Jeroen Vermeulen ef028446f3 Add license notices to scripts.
This is not pleasant to read (and much, much less pleasant to write!) but
sort of necessary in an open project.  Right now it's quite hard to figure
out what is licensed how, which doesn't matter much to most people but can
suddenly become very important when people want to know what they're being
allowed to do.

I kept the notices as short as I could.  As far as I could see, everything
without a clear license notice is LGPL v2.1 or later.
2015-05-29 18:30:26 +07:00

1464 lines
53 KiB

This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General
Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version.
# main page frame, triggers the loading of parts
function show_analysis() {
global $task,$user,$setup,$id,$set;
global $dir;
head("Analysis: $task ($user), Set $set, Run $id");
function show(field,sort,count,filter) {
var url = '?analysis=' + field + '_show'
+ '&setup=<?php print $setup ?>'
+ '&id=<?php print $id ?>'
+ '&set=<?php print $set ?>'
+ '&sort=' + sort
+ '&count=' + count
+ '&filter=' + filter;
new Ajax.Updater(field, url, { method: 'get', evalScripts: true });
function ngram_show(type,order,count,sort,smooth) {
var url = '?analysis=ngram_' + type + '_show'
+ '&setup=<?php print $setup ?>'
+ '&id=<?php print $id ?>'
+ '&set=<?php print $set ?>'
+ '&order=' + order
+ '&smooth=' + smooth
+ '&sort=' + sort
+ '&count=' + count;
var field = (type == "precision" ? "nGramPrecision" : "nGramRecall") + order;
new Ajax.Updater(field, url, { method: 'get', evalScripts: true });
function generic_show(field,parameters) {
var url = '?analysis=' + field + '_show'
+ '&setup=<?php print $setup ?>'
+ '&id=<?php print $id ?>'
+ '&set=<?php print $set ?>'
+ '&' + parameters;
new Ajax.Updater(field, url, { method: 'get', evalScripts: true });
function highlight_phrase(sentence,phrase) {
var input = "input-"+sentence+"-"+phrase;
$(input).setStyle({ borderColor: 'red' });
var output = "output-"+sentence+"-"+phrase;
$(output).setStyle({ borderColor: 'red' });
function show_word_info(sentence,cc,tc,te) {
var info = "info-"+sentence;
document.getElementById(info).innerHTML = ''+cc+' occurrences in corpus, '+tc+' distinct translations, translation entropy: '+te;
$(info).setStyle({ opacity: 1 });
function lowlight_phrase(sentence,phrase) {
var input = "input-"+sentence+"-"+phrase;
$(input).setStyle({ borderColor: 'black' });
var output = "output-"+sentence+"-"+phrase;
$(output).setStyle({ borderColor: 'black' });
function hide_word_info(sentence) {
var info = "info-"+sentence;
$(info).setStyle({ opacity: 0 });
function show_biconcor(sentence,phrase) {
var div = "biconcor-"+sentence;
var url = '?analysis=biconcor'
+ '&setup=<?php print $setup ?>&id=<?php print get_biconcor_version($dir,$set,$id); ?>&set=<?php print $set ?>'
+ '&sentence=' + sentence
+ '&phrase=' + encodeURIComponent(phrase);
document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = "<center><img src=\"spinner.gif\" width=48 height=48></center>";
$(div).setStyle({ borderStyle: 'solid', 'border-width': '3px', borderColor: 'black' });
new Ajax.Updater(div, url, { method: 'get', evalScripts: true });
function close_biconcor(sentence) {
var div = "biconcor-"+sentence;
document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = "";
$(div).setStyle({ borderStyle: 'none', 'border-width': '0px', borderColor: 'white' });
<div id="nGramSummary"><?php ngram_summary() ?></div>
<div id="CoverageDetails"></div>
<div id="PrecisionByCoverage"></div>
<div id="PrecisionRecallDetails"></div>
<div id="bleu">(loading...)</div>
<script language="javascript">
function precision_by_coverage() {
global $experiment,$evalset,$dir,$set,$id;
$img_width = 1000;
print "<h3>Precision of Input Words by Coverage</h3>";
print "The graphs display what ratio of words of a specific type are translated correctly (yellow), and what ratio is deleted (blue).";
print " The extend of the boxes is scaled on the x-axis by the number of tokens of the displayed type.";
// load data
$data = file(get_current_analysis_filename("precision","precision-by-corpus-coverage"));
$total = 0;
$log_info = array();
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
$item = split("\t",$data[$i]);
$info[$item[0]]["precision"] = $item[1];
$info[$item[0]]["delete"] = $item[2];
$info[$item[0]]["length"] = $item[3];
$info[$item[0]]["total"] = $item[4];
$total += $item[4];
$log_count = -1;
if ($item[0]>0) {
$log_count = (int) (log($item[0])/log(2));
if (!array_key_exists($log_count,$log_info)) {
$log_info[$log_count]["precision"] = 0;
$log_info[$log_count]["delete"] = 0;
$log_info[$log_count]["length"] = 0;
$log_info[$log_count]["total"] = 0;
$log_info[$log_count]["precision"] += $item[1];
$log_info[$log_count]["delete"] += $item[2];
$log_info[$log_count]["length"] += $item[3];
$log_info[$log_count]["total"] += $item[4];
print "<h4>By log<sub>2</sub>-count in the training corpus</h4>";
# load factored data
$d = dir("$dir/evaluation/$set.analysis.".get_precision_analysis_version($dir,$set,$id));
while (false !== ($file = $d->read())) {
if (preg_match('/precision-by-corpus-coverage.(.+)$/',$file, $match)) {
function precision_by_coverage_factored($img_width,$total,$file,$factor_id) {
global $dir,$set,$id;
$data = file(get_current_analysis_filename("precision",$file));
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
$item = split("\t",$data[$i]);
$factor = $item[0];
$count = $item[1];
$info_factored[$factor][$count]["precision"] = $item[2];
$info_factored[$factor][$count]["delete"] = $item[3];
$info_factored[$factor][$count]["length"] = $item[4];
$info_factored[$factor][$count]["total"] = $item[5];
$info_factored_sum[$factor]["precision"] += $item[2];
$info_factored_sum[$factor]["delete"] += $item[3];
$info_factored_sum[$factor]["length"] += $item[4];
$info_factored_sum[$factor]["total"] += $item[5];
$total_factored[$factor] += $item[5];
$log_count = -1;
if ($count>0) {
$log_count = (int) (log($count)/log(2));
