2015-09-23 14:33:18 +01:00

404 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General
# Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version.
# Sample Tokenizer
### Version 1.1
# written by Pidong Wang, based on the code written by Josh Schroeder and Philipp Koehn
# Version 1.1 updates:
# (1) add multithreading option "-threads NUM_THREADS" (default is 1);
# (2) add a timing option "-time" to calculate the average speed of this tokenizer;
# (3) add an option "-lines NUM_SENTENCES_PER_THREAD" to set the number of lines for each thread (default is 2000), and this option controls the memory amount needed: the larger this number is, the larger memory is required (the higher tokenization speed);
### Version 1.0
# $Id: tokenizer.perl 915 2009-08-10 08:15:49Z philipp $
# written by Josh Schroeder, based on code by Philipp Koehn
binmode(STDIN, ":utf8");
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
use warnings;
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use strict;
use Time::HiRes;
use Thread;
my $mydir = "$RealBin/../share/nonbreaking_prefixes";
my $language = "en";
my $QUIET = 0;
my $HELP = 0;
my $SKIP_XML = 0;
my $TIMING = 0;
my $NUM_THREADS = 1;
while (@ARGV)
$_ = shift;
/^-b$/ && ($| = 1, next);
/^-l$/ && ($language = shift, next);
/^-q$/ && ($QUIET = 1, next);
/^-h$/ && ($HELP = 1, next);
/^-x$/ && ($SKIP_XML = 1, next);
/^-a$/ && ($AGGRESSIVE = 1, next);
/^-time$/ && ($TIMING = 1, next);
/^-threads$/ && ($NUM_THREADS = int(shift), next);
/^-lines$/ && ($NUM_SENTENCES_PER_THREAD = int(shift), next);
# for time calculation
my $start_time;
if ($TIMING)
$start_time = [ Time::HiRes::gettimeofday( ) ];
# print help message
if ($HELP)
print "Usage ./tokenizer.perl (-l [en|de|...]) (-threads 4) < textfile > tokenizedfile\n";
print "Options:\n";
print " -q ... quiet.\n";
print " -a ... aggressive hyphen splitting.\n";
print " -b ... disable Perl buffering.\n";
print " -time ... enable processing time calculation.\n";
if (!$QUIET)
print STDERR "Tokenizer Version 1.1\n";
print STDERR "Language: $language\n";
print STDERR "Number of threads: $NUM_THREADS\n";
# load the language-specific non-breaking prefix info from files in the directory nonbreaking_prefixes
if (scalar(%NONBREAKING_PREFIX) eq 0)
print STDERR "Warning: No known abbreviations for language '$language'\n";
my @batch_sentences = ();
my @thread_list = ();
my $count_sentences = 0;
if ($NUM_THREADS > 1)
{# multi-threading tokenization
$count_sentences = $count_sentences + 1;
push(@batch_sentences, $_);
if (scalar(@batch_sentences)>=($NUM_SENTENCES_PER_THREAD*$NUM_THREADS))
# assign each thread work
for (my $i=0; $i<$NUM_THREADS; $i++)
my $start_index = $i*$NUM_SENTENCES_PER_THREAD;
my $end_index = $start_index+$NUM_SENTENCES_PER_THREAD-1;
my @subbatch_sentences = @batch_sentences[$start_index..$end_index];
my $new_thread = new Thread \&tokenize_batch, @subbatch_sentences;
push(@thread_list, $new_thread);
foreach (@thread_list)
my $tokenized_list = $_->join;
foreach (@$tokenized_list)
print $_;
# reset for the new run
@thread_list = ();
@batch_sentences = ();
# the last batch
if (scalar(@batch_sentences)>0)
# assign each thread work
for (my $i=0; $i<$NUM_THREADS; $i++)
