2011-11-23 15:31:16 +00:00

317 lines
12 KiB

* IndexedPhrasesPair - implementation of a single phrase pair source and target
* phrases represented by numeric indices.
* (C) Ceslav Przywara, UFAL MFF UK, 2011
* $Id$
* - current unordered_map implementation is terribly slow. More sophisticated
* design of hash function should help.
#include <vector>
#include <new>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>
#include <tr1/functional_hash.h>
// Forward declaration because of friend comparison operator declaration below.
template<class OrientationIndexType, class TokenIndexType> class IndexedPhrasesPair;
template<class OrientationIndexType, class TokenIndexType>
class IndexedPhrasePairHasher;
// Comparison operator (is going to be declared as friend).
template<class OrientationIndexType, class TokenIndexType>
bool operator== (const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& lhs, const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& rhs);
// Comparison operator (is going to be declared as friend).
template<class OrientationIndexType, class TokenIndexType>
bool operator< (const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& lhs, const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& rhs);
* Structure capable of holding a phrase pair consisting of:
* a) source phrase
* b) target phrase
* c) word alignment
* d) orientation info
* @param OrientationIndexType
* @param TokenIndexType - datatype for token indices.
template<class OrientationIndexType = unsigned char, class TokenIndexType = unsigned int>
class IndexedPhrasesPair {
typedef TokenIndexType token_index_t;
typedef OrientationIndexType orientation_info_index_t;
typedef std::vector<TokenIndexType> phrase_t;
// A single alignment point.
typedef unsigned char alignment_point_t;
// A single pair of alignments points.
typedef std::pair<alignment_point_t, alignment_point_t> alignment_pair_t;
// A single phrase alignment (eg. 0-0 0-1 1-2)
typedef std::vector<alignment_pair_t> alignment_t;
// Unordered map requires hashing functor object.
typedef IndexedPhrasePairHasher<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType> Hash;
/** @var Source and target phrase as array of respective token indices */
token_index_t* _data;
/** @var A single phrase alignment stored in array */
alignment_point_t* _alignment;
/** @var Index of orientation info string */
orientation_info_index_t _orientationInfoIndex;
alignment_point_t _srcPhraseLength;
alignment_point_t _tgtPhraseLength;
alignment_point_t _alignmentLength;
IndexedPhrasesPair(void): _data(NULL), _alignment(NULL), _orientationInfoIndex(0), _srcPhraseLength(0), _tgtPhraseLength(0), _alignmentLength(0) {}
IndexedPhrasesPair(const phrase_t& srcPhrase, const phrase_t& tgtPhrase, orientation_info_index_t orientationInfo, const alignment_t& alignment);
IndexedPhrasesPair(const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& copy);
IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& operator=(const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& other);
phrase_t srcPhrase(void) const { return phrase_t(_data, _data + _srcPhraseLength); }
phrase_t tgtPhrase(void) const { return phrase_t(_data + _srcPhraseLength, _data + _srcPhraseLength + _tgtPhraseLength); }
orientation_info_index_t orientationInfo(void) const { return _orientationInfoIndex; }
alignment_t alignment(void) const;
const alignment_point_t * alignmentData(void) const { return _alignment; }
alignment_point_t alignmentLength(void) const { return _alignmentLength; }
friend class IndexedPhrasePairHasher<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>;
friend bool operator== <> (const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& lhs, const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& rhs);
friend bool operator< <> (const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& lhs, const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& rhs);
//// IndexedPhrasesPair IMPLEMENTATION /////////////////////////////////////////
template<class OrientationIndexType, class TokenIndexType>
IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>::IndexedPhrasesPair(const phrase_t& srcPhrase, const phrase_t& tgtPhrase, orientation_info_index_t orientationInfo, const alignment_t& alignment):
_data(NULL), _alignment(NULL), _orientationInfoIndex(orientationInfo), _srcPhraseLength(static_cast<alignment_point_t>(srcPhrase.size())), _tgtPhraseLength(static_cast<alignment_point_t>(tgtPhrase.size())), _alignmentLength(alignment.size()) {
// Save alignment.
_alignment = new alignment_point_t[2 * _alignmentLength]; // Note: *2 for each pair.
for ( size_t i = 0; i < alignment.size(); ++i ) {
_alignment[i*2] = alignment[i].first;
_alignment[i*2 + 1] = alignment[i].second;
// Save data.
_data = new token_index_t[_srcPhraseLength + _tgtPhraseLength];
std::copy(srcPhrase.begin(), srcPhrase.end(), _data);
std::copy(tgtPhrase.begin(), tgtPhrase.end(), _data + _srcPhraseLength);
template<class OrientationIndexType, class TokenIndexType>
IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>::IndexedPhrasesPair(const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& copy):
_data(NULL), _alignment(NULL), _orientationInfoIndex(copy._orientationInfoIndex), _srcPhraseLength(copy._srcPhraseLength), _tgtPhraseLength(copy._tgtPhraseLength), _alignmentLength(copy._alignmentLength) {
// Copy alignment.
// alignment_point_t alignmentLength = std::max(_srcPhraseLength, _tgtPhraseLength);
_alignment = new alignment_point_t[2 * _alignmentLength]; // Note: *2 for each pair.
memcpy(_alignment, copy._alignment, _alignmentLength * 2 * sizeof(alignment_point_t));
// Copy data.
