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912 lines
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// //
// This file is part of ModelBlocks. Copyright 2009, ModelBlocks developers. //
// //
// ModelBlocks is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// ModelBlocks is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with ModelBlocks. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //
// //
// ModelBlocks developers designate this particular file as subject to //
// the "Moses" exception as provided by ModelBlocks developers in //
// the LICENSE file that accompanies this code. //
// //
#ifndef _NL_HMM_
#define _NL_HMM_
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include "nl-prob.h"
#include "nl-safeids.h"
#include "nl-beam.h"
using namespace std;
typedef int Frame;
// NullBackDat - default empty back-pointer data; can replace with word or sem relation
template <class MH>
class NullBackDat {
static const string sDummy;
NullBackDat () {}
NullBackDat (const MH& mh) {}
void write (FILE*) const {}
string getString() const { return sDummy; }
template <class MH>
const string NullBackDat<MH>::sDummy ( "" );
// Index - pointer to source in previous beam heap
class Index : public Id<int> {
Index ( ) { }
Index (int i) {set(i);}
Index& operator++ ( ) {set(toInt()+1); return *this;}
// TrellNode - node in viterbi trellis
template <class X, class B>
class TrellNode {
// Data members...
Index indSource;
B backptrData;
X xId;
LogProb lgprMax;
// Constructor / destructor methods...
TrellNode ( ) { }
TrellNode ( const Index& indS, const X& xI, const B& bDat, LogProb lgpr)
{ indSource=indS; xId=xI; lgprMax=lgpr; backptrData=bDat; /* fo = -1; */ }
// Specification methods...
const Index& setSource ( ) const { return indSource; }
const B& setBackData( ) const { return backptrData; }
const X& setId ( ) const { return xId; }
LogProb& setScore ( ) { return lgprMax; }
// Extraction methods...
bool operator== ( const TrellNode<X,B>& tnxb ) const { return(xId==tnxb.xId); }
// size_t getHashKey ( ) const { return xId.getHashKey(); }
const Index& getSource ( ) const { return indSource; }
const B& getBackData( ) const { return backptrData; }
const X& getId ( ) const { return xId; }
LogProb getLogProb ( ) const { return lgprMax; }
LogProb getScore ( ) const { return lgprMax; }
// HMM
template <class MH, class MO, class X=typename MH::RandVarType, class B=NullBackDat<typename MH::RandVarType> >
class HMM {
typedef std::pair<Index,B> IB;
// Data members...
const MH& mh;
const MO& mo;
SafeArray2D<Id<Frame>,Id<int>,TrellNode<X,B> > aatnTrellis;
Frame frameLast;
int iNextNode;
// Static member varaibles...
static bool OUTPUT_QUIET;
static bool OUTPUT_NOISY;
static int BEAM_WIDTH;
// Constructor / destructor methods...
HMM ( const MH& mh1, const MO& mo1 ) : mh(mh1), mo(mo1) { }
// Specification methods...
void init ( int, int, const X& ) ;
void updateRanked ( const typename MO::RandVarType& ) ;
void updateSerial ( const typename MO::RandVarType& ) ;
void updatePara ( const typename MO::RandVarType& ) ;
void each ( const typename MO::RandVarType&, Beam<LogProb,X,IB>&, SafeArray1D<Id<int>,std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb> >& ) ;
// Extraction methods...
const TrellNode<X,B>& getTrellNode ( int i ) const { return aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i); }
int getBeamUsed ( int ) const ;
// Input / output methods...
void writeMLS ( FILE* ) const ;
void writeMLS ( FILE*, const X& ) const ;
void writeCurr ( FILE*, int ) const ;
void writeCurrSum ( FILE*, int ) const ;
void writeCurrEntropy ( FILE*, int ) const;
//void writeCurrDepths ( FILE*, int ) const;
void writeFoll ( FILE*, int, int, const typename MO::RandVarType& ) const ;
void writeFollRanked ( FILE*, int, int, const typename MO::RandVarType& ) const ;
std::list<string> getMLS() const;
std::list<TrellNode<X,B> > getMLSnodes() const;
std::list<string> getMLS(const X&) const;
std::list<TrellNode<X,B> > getMLSnodes(const X&) const;
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B> bool HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::OUTPUT_QUIET = false;
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B> bool HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::OUTPUT_NOISY = false;
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B> bool HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::OUTPUT_VERYNOISY = false;
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B> int HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::BEAM_WIDTH = 1;
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
void HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::init ( int numFr, int numX, const X& x ) {
// Alloc trellis...
// Set initial element at first time slice...
aatnTrellis.set(frameLast,0) = TrellNode<X,B> ( Index(0), x, B(), 0 ) ;
template <class A, class B>
bool outRank ( const quad<A,B,LogProb,Id<int> >& a1,
const quad<A,B,LogProb,Id<int> >& a2 ) { return (a1.third>a2.third); }
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
void HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::updateRanked ( const typename MO::RandVarType& o ) {
// Increment frame counter...
