Jeroen Vermeulen ef028446f3 Add license notices to scripts.
This is not pleasant to read (and much, much less pleasant to write!) but
sort of necessary in an open project.  Right now it's quite hard to figure
out what is licensed how, which doesn't matter much to most people but can
suddenly become very important when people want to know what they're being
allowed to do.

I kept the notices as short as I could.  As far as I could see, everything
without a clear license notice is LGPL v2.1 or later.
2015-05-29 18:30:26 +07:00

3685 lines
124 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General
# Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version.
# Experiment Management System
# Documentation at
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long "GetOptions";
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
sub trim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
my $host = `hostname`; chop($host);
print STDERR "STARTING UP AS PROCESS $$ ON $host AT ".`date`;
my $SLEEP = 2;
my $META = "$RealBin/experiment.meta";
# check if it is run on a multi-core machine
# set number of maximal concurrently active processes
my ($MULTICORE,$MAX_ACTIVE) = (0,2);
# check if running on a gridengine cluster
# get command line options;
die("experiment.perl -config config-file [-exec] [-no-graph]")
unless &GetOptions('config=s' => \$CONFIG_FILE,
'continue=i' => \$CONTINUE,
'delete-crashed=i' => \$DELETE_CRASHED,
'delete-run=i' => \$DELETE_VERSION,
'delete-version=i' => \$DELETE_VERSION,
'ignore-time' => \$IGNORE_TIME,
'exec' => \$EXECUTE,
'cluster' => \$CLUSTER,
'multicore' => \$MULTICORE,
'final-step=s' => \$FINAL_STEP,
'final-out=s' => \$FINAL_OUT,
'meta=s' => \$META,
'verbose' => \$VERBOSE,
'sleep=i' => \$SLEEP,
'max-active=i' => \$MAX_ACTIVE,
'no-graph' => \$NO_GRAPH);
if (! -e "steps") { `mkdir -p steps`; }
die("error: could not find config file")
unless ($CONFIG_FILE && -e $CONFIG_FILE) ||
($CONTINUE && -e &steps_file("config.$CONTINUE",$CONTINUE)) ||
($DELETE_CRASHED && -e &steps_file("config.$DELETE_CRASHED",$DELETE_CRASHED)) ||
($DELETE_VERSION && -e &steps_file("config.$DELETE_VERSION",$DELETE_VERSION));
my (@MODULE,
%STEP_OUTNAME, # output file name for step result
%STEP_TMPNAME, # tmp directory to be used by step
%STEP_FINAL, # output is part of the final model, not an intermediate step
%STEP_PASS, # config parameters that have to be set, otherwise pass
%STEP_PASS_IF, # config parameters that have to be not set, otherwise pass
%STEP_IGNORE, # config parameters that have to be set, otherwise ignore
%STEP_IGNORE_IF, # config parameters that have to be not set, otherwise ignore
%QSUB_SCRIPT, # flag if script contains qsub's when run on cluster
%QSUB_STEP, # flag if step contains qsub's when run on cluster
%RERUN_ON_CHANGE, # config parameter whose change invalidates old runs
%ONLY_EXISTENCE_MATTERS, # re-use check only on existance, not value
%MULTIREF, # flag if step may be run on multiple sets (reference translations)
%TEMPLATE, # template if step follows a simple pattern
%TEMPLATE_IF, # part of template that is conditionally executed
%ONLY_FACTOR_0, # only run on a corpus that includes surface word
%PARALLELIZE, # flag, if step may be run through parallelizer
%ERROR, # patterns to check in stderr that indicate errors
%NOT_ERROR); # patterns that override general error indicating patterns
print "LOAD CONFIG...\n";
my (@MODULE_LIST, # list of modules (included sets) used
%CONFIG); # all (expanded) parameter settings from configuration file
print "working directory is ".&check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir")."\n";
my $VERSION = 0; # experiment number
&compute_version_number() if $EXECUTE && !$CONTINUE && !$DELETE_CRASHED && !$DELETE_VERSION;
`mkdir -p steps/$VERSION` unless -d "steps/$VERSION";
&log_config() unless $DELETE_CRASHED || $DELETE_VERSION;
print "running experimental run number $VERSION\n";
my (%NEEDED, # mapping of input files to step numbers
%USES_INPUT, # mapping of step numbers to input files
@DO_STEP, # list of steps with fully specified name (LM:all:binarize)
%STEP_LOOKUP,# mapping from step name to step number
%PASS, # steps for which no action needs to be taken
%GIVEN); # mapping of given output files to fully specified name
if (defined($DELETE_CRASHED)) {
if (defined($DELETE_VERSION)) {
my @RE_USE; # maps re-usable steps to older versions
my %RECURSIVE_RE_USE; # stores links from .INFO files that record prior re-use
print "\nDEFINE STEPS (run with -exec if everything ok)\n" unless $EXECUTE || $CONTINUE;
&define_step("all") unless $EXECUTE || $CONTINUE;
print "\nEXECUTE STEPS\n" if $EXECUTE;
my (%DO,%DONE,%CRASHED); # tracks steps that are currently processed or done
&execute_steps() if $EXECUTE;
# graph that depicts steps of the experiment, with depedencies
sub init_agenda_graph() {
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my $graph_file = &steps_file("graph.$VERSION",$VERSION);
open(PS,">".$graph_file.".ps") or die "Cannot open: $!";
print PS "%!\n"
."/Helvetica findfont 36 scalefont setfont\n"
."72 72 moveto\n"
."(its all gone blank...) show\n"
`convert -alpha off $ $graph_file.png`;
if (!$NO_GRAPH && !fork) {
# use ghostview by default, it it is installed
if (`which gv 2> /dev/null`) {
`gv -watch $`;
# ... otherwise use graphviz's display
else {
`display -update 10 $graph_file.png`;
#gotta exit the fork once the user has closed gv. Otherwise we'll have an extra instance of
#experiment.perl floating around running steps in parallel with its parent.
# detection of cluster or multi-core machines
sub detect_machine {
my ($hostname,$list) = @_;
$list =~ s/\s+/ /;
$list =~ s/^ //;
$list =~ s/ $//;
foreach my $machine (split(/ /,$list)) {
return 1 if $hostname =~ /$machine/;
return 0;
sub detect_if_cluster {
my $hostname = `hostname`; chop($hostname);
foreach my $line (`cat $RealBin/experiment.machines`) {
next unless $line =~ /^cluster: (.+)$/;
if (&detect_machine($hostname,$1)) {
print "running on a cluster\n" if $CLUSTER;
sub detect_if_multicore {
my $hostname = `hostname`; chop($hostname);
foreach my $line (`cat $RealBin/experiment.machines`) {
next unless $line =~ /^multicore-(\d+): (.+)$/;
my ($cores,$list) = ($1,$2);
if (&detect_machine($hostname,$list)) {
$MAX_ACTIVE = $cores;
### Read the meta information about all possible steps
sub read_meta {
open(META,$META) || die("ERROR: no meta file at $META");
my ($module,$step);
while(<META>) {
s/\#.*$//; # strip comments
next if /^\s*$/;
while (/\\\s*$/) {
$_ .= <META>;
s/\s*\\\s*[\n\r]*\s+/ /;
if (/^\[(.+)\]\s+(\S+)/) {
$module = $1;
push @MODULE,$module;
$MODULE_TYPE{$module} = $2;
# print "MODULE_TYPE{$module} = $2;\n";
elsif (/^(\S+)/) {
$step = $1;
push @{$MODULE_STEP{$module}},$step;
# print "{MODULE_STEP{$module}},$step;\n";
elsif (/^\s+(\S+): (.+\S)\s*$/) {
if ($1 eq "in") {
@{$STEP_IN{"$module:$step"}} = split(/\s+/,$2);
elsif ($1 eq "out") {
$STEP_OUT{"$module:$step"} = $2;
elsif ($1 eq "default-name") {
$STEP_OUTNAME{"$module:$step"} = $2;
elsif ($1 eq "tmp-name") {
$STEP_TMPNAME{"$module:$step"} = $2;
elsif ($1 eq "final-model") {
$STEP_FINAL{"$module:$step"} = $2;
elsif ($1 eq "pass-unless") {
@{$STEP_PASS{"$module:$step"}} = split(/\s+/,$2);
push @{$RERUN_ON_CHANGE{"$module:$step"}}, split(/\s+/,$2);
elsif ($1 eq "pass-if") {
@{$STEP_PASS_IF{"$module:$step"}} = split(/\s+/,$2);
push @{$RERUN_ON_CHANGE{"$module:$step"}}, split(/\s+/,$2);
elsif ($1 eq "ignore-unless") {
$STEP_IGNORE{"$module:$step"} = $2;
elsif ($1 eq "ignore-if") {
$STEP_IGNORE_IF{"$module:$step"} = $2;
elsif ($1 eq "qsub-script") {
elsif ($1 eq "rerun-on-change") {
push @{$RERUN_ON_CHANGE{"$module:$step"}}, split(/\s+/,$2);
elsif ($1 eq "only-existence-matters") {
elsif ($1 eq "multiref") {
$MULTIREF{"$module:$step"} = $2;
elsif ($1 eq "template") {
my $escaped_template = $2;
$escaped_template =~ s/^IN/EMS_IN_EMS/;
$escaped_template =~ s/ IN(\d*)/ EMS_IN$1_EMS/g;
$escaped_template =~ s/ OUT/ EMS_OUT_EMS/g;
$escaped_template =~ s/TMP/EMS_TMP_EMS/g;
$TEMPLATE{"$module:$step"} = $escaped_template;
elsif ($1 eq "template-if") {
my $escaped_template = $2;
$escaped_template =~ s/^IN/EMS_IN_EMS/;
$escaped_template =~ s/ IN(\d*)/ EMS_IN$1_EMS/g;
$escaped_template =~ s/ OUT/ EMS_OUT_EMS/g;
$escaped_template =~ s/TMP/EMS_TMP_EMS/g;
my @IF = split(/\s+/,$escaped_template);
push @{$TEMPLATE_IF{"$module:$step"}}, \@IF;
elsif ($1 eq "parallelizable") {
elsif ($1 eq "only-factor-0") {
elsif ($1 eq "error") {
push @{$ERROR{"$module:$step"}}, $2;
elsif ($1 eq "not-error") {
push @{$NOT_ERROR{"$module:$step"}}, $2;
else {
die("META ERROR unknown parameter: $1");
else {
die("META ERROR buggy line $_");
### Read the configuration file
sub read_config {
# read the file
my $module = "GENERAL";
my $error = 0;
my $ignore = 0;
my $line_count=0;
while(<INI>) {
s/\#.*$//; # strip comments
next if /^\#/ || /^\s*$/;
while (/\\\s*$/) { # merge with next line
s/\s*\\\s*$/ /;
$_ .= <INI>;
if (/^\[(.+)\]/) {
$module = $1;
$ignore = /ignore/i;
push @MODULE_LIST,$1 unless $ignore;
elsif (! $ignore) {
if (/^(\S+) = (.+)$/) {
my $parameter = $1;
my $value = $2;
$value =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$value =~ s/^ //;
$value =~ s/ $//;
my @VALUE;
if ($value =~ /^\"(.*)\"$/) {
@VALUE = ($1);
else {
@VALUE = split(/ /,$value);
$CONFIG{"$module:$parameter"} = \@VALUE;
else {
print STDERR "BUGGY CONFIG LINE ($line_count): $_";
die("$error ERROR".(($error>1)?"s":"")." IN CONFIG FILE") if $error;
# resolve parameters used in values
my $resolve = 1;
my $loop_count = 0;
while($resolve && $loop_count++ < 100) {
$resolve = 0;
foreach my $parameter (keys %CONFIG) {
foreach (@{$CONFIG{$parameter}}) {
next unless /\$/;
my $escaped = 0;
die ("BAD USE OF \$ IN VALUE used in parameter $parameter")
if ! ( /^(.*)\$([a-z\-\:\d]+)(.*)$/i ||
(/^(.*)\$\{([a-z\-\:\d]+)\}(.*)$/i && ($escaped = 1)));
my ($pre,$substitution,$post) = ($1,$2,$3);
my $pattern = $substitution;
if ($substitution !~ /\:/) { # handle local variables
$parameter =~ /^(.+)\:/;
$substitution = $1.":".$substitution;
my $orig = $substitution;
$substitution =~ s/^(.+):.+:(.+)$/$1:$2/ # not set-specific
unless defined($CONFIG{$substitution});
$substitution = "GENERAL:$2" # back off to general
unless defined($CONFIG{$substitution});
die ("UNKNOWN PARAMETER $orig used in parameter $parameter")
unless defined($CONFIG{$substitution});
my $o = $CONFIG{$substitution}[0];
print "changing $_ to " if $VERBOSE;
s/\$\{$pattern\}/$o/ if $escaped;
s/\$$pattern/$o/ unless $escaped;
print "$_\n" if $VERBOSE;
if (/\$/) {
print "more resolving needed\n" if $VERBOSE;
$resolve = 1;
# check if specified files exist
$error = 0;
foreach my $parameter (keys %CONFIG) {
foreach (@{$CONFIG{$parameter}}) {
next if $parameter =~ /temp-dir/;
next if (!/^\// || -e); # ok if not file, or exists
my $file = $_;
$file =~ s/ .+$//; # remove switches
my $gz = $file; $gz =~ s/\.gz$//;
next if -e $gz; # ok if non gzipped exists
next if `find $file* -maxdepth 0 -follow`; # ok if stem
print STDERR "$parameter: file $_ does not exist!\n";
die if $error;
# log parameter settings into a file
sub log_config {
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
`mkdir -p $dir/steps`;
my $config_file = &steps_file("config.$VERSION",$VERSION);
`cp $CONFIG_FILE $config_file` unless $CONTINUE;
open(PARAMETER,">".&steps_file("parameter.$VERSION",$VERSION)) or die "Cannot open: $!";
foreach my $parameter (sort keys %CONFIG) {
print PARAMETER "$parameter =";
foreach (@{$CONFIG{$parameter}}) {
print PARAMETER " ".$_;
print PARAMETER "\n";
### find steps to run
sub find_steps {
# find final output to be produced by the experiment
if (defined($FINAL_OUT)) {
push @{$NEEDED{$FINAL_OUT}}, "final";
elsif (!defined($FINAL_STEP)) {
push @{$NEEDED{"REPORTING:report"}}, "final";
# go through each module
while(1) {
my $step_count_before = scalar(@DO_STEP);
for(my $m=$#MODULE; $m>=0; $m--) {
my $module = $MODULE[$m];
# if module is "multiple" go through each set
if ($MODULE_TYPE{$module} eq "multiple") {
my @SETS = &get_sets($module);
foreach my $set (@SETS) {
# if module is "synchronous" go through each set of previous
elsif ($MODULE_TYPE{$module} eq "synchronous") {
my $previous_module = $MODULE[$m-1];
my @SETS = &get_sets($previous_module);
foreach my $set (@SETS) {
# otherwise, execute module once
else {
last if $step_count_before == scalar(@DO_STEP);
sub find_steps_for_module {
my ($module,$set,$final_module) = @_;
print "processing module $module:$set\n" if $VERBOSE;
# go through potential steps from last to first (counter-chronological)
foreach my $stepname (reverse @{$MODULE_STEP{$module}}) {
my $step = &construct_name($module,$set,$stepname);
my $defined_step = &defined_step($step); # without set
next if defined($STEP_LOOKUP{$step});
