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319 lines
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// -*- mode: c++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width:2 -*-
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include "TranslationOptionCollectionConfusionNet.h"
#include "ConfusionNet.h"
#include "DecodeGraph.h"
#include "DecodeStepTranslation.h"
#include "DecodeStepGeneration.h"
#include "FactorCollection.h"
#include "FF/InputFeature.h"
#include "TranslationModel/PhraseDictionaryTreeAdaptor.h"
#include "util/exception.hh"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include "TranslationTask.h"
using namespace std;
namespace Moses
/** constructor; just initialize the base class */
TranslationOptionCollectionConfusionNet(ttasksptr const& ttask,
const ConfusionNet &input)
// , size_t maxNoTransOptPerCoverage, float translationOptionThreshold)
: TranslationOptionCollection(ttask,input)//
// , maxNoTransOptPerCoverage, translationOptionThreshold)
size_t maxNoTransOptPerCoverage = ttask->options()->search.max_trans_opt_per_cov;
float translationOptionThreshold = ttask->options()->search.trans_opt_threshold;
// Prefix checkers are phrase dictionaries that provide a prefix check
// to indicate that a phrase table entry with a given prefix exists.
// If no entry with the given prefix exists, there is no point in
// expanding it further.
vector<PhraseDictionary*> prefixCheckers;
BOOST_FOREACH(PhraseDictionary* pd, PhraseDictionary::GetColl())
if (pd->ProvidesPrefixCheck()) prefixCheckers.push_back(pd);
const InputFeature *inputFeature = InputFeature::InstancePtr();
UTIL_THROW_IF2(inputFeature == NULL, "Input feature must be specified");
size_t inputSize = input.GetSize();
size_t maxSizePhrase = ttask->options()->search.max_phrase_length;
maxSizePhrase = std::min(inputSize, maxSizePhrase);
// 1-word phrases
for (size_t startPos = 0; startPos < inputSize; ++startPos) {
vector<InputPathList> &vec = m_inputPathMatrix[startPos];
InputPathList &list = vec.back();
Range range(startPos, startPos);
const NonTerminalSet &labels = input.GetLabelSet(startPos, startPos);
const ConfusionNet::Column &col = input.GetColumn(startPos);
for (size_t i = 0; i < col.size(); ++i) {
const Word &word = col[i].first;
Phrase subphrase;
const ScorePair &scores = col[i].second;
ScorePair *inputScore = new ScorePair(scores);
InputPath* path = new InputPath(ttask.get(), subphrase, labels,
range, NULL, inputScore);
// subphrases of 2+ words
for (size_t phraseSize = 2; phraseSize <= maxSizePhrase; ++phraseSize) {
for (size_t startPos = 0; startPos < inputSize - phraseSize + 1; ++startPos) {
size_t endPos = startPos + phraseSize -1;
Range range(startPos, endPos);
const NonTerminalSet &labels = input.GetLabelSet(startPos, endPos);
vector<InputPathList> &vec = m_inputPathMatrix[startPos];
InputPathList &list = vec.back();
// loop thru every previous path
const InputPathList &prevPaths = GetInputPathList(startPos, endPos - 1);
int prevNodesInd = 0;
InputPathList::const_iterator iterPath;
for (iterPath = prevPaths.begin(); iterPath != prevPaths.end(); ++iterPath) {
//for (size_t pathInd = 0; pathInd < prevPaths.size(); ++pathInd) {
const InputPath &prevPath = **iterPath;
//const InputPath &prevPath = *prevPaths[pathInd];
const Phrase &prevPhrase = prevPath.GetPhrase();
const ScorePair *prevInputScore = prevPath.GetInputScore();
UTIL_THROW_IF2(prevInputScore == NULL,
"No input score for path: " << prevPath);
// loop thru every word at this position
const ConfusionNet::Column &col = input.GetColumn(endPos);
for (size_t i = 0; i < col.size(); ++i) {
const Word &word = col[i].first;
Phrase subphrase(prevPhrase);
bool OK = prefixCheckers.size() == 0;
for (size_t k = 0; !OK && k < prefixCheckers.size(); ++k)
OK = prefixCheckers[k]->PrefixExists(m_ttask.lock(), subphrase);
if (!OK) continue;
const ScorePair &scores = col[i].second;
ScorePair *inputScore = new ScorePair(*prevInputScore);
InputPath *path = new InputPath(ttask.get(), subphrase, labels, range,
&prevPath, inputScore);
} // for (size_t i = 0; i < col.size(); ++i) {
} // for (iterPath = prevPaths.begin(); iterPath != prevPaths.end(); ++iterPath) {
// cerr << "HAVE " << m_inputPathQueue.size()
// << " input paths of max. length "
// << maxSizePhrase << "." << endl;
InputPathList &TranslationOptionCollectionConfusionNet::GetInputPathList(size_t startPos, size_t endPos)
size_t offset = endPos - startPos;
UTIL_THROW_IF2(offset >= m_inputPathMatrix[startPos].size(),
"Out of bound access: " << offset);
return m_inputPathMatrix[startPos][offset];
/* forcibly create translation option for a particular source word.