// Init beam for new frame...
Beam<LogProb,X,IB> btn(BEAM_WIDTH);
SafeArray1D<Id<int>,std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb> > atnSorted (BEAM_WIDTH);
Heap < quad<int,typename MH::IterVal,LogProb,Id<int> >, outRank<int,typename MH::IterVal> > axhpiQueue;
typedef quad<int,typename MH::IterVal,LogProb,Id<int> > XHPI;
XHPI xhpi, xhpiTop;
int aCtr;
//xhpi.first = -1;
//xhpi.second = HModel::IterVal();
//xhpi.third = 1.0;
xhpi.first = 0;
xhpi.third = aatnTrellis.get(frameLast-1,xhpi.first).getScore();
//cerr<<" xhpi not inialized yet? "<<xhpi.second<<endl;
//xhpi.second is current hidden state h, the second parameter is hP or sP.
xhpi.third *= mh.setIterProb ( xhpi.second, aatnTrellis.get(frameLast-1,xhpi.first).getId(), aCtr=-1 );
//X x; mh.setTrellDat(x,xhpi.second);
//xhpi.fourth is a
xhpi.fourth = -1;
//cerr<<"xhphi in the begining: "<<xhpi<<"\n";
bool bFull=false;
// For each ranked value of transition destination...
for ( int iTrg=0; !bFull && axhpiQueue.getSize()>0; iTrg++ ) {
// Iterate A* (best-first) search until a complete path is at the top of the queue...
//in order to make while loop stop, either axhphiQueue.getSize<0 (this is abnormal) or axhpiQueue.getTop().fourth<MH::IterVal::NUM_ITERS
//it seems that the second condition sohould be the normal stopping criterio. How does it happen?
//I know how, xhpi.fourth will say which depth of the search starts. From that state, a is 0 and decreasing to the end. above that,
//the value is increasing to the first variable. i.e., that is the water-edge of positive a and negative a.
// cerr<<axhpiQueue.getTop().fourth<<" axhpiQueue.getTop().fourth vs MH::IterVal::NUM_ITERS "<<MH::IterVal::NUM_ITERS<<endl;
while ( axhpiQueue.getSize() > 0 && axhpiQueue.getTop().fourth < MH::IterVal::NUM_ITERS ) {
// Remove top...
xhpiTop = axhpiQueue.dequeueTop();
// Fork off (try to advance each elementary variable a)...
for ( int a=xhpiTop.fourth.toInt(); a<=MH::IterVal::NUM_ITERS; a++ ) {
// Copy top into new queue element...
xhpi = xhpiTop;
// At variable position -1, advance beam element for transition source...
if ( a == -1 ) xhpi.first++;
//cerr<<" xhpi.first in xhpi.first++: "<<xhpi.first<<" xhpi: "<<xhpi;
// Incorporate prob from transition source...
xhpi.third = aatnTrellis.get(frameLast-1,xhpi.first).getScore();
// cerr<<" xhpi.third: "<<xhpi.third<<" framLast-1: "<<frameLast<<" xhpi: "<<xhpi<<endl;
if ( xhpi.third > LogProb() ) {
// Try to advance variable at position a and return probability (subsequent variables set to first, probability ignored)...
xhpi.third *= mh.setIterProb ( xhpi.second, aatnTrellis.get(frameLast-1,xhpi.first).getId(), aCtr=a );
// At end of variables, incorporate observation probability...
if ( a == MH::IterVal::NUM_ITERS && xhpi.fourth != MH::IterVal::NUM_ITERS )
{ X x; mh.setTrellDat(x,xhpi.second); xhpi.third *= mo.getProb(o,x); }
// Record variable position at which this element was forked off...
//cerr<<" a after the xhpi.fourth=a: "<<a<<" xhpi.fourth: "<<xhpi.fourth<<" from partial: "<<xhpiTop<<"\n to partial: "<<xhpi<<" NUM_ITERS: "<<MH::IterVal::NUM_ITERS<<"\n";
xhpi.fourth = a;
//cerr<<" a after the xhpi.fourth=a: "<<a<<" xhpi.fourth: "<<xhpi.fourth<<" from partial: "<<xhpiTop<<"\n to partial: "<<xhpi<<" NUM_ITERS: "<<MH::IterVal::NUM_ITERS<<"\n";
if ( xhpi.third > LogProb() ) {
////if ( frameLast == 4 ) cerr<<" from partial: "<<xhpiTop<<"\n to partial: "<<xhpi<<"\n";
// If valid, add to queue...
//the inside for loop is done here.
// Remove top...