# FIRST, some checking...
print "\tchecking step: $step\n" if $VERBOSE;
# only add this step, if its output is needed by another step
my $out = &construct_name($module,$set,$STEP_OUT{$defined_step});
print "\t\tproduces $out\n" if $VERBOSE;
next unless defined($NEEDED{$out}) || (defined($FINAL_STEP) && $FINAL_STEP eq $step);
print "\t\tneeded\n" if $VERBOSE;
# if output of a step is specified, you do not have
# to execute that step
if(defined($CONFIG{$out})) {
$GIVEN{$out} = $step;
print "\t\toutput not specified in config\n" if $VERBOSE;
# not needed, if optional and not specified
if (defined($STEP_IGNORE{$defined_step})) {
my $next = 0;
my $and = 0;
my @IGNORE = split(/ /,$STEP_IGNORE{$defined_step});
if ($IGNORE[0] eq "AND") {
$and = 1;
shift @IGNORE;
foreach my $ignore (@IGNORE) {
my $extended_name = &extend_local_name($module,$set,$ignore);
if (! &backoff_and_get($extended_name)) {
print "\t\tignored because of non-existance of ".$extended_name."\n" if $VERBOSE;
next if !$and && ($next == scalar @IGNORE); # OR: all parameters have to be missing
next if $and && $next; # AND: any parameter has to be missing
print "\t\t=> not all non-existant, not ignored" if $next && $VERBOSE;
# not needed, if alternative step is specified
if (defined($STEP_IGNORE_IF{$defined_step})) {
my $next = 0;
foreach my $ignore (split(/ /,$STEP_IGNORE_IF{$defined_step})) {
my $extended_name = &extend_local_name($module,$set,$ignore);
if (&backoff_and_get($extended_name)) {
print "\t\tignored because of existance of ".$extended_name."\n" if $VERBOSE;
next if $next;
# OK, add step to the list
push @DO_STEP,$step;
$STEP_LOOKUP{$step} = $#DO_STEP;
print "\tdo-step: $step\n" if $VERBOSE;
# mark as pass step (where no action is taken), if step is
# optional and nothing needs to be do done
if (defined($STEP_PASS{$defined_step})) {
my $flag = 1;
foreach my $pass (@{$STEP_PASS{$defined_step}}) {
$flag = 0
if &backoff_and_get(&extend_local_name($module,$set,$pass));
$PASS{$#DO_STEP}++ if $flag;
if (defined($STEP_PASS_IF{$defined_step})) {
my $flag = 0;
foreach my $pass (@{$STEP_PASS_IF{$defined_step}}) {
$flag = 1
if &backoff_and_get(&extend_local_name($module,$set,$pass));
$PASS{$#DO_STEP}++ if $flag;
# special case for passing: steps that only affect factor 0
if (defined($ONLY_FACTOR_0{$defined_step})) {
my $FACTOR = &backoff_and_get_array("LM:$set:factors");
if (defined($FACTOR)) {
my $ok = 0;
foreach my $factor (@{$FACTOR}) {
$ok++ if ($factor eq "word");
$PASS{$#DO_STEP}++ unless $ok;
# check for dependencies
foreach (@{$STEP_IN{$defined_step}}) {
my $in = $_;
# if multiple potential inputs, find first that matches
if ($in =~ /=OR=/) {
my @POTENTIAL_IN = split(/=OR=/,$in);
foreach my $potential_in (@POTENTIAL_IN) {
if (&check_producability($module,$set,$potential_in)) {
$in = $potential_in;
#die("ERROR: none of potential inputs $in possible for $step")
$in = $POTENTIAL_IN[$#POTENTIAL_IN] if $in =~ /=OR=/;
# define input(s) as needed by this step
my @IN = &construct_input($module,$set,$in);
foreach my $in (@IN) {
print "\t\tneeds input $in: " if $VERBOSE;
if(defined($CONFIG{$in}) && $CONFIG{$in}[0] =~ /^\[(.+)\]$/) {
# multiple input, explicitly defined (example: LM:{europarl,nc}:lm )
if ($CONFIG{$in}[0] =~ /^\[([^:]+):{(\S+)}:(\S+)\]$/) {
my @SETS = split(',', $2);
foreach my $set (@SETS) {
$in = &construct_name($1,$set,$3);
print $in if $VERBOSE;
push @{$NEEDED{$in}}, $#DO_STEP;
push @{$USES_INPUT{$#DO_STEP}},$in;
print "\n\t\tcross-directed to $in\n" if $VERBOSE;
$in = "";
else {
$in = $1;
print $in if $VERBOSE;
push @{$NEEDED{$in}}, $#DO_STEP;
print "\n\t\tcross-directed to $in\n" if $VERBOSE;
elsif(defined($CONFIG{$in})) {
print "\n\t\t... but that is specified\n" if $VERBOSE;
else {
push @{$NEEDED{$in}}, $#DO_STEP;
print "\n" if $VERBOSE;
push @{$USES_INPUT{$#DO_STEP}},$in;
sub check_producability {
my ($module,$set,$output) = @_;
# find $output requested as input by step in $module/$set
my @OUT = &construct_input($module,$set,$output);
# if multiple outputs (due to multiple sets merged into one),
# only one needs to exist
foreach my $out (@OUT) {
print "producable? $out\n" if $VERBOSE;
# producable, if specified as file in the command line
return 1 if defined($CONFIG{$out});
# find defined step that produces this
$out =~ s/:.+:/:/g;
my $defined_step;
foreach my $ds (keys %STEP_OUT) {
my ($ds_module) = &deconstruct_name($ds);
my $ds_out = &construct_name($ds_module,"",$STEP_OUT{$ds});
print "checking $ds -> $ds_out\n" if $VERBOSE;
$defined_step = $ds if $out eq $ds_out;
die("ERROR: cannot possibly produce output $out")
unless $defined_step;
# producable, if cannot be ignored
return 1 unless defined($STEP_IGNORE{$defined_step});
# producable, if required parameter specified
foreach my $ignore (split(/ /,$STEP_IGNORE{$defined_step})) {
my ($ds_module) = &deconstruct_name($defined_step);
my $ds_set = $set;
$ds_set = "" if $MODULE_TYPE{$ds_module} eq "single";
my $req = &construct_name($ds_module,$ds_set,$ignore);
print "producable req $req\n" if $VERBOSE;
return 1 if defined($CONFIG{$req});
print "not producable: ($module,$set,$output)\n" if $VERBOSE;
return 0;
# given a current module and set, expand the input definition
# into actual input file parameters
sub construct_input {
my ($module,$set,$in) = @_;
# potentially multiple input files
my @IN;
# input from same module
if ($in !~ /([^:]+):(\S+)/) {
push @IN, &construct_name($module,$set,$in);
# input from previous model, multiple
elsif ($MODULE_TYPE{$1} eq "multiple") {
my @SETS = &get_sets($1);
foreach my $set (@SETS) {
push @IN, &construct_name($1,$set,$2);
# input from previous model, synchronized to multiple
elsif ($1 eq "EVALUATION" && $module eq "REPORTING") {
my @SETS = &get_sets("EVALUATION");
foreach my $set (@SETS) {
push @IN, &construct_name($1,$set,$2);
# input from previous module, single (ignore current set)
else {
push @IN,$in;
return @IN;
# get the set names for a module that runs on multiple sets
# (e.g. multiple LMs, multiple training corpora, multiple test sets)
sub get_sets {
my ($config) = @_;
my @SET;
foreach (@MODULE_LIST) {
if (/^$config:([^:]+)/) {
push @SET,$1;
return @SET;
# delete step files for steps that have crashed
sub delete_crashed {
my $crashed = 0;
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
my $step_file = &versionize(&step_file($i),$DELETE_CRASHED);
next unless -e $step_file;
if (! -e $step_file.".DONE" || # interrupted (machine went down)
&check_if_crashed($i,$DELETE_CRASHED,"no wait")) { # noted crash
print "run with -exec to delete steps\n" if $crashed && !$EXECUTE;
print "nothing to do\n" unless $crashed;
# delete all step and data files for a version
sub delete_version {
# check which versions are already deleted
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
open(VERSION,"ls $dir/steps/*/deleted.* 2>/dev/null|");
while(<VERSION>) {
# check if any of the steps are re-used by other versions
open(VERSION,"ls $dir/steps|");
while(my $version = <VERSION>) {
next if $version !~ /^\d+/ || $version == 0;
while(<RE_USE>) {
next unless /^(.+) (\d+)$/;
my ($step,$re_use_version) = ($1,$2);
# a step in the current version that is used in other versions
$USED_BY_OTHERS{$step}++ if $re_use_version == $DELETE_VERSION && !defined($ALREADY_DELETED{$version});
# potentially deletable step in already deleted version that current version uses
push @{$DELETABLE{$re_use_version}}, $step if $version == $DELETE_VERSION && defined($ALREADY_DELETED{$re_use_version});
# not deletable step used by not-deleted version
$NOT_DELETABLE{$re_use_version}{$step}++ if $version != $DELETE_VERSION && !defined($ALREADY_DELETED{$version});
# go through all steps for which step files where created
open(STEPS,"ls $dir/steps/$DELETE_VERSION/[A-Z]*.$DELETE_VERSION|");
while(my $step_file = <STEPS>) {
my $step = &get_step_from_step_file($step_file);
next if $USED_BY_OTHERS{$step};
# orphan killing: delete steps in deleted versions, if they were only preserved because this version needed them
foreach my $version (keys %DELETABLE) {
foreach my $step (@{$DELETABLE{$version}}) {
next if defined($NOT_DELETABLE{$version}) && defined($NOT_DELETABLE{$version}{$step});
my $deleted_flag_file = &steps_file("deleted.$DELETE_VERSION",$DELETE_VERSION);
`touch $deleted_flag_file` if $EXECUTE;
sub get_step_from_step_file {
my ($step) = @_;
$step =~ s/^.+\///;
$step =~ s/\.\d+$//;
$step =~ s/_/:/g;
return $step;
sub delete_step {
my ($step_name,$version) = @_;
my ($module,$set,$step) = &deconstruct_name($step_name);
my $step_file = &versionize(&step_file2($module,$set,$step),$version);
print "delete step $step_file\n";
`rm $step_file $step_file.*` if $EXECUTE;
my $out_file = $STEP_OUTNAME{"$module:$step"};
$out_file =~ s/^(.+\/)([^\/]+)$/$1$set.$2/g if $set;
&delete_output(&versionize(&long_file_name($out_file,$module,$set), $version));
if (defined($STEP_TMPNAME{"$module:$step"})) {
my $tmp_file = &get_tmp_file($module,$set,$step,$version);
# delete output files that match a given prefix
sub delete_output {
my ($file) = @_;
# delete directory that matches exactly
if (-d $file) {
print "\tdelete directory $file\n";
`rm -r $file` if $EXECUTE;
# delete regular file that matches exactly
if (-e $file) {
print "\tdelete file $file\n";
`rm $file` if $EXECUTE;
# delete files that have additional extension
$file =~ /^(.+)\/([^\/]+)$/;
my ($dir,$f) = ($1,$2);
my @FILES = `ls $file.* 2>/dev/null`;
foreach (`ls $dir`) {
next unless substr($_,0,length($f)) eq $f;
if (-e "$dir/$_") {
print "\tdelete file $dir/$_\n";
`rm $dir/$_` if $EXECUTE;
else {
print "\tdelete directory $dir/$_\n";
`rm -r $dir/$_` if $EXECUTE;
# look for completed step jobs from previous experiments
sub find_re_use {
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
return unless -e "$dir/steps";
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
%{$RE_USE[$i]} = ();
# find older steps from previous versions that can be re-used
open(LS,"find $dir/steps/* -maxdepth 1 -follow | sort -r |");
while(my $info_file = <LS>) {
next unless $info_file =~ /INFO$/;
$info_file =~ s/.+\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; # ignore path
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
# next if $RE_USE[$i]; # already found one
my $pattern = &step_file($i);
$pattern =~ s/\+/\\+/; # escape plus signs in file names
$pattern = "^$pattern.(\\d+).INFO\$";
$pattern =~ s/.+\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; # ignore path
next unless $info_file =~ /$pattern/;
my $old_version = $1;
print "re_use $i $DO_STEP[$i] (v$old_version) ".join(" ",keys %{$RE_USE[$i]})." ?\n" if $VERBOSE;
print "\tno info file ".&versionize(&step_file($i),$old_version).".INFO\n" if ! -e &versionize(&step_file($i),$old_version).".INFO" && $VERBOSE;
print "\tno done file " if ! -e &versionize(&step_file($i),$old_version).".DONE" && $VERBOSE;
if (! -e &versionize(&step_file($i),$old_version).".INFO") {
print "\tinfo file does not exist\n" if $VERBOSE;
print "\tnot re-usable\n" if $VERBOSE;
elsif (! -e &versionize(&step_file($i),$old_version).".DONE") {
print "\tstep not done (done file does not exist)\n" if $VERBOSE;
print "\tnot re-usable\n" if $VERBOSE;
elsif (! &check_info($i,$old_version) ) {
print "\tparameters from info file do not match\n" if $VERBOSE;
print "\tnot re-usable\n" if $VERBOSE;
elsif (&check_if_crashed($i,$old_version)) {
print "\tstep crashed\n" if $VERBOSE;
print "\tnot re-usable\n" if $VERBOSE;
else {
print "\tre-usable\n" if $VERBOSE;
# all preceding steps have to be re-usable
# otherwise output from old step can not be re-used
my $change = 1;
while($change) {
$change = 0;
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
next unless $RE_USE[$i];