my $start_index = $i*$NUM_SENTENCES_PER_THREAD;
if ($start_index >= scalar(@batch_sentences))
my $end_index = $start_index+$NUM_SENTENCES_PER_THREAD-1;
if ($end_index >= scalar(@batch_sentences))
$end_index = scalar(@batch_sentences)-1;
my @subbatch_sentences = @batch_sentences[$start_index..$end_index];
my $new_thread = new Thread \&tokenize_batch, @subbatch_sentences;
push(@thread_list, $new_thread);
foreach (@thread_list)
my $tokenized_list = $_->join;
foreach (@$tokenized_list)
print $_;
{# single thread only
if (($SKIP_XML && /^<.+>$/) || /^\s*$/)
#don't try to tokenize XML/HTML tag lines
print $_;
print &tokenize($_);
if ($TIMING)
my $duration = Time::HiRes::tv_interval( $start_time );
print STDERR ("TOTAL EXECUTION TIME: ".$duration."\n");
print STDERR ("TOKENIZATION SPEED: ".($duration/$count_sentences*1000)." milliseconds/line\n");
# subroutines afterward
# tokenize a batch of texts saved in an array
# input: an array containing a batch of texts
# return: another array cotaining a batch of tokenized texts for the input array
sub tokenize_batch
my(@text_list) = @_;
my(@tokenized_list) = ();
foreach (@text_list)
if (($SKIP_XML && /^<.+>$/) || /^\s*$/)
#don't try to tokenize XML/HTML tag lines
push(@tokenized_list, $_);
push(@tokenized_list, &tokenize($_));
return \@tokenized_list;
# the actual tokenize function which tokenizes one input string
# input: one string
# return: the tokenized string for the input string
sub tokenize
my($text) = @_;
#clean some stuff so you don't get &amp; -> &amp;amp;
#news-commentary stuff
$text =~ s/\&#45;/ /g;
$text =~ s/\&45;/ /g;
$text =~ s/\&#160;/ /g;
$text =~ s/\&gt;/\>/g;
$text =~ s/\&lt;/\</g;
$text =~ s/ampquot;/\"/g;
$text =~ s/ampquot/\"/g;
$text =~ s/\&quot;/\"/g;
$text =~ s/\&amp;/\&/g;
$text =~ s/\&nbsp;/ /g;
$text =~ s/\&#91;/\[/g; # syntax non-terminal
$text =~ s/\&#93;/\]/g; # syntax non-terminal
$text =~ s/\&bar;/\|/g; # factor separator (legacy)
$text =~ s/\&#124;/\|/g; # factor separator
$text =~ s/(\.){4,}/ /g; #remove junk like ........
$text =~ s/--/ -- /g;
$text = " $text ";
# remove ASCII junk
$text =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$text =~ s/[\000-\037]//g;
# seperate out all "other" special characters
$text =~ s/([^\p{IsAlnum}\s\.\'\`\,\-])/ $1 /g;
# aggressive hyphen splitting
$text =~ s/([\p{IsAlnum}])\-([\p{IsAlnum}])/$1 \@-\@ $2/g;
#multi-dots stay together
$text =~ s/\.([\.]+)/ DOTMULTI$1/g;
while($text =~ /DOTMULTI\./)
$text =~ s/DOTMULTI\.([^\.])/DOTDOTMULTI $1/g;
# seperate out "," except if within numbers (5,300)
$text =~ s/([^\p{IsN}])[,]([^\p{IsN}])/$1 , $2/g;
# separate , pre and post number
$text =~ s/([\p{IsN}])[,]([^\p{IsN}])/$1 , $2/g;
$text =~ s/([^\p{IsN}])[,]([\p{IsN}])/$1 , $2/g;
# turn `into '
#$text =~ s/\`/\'/g;
#turn '' into "
#$text =~ s/\'\'/ \" /g;
if ($language eq "en")
#split contractions right
# $text =~ s/ [']([\p{IsAlpha}])/ '$1/g; #MARIA: is pretokenized for parsing vb'll -> vb 'll
$text =~ s/([Dd])'ye/$1o you/g;
$text =~ s/([Dd])'you/$1o you/g;
$text =~ s/'Tis/It is/g;
$text =~ s/'tis/it is/g;
$text =~ s/'Twas/It was/g;
$text =~ s/'twas/it is/g;
$text =~ s/([^\p{IsAlpha}])[']([^\p{IsAlpha}])/$1 ' $2/g;
$text =~ s/([^\p{IsAlpha}\p{IsN}])[']([\p{IsAlpha}])/$1 ' $2/g;
