Phil Williams cdd9df19d2 Remove --OutputNTLengths from extract-rules, etc.
The option isn't used in master and the output is compatible with the
current rule table format.  If anyone wants this in master it should
probably be fixed in the span-length branch then merged.
2013-09-13 22:16:42 +01:00

769 lines
26 KiB

Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2009 University of Edinburgh
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include "SafeGetline.h"
#include "ScoreFeature.h"
#include "tables-core.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "PhraseAlignment.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "InputFileStream.h"
#include "OutputFileStream.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace MosesTraining;
#define LINE_MAX_LENGTH 100000
namespace MosesTraining
LexicalTable lexTable;
bool inverseFlag = false;
bool hierarchicalFlag = false;
bool pcfgFlag = false;
bool unpairedExtractFormatFlag = false;
bool conditionOnTargetLhsFlag = false;
bool wordAlignmentFlag = true;
bool goodTuringFlag = false;
bool kneserNeyFlag = false;
bool logProbFlag = false;
int negLogProb = 1;
#define COC_MAX 10
bool lexFlag = true;
bool unalignedFlag = false;
bool unalignedFWFlag = false;
bool singletonFeature = false;
bool crossedNonTerm = false;
int countOfCounts[COC_MAX+1];
int totalDistinct = 0;
float minCountHierarchical = 0;
Vocabulary vcbT;
Vocabulary vcbS;
} // namespace
vector<string> tokenize( const char [] );
void writeCountOfCounts( const string &fileNameCountOfCounts );
void processPhrasePairs( vector< PhraseAlignment > & , ostream &phraseTableFile, bool isSingleton, const ScoreFeatureManager& featureManager, const MaybeLog& maybeLog);
const PhraseAlignment &findBestAlignment(const PhraseAlignmentCollection &phrasePair );
void outputPhrasePair(const PhraseAlignmentCollection &phrasePair, float, int, ostream &phraseTableFile, bool isSingleton, const ScoreFeatureManager& featureManager, const MaybeLog& maybeLog );
double computeLexicalTranslation( const PHRASE &, const PHRASE &, const PhraseAlignment & );
double computeUnalignedPenalty( const PHRASE &, const PHRASE &, const PhraseAlignment & );
set<string> functionWordList;
void loadFunctionWords( const string &fileNameFunctionWords );
double computeUnalignedFWPenalty( const PHRASE &, const PHRASE &, const PhraseAlignment & );
void printSourcePhrase(const PHRASE &, const PHRASE &, const PhraseAlignment &, ostream &);
void printTargetPhrase(const PHRASE &, const PHRASE &, const PhraseAlignment &, ostream &);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cerr << "Score v2.0 written by Philipp Koehn\n"
<< "scoring methods for extracted rules\n";
ScoreFeatureManager featureManager;
if (argc < 4) {
cerr << "syntax: score extract lex phrase-table [--Inverse] [--Hierarchical] [--LogProb] [--NegLogProb] [--NoLex] [--GoodTuring] [--KneserNey] [--NoWordAlignment] [--UnalignedPenalty] [--UnalignedFunctionWordPenalty function-word-file] [--MinCountHierarchical count] [--PCFG] [--UnpairedExtractFormat] [--ConditionOnTargetLHS] [--Singleton] [--CrossedNonTerm] \n";
cerr << featureManager.usage() << endl;
string fileNameExtract = argv[1];
string fileNameLex = argv[2];
string fileNamePhraseTable = argv[3];
string fileNameCountOfCounts;
char* fileNameFunctionWords = NULL;
vector<string> featureArgs; //all unknown args passed to feature manager
for(int i=4; i<argc; i++) {
if (strcmp(argv[i],"inverse") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--Inverse") == 0) {
inverseFlag = true;
cerr << "using inverse mode\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--Hierarchical") == 0) {
hierarchicalFlag = true;
cerr << "processing hierarchical rules\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--PCFG") == 0) {
