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Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2006 University of Edinburgh
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "util/exception.hh"
#include "moses/TranslationModel/PhraseDictionaryMultiModel.h"
using namespace std;
namespace Moses
PhraseDictionaryMultiModel::PhraseDictionaryMultiModel(const std::string &line)
:PhraseDictionary("PhraseDictionaryMultiModel", line)
bool PhraseDictionaryMultiModel::Load(const std::vector<FactorType> &input
, const std::vector<FactorType> &output
, const std::vector<std::string> &config
, const vector<float> &weight
, size_t tableLimit
, size_t numInputScores
, const LMList &languageModels
, float weightWP)
m_languageModels = &languageModels;
m_weight = weight;
m_weightWP = weightWP;
m_input = input;
m_output = output;
m_tableLimit = tableLimit;
m_mode = config[4];
std::vector<std::string> files(config.begin()+5,config.end());
m_numModels = files.size();
// since the top X target phrases of the final model are not the same as the top X phrases of each component model,
// one could choose a higher value than tableLimit (or 0) here for maximal precision, at a cost of speed.
m_componentTableLimit = tableLimit;
//how many actual scores there are in the phrase tables
//so far, equal to number of log-linear scores, but it is allowed to be smaller (for other combination types)
size_t numPtScores = m_numScoreComponents;
if (m_mode != "interpolate") {
ostringstream msg;
msg << "combination mode unknown: " << m_mode;
throw runtime_error(msg.str());
for(size_t i = 0; i < m_numModels; ++i){
std::string impl, file, main_table;
std::string delim = ":";
size_t delim_pos = files[i].find(delim);
UTIL_THROW_IF(delim_pos >= files[i].size(), util::Exception, "Phrase table must be specified in this format: Implementation:Path");
impl = files[i].substr(0,delim_pos);
file = files[i].substr(delim_pos+1,files[i].size());
PhraseTableImplementation implementation = (PhraseTableImplementation) Scan<int>(impl);
if (implementation == Memory) {
if (!FileExists(file) && FileExists(file + ".gz")) file += ".gz";
PhraseDictionaryMemory* pdm = new PhraseDictionaryMemory(m_numScoreComponents, m_feature_load);
pdm->SetNumScoreComponentMultiModel(numPtScores); //instead of complaining about inequal number of scores, silently fill up the score vector with zeroes
pdm->Load( input, output, file, m_weight, m_componentTableLimit, languageModels, m_weightWP);
} else if (implementation == Binary) {
PhraseDictionaryTreeAdaptor* pdta = new PhraseDictionaryTreeAdaptor(m_numScoreComponents, numInputScores , m_feature_load);
pdta->Load(input, output, file, m_weight, m_componentTableLimit, languageModels, m_weightWP);
} else if (implementation == Compact) {
#ifndef WIN32
PhraseDictionaryCompact* pdc = new PhraseDictionaryCompact(m_numScoreComponents, implementation, m_feature_load);
pdc->SetNumScoreComponentMultiModel(m_numScoreComponents); //for compact models, we need to pass number of log-linear components to correctly resize the score vector
pdc->Load( input, output, file, m_weight, m_componentTableLimit, languageModels, m_weightWP);
UTIL_THROW(util::Exception, "Compact phrase table not supported in windows");
else {
UTIL_THROW(util::Exception,"PhraseDictionaryMultiModel does not support phrase table type " << implementation);
return true;
const TargetPhraseCollection *PhraseDictionaryMultiModel::GetTargetPhraseCollection(const Phrase& src) const
std::vector<std::vector<float> > multimodelweights;
if (m_mode == "interpolate") {
//interpolation of phrase penalty is skipped, and fixed-value (2.718) is used instead. results will be screwed up if phrase penalty is not last feature
size_t numWeights = m_numScoreComponents-1;
multimodelweights = getWeights(numWeights, true);
std::map<std::string,multiModelStatistics*>* allStats = new(std::map<std::string,multiModelStatistics*>);
CollectSufficientStatistics(src, allStats);
TargetPhraseCollection *ret = NULL;
if (m_mode == "interpolate") {
ret = CreateTargetPhraseCollectionLinearInterpolation(allStats, multimodelweights);
ret->NthElement(m_tableLimit); // sort the phrases for pruning later
delete allStats;
return ret;
void PhraseDictionaryMultiModel::CollectSufficientStatistics(const Phrase& src, std::map<std::string,multiModelStatistics*>* allStats) const
for(size_t i = 0; i < m_numModels; ++i){
TargetPhraseCollection *ret_raw = (TargetPhraseCollection*) m_pd[i]->GetTargetPhraseCollection( src);
if (ret_raw != NULL) {
TargetPhraseCollection::iterator iterTargetPhrase, iterLast;