//if ( axhpiQueue.getTop().fourth != MH::IterVal::NUM_ITERS ) axhpiQueue.dequeueTop();
//cerr<<axhpiQueue.getSize()<<" queue elems, "<<axhpiQueue.getTop()<<"\n";
//cerr<<" outside the while loop: "<<axhpiQueue.getSize()<<" queue elems **\n";
// Add best transition (top of queue)...
if ( axhpiQueue.getSize() > 0 ) {
X x; mh.setTrellDat(x,axhpiQueue.getTop().second);
bFull |= btn.tryAdd ( x, IB(axhpiQueue.getTop().first,mh.setBackDat(axhpiQueue.getTop().second)), axhpiQueue.getTop().third );
//cerr<<axhpiQueue.getSize()<<" queue elems A "<<axhpiQueue.getTop()<<"\n";
//cerr<<"/-----A-----\\\n + bFull: "<<bFull<<"\naxhpiQueue: \n"<<axhpiQueue<<"\\-----A-----/\n";
//cerr<<axhpiQueue.getSize()<<" queue elems B "<<axhpiQueue.getTop()<<"\n";
//cerr<<"."; cerr.flush();
//the outmost for loop is over here.
// Copy sorted beam to trellis...
for(int i=0;i<BEAM_WIDTH;i++) {
const std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb>* tn1 = &atnSorted.get(i);
//cerr<<" tn1: "<<tn1->first.second.first<<" "<<tn1->first.first<<" "<<tn1->first.second.second<<" "<<tn1->second<<endl;
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
void HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::updateSerial ( const typename MO::RandVarType& o ) {
// Increment frame counter...
// Init beam for new frame...
Beam<LogProb,X,IB> btn(BEAM_WIDTH);
SafeArray1D<Id<int>,std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb> > atnSorted (BEAM_WIDTH);
// // Copy beam to trellis...
// for ( int i=0; i<BEAM_WIDTH; i++ )
// btn.set ( i, aatnTrellis.set(frameLast,i) );
// For each possible hidden value for previous frame...
for ( int i=0; i<BEAM_WIDTH; i++ ) {
const TrellNode<X,B>& tnxbPrev = aatnTrellis.get(frameLast-1,i);
X xPrev = tnxbPrev.getId();
// If prob still not below beam minimum...
if ( aatnTrellis.get(frameLast-1,i).getLogProb() > btn.getMin().getScore() ) {
//if (OUTPUT_VERYNOISY) { fprintf(stderr,"FROM: "); xPrev.write(stderr); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); }
// For each possible transition...
typename MH::IterVal h;
for ( bool b=mh.setFirst(h,xPrev); b; b=mh.setNext(h,xPrev) ) {
//if (OUTPUT_VERYNOISY) { fprintf(stderr," TO: "); h.write(stderr); fprintf(stderr," %d*%d*%d\n",tnxbPrev.getLogProb().toInt(),lgprH.toInt(),lgprO.toInt()); }
X x;
#ifdef O_BEFORE_H
LogProb lgprO = mo.getProb(o,mh.setTrellDat(x,h)); if ( !OUTPUT_VERYNOISY && LogProb()==lgprO ) continue;
LogProb lgprH = mh.getProb(h,xPrev); if ( !OUTPUT_VERYNOISY && LogProb()==lgprH ) continue;
LogProb lgprH = mh.getProb(h,xPrev); if ( !OUTPUT_VERYNOISY && LogProb()==lgprH ) continue;
LogProb lgprO = mo.getProb(o,mh.setTrellDat(x,h)); if ( !OUTPUT_VERYNOISY && LogProb()==lgprO ) continue;
LogProb lgprFull = aatnTrellis.get(frameLast-1,i).getLogProb() * lgprH * lgprO;
cout<<" "<<tnxbPrev.getId()<<" ==("<<tnxbPrev.getLogProb().toInt()<<"*"<<lgprH.toInt()<<"*"<<lgprO.toInt()<<"="<<lgprFull.toInt()<<")==> "<<h<<"\n";
//fprintf(stdout," ==(%d*%d*%d=%d)==> ",tnxbPrev.getLogProb().toInt(),lgprH.toInt(),lgprO.toInt(),lgprFull.toInt());
//h.write(stdout); fprintf(stdout," "); x.write(stdout);
// Incorporate into trellis...
btn.tryAdd ( x, IB(i,mh.setBackDat(h)), lgprFull );
// fprintf ( stderr," (X_t-1:[e^%0.6f] * H:e^%0.6f * O:e^%0.6f = X_t:[e^%0.6f])\n",
// float(aatnTrellis.get(frameLast-1,i).getLogProb().toInt())/100.0,
// float(lgprH.toInt())/100.0,
// float(lgprO.toInt())/100.0,
// float(lgprFull.toInt())/100.0 ) ;
// for(int i=0;i<BEAM_WIDTH;i++) {
// fprintf(stderr,"> "); btn.get(i)->first.write(stderr); fprintf(stderr,"\n");
// }
// Copy sorted beam to trellis...
