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Arrow Based Moses Training Pipeline
To use the demonstration you must first initialise the git submodules for this clone. Return to the top level directory and issue the following command:
$ git submodule init
This will clone the Pypeline submodule that is available on GitHub ( To install Pypeline:
$ cd libs/pypeline
$ python install
Alternatively, you can set an appropriate PYTHONPATH enviornment variable to the Pypeline library.
This demonstration implements a training pipeline that is shown in the Dia diagram in ../documentation/training-pipeline/moses-pypeline.dia.
Three environment variables need to be set before the script can be run, they are:
- MOSES_HOME : The directory where Moses has been cloned, or installed,
- IRSTLM : The installation directory of your IRSTLM, and
- GIZA_HOME : The installation directory of GIZA++.
The script takes four positional command-line arguments:
- The source language code,
- The target language code,
- The source corpus file. This file *must* be cleaned prior to use, and
- The target corpus file. This file *must* be cleaned prior to use.
For example, run the script with:
$ python en lt cleantrain.en