$log_info_factored[$factor][$log_count]["precision"] += $item[2];
$log_info_factored[$factor][$log_count]["delete"] += $item[3];
$log_info_factored[$factor][$log_count]["length"] += $item[4];
$log_info_factored[$factor][$log_count]["total"] += $item[5];
print "<h4>By factor ".factor_name("input",$factor_id)."</h4>";
print "<h4>For each factor, by log<sub>2</sub>-count in the corpus</h4>";
foreach ($log_info_factored as $factor => $info) {
if ($total_factored[$factor]/$total > 0.01) {
print "<table style=\"display:inline;\"><tr><td align=center><font size=-2><b>$factor</b></font></td></tr><tr><td align=center>";
print "</td></tr></table>";
function precision_by_word($type) {
global $dir,$set,$id;
$byCoverage = -2;
$byFactor = "false";
if ($type == "byCoverage") {
$byCoverage = (int) $_GET["type"];
else if ($type == "byFactor") {
$byFactor = $_GET["type"];
else if (preg_match("/byCoverageFactor(.+)/",$type,$match)) {
$byCoverage = (int) $_GET["type"];
$byFactor = $match[1];
$data = file(get_current_analysis_filename("precision","precision-by-input-word"));
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
$line = rtrim($data[$i]);
$item = split("\t",$line);
//# filter for count
$count = $item[4];
$log_count = -1;
if ($count>0) {
$log_count = (int) (log($count)/log(2));
if ($byCoverage != -2 && $byCoverage != $log_count) {
//# filter for factor
$word = $item[5];
if ($byFactor != "false" && $byFactor != $item[6]) {
$info[$word]["precision"] = $item[0];
$info[$word]["delete"] = $item[1];
$info[$word]["length"] = $item[2];
$info[$word]["total"] = $item[3];
$total += $item[3];
print "<table border=1><tr><td align=center>Count</td><td align=center colspan=2>Precision</td><td align=center colspan=2>Delete</td><td align=center>Length</td></tr>\n";
foreach ($info as $word => $wordinfo) {
print "<tr><td align=center><a href=\"javascript:show('bleu','order',5,'".base64_encode($word)."')\">$word</a></td>";
printf("<td align=right>%.1f%s</td><td align=right><font size=-1>%.1f/%d</font></td>",$wordinfo["precision"]/$wordinfo["total"]*100,"%",$wordinfo["precision"],$wordinfo["total"]);
printf("<td align=right>%.1f%s</td><td align=right><font size=-1>%d/%d</font></td>",$wordinfo["delete"]/$wordinfo["total"]*100,"%",$wordinfo["delete"],$wordinfo["total"]);
printf("<td align=right>%.3f</td>",$wordinfo["length"]/$wordinfo["total"]);
print "</tr>";
print "</table>\n";
function precision_by_coverage_latex($name,$log_info,$total,$img_width,$sort_type) {
$keys = array_keys($log_info);
$img_width /= 100;
print "<div id=\"LatexToggle$name\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('Latex$name').style.display = 'block'; = 'none';\" style=\"display:none;\"><font size=-2>(show LaTeX)</font></div>\n";
print "<div id=\"Latex$name\" style=\"display:none;\">\n";
print "<code>\\begin{tikzpicture}<br>";
print "% co-ordinates for precision<br>";
for($line=0;$line<=9;$line++) {
$height = 1.8-$line/10*1.8;
print "\\draw[thin,lightgray] (0.2,-$height) ";
print "node[anchor=east,black] {".$line."0\\%} -- ";
print "($img_width,-$height) ;<br>\n";
print "% co-ordinates for deletion<br>\n";
for($line=0;$line<=3;$line++) {
$height = 2+$line/10*1.80;
print "\\draw[thin,lightgray] (0.2,-$height) ";
if ($line != 0) {
print "node[anchor=east,black] {".$line."0\\%} ";
print "-- ($img_width,-$height) ;<br>\n";
print "% boxes<br>\n";
$total_so_far = 0;
foreach ($keys as $i) {
$prec_ratio = $log_info[$i]["precision"]/$log_info[$i]["total"];
$x = .2+($img_width-.2) * $total_so_far/$total;
$y = 1.80-($prec_ratio*1.80);
$width = $img_width * $log_info[$i]["total"]/$total;
$height = $prec_ratio*1.80;
$width += $x;
$height += $y;
print "\\filldraw[very thin,gray] ($x,-$y) rectangle($width,-$height) ;<br>";
print "\\draw[very thin,black] ($x,-$y) rectangle($width,-$height);<br>";
if ($width-$x>.1) {
print "\\draw (".(($x+$width)/2).",-1.8) node[anchor=north,black] {".$i."};<br>";
$del_ratio = $log_info[$i]["delete"]/$log_info[$i]["total"];
$height = $del_ratio*1.80;
$height += 2;
print "\\filldraw[very thin,lightgray] ($x,-2) rectangle($width,-$height);<br>\n";
print "\\draw[very thin,black] ($x,-2) rectangle($width,-$height);<br>\n";
$total_so_far += $log_info[$i]["total"];
print "\\end{tikzpicture}</code>";
print "</div>";
function precision_by_coverage_graph($name,$log_info,$total,$img_width,$sort_type) {
$keys = array_keys($log_info);
print "<div id=\"Toggle$name\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('Table$name').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('LatexToggle$name').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('Latex$name').style.display = 'none'; = 'none';\" style=\"display:none;\"><font size=-2>(hide table)</font></div>\n";
print "<div id=\"Table$name\" style=\"display:none;\">\n";
print "<table border=1><tr><td align=center>Count</td><td align=center colspan=2>Precision</td><td align=center colspan=2>Delete</td><td align=center>Length</td></tr>\n";
foreach ($keys as $i) {
if (array_key_exists($i,$log_info)) {
print "<tr><td align=center>$i</td>";
printf("<td align=right>%.1f%s</td><td align=right><font size=-1>%.1f/%d</font></td>",$log_info[$i]["precision"]/$log_info[$i]["total"]*100,"%",$log_info[$i]["precision"],$log_info[$i]["total"]);
printf("<td align=right>%.1f%s</td><td align=right><font size=-1>%d/%d</font></td>",$log_info[$i]["delete"]/$log_info[$i]["total"]*100,"%",$log_info[$i]["delete"],$log_info[$i]["total"]);
printf("<td align=right>%.3f</td>",$log_info[$i]["length"]/$log_info[$i]["total"]);
print "<td><A HREF=\"javascript:generic_show('PrecisionByWord$name','type=$i')\">&#x24BE;</A></td>";
print "</tr>";
print "</table><div id=\"PrecisionByWord$name\"></div></div>";
print "<div id=\"Graph$name\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('Table$name').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('LatexToggle$name').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('Toggle$name').style.display = 'block';\">";
