2015-12-11 01:09:22 +00:00

498 lines
19 KiB

// -*- mode: c++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width:2 -*-
// vim:tabstop=2
Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2006 University of Edinburgh
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "XmlOption.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include "Util.h"
#include "StaticData.h"
#include "Range.h"
#include "TargetPhrase.h"
#include "ReorderingConstraint.h"
#include "FactorCollection.h"
#include "moses/TranslationModel/PhraseDictionary.h"
#if PT_UG
#include "TranslationModel/UG/mmsapt.h"
namespace Moses
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::algorithm;
string ParseXmlTagAttribute(const string& tag,const string& attributeName)
/*TODO deal with unescaping \"*/
string tagOpen = attributeName + "=\"";
size_t contentsStart = tag.find(tagOpen);
if (contentsStart == string::npos) return "";
contentsStart += tagOpen.size();
size_t contentsEnd = tag.find_first_of('"',contentsStart+1);
if (contentsEnd == string::npos) {
TRACE_ERR("Malformed XML attribute: "<< tag);
return "";
size_t possibleEnd;
while ( == '\\' && (possibleEnd = tag.find_first_of('"',contentsEnd+1)) != string::npos) {
contentsEnd = possibleEnd;
return tag.substr(contentsStart,contentsEnd-contentsStart);
* Remove "<" and ">" from XML tag
* \param str xml token to be stripped
* \param lbrackStr xml tag's left bracket string, typically "<"
* \param rbrackStr xml tag's right bracket string, typically ">"
string TrimXml(const string& str, const std::string& lbrackStr, const std::string& rbrackStr)
// too short to be xml token -> do nothing
if (str.size() < lbrackStr.length()+rbrackStr.length() ) return str;
// strip first and last character
if (starts_with(str, lbrackStr) && ends_with(str, rbrackStr)) {
return str.substr(lbrackStr.length(), str.size()-lbrackStr.length()-rbrackStr.length());
// not an xml token -> do nothing
else {
return str;
* Check if the token is an XML tag, i.e. starts with "<"
* \param tag token to be checked
* \param lbrackStr xml tag's left bracket string, typically "<"
* \param rbrackStr xml tag's right bracket string, typically ">"
bool isXmlTag(const string& tag, const std::string& lbrackStr, const std::string& rbrackStr)
return (tag.substr(0,lbrackStr.length()) == lbrackStr &&
(tag[lbrackStr.length()] == '/' ||
(tag[lbrackStr.length()] >= 'a' && tag[lbrackStr.length()] <= 'z') ||
(tag[lbrackStr.length()] >= 'A' && tag[lbrackStr.length()] <= 'Z')));
* Split up the input character string into tokens made up of
* either XML tags or text.
* example: this <b> is a </b> test .
* => (this ), (<b>), ( is a ), (</b>), ( test .)
* \param str input string
* \param lbrackStr xml tag's left bracket string, typically "<"
* \param rbrackStr xml tag's right bracket string, typically ">"
vector<string> TokenizeXml(const string& str, const std::string& lbrackStr, const std::string& rbrackStr)
string lbrack = lbrackStr; // = "<";
string rbrack = rbrackStr; // = ">";
vector<string> tokens; // vector of tokens to be returned
string::size_type cpos = 0; // current position in string
string::size_type lpos = 0; // left start of xml tag
string::size_type rpos = 0; // right end of xml tag
// walk thorugh the string (loop vver cpos)
while (cpos != str.size()) {
// find the next opening "<" of an xml tag
lpos = str.find(lbrack, cpos); // lpos = str.find_first_of(lbrack, cpos);
if (lpos != string::npos) {
// find the end of the xml tag
rpos = str.find(rbrack, lpos+lbrackStr.length()-1); // rpos = str.find_first_of(rbrack, lpos);
// sanity check: there has to be closing ">"
if (rpos == string::npos) {
TRACE_ERR("ERROR: malformed XML: " << str << endl);
return tokens;
} else { // no more tags found
// add the rest as token
// add stuff before xml tag as token, if there is any
if (lpos - cpos > 0)
tokens.push_back(str.substr(cpos, lpos - cpos));