for(int i=0;i<BEAM_WIDTH;i++) {
const std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb>* tn1 = &atnSorted.get(i);
boost::mutex mutexHmmCtrSema;
boost::mutex mutexHmmParanoiaLock;
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
void HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::each ( const typename MO::RandVarType& o, Beam<LogProb,X,IB>& btn, SafeArray1D<Id<int>,std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb> >& atnOut ) {
//// for(int j=0; j<100; j+=1) for(int i=0; i<1000000; i+=1); // peg processor
// boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock1(mutexHmmParanoiaLock);
while ( true ) {
int i;
bool bStop=false;
{ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutexHmmCtrSema);
if ( (i=iNextNode) < BEAM_WIDTH ) iNextNode++;
else bStop = true;
} // locked to ensure no double-duty
if ( bStop ) break;
const TrellNode<X,B>& tnxbPrev = aatnTrellis.get(frameLast-1,i);
// If prob still not below beam minimum...
if ( tnxbPrev.getLogProb() > btn.getMin().getScore() ) {
//if (OUTPUT_VERYNOISY) { fprintf(stderr,"FROM: "); tnxbPrev.getId().write(stderr); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); }
// For each possible transition...
const X& xPrev = tnxbPrev.getId();
typename MH::IterVal h;
for ( bool b=mh.setFirst(h,xPrev); b; b=mh.setNext(h,xPrev) ) {
X x;
LogProb lgprO;
LogProb lgprH;
LogProb lgprFull;
#ifdef O_BEFORE_H //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
lgprO = mo.getProb(o,mh.setTrellDat(x,h)); if ( !OUTPUT_VERYNOISY && LogProb()==lgprO ) continue;
lgprH = mh.getProb(h,xPrev); if ( !OUTPUT_VERYNOISY && LogProb()==lgprH ) continue;
#else //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
lgprH = mh.getProb(h,xPrev); if ( !OUTPUT_VERYNOISY && LogProb()==lgprH ) continue;
lgprO = mo.getProb(o,mh.setTrellDat(x,h)); if ( !OUTPUT_VERYNOISY && LogProb()==lgprO ) continue;
#endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
lgprFull = tnxbPrev.getLogProb() * lgprH * lgprO;
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock1(mutexHmmParanoiaLock);
//fprintf(stderr," TO: "); h.write(stderr); fprintf(stderr,"\n");
cout<<" "<<tnxbPrev.getId()<<" ==("<<tnxbPrev.getLogProb().toInt()<<"*"<<lgprH.toInt()<<"*"<<lgprO.toInt()<<"="<<lgprFull.toInt()<<")==> "<<h<<"\n";
//fprintf(stdout," ==(%d*%d*%d=%d)==> ",tnxbPrev.getLogProb().toInt(),lgprH.toInt(),lgprO.toInt(),lgprFull.toInt());
//h.write(stdout); fprintf(stdout," "); x.write(stdout);
// Incorporate into trellis...
btn.tryAdd ( x, IB(i,mh.setBackDat(h)), lgprFull );
// fprintf ( stderr," (X_t-1:[e^%0.6f] * H:e^%0.6f * O:e^%0.6f = X_t:[e^%0.6f])\n",
// float(aatnTrellis.get(frameLast-1,i).getLogProb().toInt())/100.0,
// float(lgprH.toInt())/100.0,
// float(lgprO.toInt())/100.0,
// float(lgprFull.toInt())/100.0 ) ;
{ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock1(mutexHmmParanoiaLock);
//// btn.sort(atnOut);
for(int i=0;i<BEAM_WIDTH;i++) {
String str; str<<" "<<btn.get(i)->first<<":"<<btn.get(i)->second.second.first.toInt()<<":"<<btn.get(i).getScore().toInt()<<"\n";
//fprintf(stdout," "); btn.get(i)->first.write(stdout); fprintf(stdout,":%d:%d\n",btn.get(i)->second.second.first.toInt(),btn.get(i).getScore().toInt());
//// atnOut.get(i).first.first.write(stdout); fprintf(stdout,":%d\n",(int)atnOut.get(i).second);
//// Something there is (about boost::bind) that doesn't love a ref. So use a pointer for hmm and beam.
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
void global_parahmm_each ( HMM<MH,MO,X,B>* phmm, const typename MO::RandVarType* po, Beam<LogProb,X,std::pair<Index,B> >* pbtn,
SafeArray1D<Id<int>,std::pair<std::pair<X,std::pair<Index,B> >,LogProb> >* patn ) {
//void HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::each_static ( HMM<MH,MO,X,B>* phmm, const MO& o, Beam<LogProb,X,IB>* pbtn, SafeArray1D<int,std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb> >* patn ) {
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
void HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::updatePara ( const typename MO::RandVarType& o ) {
// Increment frame counter...
