWeight(const FeatureFunction* sp, float weight) ;
//Weights for feature with fixed number of values
std::vector<float> GetWeights(const FeatureFunction* sp) const {
return m_allWeights.GetScoresForProducer(sp);
//Weights for feature with fixed number of values
void SetWeights(const FeatureFunction* sp, const std::vector<float>& weights);
// bool GetDistinctNBest() const {
// return m_options.nbest.only_distinct;
// }
const std::string& GetFactorDelimiter() const {
return m_factorDelimiter;
bool UseMBR() const {
return m_mbr;
bool UseLatticeMBR() const {
return m_useLatticeMBR ;
bool UseConsensusDecoding() const {
return m_useConsensusDecoding;
void SetUseLatticeMBR(bool flag) {
m_useLatticeMBR = flag;
size_t GetMBRSize() const {
return m_mbrSize;
float GetMBRScale() const {
return m_mbrScale;
void SetMBRScale(float scale) {
m_mbrScale = scale;
size_t GetLatticeMBRPruningFactor() const {
return m_lmbrPruning;
void SetLatticeMBRPruningFactor(size_t prune) {
m_lmbrPruning = prune;
const std::vector<float>& GetLatticeMBRThetas() const {
return m_lmbrThetas;
bool UseLatticeHypSetForLatticeMBR() const {
return m_useLatticeHypSetForLatticeMBR;
float GetLatticeMBRPrecision() const {
return m_lmbrPrecision;
void SetLatticeMBRPrecision(float p) {
m_lmbrPrecision = p;
float GetLatticeMBRPRatio() const {
return m_lmbrPRatio;
void SetLatticeMBRPRatio(float r) {
m_lmbrPRatio = r;
float GetLatticeMBRMapWeight() const {
return m_lmbrMapWeight;
// bool UseTimeout() const {
// return m_timeout;
// }
// size_t GetTimeoutThreshold() const {
// return m_timeout_threshold;
// }
size_t GetLMCacheCleanupThreshold() const {
return m_lmcache_cleanup_threshold;
bool GetLMEnableOOVFeature() const {
return m_lmEnableOOVFeature;
bool GetOutputSearchGraph() const {
return m_outputSearchGraph;
void SetOutputSearchGraph(bool outputSearchGraph) {
m_outputSearchGraph = outputSearchGraph;
bool GetOutputSearchGraphExtended() const {
return m_outputSearchGraphExtended;
bool GetOutputSearchGraphSLF() const {
return m_outputSearchGraphSLF;
bool GetOutputSearchGraphHypergraph() const {
return m_outputSearchGraphHypergraph;
bool GetOutputSearchGraphPB() const {
return m_outputSearchGraphPB;
const std::string& GetOutputUnknownsFile() const {
return m_outputUnknownsFile;
bool GetUnprunedSearchGraph() const {
return m_unprunedSearchGraph;
bool GetIncludeLHSInSearchGraph() const {
return m_includeLHSInSearchGraph;
XmlInputType GetXmlInputType() const {
return m_xmlInputType;
std::pair<std::string,std::string> GetXmlBrackets() const {
return m_xmlBrackets;
bool PrintTranslationOptions() const {
return m_printTranslationOptions;
bool PrintAllDerivations() const {
return m_printAllDerivations;
const UnknownLHSList &GetUnknownLHS() const {
return m_unknownLHS;
const Word &GetInputDefaultNonTerminal() const {
return m_inputDefaultNonTerminal;
const Word &GetOutputDefaultNonTerminal() const {
return m_outputDefaultNonTerminal;
SourceLabelOverlap GetSourceLabelOverlap() const {
return m_sourceLabelOverlap;
bool GetOutputHypoScore() const {
return m_outputHypoScore;
size_t GetRuleLimit() const {
return m_ruleLimit;
float GetRuleCountThreshold() const {
return 999999; /* TODO wtf! */
bool ContinuePartialTranslation() const {
return m_continuePartialTranslation;
void ReLoadBleuScoreFeatureParameter(float weight);
Parameter* GetParameter() {
return m_parameter;
int ThreadCount() const {
return m_threadCount;
long GetStartTranslationId() const {
return m_startTranslationId;
void SetExecPath(const std::string &path);
const std::string &GetBinDirectory() const;
bool NeedAlignmentInfo() const {
return m_bookkeeping_options.need_alignment_info;
// return m_needAlignmentInfo;
const std::string &GetAlignmentOutputFile() const {
return m_alignmentOutputFile;
bool PrintAlignmentInfo() const {
return m_PrintAlignmentInfo;
WordAlignmentSort GetWordAlignmentSort() const {
return m_wordAlignmentSort;
bool GetHasAlternateWeightSettings() const {
return m_weightSetting.size() > 0;
/** Alternate weight settings allow the wholesale ignoring of