print "<canvas id=\"$name\" width=$img_width height=300></canvas></div>";
print "<script language=\"javascript\">
var canvas = document.getElementById(\"$name\");
var ctx = canvas.getContext(\"2d\");
ctx.lineWidth = 0.5;
ctx.font = '9px serif';
for($line=0;$line<=9;$line++) {
$height = 180-$line/10*180;
print "ctx.moveTo(20, $height);\n";
print "ctx.lineTo($img_width, $height);\n";
if ($line != 0) {
print "ctx.fillText(\"${line}0\%\", 0, $height+4);";
for($line=0;$line<=3;$line++) {
$height = 200+$line/10*180;
print "ctx.moveTo(20, $height);\n";
print "ctx.lineTo($img_width, $height);\n";
if ($line != 0) {
print "ctx.fillText(\"${line}0\%\", 0, $height+4);";
print "ctx.strokeStyle = \"rgb(100,100,100)\"; ctx.stroke();\n";
$total_so_far = 0;
foreach ($keys as $i) {
$prec_ratio = $log_info[$i]["precision"]/$log_info[$i]["total"];
$x = (int)(20+($img_width-20) * $total_so_far / $total);
$y = (int)(180-($prec_ratio*180));
$width = (int)($img_width * $log_info[$i]["total"]/$total);
$height = (int)($prec_ratio*180);
print "ctx.fillStyle = \"rgb(200,200,0)\";";
print "ctx.fillRect ($x, $y, $width, $height);";
$del_ratio = $log_info[$i]["delete"]/$log_info[$i]["total"];
$height = (int)($del_ratio*180);
print "ctx.fillStyle = \"rgb(100,100,255)\";";
print "ctx.fillRect ($x, 200, $width, $height);";
$total_so_far += $log_info[$i]["total"];
if ($width>3) {
print "ctx.fillStyle = \"rgb(0,0,0)\";";
// print "ctx.rotate(-1.5707);";
print "ctx.fillText(\"$i\", $x+$width/2-3, 190);";
//print "ctx.rotate(1.5707);";
print "</script>";
//# stats on precision and recall
function precision_recall_details() {
<table width=100%>
<td width=25% valign=top><div id="nGramPrecision1">(loading...)</div></td>
<td width=25% valign=top><div id="nGramPrecision2">(loading...)</div></td>
<td width=25% valign=top><div id="nGramPrecision3">(loading...)</div></td>
<td width=25% valign=top><div id="nGramPrecision4">(loading...)</div></td>
<td width=25% valign=top><div id="nGramRecall1">(loading...)</div></td>
<td width=25% valign=top><div id="nGramRecall2">(loading...)</div></td>
<td width=25% valign=top><div id="nGramRecall3">(loading...)</div></td>
<td width=25% valign=top><div id="nGramRecall4">(loading...)</div></td>
<script language="javascript">
//# stats on ngram precision
function ngram_summary() {
global $experiment,$evalset,$dir,$set,$id;
//# load data
$data = file(get_current_analysis_filename("basic","summary"));
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
$item = split(": ",$data[$i]);
$info[$item[0]] = $item[1];
print "<table cellspacing=5 width=100%><tr><td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#eeeeee>";
//#foreach (array("precision","recall") as $type) {
print "<b>Precision of Output</b>\n";
$type = "precision";
print "<table><tr><td>$type</td><td>1-gram</td><td>2-gram</td><td>3-gram</td><td>4-gram</td></tr>\n";
print "</table>";
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:generic_show('PrecisionRecallDetails','')\">details</A> ";
if (file_exists(get_current_analysis_filename("precision","precision-by-corpus-coverage"))) {
print "| <A HREF=\"javascript:generic_show('PrecisionByCoverage','')\">precision of input by coverage</A> ";
print "</td><td valign=top valign=top align=center bgcolor=#eeeeee>";
$each_score = explode(" ; ",$experiment[$id]->result[$set]);
$header = "";
$score_line = "";
for($i=0;$i<count($each_score);$i++) {
if (preg_match('/([\d\(\)\.\s]+) (BLEU[\-c]*)/',$each_score[$i],$match) ||
preg_match('/([\d\(\)\.\s]+) (IBM[\-c]*)/',$each_score[$i],$match) ||
preg_match('/([\d\(\)\.\s]+) (METEOR[\-c]*)/',$each_score[$i],$match)) {
$header .= "<td>$match[2]</td>";
$score_line .= "<td>$match[1]</td>";
print "<b>Metrics</b><table border=1><tr>".$header."</tr><tr>".$score_line."</tr></table>";
printf("<p>length-diff: %d (%.1f%s)",$info["precision-1-total"]-$info["recall-1-total"],($info["precision-1-total"]-$info["recall-1-total"])/$info["recall-1-total"]*100,"%");
// coverage
if (file_exists(get_current_analysis_filename("coverage","corpus-coverage-summary"))) {
print "</td><td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#eeeeee>";
print "<div id=\"CoverageSummary\">";
print "</div>";
// phrase segmentation
if (file_exists(get_current_analysis_filename("basic","segmentation")) ||
file_exists(get_current_analysis_filename("basic","rule"))) {
print "</td><td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#eeeeee>";
print "<div id=\"SegmentationSummary\">";
print "</div>";
// rules
if (file_exists(get_current_analysis_filename("basic","rule"))) {
print "</td><td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#eeeeee>";
print "<div id=\"RuleSummary\">";
print "</div>";
print "</td></tr></table>";
// details on ngram precision/recall
function ngram_show($type) {
global $set,$id,$dir;
// load data
$order = $_GET['order'];
$data = file(get_current_analysis_filename("basic","n-gram-$type.$order"));
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
$item = split("\t",$data[$i]);
$line["total"] = $item[0];
$line["correct"] = $item[1];
$line["ngram"] = $item[2];
$ngram[] = $line;
// sort option
$sort = $_GET['sort'];
$smooth = $_GET['smooth'];
if ($sort == '') {
$sort = 'ratio_worst';
$smooth = 1;
// sort index
for($i=0;$i<count($ngram);$i++) {
if ($sort == "abs_worst") {
$ngram[$i]["index"] = $ngram[$i]["correct"] - $ngram[$i]["total"];
else if ($sort == "ratio_worst") {
$ngram[$i]["index"] = ($ngram[$i]["correct"] + $smooth) / ($ngram[$i]["total"] + $smooth);
// sort
function cmp($a, $b) {
if ($a["index"] == $b["index"]) {
return 0;
return ($a["index"] < $b["index"]) ? -1 : 1;
usort($ngram, 'cmp');
// display
$count = $_GET['count'];
if ($count == 0) { $count = 5; }
print "<B>$order-gram $type</B><br><font size=-1>sorted by ";
if ($sort == "ratio_worst") {
print "ratio ";
print "smooth-$smooth ";
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:ngram_show('$type',$order,$count,'ratio_worst',$smooth+1)\">+</A> ";