foreach my $run (keys %{$RE_USE[$i]}) {
print "check on dependencies for $i ($run) $DO_STEP[$i]\n" if $VERBOSE;
foreach (@{$DEPENDENCY[$i]}) {
my $parent = $_;
print "\tchecking on $parent $DO_STEP[$parent]\n" if $VERBOSE;
# skip steps that are passed
while (defined($PASS{$parent})) {
if (scalar (@{$DEPENDENCY[$parent]}) == 0) {
$parent = 0;
print "\tprevious step's output is specified\n" if $VERBOSE;
else {
push @PASSING, $parent;
$parent = $DEPENDENCY[$parent][0];
print "\tmoving up to $parent $DO_STEP[$parent]\n" if $VERBOSE;
# check if parent step may be re-used
if ($parent) {
my $reuse_run = $run;
# if recursive re-use, switch to approapriate run
if (defined($RECURSIVE_RE_USE{$i,$run,$DO_STEP[$parent]})) {
print "\trecursive re-use run $reuse_run\n" if $VERBOSE;
$reuse_run = $RECURSIVE_RE_USE{$i,$run,$DO_STEP[$parent]};
# additional check for straight re-use
else {
# re-use step has to have passed the same steps
foreach (@PASSING) {
my $passed = $DO_STEP[$_];
$passed =~ s/:/_/g;
if (-e &steps_file("$passed.$run",$run)) {
$change = 1;
print "\tpassed step $DO_STEP[$_] used in re-use run $run -> fail\n" if $VERBOSE;
# re-use step has to exist for this run
if (! defined($RE_USE[$parent]{$reuse_run})) {
print "\tno previous step -> fail\n" if $VERBOSE;
$change = 1;
# summarize and convert hashes into integers for to be re-used
print "\nSTEP SUMMARY:\n";
open(RE_USE,">".&steps_file("re-use.$VERSION",$VERSION)) or die "Cannot open: $!";
for(my $i=$#DO_STEP;$i>=0;$i--) {
if ($PASS{$i}) {
$RE_USE[$i] = 0;
print "$i $DO_STEP[$i] ->\t";
if (scalar(keys %{$RE_USE[$i]})) {
my @ALL = sort { $a <=> $b} keys %{$RE_USE[$i]};
print "re-using (".join(" ",@ALL).")\n";
$RE_USE[$i] = $ALL[0];
if ($ALL[0] != $VERSION) {
print RE_USE "$DO_STEP[$i] $ALL[0]\n";
else {
print "run\n";
$RE_USE[$i] = 0;
sub find_dependencies {
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
@{$DEPENDENCY[$i]} = ();
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
my $step = $DO_STEP[$i];
$step =~ /^(.+:)[^:]+$/;
my $module_set = $1;
foreach my $needed_by (@{$NEEDED{$module_set.$STEP_OUT{&defined_step($step)}}}) {
print "$needed_by needed by $i\n" if $VERBOSE;
next if $needed_by eq 'final';
push @{$DEPENDENCY[$needed_by]},$i;
# for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
# print "to run step $i ($DO_STEP[$i]), we first need to run step(s) ".join(" ",@{$DEPENDENCY[$i]})."\n";
# }
sub draw_agenda_graph {
my %M;
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
open(DOT,">".&steps_file("graph.$",$VERSION)) or die "Cannot open: $!";
print DOT "digraph Experiment$VERSION {\n";
print DOT " ranksep=0;\n";
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
my $step = $DO_STEP[$i];
$step =~ /^(.+):[^:]+$/;
my $module_set = $1;
push @{$M{$module_set}},$i;
my $i = 0;
foreach (values %GIVEN) {
push @G,$_;
$GIVEN_NUMBER{$_} = $#G;
my $module_set = $1;
push @{$M{$module_set}},"g".($#G);
my $m = 0;
foreach my $module (keys %M) {
print DOT " subgraph cluster_".($m++)." {\n";
print DOT " fillcolor=\"lightyellow\";\n";
print DOT " shape=box;\n";
print DOT " style=filled;\n";
print DOT " fontsize=10;\n";
print DOT " label=\"$module\";\n";
foreach my $i (@{$M{$module}}) {
if ($i =~ /g(\d+)/) {
my $step = $G[$1];
$step =~ /^.+:([^:]+)$/;
print DOT " $i [label=\"$1\",shape=box,fontsize=10,height=0,style=filled,fillcolor=\"#c0b060\"];\n";
else {
my $step = $DO_STEP[$i];
$step =~ s/^.+:([^:]+)$/$1/;
$step .= " (".$RE_USE[$i].")" if $RE_USE[$i];
my $color = "green";
$color = "#0000ff" if defined($DO{$i}) && $DO{$i} >= 1;
$color = "#8080ff" if defined($DONE{$i}) || ($RE_USE[$i] && $RE_USE[$i] == $VERSION);
$color = "lightblue" if $RE_USE[$i] && $RE_USE[$i] != $VERSION;
$color = "red" if defined($CRASHED{$i});
$color = "lightyellow" if defined($PASS{$i});
print DOT " $i [label=\"$step\",shape=box,fontsize=10,height=0,style=filled,fillcolor=\"$color\"];\n";
print DOT " }\n";
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
foreach (@{$DEPENDENCY[$i]}) {
print DOT " $_ -> $i;\n";
# steps that do not have to be performed, because
# their output is given
foreach my $out (keys %GIVEN) {
foreach my $needed_by (@{$NEEDED{$out}}) {
print DOT " g".$GIVEN_NUMBER{$GIVEN{$out}}." -> $needed_by;\n";
print DOT "}\n";
my $graph_file = &steps_file("graph.$VERSION",$VERSION);
`dot -Tps $ >$`;
`convert -alpha off $ $graph_file.png`;
sub define_step {
my ($step) = @_;
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
`mkdir -p $dir` if ! -e $dir;
my @STEP;
if ($step eq "all") {
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
push @STEP,$i;
else {
@STEP = ($step);
foreach my $i (@STEP) {
next if $RE_USE[$i];
next if defined($PASS{$i});
next if &define_template($i);
if ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^CORPUS:(.+):factorize$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'SPLITTER:train') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^LM:(.+):factorize$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^LM:(.+):randomize$/ ||
$DO_STEP[$i] eq 'INTERPOLATED-LM:randomize') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^LM:(.+):train-randomized$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:prepare-data') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:prepare-data-fast-align') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:run-giza') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:run-giza-inverse') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:symmetrize-giza') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:build-biconcor') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:build-suffix-array') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:build-lex-trans') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:extract-phrases') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:build-reordering') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:build-ttable') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:build-transliteration-model') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:build-generation') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:sigtest-filter-ttable' ||
$DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:sigtest-filter-reordering') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:create-config' || $DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:create-config-interpolated-lm') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'INTERPOLATED-LM:factorize-tuning') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'INTERPOLATED-LM:interpolate') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'INTERPOLATED-LM:binarize' ||
$DO_STEP[$i] eq 'INTERPOLATED-LM:quantize' ||
$DO_STEP[$i] eq 'INTERPOLATED-LM:randomize') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TUNING:factorize-input') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TUNING:factorize-input-devtest') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TUNING:filter') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TUNING:filter-devtest') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TUNING:tune') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):factorize-input$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):filter$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):decode$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):analysis$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):analysis-precision$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):analysis-coverage$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):meteor$/) {
# &define_evaluation_meteor($1);
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):ter$/) {
# &define_evaluation_ter($1);
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'REPORTING:report') {
else {
print STDERR "ERROR: unknown step $DO_STEP[$i]\n";
# LOOP that executes the steps
# including checks, if needed to be executed, waiting for completion, and error detection
sub execute_steps {
my $running_file = &steps_file("running.$VERSION",$VERSION);
`touch $running_file`;
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
$DONE{$i}++ if $RE_USE[$i];
my $active = 0;
while(1) {
# find steps to be done
my $repeat_if_passed = 1;
while($repeat_if_passed) {
$repeat_if_passed = 0;
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
next if (defined($DONE{$i}));
next if (defined($DO{$i}));
next if (defined($CRASHED{$i}));
my $doable = 1;
# can't do steps whose predecedents are not done yet
foreach my $prev_step (@{$DEPENDENCY[$i]}) {
$doable = 0 if !defined($DONE{$prev_step});
next unless $doable;
$DO{$i} = 1;
# immediately label pass steps as done
next unless defined($PASS{$i});
$DONE{$i} = 1;
$repeat_if_passed = 1;
print "number of steps doable or running: ".(scalar keys %DO)." at ".`date`;
foreach my $step (keys %DO) { print "\t".($DO{$step}==2?"running: ":"doable: ").$DO_STEP[$step]."\n"; }
return unless scalar keys %DO;
# execute new step
my $done = 0;
foreach my $i (keys %DO) {
next unless $DO{$i} == 1;
if (defined($PASS{$i})) { # immediately label pass steps as done
elsif (! -e &versionize(&step_file($i)).".DONE") {
my $step = &versionize(&step_file($i));
# cluster job submission
if ($CLUSTER && (!&is_qsub_script($i) || (&backoff_and_get($DO_STEP[$i].":jobs") && (&backoff_and_get($DO_STEP[$i].":jobs")==1)))) {
my $qsub_args = &get_qsub_args($DO_STEP[$i]);
print "\texecuting $step via qsub $qsub_args ($active active)\n";
my $qsub_command="qsub $qsub_args -S /bin/bash -e $step.STDERR -o $step.STDOUT $step";
print "\t$qsub_command\n" if $VERBOSE;
# execute in fork
elsif ($CLUSTER || $active < $MAX_ACTIVE) {
print "\texecuting $step via sh ($active active)\n";
if (!fork) {
`sh $step >$step.STDOUT 2> $step.STDERR`;
# update state
&draw_agenda_graph() unless $done;
# sleep until one more step is done
while(! $done) {
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
`ls $dir/steps > /dev/null`; # nfs bug
foreach my $i (keys %DO) {
if (-e &versionize(&step_file($i)).".DONE") {
if (&check_if_crashed($i)) {
print "step $DO_STEP[$i] crashed\n";
else {
`touch $running_file`;
# a number of arguments to the job submission may be specified
# note that this is specific to your gridengine implementation
# and some options may not work.
sub get_qsub_args {
my ($step) = @_;
my $qsub_args = &backoff_and_get("$step:qsub-settings");
$qsub_args = "" unless defined($qsub_args);
my $memory = &get("$step:qsub-memory");
$qsub_args .= " -pe memory $memory" if defined($memory);
my $hours = &get("$step:qsub-hours");
$qsub_args .= " -l h_rt=$hours:0:0" if defined($hours);
my $project = &backoff_and_get("$step:qsub-project");
$qsub_args .= " -P $project" if defined($project);
$qsub_args =~ s/^ //;
print "qsub args: $qsub_args\n" if $VERBOSE;
return $qsub_args;
# certain scripts when run on the clusters submit jobs
# themselves, hence they are executed regularly ("sh script")
# instead of submited as jobs. here we check for that.
sub is_qsub_script {
my ($i) = @_;
return (defined($QSUB_STEP{$i}) ||
# write the info file that is consulted to check if
# a steps has to be redone, even if it was run before
sub write_info {
my ($i) = @_;
my $step = $DO_STEP[$i];
my $module_set = $step; $module_set =~ s/:[^:]+$//;
open(INFO,">".&versionize(&step_file($i)).".INFO") or die "Cannot open: $!";
my %VALUE = &get_parameters_relevant_for_re_use($i);
foreach my $parameter (keys %VALUE) {
print INFO "$parameter = $VALUE{$parameter}\n";
# record re-use for recursive re-use
foreach my $parent (@{$DEPENDENCY[$i]}) {
my $p = $parent;
while (defined($PASS{$p}) && scalar @{$DEPENDENCY[$p]}) {
$p = $DEPENDENCY[$p][0];
if ($RE_USE[$p]) {
print INFO "# reuse run $RE_USE[$p] for $DO_STEP[$p]\n";