feature functions. This function checks if a feature function
should be evaluated given the current weight setting */
bool IsFeatureFunctionIgnored( const FeatureFunction &ff ) const {
if (!GetHasAlternateWeightSettings()) {
return false;
std::map< std::string, std::set< std::string > >::const_iterator lookupIgnoreFF
= m_weightSettingIgnoreFF.find( m_currentWeightSetting );
if (lookupIgnoreFF == m_weightSettingIgnoreFF.end()) {
return false;
const std::string &ffName = ff.GetScoreProducerDescription();
const std::set< std::string > &ignoreFF = lookupIgnoreFF->second;
return ignoreFF.count( ffName );
/** Alternate weight settings allow the wholesale ignoring of
decoding graphs (typically a translation table). This function
checks if a feature function should be evaluated given the
current weight setting */
bool IsDecodingGraphIgnored( const size_t id ) const {
if (!GetHasAlternateWeightSettings()) {
return false;
std::map< std::string, std::set< size_t > >::const_iterator lookupIgnoreDP
= m_weightSettingIgnoreDP.find( m_currentWeightSetting );
if (lookupIgnoreDP == m_weightSettingIgnoreDP.end()) {
return false;
const std::set< size_t > &ignoreDP = lookupIgnoreDP->second;
return ignoreDP.count( id );
/** process alternate weight settings
* (specified with [alternate-weight-setting] in config file) */
void SetWeightSetting(const std::string &settingName) const {
// if no change in weight setting, do nothing
if (m_currentWeightSetting == settingName) {
// model must support alternate weight settings
if (!GetHasAlternateWeightSettings()) {
std::cerr << "Warning: Input specifies weight setting, but model does not support alternate weight settings.";
// find the setting
m_currentWeightSetting = settingName;
std::map< std::string, ScoreComponentCollection* >::const_iterator i =
m_weightSetting.find( settingName );
// if not found, resort to default
if (i == m_weightSetting.end()) {
std::cerr << "Warning: Specified weight setting " << settingName
<< " does not exist in model, using default weight setting instead";
i = m_weightSetting.find( "default" );
m_currentWeightSetting = "default";
// set weights
m_allWeights = *(i->second);
float GetWeightWordPenalty() const;
const std::vector<DecodeGraph*>& GetDecodeGraphs() const {
return m_decodeGraphs;
//sentence (and thread) specific initialisationn and cleanup
// void InitializeForInput(const InputType& source, ttaskptr const& ttask) const;
void InitializeForInput(ttasksptr const& ttask) const;
void CleanUpAfterSentenceProcessing(ttasksptr const& ttask) const;
void LoadFeatureFunctions();
bool CheckWeights() const;
void LoadSparseWeightsFromConfig();
bool LoadWeightSettings();
bool LoadAlternateWeightSettings();
std::map<std::string, std::string> OverrideFeatureNames();
void OverrideFeatures();
FactorType GetPlaceholderFactor() const {
return m_placeHolderFactor;
const FeatureRegistry &GetFeatureRegistry() const {
return m_registry;
const PhrasePropertyFactory &GetPhrasePropertyFactory() const {
return m_phrasePropertyFactory;
/** check whether we should be using the old code to support binary phrase-table.
** eventually, we'll stop support the binary phrase-table and delete this legacy code
void CheckLEGACYPT();
bool GetUseLegacyPT() const {
return m_useLegacyPT;
void SetSoftMatches(std::vector<std::vector<Word> >& softMatchesMap) {
m_softMatchesMap = softMatchesMap;
const std::vector< std::vector<Word> >& GetSoftMatches() const {
return m_softMatchesMap;
void ResetWeights(const std::string &denseWeights, const std::string &sparseFile);
// need global access for output of tree structure
const StatefulFeatureFunction* GetTreeStructure() const {
return m_treeStructure;
void SetTreeStructure(const StatefulFeatureFunction* treeStructure) {
m_treeStructure = treeStructure;
bool GetDefaultNonTermOnlyForEmptyRange() const {
return m_defaultNonTermOnlyForEmptyRange;
S2TParsingAlgorithm GetS2TParsingAlgorithm() const {
return m_s2tParsingAlgorithm;
bool RequireSortingAfterSourceContext() const {
return m_requireSortingAfterSourceContext;