2012-11-15 22:10:30 +00:00

372 lines
13 KiB

// $Id$
Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2006 University of Edinburgh
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "lm/binary_format.hh"
#include "lm/enumerate_vocab.hh"
#include "lm/left.hh"
#include "lm/model.hh"
#include "Ken.h"
#include "Base.h"
#include "moses/FFState.h"
#include "moses/TypeDef.h"
#include "moses/Util.h"
#include "moses/FactorCollection.h"
#include "moses/Phrase.h"
#include "moses/InputFileStream.h"
#include "moses/StaticData.h"
#include "moses/ChartHypothesis.h"
#include "moses/Incremental.h"
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
using namespace std;
namespace Moses {
namespace {
struct KenLMState : public FFState {
lm::ngram::State state;
int Compare(const FFState &o) const {
const KenLMState &other = static_cast<const KenLMState &>(o);
if (state.length < other.state.length) return -1;
if (state.length > other.state.length) return 1;
return std::memcmp(state.words, other.state.words, sizeof(lm::WordIndex) * state.length);
* An implementation of single factor LM using Ken's code.
template <class Model> class LanguageModelKen : public LanguageModel {
LanguageModelKen(const std::string &file, FactorType factorType, bool lazy);
LanguageModel *Duplicate() const;
bool Useable(const Phrase &phrase) const {
return (phrase.GetSize()>0 && phrase.GetFactor(0, m_factorType) != NULL);
std::string GetScoreProducerDescription(unsigned) const {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "LM_" << (unsigned)m_ngram->Order() << "gram";
return oss.str();
const FFState *EmptyHypothesisState(const InputType &/*input*/) const {
KenLMState *ret = new KenLMState();
ret->state = m_ngram->BeginSentenceState();
return ret;
void CalcScore(const Phrase &phrase, float &fullScore, float &ngramScore, size_t &oovCount) const;
FFState *Evaluate(const Hypothesis &hypo, const FFState *ps, ScoreComponentCollection *out) const;
FFState *EvaluateChart(const ChartHypothesis& cur_hypo, int featureID, ScoreComponentCollection *accumulator) const;
void IncrementalCallback(Incremental::Manager &manager) const {
manager.LMCallback(*m_ngram, m_lmIdLookup);
LanguageModelKen(const LanguageModelKen<Model> &copy_from);
lm::WordIndex TranslateID(const Word &word) const {
std::size_t factor = word.GetFactor(m_factorType)->GetId();
return (factor >= m_lmIdLookup.size() ? 0 : m_lmIdLookup[factor]);
// Convert last words of hypothesis into vocab ids, returning an end pointer.
lm::WordIndex *LastIDs(const Hypothesis &hypo, lm::WordIndex *indices) const {
lm::WordIndex *index = indices;
lm::WordIndex *end = indices + m_ngram->Order() - 1;
int position = hypo.GetCurrTargetWordsRange().GetEndPos();
for (; ; ++index, --position) {
if (index == end) return index;
if (position == -1) {
*index = m_ngram->GetVocabulary().BeginSentence();
return index + 1;
*index = TranslateID(hypo.GetWord(position));
boost::shared_ptr<Model> m_ngram;
std::vector<lm::WordIndex> m_lmIdLookup;
FactorType m_factorType;
const Factor *m_beginSentenceFactor;
class MappingBuilder : public lm::EnumerateVocab {
MappingBuilder(FactorCollection &factorCollection, std::vector<lm::WordIndex> &mapping)
: m_factorCollection(factorCollection), m_mapping(mapping) {}
void Add(lm::WordIndex index, const StringPiece &str) {
std::size_t factorId = m_factorCollection.AddFactor(str)->GetId();
if (m_mapping.size() <= factorId) {
// 0 is <unk> :-)
m_mapping.resize(factorId + 1);
m_mapping[factorId] = index;
FactorCollection &m_factorCollection;
std::vector<lm::WordIndex> &m_mapping;
template <class Model> LanguageModelKen<Model>::LanguageModelKen(const std::string &file, FactorType factorType, bool lazy) : m_factorType(factorType) {
lm::ngram::Config config;
config.messages = &std::cerr;
} else {
config.messages = NULL;
FactorCollection &collection = FactorCollection::Instance();
MappingBuilder builder(collection, m_lmIdLookup);
config.enumerate_vocab = &builder;
config.load_method = lazy ? util::LAZY : util::POPULATE_OR_READ;
m_ngram.reset(new Model(file.c_str(), config));
m_beginSentenceFactor = collection.AddFactor(BOS_);
template <class Model> LanguageModel *LanguageModelKen<Model>::Duplicate() const {
return new LanguageModelKen<Model>(*this);
template <class Model> LanguageModelKen<Model>::LanguageModelKen(const LanguageModelKen<Model> &copy_from) :
// TODO: don't copy this.