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:ngram_show('$type',$order,$count,'ratio_worst',$smooth-1)\">-</A> ";
else {
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:ngram_show('$type',$order,$count,'ratio_worst',1)\">ratio</A> ";
if ($sort == "abs_worst") {
print "absolute ";
else {
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:ngram_show('$type',$order,$count,'abs_worst',0)\">absolute</A> ";
print "showing $count ";
if ($count < 9999) {
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:ngram_show('$type',$order,$count+5,'$sort',$smooth)\">more</A> ";
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:ngram_show('$type',$order,9999,'$sort',$smooth)\">all</A> ";
else {
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:ngram_show('$type',$order,5,'$sort',$smooth)\">top5</A> ";
print "</font><br>\n";
print "<table width=100%>\n";
print "<tr><td>$order-gram</td><td>ok</td><td>x</td><td>ratio</td></tr>\n";
for($i=0;$i<$count && $i<count($ngram);$i++) {
$line = $ngram[$i];
print "<tr><td>".$line["ngram"]."</td>";
print "<td>".$line["correct"]."</td>";
print "<td>".($line["total"]-$line["correct"])."</td>";
print "</table>\n";
// details on ngram coverage
function coverage_details() {
global $dir,$set,$id;
$count = array(); $token = array();
foreach (array("ttable","corpus") as $corpus) {
foreach (array("token","type") as $b) {
for($i=0;$i<=7;$i++) {
foreach (array("6+","2-5","1","0") as $range) {
$count[$corpus][$b][$i][$range] = 0;
$total[$corpus][$b][$i] = 0;
$data = file(filename_fallback_to_factored(get_current_analysis_filename("coverage","$corpus-coverage-summary")));
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
$item = split("\t",$data[$i]);
if ($item[1]>5) {
$count[$corpus]["type"][$item[0]]["6+"] += $item[2];
$count[$corpus]["token"][$item[0]]["6+"] += $item[3];
else if ($item[1]>1) {
$count[$corpus]["type"][$item[0]]["2-5"] += $item[2];
$count[$corpus]["token"][$item[0]]["2-5"] += $item[3];
else if ($item[1]==1) {
$count[$corpus]["type"][$item[0]]["1"] += $item[2];
$count[$corpus]["token"][$item[0]]["1"] += $item[3];
else {
$count[$corpus]["type"][$item[0]]["0"] += $item[2];
$count[$corpus]["token"][$item[0]]["0"] += $item[3];
$total[$corpus]["type"][$item[0]] += $item[2];
$total[$corpus]["token"][$item[0]] += $item[3];
print "<b>coverage</b><br>\n";
print "<table width=100%><tr>";
foreach (array("token","type") as $by) {
for($i=1;$i<=4;$i++) {
print "<td align=center><b>$i-gram ($by)</b><br>\n";
print "<table><tr><td></td><td>model</td><td>corpus</td></tr>\n";
foreach (array("0","1","2-5","6+") as $range) {
print "<tr><td>$range</td>";
foreach (array("ttable","corpus") as $corpus) {
printf("<td align=right nowrap>%d (%.1f%s)</td>",$count[$corpus][$by][$i][$range],100*$count[$corpus][$by][$i][$range]/($total[$corpus][$by][$i]+0.0001),"%");
print "</tr>\n";
print "</table></td>\n";
print "</tr><tr>";
print "</tr></table>\n";
$data = file(filename_fallback_to_factored(get_current_analysis_filename("coverage","ttable-unknown")));
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
list($word,$count) = split("\t",$data[$i]);
$item["word"] = $word;
$item["count"] = rtrim($count);
$unknown[] = $item;
function cmp($a,$b) {
if ($a["count"] > $b["count"]) {
return -1;
else if ($a["count"] < $b["count"]) {
return 1;
else {
return strcmp($a["word"],$b["word"]);
usort($unknown, 'cmp');
print "<b>unknown words (to model)</b><br>\n";
print "<table><tr><td valign=top><table>";
$state = 5;
foreach ($unknown as $item) {
if ($item["count"] < $state) {
if ($state == 5) { print "</table>"; }
print "</td><td valign=top><b>".$item["count"].":</b> ";
$state = $item["count"];
if ($state == 1) { print "<font size=-1>"; }
else if ($state<5) {
print ", ";
if ($state == 5) {
print "<tr><td>".$item["count"]."</td><td>".$item["word"]."</td></tr>";
else {
print $item["word"];
print "</font></td></tr></table>\n";
function filename_fallback_to_factored($file) {
if (file_exists($file)) {
return $file;
$path = pathinfo($file);
$dh = opendir($path['dirname']);
while (($factored_file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if (strlen($factored_file) > strlen($path['basename']) &&
substr($factored_file,0,strlen($path['basename'])) == $path['basename'] &&
preg_match("/0/",substr($factored_file,strlen($path['basename'])))) {
return $path['dirname']."/".$factored_file;
// found nothing...
return $file;
function factor_name($input_output,$factor_id) {
global $dir,$set,$id;
$file = get_current_analysis_filename("coverage","factor-names");
if (!file_exists($file)) {
return $factor_id;
$in_out_names = file($file);
$names = explode(",",trim($in_out_names[($input_output == "input")?0:1]));
return "'".$names[$factor_id]."' ($factor_id)";
// stats on ngram coverage
function coverage_summary() {
global $dir,$set,$id,$corpus;
if (array_key_exists("by",$_GET)) { $by = $_GET['by']; }
else { $by = 'token'; }
$total = array(); $count = array();
foreach (array("ttable","corpus") as $corpus) {
foreach (array("token","type") as $b) {
foreach (array("6+","2-5","1","0") as $c) {
$count[$corpus][$b][$c] = 0;
$total[$corpus][$b] = 0;
$data = file(filename_fallback_to_factored(get_current_analysis_filename("coverage","$corpus-coverage-summary")));
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
$item = split("\t",$data[$i]);
if ($item[0] == 1) {
if ($item[1]>5) {
$count[$corpus]["type"]["6+"] += $item[2];
$count[$corpus]["token"]["6+"] += $item[3];
else if ($item[1]>1) {
$count[$corpus]["type"]["2-5"] += $item[2];
$count[$corpus]["token"]["2-5"] += $item[3];
else if ($item[1]==1) {
$count[$corpus]["type"]["1"] += $item[2];
$count[$corpus]["token"]["1"] += $item[3];
else {
$count[$corpus]["type"]["0"] += $item[2];
$count[$corpus]["token"]["0"] += $item[3];
$total[$corpus]["type"] += $item[2];
$total[$corpus]["token"] += $item[3];
print "<b>Coverage</b>\n";
print "<table><tr><td></td><td>model</td><td>corpus</td></tr>\n";
foreach (array("0","1","2-5","6+") as $range) {
print "<tr><td>$range</td>";
foreach (array("ttable","corpus") as $corpus) {