// fprintf(stdout,"++++%d",frameLast); o.write(stdout); fprintf(stdout,"\n");
// Init beam for new frame...
Beam<LogProb,X,IB> btn1 (BEAM_WIDTH);
Beam<LogProb,X,IB> btn2 (BEAM_WIDTH);
Beam<LogProb,X,IB> btn3 (BEAM_WIDTH);
Beam<LogProb,X,IB> btn4 (BEAM_WIDTH);
Beam<LogProb,X,IB> btn5 (BEAM_WIDTH);
Beam<LogProb,X,IB> btn6 (BEAM_WIDTH);
Beam<LogProb,X,IB> btn7 (BEAM_WIDTH);
Beam<LogProb,X,IB> btn8 (BEAM_WIDTH);
SafeArray1D<Id<int>,std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb> > atnSorted1 (BEAM_WIDTH);
SafeArray1D<Id<int>,std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb> > atnSorted2 (BEAM_WIDTH);
SafeArray1D<Id<int>,std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb> > atnSorted3 (BEAM_WIDTH);
SafeArray1D<Id<int>,std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb> > atnSorted4 (BEAM_WIDTH);
SafeArray1D<Id<int>,std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb> > atnSorted5 (BEAM_WIDTH);
SafeArray1D<Id<int>,std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb> > atnSorted6 (BEAM_WIDTH);
SafeArray1D<Id<int>,std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb> > atnSorted7 (BEAM_WIDTH);
SafeArray1D<Id<int>,std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb> > atnSorted8 (BEAM_WIDTH);
// fprintf(stderr,"frame %d...\n",frameLast);
boost::thread th1(boost::bind(&global_parahmm_each<MH,MO,X,B>,this,&o,&btn1,&atnSorted1));
boost::thread th2(boost::bind(&global_parahmm_each<MH,MO,X,B>,this,&o,&btn2,&atnSorted2));
boost::thread th3(boost::bind(&global_parahmm_each<MH,MO,X,B>,this,&o,&btn3,&atnSorted3));
boost::thread th4(boost::bind(&global_parahmm_each<MH,MO,X,B>,this,&o,&btn4,&atnSorted4));
boost::thread th5(boost::bind(&global_parahmm_each<MH,MO,X,B>,this,&o,&btn5,&atnSorted5));
boost::thread th6(boost::bind(&global_parahmm_each<MH,MO,X,B>,this,&o,&btn6,&atnSorted6));
boost::thread th7(boost::bind(&global_parahmm_each<MH,MO,X,B>,this,&o,&btn7,&atnSorted7));
boost::thread th8(boost::bind(&global_parahmm_each<MH,MO,X,B>,this,&o,&btn8,&atnSorted8));
for(int i=0;i<BEAM_WIDTH;i++) {
btn1.tryAdd(btn2.get(i)->first, btn2.get(i)->second.second, btn2.get(i).getScore());
btn1.tryAdd(btn3.get(i)->first, btn3.get(i)->second.second, btn3.get(i).getScore());
btn1.tryAdd(btn4.get(i)->first, btn4.get(i)->second.second, btn4.get(i).getScore());
btn1.tryAdd(btn5.get(i)->first, btn5.get(i)->second.second, btn5.get(i).getScore());
btn1.tryAdd(btn6.get(i)->first, btn6.get(i)->second.second, btn6.get(i).getScore());
btn1.tryAdd(btn7.get(i)->first, btn7.get(i)->second.second, btn7.get(i).getScore());
btn1.tryAdd(btn8.get(i)->first, btn8.get(i)->second.second, btn8.get(i).getScore());
for(int i=0;i<BEAM_WIDTH;i++) {
const std::pair<std::pair<X,IB>,LogProb>* tn1 = &atnSorted1.get(i);
// for(int i=0;i<BEAM_WIDTH;i++) {
// aatnTrellis.set(frameLast,i)=TrellNode<X,B>(btn1.get(i)->second.second.first,
// btn1.get(i)->first,
// btn1.get(i)->second.second.second,
// btn1.get(i).getScore());
// }
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
void HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::writeMLS ( FILE* pf ) const {
// Find best value at last frame...
int iBest = 0;
LogProb lgprEnd ;
for ( int i=0; i<BEAM_WIDTH; i++ )
iBest = (aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i).getLogProb() > aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,iBest).getLogProb()) ? i : iBest ;
lgprEnd = aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,iBest).getLogProb();
if(lgprEnd == LogProb()){
fprintf(pf, "WARNING: There is no most likely sequence\n");
// Trace back most likely sequence...
