
63 lines
3.3 KiB

# -*- makefile -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- generate initial moses.ini file -------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Defaults; can be overwritten in the respective system.make file
# It is recommended that you use target-specific overrides.
moses.ini_input-factors = 0
moses.ini_search-algorithm = 1
moses.ini_stack = 5000
moses.ini_cube-pruning-pop-limit = 5000
moses.ini_mapping = 0 T 0
moses.ini_ttable-limit = 20
moses.ini_distortion-limit = 6
moses.ini_v = 0
weight_vector = perl -ne \
'm/name=([^; ]+)/;\
print "$$1=";\
print " 1.0"x$$1,"\n";'
define create_moses_ini
$(strip $1)/moses.ini.0: ${PTABLES} ${DTABLES} ${LMODELS} ${MOSES_INI_PREREQ}
echo '[input-factors]' > $$@_
echo '$${moses.ini_input-factors}' >> $$@_
echo >> $$@_
echo '[search-algorithm]' >> $$@_
echo '$${moses.ini_search-algorithm}' >> $$@_
echo >> $$@_
echo '[stack]' >> $$@_
echo '$${moses.ini_stack}' >> $$@_
echo >> $$@_
echo '[cube-pruning-pop-limit]' >> $$@_
echo '$${moses.ini_cube-pruning-pop-limit}' >> $$@_
echo >> $$@_
echo '[mapping]' >> $$@_
echo '$${moses.ini_mapping}' >> $$@_
echo >> $$@_
echo '[distortion-limit]' >> $$@_
echo '$${moses.ini_distortion-limit}' >> $$@_
echo >> $$@_
echo '[v]' >> $$@_
echo '$${moses.ini_v}' >> $$@_
echo >> $$@_
echo '[feature]' >> $$@_
$$(foreach f,${STANDARD_FEATURES},echo $$f >> $$@_;)
$$(foreach i,${INPUT_FEATURES},echo "$$(subst ;, ,$${i})" >> $$@_;)
$$(foreach pt,${PTABLE_ENTRIES},echo "$$(subst ;, ,$${pt})" >> $$@_;)
$$(foreach dt,${DTABLE_ENTRIES},echo "$$(subst ;, ,$${dt})" >> $$@_;)
$$(foreach lm,${LMODEL_ENTRIES},echo "$$(subst ;, ,$${lm})" >> $$@_;)
echo >> $$@_
echo '[weight]' >> $$@_
$$(foreach x,$(STANDARD_FEATURES),echo "$$x0= 1.0" >> $$@_;)
$$(foreach i,${INPUT_FEATURES},echo '$$i' | $${weight_vector} >> $$@_;)
$$(foreach x,${PTABLE_ENTRIES},echo '$$x' | $${weight_vector} >> $$@_;)
$$(foreach x,${DTABLE_ENTRIES},echo '$$x' | $${weight_vector} >> $$@_;)
$$(foreach x,${LMODEL_ENTRIES},echo '$$x' | $${weight_vector} >> $$@_;)
mv $$@_ $$@