m_beginSentenceFactor(copy_from.m_beginSentenceFactor) {
template <class Model> void LanguageModelKen<Model>::CalcScore(const Phrase &phrase, float &fullScore, float &ngramScore, size_t &oovCount) const {
fullScore = 0;
ngramScore = 0;
oovCount = 0;
if (!phrase.GetSize()) return;
lm::ngram::ChartState discarded_sadly;
lm::ngram::RuleScore<Model> scorer(*m_ngram, discarded_sadly);
size_t position;
if (m_beginSentenceFactor == phrase.GetWord(0).GetFactor(m_factorType)) {
position = 1;
} else {
position = 0;
size_t ngramBoundary = m_ngram->Order() - 1;
size_t end_loop = std::min(ngramBoundary, phrase.GetSize());
for (; position < end_loop; ++position) {
const Word &word = phrase.GetWord(position);
if (word.IsNonTerminal()) {
fullScore += scorer.Finish();
} else {
lm::WordIndex index = TranslateID(word);
if (!index) ++oovCount;
float before_boundary = fullScore + scorer.Finish();
for (; position < phrase.GetSize(); ++position) {
const Word &word = phrase.GetWord(position);
if (word.IsNonTerminal()) {
fullScore += scorer.Finish();
} else {
lm::WordIndex index = TranslateID(word);
if (!index) ++oovCount;
fullScore += scorer.Finish();
ngramScore = TransformLMScore(fullScore - before_boundary);
fullScore = TransformLMScore(fullScore);
template <class Model> FFState *LanguageModelKen<Model>::Evaluate(const Hypothesis &hypo, const FFState *ps, ScoreComponentCollection *out) const {
const lm::ngram::State &in_state = static_cast<const KenLMState&>(*ps).state;
std::auto_ptr<KenLMState> ret(new KenLMState());
if (!hypo.GetCurrTargetLength()) {
ret->state = in_state;
return ret.release();
const std::size_t begin = hypo.GetCurrTargetWordsRange().GetStartPos();
//[begin, end) in STL-like fashion.
const std::size_t end = hypo.GetCurrTargetWordsRange().GetEndPos() + 1;
const std::size_t adjust_end = std::min(end, begin + m_ngram->Order() - 1);
std::size_t position = begin;
typename Model::State aux_state;
typename Model::State *state0 = &ret->state, *state1 = &aux_state;
float score = m_ngram->Score(in_state, TranslateID(hypo.GetWord(position)), *state0);
for (; position < adjust_end; ++position) {
score += m_ngram->Score(*state0, TranslateID(hypo.GetWord(position)), *state1);
std::swap(state0, state1);
if (hypo.IsSourceCompleted()) {
// Score end of sentence.
std::vector<lm::WordIndex> indices(m_ngram->Order() - 1);
const lm::WordIndex *last = LastIDs(hypo, &indices.front());
score += m_ngram->FullScoreForgotState(&indices.front(), last, m_ngram->GetVocabulary().EndSentence(), ret->state).prob;
} else if (adjust_end < end) {
// Get state after adding a long phrase.
std::vector<lm::WordIndex> indices(m_ngram->Order() - 1);
const lm::WordIndex *last = LastIDs(hypo, &indices.front());
m_ngram->GetState(&indices.front(), last, ret->state);
} else if (state0 != &ret->state) {
// Short enough phrase that we can just reuse the state.