// add xml tag as token
tokens.push_back(str.substr(lpos, rpos-lpos+rbrackStr.length()));
cpos = rpos + rbrackStr.length();
return tokens;
* Process a sentence with xml annotation
* Xml tags may specifiy additional/replacing translation options
* and reordering constraints
* \param line in: sentence, out: sentence without the xml
* \param res vector with translation options specified by xml
* \param reorderingConstraint reordering constraint zones specified by xml
* \param walls reordering constraint walls specified by xml
* \param lbrackStr xml tag's left bracket string, typically "<"
* \param rbrackStr xml tag's right bracket string, typically ">"
ProcessAndStripXMLTags(AllOptions const& opts, string &line,
vector<XmlOption const*> &res,
ReorderingConstraint &reorderingConstraint,
vector< size_t > &walls,
std::vector< std::pair<size_t, std::string> > &placeholders)
//parse XML markup in translation line
const std::string& lbrackStr = opts.input.xml_brackets.first;
const std::string& rbrackStr = opts.input.xml_brackets.second;
int offset = is_syntax( ? 1 : 0;
// const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance();
// hack. What pt should XML trans opt be assigned to?
PhraseDictionary *firstPt = NULL;
if (PhraseDictionary::GetColl().size() == 0) {
firstPt = PhraseDictionary::GetColl()[0];
// no xml tag? we're done.
if (line.find(lbrackStr) == string::npos) {
return true;
// break up input into a vector of xml tags and text
// example: (this), (<b>), (is a), (</b>), (test .)
vector<string> xmlTokens = TokenizeXml(line, lbrackStr, rbrackStr);
// we need to store opened tags, until they are closed
// tags are stored as tripled (tagname, startpos, contents)
typedef pair< string, pair< size_t, string > > OpenedTag;
vector< OpenedTag > tagStack; // stack that contains active opened tags
string cleanLine; // return string (text without xml)
size_t wordPos = 0; // position in sentence (in terms of number of words)
const vector<FactorType> &outputFactorOrder = opts.output.factor_order;
// loop through the tokens
for (size_t xmlTokenPos = 0 ; xmlTokenPos < xmlTokens.size() ; xmlTokenPos++) {
// not a xml tag, but regular text (may contain many words)
if(!isXmlTag(xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos], lbrackStr, rbrackStr)) {
// add a space at boundary, if necessary
if (cleanLine.size()>0 &&
cleanLine[cleanLine.size() - 1] != ' ' &&
xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos][0] != ' ') {
cleanLine += " ";
cleanLine += xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos]; // add to output
wordPos = Tokenize(cleanLine).size(); // count all the words
// process xml tag
else {
// *** get essential information about tag ***
// strip extra boundary spaces and "<" and ">"
string tag = Trim(TrimXml(xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos], lbrackStr, rbrackStr));
VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG IS: " << tag << std::endl);
if (tag.size() == 0) {
TRACE_ERR("ERROR: empty tag name: " << line << endl);
return false;
// check if unary (e.g., "<wall/>")
bool isUnary = ( tag[tag.size() - 1] == '/' );
// check if opening tag (e.g. "<a>", not "</a>")g
bool isClosed = ( tag[0] == '/' );
bool isOpen = !isClosed;
if (isClosed && isUnary) {
TRACE_ERR("ERROR: can't have both closed and unary tag " << lbrackStr << tag << rbrackStr << ": " << line << endl);
return false;
if (isClosed)
tag = tag.substr(1); // remove "/" at the beginning
if (isUnary)
tag = tag.substr(0,tag.size()-1); // remove "/" at the end
// find the tag name and contents
string::size_type endOfName = tag.find_first_of(' ');
string tagName = tag;
string tagContent = "";
if (endOfName != string::npos) {
tagName = tag.substr(0,endOfName);
tagContent = tag.substr(endOfName+1);
// *** process new tag ***
if (isOpen || isUnary) {
// put the tag on the tag stack
