
73 lines
1.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package ph_numbers;
# Script to recognize and replace numbers in Moses training corpora
# and decoder input
# (c) 2013 TAUS
use strict;
run() unless caller();
use Getopt::Std;
my $debug = $ENV{DEBUG} || 0;
sub run {
my %opts;
if(!getopts('s:t:cm:hl',\%opts) || $opts{h}) {
print "Usage: perl $0 [-s source_locale][-t target_locale][-c][-h][-l][-m symbol] < in > out\n";
my $sourceLocale = $opts{s} || "";
my $targetLocale = $opts{t} || "";
my $numberSymbol = $opts{m} || '@NUM@';
while(<>) {
print recognize($_,$opts{c},$opts{l},$numberSymbol,$_),"\n";
sub recognize {
my $line = shift;
my $corpusMode = shift;
my $legacyMode = shift;
my $numberSymbol = shift || '@NUM@';
# [-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?
# while(/\G(.*?)\s*([+-]?\p{Digit}+[+-\p{Digit}\.,eE])/) {
my $output = "";
my $remainder = "";
while($line =~ /\G(.*?)(\s*)([+-]?\p{Digit}*[\.,]?\p{Digit}+[\p{Digit}\.,+-eE]*)/g) {
my $between = $1;
my $number = $3;
print STDERR "Between: x${between}x\n" if $debug;
print STDERR "Number: x${number}x\n" if $debug;
# If there are more numbers separated by whitespace, add these
my $numberContinuation = "";
while($line = /\G(\s+)([\p{Digit}\.,+-eE]*)/g) {
$numberContinuation .= $1.$2;
$number .= $numberContinuation;
$output .= $between;
if($corpusMode) {
$output .= $2.$numberSymbol;
else {
if($legacyMode) {
$output .= $2."<ne translation=\"$number\">$numberSymbol</ne>";
else {
$output .= $2."<ne translation=\"$numberSymbol\" entity=\"$number\">$numberSymbol</ne>";
$remainder = $';
print STDERR "Remainder: x".$remainder."x\n" if $debug;
print STDERR "\n" if $debug;
$output .= $remainder if $remainder;
return $output;