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327 lines
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Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2009 University of Edinburgh
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include "tables-core.h"
#include "SafeGetline.h"
#include "InputFileStream.h"
#include "OutputFileStream.h"
#define LINE_MAX_LENGTH 10000
using namespace std;
bool hierarchicalFlag = false;
bool onlyDirectFlag = false;
bool phraseCountFlag = true;
bool lowCountFlag = false;
bool goodTuringFlag = false;
bool kneserNeyFlag = false;
bool logProbFlag = false;
bool outputNTLengths = false;
inline float maybeLogProb( float a ) { return logProbFlag ? log(a) : a; }
char line[LINE_MAX_LENGTH];
void processFiles( char*, char*, char*, char* );
void loadCountOfCounts( char* );
bool getLine( istream &fileP, vector< string > &item );
vector< string > splitLine();
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cerr << "Consolidate v2.0 written by Philipp Koehn\n"
<< "consolidating direct and indirect rule tables\n";
if (argc < 4) {
cerr << "syntax: consolidate phrase-table.direct phrase-table.indirect phrase-table.consolidated [--Hierarchical] [--OnlyDirect] [--OutputNTLengths] \n";
char* &fileNameDirect = argv[1];
char* &fileNameIndirect = argv[2];
char* &fileNameConsolidated = argv[3];
char* fileNameCountOfCounts;
for(int i=4; i<argc; i++) {
if (strcmp(argv[i],"--Hierarchical") == 0) {
hierarchicalFlag = true;
cerr << "processing hierarchical rules\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--OnlyDirect") == 0) {
onlyDirectFlag = true;
cerr << "only including direct translation scores p(e|f)\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--NoPhraseCount") == 0) {
phraseCountFlag = false;
cerr << "not including the phrase count feature\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--GoodTuring") == 0) {
goodTuringFlag = true;
if (i+1==argc) {
cerr << "ERROR: specify count of count files for Good Turing discounting!\n";
fileNameCountOfCounts = argv[++i];
cerr << "adjusting phrase translation probabilities with Good Turing discounting\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--KneserNey") == 0) {
kneserNeyFlag = true;
if (i+1==argc) {
cerr << "ERROR: specify count of count files for Kneser Ney discounting!\n";
fileNameCountOfCounts = argv[++i];
cerr << "adjusting phrase translation probabilities with Kneser Ney discounting\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--LowCountFeature") == 0) {
lowCountFlag = true;
cerr << "including the low count feature\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--LogProb") == 0) {
logProbFlag = true;
cerr << "using log-probabilities\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--OutputNTLengths") == 0) {
outputNTLengths = true;
} else {
cerr << "ERROR: unknown option " << argv[i] << endl;
processFiles( fileNameDirect, fileNameIndirect, fileNameConsolidated, fileNameCountOfCounts );
vector< float > countOfCounts;
vector< float > goodTuringDiscount;
float kneserNey_D1, kneserNey_D2, kneserNey_D3, totalCount = -1;
void loadCountOfCounts( char* fileNameCountOfCounts )
Moses::InputFileStream fileCountOfCounts(fileNameCountOfCounts);
if (fileCountOfCounts.fail()) {
cerr << "ERROR: could not open count of counts file " << fileNameCountOfCounts << endl;
istream &fileP = fileCountOfCounts;
while(1) {
if (fileP.eof()) break;
SAFE_GETLINE((fileP), line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n', __FILE__);
if (fileP.eof()) break;
if (totalCount < 0)
totalCount = atof(line); // total number of distinct phrase pairs
countOfCounts.push_back( atof(line) );
// compute Good Turing discounts
if (goodTuringFlag) {
goodTuringDiscount.push_back(0.01); // floor value
for( size_t i=1; i<countOfCounts.size()-1; i++ ) {
goodTuringDiscount.push_back(((float)i+1)/(float)i*((countOfCounts[i+1]+0.1) / ((float)countOfCounts[i]+0.1)));
if (goodTuringDiscount[i]>1)
goodTuringDiscount[i] = 1;
if (goodTuringDiscount[i]<goodTuringDiscount[i-1])
goodTuringDiscount[i] = goodTuringDiscount[i-1];
// compute Kneser Ney co-efficients [Chen&Goodman, 1998]
float Y = countOfCounts[1] / (countOfCounts[1] + 2*countOfCounts[2]);
kneserNey_D1 = 1 - 2*Y * countOfCounts[2] / countOfCounts[1];
kneserNey_D2 = 2 - 3*Y * countOfCounts[3] / countOfCounts[2];
kneserNey_D3 = 3 - 4*Y * countOfCounts[4] / countOfCounts[3];
// sanity constraints
if (kneserNey_D1 > 0.9) kneserNey_D1 = 0.9;