OpenedTag openedTag = make_pair( tagName, make_pair( wordPos, tagContent ) );
tagStack.push_back( openedTag );
VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG " << tagName << " (" << tagContent << ") added to stack, now size " << tagStack.size() << endl);
// *** process completed tag ***
if (isClosed || isUnary) {
// pop last opened tag from stack;
if (tagStack.size() == 0) {
TRACE_ERR("ERROR: tag " << tagName << " closed, but not opened" << ":" << line << endl);
return false;
OpenedTag openedTag = tagStack.back();
// tag names have to match
if (openedTag.first != tagName) {
TRACE_ERR("ERROR: tag " << openedTag.first << " closed by tag " << tagName << ": " << line << endl );
return false;
// assemble remaining information about tag
size_t startPos = openedTag.second.first;
string tagContent = openedTag.second.second;
size_t endPos = wordPos;
// span attribute overwrites position
string span = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"span");
if (! span.empty()) {
vector<string> ij = Tokenize(span, "-");
if (ij.size() != 1 && ij.size() != 2) {
TRACE_ERR("ERROR: span attribute must be of the form \"i-j\" or \"i\": " << line << endl);
return false;
startPos = atoi(ij[0].c_str());
if (ij.size() == 1) endPos = startPos + 1;
else endPos = atoi(ij[1].c_str()) + 1;
VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG " << tagName << " (" << tagContent << ") spanning " << startPos << " to " << (endPos-1) << " complete, commence processing" << endl);
// special tag: wall
if (tagName == "wall") {
size_t start = (startPos == 0) ? 0 : startPos-1;
for(size_t pos = start; pos < endPos; pos++)
walls.push_back( pos );
// special tag: zone
else if (tagName == "zone") {
if (startPos >= endPos) {
TRACE_ERR("ERROR: zone must span at least one word: " << line << endl);
return false;
reorderingConstraint.SetZone( startPos, endPos-1 );
// name-entity placeholder
else if (tagName == "ne") {
if (startPos != (endPos - 1)) {
TRACE_ERR("ERROR: Placeholder must only span 1 word: " << line << endl);
return false;
string entity = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"entity");
placeholders.push_back(std::pair<size_t, std::string>(startPos, entity));
// update: add new aligned sentence pair to Mmsapt identified by name
else if (tagName == "update") {
#if PT_UG
// get model name and aligned sentence pair
string pdName = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"name");
string source = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"source");
string target = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"target");
string alignment = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"alignment");
// find PhraseDictionary by name
const vector<PhraseDictionary*> &pds = PhraseDictionary::GetColl();
PhraseDictionary* pd = NULL;
for (vector<PhraseDictionary*>::const_iterator i = pds.begin(); i != pds.end(); ++i) {
PhraseDictionary* curPd = *i;
if (curPd->GetScoreProducerDescription() == pdName) {
pd = curPd;
if (pd == NULL) {
TRACE_ERR("ERROR: No PhraseDictionary with name " << pdName << ", no update" << endl);
return false;
// update model
VERBOSE(3,"Updating " << pdName << " ||| " << source << " ||| " << target << " ||| " << alignment << endl);
Mmsapt* pdsa = reinterpret_cast<Mmsapt*>(pd);
pdsa->add(source, target, alignment);
TRACE_ERR("ERROR: recompile with --with-mm to update PhraseDictionary at runtime" << endl);
return false;
// weight-overwrite: update feature weights, unspecified weights remain unchanged
// IMPORTANT: translation models that cache phrases or apply table-limit during load
// based on initial weights need to be reset. Sending an empty update will do this
// for PhraseDictionaryBitextSampling (Mmsapt) models:
// <update name="TranslationModelName" source=" " target=" " alignment=" " />
else if (tagName == "weight-overwrite") {
// is a name->ff map stored anywhere so we don't have to build it every time?
