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198 lines
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#include "line_splitter.hh"
bool test_vectorinsert() {
StringPiece line1 = StringPiece("! ! ! ! ||| ! ! ! ! ||| 0.0804289 0.141656 0.0804289 0.443409 2.718 ||| 0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3 ||| 1 1 1");
StringPiece line2 = StringPiece("! ! ! ) , has ||| ! ! ! ) - , a ||| 0.0804289 0.0257627 0.0804289 0.00146736 2.718 ||| 0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3 4-4 4-5 5-6 ||| 1 1 1");
line_text output = splitLine(line1);
line_text output2 = splitLine(line2);
//Init container vector and iterator.
std::vector<char> container;
container.reserve(10000); //Reserve vector
std::vector<char>::iterator it = container.begin();
std::pair<std::vector<char>::iterator, int> binary_append_ret; //Return values from vector_append
//Put a value into the vector
binary_append_ret = vector_append(&output, &container, it, false);
it = binary_append_ret.first;
binary_append_ret = vector_append(&output2, &container, it, false);
it = binary_append_ret.first;
std::string test(container.begin(), container.end());
std::string should_be = "! ! ! ! 0.0804289 0.141656 0.0804289 0.443409 2.718 0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3 1 1 1! ! ! ) - , a 0.0804289 0.0257627 0.0804289 0.00146736 2.718 0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3 4-4 4-5 5-6 1 1 1";
if (test == should_be) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool probabilitiesTest(){
StringPiece line1 = StringPiece("0.536553 0.75961 0.634108 0.532927 2.718");
StringPiece line2 = StringPiece("1.42081e-05 3.91895e-09 0.0738539 0.749514 2.718");
std::vector<double> pesho;
bool peshobool = false;
bool kirobool = false;
std::vector<double> kiro;
pesho = splitProbabilities(line1);
kiro = splitProbabilities(line2);
if (pesho[0] == 0.536553 && pesho[1] == 0.75961 && pesho[2] == 0.634108 && pesho[3] == 0.532927 && pesho[4] == 2.718 && pesho.size() == 5) {
peshobool = true;
} else {
std::cout << "Processed: " << pesho[0] << " " << pesho[1] << " " << pesho[2] << " " << pesho[3] << " " << pesho[4] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Size is: " << pesho.size() << " Expected 5." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Expected: " << "0.536553 0.75961 0.634108 0.532927 2.718" << std::endl;
if (kiro[0] == 1.42081e-05 && kiro[1] == 3.91895e-09 && kiro[2] == 0.0738539 && kiro[3] == 0.749514 && kiro[4] == 2.718 && kiro.size() == 5) {
kirobool = true;
} else {
std::cout << "Processed: " << kiro[0] << " " << kiro[1] << " " << kiro[2] << " " << kiro[3] << " " << kiro[4] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Size is: " << kiro.size() << " Expected 5." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Expected: " << "1.42081e-05 3.91895e-09 0.0738539 0.749514 2.718" << std::endl;
return (peshobool && kirobool);
bool wordAll1test(){
StringPiece line1 = StringPiece("2-0 3-1 4-2 5-2");
StringPiece line2 = StringPiece("0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3 4-3 6-4 5-5");
std::vector<int> pesho;
bool peshobool = false;
bool kirobool = false;
std::vector<int> kiro;
pesho = splitWordAll1(line1);
kiro = splitWordAll1(line2);
if (pesho[0] == 2 && pesho[1] == 0 && pesho[2] == 3 && pesho[3] == 1 && pesho[4] == 4
&& pesho[5] == 2 && pesho[6] == 5 && pesho[7] == 2 && pesho.size() == 8) {
peshobool = true;
} else {
std::cout << "Processed: " << pesho[0] << "-" << pesho[1] << " " << pesho[2] << "-" << pesho[3] << " "
<< pesho[4] << "-" << pesho[5] << " " << pesho[6] << "-" << pesho[7] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Size is: " << pesho.size() << " Expected: 8." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Expected: " << "2-0 3-1 4-2 5-2" << std::endl;
if (kiro[0] == 0 && kiro[1] == 0 && kiro[2] == 1 && kiro[3] == 1 && kiro[4] == 2 && kiro[5] == 2
&& kiro[6] == 3 && kiro[7] == 3 && kiro[8] == 4 && kiro[9] == 3 && kiro[10] == 6 && kiro[11] == 4
&& kiro[12] == 5 && kiro[13] == 5 && kiro.size() == 14){
kirobool = true;
} else {
std::cout << "Processed: " << kiro[0] << "-" << kiro[1] << " " << kiro[2] << "-" << kiro[3] << " "
<< kiro[4] << "-" << kiro[5] << " " << kiro[6] << "-" << kiro[7] << " " << kiro[8] << "-" << kiro[9]
<< " " << kiro[10] << "-" << kiro[11] << " " << kiro[12] << "-" << kiro[13] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Size is: " << kiro.size() << " Expected: 14" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Expected: " << "0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3 4-3 6-4 5-5" << std::endl;