printf("<td align=right nowrap>%d (%.1f%s)</td>",$count[$corpus][$by][$range],100*$count[$corpus][$by][$range]/($total[$corpus][$by]+0.0001),"%");
print "</tr>\n";
print "</table>\n";
if ($by == 'token') { print "by token"; } else {
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:generic_show('CoverageSummary','by=token')\">by token</A> ";
print " / ";
if ($by == 'type') { print "by type"; } else {
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:generic_show('CoverageSummary','by=type')\">by type</A> ";
print " / ";
print "<div id=\"CoverageDetailsLink\"><A HREF=\"javascript:generic_show('CoverageDetails','')\">details</A></div> ";
// stats on segmenation (phrase-based)
function segmentation_summary() {
global $dir,$set,$id;
if (array_key_exists("by",$_GET)) { $by = $_GET['by']; }
else { $by = 'word'; }
$count = array();
for($i=0;$i<=4;$i++) {
$count[$i] = array();
for($j=0;$j<=4;$j++) {
$count[$i][$j] = 0;
$total = 0;
$file = get_current_analysis_filename("basic","segmentation");
if (file_exists($file)) {
$data = file($file);
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
list($in,$out,$c) = split("\t",$data[$i]);
if ($by == "word") { $c *= $in; }
if ($in>4) { $in = 4; }
if ($out>4) { $out = 4; }
$total += $c;
$count[$in][$out] += $c;
else {
$data = file(get_current_analysis_filename("basic","rule"));
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
$field = split("\t",$data[$i]);
$type = $field[0];
$rule = $field[1];
if (count($field) > 2) { $c = $field[2]; } else { $c = 0; }
if ($type == "rule") {
list($rule_in,$in,$nt,$rule_out,$out) = split(":",$rule);
if ($by == "word") { $c *= $in; }
if ($in>4) { $in = 4; }
if ($out>4) { $out = 4; }
$total += $c;
$count[$in][$out] += $c;
print "<b>Phrase Segmentation</b><br>\n";
print "<table>";
print "<tr><td></td><td align=center>1</td><td align=center>2</td><td align=center>3</td><td align=center>4+</td></tr>";
for($in=1;$in<=4;$in++) {
print "<tr><td nowrap>$in".($in==4?"+":"")." to</td>";
for($out=1;$out<=4;$out++) {
if (array_key_exists($in,$count) &&
array_key_exists($out,$count[$in])) {
$c = $count[$in][$out];
else { $c = 0; }
printf("<td align=right nowrap>%d (%.1f%s)</td>",$c,100*$c/$total,"%");
print "</tr>";
print "</table>\n";
if ($by == 'word') { print "by word"; } else {
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:generic_show('SegmentationSummary','by=word')\">by word</A> ";
print " / ";
if ($by == 'phrase') { print "by phrase"; } else {
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:generic_show('SegmentationSummary','by=phrase')\">by phrase</A> ";
// hierarchical rules used in translation
function rule_summary() {
global $dir,$set,$id;
$data = file(get_current_analysis_filename("basic","rule"));
$rule = array(); $count = array(); $count_nt = array(); $count_w = array();
$nt_count = 0; $total = 0;
foreach ($data as $item) {
$field = split("\t",$item);
$type = $field[0];
$d = $field[1];
if (count($field) > 2) { $d2 = $field[2]; } else { $d2 = 0; }
if ($type == "sentence-count") {
$sentence_count = $d;
else if ($type == "glue-rule") {
$glue_rule = $d / $sentence_count;
else if ($type == "depth") {
$depth = $d / $sentence_count;
else {
list($rule_in,$word_in,$nt,$rule_out,$word_out) = split(":",$d);
$rule_in = preg_replace("/a/","x",$rule_in);
$rule_in = preg_replace("/b/","y",$rule_in);
$rule_in = preg_replace("/c/","z",$rule_in);
$rule_out = preg_replace("/a/","x",$rule_out);
$rule_out = preg_replace("/b/","y",$rule_out);
$rule_out = preg_replace("/c/","z",$rule_out);
$nt_count += $d2 * $nt;
if (!array_key_exists($d,$rule)) { $rule[$d] = 0; }
$rule[$d] += $d2;
if (!array_key_exists($nt,$count)) { $count[$nt] = 0; }
$count[$nt] += $d2;
$just_nt = preg_replace("/\d/","",$rule_in)."-".preg_replace("/\d/","",$rule_out);
$no_wc = preg_replace("/\d/","W",$rule_in)."-".preg_replace("/\d/","",$rule_out);
if ($just_nt == "-") { $just_nt = "lexical"; }
if (!array_key_exists($just_nt,$count_nt)) { $count_nt[$just_nt] = 0; }
$count_nt[$just_nt] += $d2;
if (!array_key_exists($no_wc,$count_w)) { $count_w[$no_wc] = 0; }
$count_w[$no_wc] += $d2;
$total += $d2;
print "<b>Rules</b><br>\n";
printf("glue rule: %.2f<br>\n",$glue_rule);
printf("tree depth: %.2f<br>\n",$depth);
printf("nt/rule: %.2f<br>\n",$nt_count/$total);
print "<table>\n";
foreach ($count_nt as $rule => $count) {
if ($i++ < 5) { printf("<tr><td>%s</td><td align=right>%d</td><td align=right>%.1f%s</td></tr>\n",$rule,$count,$count/$total*100,'%'); }
if (count($count_nt)>5) { print "<tr><td align=center>...</td><td align=center>...</td><td align=center>...</td></tr>\n"; }
print "</table>\n";
// annotated sentences, navigation
function bleu_show() {
$count = $_GET['count'];
if ($count == 0) { $count = 5; }
$filter = "";
if (array_key_exists("filter",$_GET)) {
$filter = base64_decode($_GET['filter']);
print "<b>annotated sentences</b><br><font size=-1>sorted by: ";
if ($_GET['sort'] == "order" || $_GET['sort'] == "") { print "order "; }
else {
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:show('bleu','order',$count,'".base64_encode($filter)."')\">order</A> ";
if ($_GET['sort'] == "best") { print "best "; }
else {
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:show('bleu','best',$count,'".base64_encode($filter)."')\">best</A> ";
if ($_GET['sort'] == "25") { print "25% "; }
else {
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:show('bleu','25',$count,'".base64_encode($filter)."')\">25%</A> ";
if ($_GET['sort'] == "avg") { print "avg "; }
else {
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:show('bleu','avg',$count,'".base64_encode($filter)."')\">avg</A> ";
if ($_GET['sort'] == "75") { print "75% "; }
else {
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:show('bleu','75',$count,'".base64_encode($filter)."')\">75%</A> ";
if ($_GET['sort'] == "worst") { print "worst; "; }
else {
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:show('bleu','worst',$count,'".base64_encode($filter)."')\">worst</A>; ";
