2014-04-30 16:51:26 +01:00

427 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id$
# after, process the feature list
# original code by Philipp Koehn
# changes by Ondrej Bojar
# adapted for hierarchical models by Phil Williams
use strict;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use Getopt::Long;
if (defined($ENV{"SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR"})) {
} else {
if ($SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR eq '') {
$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR = dirname(__FILE__);
$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR =~ s/\/training$//;
# moses.ini file uses FULL names for lambdas, while this training script
# internally (and on the command line) uses ABBR names.
my @ABBR_FULL_MAP = qw(d=weight-d lm=weight-l tm=weight-t w=weight-w
g=weight-generation lex=weight-lex I=weight-i);
my %ABBR2FULL = map {split/=/,$_,2} @ABBR_FULL_MAP;
my %FULL2ABBR = map {my ($a, $b) = split/=/,$_,2; ($b, $a);} @ABBR_FULL_MAP;
my $verbose = 0;
my $usage = 0; # request for --help
##!# # consider phrases in input up to $MAX_LENGTH
##!# # in other words, all phrase-tables will be truncated at least to 10 words per
##!# # phrase.
##!# my $MAX_LENGTH = 10;
# utilities
##!# my $ZCAT = "gzip -cd";
# get optional parameters
##!# my $opt_hierarchical = 0;
##!# my $binarizer = undef;
##!# my $opt_min_non_initial_rule_count = undef;
##!# my $opt_gzip = 1; # gzip output files (so far only phrase-based ttable until someone tests remaining models and formats)
my $___RANGES = undef;
my $___ACTIVATE_FEATURES = undef; # comma-separated (or blank-separated) list of features to work on
# if undef work on all features
# (others are fixed to the starting values)
my $___DECODER_FLAGS = ""; # additional parametrs to pass to the decoder
my $devbleu = undef;
my $___WORKING_DIR = undef;
my $___DEV_F = undef;
my $run = undef; # either first or final
my $runid_final = undef;
my $runid_finalplus=0;
my $sparse_weights_file = undef;
# set 0 if input type is text, set 1 if input type is confusion network
my $___INPUTTYPE = 0;
my $___DECODER = undef; # required, pathname to the decoder executable
my $___CONFIG = undef; # required, pathname to startup ini file
"activate-features=s" => \$___ACTIVATE_FEATURES, #comma-separated (or blank-separated) list of features to work on (others are fixed to the starting values)
"range=s@" => \$___RANGES,
"decoder-flags=s" => \$___DECODER_FLAGS,
"inputtype=i" => \$___INPUTTYPE,
"devbleu=s" => \$devbleu,
"sparse_weight_file=s" => \$sparse_weights_file,
"working-dir=s" => \$___WORKING_DIR,
) or exit(1);
##!# GetOptions(
##!# "gzip!" => \$opt_gzip,
##!# "Hierarchical" => \$opt_hierarchical,
##!# "Binarizer=s" => \$binarizer,
##!# "MinNonInitialRuleCount=i" => \$opt_min_non_initial_rule_count
##!# ) or exit(1);
# the ?? required parameters can be supplied on the command line directly
# or using the --options
if (scalar @ARGV == 4) {
# required parameters: options
$___DEV_F = shift;
$___DECODER = shift;
$___CONFIG = shift;
$run = shift; # first or final
if ($usage || !defined $___DECODER || !defined $___CONFIG) {
print STDERR "usage: $0 \$___DECODER \$___CONFIG(decoder.ini)
--activate-features=STRING ... comma-separated list of features to optimize,
others are fixed to the starting values
default: optimize all features
example: tm_0,tm_4,d_0
--range=tm:0..1,-1..1 ... specify min and max value for some features
--range can be repeated as needed.
The order of the various --range specifications
is important only within a feature name.