for ( Frame fr=frameLast; fr-1>=0; iBest=aatnTrellis.get(fr--,iBest).getSource().toInt() ) {
fprintf(pf,"HYPOTH %04d> ",fr-1);
String str; str<<aatnTrellis.get(fr,iBest).getId()<<" "<<aatnTrellis.get(fr,iBest).getBackData()<<"\n";
//fprintf(pf," ");
if(!OUTPUT_QUIET) fprintf(stderr,"Log prob of best path: %d\n",lgprEnd.toInt());
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
void HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::writeMLS ( FILE* pf, const X& xLast ) const {
// Find best value at last frame...
int iBest = -1;
LogProb lgprEnd ;
for ( int i=0; i<BEAM_WIDTH; i++ )
if ( xLast.compareFinal(aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i).getId()) )
// if ( xLast.getSub1().get(0).getSub1()==aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i).getId().getSub1().get(0).getSub1() &&
// xLast.getSub1().get(1).getSub1()==aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i).getId().getSub1().get(1).getSub1() )
iBest = (-1==iBest || aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i).getLogProb() > aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,iBest).getLogProb()) ? i : iBest ;
// iBest = i;
if ( -1==iBest ) iBest=0;
lgprEnd = aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,iBest).getLogProb();
if(lgprEnd == LogProb()){
fprintf(pf, "WARNING: There is no most likely sequence\n");
// Trace back most likely sequence...
for ( Frame fr=frameLast; fr-1>=0; iBest=aatnTrellis.get(fr--,iBest).getSource().toInt() ) {
fprintf(pf,"HYPOTH %04d> ",fr-1);
String str; str<<aatnTrellis.get(fr,iBest).getId()<<" "<<aatnTrellis.get(fr,iBest).getBackData()<<"\n";
//fprintf(pf," ");
if(!OUTPUT_QUIET) fprintf(stderr,"Log prob of best path: %d\n",lgprEnd.toInt());
/* for getting the MLS in string form... */
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
std::list<string> HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::getMLS() const {
std::list<string> rList;
int iBest = 0;
LogProb lgprEnd;
for ( int i=0; i<BEAM_WIDTH; i++ )
iBest = (aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i).getLogProb() > aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,iBest).getLogProb()) ? i : iBest ;
lgprEnd = aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,iBest).getLogProb();
if(lgprEnd == LogProb()){
string r = "WARNING: There is no most likely sequence\n";
return rList;
// Trace back most likely sequence...
for ( Frame fr=frameLast; fr-1>=0; iBest=aatnTrellis.get(fr--,iBest).getSource().toInt() ) {
char tmp[14];
sprintf(tmp,"HYPOTH %04d> ", fr-1);
string tString(tmp);
tString += aatnTrellis.get(fr,iBest).getId().getString() + " " +
aatnTrellis.get(fr,iBest).getBackData().getString() + "\n";
return rList;
/* for getting MLS in struct form... */
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
std::list<TrellNode<X,B> > HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::getMLSnodes() const {
std::list<TrellNode<X,B> > rList;
int iBest = 0;
LogProb lgprEnd;
for ( int i=0; i<BEAM_WIDTH; i++ )
iBest = (aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i).getLogProb() > aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,iBest).getLogProb()) ? i : iBest ;
lgprEnd = aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,iBest).getLogProb();
if(lgprEnd == LogProb()){
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: There is no most likely sequence\n");
return rList;
// Trace back most likely sequence...
for ( Frame fr=frameLast; fr-1>=0; iBest=aatnTrellis.get(fr--,iBest).getSource().toInt() )
return rList;
/* for getting the MLS in string form... */
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
std::list<string> HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::getMLS(const X& xLast) const {
std::list<string> rList;
int iBest = -1;
LogProb lgprEnd;
for ( int i=0; i<BEAM_WIDTH; i++ )
if ( xLast.compareFinal(aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i).getId()) )
// if ( xLast.getSub1().get(0).getSub1()==aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i).getId().getSub1().get(0).getSub1() &&
// xLast.getSub1().get(1).getSub1()==aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i).getId().getSub1().get(1).getSub1() )
iBest = (-1==iBest || aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i).getLogProb() > aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,iBest).getLogProb()) ? i : iBest ;
// iBest = i;
if ( -1==iBest ) iBest=0;
lgprEnd = aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,iBest).getLogProb();
if(lgprEnd == LogProb()){
string r = "WARNING: There is no most likely sequence\n";
return rList;
// Trace back most likely sequence...
