mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 14:05:29 +03:00
208 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable File
208 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# example
# ./extract-parallel.perl 8 ./coreutils-8.9/src/split "./coreutils-8.9/src/sort --batch-size=253" ./extract ./corpus.5.en ./corpus.5.ar ./align.ar-en.grow-diag-final-and ./extracted 7 --NoFileLimit orientation
use strict;
use File::Basename;
sub RunFork($);
sub systemCheck($);
sub NumStr($);
print "Started ".localtime() ."\n";
my $numParallel= $ARGV[0];
$numParallel = 1 if $numParallel < 1;
my $splitCmd= $ARGV[1];
my $sortCmd= $ARGV[2];
my $extractCmd= $ARGV[3];
my $target = $ARGV[4]; # 1st arg of extract argument
my $source = $ARGV[5]; # 2nd arg of extract argument
my $align = $ARGV[6]; # 3rd arg of extract argument
my $extract = $ARGV[7]; # 4th arg of extract argument
my $makeTTable = 1; # whether to build the ttable extract files
my $otherExtractArgs= "";
for (my $i = 8; $i < $#ARGV + 1; ++$i)
$makeTTable = 0 if $ARGV[$i] eq "--NoTTable";
$otherExtractArgs .= $ARGV[$i] ." ";
my $cmd;
my $TMPDIR=dirname($extract) ."/tmp.$$";
$cmd = "mkdir -p $TMPDIR";
my $totalLines = int(`cat $align | wc -l`);
my $linesPerSplit = int($totalLines / $numParallel) + 1;
print "total=$totalLines line-per-split=$linesPerSplit \n";
my @children;
my $pid;
if ($numParallel > 1)
$cmd = "$splitCmd -d -l $linesPerSplit -a 5 $target $TMPDIR/target.";
$pid = RunFork($cmd);
push(@children, $pid);
$cmd = "$splitCmd -d -l $linesPerSplit -a 5 $source $TMPDIR/source.";
$pid = RunFork($cmd);
push(@children, $pid);
$cmd = "$splitCmd -d -l $linesPerSplit -a 5 $align $TMPDIR/align.";
$pid = RunFork($cmd);
push(@children, $pid);
# wait for everything is finished
foreach (@children) {
waitpid($_, 0);
my $numStr = NumStr(0);
$cmd = "ln -s $target $TMPDIR/target.$numStr";
print STDERR "Executing: $cmd \n";
$cmd = "ln -s $source $TMPDIR/source.$numStr";
print STDERR "Executing: $cmd \n";
$cmd = "ln -s $align $TMPDIR/align.$numStr";
print STDERR "Executing: $cmd \n";
# run extract
@children = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numParallel; ++$i)
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0)
{ # child
my $numStr = NumStr($i);
my $cmd = "$extractCmd $TMPDIR/target.$numStr $TMPDIR/source.$numStr $TMPDIR/align.$numStr $TMPDIR/extract.$numStr $otherExtractArgs --SentenceOffset ".($i*$linesPerSplit)." 2>> /dev/stderr \n";
print STDERR $cmd;
{ # parent
push(@children, $pid);
# wait for everything is finished
foreach (@children) {
waitpid($_, 0);
# merge
my $is_osx = ($^O eq "darwin");
my $catCmd = $is_osx?"gunzip -c ":"zcat ";
my $catInvCmd = $catCmd;
my $catOCmd = $catCmd;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numParallel; ++$i)
my $numStr = NumStr($i);
$catCmd .= "$TMPDIR/extract.$numStr.gz ";
$catInvCmd .= "$TMPDIR/extract.$numStr.inv.gz ";
$catOCmd .= "$TMPDIR/extract.$numStr.o.gz ";
$catCmd .= " | LC_ALL=C $sortCmd -T $TMPDIR | gzip -c > $extract.sorted.gz \n";
$catInvCmd .= " | LC_ALL=C $sortCmd -T $TMPDIR | gzip -c > $extract.inv.sorted.gz \n";
$catOCmd .= " | LC_ALL=C $sortCmd -T $TMPDIR | gzip -c > $extract.o.sorted.gz \n";
@children = ();
if ($makeTTable)
$pid = RunFork($catCmd);
push(@children, $pid);
$pid = RunFork($catInvCmd);
push(@children, $pid);
my $numStr = NumStr(0);
if (-e "$TMPDIR/extract.$numStr.o.gz")
$pid = RunFork($catOCmd);
push(@children, $pid);
# wait for all sorting to finish
foreach (@children) {
waitpid($_, 0);
# delete temporary files
$cmd = "rm -rf $TMPDIR \n";
print STDERR $cmd;
print STDERR "Finished ".localtime() ."\n";
# -----------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------
sub RunFork($)
my $cmd = shift;
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0)
{ # child
print STDERR $cmd;
return $pid;
sub systemCheck($)
my $cmd = shift;
my $retVal = system($cmd);
if ($retVal != 0)
sub NumStr($)
my $i = shift;
my $numStr;
if ($i < 10) {
$numStr = "0000$i";
elsif ($i < 100) {
$numStr = "000$i";
elsif ($i < 1000) {
$numStr = "00$i";
elsif ($i < 10000) {
$numStr = "0$i";
else {
$numStr = $i;
return $numStr;