--range=tm:0..1,-1..1 --range=tm:0..2
is identical to:
but not to:
--range=tm:0..2 --range=tm:0..1,-1..1
--decoder-flags=STRING ... extra parameters for the decoder
--inputtype=[0|1|2] ... Handle different input types: (0 for text,
1 for confusion network, 2 for lattices,
default is 0)
exit 1;
##!# # get command line parameters
##!# my $dir = shift;
##!# my $config = shift;
##!# my $input = shift;
##!# $dir = ensure_full_path($dir);
# main
# we run moses to check validity of moses.ini and to obtain all the feature
# names
if (($run eq "first")){
my $featlist = get_featlist_from_moses($___CONFIG,$___CONFIG,"first");
$featlist = insert_ranges_to_featlist($featlist, $___RANGES);
} else { # $run eq "final"
chomp ($runid_final = `cat $___WORKING_DIR/finished_step.txt | tail -n 1`);
$runid_finalplus = $runid_final + 1;
`mv run${runid_finalplus}.moses.ini run_final.moses.ini`;
chomp ($devbleu = `cat $___WORKING_DIR/run_final.moses.ini | tail -n +3 | head -n 1 | gawk '{print \$3}'`);
my $featlist = get_featlist_from_moses($___CONFIG,"$___WORKING_DIR/run_final.moses.ini","final");
$featlist = insert_ranges_to_featlist($featlist, $___RANGES);
##COPIED## Mark which features are disabled:
##COPIED#if (defined $___ACTIVATE_FEATURES) {
##COPIED# my %enabled = map { ($_, 1) } split /[, ]+/, $___ACTIVATE_FEATURES;
##COPIED# my %cnt;
##COPIED# for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) {
##COPIED# my $name = $featlist->{"names"}->[$i];
##COPIED# $cnt{$name} = 0 if !defined $cnt{$name};
##COPIED# $featlist->{"enabled"}->[$i] = $enabled{$name."_".$cnt{$name}};
##COPIED# $cnt{$name}++;
##COPIED#} else {
##COPIED# # all enabled
##COPIED# for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) {
##COPIED# $featlist->{"enabled"}->[$i] = 1;
##COPIED#print STDERR "MERT starting values and ranges for random generation:\n";
##COPIED#for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) {
##COPIED# my $name = $featlist->{"names"}->[$i];
##COPIED# my $val = $featlist->{"values"}->[$i];
##COPIED# my $min = $featlist->{"mins"}->[$i];
##COPIED# my $max = $featlist->{"maxs"}->[$i];
##COPIED# my $enabled = $featlist->{"enabled"}->[$i];
##COPIED# printf STDERR " %5s = %7.3f", $name, $val;
##COPIED# if ($enabled) {
##COPIED# printf STDERR " (%5.2f .. %5.2f)\n", $min, $max;
##COPIED# } else {
##COPIED# print STDERR " --- inactive, not optimized ---\n";
sub get_featlist_from_moses {
# run moses with the given config file and return the list of features and
# their initial values
my $configfn = shift;
my $config_score = shift;
my $run = shift;
my $featlistfn = "";
if ($run eq 'first') {
$featlistfn = "./features.list"; # given feature list
} elsif ($run eq "final") {
$featlistfn = "./features.list.run_final";
if (-e $featlistfn) {
print STDERR "Using cached features list: $featlistfn\n";
} else {
print STDERR "Asking moses for feature names and values from $config_score\n";
my $cmd = "$___DECODER $___DECODER_FLAGS -config $config_score -inputtype $___INPUTTYPE -show-weights > $featlistfn";
print STDERR "$cmd\n"; #DEBUG
safesystem($cmd) or die "Failed to run moses with the config $config_score";
# read feature list
my @names = ();
my @startvalues = ();
open(INI,$featlistfn) or die "Can't read $featlistfn";
my $nr = 0;
my @errs = ();
while (<INI>) {
/^(.+) (\S+) (\S+)$/ || die("invalid feature: $_");
my ($longname, $feature, $value) = ($1,$2,$3);
next if $value eq "sparse";
push @errs, "$featlistfn:$nr:Bad initial value of $feature: $value\n"
if $value !~ /^[+-]?[0-9.e]+$/;
push @errs, "$featlistfn:$nr:Unknown feature '$feature', please add it to \@ABBR_FULL_MAP\n"
if !defined $ABBR2FULL{$feature};
push @names, $feature;
push @startvalues, $value;
close INI;
if (scalar @errs) {
print STDERR join("", @errs);
exit 1;
return {"names"=>\@names, "values"=>\@startvalues};
sub insert_ranges_to_featlist {
my $featlist = shift;
my $ranges = shift;
$ranges = [] if !defined $ranges;
# first collect the ranges from options
my $niceranges;
foreach my $range (@$ranges) {
my $name = undef;
foreach my $namedpair (split /,/, $range) {
if ($namedpair =~ /^(.*?):/) {
