2014-06-03 22:13:25 +01:00

119 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# Calculate the perplexity or the modified Moore-Lewis scores
# written by Barry Haddow
# adapted for EMS by Philipp Koehn
my ($model,$corpus_stem,$query,$source_lang,$target_lang,$domain_file,$filter_domains);
use Getopt::Long;
GetOptions('corpus=s' => \$corpus_stem,
'model=s' => \$model,
'query=s' => \$query,
'input-extension=s' => \$source_lang,
'output-extension=s' => \$target_lang,
'domains=s' => \$domain_file,
'filter-domains=s' => \$filter_domains
) or exit(1);
die("ERROR: corpus not specified (-corpus FILE)") unless defined($corpus_stem);
die("ERROR: model not specified (-model FILE)") unless defined($model);
die("ERROR: query command not specified (-query CMD)") unless defined($query);
die("ERROR: input extension not specified (-input-extension STRING)") unless defined($source_lang);
die("ERROR: output extension not specified (-output-extension STRING)") unless defined($target_lang);
my $source_inlm = "$";
my $target_inlm = "$";
my $source_outlm = "$model.out-source.binlm";
my $target_outlm = "$model.out-target.binlm";
my $source_corpus = "$corpus_stem.$source_lang";
my $target_corpus = "$corpus_stem.$target_lang";
print STDERR "querying language models...
$query $source_inlm < $source_corpus
$query $target_inlm < $target_corpus
$query $source_outlm < $source_corpus
$query $target_outlm < $target_corpus\n";
open(INSOURCE, "$query $source_inlm < $source_corpus |") || die "Failed to open in lm query on source";
open(INTARGET, "$query $target_inlm < $target_corpus |") || die "Failed to open in lm query on target";
open(OUTSOURCE, "$query $source_outlm < $source_corpus |") || die "Failed to open out lm query on source";
open(OUTTARGET, "$query $target_outlm < $target_corpus |") || die "Failed to open out lm query on target";
open(SOURCE, "$source_corpus") || die "Unable to open source corpus";
open(TARGET, "$target_corpus") || die "Unable to open target corpus";
&load_domains() if defined($filter_domains);
sub score {
my $fd = shift;
my $line = <$fd>;
#print "$line";
return 1 if !defined($line) || $line =~ /^Perplexity /;
$line =~ /Total: ([\.\-0-9]+) /;
return $1;
sub line_length {
local *FH = shift;
my $line = <FH>;
chomp $line;
my @tokens = split /\s+/, $line;
return $#tokens+1;
sub load_domains {
foreach (split(/ /,$filter_domains)) {
open(DOMAIN,$domain_file) || die("ERROR: could not open domain file '$domain_file'");
while(<DOMAIN>) {
my ($line_number,$name) = split;
push @DOMAIN, $line_number;
$DOMAIN_NAME{$line_number} = $name;
$DOMAIN_FILTERED{$line_number} = defined($FILTER_DOMAIN{$name});
sub check_sentence_filtered {
my ($sentence_number) = @_;
foreach my $last_sentence_number_of_domain (@DOMAIN) {
if ($sentence_number <= $last_sentence_number_of_domain) {
return $DOMAIN_FILTERED{$last_sentence_number_of_domain};
die("ERROR: domain file incomplete -- could not find sentence $sentence_number");
my $i=1;
while(1) {
# This is actually the -ve of the modified M-L score, so we take sentence with
# highest scores
my $insource = score(*INSOURCE);
my $intarget = score(*INTARGET);
my $outsource = score(*OUTSOURCE);
my $outtarget = score(*OUTTARGET);
last if ($insource == 1 || $outsource == 1 || $intarget == 1 || $outtarget == 1);
my $source_length = line_length(*SOURCE);
my $target_length = line_length(*TARGET);
if (defined($filter_domains) && !&check_sentence_filtered($i)) {
print "99999\n"; # keep it
else {
my $total = $insource/$source_length - $outsource/$source_length + $intarget/$target_length - $outtarget/$target_length;
print "$total\n";