mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 05:14:36 +03:00
This is not pleasant to read (and much, much less pleasant to write!) but sort of necessary in an open project. Right now it's quite hard to figure out what is licensed how, which doesn't matter much to most people but can suddenly become very important when people want to know what they're being allowed to do. I kept the notices as short as I could. As far as I could see, everything without a clear license notice is LGPL v2.1 or later.
362 lines
8.5 KiB
Executable File
362 lines
8.5 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General
# Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version.
# example
# ./extract-parallel.perl 8 ./coreutils-8.9/src/split "./coreutils-8.9/src/sort --batch-size=253" ./extract ./corpus.5.en ./corpus.5.ar ./align.ar-en.grow-diag-final-and ./extracted 7 --NoFileLimit orientation --GZOutput
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Basename;
sub RunFork($);
sub systemCheck($);
sub NumStr($);
sub DigitStr($);
sub CharStr($);
my $is_osx = ($^O eq "darwin");
my $alph = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
my @alph = (split(//,$alph));
print "Started ".localtime() ."\n";
my $numParallel= $ARGV[0];
$numParallel = 1 if $numParallel < 1;
my $splitCmd= $ARGV[1];
my $sortCmd= $ARGV[2];
my $extractCmd= $ARGV[3];
my $target = $ARGV[4]; # 1st arg of extract argument
my $source = $ARGV[5]; # 2nd arg of extract argument
my $align = $ARGV[6]; # 3rd arg of extract argument
my $extract = $ARGV[7]; # 4th arg of extract argument
my $makeTTable = 1; # whether to build the ttable extract files
my $otherExtractArgs= "";
my $weights = "";
my $baselineExtract;
my $glueFile;
my $phraseOrientation = 0;
my $phraseOrientationPriorsFile;
my $splitCmdOption="-d";
if(`which pigz`) {
$GZIP_EXEC = 'pigz';
else {
$GZIP_EXEC = 'gzip';
print STDERR "using $GZIP_EXEC \n";
for (my $i = 8; $i < $#ARGV + 1; ++$i)
$makeTTable = 0 if $ARGV[$i] eq "--NoTTable";
if ($ARGV[$i] eq '--BaselineExtract') {
$baselineExtract = $ARGV[++$i];
if ($ARGV[$i] eq '--InstanceWeights') {
$weights = $ARGV[++$i];
if ($ARGV[$i] eq '--GlueGrammar') {
$glueFile = $ARGV[++$i];
$phraseOrientation = 1 if $ARGV[$i] eq "--PhraseOrientation";
if ($ARGV[$i] eq '--PhraseOrientationPriors') {
$phraseOrientationPriorsFile = $ARGV[++$i];
$splitCmdOption="",next if $ARGV[$i] eq "--NoNumericSuffix";
$otherExtractArgs .= $ARGV[$i] ." ";
my $cmd;
my $TMPDIR=dirname($extract) ."/tmp.$$";
$cmd = "mkdir -p $TMPDIR; ls -l $TMPDIR";
print STDERR "Executing: $cmd \n";
my $totalLines = int(`cat $align | wc -l`);
my $linesPerSplit = int($totalLines / $numParallel) + 1;
print "total=$totalLines line-per-split=$linesPerSplit \n";
my @children;
my $pid;
if ($numParallel > 1)
$cmd = "$splitCmd $splitCmdOption -l $linesPerSplit -a 7 $target $TMPDIR/target.";
$pid = RunFork($cmd);
push(@children, $pid);
$cmd = "$splitCmd $splitCmdOption -l $linesPerSplit -a 7 $source $TMPDIR/source.";
$pid = RunFork($cmd);
push(@children, $pid);
$cmd = "$splitCmd $splitCmdOption -l $linesPerSplit -a 7 $align $TMPDIR/align.";
$pid = RunFork($cmd);
push(@children, $pid);
if ($weights) {
$cmd = "$splitCmd $splitCmdOption -l $linesPerSplit -a 7 $weights $TMPDIR/weights.";
$pid = RunFork($cmd);
push(@children, $pid);
# wait for everything is finished
foreach (@children) {
waitpid($_, 0);
my $numStr = NumStr(0);
$cmd = "ln -s $target $TMPDIR/target.$numStr";
$cmd = "ln -s $source $TMPDIR/source.$numStr";
$cmd = "ln -s $align $TMPDIR/align.$numStr";
if ($weights) {
$cmd = "ln -s $weights $TMPDIR/weights.$numStr";
# run extract
@children = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numParallel; ++$i)
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0)
{ # child
my $numStr = NumStr($i);
my $weightsCmd = "";
if ($weights) {
$weightsCmd = "--InstanceWeights $TMPDIR/weights.$numStr";
my $glueArg = "";
if (defined($glueFile)) {
$glueArg = "--GlueGrammar $TMPDIR/glue.$numStr";
#print STDERR "glueArg=$glueArg \n";
my $cmd = "$extractCmd $TMPDIR/target.$numStr $TMPDIR/source.$numStr $TMPDIR/align.$numStr $TMPDIR/extract.$numStr $glueArg $otherExtractArgs $weightsCmd --SentenceOffset ".($i*$linesPerSplit)." 2>> /dev/stderr \n";