# check the info file...
sub check_info {
my ($i,$version) = @_;
$version = $VERSION unless $version; # default: current version
my %VALUE = &get_parameters_relevant_for_re_use($i);
my ($module,$set,$step) = &deconstruct_name($DO_STEP[$i]);
my %INFO;
open(INFO,&versionize(&step_file($i),$version).".INFO") or die "Cannot open: $!";
while(<INFO>) {
if (/ = /) {
my ($parameter,$value) = split(/ = /,$_,2);
$INFO{$parameter} = $value;
elsif (/^\# reuse run (\d+) for (\S+)/) {
if ($1>0 && defined($STEP_LOOKUP{$2})) {
print "\tRECURSIVE_RE_USE{$i,$version,$2} = $1\n" if $VERBOSE;
$RECURSIVE_RE_USE{$i,$version,$2} = $1;
else {
print "\tnot using '$_', step $2 not required\n" if $VERBOSE;
return 0;
print "\tcheck parameter count current: ".(scalar keys %VALUE).", old: ".(scalar keys %INFO)."\n" if $VERBOSE;
return 0 unless scalar keys %INFO == scalar keys %VALUE;
foreach my $parameter (keys %VALUE) {
if (! defined($INFO{$parameter})) {
print "\told has no '$parameter' -> not re-usable\n" if $VERBOSE;
return 0;
print "\tcheck '$VALUE{$parameter}' eq '$INFO{$parameter}' -> " if $VERBOSE;
if (defined($ONLY_EXISTENCE_MATTERS{"$module:$step"}{$parameter})) {
print "existence ok\n" if $VERBOSE;
elsif (&match_info_strings($VALUE{$parameter},$INFO{$parameter})) {
print "ok\n" if $VERBOSE;
else {
print "mismatch\n" if $VERBOSE;
return 0;
print "\tall parameters match\n" if $VERBOSE;
return 1;
sub match_info_strings {
my ($current,$old) = @_;
$current =~ s/ $//;
$old =~ s/ $//;
return 1 if $current eq $old;
# ignore time stamps, if that option is used
if (defined($IGNORE_TIME)) {
$current =~ s/\[\d{10}\]//g;
$old =~ s/\[\d{10}\]//g;
return 1 if $current eq $old;
# allowing stars to substitute numbers
while($current =~ /^([^\*]+)\*(.*)$/) {
return 0 unless $1 eq substr($old,0,length($1)); # prefix must match
$current = $2;
return 0 unless substr($old,length($1)) =~ /^\d+(.*)$/; # must start with number
$old = $1;
return 1 if $old eq $current; # done if rest matches
return 0;
sub get_parameters_relevant_for_re_use {
my ($i) = @_;
my %VALUE;
my $step = $DO_STEP[$i];
#my $module_set = $step; $module_set =~ s/:[^:]+$//;
my ($module,$set,$dummy) = &deconstruct_name($step);
foreach my $parameter (@{$RERUN_ON_CHANGE{&defined_step($step)}}) {
#if ($parameter =~ /\//) {
# TODO: handle scripts that need to be checked for time stamps
my $value = &backoff_and_get_array(&extend_local_name($module,$set,$parameter));
$value = join(" ",@{$value}) if ref($value) eq 'ARRAY';
$VALUE{$parameter} = $value if $value;
my ($out,@INPUT) = &get_output_and_input($i);
my $actually_used = "USED";
foreach my $in_file (@INPUT) {
$actually_used .= " ".$in_file;
$VALUE{"INPUT"} = $actually_used;
foreach my $in_file (@{$USES_INPUT{$i}}) {
my $value = &backoff_and_get($in_file);
$VALUE{$in_file} = $value if $value;
# add timestamp to files
foreach my $value (values %VALUE) {
if ($value =~ /^\//) { # file name
my $file = $value;
$file =~ s/ .+//; # ignore switches
if (-e $file) {
my @filestat = stat($file);
$value .= " [".$filestat[9]."]";
# foreach my $parameter (keys %VALUE) {
# print "\t$parameter = $VALUE{$parameter}\n";
# }
return %VALUE;
sub check_if_crashed {
my ($i,$version,$no_wait) = @_;
$version = $VERSION unless $version; # default: current version
my $file = &versionize(&step_file($i),$version).".STDERR";
# while running, sometimes the STDERR file is slow in appearing - wait a bit just in case
if ($version == $VERSION && !$no_wait) {
my $j = 0;
while (! -e $file && $j < 100) {
#print "checking if $DO_STEP[$i]($version) crashed -> $file...\n";
return 1 if ! -e $file;
# check digest file (if it exists)
if (-e $file.".digest") {
my $error = 0;
open(DIGEST,$file.".digest") or die "Cannot open: $!";
while(<DIGEST>) {
print "\t$DO_STEP[$i]($version) crashed: $_" if $VERBOSE;
return $error;
# check against specified error patterns
open(ERROR,$file) or die "Cannot open: $!";
while(<ERROR>) {
foreach my $pattern (@{$ERROR{&defined_step_id($i)}},
'error','killed','core dumped','can\'t read',
'no such file or directory','unknown option',
'died at','exit code','permission denied',
'segmentation fault','abort',
'no space left on device', ': not found',
'can\'t locate', 'unrecognized option', 'Exception') {
if (/$pattern/i) {
my $not_error = 0;
if (defined($NOT_ERROR{&defined_step_id($i)})) {
foreach my $override (@{$NOT_ERROR{&defined_step_id($i)}}) {
$not_error++ if /$override/i;
if (!$not_error) {
push @DIGEST,$pattern;
print "\t$DO_STEP[$i]($version) crashed: $pattern\n" if $VERBOSE;
last if scalar(@DIGEST)>10
# check if output file empty
my $output = &get_default_file(&deconstruct_name($DO_STEP[$i]));
# currently only works for single output file
if (-e $output && -z $output) {
push @DIGEST,"output file $output is empty";
# save digest file
open(DIGEST,">$file.digest") or die "Cannot open: $!";
foreach (@DIGEST) {
print DIGEST $_."\n";
return scalar(@DIGEST);
# returns the name of the file where the step job is defined in
sub step_file {
my ($i) = @_;
my $step = $DO_STEP[$i];
$step =~ s/:/_/g;
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
return "$dir/steps/$step";
sub step_file2 {
my ($module,$set,$step) = @_;
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
`mkdir -p $dir/steps` if ! -e "$dir/steps";
my $file = "$dir/steps/$module" . ($set ? ("_".$set) : "") . "_$step";
return $file;
sub versionize {
my ($file,$version) = @_;
$version = $VERSION unless $version;
$file =~ s/steps\//steps\/$version\//;
return $file.".".$version;
sub defined_step_id {
my ($i) = @_;
return &defined_step($DO_STEP[$i]);
sub defined_step {
my ($step) = @_;
my $defined_step = $step;
$defined_step =~ s/:.+:/:/;
return $defined_step;
sub construct_name {
my ($module,$set,$step) = @_;
if (!defined($set) || $set eq "") {
return "$module:$step";
return "$module:$set:$step";
sub deconstruct_name {
my ($name) = @_;
my ($module,$set,$step);
if ($name !~ /:.+:/) {
($module,$step) = split(/:/,$name);
$set = "";
else {
($module,$set,$step) = split(/:/,$name);
# print "deconstruct_name $name -> ($module,$set,$step)\n";
return ($module,$set,$step);
sub deconstruct_local_name {
my ($module,$set,$name) = @_;
if ($name =~ /^(.+):(.+)$/) {
$module = $1;
$name = $2;
return ($module,$set,$name);
sub extend_local_name {
my ($module,$set,$name) = @_;
return &construct_name(&deconstruct_local_name($module,$set,$name));
### definition of steps
sub define_corpus_factorize {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my $scripts = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:moses-script-dir");
my ($output,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $output_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-extension");
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my $temp_dir = &check_and_get("INPUT-FACTOR:temp-dir") . ".$VERSION";
my $cmd = "mkdir -p $temp_dir\n"
. &factorize_one_language("INPUT-FACTOR",
. &factorize_one_language("OUTPUT-FACTOR",
sub define_tuningevaluation_factorize {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my $scripts = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:moses-script-dir");
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my ($output,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $temp_dir = &check_and_get("INPUT-FACTOR:temp-dir") . ".$VERSION";
my $cmd = "mkdir -p $temp_dir\n"
. &factorize_one_language("INPUT-FACTOR",$input,$output,
sub define_lm_factorize {
my ($step_id,$set) = @_;
my $scripts = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:moses-script-dir");
my ($output,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
print "LM:$set:factors\n" if $VERBOSE;
my $factor = &check_backoff_and_get_array("LM:$set:factors");
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my $temp_dir = &check_and_get("INPUT-FACTOR:temp-dir") . ".$VERSION";
my $cmd = "mkdir -p $temp_dir\n"
. &factorize_one_language("OUTPUT-FACTOR",$input,$output,$factor,$step_id);
sub define_interpolated_lm_factorize_tuning {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my $scripts = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:moses-script-dir");
my ($output,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $factor = &check_backoff_and_get_array("TRAINING:output-factors");
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my $temp_dir = &check_and_get("INPUT-FACTOR:temp-dir") . ".$VERSION";
my $cmd = "mkdir -p $temp_dir\n"
. &factorize_one_language("OUTPUT-FACTOR",$input,$output,$factor,$step_id);
sub define_splitter_train {
my ($step_id,$set) = @_;
my ($output,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $input_splitter = &get("GENERAL:input-splitter");
my $output_splitter = &get("GENERAL:output-splitter");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("SPLITTER:input-extension");
my $output_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("SPLITTER:output-extension");
my $cmd = "";
if ($input_splitter) {
$cmd .= "$input_splitter -train -model $output.$input_extension -corpus $input.$input_extension\n";
if ($output_splitter) {
$cmd .= "$output_splitter -train -model $output.$output_extension -corpus $input.$output_extension\n";
sub define_lm_train_randomized {
my ($step_id,$set) = @_;
my $training = &check_backoff_and_get("LM:$set:rlm-training");
my $order = &check_backoff_and_get("LM:$set:order");
my ($output,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
$output =~ /^(.+)\/([^\/]+)$/;
my ($output_dir,$output_prefix) = ($1,$2);
my $cmd = "gzip $input\n";
$cmd .= "$training -struct BloomMap -order $order -output-prefix $output_prefix -output-dir $output_dir -input-type corpus -input-path $input\n";
$cmd .= "gunzip $input\n";
$cmd .= "mv $output.BloomMap $output\n";
sub define_lm_randomize {
my ($step_id,$set_dummy) = @_;
my ($module,$set,$stepname) = &deconstruct_name($DO_STEP[$step_id]);
my $randomizer = &check_backoff_and_get("$module:$set:lm-randomizer");
my $order = &check_backoff_and_get("$module:$set:order");
my ($output,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
$output =~ /^(.+)\/([^\/]+)$/;
my ($output_dir,$output_prefix) = ($1,$2);
my $cmd = "$randomizer -struct BloomMap -order $order -output-prefix $output_prefix -output-dir $output_dir -input-type arpa -input-path $input\n";
$cmd .= "mv $output.BloomMap $output\n";
sub factorize_one_language {
my ($type,$infile,$outfile,$FACTOR,$step_id) = @_;
my $scripts = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:moses-script-dir");
my $temp_dir = &check_and_get("INPUT-FACTOR:temp-dir") . ".$VERSION";
my $parallelizer = &get("GENERAL:generic-parallelizer");
my ($module,$set,$stepname) = &deconstruct_name($DO_STEP[$step_id]);
my ($cmd,$list) = ("");
foreach my $factor (@{$FACTOR}) {
if ($factor eq "word") {
$list .= " $infile";
else {
my $script = &check_and_get("$type:$factor:factor-script");
my $out = "$outfile.$factor";
if ($parallelizer && defined($PARALLELIZE{&defined_step($DO_STEP[$step_id])})
&& ( (&get("$module:jobs") && $CLUSTER)
|| (&get("$module:cores") && $MULTICORE))) {
my $subdir = $module;
$subdir =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$subdir .= "/tmp.$set.$stepname.$type.$factor.$VERSION";
if ($CLUSTER) {
my $qflags = "";
my $qsub_args = &get_qsub_args($DO_STEP[$step_id]);
$qflags="--queue-flags \"$qsub_args\"" if ($CLUSTER && $qsub_args);
$cmd .= "$parallelizer $qflags -in $infile -out $out -cmd '$script %s %s $temp_dir/$subdir' -jobs ".&get("$module:jobs")." -tmpdir $temp_dir/$subdir\n";
elsif ($MULTICORE) {
$cmd .= "$parallelizer -in $infile -out $out -cmd '$script %s %s $temp_dir/$subdir' -cores ".&get("$module:cores")." -tmpdir $temp_dir/$subdir\n";
else {
$cmd .= "$script $infile $out $temp_dir\n";
$list .= " $out";
return $cmd . "$scripts/training/ $list > $outfile\n";
sub define_tuning_tune {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my $hierarchical = &get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set");
my $tuning_script = &check_and_get("TUNING:tuning-script");
my $use_mira = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:use-mira", 0);
my $word_alignment = &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:include-word-alignment-in-rules");
my $tmp_dir = &get_tmp_file("TUNING","","tune");
# the last 3 variables are only used for mira tuning
my ($tuned_config,$config,$input,$reference,$config_devtest,$input_devtest,$reference_devtest, $filtered_config) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
$config = $filtered_config if $filtered_config;
my $cmd = "";
if ($use_mira) {
my $addTags = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:add-tags");
my $use_jackknife = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:use-jackknife");
if ($addTags && !$use_jackknife) {
my $input_with_tags = $input.".".$VERSION.".tags";
`$addTags < $input > $input_with_tags`;
$input = $input_with_tags;
my $addTagsDevtest = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:add-tags-devtest");
if ($addTagsDevtest) {
my $input_devtest_with_tags = $input_devtest.".".$VERSION.".tags";
`$addTagsDevtest < $input_devtest > $input_devtest_with_tags`;
$input_devtest = $input_devtest_with_tags;
system("mkdir -p $tmp_dir");
my $mira_config = "$tmp_dir/mira-config.$VERSION.";
my $mira_config_log = $mira_config."log";
$mira_config .= "cfg";
#$cmd = "$tuning_script -config $mira_config -exec >& $mira_config_log";
# we want error messages in top-level log file
$cmd = "$tuning_script -config $mira_config -exec ";
# write script to select the best set of weights after training for the specified number of epochs -->
# cp to tuning/tmp.?/moses.ini
my $script_filename = "$tmp_dir/selectBestWeights.";
my $script_filename_log = $script_filename."log";
$script_filename .= "perl";
my $weight_output_file = "$tmp_dir/moses.ini";
write_selectBestMiraWeights($tmp_dir, $script_filename, $weight_output_file);
$cmd .= "\n$script_filename >& $script_filename_log";
else {
my $scripts = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:moses-script-dir");
my $nbest_size = &check_and_get("TUNING:nbest");
my $lambda = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:lambda");
my $tune_continue = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:continue");
my $skip_decoder = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:skip-decoder");
my $tune_inputtype = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:inputtype");
my $jobs = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:jobs");
my $decoder = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:decoder");
my $decoder_settings = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:decoder-settings");
$decoder_settings = "" unless $decoder_settings;
$decoder_settings .= " -v 0 " unless $CLUSTER && $jobs && $jobs>1;
my $tuning_settings = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:tuning-settings");
$tuning_settings = "" unless $tuning_settings;
$cmd = "$tuning_script $input $reference $decoder $config --nbest $nbest_size --working-dir $tmp_dir --decoder-flags \"$decoder_settings\" --rootdir $scripts $tuning_settings --no-filter-phrase-table";
$cmd .= " --lambdas \"$lambda\"" if $lambda;
$cmd .= " --continue" if $tune_continue;
$cmd .= " --skip-decoder" if $skip_decoder;
$cmd .= " --inputtype $tune_inputtype" if defined($tune_inputtype);
my $qsub_args = &get_qsub_args($DO_STEP[$step_id]);
$cmd .= " --queue-flags=\"$qsub_args\"" if ($CLUSTER && $qsub_args);
$cmd .= " --jobs $jobs" if $CLUSTER && $jobs && $jobs>1;
my $tuning_dir = $tuned_config;
$tuning_dir =~ s/\/[^\/]+$//;
$cmd .= "\nmkdir -p $tuning_dir";
$cmd .= "\ncp $tmp_dir/moses.ini $tuned_config";
sub write_mira_config {
my ($config_filename,$expt_dir,$tune_filtered_ini,$input,$reference,$devtest_filtered_ini,$input_devtest,$reference_devtest) = @_;
my $moses_src_dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-src-dir");
my $mira_src_dir = &backoff_and_get("GENERAL:mira-src-dir");
my $tuning_decoder_settings = &check_and_get("TUNING:decoder-settings");
my $start_weights = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:start-weight-config");
my $tuning_settings = &check_and_get("TUNING:tuning-settings");
my $parallel_settings = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:parallel-settings");
my $use_jackknife = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:use-jackknife");
# are we tuning a meta feature?
my $tune_meta_feature = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:tune-meta-feature");
my $tune_filtered_ini_start;
if (!$use_jackknife) {
$tune_filtered_ini =~ /.*\/([A-Za-z0-9\.\-\_]*)$/;
$tune_filtered_ini_start = $1;
$tune_filtered_ini_start = $expt_dir."/".$tune_filtered_ini_start.".start";
if ($start_weights) {
# apply start weights to filtered ini file, and pass the new ini to mira
print "DEBUG: $RealBin/support/substitute-weights.perl $start_weights $tune_filtered_ini $tune_filtered_ini_start \n";
system("$RealBin/support/substitute-weights.perl $start_weights $tune_filtered_ini $tune_filtered_ini_start");
