
102 lines
2.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package ph_numbers;
# Script to recognize and replace numbers in Moses training corpora
# and decoder input
# (c) 2013 TAUS
use strict;
run() unless caller();
use Getopt::Std;
my $debug = $ENV{DEBUG} || 0;
sub run {
my %opts;
if(!getopts('s:t:cm:hl',\%opts) || $opts{h}) {
print "Usage: perl $0 [-s source_locale][-t target_locale][-c][-h][-l][-m symbol] < in > out\n";
my $sourceLocale = $opts{s} || "";
my $targetLocale = $opts{t} || "";
my $numberSymbol = $opts{m} || '@num@';
while(<>) {
print mark_numbers($_,$opts{c},$opts{l},$numberSymbol,$_),"\n";
sub mark_numbers {
my $input = shift;
my $corpusMode = shift;
my $legacyMode = shift;
my $numberSymbol = shift || '@num@';
my $numref = recognize($input);
my $input_length = length($input);
my $output = "";
my $position = 0;
for(my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@{$numref}) ; $i++) {
my $numstart = $numref->[$i][0];
my $numend = $numref->[$i][1];
if($position < $numstart) {
$output .= substr($input,$position,$numstart-$position);
my $number = substr($input,$numstart,$numend-$numstart);
if($corpusMode) {
$output .= $numberSymbol;
else {
if($legacyMode) {
$output .= "<ne translation=\"$number\">$numberSymbol</ne>";
else {
$output .= "<ne translation=\"$numberSymbol\" entity=\"$number\">$numberSymbol</ne>";
$position = $numend;
$output .= substr($input,$position);
return $output;
sub recognize {
my $input = shift;
#print STDERR "input=$input\n";
my @recognized = ();
while($input =~ /\G(.*?)(\s*)([+\-]?\p{Digit}*[\.,]?\p{Digit}+[\p{Digit}\.,+\-eE]*)/g) {
my $start = $-[3];
my $end = $+[3];
while($input =~ /\G(\s+)(\p{Digit}+[\p{Digit}\.,+\-eE]*)/gc) {
$end = $+[2];
# ALL characters in the word must be
my $isRecognized = 1;
if ($start == 0 || substr($input, $start - 1, 1) eq " ") {
# 1st word, or previous char is a space
else {
$isRecognized = 0;
if ($end == length($input) -1 || substr($input, $end, 1) eq " ") {
# last word, or next char is a space
else {
$isRecognized = 0;
#print STDERR "start=$start end=$end len=" .length($input) ."\n";
if ($isRecognized) {
push @recognized,[$start,$end];
return \@recognized;