pcfgFlag = true;
cerr << "including PCFG scores\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--UnpairedExtractFormat") == 0) {
unpairedExtractFormatFlag = true;
cerr << "processing unpaired extract format\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--ConditionOnTargetLHS") == 0) {
conditionOnTargetLhsFlag = true;
cerr << "processing unpaired extract format\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--NoWordAlignment") == 0) {
wordAlignmentFlag = false;
cerr << "omitting word alignment" << endl;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--NoLex") == 0) {
lexFlag = false;
cerr << "not computing lexical translation score\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--GoodTuring") == 0) {
goodTuringFlag = true;
fileNameCountOfCounts = string(fileNamePhraseTable) + ".coc";
cerr << "adjusting phrase translation probabilities with Good Turing discounting\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--KneserNey") == 0) {
kneserNeyFlag = true;
fileNameCountOfCounts = string(fileNamePhraseTable) + ".coc";
cerr << "adjusting phrase translation probabilities with Kneser Ney discounting\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--UnalignedPenalty") == 0) {
unalignedFlag = true;
cerr << "using unaligned word penalty\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--UnalignedFunctionWordPenalty") == 0) {
unalignedFWFlag = true;
if (i+1==argc) {
cerr << "ERROR: specify count of count files for Kneser Ney discounting!\n";
fileNameFunctionWords = argv[++i];
cerr << "using unaligned function word penalty with function words from " << fileNameFunctionWords << endl;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--LogProb") == 0) {
logProbFlag = true;
cerr << "using log-probabilities\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--NegLogProb") == 0) {
logProbFlag = true;
negLogProb = -1;
cerr << "using negative log-probabilities\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--MinCountHierarchical") == 0) {
minCountHierarchical = atof(argv[++i]);
cerr << "dropping all phrase pairs occurring less than " << minCountHierarchical << " times\n";
minCountHierarchical -= 0.00001; // account for rounding
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--Singleton") == 0) {
singletonFeature = true;
cerr << "binary singleton feature\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--CrossedNonTerm") == 0) {
crossedNonTerm = true;
cerr << "crossed non-term reordering feature\n";
} else {
for (; i < argc && strncmp(argv[i], "--", 2); ++i) {
if (i != argc) --i; //roll back, since we found another -- argument
MaybeLog maybeLogProb(logProbFlag, negLogProb);
//configure extra features
if (!inverseFlag) featureManager.configure(featureArgs);
// lexical translation table
if (lexFlag)
lexTable.load( fileNameLex );
// function word list
if (unalignedFWFlag)
loadFunctionWords( fileNameFunctionWords );
// compute count of counts for Good Turing discounting
if (goodTuringFlag || kneserNeyFlag) {
for(int i=1; i<=COC_MAX; i++) countOfCounts[i] = 0;
// sorted phrase extraction file
Moses::InputFileStream extractFile(fileNameExtract);
if ( {
cerr << "ERROR: could not open extract file " << fileNameExtract << endl;
istream &extractFileP = extractFile;
// output file: phrase translation table
ostream *phraseTableFile;
if (fileNamePhraseTable == "-") {
phraseTableFile = &cout;
} else {
Moses::OutputFileStream *outputFile = new Moses::OutputFileStream();
bool success = outputFile->Open(fileNamePhraseTable);
if (!success) {
cerr << "ERROR: could not open file phrase table file "
<< fileNamePhraseTable << endl;
phraseTableFile = outputFile;
// loop through all extracted phrase translations
float lastCount = 0.0f;
float lastPcfgSum = 0.0f;
vector< PhraseAlignment > phrasePairsWithSameF;