for ( Frame fr=frameLast; fr-1>=0; iBest=aatnTrellis.get(fr--,iBest).getSource().toInt() ) {
//// char tmp[14];
//// sprintf(tmp,"HYPOTH %04d> ", fr-1);
//// string tString(tmp);
//// tString +=
string tString =
//// aatnTrellis.get(fr,iBest).getId().getString() + " " +
//// + "\n"
tString = (B().getString()==tString) ? "" : " " + tString; // zero out or add space
return rList;
/* for getting MLS in struct form... */
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
std::list<TrellNode<X,B> > HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::getMLSnodes(const X& xLast) const {
std::list<TrellNode<X,B> > rList;
int iBest = -1;
LogProb lgprEnd;
for ( int i=0; i<BEAM_WIDTH; i++ )
if ( xLast.compareFinal(aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i).getId()) )
// if ( xLast.getSub1().get(0).getSub1()==aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i).getId().getSub1().get(0).getSub1() &&
// xLast.getSub1().get(1).getSub1()==aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i).getId().getSub1().get(1).getSub1() )
iBest = (-1==iBest || aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,i).getLogProb() > aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,iBest).getLogProb()) ? i : iBest ;
// iBest = i;
if ( -1==iBest ) iBest=0;
lgprEnd = aatnTrellis.get(frameLast,iBest).getLogProb();
if(lgprEnd == LogProb()){
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: There is no most likely sequence\n");
return rList;
// Trace back most likely sequence...
for ( Frame fr=frameLast; fr-1>=0; iBest=aatnTrellis.get(fr--,iBest).getSource().toInt() )
return rList;
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
void HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::writeCurr ( FILE* pf, int f=-1 ) const {
if ( -1==f ) f=frameLast;
if ( 0<=f && f<=frameLast )
for ( int i=0; i<BEAM_WIDTH; i++ )
if(!(aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb() == LogProb())){
fprintf(pf,"at f=%04d b=%04d: ",f,i);
String str; str<<aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getId(); //.write(pf);
fprintf(pf," (from ");
String str; str<<aatnTrellis.get(f-1,aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getSource().toInt()).getId(); //.write(pf);
fprintf(pf," : e^%0.6f\n",double(aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb().toInt())/100.0);
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
void HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::writeCurrSum ( FILE* pf, int f=-1 ) const {
if ( -1==f ) f=frameLast;
if ( 0<=f && f<=frameLast ) {
LogProb sum = 0.0;
LogProb logtop = 0.0;
for ( int i=0; i<BEAM_WIDTH; i++ )
if(!(aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb() == LogProb())){
if(i==0) { logtop=aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb(); }
LogProb big1 = sum - logtop;
LogProb big2 = aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb() - logtop;
sum = LogProb( big1.toProb() + big2.toProb() ) + logtop;
fprintf(pf,"f=%04d sum=e^%0.6f\n",f,double(sum.toInt())/100.0);
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
void HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::writeCurrEntropy ( FILE* pf, int f=-1 ) const {
if ( -1==f ) f=frameLast;
if ( 0<=f && f<=frameLast ) {
LogProb logh = 0.0;
LogProb logtop = 0.0;
for ( int i=0; i<BEAM_WIDTH; i++ )
if(!(aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb() == LogProb())){
if(i==0) { logtop=aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb(); }
LogProb big1 = logh - logtop;
LogProb prob = aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb();
LogProb big2 = prob - logtop;
double log2prob = double(aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb().toInt()) / double(LogProb(2).toInt());
logh = LogProb( big1.toProb() - big2.toProb()*log2prob ) + logtop;
fprintf(pf,"f=%04d entropy=e^%0.6f\n",f,double(logh.toInt())/100.0);
// finds the average depth. but... depends on HHMMLangModel used. below is for gf.