# do we want to continue an interrupted experiment?
my $continue_expt = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:continue-expt");
my $continue_epoch = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:continue-epoch");
my $continue_weights = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:continue-weights");
# mira config file
open(CFG, ">$config_filename");
print CFG "[general] \n";
print CFG "name=expt \n";
print CFG "fold=0 \n";
print CFG "mpienv=openmpi_fillup_mark2 \n";
if ($mira_src_dir) {
print CFG "moses-home=".$mira_src_dir."\n";
else {
print CFG "moses-home=".$moses_src_dir."\n";
print CFG "working-dir=".$expt_dir."\n";
if ($continue_expt && $continue_expt > 0) {
print CFG "continue-expt=".$continue_expt."\n";
print CFG "continue-epoch=".$continue_epoch."\n";
print CFG "continue-weights=".$continue_weights."\n";
print CFG "tune-meta-feature=1 \n" if ($tune_meta_feature);
print CFG "jackknife=1 \n" if ($use_jackknife);
print CFG "wait-for-bleu=1 \n\n";
#print CFG "decoder-settings=".$tuning_decoder_settings."\n\n";
print CFG "[train] \n";
print CFG "trainer=\${moses-home}/bin/mira \n";
if ($use_jackknife) {
print CFG "input-files-folds=";
for my $i (0..9) {
my $addTags = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:add-tags");
if ($addTags) {
my $input_with_tags = $input.".".$VERSION.".tags";
`$addTags.only$i < $input.only$i > $input_with_tags.only$i`;
print CFG $input_with_tags.".only$i, " if $i<9;
print CFG $input_with_tags.".only$i" if $i==9;
else {
print CFG $input.".only$i, " if $i<9;
print CFG $input.".only$i" if $i==9;
print CFG "\n";
print CFG "reference-files-folds=";
for my $i (0..9) {
print CFG $reference.".only$i, " if $i<9;
print CFG $reference.".only$i" if $i==9;
print CFG "\n";
print CFG "moses-ini-files-folds=";
for my $i (0..9) {
print CFG $start_weights.".wo$i, " if $i<9;
print CFG $start_weights.".wo$i" if $i==9;
print CFG "\n";
else {
print CFG "input-file=".$input."\n";
print CFG "reference-files=".$reference."\n";
if ($start_weights) {
print CFG "moses-ini-file=".$tune_filtered_ini_start."\n";
else {
print CFG "moses-ini-file=".$tune_filtered_ini."\n";
print CFG "decoder-settings=".$tuning_decoder_settings." -text-type \"dev\"\n";
print CFG "hours=48 \n";
if ($parallel_settings) {
foreach my $setting (split(" ", $parallel_settings)) {
print CFG $setting."\n";
print CFG "extra-args=".$tuning_settings."\n\n";
print CFG "[devtest] \n";
if (&get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set")) {
print CFG "moses=\${moses-home}/bin/moses_chart \n";
else {
print CFG "moses=\${moses-home}/bin/moses \n";
# use multi-bleu to select the best set of weights
print CFG "bleu=\${moses-home}/scripts/generic/multi-bleu.perl \n";
print CFG "input-file=".$input_devtest."\n";
print CFG "reference-file=".$reference_devtest."\n";
print CFG "moses-ini-file=".$devtest_filtered_ini."\n";
print CFG "decoder-settings=".$tuning_decoder_settings." -text-type \"devtest\"\n";
print CFG "hours=12 \nextra-args= \nskip-dev=1 \nskip-devtest=0 \nskip-submit=0 \n";
sub write_selectBestMiraWeights {
my ($expt_dir, $script_filename, $weight_out_file) = @_;
open(SCR, ">$script_filename");
print SCR "#!/usr/bin/perl -w \nuse strict; \n\n";
print SCR "my \@devtest_bleu = glob(\"$expt_dir/*_devtest.bleu\"); \# expt_00_0_devtest.bleu \n";
print SCR "if (scalar(\@devtest_bleu) == 0) { \n";
print SCR "\tprint STDERR \"ERROR: no bleu files globbed, cannot find best weights.\\n\"; \n";
print SCR "\texit(1); \n";
print SCR "} \n\n";
print SCR "my (\$best_weights, \$best_id); \n";
print SCR "my \$best_bleu = -1; \n";
print SCR "my \$best_ratio = 0; \n";
print SCR "foreach my \$bleu_file (\@devtest_bleu) { \n";
print SCR "\t\$bleu_file =~ /_([\\d_]+)_devtest.bleu/; \n";
print SCR "\tmy \$id = \$1; \n";
print SCR "\topen(BLEU, \$bleu_file); \n";
print SCR "\tmy \$bleu = <BLEU>; \n";
print SCR "\t\$bleu =~ /BLEU = ([\\d\\.]+), .*ratio=([\\d\\.]+), /; \n";
print SCR "\tif (\$1 > \$best_bleu || (\$1 == \$best_bleu && (abs(1-\$2) < abs(1-\$best_ratio)))) { \n";
print SCR "\t\t\$best_bleu = \$1; \n";
print SCR "\t\t\$best_ratio = \$2; \n";
print SCR "\t\t# expt1-devtest.00_0.ini (incl. path to sparse weights) \n";
print SCR "\t\t(\$best_weights) = glob(\"$expt_dir/*devtest.\$id.ini\"); \n";
print SCR "\t} \n";
print SCR "} \n\n";
print SCR "print STDERR \"Best weights according to BLEU on devtest set: \$best_weights \\n\"; \n";
print SCR "system(\"cp \$best_weights $weight_out_file\"); \n\n";
system("chmod u+x $script_filename");
sub define_training_prepare_data_fast_align {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($prepared, $corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $scripts = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-script-dir");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $output_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-extension");
my $alignment_factors = "";
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-factors")) {
my %IN = &get_factor_id("input");
my %OUT = &get_factor_id("output");
$alignment_factors = &encode_factor_definition("alignment-factors",\%IN,\%OUT);
my $cmd = "$scripts/ems/support/prepare-fast-align.perl $corpus.$input_extension $corpus.$output_extension $alignment_factors > $prepared";
sub define_training_prepare_data {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($prepared, $corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(1);
$cmd .= "-corpus $corpus ";
$cmd .= "-corpus-dir $prepared ";
sub define_training_run_giza {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($giza, $prepared) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(2);
$cmd .= "-corpus-dir $prepared ";
$cmd .= "-giza-e2f $giza ";
$cmd .= "-direction 2 ";
sub define_training_run_giza_inverse {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($giza, $prepared) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(2);
$cmd .= "-corpus-dir $prepared ";
$cmd .= "-giza-f2e $giza ";
$cmd .= "-direction 1 ";
sub define_training_symmetrize_giza {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($aligned, $giza,$giza_inv) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $method = &check_and_get("TRAINING:alignment-symmetrization-method");
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(3);
my $alignment_stem = &versionize(&long_file_name("aligned","model",""));
$cmd .= "-giza-e2f $giza -giza-f2e $giza_inv ";
$cmd .= "-alignment-file $aligned ";
$cmd .= "-alignment-stem $alignment_stem ";
$cmd .= "-alignment $method ";
sub define_training_build_suffix_array {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my $scripts = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-script-dir");
my ($model, $aligned,$corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $sa_exec_dir = &check_and_get("TRAINING:suffix-array");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $output_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-extension");
my $method = &check_and_get("TRAINING:alignment-symmetrization-method");
my $glue_grammar_file = &versionize(&long_file_name("glue-grammar","model",""));
my $cmd = "$scripts/training/wrappers/adam-suffix-array/ $sa_exec_dir $corpus.$input_extension $corpus.$output_extension $aligned.$method $model $glue_grammar_file";
sub define_training_build_biconcor {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($model, $aligned,$corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $biconcor = &check_and_get("TRAINING:biconcor");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $output_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-extension");
my $method = &check_and_get("TRAINING:alignment-symmetrization-method");
my $cmd = "$biconcor -c $corpus.$input_extension -t $corpus.$output_extension -a $aligned.$method -s $model";
sub define_training_build_lex_trans {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($lex, $aligned,$corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $baseline_alignment = &get("TRAINING:baseline-alignment");
my $baseline_corpus = &get("TRAINING:baseline-corpus");
my $alignment_stem = &versionize(&long_file_name("aligned","model",""));
$alignment_stem = $CONFIG{"TRAINING:word-alignment"}[0] if defined($CONFIG{"TRAINING:word-alignment"});
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(4);
$cmd .= "-lexical-file $lex ";
$cmd .= "-alignment-file $aligned ";
$cmd .= "-alignment-stem $alignment_stem ";
$cmd .= "-corpus $corpus ";
$cmd .= "-baseline-corpus $baseline_corpus " if defined($baseline_corpus) && defined($baseline_alignment);
$cmd .= "-baseline-alignment $baseline_alignment " if defined($baseline_corpus) && defined($baseline_alignment);
sub define_training_build_transliteration_model {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($model, $corpus, $alignment) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $moses_script_dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-script-dir");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $output_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-extension");
my $sym_method = &check_and_get("TRAINING:alignment-symmetrization-method");
my $moses_src_dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-src-dir");
my $external_bin_dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:external-bin-dir");
my $srilm_dir = &check_and_get("TRAINING:srilm-dir");
my $decoder = &get("TRAINING:transliteration-decoder");
my $cmd = "$moses_script_dir/Transliteration/";
$cmd .= " --corpus-f $corpus.$input_extension";
$cmd .= " --corpus-e $corpus.$output_extension";
$cmd .= " --alignment $alignment.$sym_method";
$cmd .= " --out-dir $model";
$cmd .= " --moses-src-dir $moses_src_dir";
$cmd .= " --decoder $decoder" if defined($decoder);
$cmd .= " --external-bin-dir $external_bin_dir";
$cmd .= " --srilm-dir $srilm_dir";
$cmd .= " --input-extension $input_extension";
$cmd .= " --output-extension $output_extension";
$cmd .= " --factor 0-0";
$cmd .= " --source-syntax " if &get("GENERAL:input-parser");
$cmd .= " --target-syntax " if &get("GENERAL:output-parser");
&create_step($step_id, $cmd);
sub define_training_extract_phrases {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($extract, $aligned,$corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(5);
my $alignment_stem = &versionize(&long_file_name("aligned","model",""));
$alignment_stem = $CONFIG{"TRAINING:word-alignment"}[0] if defined($CONFIG{"TRAINING:word-alignment"});
$cmd .= "-alignment-file $aligned ";
$cmd .= "-alignment-stem $alignment_stem ";
$cmd .= "-extract-file $extract ";
$cmd .= "-corpus $corpus ";
if (&get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set")) {
my $no_glue_grammar = &get("TRAINING:no-glue-grammar");
if (!defined($no_glue_grammar) || $no_glue_grammar eq "false") {
my $glue_grammar_file = &get("TRAINING:glue-grammar");
$glue_grammar_file = &versionize(&long_file_name("glue-grammar","model",""))
unless $glue_grammar_file;
$cmd .= "-glue-grammar-file $glue_grammar_file ";
if (&get("GENERAL:output-parser") && (&get("TRAINING:use-unknown-word-labels") || &get("TRAINING:use-unknown-word-soft-matches"))) {
my $unknown_word_label = &versionize(&long_file_name("unknown-word-label","model",""));
$cmd .= "-unknown-word-label $unknown_word_label ";
if (&get("GENERAL:output-parser") && &get("TRAINING:use-unknown-word-soft-matches")) {
my $unknown_word_soft_matches = &versionize(&long_file_name("unknown-word-soft-matches","model",""));
$cmd .= "-unknown-word-soft-matches $unknown_word_soft_matches ";
if (&get("TRAINING:use-ghkm")) {
$cmd .= "-ghkm ";
if (&get("TRAINING:ghkm-tree-fragments")) {
$cmd .= "-ghkm-tree-fragments ";
if (&get("TRAINING:ghkm-phrase-orientation")) {
$cmd .= "-ghkm-phrase-orientation ";
my $phrase_orientation_priors_file = &versionize(&long_file_name("phrase-orientation-priors","model",""));
$cmd .= "-phrase-orientation-priors-file $phrase_orientation_priors_file ";
if (&get("TRAINING:ghkm-source-labels")) {
$cmd .= "-ghkm-source-labels ";
my $source_labels_file = &versionize(&long_file_name("source-labels","model",""));
$cmd .= "-ghkm-source-labels-file $source_labels_file ";
if (&get("TRAINING:ghkm-parts-of-speech")) {
$cmd .= "-ghkm-parts-of-speech ";
my $parts_of_speech_labels_file = &versionize(&long_file_name("parts-of-speech","model",""));
$cmd .= "-ghkm-parts-of-speech-file $parts_of_speech_labels_file ";
if (&get("TRAINING:ghkm-parts-of-speech-factor")) {
$cmd .= "-ghkm-parts-of-speech-factor ";
if (&get("TRAINING:ghkm-strip-bitpar-nonterminal-labels")) {
$cmd .= "-ghkm-strip-bitpar-nonterminal-labels ";
my $extract_settings = &get("TRAINING:extract-settings");
$extract_settings .= " --IncludeSentenceId " if &get("TRAINING:domain-features");
$cmd .= "-extract-options '".$extract_settings."' " if defined($extract_settings);
my $baseline_extract = &get("TRAINING:baseline-extract");
$cmd .= "-baseline-extract $baseline_extract" if defined($baseline_extract);
sub define_training_build_ttable {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($phrase_table, $extract,$lex,$domains) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $word_report = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:report-precision-by-coverage");
my $word_alignment = &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:include-word-alignment-in-rules");
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(6);
$cmd .= "-extract-file $extract ";
$cmd .= "-lexical-file $lex ";
$cmd .= &get_table_name_settings("translation-factors","phrase-translation-table",$phrase_table);
$cmd .= "-no-word-alignment " if defined($word_alignment) && $word_alignment eq "no";
$cmd .= &define_domain_feature_score_option($domains) if &get("TRAINING:domain-features");
if (&get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set")) {
if (&get("TRAINING:ghkm-tree-fragments")) {
$cmd .= "-ghkm-tree-fragments ";
if (&get("TRAINING:ghkm-phrase-orientation")) {
$cmd .= "-ghkm-phrase-orientation ";
my $phrase_orientation_priors_file = &versionize(&long_file_name("phrase-orientation-priors","model",""));
$cmd .= "-phrase-orientation-priors-file $phrase_orientation_priors_file ";
if (&get("TRAINING:ghkm-source-labels")) {
$cmd .= "-ghkm-source-labels ";
my $source_labels_file = &versionize(&long_file_name("source-labels","model",""));
$cmd .= "-ghkm-source-labels-file $source_labels_file ";
if (&get("TRAINING:ghkm-parts-of-speech")) {
$cmd .= "-ghkm-parts-of-speech ";
my $parts_of_speech_labels_file = &versionize(&long_file_name("parts-of-speech","model",""));
$cmd .= "-ghkm-parts-of-speech-file $parts_of_speech_labels_file ";
sub define_domain_feature_score_option {
my ($domains) = @_;
my $spec = &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:domain-features");
my ($method,$restricted_to_table) = ("","");
$method = "Indicator" if $spec =~ /indicator/;
$method = "Ratio" if $spec =~ /ratio/;
$method = "Subset" if $spec =~ /subset/;
$restricted_to_table = $1 if $spec =~ /( table \S+)/;
die("ERROR: faulty TRAINING:domain-features spec (no method): $spec\n") unless defined($method);
if ($spec =~ /sparse/) {
return "-score-options '--SparseDomain$method $domains$restricted_to_table' ";
else {
return "-score-options '--Domain$method $domains' ";
sub define_training_build_reordering {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($reordering_table, $extract) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(7);
$cmd .= "-extract-file $extract ";
$cmd .= &get_table_name_settings("reordering-factors","reordering-table",$reordering_table);
sub define_training_build_generation {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($generation_table, $corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(8);
$cmd .= "-corpus $corpus ";
$cmd .= &get_table_name_settings("generation-factors","generation-table",$generation_table);
sub define_training_build_custom_generation {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($generation_table, $generation_corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(8);
$cmd .= "-generation-corpus $generation_corpus ";
$cmd .= &get_table_name_settings("generation-factors","generation-table",$generation_table);
sub define_training_sigtest_filter {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($filtered_table, $raw_table,$suffix_array) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $hierarchical_flag = &get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set") ? "-h" : "";
my $sigtest_filter = &get("TRAINING:sigtest-filter");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $output_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-extension");
my $moses_src_dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-src-dir");
if ($DO_STEP[$step_id] =~ /reordering/) {
$raw_table = &get_table_name_settings("reordering-factors","reordering-table", $raw_table);
$filtered_table = &get_table_name_settings("reordering-factors","reordering-table", $filtered_table);
$raw_table .= ".wbe-".&get("TRAINING:lexicalized-reordering"); # a bit of a hack
$filtered_table .= ".wbe-".&get("TRAINING:lexicalized-reordering");
else {
$raw_table = &get_table_name_settings("translation-factors","phrase-translation-table", $raw_table);
$filtered_table = &get_table_name_settings("translation-factors","phrase-translation-table", $filtered_table);
$raw_table =~ s/\s*\-\S+\s*//; # remove switch
$filtered_table =~ s/\s*\-\S+\s*//;
my $cmd = "zcat $raw_table.gz | $moses_src_dir/contrib/sigtest-filter/filter-pt -e $suffix_array.$output_extension -f $suffix_array.$input_extension $sigtest_filter $hierarchical_flag | gzip - > $filtered_table.gz\n";
sub get_config_tables {
my ($config,$reordering_table,$phrase_translation_table,$generation_table,$domains) = @_;
my $moses_src_dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-src-dir");
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(9);
