2012-03-22 21:51:00 +09:00

76 lines
2.0 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $jobs = 20;
my ($infile,$outfile,$cmd,$tmpdir);
use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through no_ignore_case);
GetOptions('jobs=i' => \$jobs,
'tmpdir=s' => \$tmpdir,
'in=s' => \$infile,
'out=s' => \$outfile,
'cmd=s' => \$cmd,
'queue-flags=s' => \$qflags,
) or exit(1);
die("ERROR: specify infile with -in") unless $infile;
die("ERROR: specify outfile with -out") unless $outfile;
die("ERROR: did not find infile '$infile'") unless -e $infile;
die("ERROR: you need to specify a tempdir with -tmpdir") unless $tmpdir;
$qflags = "" unless $qflags;
# set up directory
`mkdir -p $tmpdir`;
# create split input files
my $sentenceN = `cat $infile | wc -l`;
my $splitN = int(($sentenceN+$jobs-0.5) / $jobs);
`split -a 2 -l $splitN $infile $tmpdir/in-$$-`;
# find out the names of the jobs
my @JOB=`ls $tmpdir/in-$$-*`;
# create job scripts
foreach my $job (@JOB){
open(BASH,">$tmpdir/job-$$-$job.bash") or die "Cannot open: $!";
print BASH "#bash\n\n";
# print BASH "export PATH=$ENV{PATH}\n\n";
printf BASH $cmd."\n", "$tmpdir/in-$$-$job", "$tmpdir/out-$$-$job";
# submit jobs
foreach my $job (@JOB){
my $cmd = "qsub $qflags -b no -j yes "
."-o $tmpdir/job-$$-$job.stdout "
."-e $tmpdir/job-$$-$job.stderr "
."-N J$$-$job "
."$tmpdir/job-$$-$job.bash "
.">& $tmpdir/job-$$-$job.log";
print STDERR $cmd."\n";
print STDERR `$cmd`;
# get qsub ID
my @QSUB_ID;
foreach my $job (@JOB){
`cat $tmpdir/job-$$-$job.log` =~ /Your job (\d+) /
or die "ERROR: Can't read log of job $tmpdir/job-$$-$job.log";
push @QSUB_ID,$1;
# create hold job and wait
my $hj = "-hold_jid " . join(" -hold_jid ", @QSUB_ID);
my $qsubname = "hold-$$";
$cmd="qsub $qflags -sync y $hj -j y -o /dev/null -e /dev/null -N $qsubname.W -b y /bin/ls >& $tmpdir/$qsubname.W.log";
print $cmd."\n";
# merge outfile
`rm -rf $outfile`;
foreach my $job (@JOB){
`cat $tmpdir/out-$$-$job >> $outfile`;