2011-11-23 15:31:16 +00:00

389 lines
11 KiB

* LossyCounter - implementation of Lossy Counting algorithm as described in:
* Approximate Frequency Counts over Data Streams, G.S.Manku & R.Motwani, (2002)
* (C) Ceslav Przywara, UFAL MFF UK, 2011
* Implementation note: define USE_UNORDERED_MAP to use std::tr1::unordered_map
* instead std::map for storage of lossy counted items.
* $Id$
#include <stddef.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <tr1/unordered_map>
#include <map>
#include <iterator>
// Iterators:
template<class T>
class LossyCounterIterator;
template<class T>
class LossyCounterErasingIterator;
/////////////////////////// Lossy Counter Interface ////////////////////////////
* Implementation of Lossy Counting algorithm as described in:
* Approximate Frequency Counts over Data Streams, G.S.Manku & R.Motwani, (2002)
template<class T>
class LossyCounter {
// Error parameter type definition.
typedef double error_t;
// Support parameter type definition.
typedef double support_t;
// Counters type definition.
typedef size_t counter_t;
// Frequency counter type definition (f).
typedef counter_t frequency_t;
// Maximum error counter type definition (Δ).
typedef counter_t maximum_error_t;
// Pair: frequency (f) and possible maximum error (Δ).
typedef std::pair<frequency_t, maximum_error_t> item_counts_t;
typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<T, item_counts_t, typename T::Hash> storage_t;
// Mapping: counted item and its frequency and max. error counts.
typedef std::map<T, item_counts_t> storage_t;
// We provide own version of const iterator.
typedef LossyCounterIterator<T> const_iterator;
// Special type of iterator: leaves no item behind!
typedef LossyCounterErasingIterator<T> erasing_iterator;
/** @var Error parameter value (ε) */
const error_t error;
/** @var Supprort parameter value (s) */
const support_t support;
/** @var Width of single bucket (w) */
const counter_t bucketWidth; // ceil(1/error)
/** @var Current epoch bucket ID (b-current) */
counter_t _bucketId;
/** @var Count of items read in so far (N) */
counter_t _count;
/** @var Items storage (Ɗ) */
storage_t _storage;
* Set error to 0 to disable lossy-pruning.
* @param _error Value from interval [0.0, 1.0).
* @param _support Value from interval [0.0, 1.0).
LossyCounter<T>(error_t _error, support_t _support):
error(_error), support(_support), bucketWidth(_error > 0.0 ? ceil(1/_error) : 0), _bucketId(1), _count(0), _storage() {}
* @param item Item to be added to storage.
void add(const T& item);
* @return Constant iterator pointing to the beginning of storage.
const_iterator begin(void) const { return LossyCounterIterator<T>(threshold(), _storage.begin(), _storage.end()); }
* @return Constant iterator pointing to the end of storage.
const_iterator end(void) const { return LossyCounterIterator<T>(_storage.end()); }
* @return Erasing iterator pointing to the beginning of storage.
erasing_iterator beginErase(void) { return LossyCounterErasingIterator<T>(threshold(), _storage); }
* @return Erasing iterator pointing to the end of storage.
erasing_iterator endErase(void) { return LossyCounterErasingIterator<T>(_storage); }
* @return Current bucket ID.
counter_t bucketId(void) const { return _bucketId; }
* @return Number of items added to storage so far (N).
counter_t count(void) const { return _count; }
* @return Number of items currently in storage.
size_t size(void) const { return _storage.size(); }
* @param positive Return sN value instead of (s-ε)N?
* @return Threshold (either positive or negative) value.
double threshold(bool positive = false) const { return positive ? support * _count : (support - error) * _count; }
* @return The maximum value of which estimated frequencies are less than the true frequencies.
double maxError(void) const { return error * _count; }
* @return True, if it's prunning time right now!
bool aboutToPrune(void) const { return (bucketWidth != 0) && ((_count % bucketWidth) == 0); }
* Prunes counts table.
void prune(void);
/////////////////////// Lossy Counter Iterator Interface ///////////////////////
* Lossy counter iterator is designed to iterate over items passing the current
* threshold.
template<class T>
class LossyCounterIterator: public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, typename LossyCounter<T>::storage_t::value_type> {
typedef LossyCounterIterator<T> self_type;
typedef typename LossyCounter<T>::storage_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
/** @var Minimum frequency threshold */
const double _threshold;
/** @var Current position of iterator (based on underlying container) */
const_iterator _current;
/** @var End position in underlying container */
const const_iterator _end;
// Constructors.