print "showing: $count ";
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:show('bleu','" . $_GET['sort'] . "',5+$count,'".base64_encode($filter)."')\">more</A> ";
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:show('bleu','" . $_GET['sort'] . "',9999,'".base64_encode($filter)."')\">all</A>";
if ($filter != "") {
print "; filter: '$filter'";
print "<p align=center><A HREF=\"javascript:show('bleu','" . $_GET['sort'] . "',5+$count,'".base64_encode($filter)."')\">5 more</A> | ";
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:show('bleu','" . $_GET['sort'] . "',10+$count,'".base64_encode($filter)."')\">10 more</A> | ";
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:show('bleu','" . $_GET['sort'] . "',20+$count,'".base64_encode($filter)."')\">20 more</A> | ";
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:show('bleu','" . $_GET['sort'] . "',50+$count,'".base64_encode($filter)."')\">50 more</A> | ";
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:show('bleu','" . $_GET['sort'] . "',100+$count,'".base64_encode($filter)."')\">100 more</A> | ";
print "<A HREF=\"javascript:show('bleu','" . $_GET['sort'] . "',9999,'".base64_encode($filter)."')\">all</A> ";
// annotated sentences core: reads data, sorts sentences, displays them
function sentence_annotation($count,$filter) {
global $set,$id,$dir,$biconcor;
# get input
$filtered = array();
$file = get_current_analysis_filename("coverage","input-annotation");
if (file_exists($file)) {
$input = file($file);
# filter is so specified
if ($filter != "") {
for($i=0;$i<count($input);$i++) {
$item = explode("\t",$input[$i]);
$word = explode(" ",$item[0]);
$keep = 0;
for($j=0;$j<count($word);$j++) {
if ($word[$j] == $filter) {
$keep = 1;
if (!$keep) { $filtered[$i] = 1; }
# load bleu scores
$data = file(get_current_analysis_filename("basic","bleu-annotation"));
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
$item = split("\t",$data[$i]);
if (! array_key_exists($item[1],$filtered)) {
$line["bleu"] = $item[0];
$line["id"] = $item[1];
$line["system"] = $item[2];
$line["reference"] = "";
for($j=3;$j<count($item);$j++) {
if ($j>3) { $line["reference"] .= "<br>"; };
$line["reference"] .= $item[$j];
$bleu[] = $line;
# sort and label additional sentences as filtered
global $sort;
function cmp($a, $b) {
global $sort;
if ($sort == "order") {
$a_idx = $a["id"];
$b_idx = $b["id"];
else if ($sort == "worst" || $sort == "75") {
$a_idx = $a["bleu"];
$b_idx = $b["bleu"];
if ($a_idx == $b_idx) {
$a_idx = $b["id"];
$b_idx = $a["id"];
else if ($sort == "best" || $sort == "avg" || $sort == "25") {
$a_idx = -$a["bleu"];
$b_idx = -$b["bleu"];
if ($a_idx == $b_idx) {
$a_idx = $a["id"];
$b_idx = $b["id"];
if ($a_idx == $b_idx) {
return 0;
return ($a_idx < $b_idx) ? -1 : 1;
$sort = $_GET['sort'];
if ($sort == '') {
$sort = "order";
usort($bleu, 'cmp');
$offset = 0;
if ($sort == "25" || $sort == "75") {
$offset = (int) (count($bleu)/4);
else if ($sort == "avg") {
$offset = (int) (count($bleu)/2);
$retained = array();
for($i=$offset;$i<$count+$offset && $i<count($bleu);$i++) {
$line = $bleu[$i];
$retained[$line["id"]] = 1;
# get segmentation (phrase alignment)
$file = get_current_analysis_filename("basic","segmentation-annotation");
if (file_exists($file)) {
$data = file($file);
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
if ($filter == "" || array_key_exists($i,$retained)) {
$segment = 0;
foreach (split(" ",$data[$i]) as $item) {
list($in_start,$in_end,$out_start,$out_end) = split(":",$item);
$segmentation[$i]["input_start"][$in_start] = $segment;
$segmentation[$i]["input_end"][$in_end] = $segment;
$segmentation[$i]["output_start"][$out_start] = $segment;
$segmentation[$i]["output_end"][$out_end+0] = $segment;
# get hierarchical data
$hierarchical = 0;
$file = get_current_analysis_filename("basic","input-tree");
if (file_exists($file)) {
$data = file($file);
$span = 0;
$last_sentence = -1;
$nt_count = array();
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
list($sentence,$brackets,$nt,$words) = split("\t",$data[$i]);
if ($sentence != $last_sentence) { $span = 0; }
$last_sentence = $sentence;
if (array_key_exists($sentence,$retained)) {
$segmentation[$sentence][$span]["brackets"] = $brackets;
# $segmentation[$sentence][$span]["nt"] = $nt;
$segmentation[$sentence][$span]["words"] = rtrim($words);
if ($nt != "") { $nt_count[$nt]=1; }
$hierarchical = 1;
# if (count($nt_count) <= 2) {
# foreach ($segmentation as $sentence => $segmentation_span) {
# foreach ($segmentation_span as $span => $type) {
# $segmentation[$sentence][$span]["nt"]="";
# }
# }
# }
$file = get_current_analysis_filename("basic","output-tree");
if (file_exists($file)) {
$data = file($file);
$span = 0;
$last_sentence = -1;
$nt_count = array();
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
list($sentence,$brackets,$nt,$words) = split("\t",$data[$i]);
if ($sentence != $last_sentence) { $span = 0; }
$last_sentence = $sentence;
if (array_key_exists($sentence,$retained)) {
$segmentation_out[$sentence][$span]["brackets"] = $brackets;
$segmentation_out[$sentence][$span]["nt"] = $nt;
$segmentation_out[$sentence][$span]["words"] = rtrim($words);
if ($nt != "") { $nt_count[$nt]=1; }
# no non-terminal markup, if there are two or less non-terminals (X,S)
if (count($nt_count) <= 2) {
foreach ($segmentation_out as $sentence => $segmentation_span) {
foreach ($segmentation_span as $span => $type) {
$file = get_current_analysis_filename("basic","node");
if (file_exists($file)) {
$data = file($file);
$n = 0;
$last_sentence = -1;
for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) {
list($sentence,$depth,$start_div,$end_div,$start_div_in,$end_div_in,$children) = split(" ",$data[$i]);
if ($sentence != $last_sentence) { $n = 0; }
$last_sentence = $sentence;
if (array_key_exists($sentence,$retained)) {
$node[$sentence][$n]['depth'] = $depth;
$node[$sentence][$n]['start_div'] = $start_div;
$node[$sentence][$n]['end_div'] = $end_div;
