2014-07-11 12:53:03 +01:00

136 lines
5.4 KiB

#This is somewhat hairy due to the number of optional language models.
#Currently, the optional models are IRSTLM, SRILM, and RandLM. These are
#activated by --with-irstlm, --with-srilm, and --with-randlm respectively.
#The value is the path where it's installed e.g. --with-irstlm=/path/to/irst.
#Each optional model has a section below. The top level rule is lib LM, which
#appears after the optional models.
import option path ;
local dependencies = ;
local lmmacros = ;
local with-irstlm = [ option.get "with-irstlm" ] ;
if $(with-irstlm) {
lib irstlm : : <search>$(with-irstlm)/lib <search>$(with-irstlm)/lib64 ;
obj IRST.o : IRST.cpp ..//headers : <include>$(with-irstlm)/include <include>$(with-irstlm)/include/irstlm ;
alias irst : IRST.o irstlm : : : <define>LM_IRST ;
dependencies += irst ;
lmmacros += LM_IRST ;
echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;
echo "!!! You are linking the IRSTLM library; be sure the release is >= 5.70.02 !!!" ;
echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;
local with-srilm = [ option.get "with-srilm" ] ;
local with-maxent-srilm = [ option.get "with-maxent-srilm" ] ;
if $(with-srilm) {
if [ option.get "with-srilm-dynamic" : no : yes ] = yes {
lib srilm ;
alias sri-libs : srilm ;
} else {
sri-arch = [ option.get "with-srilm-arch" ] ;
sri-arch ?= [ _shell $(with-srilm)/sbin/machine-type ] ;
sri-lib = <search>$(with-srilm)/lib/$(sri-arch) <search>$(with-srilm)/lib <search>$(with-srilm)/lib64 <search>$(with-srilm)/flm/obj/$(sri-arch) ;
lib flm : : $(sri-lib) ;
lib misc : flm : $(sri-lib) ;
lib dstruct : misc flm : $(sri-lib) ;
lib oolm : dstruct misc flm : $(sri-lib) ;
alias sri-libs : oolm dstruct misc flm ;
obj SRI.o : SRI.cpp ..//headers : <include>$(with-srilm)/include <include>$(with-srilm)/include/srilm <warnings>off ;
obj ParallelBackoff.o : ParallelBackoff.cpp ..//headers : <include>$(with-srilm)/include <include>$(with-srilm)/include/srilm <warnings>off ;
if $(with-maxent-srilm) {
lib lbfgs : : $(sri-lib) ;
obj MaxEntSRI.o : MaxEntSRI.cpp ..//headers : <include>$(with-srilm)/include <include>$(with-srilm)/lm/src <include>$(with-srilm)/include/srilm <warnings>off ;
alias sri : SRI.o MaxEntSRI.o ParallelBackoff.o lbfgs sri-libs : : : <define>LM_SRI <define>LM_MAXENT_SRI ;
dependencies += sri ;
lmmacros += LM_SRI ;
lmmacros += LM_MAXENT_SRI ;
} else {
alias sri : SRI.o ParallelBackoff.o sri-libs : : : <define>LM_SRI ;
dependencies += sri ;
lmmacros += LM_SRI ;
local with-randlm = [ option.get "with-randlm" ] ;
if $(with-randlm) {
lib RandLM : : <search>$(with-randlm)/lib <search>$(with-randlm)/lib64 ;
obj Rand.o : Rand.cpp RandLM ..//headers : <include>$(with-randlm)/include <include>$(with-randlm)/include/RandLM ;
alias rand : Rand.o RandLM : : : <define>LM_RAND ;
dependencies += rand ;
lmmacros += LM_RAND ;
local with-ldhtlm = [ option.get "with-ldhtlm" ] ;
if $(with-ldhtlm) {
lib LDHT : : <search>$(with-ldhtlm)/lib ;
lib ticpp : LDHT : <search>$(with-ldhtlm)/lib ;
obj LDHT.o : LDHT.cpp LDHT ..//headers : <include>$(with-ldhtlm)/include <include>$(with-ldhtlm)/include/LDHT ;
alias ldht : LDHT.o LDHT ticpp : : : <define>LM_LDHT ;
dependencies += ldht ;
lmmacros += LM_LDHT ;
local with-nplm = [ option.get "with-nplm" ] ;
if $(with-nplm) {
lib neuralLM : : <search>$(with-nplm)/lib <search>$(with-nplm)/lib64 ;
obj NeuralLMWrapper.o : NeuralLMWrapper.cpp neuralLM ..//headers : <include>$(with-nplm)/src <include>$(with-nplm)/3rdparty/eigen-3.1.4 ;
alias nplm : NeuralLMWrapper.o neuralLM : : : <cxxflags>-fopenmp <linkflags>-fopenmp <define>LM_NEURAL ;
dependencies += nplm ;
lmmacros += LM_NEURAL ;
local with-lbllm = [ option.get "with-lbllm" ] ;
if $(with-lbllm) {
lib lblLM : : <search>$(with-lbllm)/lib <search>$(with-lbllm)/lib64 ;
obj LBLLM.o : LBLLM.cpp lblLM ..//headers : <include>$(with-lbllm)/src <include>$(with-lbllm)/3rdparty/eigen-3 ;
alias lbllm : LBLLM.o lblLM : : : <cxxflags>-std=c++0x <linkflags>-std=c++0x <define>LM_LBL ;
dependencies += lbllm ;
lmmacros += LM_LBL ;
local with-dalm = [ option.get "with-dalm" ] ;
if $(with-dalm) {
lib dalm : : <search>$(with-dalm)/lib ;
if [ path.exists $(with-dalm)/lib/libMurmurHash3.a ] {
lib MurmurHash3 : : <search>$(with-dalm)/lib ;
alias dalm-libs : dalm MurmurHash3 ;
} else {
alias dalm-libs : dalm ;
obj DALM.o : DALMWrapper.cpp dalm-libs ..//headers : <include>$(with-dalm)/include <include>$(with-dalm)/darts-clone ;
alias dalmALIAS : DALM.o dalm-libs : : : <define>LM_DALM ;
dependencies += dalmALIAS ;
lmmacros += LM_DALM ;
#ORLM is always compiled but needs special headers
obj ORLM.o : ORLM.cpp ..//headers ../TranslationModel/DynSAInclude//dynsa : : : <include>../TranslationModel/DynSAInclude ;
#Top-level LM library. If you've added a file that doesn't depend on external
#libraries, put it here.
alias LM : Backward.cpp BackwardLMState.cpp Base.cpp Implementation.cpp Joint.cpp Ken.cpp MultiFactor.cpp Remote.cpp SingleFactor.cpp SkeletonLM.cpp ORLM.o
../../lm//kenlm ..//headers $(dependencies) ;
alias macros : : : : <define>$(lmmacros) ;
#Unit test for Backward LM
import testing ;
run BackwardTest.cpp ..//moses LM ../../lm//kenlm /top//boost_unit_test_framework : : ;