bool isSingleton = true;
int i=0;
lastLine[0] = '\0';
PhraseAlignment *lastPhrasePair = NULL;
while(true) {
if (extractFileP.eof()) break;
if (++i % 100000 == 0) cerr << "." << flush;
SAFE_GETLINE((extractFileP), line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n', __FILE__);
if (extractFileP.eof()) break;
// identical to last line? just add count
if (strcmp(line,lastLine) == 0) {
lastPhrasePair->count += lastCount;
lastPhrasePair->pcfgSum += lastPcfgSum;
strcpy( lastLine, line );
// create new phrase pair
PhraseAlignment phrasePair;
phrasePair.create( line, i, featureManager.includeSentenceId());
lastCount = phrasePair.count;
lastPcfgSum = phrasePair.pcfgSum;
// only differs in count? just add count
if (lastPhrasePair != NULL
&& lastPhrasePair->equals( phrasePair )
&& featureManager.equals(*lastPhrasePair, phrasePair)) {
lastPhrasePair->count += phrasePair.count;
lastPhrasePair->pcfgSum += phrasePair.pcfgSum;
// if new source phrase, process last batch
if (lastPhrasePair != NULL &&
lastPhrasePair->GetSource() != phrasePair.GetSource()) {
processPhrasePairs( phrasePairsWithSameF, *phraseTableFile, isSingleton, featureManager, maybeLogProb );
isSingleton = false;
lastPhrasePair = NULL;
} else {
isSingleton = true;
// add phrase pairs to list, it's now the last one
phrasePairsWithSameF.push_back( phrasePair );
lastPhrasePair = &phrasePairsWithSameF.back();
processPhrasePairs( phrasePairsWithSameF, *phraseTableFile, isSingleton, featureManager, maybeLogProb );
if (phraseTableFile != &cout) {
delete phraseTableFile;
// output count of count statistics
if (goodTuringFlag || kneserNeyFlag) {
writeCountOfCounts( fileNameCountOfCounts );
void writeCountOfCounts( const string &fileNameCountOfCounts )
// open file
Moses::OutputFileStream countOfCountsFile;
bool success = countOfCountsFile.Open(fileNameCountOfCounts.c_str());
if (!success) {
cerr << "ERROR: could not open count-of-counts file "
<< fileNameCountOfCounts << endl;
// Kneser-Ney needs the total number of phrase pairs
countOfCountsFile << totalDistinct << endl;
// write out counts
for(int i=1; i<=COC_MAX; i++) {
countOfCountsFile << countOfCounts[ i ] << endl;
void processPhrasePairs( vector< PhraseAlignment > &phrasePair, ostream &phraseTableFile, bool isSingleton, const ScoreFeatureManager& featureManager, const MaybeLog& maybeLogProb )
if (phrasePair.size() == 0) return;
// group phrase pairs based on alignments that matter
// (i.e. that re-arrange non-terminals)
PhrasePairGroup phrasePairGroup;
float totalSource = 0;
//cerr << "phrasePair.size() = " << phrasePair.size() << endl;
// loop through phrase pairs
for(size_t i=0; i<phrasePair.size(); i++) {
// add to total count
PhraseAlignment &currPhrasePair = phrasePair[i];
totalSource += phrasePair[i].count;
// check for matches
//cerr << "phrasePairGroup.size() = " << phrasePairGroup.size() << endl;
PhraseAlignmentCollection phraseAlignColl;
pair<PhrasePairGroup::iterator, bool> retInsert;
retInsert = phrasePairGroup.insert(phraseAlignColl);
if (!retInsert.second) {
// already exist. Add to that collection instead
PhraseAlignmentCollection &existingColl = const_cast<PhraseAlignmentCollection&>(*retInsert.first);
// output the distinct phrase pairs, one at a time
const PhrasePairGroup::SortedColl &sortedColl = phrasePairGroup.GetSortedColl();
PhrasePairGroup::SortedColl::const_iterator iter;
for(iter = sortedColl.begin(); iter != sortedColl.end(); ++iter) {
const PhraseAlignmentCollection &group = **iter;
outputPhrasePair( group, totalSource, phrasePairGroup.GetSize(), phraseTableFile, isSingleton, featureManager, maybeLogProb );
const PhraseAlignment &findBestAlignment(const PhraseAlignmentCollection &phrasePair )
float bestAlignmentCount = -1;
PhraseAlignment* bestAlignment = NULL;