if (kneserNey_D2 > 1.9) kneserNey_D2 = 1.9;
if (kneserNey_D3 > 2.9) kneserNey_D3 = 2.9;
void processFiles( char* fileNameDirect, char* fileNameIndirect, char* fileNameConsolidated, char* fileNameCountOfCounts )
if (goodTuringFlag || kneserNeyFlag)
loadCountOfCounts( fileNameCountOfCounts );
// open input files
Moses::InputFileStream fileDirect(fileNameDirect);
Moses::InputFileStream fileIndirect(fileNameIndirect);
if (fileDirect.fail()) {
cerr << "ERROR: could not open phrase table file " << fileNameDirect << endl;
istream &fileDirectP = fileDirect;
if (fileIndirect.fail()) {
cerr << "ERROR: could not open phrase table file " << fileNameIndirect << endl;
istream &fileIndirectP = fileIndirect;
// open output file: consolidated phrase table
Moses::OutputFileStream fileConsolidated;
bool success = fileConsolidated.Open(fileNameConsolidated);
if (!success) {
cerr << "ERROR: could not open output file " << fileNameConsolidated << endl;
// loop through all extracted phrase translations
int i=0;
while(true) {
if (i%100000 == 0) cerr << "." << flush;
vector< string > itemDirect, itemIndirect;
if (! getLine(fileIndirectP,itemIndirect) ||
! getLine(fileDirectP, itemDirect ))
// direct: target source alignment probabilities
// indirect: source target probabilities
// consistency checks
if (itemDirect[0].compare( itemIndirect[0] ) != 0) {
cerr << "ERROR: target phrase does not match in line " << i << ": '"
<< itemDirect[0] << "' != '" << itemIndirect[0] << "'" << endl;
if (itemDirect[1].compare( itemIndirect[1] ) != 0) {
cerr << "ERROR: source phrase does not match in line " << i << ": '"
<< itemDirect[1] << "' != '" << itemIndirect[1] << "'" << endl;
// output hierarchical phrase pair (with separated labels)
fileConsolidated << itemDirect[0] << " ||| " << itemDirect[1];
// SCORES ...
fileConsolidated << " |||";
vector<string> directCounts = tokenize(itemDirect[4].c_str());
vector<string> indirectCounts = tokenize(itemIndirect[4].c_str());
float countF = atof(directCounts[0].c_str());
float countE = atof(indirectCounts[0].c_str());
float countEF = atof(indirectCounts[1].c_str());
float n1_F, n1_E;
if (kneserNeyFlag) {
n1_F = atof(directCounts[2].c_str());
n1_E = atof(indirectCounts[2].c_str());
// Good Turing discounting
float adjustedCountEF = countEF;
if (goodTuringFlag && countEF+0.99999 < goodTuringDiscount.size()-1)
adjustedCountEF *= goodTuringDiscount[(int)(countEF+0.99998)];
float adjustedCountEF_indirect = adjustedCountEF;
// Kneser Ney discounting [Foster et al, 2006]
if (kneserNeyFlag) {
float D = kneserNey_D3;
if (countEF < 2) D = kneserNey_D1;
if (countEF < 3) D = kneserNey_D2;
if (D > countEF) D = countEF - 0.01; // sanity constraint
float p_b_E = n1_E / totalCount; // target phrase prob based on distinct
float alpha_F = D * n1_F / countF; // available mass
adjustedCountEF = countEF - D + countF * alpha_F * p_b_E;
// for indirect
float p_b_F = n1_F / totalCount; // target phrase prob based on distinct
float alpha_E = D * n1_E / countE; // available mass
adjustedCountEF_indirect = countEF - D + countE * alpha_E * p_b_F;
// prob indirect
if (!onlyDirectFlag) {
fileConsolidated << " " << maybeLogProb(adjustedCountEF_indirect/countE);
fileConsolidated << " " << itemIndirect[2];
// prob direct
fileConsolidated << " " << maybeLogProb(adjustedCountEF/countF);
fileConsolidated << " " << itemDirect[2];
// phrase count feature
if (phraseCountFlag) {
fileConsolidated << " " << maybeLogProb(2.718);
// low count feature
if (lowCountFlag) {
fileConsolidated << " " << maybeLogProb(exp(-1.0/countEF));
// alignment
fileConsolidated << " ||| " << itemDirect[3];
// counts, for debugging
fileConsolidated << "||| " << countE << " " << countF; // << " " << countEF;
if (outputNTLengths)
fileConsolidated << " ||| " << itemDirect[5];
fileConsolidated << endl;
bool getLine( istream &fileP, vector< string > &item )
if (fileP.eof())
return false;
SAFE_GETLINE((fileP), line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n', __FILE__);
if (fileP.eof())
return false;
item = splitLine();
return true;
vector< string > splitLine()
vector< string > item;
bool betweenWords = true;
int start=0;
int i=0;
for(; line[i] != '\0'; i++) {
if (line[i] == ' ' &&
line[i+1] == '|' &&
line[i+2] == '|' &&
line[i+3] == '|' &&
line[i+4] == ' ') {
if (start > i) start = i; // empty item
item.push_back( string( line+start, i-start ) );
start = i+5;
i += 3;
item.push_back( string( line+start, i-start ) );
return item;