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// //
// This file is part of ModelBlocks. Copyright 2009, ModelBlocks developers. //
// //
// ModelBlocks is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// ModelBlocks is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with ModelBlocks. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //
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// ModelBlocks developers designate this particular file as subject to //
// the "Moses" exception as provided by ModelBlocks developers in //
// the LICENSE file that accompanies this code. //
// //
#ifndef _NL_CRF__
#define _NL_CRF__
#include "nl-safeids.h"
#include "nl-probmodel.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <math.h>
// CRFModeledRV<Y>
template <class Y,class X1,class X2>
class CRF3DModeledRV : public Y {
// Static data members...
static bool bModel; // whether model defined yet
static int cardGlb; // global dependencies (used in all potentials)
static int cardOff; // offset positions in site var sequence
static int cardSh; // clique shapes at each offset
static int cardCnd; // possible condition clique configs incl non-site vars in high bits
static int bitsVal; // size in bits of val part of clique config
static int bitsValSite; // size in bits of each site var in val clique config
static SafeArray5D<Id<int>,int,int,int,int,float> aaaaaPotentials; // the model
/* static SafeArray3D<int> aaaCnds; // calc features only once per frame */
// Static extraction methods...
static const float& getPotential ( Id<int> glb, int off, int sh, int configCnd, int configVal )
{ assert(bModel); return aaaaaPotentials.set(glb,off,sh,configCnd,configVal); }
// Static specification methods...
static void init ( int g, int o, int s, int c, int v, int b )
{ cardGlb=g; cardOff=o; cardSh=s; cardCnd=c; bitsVal=v; bitsValSite=b; }
static float& setPotential ( Id<int> glb, int off, int sh, int configCnd, int configVal )
{ if(!bModel){aaaaaPotentials.init(cardGlb,cardOff,cardSh,cardCnd,1<<bitsVal,1.0); bModel=true;}
return aaaaaPotentials.set(glb,off,sh,configCnd,configVal); }
static void updateObservCliques ( const X1&, const X2& ) ;
// Static input / output methods...
static bool readModelFields ( char*[], int ) ;
// Extraction methods...
Prob getProb ( const X1&, const X2& ) const ;
// Input / output methods...
void writeObservCliqueConfigs ( FILE*, int, const char*, const X1&, const X2&, bool ) const ;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2> bool CRF3DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2>::bModel = false;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2> int CRF3DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2>::cardGlb = 0;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2> int CRF3DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2>::cardOff = 0;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2> int CRF3DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2>::cardSh = 0;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2> int CRF3DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2>::cardCnd = 0;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2> int CRF3DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2>::bitsVal = 0;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2> int CRF3DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2>::bitsValSite = 0;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2> SafeArray5D<Id<int>,int,int,int,int,float> CRF3DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2>::aaaaaPotentials;
/* template <class Y,class X1,class X2> SafeArray3D<int> CRF3DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2>::aaaCnds; */
template <class Y,class X1,class X2>
Prob CRF3DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2>::getProb( const X1& x1, const X2& x2 ) const {
SafeArray2D<int,int,int> aaCnds ( cardOff, cardSh ) ;
SafeArray2D<int,int,double> aaTrell ( cardOff, 1<<bitsVal, 0.0 ) ;
double prob = 1.0;
// For each offset...
for ( int off=0; off<cardOff; off++ )
// For each shape...
for ( int sh=0; sh<cardSh; sh++ )
// Update clique config for condition...
aaCnds.set(off,sh) = Y::getCliqueConfigCnd ( x1, x2, off, sh ) ;
// For each offset...
for ( int off=0; off<cardOff; off++ ) {
// For each shape...
for ( int sh=0; sh<cardSh; sh++ )
// Multiply phi for feature (that is, exp lambda) into numerator...
prob *= getPotential(Y::getGlobalDependency(x1,x2),off,sh,
// If first column in trellis...
if ( 0==off ) {
// For each trellis value...
for ( int configVal=0; configVal<(1<<bitsVal); configVal++ ) {
// Add weight of each shape at current offset...
float prod=1.0;
for ( int sh=0; sh<cardSh; sh++ )
prod *= getPotential(Y::getGlobalDependency(x1,x2),off,sh,
configVal) ;
aaTrell.set(off,configVal) = prod ;
// If subsequent column in trellis...