for(size_t i=0; i<phrasePair.size(); i++) {
size_t alignInd;
if (inverseFlag) {
// count backwards, so that alignments for ties will be the same for both normal & inverse scores
alignInd = phrasePair.size() - i - 1;
} else {
alignInd = i;
if (phrasePair[alignInd]->count > bestAlignmentCount) {
bestAlignmentCount = phrasePair[alignInd]->count;
bestAlignment = phrasePair[alignInd];
return *bestAlignment;
bool calcCrossedNonTerm(size_t sourcePos, size_t targetPos, const std::vector< std::set<size_t> > &alignedToS)
for (size_t currSource = 0; currSource < alignedToS.size(); ++currSource) {
if (currSource == sourcePos) {
// skip
} else {
const std::set<size_t> &targetSet = alignedToS[currSource];
std::set<size_t>::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = targetSet.begin(); iter != targetSet.end(); ++iter) {
size_t currTarget = *iter;
if ((currSource < sourcePos && currTarget > targetPos)
|| (currSource > sourcePos && currTarget < targetPos)
) {
return true;
return false;
int calcCrossedNonTerm(const PHRASE &phraseS, const PhraseAlignment &bestAlignment)
const std::vector< std::set<size_t> > &alignedToS = bestAlignment.alignedToS;
for (size_t sourcePos = 0; sourcePos < alignedToS.size(); ++sourcePos) {
const std::set<size_t> &targetSet = alignedToS[sourcePos];
WORD_ID wordId = phraseS[sourcePos];
const WORD &word = vcbS.getWord(wordId);
bool isNonTerm = isNonTerminal(word);
if (isNonTerm) {
assert(targetSet.size() == 1);
size_t targetPos = *targetSet.begin();
bool ret = calcCrossedNonTerm(sourcePos, targetPos, alignedToS);
if (ret)
return 1;
return 0;
void outputPhrasePair(const PhraseAlignmentCollection &phrasePair, float totalCount, int distinctCount, ostream &phraseTableFile, bool isSingleton, const ScoreFeatureManager& featureManager,
const MaybeLog& maybeLogProb )
if (phrasePair.size() == 0) return;
const PhraseAlignment &bestAlignment = findBestAlignment( phrasePair );
// compute count
float count = 0;
for(size_t i=0; i<phrasePair.size(); i++) {
count += phrasePair[i]->count;
map< string, float > domainCount;
// collect count of count statistics
if (goodTuringFlag || kneserNeyFlag) {
int countInt = count + 0.99999;
if(countInt <= COC_MAX)
countOfCounts[ countInt ]++;
// compute PCFG score
float pcfgScore = 0;
if (pcfgFlag && !inverseFlag) {
float pcfgSum = 0;
for(size_t i=0; i<phrasePair.size(); ++i) {
pcfgSum += phrasePair[i]->pcfgSum;
pcfgScore = pcfgSum / count;
// output phrases
const PHRASE &phraseS = phrasePair[0]->GetSource();
const PHRASE &phraseT = phrasePair[0]->GetTarget();
// do not output if hierarchical and count below threshold
if (hierarchicalFlag && count < minCountHierarchical) {
for(size_t j=0; j<phraseS.size()-1; j++) {
if (isNonTerminal(vcbS.getWord( phraseS[j] )))
// source phrase (unless inverse)
if (! inverseFlag) {
printSourcePhrase(phraseS, phraseT, bestAlignment, phraseTableFile);
phraseTableFile << " ||| ";
// target phrase
printTargetPhrase(phraseS, phraseT, bestAlignment, phraseTableFile);
phraseTableFile << " ||| ";
// source phrase (if inverse)
if (inverseFlag) {
printSourcePhrase(phraseS, phraseT, bestAlignment, phraseTableFile);
phraseTableFile << " ||| ";
// lexical translation probability
if (lexFlag) {
double lexScore = computeLexicalTranslation( phraseS, phraseT, bestAlignment);
phraseTableFile << maybeLogProb(lexScore );
// unaligned word penalty
if (unalignedFlag) {
double penalty = computeUnalignedPenalty( phraseS, phraseT, bestAlignment);
phraseTableFile << " " << maybeLogProb(penalty );
// unaligned function word penalty
if (unalignedFWFlag) {
double penalty = computeUnalignedFWPenalty( phraseS, phraseT, bestAlignment);
phraseTableFile << " " << maybeLogProb(penalty );
if (singletonFeature) {
phraseTableFile << " " << (isSingleton ? 1 : 0);
if (crossedNonTerm && !inverseFlag) {