_data = new token_index_t[_srcPhraseLength + _tgtPhraseLength];
std::copy(copy._data, copy._data + _srcPhraseLength + _tgtPhraseLength, _data);
template<class OrientationIndexType, class TokenIndexType>
IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>::~IndexedPhrasesPair(void) {
delete[] _alignment;
delete[] _data;
template<class OrientationIndexType, class TokenIndexType>
IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>::operator=(const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& other) {
if ( this != &other ) {
// Copy alignment.
_alignmentLength = other._alignmentLength;
// alignment_point_t alignmentLength = std::max(_srcPhraseLength, _tgtPhraseLength);
alignment_point_t * alignment = new alignment_point_t[2 * _alignmentLength]; // Note: *2 for each pair.
memcpy(alignment, other._alignment, _alignmentLength * 2 * sizeof(alignment_point_t));
if ( _alignment != NULL ) {
delete[] _alignment; // !
_alignment = alignment; // !
// Copy data.
_srcPhraseLength = other._srcPhraseLength;
_tgtPhraseLength = other._tgtPhraseLength;
token_index_t * data = new token_index_t[_srcPhraseLength + _tgtPhraseLength];
std::copy(other._data, other._data + _srcPhraseLength + _tgtPhraseLength, data);
if ( _data != NULL ) {
delete[] _data; // !
_data = data; // !
_orientationInfoIndex = other._orientationInfoIndex;
return *this;
template<class OrientationIndexType, class TokenIndexType>
typename IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>::alignment_t IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>::alignment(void) const {
alignment_t a;
//alignment_point_t alignmentLength = std::max(_srcPhraseLength, _tgtPhraseLength);
for ( size_t i = 0; i < _alignmentLength; ++i ) {
a.push_back(alignment_pair_t(_alignment[2*i], _alignment[2*i + 1]));
return a;
template<class OrientationIndexType, class TokenIndexType>
class IndexedPhrasePairHasher: public std::unary_function<IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>, size_t> {
typedef typename IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>::alignment_point_t alignment_point_t;
std::tr1::hash<TokenIndexType> _hash;
size_t operator()(const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& phrasePair) const {
size_t hash = 0;
for ( alignment_point_t i = 0; i < phrasePair._srcPhraseLength + phrasePair._tgtPhraseLength; ++i ) {
hash ^= _hash(phrasePair._data[i]);
return hash;
template<class OrientationIndexType, class TokenIndexType>
bool operator== (const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& lhs, const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>& rhs) {
typedef typename IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>::alignment_point_t alignment_point_t;
typedef typename IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, TokenIndexType>::token_index_t string_index_t;
// Alignments comparable?
if ( lhs._alignmentLength != rhs._alignmentLength ) {
return false;
// Same alignment length -> compare alignments.
int cmp = memcmp(lhs._alignment, rhs._alignment, lhs._alignmentLength * 2 * sizeof(alignment_point_t));
if ( cmp != 0 ) {
// Alignments differ.
return false;
// Alignments are equal, compare phrases (data).
if ( lhs._srcPhraseLength != rhs._srcPhraseLength ) {
// Source phrase lengths differs.
return false;
if ( lhs._tgtPhraseLength != rhs._tgtPhraseLength ) {
// Target phrase lengths differs.
return false;
// Phrases have matching lengths, compare the data in the end:
cmp = memcmp(lhs._data, rhs._data, (lhs._srcPhraseLength + lhs._tgtPhraseLength) * sizeof(string_index_t));
if ( cmp != 0 ) {
// Data differ.
return false;
// Compare orientation info in the end.
return lhs._orientationInfoIndex == rhs._orientationInfoIndex;
template<class OrientationIndexType, class StringIndexType>
bool operator< (const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, StringIndexType>& lhs, const IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, StringIndexType>& rhs) {
typedef typename IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, StringIndexType>::alignment_point_t alignment_point_t;
typedef typename IndexedPhrasesPair<OrientationIndexType, StringIndexType>::token_index_t string_index_t;
// Alignments comparable?
if ( lhs._alignmentLength != rhs._alignmentLength ) {
// Shorter alignment length => lesser item.
return lhs._alignmentLength < rhs._alignmentLength;
// Same alignment length -> compare alignments.
int cmp = memcmp(lhs._alignment, rhs._alignment, lhs._alignmentLength * 2 * sizeof(alignment_point_t));
if ( cmp != 0 ) {
// Alignments differ.
return cmp < 0;
// Alignments are equal, compare phrases (data).
if ( lhs._srcPhraseLength != rhs._srcPhraseLength ) {
// Source phrase lengths differs.
return lhs._srcPhraseLength < rhs._srcPhraseLength;
if ( lhs._tgtPhraseLength != rhs._tgtPhraseLength ) {
// Target phrase lengths differs.
return lhs._tgtPhraseLength < rhs._tgtPhraseLength;
// Phrases have matching lengths, compare the data in the end:
cmp = memcmp(lhs._data, rhs._data, (lhs._srcPhraseLength + lhs._tgtPhraseLength) * sizeof(string_index_t));
if ( cmp != 0 ) {
// Data differ.
return cmp < 0;
// Compare orientation info in the end.
return lhs._orientationInfoIndex < rhs._orientationInfoIndex;