$name = $1;
$namedpair =~ s/^.*?://;
die "Unrecognized name '$name' in --range=$range"
if !defined $ABBR2FULL{$name};
my ($min, $max) = split /\.\./, $namedpair;
die "Bad min '$min' in --range=$range" if $min !~ /^-?[0-9.]+$/;
die "Bad max '$max' in --range=$range" if $min !~ /^-?[0-9.]+$/;
die "No name given in --range=$range" if !defined $name;
push @{$niceranges->{$name}}, [$min, $max];
# now populate featlist
my $seen = undef;
for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) {
my $name = $featlist->{"names"}->[$i];
$seen->{$name} ++;
my $min = 0.0;
my $max = 1.0;
if (defined $niceranges->{$name}) {
my $minmax = shift @{$niceranges->{$name}};
($min, $max) = @$minmax if defined $minmax;
$featlist->{"mins"}->[$i] = $min;
$featlist->{"maxs"}->[$i] = $max;
return $featlist;
sub safesystem {
print STDERR "Executing: @_\n";
if ($? == -1) {
print STDERR "Failed to execute: @_\n $!\n";
elsif ($? & 127) {
printf STDERR "Execution of: @_\n died with signal %d, %s coredump\n",
($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
else {
my $exitcode = $? >> 8;
print STDERR "Exit code: $exitcode\n" if $exitcode;
return ! $exitcode;
sub create_config {
my $infn = shift; # source config
my $outfn = shift; # where to save the config
my $featlist = shift; # the lambdas we should write
my $iteration = shift; # just for verbosity
my $bleu_achieved = shift; # just for verbosity
my $sparse_weights_file = shift; # only defined when optimizing sparse features
my %P; # the hash of all parameters we wish to override
# first convert the command line parameters to the hash
{ # ensure local scope of vars
my $parameter=undef;
print "Parsing --decoder-flags: |$___DECODER_FLAGS|\n";
$___DECODER_FLAGS =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//;
$___DECODER_FLAGS =~ s/\s+/ /;
foreach (split(/ /,$___DECODER_FLAGS)) {
if (/^\-([^\d].*)$/) {
$parameter = $1;
$parameter = $ABBR2FULL{$parameter} if defined($ABBR2FULL{$parameter});
else {
die "Found value with no -paramname before it: $_"
if !defined $parameter;
push @{$P{$parameter}},$_;
# First delete all weights params from the input, we're overwriting them.
# Delete both short and long-named version.
for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) {
my $name = $featlist->{"names"}->[$i];
# Convert weights to elements in P
for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@{$featlist->{"names"}}); $i++) {
my $name = $featlist->{"names"}->[$i];
my $val = $featlist->{"values"}->[$i];
$name = defined $ABBR2FULL{$name} ? $ABBR2FULL{$name} : $name;
# ensure long name
push @{$P{$name}}, $val;
if (defined($sparse_weights_file)) {
push @{$P{"weights-file"}}, $___WORKING_DIR."/".$sparse_weights_file;
# create new moses.ini decoder config file by cloning and overriding the original one
open(INI,$infn) or die "Can't read $infn";
delete($P{"config"}); # never output
print "Saving new config to: $outfn\n";
open(OUT,"> $outfn") or die "Can't write $outfn";
print OUT "# MERT optimized configuration\n";
print OUT "# decoder $___DECODER\n";
print OUT "# BLEU $bleu_achieved on dev $___DEV_F\n";
print OUT "# We were before running iteration $iteration\n";
print OUT "# finished ".`date`;
my $line = <INI>;
while(1) {
last unless $line;
# skip until hit [parameter]
if ($line !~ /^\[(.+)\]\s*$/) {
$line = <INI>;
print OUT $line if $line =~ /^\#/ || $line =~ /^\s+$/;
# parameter name
my $parameter = $1;
$parameter = $ABBR2FULL{$parameter} if defined($ABBR2FULL{$parameter});
print OUT "[$parameter]\n";
# change parameter, if new values
if (defined($P{$parameter})) {
# write new values
foreach (@{$P{$parameter}}) {
print OUT $_."\n";
# skip until new parameter, only write comments
while($line = <INI>) {
print OUT $line if $line =~ /^\#/ || $line =~ /^\s+$/;
last if $line =~ /^\[/;
last unless $line;
# unchanged parameter, write old
while($line = <INI>) {
last if $line =~ /^\[/;
print OUT $line;
# write all additional parameters
foreach my $parameter (keys %P) {
print OUT "\n[$parameter]\n";
foreach (@{$P{$parameter}}) {
print OUT $_."\n";
print STDERR "Saved: $outfn\n";