
130 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General
# Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version.
# $Id: train-recaser.perl 1326 2007-03-26 05:44:27Z bojar $
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long "GetOptions";
binmode(STDIN, ":utf8");
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
# apply switches
# ASR input has no case, make sure it is lowercase, and make sure known are cased eg. 'i' to be uppercased even if i is known
die("truecase.perl --model MODEL [-b] [-a] < in > out")
unless &GetOptions('model=s' => \$MODEL,'b|unbuffered' => \$UNBUFFERED, 'a|asr' => \$ASR)
&& defined($MODEL);
if (defined($UNBUFFERED) && $UNBUFFERED) { $|=1; }
my $asr = 0;
if (defined($ASR) && $ASR) { $asr = 1; }
my (%BEST,%KNOWN);
open(MODEL,$MODEL) || die("ERROR: could not open '$MODEL'");
binmode(MODEL, ":utf8");
while(<MODEL>) {
my ($word,@OPTIONS) = split;
$BEST{ lc($word) } = $word;
if ($asr == 0) {
$KNOWN{ $word } = 1;
for(my $i=1;$i<$#OPTIONS;$i+=2) {
$KNOWN{ $OPTIONS[$i] } = 1;
my %SENTENCE_END = ("."=>1,":"=>1,"?"=>1,"!"=>1);
my %DELAYED_SENTENCE_START = ("("=>1,"["=>1,"\""=>1,"'"=>1,"&apos;"=>1,"&quot;"=>1,"&#91;"=>1,"&#93;"=>1);
while(<STDIN>) {
my ($WORD,$MARKUP) = split_xml($_);
my $sentence_start = 1;
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#$WORD;$i++) {
print " " if $i && $$MARKUP[$i] eq '';
print $$MARKUP[$i];
my ($word,$otherfactors);
if ($$WORD[$i] =~ /^([^\|]+)(.*)/)
$word = $1;
$otherfactors = $2;
$word = $$WORD[$i];
$otherfactors = "";
if ($asr){
$word = lc($word); #make sure ASR output is not uc
if ($sentence_start && defined($BEST{lc($word)})) {
print $BEST{lc($word)}; # truecase sentence start
elsif (defined($KNOWN{$word})) {
print $word; # don't change known words
elsif (defined($BEST{lc($word)})) {
print $BEST{lc($word)}; # truecase otherwise unknown words
else {
print $word; # unknown, nothing to do
print $otherfactors;
if ( defined($SENTENCE_END{ $word })) { $sentence_start = 1; }
elsif (!defined($DELAYED_SENTENCE_START{ $word })) { $sentence_start = 0; }
print $$MARKUP[$#$MARKUP];
print "\n";
# store away xml markup
sub split_xml {
my ($line) = @_;
my $i = 0;
$MARKUP[0] = "";
while($line =~ /\S/) {
# XML tag
if ($line =~ /^\s*(<\S[^>]*>)(.*)$/) {
my $potential_xml = $1;
my $line_next = $2;
# exception for factor that is an XML tag
if ($line =~ /^\S/ && scalar(@WORD)>0 && $WORD[$i-1] =~ /\|$/) {
$WORD[$i-1] .= $potential_xml;
if ($line_next =~ /^(\|+)(.*)$/) {
$WORD[$i-1] .= $1;
$line_next = $2;
else {
$MARKUP[$i] .= $potential_xml." ";
$line = $line_next;
# non-XML text
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*([^\s<>]+)(.*)$/) {
$WORD[$i++] = $1;
$MARKUP[$i] = "";
$line = $2;
# '<' or '>' occurs in word, but it's not an XML tag
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*(\S+)(.*)$/) {
$WORD[$i++] = $1;
$MARKUP[$i] = "";
$line = $2;
else {
die("ERROR: huh? $line\n");
return (\@WORD,\@MARKUP);