phraseTableFile << " " << calcCrossedNonTerm(phraseS, bestAlignment);
// target-side PCFG score
if (pcfgFlag && !inverseFlag) {
phraseTableFile << " " << maybeLogProb(pcfgScore );
// extra features
ScoreFeatureContext context(phrasePair, count, maybeLogProb);
vector<float> extraDense;
map<string,float> extraSparse;
featureManager.addFeatures(context, extraDense, extraSparse);
for (size_t i = 0; i < extraDense.size(); ++i) {
phraseTableFile << " " << extraDense[i];
for (map<string,float>::const_iterator i = extraSparse.begin();
i != extraSparse.end(); ++i) {
phraseTableFile << " " << i->first << " " << i->second;
phraseTableFile << " ||| ";
// alignment info for non-terminals
if (! inverseFlag) {
if (hierarchicalFlag) {
// always output alignment if hiero style, but only for non-terms
// (eh: output all alignments, needed for some feature functions)
assert(phraseT.size() == bestAlignment.alignedToT.size() + 1);
std::vector<std::string> alignment;
for(size_t j = 0; j < phraseT.size() - 1; j++) {
if (isNonTerminal(vcbT.getWord( phraseT[j] ))) {
if (bestAlignment.alignedToT[ j ].size() != 1) {
cerr << "Error: unequal numbers of non-terminals. Make sure the text does not contain words in square brackets (like [xxx])." << endl;
assert(bestAlignment.alignedToT[ j ].size() == 1);
int sourcePos = *(bestAlignment.alignedToT[ j ].begin());
//phraseTableFile << sourcePos << "-" << j << " ";
std::stringstream point;
point << sourcePos << "-" << j;
} else {
set<size_t>::iterator setIter;
for(setIter = (bestAlignment.alignedToT[j]).begin(); setIter != (bestAlignment.alignedToT[j]).end(); setIter++) {
int sourcePos = *setIter;
//phraseTableFile << sourcePos << "-" << j << " ";
std::stringstream point;
point << sourcePos << "-" << j;
// now print all alignments, sorted by source index
sort(alignment.begin(), alignment.end());
for (size_t i = 0; i < alignment.size(); ++i) {
phraseTableFile << alignment[i] << " ";
} else if (wordAlignmentFlag) {
// alignment info in pb model
for(size_t j=0; j<bestAlignment.alignedToT.size(); j++) {
const set< size_t > &aligned = bestAlignment.alignedToT[j];
for (set< size_t >::const_iterator p(aligned.begin()); p != aligned.end(); ++p) {
phraseTableFile << *p << "-" << j << " ";
// counts
phraseTableFile << " ||| " << totalCount << " " << count;
if (kneserNeyFlag)
phraseTableFile << " " << distinctCount;
phraseTableFile << endl;
double computeUnalignedPenalty( const PHRASE &phraseS, const PHRASE &phraseT, const PhraseAlignment &alignment )
// unaligned word counter
double unaligned = 1.0;
// only checking target words - source words are caught when computing inverse
for(size_t ti=0; ti<alignment.alignedToT.size(); ti++) {
const set< size_t > & srcIndices = alignment.alignedToT[ ti ];
if (srcIndices.empty()) {
unaligned *= 2.718;
return unaligned;
double computeUnalignedFWPenalty( const PHRASE &phraseS, const PHRASE &phraseT, const PhraseAlignment &alignment )
// unaligned word counter
double unaligned = 1.0;
// only checking target words - source words are caught when computing inverse
for(size_t ti=0; ti<alignment.alignedToT.size(); ti++) {
const set< size_t > & srcIndices = alignment.alignedToT[ ti ];
if (srcIndices.empty() && functionWordList.find( vcbT.getWord( phraseT[ ti ] ) ) != functionWordList.end()) {
unaligned *= 2.718;
return unaligned;
void loadFunctionWords( const string &fileName )
cerr << "Loading function word list from " << fileName;
ifstream inFile;;
if ( {
cerr << " - ERROR: could not open file\n";
istream *inFileP = &inFile;
char line[LINE_MAX_LENGTH];
while(true) {
SAFE_GETLINE((*inFileP), line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n', __FILE__);
if (inFileP->eof()) break;
vector<string> token = tokenize( line );
if (token.size() > 0)