} else {
// For each trellis transition (overlap = all but one)...
for ( int configRghtValSite=0; configRghtValSite<(1<<bitsValSite); configRghtValSite++ )
for ( int configValOverlap=0; configValOverlap<(1<<(bitsVal-bitsValSite)); configValOverlap++ ) {
int configRghtVal = (configValOverlap<<bitsValSite)+configRghtValSite;
// For each possible preceding trellis node...
for ( int configLeftValSite=0; configLeftValSite<(1<<bitsValSite); configLeftValSite++ ) {
int configLeftVal = (configLeftValSite<<(bitsVal-bitsValSite))+configValOverlap;
// Add product of result and previous trellis cell to current trellis cell...
aaTrell.set(off,configRghtVal) += aaTrell.get(off-1,configLeftVal) ;
// Multiply weight of each shape...
float prod=1.0;
for ( int sh=0; sh<cardSh; sh++ )
prod *= getPotential(Y::getGlobalDependency(x1,x2),off,sh,
aaTrell.set(off,configRghtVal) *= prod;
// Calc total prob mass: sum of all possible forward scores in trellis...
double probZ = 0.0;
for ( int i=0; i<(1<<bitsVal); i++ )
probZ += aaTrell.get(cardOff-1,i);
// Normalize prob by total prob mass...
return prob/probZ;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2>
bool CRF3DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2>::readModelFields ( char* aps[], int numFields ) {
if ( 7==numFields )
setPotential ( X1(string(aps[1])), // globals
atoi(aps[2]), // offsets
atoi(aps[3]), // shapes
atoi(aps[4]), // cnds
atoi(aps[5]) ) = exp(atof(aps[6])) ; // vals
else return false;
return true;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2>
void CRF3DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2>::writeObservCliqueConfigs ( FILE* pf, int frame, const char* psMdl,
const X1& x1, const X2& x2, bool bObsVal ) const {
fprintf ( pf, "%04d> %s ", frame, psMdl );
// For each shape (feature slope)...
for ( int sh=0; sh<cardSh; sh++ ) {
// Print clique config condition at each offset...
for ( int off=0; off<cardOff; off++ )
fprintf ( pf, "%c", intToTetraHex(Y::getCliqueConfigCnd(x1,x2,off,sh)) );
if (sh<cardSh-1) printf(","); // commas between shapes
printf(" : "); // cond/val delimiter
// Print clique config value at each offset...
if ( bObsVal )
for ( int off=0; off<cardOff; off++ )
fprintf ( pf, "%c", intToTetraHex(Y::getCliqueConfigVal(off,0)) );
else fprintf ( pf, "_" ) ;
// CRF4DModeledRV<Y>
template <class Y,class X1,class X2,class X3>
class CRF4DModeledRV : public Y {
// Static data members...
static bool bModel; // whether model defined yet
static int cardGlb; // global dependencies (used in all potentials)
static int cardOff; // offset positions in site var sequence
static int cardSh; // clique shapes at each offset
static int cardCnd; // possible condition clique configs incl non-site vars in high bits
static int bitsVal; // size in bits of val part of clique config
static int bitsValSite; // size in bits of each site var in val clique config
static SafeArray5D<Id<int>,int,int,int,int,float> aaaaaPotentials; // the model
/* static SafeArray3D<int> aaaCnds; // calc features only once per frame */
// Static extraction methods...
static const float& getPotential ( Id<int> glb, int off, int sh, int configCnd, int configVal )
{ assert(bModel); return aaaaaPotentials.set(glb,off,sh,configCnd,configVal); }
// Static specification methods...
static void init ( int g, int o, int s, int c, int v, int b )
{ cardGlb=g; cardOff=o; cardSh=s; cardCnd=c; bitsVal=v; bitsValSite=b; }
static float& setPotential ( Id<int> glb, int off, int sh, int configCnd, int configVal )
{ if(!bModel){aaaaaPotentials.init(cardGlb,cardOff,cardSh,cardCnd,1<<bitsVal,1.0); bModel=true;}
return aaaaaPotentials.set(glb,off,sh,configCnd,configVal); }
// Static input / output methods...
static bool readModelFields ( char*[], int ) ;
// Extraction methods...