# get model, and whether suffix array is used. Determines the pt implementation.
my $hierarchical = &get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set");
$cmd .= "-hierarchical " if $hierarchical;
my $sa_exec_dir = &get("TRAINING:suffix-array");
my ($ptImpl, $numFF) = (0);
if ($hierarchical) {
if ($sa_exec_dir) {
$ptImpl = 10; # suffix array
$numFF = 7;
else {
$ptImpl = 6; # in-mem SCFG
# memory mapped suffix array phrase table
my $mmsapt = &get("TRAINING:mmsapt");
if (defined($mmsapt)) {
$ptImpl = 11; # mmsapt
$numFF = $1;
$cmd .= "-mmsapt ";
# additional settings for factored models
$cmd .= &get_table_name_settings("translation-factors","phrase-translation-table", $phrase_translation_table);
$cmd = trim($cmd);
$cmd .= ":$ptImpl" if $ptImpl>0;
$cmd .= ":$numFF" if defined($numFF);
$cmd .= " ";
$cmd .= &get_table_name_settings("reordering-factors","reordering-table",$reordering_table) if $reordering_table;
$cmd .= &get_table_name_settings("generation-factors","generation-table",$generation_table) if $generation_table;
$cmd .= "-config $config ";
my $decoding_graph_backoff = &get("TRAINING:decoding-graph-backoff");
if ($decoding_graph_backoff) {
$cmd .= "-decoding-graph-backoff \"$decoding_graph_backoff\" ";
# additional settings for hierarchical models
my $extract_version = $VERSION;
if (&get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set")) {
$extract_version = $RE_USE[$STEP_LOOKUP{"TRAINING:extract-phrases"}]
if defined($STEP_LOOKUP{"TRAINING:extract-phrases"});
my $no_glue_grammar = &get("TRAINING:no-glue-grammar");
if (!defined($no_glue_grammar) || $no_glue_grammar eq "false") {
my $glue_grammar_file = &get("TRAINING:glue-grammar");
$glue_grammar_file = &versionize(&long_file_name("glue-grammar","model",""),$extract_version)
unless $glue_grammar_file;
$cmd .= "-glue-grammar-file $glue_grammar_file ";
if (&get("TRAINING:dont-tune-glue-grammar")) {
$cmd .= "-dont-tune-glue-grammar ";
if (&get("TRAINING:use-syntax-input-weight-feature")) {
$cmd .= "-use-syntax-input-weight-feature ";
# additional settings for syntax models
if (&get("GENERAL:output-parser") && (&get("TRAINING:use-unknown-word-labels") || &get("TRAINING:use-unknown-word-soft-matches"))) {
my $unknown_word_label = &versionize(&long_file_name("unknown-word-label","model",""),$extract_version);
$cmd .= "-unknown-word-label $unknown_word_label ";
if (&get("GENERAL:output-parser") && &get("TRAINING:use-unknown-word-soft-matches")) {
my $unknown_word_soft_matches = &versionize(&long_file_name("unknown-word-soft-matches","model",""),$extract_version);
$cmd .= "-unknown-word-soft-matches $unknown_word_soft_matches ";
# configuration due to domain features
$cmd .= &define_domain_feature_score_option($domains) if &get("TRAINING:domain-features");
# additional specified items from config
my $additional_ini = &get("TRAINING:additional-ini");
$cmd .= "-additional-ini '$additional_ini' " if defined($additional_ini);
return $cmd;
sub define_training_create_config {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($config,$reordering_table,$phrase_translation_table,$transliteration_pt,$generation_table,$sparse_lexical_features,$domains,$osm, @LM)
= &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_config_tables($config,$reordering_table,$phrase_translation_table,$generation_table,$domains);
$cmd .= "-transliteration-phrase-table $transliteration_pt ";
if ($osm) {
my $osm_settings = &get("TRAINING:operation-sequence-model-settings");
if ($osm_settings =~ /-factor *(\S+)/){
$cmd .= "-osm-model $osm/ -osm-setting $1 ";
else {
$cmd .= "-osm-model $osm/operationLM.bin ";
if (&get("TRAINING:ghkm-source-labels")) {
$cmd .= "-ghkm-source-labels ";
my $source_labels_file = &versionize(&long_file_name("source-labels","model",""));
$cmd .= "-ghkm-source-labels-file $source_labels_file ";
if (&get("TRAINING:ghkm-parts-of-speech")) {
$cmd .= "-ghkm-parts-of-speech ";
my $parts_of_speech_labels_file = &versionize(&long_file_name("parts-of-speech","model",""));
$cmd .= "-ghkm-parts-of-speech-file $parts_of_speech_labels_file ";
# sparse lexical features provide additional content for config file
$cmd .= "-additional-ini-file $sparse_lexical_features.ini " if $sparse_lexical_features;
my @LM_SETS = &get_sets("LM");
%OUTPUT_FACTORS = &get_factor_id("output") if &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-factors");
if (&get("INTERPOLATED-LM:script")) {
my $type = 0;
# binarizing the lm?
$type = 1 if (&get("INTERPOLATED-LM:binlm") ||
# randomizing the lm?
$type = 5 if (&get("INTERPOLATED-LM:rlm") ||
# manually set type
$type = &get("INTERPOLATED-LM:type") if &get("INTERPOLATED-LM:type");
# go through each interpolated language model
my ($icount,$ILM_SETS) = &get_interpolated_lm_sets();
my $FACTOR = &backoff_and_get_array("TRAINING:output-factors");
foreach my $factor (keys %{$ILM_SETS}) {
foreach my $order (keys %{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}}) {
next unless scalar(@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) > 1;
my $suffix = "";
$suffix = ".$$FACTOR[$factor]" if $icount > 1 && defined($FACTOR);
$suffix .= ".order$order" if $icount > 1;
$cmd .= "-lm $factor:$order:$LM[0]$suffix:$type ";
foreach my $id_set (@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) {
my ($id,$set) = split(/ /,$id_set,2);
shift @LM; # remove interpolated lm
my $feature_lines = "";
my $weight_lines = "";
die("ERROR: number of defined LM sets (".(scalar @LM_SETS).":".join(",",@LM_SETS).") and LM files (".(scalar @LM).":".join(",",@LM).") does not match")
unless scalar @LM == scalar @LM_SETS;
foreach my $lm (@LM) {
my $set = shift @LM_SETS;
next if defined($INTERPOLATED_AWAY{$set});
if (&get("LM:$set:config-feature-line") && &get("LM:$set:config-weight-line")) {
$feature_lines .= &get("LM:$set:config-feature-line") . ";";
$weight_lines .= &get("LM:$set:config-weight-line") . ";";
else {
my $order = &check_backoff_and_get("LM:$set:order");
my $lm_file = "$lm";
my $type = 0; # default: SRILM
# binarized language model?
$type = 1 if (&get("LM:$set:binlm") ||
# using a randomized lm?
$type = 5 if (&get("LM:$set:rlm") ||
&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:rlm-training") ||
# manually set type
$type = &backoff_and_get("LM:$set:type") if (&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:type"));
# which factor is the model trained on?
my $factor = 0;
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-factors") &&
&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:factors")) {
$factor = $OUTPUT_FACTORS{&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:factors")};
$cmd .= "-lm $factor:$order:$lm_file:$type ";
if (defined($feature_lines)) {
$cmd .= "-config-add-feature-lines \"$feature_lines\" ";
if (defined($weight_lines)) {
$cmd .= "-config-add-weight-lines \"$weight_lines\" ";
sub define_interpolated_lm_interpolate {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($interpolated_lm,
$interpolation_script, $tuning, @LM) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $srilm_dir = &check_backoff_and_get("INTERPOLATED-LM:srilm-dir");
my $group = &get("INTERPOLATED-LM:group");
my $weights = &get("INTERPOLATED-LM:weights");
my $scripts = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:moses-script-dir");
my $cmd = "";
if (defined($weights)) {
foreach (split(/ *, */,$weights)) {
/^ *(\S+) *= *(\S+)/ || die("ERROR: wrong interpolation weight specification $_ ($weights)");
$WEIGHT{$1} = $2;
# go through language models by factor and order
my ($icount,$ILM_SETS) = &get_interpolated_lm_sets();
foreach my $factor (keys %{$ILM_SETS}) {
foreach my $order (keys %{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}}) {
next unless scalar(@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) > 1;
# get list of language model files
my $lm_list = "";
my $weight_list = "";
foreach my $id_set (@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) {
my ($id,$set) = split(/ /,$id_set,2);
$lm_list .= $LM[$id].",";
if (defined($weights)) {
die("ERROR: no interpolation weight set for $factor:$order:$set (factor:order:set)")
unless defined($WEIGHT{"$factor:$order:$set"});
$weight_list .= $WEIGHT{"$factor:$order:$set"}.",";
# if grouping, identify position in list
my $numbered_string = "";
if (defined($group)) {
foreach my $id_set (@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) {
my ($id,$set) = split(/ /,$id_set,2);
$POSITION{$set} = scalar keys %POSITION;
my $group_string = $group;
$group_string =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$group_string =~ s/ *, */,/g;
$group_string =~ s/^ //;
$group_string =~ s/ $//;
$group_string .= " ";
while($group_string =~ /^([^ ,]+)([ ,]+)(.*)$/) {
# die("ERROR: unknown set $1 in INTERPOLATED-LM:group definition")
# if ! defined($POSITION{$1});
# detect that elsewhere!
if (defined($POSITION{$1})) {
$numbered_string .= $POSITION{$1}.$2;
$group_string = $3;
my $FACTOR = &backoff_and_get_array("TRAINING:output-factors");
my $name = $interpolated_lm;
if ($icount > 1) {
$name .= ".$$FACTOR[$factor]" if defined($FACTOR);
$name .= ".order$order";
my $factored_tuning = $tuning;
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-factors")) {
$factored_tuning = "$tuning.factor$factor";
$cmd .= "$scripts/training/reduce-factors.perl --corpus $tuning --reduced $factored_tuning --factor $factor\n";
$cmd .= "$interpolation_script --tuning $factored_tuning --name $name --srilm $srilm_dir --lm $lm_list";
$cmd .= " --group \"$numbered_string\"" if defined($group);
$cmd .= " --weights \"$weight_list\"" if defined($weights);
$cmd .= "\n";
die("ERROR: Nothing to interpolate, remove interpolation step!") if $cmd eq "";
sub define_interpolated_lm_process {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($processed_lm, $interpolated_lm) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my ($module,$set,$stepname) = &deconstruct_name($DO_STEP[$step_id]);
my $tool = &check_backoff_and_get("INTERPOLATED-LM:lm-${stepname}r");
my $FACTOR = &backoff_and_get_array("TRAINING:output-factors");
# go through language models by factor and order
my ($icount,$ILM_SETS) = &get_interpolated_lm_sets();
my $cmd = "";
foreach my $factor (keys %{$ILM_SETS}) {
foreach my $order (keys %{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}}) {
my ($name,$name_processed);
if (scalar(@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) == 1) {
# not interpolated -> get name from LM version of these steps
my($id,$set) = split(/ /,$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}[0]);
$name = &get_default_file("LM",$set,"train"); # well... works for now;
$name_processed = $STEP_OUTNAME{"LM:$stepname"};
$name_processed =~ s/^(.+\/)([^\/]+)$/$1$set.$2/;
$name_processed = &versionize(&long_file_name($name_processed,"lm",""));
else {
my $suffix = "";
$suffix = ".$$FACTOR[$factor]" if $icount > 1 && defined($FACTOR);
$suffix .= ".order$order" if $icount > 1;
$name = "$interpolated_lm$suffix";
$name_processed = "$processed_lm$suffix";
$cmd .= "$tool $name $name_processed\n";
sub get_interpolated_lm_processed_names {
my ($processed_lm) = @_;
my ($icount,$ILM_SETS) = &get_interpolated_lm_sets();
my $FACTOR = &backoff_and_get_array("TRAINING:output-factors");
foreach my $factor (keys %{$ILM_SETS}) {
foreach my $order (keys %{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}}) {
if (scalar(@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) > 1) {
my $suffix = "";
$suffix = ".$$FACTOR[$factor]" if $icount > 1 && defined($FACTOR);
$suffix .= ".order$order" if $icount > 1;
push @ILM_NAME,"$processed_lm$suffix";
else {
push @ILM_NAME,"$processed_lm.".($FACTOR?"":".$$FACTOR[$factor]").".order$order";
return @ILM_NAME;
sub get_interpolated_lm_sets {
my @LM_SETS = &get_sets("LM");
%OUTPUT_FACTORS = &get_factor_id("output") if &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-factors");
my $count=0;
my $icount=0;
foreach my $set (@LM_SETS) {
next if (&get("LM:$set:exclude-from-interpolation"));
my $order = &check_backoff_and_get("LM:$set:order");
my $factor = 0;
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-factors") &&
&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:factors")) {
$factor = $OUTPUT_FACTORS{&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:factors")};
push @{$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}, ($count++)." ".$set;
$icount++ if scalar(@{$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) == 2;
return ($icount,\%ILM_SETS);
sub get_training_setting {
my ($step) = @_;
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my $training_script = &check_and_get("TRAINING:script");
my $external_bin_dir = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:external-bin-dir");
my $scripts = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:moses-script-dir");
my $reordering = &get("TRAINING:lexicalized-reordering");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $output_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-extension");
my $alignment = &check_and_get("TRAINING:alignment-symmetrization-method");
my $parts = &get("TRAINING:run-giza-in-parts");
my $options = &get("TRAINING:training-options");
my $phrase_length = &get("TRAINING:max-phrase-length");
my $hierarchical = &get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set");
my $source_syntax = &get("GENERAL:input-parser");
my $target_syntax = &get("GENERAL:output-parser");
my $score_settings = &get("TRAINING:score-settings");
my $parallel = &get("TRAINING:parallel");
my $pcfg = &get("TRAINING:use-pcfg-feature");
my $baseline_alignment = &get("TRAINING:baseline-alignment-model");
my $no_glue_grammar = &get("TRAINING:no-glue-grammar");
my $xml = $source_syntax || $target_syntax;
my $cmd = "$training_script ";
$cmd .= "$options " if defined($options);
$cmd .= "-dont-zip ";
$cmd .= "-first-step $step " if $step>1;
$cmd .= "-last-step $step " if $step<9;
$cmd .= "-external-bin-dir $external_bin_dir " if defined($external_bin_dir);
$cmd .= "-f $input_extension -e $output_extension ";
$cmd .= "-alignment $alignment ";
$cmd .= "-max-phrase-length $phrase_length " if $phrase_length;
$cmd .= "-parts $parts " if $parts;
$cmd .= "-reordering $reordering " if $reordering;
$cmd .= "-temp-dir /disk/scratch2 " if `hostname` =~ /townhill/;
$cmd .= "-hierarchical " if $hierarchical;
$cmd .= "-xml " if $xml;
$cmd .= "-target-syntax " if $target_syntax;
$cmd .= "-source-syntax " if $source_syntax;
$cmd .= "-glue-grammar " if $hierarchical && (!defined($no_glue_grammar) || $no_glue_grammar eq "false");
$cmd .= "-score-options '".$score_settings."' " if $score_settings;
$cmd .= "-parallel " if $parallel;
$cmd .= "-pcfg " if $pcfg;
$cmd .= "-baseline-alignment-model $baseline_alignment " if defined($baseline_alignment) && ($step == 1 || $step == 2);
# factored training
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-factors")) {
my %IN = &get_factor_id("input");
my %OUT = &get_factor_id("output");
$cmd .= "-input-factor-max ".((scalar keys %IN)-1)." ";
$cmd .= "-alignment-factors ".