const vector<FeatureFunction*> &ffs = FeatureFunction::GetFeatureFunctions();
boost::unordered_map<string, FeatureFunction*> map;
BOOST_FOREACH(FeatureFunction* const& ff, ffs) {
map[ff->GetScoreProducerDescription()] = ff;
// update each weight listed
ScoreComponentCollection allWeights = StaticData::Instance().GetAllWeights();
boost::unordered_map<string, FeatureFunction*>::iterator ffi;
string ffName("");
vector<float> ffWeights;
vector<string> toks = Tokenize(ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"weights"));
BOOST_FOREACH(string const& tok, toks) {
if (ends_with(tok, "=")) {
// start new feature
if (ffName != "") {
// set previous feature weights
if (ffi != map.end()) {
allWeights.Assign(ffi->second, ffWeights);
ffName = tok.substr(0, tok.size() - 1);
ffi = map.find(ffName);
if (ffi == map.end()) {
TRACE_ERR("ERROR: No FeatureFunction with name " << ffName << ", no weight update" << endl);
} else {
// weight for current feature
if (ffi != map.end()) {
allWeights.Assign(ffi->second, ffWeights);
// default: opening tag that specifies translation options
else {
if (startPos > endPos) {
TRACE_ERR("ERROR: tag " << tagName << " startPos > endPos: " << line << endl);
return false;
} else if (startPos == endPos) {
TRACE_ERR("WARNING: tag " << tagName << " 0 span: " << line << endl);
// specified translations -> vector of phrases
// multiple translations may be specified, separated by "||"
vector<string> altTexts = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"translation"), "||");
if( altTexts.size() == 1 && altTexts[0] == "" )
altTexts.pop_back(); // happens when nothing specified
// deal with legacy annotations: "translation" was called "english"
vector<string> moreAltTexts = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"english"), "||");
if (moreAltTexts.size()>1 || moreAltTexts[0] != "") {
for(vector<string>::iterator translation=moreAltTexts.begin();
translation != moreAltTexts.end();
translation++) {
string t = *translation;
altTexts.push_back( t );
// specified probabilities for the translations -> vector of probs
vector<string> altProbs = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"prob"), "||");
if( altProbs.size() == 1 && altProbs[0] == "" )
altProbs.pop_back(); // happens when nothing specified
// report what we have processed so far
VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG NAME IS: '" << tagName << "'" << endl);
VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG TRANSLATION IS: '" << altTexts[0] << "'" << endl);
VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG PROB IS: '" << altProbs[0] << "'" << endl);
VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG SPAN IS: " << startPos << "-" << (endPos-1) << endl);
if (altProbs.size() > 0 && altTexts.size() != altProbs.size()) {
TRACE_ERR("ERROR: Unequal number of probabilities and translation alternatives: " << line << endl);
return false;
// store translation options into members
if (opts.input.xml_policy != XmlIgnore) {
// only store options if we aren't ignoring them
for (size_t i=0; i<altTexts.size(); ++i) {
Phrase sourcePhrase; // TODO don't know what the source phrase is
// set default probability
float probValue = 1;
if (altProbs.size() > 0) probValue = Scan<float>(altProbs[i]);
// convert from prob to log-prob
float scoreValue = FloorScore(TransformScore(probValue));
Range range(startPos + offset,endPos-1 + offset); // span covered by phrase
TargetPhrase targetPhrase(firstPt);
// targetPhrase.CreateFromString(Output, outputFactorOrder,altTexts[i],factorDelimiter, NULL);
targetPhrase.CreateFromString(Output, outputFactorOrder,altTexts[i], NULL);
// lhs
const UnknownLHSList &lhsList = opts.syntax.unknown_lhs; // staticData.GetUnknownLHS();
if (!lhsList.empty()) {
const Factor *factor = FactorCollection::Instance().AddFactor(lhsList[0].first, true);
Word *targetLHS = new Word(true);
targetLHS->SetFactor(0, factor); // TODO - other factors too?
XmlOption *option = new XmlOption(range,targetPhrase);
// we are done. check if there are tags that are still open
if (tagStack.size() > 0) {
TRACE_ERR("ERROR: some opened tags were never closed: " << line << endl);
return false;
// return de-xml'ed sentence in line
line = cleanLine;
return true;