Jeroen Vermeulen ef028446f3 Add license notices to scripts.
This is not pleasant to read (and much, much less pleasant to write!) but
sort of necessary in an open project.  Right now it's quite hard to figure
out what is licensed how, which doesn't matter much to most people but can
suddenly become very important when people want to know what they're being
allowed to do.

I kept the notices as short as I could.  As far as I could see, everything
without a clear license notice is LGPL v2.1 or later.
2015-05-29 18:30:26 +07:00

183 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Converts AT&T FSA format to 'python lattice format'.
# Note that the input FSA needs to be epsilon-free and topologically sorted.
# This script checks for topological sortedness.
# The start node has to have the index 0.
# All path ends are assumed to be final nodes, not just the explicitly stated
# final nodes.
# Note that the output format may not contain any spaces.
# Ondrej Bojar,
# This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General
# Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
binmode(STDIN, ":utf8");
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
binmode(STDERR, ":utf8");
my $filelist;
my $ignore_final_state_cost = 0;
my $mangle_weights = undef;
"ignore-final-state-cost" => \$ignore_final_state_cost,
# sometimes, final states have a cost (e.g. "45 0.05\n")
# instead of dying there, ignore the problem
"filelist|fl=s" => \$filelist,
"mangle-weights=s" => \$mangle_weights,
) or exit 1;
my @infiles;
if (defined $filelist) {
my $fh = my_open($filelist);
while (<$fh>) {
push @infiles, $_;
close $fh;
push @infiles, @ARGV;
@ARGV = ();
if (0 == scalar(@infiles)) {
print STDERR "Reading input from stdin\n";
push @infiles, "-";
my $err = 0;
foreach my $inf (@infiles) {
my $nr = 0;
my %usedids = (); # collect all used ids for densification
my %usedtgtids = (); # collect all used ids for densification
my @outnodes = ();
my $fh = my_open($inf);
my %is_final; # remember which nodes were final
while (<$fh>) {
last if $_ eq ""; # assume a blank line delimits lattices
my ($src, $tgt, $label, $weight) = split /\s+/;
die "$inf:$nr:Bad src node index: $src" if $src !~ /^[0-9]+$/;
if (!defined $label && !defined $weight) {
# explicit final node, warn at the end if there are any intermed. final
# nodes
# final nodes can have a cost
die "$inf:$nr:Final state $src has cost $tgt. Unsupported, use --ignore-final-state-cost"
if defined $tgt && !$ignore_final_state_cost;
$weight = 0 if !defined $weight;
$usedids{$src} = 1;
$usedtgtids{$tgt} = 1;
# process the weight
# when reading RWTH FSA output, the weights are negated natural logarithms
# we need to negate them back
if (defined $mangle_weights) {
if ($mangle_weights eq "expneg") {
$weight = join(",", map {exp(-$_)} split /,/, $weight);
} else {
die "Bad weights mangling: $mangle_weights";
# remember the node
my $targetnode = $tgt-$src;
die "$inf:$nr:Not topologically sorted, got arc from $src to $tgt"
if $targetnode <= 0;
push @{$outnodes[$src]}, [ $label, $weight, $tgt ];
if (eof($fh)) {
close $fh;
$fh = undef;
# Assign our dense IDs: source node ids are assigned first
my %denseids = (); # maps node ids from the file to dense ids
my $nextid = 0;
foreach my $id (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %usedids) {
$denseids{$id} = $nextid;
# All unseen target nodes then get the same next id, the final node id
foreach my $id (keys %usedtgtids) {
next if defined $denseids{$id};
$denseids{$id} = $nextid;
foreach my $f (keys %is_final) {
if (defined $outnodes[$f]) {
print STDERR "$inf:Node $f is final but it has outgoing edges!\n";
$err = 1;
# # Verbose: print original to dense IDs mapping
# foreach my $src (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %denseids) {
# print STDERR "$src ...> $denseids{$src}\n";
# }
print "(";
for(my $origsrc = 0; $origsrc < @outnodes; $origsrc++) {
my $src = $denseids{$origsrc};
next if !defined $src; # this original node ID is not used at all
next if $src == $nextid; # this is the ultimate merged final node
my $outnode = $outnodes[$origsrc];
print "(";
foreach my $arc (@$outnode) {
my $origtgt = $arc->[2];
my $tgt = $denseids{$origtgt};
if (!defined $tgt) {
# this was a final node only
$tgt = $denseids{$origtgt} = $nextid;
my $step_to_target = $tgt - $src;
die "$inf:Bug, I damaged top-sortedness (orig $origsrc .. $origtgt; curr $src .. $tgt)." if $step_to_target <= 0;
print "('".apo($arc->[0])."',$arc->[1],$step_to_target),";
print "),";
print ")\n";
goto NEXTLATTICE if defined $fh && ! eof($fh);
die "There were errors." if $err;
sub apo {
my $s = shift;
# protects apostrophy and backslash
$s =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$s =~ s/(['])/\\$1/g;
return $s;
sub my_open {
my $f = shift;
if ($f eq "-") {
binmode(STDIN, ":utf8");
return *STDIN;
die "Not found: $f" if ! -e $f;
my $opn;
my $hdl;
my $ft = `file '$f'`;
# file might not recognize some files!
if ($f =~ /\.gz$/ || $ft =~ /gzip compressed data/) {
$opn = "zcat '$f' |";
} elsif ($f =~ /\.bz2$/ || $ft =~ /bzip2 compressed data/) {
$opn = "bzcat '$f' |";
} else {
$opn = "$f";
open $hdl, $opn or die "Can't open '$opn': $!";
binmode $hdl, ":utf8";
return $hdl;