ret->state = *state0;
score = TransformLMScore(score);
if (OOVFeatureEnabled()) {
std::vector<float> scores(2);
scores[0] = score;
scores[1] = 0.0;
out->PlusEquals(this, scores);
} else {
out->PlusEquals(this, score);
return ret.release();
class LanguageModelChartStateKenLM : public FFState {
LanguageModelChartStateKenLM() {}
const lm::ngram::ChartState &GetChartState() const { return m_state; }
lm::ngram::ChartState &GetChartState() { return m_state; }
int Compare(const FFState& o) const
const LanguageModelChartStateKenLM &other = static_cast<const LanguageModelChartStateKenLM&>(o);
int ret = m_state.Compare(other.m_state);
return ret;
lm::ngram::ChartState m_state;
template <class Model> FFState *LanguageModelKen<Model>::EvaluateChart(const ChartHypothesis& hypo, int featureID, ScoreComponentCollection *accumulator) const {
LanguageModelChartStateKenLM *newState = new LanguageModelChartStateKenLM();
lm::ngram::RuleScore<Model> ruleScore(*m_ngram, newState->GetChartState());
const TargetPhrase &target = hypo.GetCurrTargetPhrase();
const AlignmentInfo::NonTermIndexMap &nonTermIndexMap =
const size_t size = hypo.GetCurrTargetPhrase().GetSize();
size_t phrasePos = 0;
// Special cases for first word.
if (size) {
const Word &word = hypo.GetCurrTargetPhrase().GetWord(0);
if (word.GetFactor(m_factorType) == m_beginSentenceFactor) {
// Begin of sentence
} else if (word.IsNonTerminal()) {
// Non-terminal is first so we can copy instead of rescoring.
const ChartHypothesis *prevHypo = hypo.GetPrevHypo(nonTermIndexMap[phrasePos]);
const lm::ngram::ChartState &prevState = static_cast<const LanguageModelChartStateKenLM*>(prevHypo->GetFFState(featureID))->GetChartState();
ruleScore.BeginNonTerminal(prevState, prevHypo->GetScoreBreakdown().GetScoresForProducer(this)[0]);
for (; phrasePos < size; phrasePos++) {
const Word &word = hypo.GetCurrTargetPhrase().GetWord(phrasePos);
if (word.IsNonTerminal()) {
const ChartHypothesis *prevHypo = hypo.GetPrevHypo(nonTermIndexMap[phrasePos]);
const lm::ngram::ChartState &prevState = static_cast<const LanguageModelChartStateKenLM*>(prevHypo->GetFFState(featureID))->GetChartState();
ruleScore.NonTerminal(prevState, prevHypo->GetScoreBreakdown().GetScoresForProducer(this)[0]);
} else {
accumulator->Assign(this, ruleScore.Finish());
return newState;
} // namespace
LanguageModel *ConstructKenLM(const std::string &file, FactorType factorType, bool lazy) {
try {
lm::ngram::ModelType model_type;
if (lm::ngram::RecognizeBinary(file.c_str(), model_type)) {
switch(model_type) {
case lm::ngram::PROBING:
return new LanguageModelKen<lm::ngram::ProbingModel>(file, factorType, lazy);
case lm::ngram::REST_PROBING:
return new LanguageModelKen<lm::ngram::RestProbingModel>(file, factorType, lazy);
case lm::ngram::TRIE:
return new LanguageModelKen<lm::ngram::TrieModel>(file, factorType, lazy);
case lm::ngram::QUANT_TRIE:
return new LanguageModelKen<lm::ngram::QuantTrieModel>(file, factorType, lazy);
case lm::ngram::ARRAY_TRIE:
return new LanguageModelKen<lm::ngram::ArrayTrieModel>(file, factorType, lazy);
case lm::ngram::QUANT_ARRAY_TRIE:
return new LanguageModelKen<lm::ngram::QuantArrayTrieModel>(file, factorType, lazy);
std::cerr << "Unrecognized kenlm model type " << model_type << std::endl;
} else {
return new LanguageModelKen<lm::ngram::ProbingModel>(file, factorType, lazy);
} catch (std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;