$text =~ s/([\p{IsAlpha}])['][ ]([sSmMdDtT]\s)/$1 '$2/g; # Commissioner' s
$text =~ s/([\p{IsAlpha}])['][ ](ll|ve) /$1 '$2 /g; # I' ve I' ll
$text =~ s/ ['] ([sSmMdDtT]\s)/ '$1/g; # Maria 's -> Maria ' s -> Maria 's
$text =~ s/ ['] (ll|ve) / '$1 /g; # I 'll I 've
$text =~ s/([\p{IsAlpha}])[']([^\p{IsAlpha}])/$1 ' $2/g;
$text =~ s/([\p{IsAlpha}])[']([\p{IsAlpha}])/$1 '$2/g;
#$text =~ s/ ['] ([\p{IsAlpha}])/ '$1/g; # I 'll 1999 's
$text =~ s/([\p{IsAlpha}])n [']t/$1 n't/g; #don't -> do n't (don't first splits into don 't)
$text =~ s/([\p{IsAlpha}])n ['] t/$1 n't/g;
$text =~ s/([\p{IsAlpha}])n [']t/$1 n't/g;
$text =~ s/([\p{IsAlpha}])N [']T/$1 N'T/g;
#special case for "1990's"
$text =~ s/([\p{IsN}])[']s/$1 's/g;
$text =~ s/([\p{IsN}]) [']s/$1 's/g;
$text =~ s/([\p{IsN}]) ['] s/$1 's/g;
#other english contractions -> from PTB tokenizer.sed
$text =~ s/([Cc])annot/$1an not/g;
$text =~ s/([Gg])imme/$1im me/g;
$text =~ s/([Gg])onna/$1on na/g;
$text =~ s/([Gg])otta/$1ot ta/g;
$text =~ s/([Ll])emme/$1em me/g;
$text =~ s/([Ww])anna/$1an na/g;
$text =~ s/([Dd]) 'ye/$1' ye/g;
elsif (($language eq "fr") or ($language eq "it") or ($language eq "ga"))
#split contractions left
$text =~ s/([^\p{IsAlpha}])[']([^\p{IsAlpha}])/$1 ' $2/g;
$text =~ s/([^\p{IsAlpha}])[']([\p{IsAlpha}])/$1 ' $2/g;
$text =~ s/([\p{IsAlpha}])[']([^\p{IsAlpha}])/$1 ' $2/g;
$text =~ s/([\p{IsAlpha}])[']([\p{IsAlpha}])/$1' $2/g;
$text =~ s/\'/ \' /g;
#word token method
my @words = split(/\s/,$text);
$text = "";
for (my $i=0;$i<(scalar(@words));$i++)
my $word = $words[$i];
if ( $word =~ /^(\S+)\.$/)
my $pre = $1;
if (($pre =~ /\./ && $pre =~ /\p{IsAlpha}/) || ($NONBREAKING_PREFIX{$pre} && $NONBREAKING_PREFIX{$pre}==1) || ($i<scalar(@words)-1 && ($words[$i+1] =~ /^[\p{IsLower}]/)))
#no change
elsif (($NONBREAKING_PREFIX{$pre} && $NONBREAKING_PREFIX{$pre}==2) && ($i<scalar(@words)-1 && ($words[$i+1] =~ /^[0-9]+/)))
#no change
$word = $pre." .";
$text .= $word." ";
# clean up extraneous spaces
$text =~ s/ +/ /g;
$text =~ s/^ //g;
$text =~ s/ $//g;
#restore multi-dots
while($text =~ /DOTDOTMULTI/)
$text =~ s/DOTMULTI/./g;
#escape special chars
$text =~ s/\&/\&amp;/g; # escape escape
$text =~ s/\|/\&#124;/g; # factor separator
$text =~ s/\</\&lt;/g; # xml
$text =~ s/\>/\&gt;/g; # xml
$text =~ s/\'/\&apos;/g; # xml
$text =~ s/\"/\&quot;/g; # xml
$text =~ s/\[/\&#91;/g; # syntax non-terminal
$text =~ s/\]/\&#93;/g; # syntax non-terminal
#ensure final line break
$text .= "\n" unless $text =~ /\n$/;
return $text;
sub load_prefixes
my ($language, $PREFIX_REF) = @_;
my $prefixfile = "$mydir/nonbreaking_prefix.$language";
#default back to English if we don't have a language-specific prefix file
if (!(-e $prefixfile))
$prefixfile = "$mydir/nonbreaking_prefix.en";
print STDERR "WARNING: No known abbreviations for language '$language', attempting fall-back to English version...\n";
die ("ERROR: No abbreviations files found in $mydir\n") unless (-e $prefixfile);
if (-e "$prefixfile")
open(PREFIX, "<:utf8", "$prefixfile");
while (<PREFIX>)
my $item = $_;
if (($item) && (substr($item,0,1) ne "#"))
if ($item =~ /(.*)[\s]+(\#NUMERIC_ONLY\#)/)
$PREFIX_REF->{$1} = 2;
$PREFIX_REF->{$item} = 1;