return (peshobool && kirobool);
bool wordAll2test(){
StringPiece line1 = StringPiece("4 9 1");
StringPiece line2 = StringPiece("3255 9 1");
std::vector<int> pesho;
bool peshobool = false;
bool kirobool = false;
std::vector<int> kiro;
pesho = splitWordAll2(line1);
kiro = splitWordAll2(line2);
if (pesho[0] == 4 && pesho[1] == 9 && pesho[2] == 1 && pesho.size() == 3){
peshobool = true;
} else {
std::cout << "Processed: " << pesho[0] << " " << pesho[1] << " " << pesho[2] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Size: " << pesho.size() << " Expected: 3" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Expected: " << "4 9 1" << std::endl;
if (kiro[0] == 3255 && kiro[1] == 9 && kiro[2] == 1 && kiro.size() == 3){
kirobool = true;
} else {
std::cout << "Processed: " << kiro[0] << " " << kiro[1] << " " << kiro[2] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Size: " << kiro.size() << " Expected: 3" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Expected: " << "3255 9 1" << std::endl;
return (peshobool && kirobool);
bool test_tokenization(){
StringPiece line1 = StringPiece("! ! ! ! ||| ! ! ! ! ||| 0.0804289 0.141656 0.0804289 0.443409 2.718 ||| 0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3 ||| 1 1 1");
StringPiece line2 = StringPiece("! ! ! ) , has ||| ! ! ! ) - , a ||| 0.0804289 0.0257627 0.0804289 0.00146736 2.718 ||| 0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3 4-4 4-5 5-6 ||| 1 1 1");
StringPiece line3 = StringPiece("! ! ! ) , ||| ! ! ! ) - , ||| 0.0804289 0.075225 0.0804289 0.00310345 2.718 ||| 0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3 4-4 4-5 ||| 1 1 1");
StringPiece line4 = StringPiece("! ! ! ) ||| ! ! ! ) . ||| 0.0804289 0.177547 0.0268096 0.000872597 2.718 ||| 0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3 ||| 1 3 1");
line_text output1 = splitLine(line1);
line_text output2 = splitLine(line2);
line_text output3 = splitLine(line3);
line_text output4 = splitLine(line4);
bool test1 = output1.prob == StringPiece("0.0804289 0.141656 0.0804289 0.443409 2.718");
bool test2 = output2.word_all1 == StringPiece("0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3 4-4 4-5 5-6");
bool test3 = output2.target_phrase == StringPiece("! ! ! ) - , a");
bool test4 = output3.source_phrase == StringPiece("! ! ! ) ,");
bool test5 = output4.word_all2 == StringPiece("1 3 1");
//std::cout << test1 << " " << test2 << " " << test3 << " " << test4 << std::endl;
return (test1 && test2 && test3 && test4 && test5);
bool test_linesplitter(){
StringPiece line1 = StringPiece("! ] 0.0738539 0.901133 0.0738539 0.65207 2.718 0-0 1-1 1 1 1");
target_text ans1;
ans1 = splitSingleTargetLine(line1);
/* For testing purposes
std::cout << ans1.target_phrase[0] << " " <<ans1.target_phrase[1] << " Size: " << ans1.target_phrase.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << ans1.word_all1[3] << " " << ans1.word_all2[2] << " " << ans1.prob[3] << std::endl; */
return (ans1.target_phrase.size() == 2 && ans1.prob.size() == 5 && ans1.word_all1.size() == 4 && ans1.word_all2.size() == 3);
bool test_linessplitter(){
StringPiece line1 = StringPiece("! ] 0.0738539 0.901133 0.0738539 0.65207 2.718 0-0 1-1 1 1 1\n\n! ) . proto došlo 0.0738539 7.14446e-06");
StringPiece line2 = StringPiece("! " ) 0.536553 0.75961 0.634108 0.532927 2.718 0-0 1-1 2-2 13 11 8\n! ) . 0.0369269 0.00049839 0.00671399 0.00372884 2.718 0-0 1-1 2-1 2-2 2 11 1\n" ! ) 0.0738539 0.75961 0.00671399 0.532927 2.718 1-0 0-1 2-2 1 11 1\nse ! " ) 0.0738539 0.75961 0.00671399 0.0225211 2.718 0-1 1-2 2-3 1 11 1\n\n! " , a to 0.0738539 0.0894238 0.0738539 0.048");
std::vector<target_text> ans1;
std::vector<target_text> ans2;
ans1 = splitTargetLine(line1);
ans2 = splitTargetLine(line2);
bool sizes = ans1.size() == 1 && ans2.size() == 4;
bool prob = ans1[0].prob[3] == 0.65207 && ans2[1].prob[1] == 0.00049839;
bool word_alls = ans2[0].word_all2[1] == 11 && ans2[3].word_all1[5] == 3;
/* FOr testing
std::cout << ans1.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << ans2.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << ans1[0].prob[3] << std::endl;
std::cout << ans2[1].prob[1] << std::endl;
std::cout << ans2[0].word_all2[1] << std::endl;
std::cout << ans2[3].word_all1[5] << std::endl; */
return sizes && prob && word_alls;
int main(){
if (probabilitiesTest() && wordAll1test() && wordAll2test() && test_tokenization() && test_linesplitter() && test_linessplitter() && test_vectorinsert()){
std::cout << "All tests pass!" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Failiure in some tests!" << std::endl;
return 1;
} |