&encode_factor_definition("alignment-factors",\%IN,\%OUT)." ";
$cmd .= "-translation-factors ".
&encode_factor_definition("translation-factors",\%IN,\%OUT)." ";
$cmd .= "-reordering-factors ".
&encode_factor_definition("reordering-factors",\%IN,\%OUT)." "
if &get("TRAINING:reordering-factors");
$cmd .= "-generation-factors ".
&encode_factor_definition("generation-factors",\%OUT,\%OUT)." "
if &get("TRAINING:generation-factors");
die("ERROR: define either both TRAINING:reordering-factors and TRAINING:reordering or neither")
if (( &get("TRAINING:reordering-factors") && ! $reordering) ||
(! &get("TRAINING:reordering-factors") && $reordering));
my $decoding_steps = &check_and_get("TRAINING:decoding-steps");
$decoding_steps =~ s/\s*//g;
$cmd .= "-decoding-steps $decoding_steps ";
my $generation_type = &get("TRAINING:generation-type");
$cmd .= "-generation-type $generation_type " if $generation_type;
return $cmd;
sub get_table_name_settings {
my ($factor,$table,$default) = @_;
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my @NAME;
if (!&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-factors")) {
return "-$table $default ";
# define default names
my %IN = &get_factor_id("input");
my %OUT = &get_factor_id("output");
%IN = %OUT if $factor eq "generation-factors";
my $factors = &encode_factor_definition($factor,\%IN,\%OUT);
foreach my $f (split(/\+/,$factors)) {
push @NAME,"$default.$f";
# push @NAME,"$dir/model/$table.$VERSION.$f";
# get specified names, if any
if (&get("TRAINING:$table")) {
die("ERROR: specified more ${table}s than $factor")
if (scalar @SPECIFIED_NAME) > (scalar @NAME);
for(my $i=0;$i<scalar(@SPECIFIED_NAME);$i++) {
# create command
my $cmd;
foreach my $name (@NAME) {
$cmd .= "-$table $name ";
return $cmd;
sub get_factor_id {
my ($type) = @_;
my $FACTOR = &check_backoff_and_get_array("TRAINING:$type-factors");
my %ID = ();
foreach my $factor (@{$FACTOR}) {
$ID{$factor} = scalar keys %ID;
return %ID;
sub encode_factor_definition {
my ($parameter,$IN,$OUT) = @_;
my $definition = &check_and_get("TRAINING:$parameter");
my $encoded;
foreach my $mapping (split(/,\s*/,$definition)) {
my ($in,$out) = split(/\s*->\s*/,$mapping);
$encoded .=
return $encoded;
sub encode_factor_list {
my ($ID,$list) = @_;
my $id;
foreach my $factor (split(/\s*\+\s*/,$list)) {
die("ERROR: unknown factor type '$factor'\n") unless defined($$ID{$factor});
$id .= $$ID{$factor}.",";
return $id;
sub define_tuningevaluation_filter {
my ($set,$step_id) = @_;
my $scripts = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-script-dir");
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my $word_alignment = &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:include-word-alignment-in-rules");
my $tuning_flag = !defined($set);
my $hierarchical = &get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set");
my ($filter_dir,$input,$phrase_translation_table,$reordering_table,$domains,$transliteration_table) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $binarizer;
$binarizer = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:ttable-binarizer") unless $tuning_flag;
$binarizer = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:ttable-binarizer") if $tuning_flag;
my $report_precision_by_coverage = !$tuning_flag && &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:report-precision-by-coverage");
# occasionally, lattices and conf nets need to be able
# to filter phrase tables, we can provide sentences/ngrams
# in a separate file
my $input_filter;
$input_filter = &get("EVALUATION:$set:input-filter") unless $tuning_flag;
$input_filter = &get("TUNING:input-filter") if $tuning_flag;
#print "filter: $input_filter \n";
$input_filter = $input unless $input_filter;
my $settings = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:filter-settings") unless $tuning_flag;
$settings = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:filter-settings") if $tuning_flag;
$settings = "" unless $settings;
$binarizer .= " -no-alignment-info" if defined ($binarizer) && !$hierarchical && defined $word_alignment && $word_alignment eq "no";
$settings .= " -Binarizer \"$binarizer\"" if $binarizer;
$settings .= " --Hierarchical" if $hierarchical;
# get model, and whether suffix array is used. Determines the pt implementation.
my $sa_exec_dir = &get("TRAINING:suffix-array");
my $sa_extractors = &get("GENERAL:sa_extractors");
$sa_extractors = 1 unless $sa_extractors;
my ($ptImpl, $numFF);
if ($hierarchical) {
if ($sa_exec_dir) {
$ptImpl = 10; # suffix array
$numFF = 7;
else {
$ptImpl = 6; # in-mem SCFG
else {
$ptImpl = 0; # phrase-based
# config file specified?
my ($config,$cmd,$delete_config);
if (&get("TUNING:config-with-reused-weights")) {
$config = &get("TUNING:config-with-reused-weights");
elsif (&get("TRAINING:config")) {
$config = &get("TRAINING:config");
# create pseudo-config file
else {
$config = $tuning_flag ? "$dir/tuning/moses.table.ini.$VERSION" : "$dir/evaluation/$set.moses.table.ini.$VERSION";
$cmd = "touch $config\n";
$delete_config = 1;
$cmd .= &get_config_tables($config,$reordering_table,$phrase_translation_table,undef,$domains);
if (&get("TRAINING:in-decoding-transliteration")) {
$cmd .= "-transliteration-phrase-table $dir/model/transliteration-phrase-table.$VERSION ";
$cmd .= "-lm 0:3:$config:8\n"; # dummy kenlm 3-gram model on factor 0
# filter command
if ($sa_exec_dir) {
# suffix array
$cmd .= "$scripts/training/wrappers/adam-suffix-array/ $sa_exec_dir $phrase_translation_table $input_filter $filter_dir $sa_extractors \n";
my $escaped_filter_dir = $filter_dir;
$escaped_filter_dir =~ s/\//\\\\\//g;
$cmd .= "cat $config | sed s/10\\ 0\\ 0\\ 7.*/10\\ 0\\ 0\\ 7\\ $escaped_filter_dir/g > $filter_dir/moses.ini \n";
# kind of a hack -- the correct thing would be to make the generation of the config file ($filter_dir/moses.ini)
# set the PhraseDictionaryALSuffixArray's path to the filtered directory rather than to the suffix array itself
$cmd .= "sed -i 's%path=$phrase_translation_table%path=$filter_dir%' $filter_dir/moses.ini\n";
else {
# normal phrase table
$cmd .= "$scripts/training/";
$cmd .= " $filter_dir $config $input_filter $settings\n";
# clean-up
$cmd .= "rm $config" if $delete_config;
sub define_evaluation_decode {
my ($set,$step_id) = @_;
my $scripts = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-script-dir");
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my ($system_output,
$config,$input,$filtered_config) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
$config = $filtered_config if $filtered_config;
my $jobs = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:jobs");
my $decoder = &check_backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:decoder");
my $settings = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:decoder-settings");
$settings = "" unless $settings;
my $nbest = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:nbest");
my $moses_parallel = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:moses-parallel");
my $report_segmentation = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:report-segmentation");
my $analyze_search_graph = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:analyze-search-graph");
my $report_precision_by_coverage = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:report-precision-by-coverage");
my $use_wade = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:wade");
my $hierarchical = &get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set");
my $word_alignment = &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:include-word-alignment-in-rules");
my $post_decoding_transliteration = &get("TRAINING:post-decoding-transliteration");
# If Transliteration Module is to be used as post-decoding step ...
if (defined($post_decoding_transliteration) && $post_decoding_transliteration eq "yes"){
$settings .= " -output-unknowns $system_output.oov";
# specify additional output for analysis
if (defined($report_precision_by_coverage) && $report_precision_by_coverage eq "yes") {
$settings .= " -alignment-output-file $system_output.wa";
$report_segmentation = "yes";
if (defined($analyze_search_graph) && $analyze_search_graph eq "yes") {
$settings .= " -unpruned-search-graph -include-lhs-in-search-graph -osg $system_output.graph";
if (defined($report_segmentation) && $report_segmentation eq "yes") {
if ($hierarchical) {
$settings .= " -T $system_output.trace";
else {
$settings .= " -t";
if ($use_wade) {
$settings .= " -T $system_output.details";
$settings .= " -text-type \"test\"";
my $addTags = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:add-tags");
if ($addTags) {
my $input_with_tags = $input.".".$VERSION.".tags";
`$addTags < $input > $input_with_tags`;
$input = $input_with_tags;
# create command
my $cmd;
my $nbest_size;
$nbest_size = $nbest if $nbest;
$nbest_size =~ s/[^\d]//g if $nbest;
if ($jobs && $jobs>1 && $CLUSTER) {
$cmd .= "mkdir -p $dir/evaluation/tmp.$set.$VERSION\n";
$cmd .= "cd $dir/evaluation/tmp.$set.$VERSION\n";
if (defined $moses_parallel) {
$cmd .= $moses_parallel;
} else {
$cmd .= "$scripts/generic/";
my $qsub_args = &get_qsub_args($DO_STEP[$step_id]);
$cmd .= " -queue-parameters \"$qsub_args\"" if ($CLUSTER && $qsub_args);
$cmd .= " -decoder $decoder";
$cmd .= " -config $config";
$cmd .= " -input-file $input";
$cmd .= " --jobs $jobs";
$cmd .= " -decoder-parameters \"$settings\" > $system_output";
$cmd .= " -n-best-file $$nbest_size -n-best-size $nbest" if $nbest;
else {
$cmd = "$decoder $settings -v 0 -f $config < $input > $system_output";
$cmd .= " -n-best-list $$nbest_size $nbest" if $nbest;
sub define_evaluation_analysis {
my ($set,$step_id) = @_;
my ($analysis,
$output,$reference,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $script = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:analysis");
my $report_segmentation = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:report-segmentation");
my $analyze_search_graph = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:analyze-search-graph");
my $cmd = "$script -system $output -reference $reference -input $input -dir $analysis";
if (defined($report_segmentation) && $report_segmentation eq "yes") {
my $segmentation_file = &get_default_file("EVALUATION",$set,"decode");
$cmd .= " -segmentation $segmentation_file";
if (defined($analyze_search_graph) && $analyze_search_graph eq "yes") {
my $search_graph_file = &get_default_file("EVALUATION",$set,"decode");
$cmd .= " -search-graph $search_graph_file.graph";
if (&get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set")) {
$cmd .= " -hierarchical";
sub define_evaluation_analysis_precision {
my ($set,$step_id) = @_;
my ($analysis,
$output,$reference,$input,$corpus,$ttable,$coverage) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $script = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:analysis");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $coverage_base = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:precision-by-coverage-base");
my $cmd = "$script -system $output -reference $reference -input $input -dir $analysis -precision-by-coverage";
my $segmentation_file = &get_default_file("EVALUATION",$set,"decode");
$cmd .= " -segmentation $segmentation_file";
$cmd .= " -system-alignment $segmentation_file.wa";
$coverage = $coverage_base if defined($coverage_base);
$cmd .= " -coverage $coverage";
# get table with surface factors
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-factors")) {
my %IN = &get_factor_id("input");
my %OUT = &get_factor_id("output");
my $factors = &encode_factor_definition("translation-factors",\%IN,\%OUT);
my @FACTOR = split(/\+/,$factors);
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:sigtest-filter-phrase-translation-table")) {
@SPECIFIED_NAME = @{$CONFIG{"TRAINING:sigtest-filter-phrase-translation-table"}};
elsif (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:phrase-translation-table")) {
@SPECIFIED_NAME = @{$CONFIG{"TRAINING:phrase-translation-table"}};
for(my $i=0;$i<scalar(split(/\+/,$factors));$i++) {
if ($FACTOR[$i] =~ /^0-/) {
if (scalar(@SPECIFIED_NAME) > $i) {
$ttable = $SPECIFIED_NAME[$i];
else {
$ttable .= ".".$FACTOR[$i];
my $subreport = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:precision-by-coverage-factor");
if (defined($subreport)) {
die("unknown factor $subreport specified in EVALUATION:precision-by-coverage-factor") unless defined($IN{$subreport});
$cmd .= " -precision-by-coverage-factor ".$IN{$subreport};
$cmd .= " -ttable $ttable -input-corpus $corpus.$input_extension";
sub define_evaluation_analysis_coverage {
my ($set,$step_id) = @_;
my ($analysis,
$input,$corpus,$ttable) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $script = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:analysis");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $score_settings = &get("TRAINING:score-settings");
my $ttable_config;
# translation tables for un-factored
if (!&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-factors")) {
$ttable_config = "-ttable $ttable";
# translation tables for factored
else {
my %IN = &get_factor_id("input");
$ttable_config = "-input-factors ".(scalar(keys %IN));
my %OUT = &get_factor_id("output");
$ttable_config .= " -input-factor-names '".join(",",keys %IN)."'";
$ttable_config .= " -output-factor-names '".join(",",keys %OUT)."'";
my $factors = &encode_factor_definition("translation-factors",\%IN,\%OUT);
my @FACTOR = split(/\+/,$factors);
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:sigtest-filter-phrase-translation-table")) {
@SPECIFIED_NAME = @{$CONFIG{"TRAINING:sigtest-filter-phrase-translation-table"}};
elsif (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:phrase-translation-table")) {
@SPECIFIED_NAME = @{$CONFIG{"TRAINING:phrase-translation-table"}};
my $surface_ttable;
for(my $i=0;$i<scalar(@FACTOR);$i++) {
$FACTOR[$i] =~ /^([\d\,]+)/;
my $input_factors = $1;
my $ttable_name = $ttable.".".$FACTOR[$i];
if (scalar(@SPECIFIED_NAME) > $i) {
$ttable_name = $SPECIFIED_NAME[$i];
$ttable_config .= " -factored-ttable $input_factors:".$ttable_name;
if ($input_factors eq "0" && !defined($surface_ttable)) {
$surface_ttable = $ttable_name;
$ttable_config .= " -ttable $surface_ttable";
my $cmd = "$script -input $input -input-corpus $corpus.$input_extension $ttable_config -dir $analysis";
$cmd .= " -score-options '$score_settings'" if $score_settings;
sub define_reporting_report {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my $score_file = &get_default_file("REPORTING","","report");
my $scripts = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-script-dir");
my $cmd = "$scripts/ems/support/report-experiment-scores.perl";
# get scores that were produced
foreach my $parent (@{$DEPENDENCY[$step_id]}) {
my ($parent_module,$parent_set,$parent_step)
= &deconstruct_name($DO_STEP[$parent]);
my $file = &get_default_file($parent_module,$parent_set,$parent_step);
$cmd .= " set=$parent_set,type=$parent_step,file=$file";
# maybe send email
my $email = &get("REPORTING:email");
if ($email) {
$cmd .= " email='$email'";
$cmd .= " >$score_file";
### subs for step definition
sub get_output_and_input {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my $step = $DO_STEP[$step_id];
my $output = &get_default_file(&deconstruct_name($step));
my @INPUT;
if (defined($USES_INPUT{$step_id})) {
for(my $i=0; $i<scalar @{$USES_INPUT{$step_id}}; $i++) {
# get name of input file needed
my $in_file = $USES_INPUT{$step_id}[$i];