LossyCounterIterator<T>(const_iterator end):
_threshold(0), _current(_end), _end(end) {}
LossyCounterIterator<T>(double threshold, const_iterator begin, const_iterator end):
_threshold(threshold), _current(begin), _end(end) {
// Forward the iterator to the first valid item (with frequency above threshold)!
// Operators.
* Only items passing the threshold are included in iteration.
LossyCounterIterator<T> operator++(void); // ++this
* Only items passing the threshold are included in iteration.
LossyCounterIterator<T> operator++(int junk); // this++
bool operator==(const self_type& rhs) const { return _current == rhs._current; }
bool operator!=(const self_type& rhs) const { return _current != rhs._current; }
// Interface.
* @return Current item.
const T& item(void) const { return _current->first; }
* @return Current item's frequency.
typename LossyCounter<T>::frequency_t frequency(void) const { return _current->second.first; }
* @return Current item's maximum error.
typename LossyCounter<T>::error_t max_error(void) const { return _current->second.second; }
* @param init Check also the item that iterator _current points to? Useful when initializing.
void forward(bool init);
* Lossy counter iterator erasing all items passed by.
template<class T>
class LossyCounterErasingIterator: public LossyCounterIterator<T> {
typedef typename LossyCounter<T>::storage_t storage_t;
storage_t& _storage;
// Constructors - have to be aware of the "mother" container.
LossyCounterErasingIterator<T>(storage_t& storage): LossyCounterIterator<T>(storage.end()), _storage(storage) {}
LossyCounterErasingIterator<T>(double threshold, storage_t& storage): LossyCounterIterator<T>(threshold, storage.begin(), storage.end()), _storage(storage) {}
* @param init Check also the item that iterator _current points to? Useful when initializing.
void forward(bool init);
//////////////////////// Lossy Counter Implementation //////////////////////////
template<class T>
void LossyCounter<T>::add(const T& item) {
typename storage_t::iterator iter = _storage.find(item);
if ( iter == _storage.end() ) {
// Insert new item with appropriate frequency and maximum-possible-error.
_storage.insert(std::make_pair(item, item_counts_t(1, _bucketId - 1)));
else {
// Update frequency of existing.
iter->second.first += 1;
// Finally increment the counter and check if the table shall be pruned.
if ( this->aboutToPrune() ) {
template<class T>
void LossyCounter<T>::prune(void) {
for ( typename storage_t::iterator iter = _storage.begin(); iter != _storage.end(); /* Incrementation step missing intentionally! */ ) {
// Prune, if: maximum possible error + frequency <= ID of current bucket
if ( (iter->second.first + iter->second.second) <= _bucketId ) {
_storage.erase(iter++); // Post increment!
else {
//////////////////// Lossy Counter Iterator Implementation /////////////////////
template<class T>
LossyCounterIterator<T> LossyCounterIterator<T>::operator++(void) {
return *this;
template<class T>
LossyCounterIterator<T> LossyCounterIterator<T>::operator++(int junk) {
self_type iter = *this;
return iter;
template<class T>
void LossyCounterIterator<T>::forward(bool init = false) {
if ( _current == _end ) {
return; // Nowhere to go, we're at the end already.
if ( init && (this->frequency() >= _threshold) ) {
// Ok, we're initing and we're already at the item passing the threshold.
// Keep going until we reach the end or the next item with frequency NOT below the threshold.
while ( (++_current != _end) && (this->frequency() < _threshold) );
//////////////// Lossy Counter Erasing Iterator Implementation /////////////////
template<class T>
void LossyCounterErasingIterator<T>::forward(bool init = false) {
if (this->_current == this->_end ) {
return; // Nowhere to go, we're at the end already.
if ( init && (this->frequency() >= this->_threshold) ) {
// Ok, we're initing and we're already at the item passing the threshold.
// This is where erasing forward() and std forward() differ:
typename LossyCounterIterator<T>::const_iterator previous = this->_current;
// Keep going...
while ( ++this->_current != this->_end ) {
if ( this->frequency() < this->_threshold ) {
// Get rid of previous, cause we'll go on.
previous = this->_current;
} else {
_storage.erase(previous); // !
#endif /* LOSSYCOUNTER_H */