functionWordList.insert( token[0] );
cerr << " - read " << functionWordList.size() << " function words\n";
double computeLexicalTranslation( const PHRASE &phraseS, const PHRASE &phraseT, const PhraseAlignment &alignment )
// lexical translation probability
double lexScore = 1.0;
int null = vcbS.getWordID("NULL");
// all target words have to be explained
for(size_t ti=0; ti<alignment.alignedToT.size(); ti++) {
const set< size_t > & srcIndices = alignment.alignedToT[ ti ];
if (srcIndices.empty()) {
// explain unaligned word by NULL
lexScore *= lexTable.permissiveLookup( null, phraseT[ ti ] );
} else {
// go through all the aligned words to compute average
double thisWordScore = 0;
for (set< size_t >::const_iterator p(srcIndices.begin()); p != srcIndices.end(); ++p) {
thisWordScore += lexTable.permissiveLookup( phraseS[ *p ], phraseT[ ti ] );
lexScore *= thisWordScore / (double)srcIndices.size();
return lexScore;
void LexicalTable::load( const string &fileName )
cerr << "Loading lexical translation table from " << fileName;
ifstream inFile;;
if ( {
cerr << " - ERROR: could not open file\n";
istream *inFileP = &inFile;
char line[LINE_MAX_LENGTH];
int i=0;
while(true) {
if (i%100000 == 0) cerr << "." << flush;
SAFE_GETLINE((*inFileP), line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n', __FILE__);
if (inFileP->eof()) break;
vector<string> token = tokenize( line );
if (token.size() != 3) {
cerr << "line " << i << " in " << fileName
<< " has wrong number of tokens, skipping:\n"
<< token.size() << " " << token[0] << " " << line << endl;
double prob = atof( token[2].c_str() );
WORD_ID wordT = vcbT.storeIfNew( token[0] );
WORD_ID wordS = vcbS.storeIfNew( token[1] );
ltable[ wordS ][ wordT ] = prob;
cerr << endl;
void printSourcePhrase(const PHRASE &phraseS, const PHRASE &phraseT,
const PhraseAlignment &bestAlignment, ostream &out)
// output source symbols, except root, in rule table format
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < phraseS.size()-1; ++i) {
const std::string &word = vcbS.getWord(phraseS[i]);
if (!unpairedExtractFormatFlag || !isNonTerminal(word)) {
out << word << " ";
// get corresponding target non-terminal and output pair
std::set<std::size_t> alignmentPoints = bestAlignment.alignedToS[i];
assert(alignmentPoints.size() == 1);
int j = *(alignmentPoints.begin());
if (inverseFlag) {
out << vcbT.getWord(phraseT[j]) << word << " ";
} else {
out << word << vcbT.getWord(phraseT[j]) << " ";
// output source root symbol
if (conditionOnTargetLhsFlag && !inverseFlag) {
out << "[X]";
} else {
out << vcbS.getWord(phraseS.back());
void printTargetPhrase(const PHRASE &phraseS, const PHRASE &phraseT,
const PhraseAlignment &bestAlignment, ostream &out)
// output target symbols, except root, in rule table format
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < phraseT.size()-1; ++i) {
const std::string &word = vcbT.getWord(phraseT[i]);
if (!unpairedExtractFormatFlag || !isNonTerminal(word)) {
out << word << " ";
// get corresponding source non-terminal and output pair
std::set<std::size_t> alignmentPoints = bestAlignment.alignedToT[i];
assert(alignmentPoints.size() == 1);
int j = *(alignmentPoints.begin());
if (inverseFlag) {
out << word << vcbS.getWord(phraseS[j]) << " ";
} else {
out << vcbS.getWord(phraseS[j]) << word << " ";
// output target root symbol
if (conditionOnTargetLhsFlag) {
if (inverseFlag) {
out << "[X]";
} else {
out << vcbS.getWord(phraseS.back());
} else {
out << vcbT.getWord(phraseT.back());
std::pair<PhrasePairGroup::Coll::iterator,bool> PhrasePairGroup::insert ( const PhraseAlignmentCollection& obj )
std::pair<iterator,bool> ret = m_coll.insert(obj);
if (ret.second) {
// obj inserted. Also add to sorted vector
const PhraseAlignmentCollection &insertedObj = *ret.first;
return ret;