# if not directly specified, find step that produces this file.
# note that if the previous step is passed than the grandparent's
# outfile is used (done by &get_specified_or_default_file)
my $prev_step = "";
# print "\tlooking up in_file $in_file\n";
foreach my $parent (@{$DEPENDENCY[$step_id]}) {
my ($parent_module,$parent_set,$parent_step)
= &deconstruct_name($DO_STEP[$parent]);
my $parent_file
= &construct_name($parent_module,$parent_set,
if ($in_file eq $parent_file) {
$prev_step = $DO_STEP[$parent];
# print "\t\tfrom previous step: $prev_step ($in_file)\n";
if ($prev_step eq "" && !defined($CONFIG{$in_file})) {
# undefined (ignored previous step)
# print "ignored previous step to generate $USES_INPUT{$step_id}[$i]\n";
push @INPUT,"";
# get the actual file name
push @INPUT,&get_specified_or_default_file(&deconstruct_name($in_file),
return ($output,@INPUT);
sub define_template {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my $step = $DO_STEP[$step_id];
print "building sh file for $step\n" if $VERBOSE;
my $defined_step = &defined_step($step);
return 0 unless (defined($TEMPLATE {$defined_step}) ||
my $parallelizer = &get("GENERAL:generic-parallelizer");
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my ($module,$set,$stepname) = &deconstruct_name($step);
my $multiref = undef;
if ($MULTIREF{$defined_step} && # step needs to be run differently if multiple ref
&backoff_and_get(&extend_local_name($module,$set,"multiref"))) { # there are multiple ref
$multiref = $MULTIREF{$defined_step};
my ($output,@INPUT) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd;
if (defined($TEMPLATE{$defined_step})) {
$cmd = $TEMPLATE{$defined_step};
else {
foreach my $template_if (@{$TEMPLATE_IF{$defined_step}}) {
my ($command,$in,$out,@EXTRA) = @{$template_if};
my $extra = join(" ",@EXTRA);
if (&backoff_and_get(&extend_local_name($module,$set,$command))) {
$cmd .= "\$$command < $in > $out $extra\n";
else {
$cmd .= "ln -s $in $out\n";
if ($parallelizer && defined($PARALLELIZE{$defined_step}) &&
((&get("$module:jobs") && $CLUSTER) ||
(&get("$module:cores") && $MULTICORE))) {
my $new_cmd;
my $i=0;
foreach my $single_cmd (split(/\n/,$cmd)) {
if ($single_cmd =~ /^ln /) {
$new_cmd .= $single_cmd."\n";
elsif ($single_cmd =~ /^.+$/) {
# find IN and OUT files
$single_cmd =~ /(EMS_IN_EMS\S*)/
|| die("ERROR: could not find EMS_IN_EMS in $single_cmd");
my $in = $1;
$single_cmd =~ /(EMS_OUT_EMS\S*)/
|| die("ERROR: could not find OUT in $single_cmd");
my $out = $1;
# replace IN and OUT with %s
$single_cmd =~ s/EMS_IN_EMS\S*/\%s/;
$single_cmd =~ s/EMS_OUT_EMS\S*/\%s/;
$single_cmd =~ s/EMS_SLASH_OUT_EMS\S*/\%s/;
# build tmp
my $tmp_dir = $module;
$tmp_dir =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$tmp_dir .= "/tmp.$set.$stepname.$VERSION-".($i++);
if ($CLUSTER) {
my $qflags = "";
my $qsub_args = &get_qsub_args($DO_STEP[$step_id]);
$qflags="--queue-flags \"$qsub_args\"" if ($CLUSTER && $qsub_args);
$new_cmd .= "$parallelizer $qflags -in $in -out $out -cmd '$single_cmd' -jobs ".&get("$module:jobs")." -tmpdir $dir/$tmp_dir\n";
$new_cmd .= "$parallelizer -in $in -out $out -cmd '$single_cmd' -cores ".&get("$module:cores")." -tmpdir $dir/$tmp_dir\n";
$cmd = $new_cmd;
# command to be run on multiple reference translations
if (defined($multiref)) {
$cmd =~ s/^(.*)EMS_IN_EMS (.+)EMS_OUT_EMS(.*)$/$multiref '$1 mref-input-file $2 mref-output-file $3' EMS_IN_EMS EMS_OUT_EMS/;
$cmd =~ s/^(.+)EMS_OUT_EMS(.+)EMS_IN_EMS (.*)$/$multiref '$1 mref-output-file $2 mref-input-file $3' EMS_IN_EMS EMS_OUT_EMS/;
# input is array, but just specified as IN
if ($cmd !~ /EMS_IN1_EMS/ && (scalar @INPUT) > 1 ) {
my $in = join(" ",@INPUT);
$cmd =~ s/EMS_IN_EMS/$in/;
# input is defined as IN or IN0, IN1, IN2
else {
if ($cmd =~ /EMS_IN\d*_EMS/ && scalar(@INPUT) == 0) {
die("ERROR: Step $step requires input from prior steps, but none defined.");
$cmd =~ s/EMS_IN(\d)_EMS/$INPUT[$1]/g;
$cmd =~ s/EMS_IN_EMS/$INPUT[0]/g;
$cmd =~ s/EMS_OUT_EMS/$output/g;
if (defined($STEP_TMPNAME{"$module:$stepname"})) {
my $tmp = $dir."/".$STEP_TMPNAME{"$module:$stepname"}.".$VERSION";
$cmd =~ s/EMS_TMP_EMS/$tmp/g;
$cmd =~ s/VERSION/$VERSION/g;
print "\tcmd is $cmd\n" if $VERBOSE;
while ($cmd =~ /^([\S\s]*)\$\{([^\s\/\"\']+)\}([\S\s]*)$/ ||
$cmd =~ /^([\S\s]*)\$([^\s\/\"\']+)([\S\s]*)$/) {
my ($pre,$variable,$post) = ($1,$2,$3);
$cmd = $pre
. &check_backoff_and_get(&extend_local_name($module,$set,$variable))
. $post;
# deal with pipelined commands
$cmd =~ s/\|(.*)(\<\s*\S+) /$2 \| $1 /g;
# deal with gzipped input
my $c = "";
foreach my $cmd (split(/[\n\r]+/,$cmd)) {
if ($cmd =~ /\<\s*(\S+) / && ! -e $1 && -e "$1.gz") {
$cmd =~ s/([^\n\r]+)\s*\<\s*(\S+) /zcat $2.gz \| $1 /;
else {
$cmd =~ s/([^\n\r]+)\s*\<\s*(\S+\.gz)/zcat $2 \| $1/;
$c .= $cmd."\n";
$cmd = $c;
# create directory for output
if ($output =~ /\//) { # ... but why would it not?
my $out_dir = $output;
$out_dir =~ s/^(.+)\/[^\/]+$/$1/;
$cmd = "mkdir -p $out_dir\n$cmd";
return 1;
### SUBS for defining steps
sub create_step {
my ($step_id,$cmd) = @_;
my ($module,$set,$step) = &deconstruct_name($DO_STEP[$step_id]);
my $file = &versionize(&step_file2($module,$set,$step));
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my $subdir = $module;
$subdir =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$subdir = "evaluation" if $subdir eq "reporting";
$subdir = "lm" if $subdir eq "interpolated-lm";
open(STEP,">$file") or die "Cannot open: $!";
print STEP "#!/bin/bash\n\n";
print STEP "PATH=\"".$ENV{"PATH"}."\"\n";
print STEP "cd $dir\n";
print STEP "echo 'starting at '`date`' on '`hostname`\n";
print STEP "mkdir -p $dir/$subdir\n\n";
print STEP "$cmd\n\n";
print STEP "echo 'finished at '`date`\n";
print STEP "touch $file.DONE\n";
sub get {
return &check_and_get($_[0],"allow_undef");
sub check_and_get {
my ($parameter,$allow_undef) = @_;
if (!defined($CONFIG{$parameter})) {
return if $allow_undef;
print STDERR "ERROR: you need to define $parameter\n";
return $CONFIG{$parameter}[0];
sub backoff_and_get {
return &check_backoff_and_get($_[0],"allow_undef");
sub check_backoff_and_get {
my $VALUE = &check_backoff_and_get_array(@_);
return ${$VALUE}[0] if $VALUE;
sub backoff_and_get_array {
return &check_backoff_and_get_array($_[0],"allow_undef");
sub check_backoff_and_get_array {
my ($parameter,$allow_undef) = @_;
return $CONFIG{$parameter} if defined($CONFIG{$parameter});
# remove set -> find setting for module
$parameter =~ s/:[^:]+:/:/;
return $CONFIG{$parameter} if defined($CONFIG{$parameter});
# remove step (if exists)
if ($parameter =~ /:[^:]+:/) {
$parameter =~ s/:[^:]+:/:/;
return $CONFIG{$parameter} if defined($CONFIG{$parameter});
# remove model -> find global setting
$parameter =~ s/^[^:]+:/GENERAL:/;
return $CONFIG{$parameter} if defined($CONFIG{$parameter});
return if $allow_undef;
print STDERR "ERROR: you need to define $parameter\n";
# the following two functions deal with getting information about
# files that are passed between steps. this are either specified
# in the meta file (default) or in the configuration file (here called
# 'specified', in the step management referred to as 'given').
sub get_specified_or_default_file {
my ($specified_module,$specified_set,$specified_parameter,
$default_module, $default_set, $default_step) = @_;
my $specified =
if (defined($CONFIG{$specified})) {
print "\t\texpanding $CONFIG{$specified}[0]\n" if $VERBOSE;
return &long_file_name($CONFIG{$specified}[0],$default_module,$default_set);
return &get_default_file($default_module, $default_set, $default_step);
sub get_tmp_file {
my ($module,$set,$step,$version) = @_;
$version = $VERSION unless $version;
my $tmp_file = $STEP_TMPNAME{"$module:$step"};
if ($set) {
$tmp_file =~ s/^(.+\/)([^\/]+)$/$1$set.$2/g;
$tmp_file = &versionize(&long_file_name($tmp_file,$module,$set), $version);
return $tmp_file;
sub get_default_file {
my ($default_module, $default_set, $default_step) = @_;
#print "\tget_default_file($default_module, $default_set, $default_step)\n";
# get step name
my $step = &construct_name($default_module,$default_set,$default_step);
#print "\t\tstep is $step\n";
# earlier step, if this step is passed
my $i = $STEP_LOOKUP{$step};
#print "\t\tcan't lookup $step -> $i!\n" unless $i;
while (defined($PASS{$i})) {
if (scalar @{$DEPENDENCY[$i]} == 0) {
#print "\t\tpassing to given\n";
my $out = $STEP_IN{&defined_step($step)}[0];
my ($module,$set) = &deconstruct_name($step);
foreach my $out_option (split(/=OR=/,$out)) {
#print "\t\t$out_option -> ".&construct_name($module,$set,$out_option)."\n";
my $name = &construct_name($module,$set,$out);
return &get($name) if &get($name);
foreach my $out_option (split(/=OR=/,$out)) {
my $name = &construct_name($module,$set,$out_option);
return &backoff_and_get($name) if &backoff_and_get($name);
die("something is wrong with $out\n");
#print "\t\tpassing $step\n";
$i = $DEPENDENCY[$i][0];
$step = $DO_STEP[$i];
#print "\t\tbacking off to $step\n";
($default_module,$default_set,$default_step) = &deconstruct_name($step);
# get file name
my $default = $STEP_OUTNAME{&defined_step($step)};
# print "\t\tdefined_step is ".&defined_step($step)."\n";
die("no specified default name for $step") unless $default;
if ($default_set) {
$default =~ s/^(.+\/)([^\/]+)$/$1$default_set.$2/g;
# if from a step that is redone, get version number
my $version = 0;
$version = $RE_USE[$STEP_LOOKUP{$step}] if defined($STEP_LOOKUP{$step}) && $#RE_USE >= $STEP_LOOKUP{$step};
$version = "*" if $version > 1e6; # any if re-use checking
$version = $VERSION unless $version; # current version if no re-use
return &versionize(&long_file_name($default,$default_module,$default_set),
sub long_file_name {
my ($file,$module,$set) = @_;
return $file if $file =~ /^\// || $file =~ / \//;
if ($file !~ /\//) {
my $dir = $module;
$dir =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$file = "$dir/$file";
my $module_working_dir_parameter =
$module . ($set ne "" ? ":$set" : "") . ":working-dir";
if (defined($CONFIG{$module_working_dir_parameter})) {
return $CONFIG{$module_working_dir_parameter}[0]."/".$file;
return &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir")."/".$file;
sub compute_version_number {
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
return unless -e $dir;
open(LS,"find $dir/steps -maxdepth 1 -follow |");
while(<LS>) {
s/.+\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; # ignore path
if ( /^(\d+)$/ ) {
if ($1 >= $VERSION) {
$VERSION = $1 + 1;
sub steps_file {
my ($file,$run) = @_;
return "steps/$run/$file";