{ # parent
push(@children, $pid);
# wait for everything is finished
foreach (@children) {
waitpid($_, 0);
# merge
my $catCmd = "gunzip -c ";
my $catInvCmd = $catCmd;
my $catOCmd = $catCmd;
my $catContextCmd = $catCmd;
my $catContextInvCmd = $catCmd;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numParallel; ++$i)
my $numStr = NumStr($i);
$catCmd .= "$TMPDIR/extract.$numStr.gz ";
$catInvCmd .= "$TMPDIR/extract.$numStr.inv.gz ";
$catOCmd .= "$TMPDIR/extract.$numStr.o.gz ";
$catContextCmd .= "$TMPDIR/extract.$numStr.context ";
$catContextInvCmd .= "$TMPDIR/extract.$numStr.context.inv ";
if (defined($baselineExtract)) {
my $sorted = -e "$baselineExtract.sorted.gz" ? ".sorted" : "";
$catCmd .= "$baselineExtract$sorted.gz ";
$catInvCmd .= "$baselineExtract.inv$sorted.gz ";
$catOCmd .= "$baselineExtract.o$sorted.gz ";
$catCmd .= " | LC_ALL=C $sortCmd -T $TMPDIR 2>> /dev/stderr | $GZIP_EXEC -c > $extract.sorted.gz 2>> /dev/stderr \n";
$catInvCmd .= " | LC_ALL=C $sortCmd -T $TMPDIR 2>> /dev/stderr | $GZIP_EXEC -c > $extract.inv.sorted.gz 2>> /dev/stderr \n";
$catOCmd .= " | LC_ALL=C $sortCmd -T $TMPDIR 2>> /dev/stderr | $GZIP_EXEC -c > $extract.o.sorted.gz 2>> /dev/stderr \n";
$catContextCmd .= " | LC_ALL=C $sortCmd -T $TMPDIR 2>> /dev/stderr | uniq | $GZIP_EXEC -c > $extract.context.sorted.gz 2>> /dev/stderr \n";
$catContextInvCmd .= " | LC_ALL=C $sortCmd -T $TMPDIR 2>> /dev/stderr | uniq | $GZIP_EXEC -c > $extract.context.inv.sorted.gz 2>> /dev/stderr \n";
@children = ();
if ($makeTTable)
print STDERR "merging extract / extract.inv\n";
$pid = RunFork($catCmd);
push(@children, $pid);
$pid = RunFork($catInvCmd);
push(@children, $pid);
else {
print STDERR "skipping extract, doing only extract.o\n";
if ($otherExtractArgs =~ /--FlexibilityScore/) {
$pid = RunFork($catContextCmd);
push(@children, $pid);
$pid = RunFork($catContextInvCmd);
push(@children, $pid);
my $numStr = NumStr(0);
if (-e "$TMPDIR/extract.$numStr.o.gz")
$pid = RunFork($catOCmd);
push(@children, $pid);
# wait for all sorting to finish
foreach (@children) {
waitpid($_, 0);
# merge glue rules
if (defined($glueFile)) {
my $cmd = "cat $TMPDIR/glue.* | LC_ALL=C sort | uniq > $glueFile";
print STDERR "Merging glue rules: $cmd \n";
print STDERR `$cmd`;
# merge phrase orientation priors (GHKM extraction)
if ($phraseOrientation && defined($phraseOrientationPriorsFile)) {
print STDERR "Merging phrase orientation priors\n";
my @orientationPriorsCountFiles = glob("$TMPDIR/*.phraseOrientationPriors");
my %priorCounts;
foreach my $filenamePhraseOrientationPriors (@orientationPriorsCountFiles) {
if (-f $filenamePhraseOrientationPriors) {
open my $infilePhraseOrientationPriors, '<', $filenamePhraseOrientationPriors or die "cannot open $filenamePhraseOrientationPriors: $!";
while (my $line = <$infilePhraseOrientationPriors>) {
print $line;
my ($key, $value) = split / /, $line;
$priorCounts{$key} += $value;
close $infilePhraseOrientationPriors;
open my $outPhraseOrientationPriors, '>', $phraseOrientationPriorsFile or die "cannot open $phraseOrientationPriorsFile: $!";
foreach my $key (sort keys %priorCounts) {
print $outPhraseOrientationPriors $key." ".$priorCounts{$key}."\n";
# delete temporary files
$cmd = "rm -rf $TMPDIR \n";
print STDERR "Finished ".localtime() ."\n";
# -----------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------
sub RunFork($)
my $cmd = shift;
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0)
{ # child
print STDERR $cmd;
return $pid;
sub systemCheck($)
my $cmd = shift;
my $retVal = system($cmd);
if ($retVal != 0)
sub DigitStr($)
my $i = shift;
my $numStr;
if ($i < 10) {
$numStr = "000000$i";
elsif ($i < 100) {
$numStr = "00000$i";
elsif ($i < 1000) {
$numStr = "0000$i";
elsif ($i < 10000) {
$numStr = "000$i";
elsif ($i < 100000) {
$numStr = "00$i";
elsif ($i < 1000000) {
$numStr = "0$i";
else {
$numStr = $i;
return $numStr;
sub CharStr($)
my $i = shift;
my $charStr;
my @bit=();
while ($i>0){
push @bit, $i%26;
my $offset=scalar(@bit);
my $h;
for ($h=6;$h>=$offset;--$h) { $charStr.="a"; }
for ($h=$offset-1;$h>=0;--$h) { $charStr.="$alph[$bit[$h]]"; }
return $charStr;
sub NumStr($)
my $i = shift;
if ($is_osx){
return CharStr($i);
return DigitStr($i);