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
void HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::writeCurrDepths ( FILE* pf, int f=-1 ) const {
if ( -1==f ) f=frameLast;
if ( 0<=f && f<=frameLast ) {
LogProb sum = 0.0;
LogProb logtop = 0.0;
Array<int> depths = Array<int>();
Array<LogProb> logprobs = Array<LogProb>();
double avgdepth = 0.0;
for ( int i=0; i<BEAM_WIDTH; i++ )
if(!(aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb() == LogProb())){
if(i==0) { logtop=aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb(); }
logprobs.set(i) = aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb();
// loop over values in S node to find lowest meaningful depth
for ( int j=0; j<aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getId().first.getSize(); j++) {
// store the depth, if it's equal to G_BOT/G_BOT
string ac = aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getId().first.get(j).first.getString();
string aw = aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getId().first.get(j).second.getString();
depths.set(i) = 0;
if (ac=="-" && aw=="-") {
//fprintf(pf,"depth at b%d = %d\n",i,j);
depths.set(i) = j;
LogProb big1 = sum - logtop;
LogProb big2 = aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb() - logtop;
sum = LogProb( big1.toProb() + big2.toProb() ) + logtop;
// hack-y stuff because the logprob sum loses prob mass. this will give a quantized version
Array<LogProb> normprobs = Array<LogProb>();
Prob normprobsum = Prob();
for ( int i=0; i<BEAM_WIDTH; i++ ) {
if(!(aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb() == LogProb())){
normprobs.set(i) = logprobs.get(i)/sum;
normprobsum += normprobs.get(i).toProb();
for ( int i=0; i<BEAM_WIDTH; i++ ) {
if(!(aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb() == LogProb())){
avgdepth += depths.get(i) * normprobs.get(i).toDouble()/normprobsum.toDouble();
fprintf(pf,"f=%04d avg(d)=%1.6f\n",f,avgdepth);
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
void HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::writeFollRanked ( FILE* pf, int f, int b, const typename MO::RandVarType& o ) const {
const TrellNode<X,B>& tnxbPrev = aatnTrellis.get(f,b);
X xPrev = tnxbPrev.getId();
fprintf(pf,"from f=%04d b=%04d: ",f,b);
Heap < quad<int,typename MH::IterVal,LogProb,Id<int> >, outRank<int,typename MH::IterVal> > axhpiQueue;
typedef quad<int,typename MH::IterVal,LogProb,Id<int> > XHPI;
XHPI xhpi, xhpiTop;
int aCtr;
xhpi.first = b;
xhpi.third = tnxbPrev.getScore();
xhpi.third *= mh.setIterProb ( xhpi.second, tnxbPrev.getId(), aCtr=-1 );
xhpi.fourth = 0;
//cerr<<"?? "<<xhpi<<" "<<MH::IterVal::NUM_ITERS<<"\n";
// For each ranked value of transition destination...
for ( int iTrg=0; iTrg<BEAM_WIDTH && axhpiQueue.getSize()>0; iTrg++ ) {
// Iterate A* (breadth-first) search until a complete path is at the top of the queue...
while ( axhpiQueue.getSize() > 0 && axhpiQueue.getTop().fourth < MH::IterVal::NUM_ITERS ) {
// Remove top...
xhpiTop = axhpiQueue.dequeueTop();
// Fork off (try to advance each elementary variable a)...
for ( int a=xhpiTop.fourth.toInt(); a<=MH::IterVal::NUM_ITERS; a++ ) {
// Copy top into new queue element...
xhpi = xhpiTop;
// At variable position -1, advance beam element for transition source...
if ( a == -1 ) xhpi.first++;
// Incorporate prob from transition source...
xhpi.third = aatnTrellis.get(f,xhpi.first).getScore();
if ( xhpi.third > LogProb() ) {
// Try to advance variable at position a and return probability (subsequent variables set to first, probability ignored)...
xhpi.third *= mh.setIterProb ( xhpi.second, aatnTrellis.get(f,xhpi.first).getId(), aCtr=a );
// At end of variables, incorporate observation probability...
if ( a == MH::IterVal::NUM_ITERS && xhpi.fourth != MH::IterVal::NUM_ITERS )
{ X x; mh.setTrellDat(x,xhpi.second); xhpi.third *= mo.getProb(o,x); }
// Record variable position at which this element was forked off...
xhpi.fourth = a;
////cerr<<" from partial: "<<xhpiTop<<"\n to partial: "<<xhpi<<"\n";
if ( xhpi.third > LogProb() ) {
cerr<<" "<<xhpi<<"\n";
// If valid, add to queue...
if ( axhpiQueue.getSize() > 0 ) {
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
void HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::writeFoll ( FILE* pf, int f, int b, const typename MO::RandVarType& o ) const {
const TrellNode<X,B>& tnxbPrev = aatnTrellis.get(f,b);
X xPrev = tnxbPrev.getId();
fprintf(pf,"from f=%04d b=%04d: ",f,b);
// For each possible transition...
typename MH::IterVal h;
cout<<"HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::writeFoll OUT OF ORDER\n";
for ( bool b=mh.setFirst(h,xPrev); b; b=mh.setNext(h,xPrev) ) {
X x;
LogProb lgprO = mo.getProb(o,mh.setTrellDat(x,h));
LogProb lgprH = mh.getProb(h,xPrev);
LogProb lgprFull = tnxbPrev.getLogProb() * lgprH * lgprO;
cout<<" ==("<<tnxbPrev.getLogProb().toInt()<<"*"<<lgprH.toInt()<<"*"<<lgprO.toInt()<<"="<<lgprFull.toInt()<<")==> "<<h<<"\n";
template <class MH, class MO, class X, class B>
int HMM<MH,MO,X,B>::getBeamUsed ( int f=-1 ) const {
if ( -1==f ) f=frameLast;
int ctr=0;
if ( 0<=f && f<=frameLast )
for ( int i=0; i<BEAM_WIDTH; i++ )
if(!(aatnTrellis.get(f,i).getLogProb() == LogProb())){
return ctr;
#endif //_NL_HMM_