$node[$sentence][$n]['start_div_in'] = $start_div_in;
$node[$sentence][$n]['end_div_in'] = $end_div_in;
$node[$sentence][$n]['children'] = rtrim($children);
# display
if ($filter != "") {
print " (".(count($input)-count($filtered))." retaining)";
print "</font><BR>\n";
$biconcor = get_biconcor_version($dir,$set,$id);
//print "<div id=\"debug\">$sort / $offset</div>";
for($i=$offset;$i<$count+$offset && $i<count($bleu);$i++) {
$line = $bleu[$i];
$search_graph_dir = get_current_analysis_filename("basic","search-graph");
if (file_exists($search_graph_dir) && file_exists($search_graph_dir."/graph.".$line["id"])) {
$state = return_state_for_link();
print "<FONT SIZE=-1><A TARGET=_blank HREF=\"?$state&analysis=sgviz&set=$set&id=$id&sentence=".$line["id"]."\">show search graph</a></FONT><br>\n";
if ($hierarchical) {
if ($input) {
print "<div id=\"info-".$line["id"]."\" style=\"border-color:black; background:#ffff80; opacity:0; width:100%; border:1px;\">0 occ. in corpus, 0 translations, entropy: 0.00</div>\n";
if ($biconcor) {
print "<div id=\"biconcor-".$line["id"]."\" class=\"biconcor\"><font size=-2>(click on input phrase for bilingual concordancer)</font></div>";
if ($hierarchical) {
else {
print "<font size=-2>[#".$line["id"]."]</font> ";
//else {
// print "<font size=-2>[".$line["id"].":".$line["bleu"]."]</font> ";
if ($hierarchical) {
else {
print "<font size=-2>[".$line["bleu"]."]</font> ";
print "<br><font size=-2>[ref]</font> ".$line["reference"]."<hr>";
function coverage($coverage_vector) {
# get information from line in input annotation file
$coverage = array();
foreach (split(" ",$coverage_vector) as $item) {
if (preg_match("/[\-:]/",$item)) {
$field = preg_split("/[\-:]/",$item);
$from = $field[0];
$to = $field[1];
if (count($field)>2){ $coverage[$from][$to]["corpus_count"]=$field[2]; }
if (count($field)>3){ $coverage[$from][$to]["ttable_count"]=$field[3]; }
if (count($field)>4){ $coverage[$from][$to]["ttabel_entropy"]=$field[4]; }
return $coverage;
// annotate an inpute sentence
function input_annotation($sentence,$input,$segmentation,$filter) {
global $biconcor;
list($words,$coverage_vector) = split("\t",$input);
# get information from line in input annotation file
$coverage = array();
foreach (split(" ",$coverage_vector) as $item) {
if (preg_match("/[\-:]/",$item)) {
list($from,$to,$corpus_count,$ttable_count,$ttable_entropy) = preg_split("/[\-:]/",$item);
$coverage[$from][$to]["corpus_count"] = $corpus_count;
$coverage[$from][$to]["ttable_count"] = $ttable_count;
$coverage[$from][$to]["ttable_entropy"] = $ttable_entropy;
$word = split(" ",$words);
# compute the display level for each input phrase
for($j=0;$j<count($word);$j++) {
$box[] = array();
$separable[] = 1;
$max_level = 0;
for($length=1;$length<=7;$length++) {
for($from=0;$from<count($word)-($length-1);$from++) {
$to = $from + ($length-1);
if (array_key_exists($from,$coverage) &&
array_key_exists($to,$coverage[$from]) &&
array_key_exists("corpus_count",$coverage[$from][$to])) {
$available = 0;
while(!$available) {
$available = 1;
for($j=$from;$j<=$to;$j++) {
if (array_key_exists($level,$box) &&
array_key_exists($j,$box[$level])) {
$available = 0;
for($j=$from;$j<=$to;$j++) {
$box[$level][$j] = $to;
$max_level = max($max_level,$level);
for($j=$from+1;$j<=$to;$j++) {
$separable[$j] = 0;
$separable[count($word)] = 1;
# display input phrases
$sep_start = 0;
for($sep_end=1;$sep_end<=count($word);$sep_end++) {
if ($separable[$sep_end] == 1) {
# one table for each separable block
print "<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=0 style=\"display: inline-table;\">";
for($level=$max_level;$level>=1;$level--) {
# rows for phrase display
print "<tr style=\"height:5px;\">";
for($from=$sep_start;$from<$sep_end;$from++) {
if (array_key_exists($from,$box[$level])) {
$to = $box[$level][$from];
$size = $to - $from + 1;
if ($size == 1) {
print "<td><div style=\"height:0px; opacity:0; position:relative; z-index:-9;\">".$word[$from];
else {
$color = coverage_color($coverage[$from][$to]);
$phrase = "";
$highlightwords = "";
$lowlightwords = "";
for($j=$from;$j<=$to;$j++) {
if ($j>$from) { $phrase .= " "; }
$phrase .= $word[$j];
$highlightwords .= " document.getElementById('inputword-$sentence-$j').style.backgroundColor='#ffff80';";
$lowlightwords .= " document.getElementById('inputword-$sentence-$j').style.backgroundColor='".coverage_color($coverage[$j][$j])."';";
print "<td colspan=$size><div style=\"background-color: $color; height:3px;\" onmouseover=\"show_word_info($sentence,".$coverage[$from][$to]["corpus_count"].",".$coverage[$from][$to]["ttable_count"].",".$coverage[$from][$to]["ttable_entropy"].");'#ffff80';$highlightwords\" onmouseout=\"hide_word_info($sentence);'$color';$lowlightwords;\"".($biconcor?" onclick=\"show_biconcor($sentence,'".base64_encode($phrase)."');\"":"").">";
print "</div></td>";
$from += $size-1;
else {
print "<td><div style=\"height:".($from==$to ? 0 : 3)."px;\"></div></td>";
print "</tr>\n";
# display input words
print "<tr><td colspan=".($sep_end-$sep_start)."><div style=\"position:relative; z-index:1;\">";
for($j=$sep_start;$j<$sep_end;$j++) {
if ($segmentation && array_key_exists($j,$segmentation["input_start"])) {
$id = $segmentation["input_start"][$j];
print "<span id=\"input-$sentence-$id\" style=\"border-color:#000000; border-style:solid; border-width:1px;\" onmouseover=\"highlight_phrase($sentence,$id);\" onmouseout=\"lowlight_phrase($sentence,$id);\">";
if (array_key_exists($j,$coverage)) {
$color = coverage_color($coverage[$j][$j]);
$cc = $coverage[$j][$j]["corpus_count"];
$tc = $coverage[$j][$j]["ttable_count"];
$te = $coverage[$j][$j]["ttable_entropy"];
else { # unknown words
$color = '#ffffff';
$cc = 0; $tc = 0; $te = 0;
print "<span id=\"inputword-$sentence-$j\" style=\"background-color: $color;\" onmouseover=\"show_word_info($sentence,$cc,$tc,$te);'#ffff80';\" onmouseout=\"hide_word_info($sentence);'$color';\"".($biconcor?" onclick=\"show_biconcor($sentence,'".base64_encode($word[$j])."');\"":"").">";