* call the base class' ProcessOneUnknownWord() for each possible word in the confusion network
* at a particular source position
void TranslationOptionCollectionConfusionNet::ProcessUnknownWord(size_t sourcePos)
ConfusionNet const& source=static_cast<ConfusionNet const&>(m_source);
ConfusionNet::Column const& coll=source.GetColumn(sourcePos);
const InputPathList &inputPathList = GetInputPathList(sourcePos, sourcePos);
ConfusionNet::Column::const_iterator iterCol;
InputPathList::const_iterator iterInputPath;
size_t j=0;
for(iterCol = coll.begin(), iterInputPath = inputPathList.begin();
iterCol != coll.end();
++iterCol , ++iterInputPath) {
const InputPath &inputPath = **iterInputPath;
size_t length = source.GetColumnIncrement(sourcePos, j++);
const ScorePair &inputScores = iterCol->second;
ProcessOneUnknownWord(inputPath ,sourcePos, length, &inputScores);
if (!StaticData::Instance().GetUseLegacyPT()) {
/** create translation options that exactly cover a specific input span.
* Called by CreateTranslationOptions() and ProcessUnknownWord()
* \param decodeGraph list of decoding steps
* \param factorCollection input sentence with all factors
* \param startPos first position in input sentence
* \param lastPos last position in input sentence
* \param adhereTableLimit whether phrase & generation table limits are adhered to
* \return true if there is at least one path for the range has matches
* in the source side of the parallel data, i.e., the phrase prefix exists
* (abortion condition for trie-based lookup if false)
CreateTranslationOptionsForRange(const DecodeGraph &decodeGraph,
size_t startPos, size_t endPos,
bool adhereTableLimit, size_t graphInd)
if (StaticData::Instance().GetUseLegacyPT()) {
return CreateTranslationOptionsForRangeLEGACY(decodeGraph, startPos, endPos,
adhereTableLimit, graphInd);
} else {
return CreateTranslationOptionsForRangeNew(decodeGraph, startPos, endPos,
adhereTableLimit, graphInd);
( const DecodeGraph &decodeGraph, size_t startPos, size_t endPos,
bool adhereTableLimit, size_t graphInd)
InputPathList &inputPathList = GetInputPathList(startPos, endPos);
if (inputPathList.size() == 0) return false; // no input path matches!
InputPathList::iterator iter;
for (iter = inputPathList.begin(); iter != inputPathList.end(); ++iter) {
InputPath &inputPath = **iter;
(decodeGraph, startPos, endPos, adhereTableLimit, graphInd, inputPath);
return true;
CreateTranslationOptionsForRangeLEGACY(const DecodeGraph &decodeGraph,
size_t startPos, size_t endPos,
bool adhereTableLimit, size_t graphInd)
bool retval = true;
size_t const max_phrase_length
= StaticData::Instance().options()->search.max_phrase_length;
XmlInputType intype = m_ttask.lock()->options()->input.xml_policy;
if ((intype != XmlExclusive) || !HasXmlOptionsOverlappingRange(startPos,endPos)) {
InputPathList &inputPathList = GetInputPathList(startPos, endPos);
// partial trans opt stored in here
PartialTranslOptColl* oldPtoc = new PartialTranslOptColl(max_phrase_length);
size_t totalEarlyPruned = 0;
// initial translation step
list <const DecodeStep* >::const_iterator iterStep = decodeGraph.begin();
const DecodeStep &decodeStep = **iterStep;
DecodeStepTranslation const& dstep
= static_cast<const DecodeStepTranslation&>(decodeStep);
dstep.ProcessInitialTransLEGACY(m_source, *oldPtoc, startPos, endPos,
adhereTableLimit, inputPathList);
// do rest of decode steps
int indexStep = 0;
for (++iterStep ; iterStep != decodeGraph.end() ; ++iterStep) {
const DecodeStep *decodeStep = *iterStep;
const DecodeStepTranslation *transStep =dynamic_cast<const DecodeStepTranslation*>(decodeStep);
const DecodeStepGeneration *genStep =dynamic_cast<const DecodeStepGeneration*>(decodeStep);
PartialTranslOptColl* newPtoc = new PartialTranslOptColl(max_phrase_length);
// go thru each intermediate trans opt just created
const vector<TranslationOption*>& partTransOptList = oldPtoc->GetList();
vector<TranslationOption*>::const_iterator iterPartialTranslOpt;
for (iterPartialTranslOpt = partTransOptList.begin();
iterPartialTranslOpt != partTransOptList.end();
++iterPartialTranslOpt) {
TranslationOption &inputPartialTranslOpt = **iterPartialTranslOpt;
if (transStep) {
, *decodeStep
, *newPtoc
, this
, adhereTableLimit);
} else {
, *decodeStep
, *newPtoc
, this
, adhereTableLimit);
// last but 1 partial trans not required anymore
totalEarlyPruned += newPtoc->GetPrunedCount();
delete oldPtoc;
oldPtoc = newPtoc;
} // for (++iterStep
// add to fully formed translation option list
PartialTranslOptColl &lastPartialTranslOptColl = *oldPtoc;
const vector<TranslationOption*>& partTransOptList = lastPartialTranslOptColl.GetList();
vector<TranslationOption*>::const_iterator iterColl;
for (iterColl = partTransOptList.begin() ; iterColl != partTransOptList.end() ; ++iterColl) {
TranslationOption *transOpt = *iterColl;
totalEarlyPruned += oldPtoc->GetPrunedCount();
delete oldPtoc;
// TRACE_ERR( "Early translation options pruned: " << totalEarlyPruned << endl);
} // if ((intype != XmlExclusive) || !HasXmlOptionsOverlappingRange(startPos,endPos))
if (graphInd == 0 && intype != XmlPassThrough &&
HasXmlOptionsOverlappingRange(startPos,endPos)) {
CreateXmlOptionsForRange(startPos, endPos);
return retval;