Prob getProb ( const X1&, const X2&, const X3& ) const ;
// Input / output methods...
void writeObservCliqueConfigs ( FILE*, int, const char*, const X1&, const X2&, const X3&, bool ) const ;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2,class X3> bool CRF4DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2,X3>::bModel = false;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2,class X3> int CRF4DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2,X3>::cardGlb = 0;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2,class X3> int CRF4DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2,X3>::cardOff = 0;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2,class X3> int CRF4DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2,X3>::cardSh = 0;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2,class X3> int CRF4DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2,X3>::cardCnd = 0;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2,class X3> int CRF4DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2,X3>::bitsVal = 0;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2,class X3> int CRF4DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2,X3>::bitsValSite = 0;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2,class X3> SafeArray5D<Id<int>,int,int,int,int,float>
/* template <class Y,class X1,class X2> SafeArray3D<int> CRF4DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2>::aaaCnds; */
template <class Y,class X1,class X2,class X3>
Prob CRF4DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2,X3>::getProb( const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3 ) const {
SafeArray2D<int,int,int> aaCnds ( cardOff, cardSh ) ;
SafeArray2D<int,int,double> aaTrell ( cardOff, 1<<bitsVal, 0.0 ) ;
double prob = 1.0;
// For each offset...
for ( int off=0; off<cardOff; off++ )
// For each shape...
for ( int sh=0; sh<cardSh; sh++ )
// Update clique config for condition...
aaCnds.set(off,sh) = Y::getCliqueConfigCnd ( x1, x2, x3, off, sh ) ;
// For each offset...
for ( int off=0; off<cardOff; off++ ) {
// For each shape...
for ( int sh=0; sh<cardSh; sh++ )
// Multiply phi for feature (that is, exp lambda) into numerator...
prob *= getPotential(Y::getGlobalDependency(x1,x2,x3),off,sh,
// If first column in trellis...
if ( 0==off ) {
// For each trellis value...
for ( int configVal=0; configVal<(1<<bitsVal); configVal++ ) {
// Add weight of each shape at current offset...
float prod=1.0;
for ( int sh=0; sh<cardSh; sh++ )
prod *= getPotential(Y::getGlobalDependency(x1,x2,x3),off,sh,
configVal) ;
aaTrell.set(off,configVal) = prod ;
// If subsequent column in trellis...
} else {
// For each trellis transition (overlap = all but one)...
for ( int configRghtValSite=0; configRghtValSite<(1<<bitsValSite); configRghtValSite++ )
for ( int configValOverlap=0; configValOverlap<(1<<(bitsVal-bitsValSite)); configValOverlap++ ) {
int configRghtVal = (configValOverlap<<bitsValSite)+configRghtValSite;
// For each possible preceding trellis node...
for ( int configLeftValSite=0; configLeftValSite<(1<<bitsValSite); configLeftValSite++ ) {
int configLeftVal = (configLeftValSite<<(bitsVal-bitsValSite))+configValOverlap;
// Add product of result and previous trellis cell to current trellis cell...
aaTrell.set(off,configRghtVal) += aaTrell.get(off-1,configLeftVal) ;
// Multiply weight of each shape...
float prod=1.0;
for ( int sh=0; sh<cardSh; sh++ )
prod *= getPotential(Y::getGlobalDependency(x1,x2,x3),off,sh,
aaTrell.set(off,configRghtVal) *= prod;
// Calc total prob mass: sum of all possible forward scores in trellis...
double probZ = 0.0;
for ( int i=0; i<(1<<bitsVal); i++ )
probZ += aaTrell.get(cardOff-1,i);
// Normalize prob by total prob mass...
return prob/probZ;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2,class X3>
bool CRF4DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2,X3>::readModelFields ( char* aps[], int numFields ) {
if ( 7==numFields )
setPotential ( X1(string(aps[1])), // globals
atoi(aps[2]), // offsets
atoi(aps[3]), // shapes
atoi(aps[4]), // cnds
atoi(aps[5]) ) = exp(atof(aps[6])) ; // vals
else return false;
return true;
template <class Y,class X1,class X2, class X3>
void CRF4DModeledRV<Y,X1,X2,X3>::writeObservCliqueConfigs ( FILE* pf, int frame, const char* psMdl,
const X1& x1, const X2& x2,
const X3& x3, bool bObsVal ) const {
fprintf ( pf, "%04d> %s ", frame, psMdl );
// For each shape (feature slope)...
for ( int sh=0; sh<cardSh; sh++ ) {
// Print clique config condition at each offset...
for ( int off=0; off<cardOff; off++ )
fprintf ( pf, "%c", intToTetraHex(Y::getCliqueConfigCnd(x1,x2,x3,off,sh)) );
if (sh<cardSh-1) printf(","); // commas between shapes
printf(" : "); // cond/val delimiter
// Print clique config value at each offset...
if ( bObsVal )
for ( int off=0; off<cardOff; off++ )
fprintf ( pf, "%c", intToTetraHex(Y::getCliqueConfigVal(off,0)) );
else fprintf ( pf, "_" ) ;
#endif //_NL_CRF__