if ($word[$j] == $filter) {
print "<b><font color=#ff0000>".$word[$j]."</font></b>";
else {
print $word[$j];
print "</span>";
if ($segmentation && array_key_exists($j,$segmentation["input_end"])) {
print "</span>";
print " ";
print "</div></td></tr>\n";
print "</table>\n";
$sep_start = $sep_end;
print "<br>";
// color-coded coverage stats (corpus count, ttable count, entropy)
function coverage_color($phrase) {
$corpus_count = 255 - 10 * log(1 + $phrase["corpus_count"]);
if ($corpus_count < 128) { $corpus_count = 128; }
$cc_color = dechex($corpus_count / 16) . dechex($corpus_count % 16);
$ttable_count = 255 - 20 * log(1 + $phrase["ttable_count"]);
if ($ttable_count < 128) { $ttable_count = 128; }
$tc_color = dechex($ttable_count / 16) . dechex($ttable_count % 16);
$ttable_entropy = 255 - 32 * $phrase["ttable_entropy"];
if ($ttable_entropy < 128) { $ttable_entropy = 128; }
$te_color = dechex($ttable_entropy / 16) . dechex($ttable_entropy % 16);
// $color = "#". $cc_color . $te_color . $tc_color; # reddish browns with some green
// $color = "#". $cc_color . $tc_color . $te_color; # reddish brown with some blueish purple
$color = "#". $te_color . $cc_color . $tc_color; # pale green towards red
// $color = "#". $te_color . $tc_color . $cc_color; # pale purple towards red
// $color = "#". $tc_color . $te_color . $cc_color; // # blue-grey towards green
// $color = "#". $tc_color . $cc_color . $te_color; // # green-grey towards blue
return $color;
// annotate an output sentence
function output_annotation($sentence,$system,$segmentation) {
#$color = array("#FFC0C0","#FFC0FF","#C0C0FF","#C0FFFF","#C0FFC0");
$color = array("#c0c0c0","#e0e0ff","#b0b0ff","#8080ff","#4040ff");
$word = split(" ",$system);
for($j=0;$j<count($word);$j++) {
list($surface,$correct) = split("\|", $word[$j]);
if ($segmentation && array_key_exists($j,$segmentation["output_start"])) {
$id = $segmentation["output_start"][$j];
print "<span id=\"output-$sentence-$id\" style=\"border-color:#000000; border-style:solid; border-width:1px;\" onmouseover=\"highlight_phrase($sentence,$id);\" onmouseout=\"lowlight_phrase($sentence,$id);\">";
print "<span style=\"background-color: $color[$correct]\">$surface</span>";
if ($segmentation && array_key_exists($j,$segmentation["output_end"])) {
print "</span>";
print " ";
function annotation_hierarchical($sentence,$segmentation,$segmentation_out,$node) {
print "<script language=\"javascript\">\n";
print "max_depth[$sentence] = ".strlen($segmentation[0]["brackets"]).";\n";
print "span_count_out[$sentence] = ".count($segmentation_out).";\n";
print "span_count_in[$sentence] = ".count($segmentation).";\n";
print "nodeIn[$sentence] = [];\n";
print "nodeOut[$sentence] = [];\n";
print "nodeChildren[$sentence] = [];\n";
for($n=0;$n<count($node);$n++) {
print "nodeIn[$sentence].push({ start: ".$node[$n]['start_div_in'].", end: ".$node[$n]['end_div_in'].", depth: ".$node[$n]['depth']." });\n";
print "nodeOut[$sentence].push({ start: ".$node[$n]['start_div'].", end: ".$node[$n]['end_div'].", depth: ".$node[$n]['depth']." });\n";
print "nodeChildren[$sentence].push([".$node[$n]['children']."]);\n";
print "</script>\n";
function sentence_annotation_hierarchical($info,$sentence,$sequence,$segmentation,$in_out) {
$In_Out = $in_out == "out" ? "Out" : "In";
#list($words,$coverage_vector) = split("\t",$input);
$coverage = coverage($sequence);
$word = preg_split("/\s/",$sequence);
$color = array("#ffe0e0","#f0e0ff","#e0e0ff","#c0c0ff","#a0a0ff");
#$color = array("#FFC0C0","#FFC0FF","#C0C0FF","#C0FFFF","#C0FFC0");
#$color = array("#c0c0c0","#e0e0ff","#b0b0ff","#8080ff","#4040ff");
print "<table><tr><td>\n";
print "<div class=\"enclosing\"><font size=-2>[$info]</font></div>";
$word_count = 0;
for($span=0;$span<count($segmentation);$span++) {
print "<div class=\"enclosing\">";
for($depth=0;$depth<strlen($segmentation[$span]["brackets"]);$depth++) {
$class = substr($segmentation[$span]["brackets"],$depth,1);
$action = " id=\"$in_out-$sentence-$span-$depth\" onMouseOver=\"align$In_Out($sentence,$span,$depth);\" onMouseOut=\"unAlign($sentence);\"";
if ($class == " ") { $class = "empty"; $action = ""; }
else if ($class == "[") { $class = "opening"; }
else if ($class == "]") { $class = "closing"; }
else if ($class == "O") { $class = "leaf"; }
else if ($class == "-") { $class = "continued"; }
print "<div class=\"$class\"$action>";
$words = $segmentation[$span]["words"];
# non terminal
if (array_key_exists("nt",$segmentation[$span]) &&
$segmentation[$span]["nt"] != "") {
print $segmentation[$span]["nt"].": ";
# no nonterminal and no words => invisible bar
else if($words == "") {
print "<span style=\"opacity:0\">|</span>";
$span_word = array();
if ($words != "") { $span_word = split(" ",$words); }
for($w=0;$w<count($span_word);$w++) {
if ($w > 0) { print " "; }
if ($in_out == "in") {
#print "<span style=\"background-color: ".coverage_color($coverage[$word_count][$word_count]).";\">";
print $word[$word_count];
#print "</span>";
else {
list($surface,$correct) = split("\|", $word[$word_count]);
print "<span style=\"background-color: $color[$correct]\">$surface</span>";
for($depth=0;$depth<strlen($segmentation[$span]["brackets"]);$depth++) {
print "</div>";
print "</div>"; # enclosing
print "</td></tr></table>\n";
function biconcor($query) {
global $set,$id,$dir;
$sentence = $_GET['sentence'];
$biconcor = get_biconcor_version($dir,$set,$id);
print "<center>
<form method=\"get\" id=\"BiconcorForm\" onsubmit=\"return false;\">
<img src=\"close.gif\" width=17 height=17 onClick=\"close_biconcor($sentence);\">
<input width=20 id=\"BiconcorQuery\" value=\"$query\">
<input type=submit onclick=\"show_biconcor($sentence,Base64.encode(document.getElementById('BiconcorQuery').value));\" value=\"look up\">
<div class=\"biconcor-content\">";
$cmd = "./biconcor -html -l $dir/model/biconcor.$biconcor -Q ".base64_encode($query)." 2>/dev/null";
# print $cmd."<p>";
# print "<p>done.";
print "</div></center>";