if (m_componentTableLimit != 0 && ret_raw->GetSize() > m_componentTableLimit) {
iterLast = ret_raw->begin() + m_componentTableLimit;
else {
iterLast = ret_raw->end();
for (iterTargetPhrase = ret_raw->begin(); iterTargetPhrase != iterLast; ++iterTargetPhrase) {
TargetPhrase * targetPhrase = *iterTargetPhrase;
std::vector<float> raw_scores = targetPhrase->GetScoreBreakdown().GetScoresForProducer(this);
std::string targetString = targetPhrase->GetStringRep(m_output);
if (allStats->find(targetString) == allStats->end()) {
multiModelStatistics * statistics = new multiModelStatistics;
statistics->targetPhrase = new TargetPhrase(*targetPhrase); //make a copy so that we don't overwrite the original phrase table info
Scores scoreVector(m_numScoreComponents);
for(size_t j = 0; j < m_numScoreComponents; ++j){
scoreVector[j] = -raw_scores[j];
statistics->targetPhrase->SetScore(this, scoreVector); // set scores to 0
(*allStats)[targetString] = statistics;
multiModelStatistics * statistics = (*allStats)[targetString];
for(size_t j = 0; j < m_numScoreComponents; ++j){
statistics->p[j][i] = UntransformScore(raw_scores[j]);
(*allStats)[targetString] = statistics;
TargetPhraseCollection* PhraseDictionaryMultiModel::CreateTargetPhraseCollectionLinearInterpolation(std::map<std::string,multiModelStatistics*>* allStats, std::vector<std::vector<float> > &multimodelweights) const
TargetPhraseCollection *ret = new TargetPhraseCollection();
for ( std::map< std::string, multiModelStatistics*>::const_iterator iter = allStats->begin(); iter != allStats->end(); ++iter ) {
multiModelStatistics * statistics = iter->second;
Scores scoreVector(m_numScoreComponents);
for(size_t i = 0; i < m_numScoreComponents-1; ++i){
scoreVector[i] = TransformScore(std::inner_product(statistics->p[i].begin(), statistics->p[i].end(), multimodelweights[i].begin(), 0.0));
//assuming that last value is phrase penalty
scoreVector[m_numScoreComponents-1] = 1.0;
statistics->targetPhrase->SetScore(this, scoreVector);
ret->Add(new TargetPhrase(*statistics->targetPhrase));
return ret;
//TODO: is it worth caching the results as long as weights don't change?
std::vector<std::vector<float> > PhraseDictionaryMultiModel::getWeights(size_t numWeights, bool normalize) const
const std::vector<float>* weights_ptr;
std::vector<float> raw_weights;
const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance();
weights_ptr = staticData.GetTemporaryMultiModelWeightsVector();
//checking weights passed to mosesserver; only valid for this sentence; *don't* raise exception if client weights are malformed
if (weights_ptr == NULL || weights_ptr->size() == 0) {
weights_ptr = staticData.GetMultiModelWeightsVector(); //fall back to weights defined in config
else if(weights_ptr->size() != m_numModels && weights_ptr->size() != m_numModels * numWeights) {
//TODO: can we pass error message to client if weights are malformed?
std::stringstream strme;
strme << "Must have either one multimodel weight per model (" << m_numModels << "), or one per weighted feature and model (" << numWeights << "*" << m_numModels << "). You have " << weights_ptr->size() << ". Reverting to weights in config";
weights_ptr = staticData.GetMultiModelWeightsVector(); //fall back to weights defined in config
//checking weights defined in config; only valid for this sentence; raise exception if config weights are malformed
if (weights_ptr == NULL || weights_ptr->size() == 0) {
for (size_t i=0;i < m_numModels;i++) {
raw_weights.push_back(1.0/m_numModels); //uniform weights created online
else if(weights_ptr->size() != m_numModels && weights_ptr->size() != m_numModels * numWeights) {
std::stringstream strme;
strme << "Must have either one multimodel weight per model (" << m_numModels << "), or one per weighted feature and model (" << numWeights << "*" << m_numModels << "). You have " << weights_ptr->size() << ".";
UTIL_THROW(util::Exception, strme.str());
else {
raw_weights = *weights_ptr;
std::vector<std::vector<float> > multimodelweights (numWeights);
for (size_t i=0;i < numWeights;i++) {
std::vector<float> weights_onefeature (m_numModels);
if(raw_weights.size() == m_numModels) {
weights_onefeature = raw_weights;
else {
copy ( raw_weights.begin()+i*m_numModels, raw_weights.begin()+(i+1)*m_numModels, weights_onefeature.begin() );
if(normalize) {
multimodelweights[i] = normalizeWeights(weights_onefeature);
else {
multimodelweights[i] = weights_onefeature;
return multimodelweights;
std::vector<float> PhraseDictionaryMultiModel::normalizeWeights(std::vector<float> &weights) const
std::vector<float> ret (m_numModels);
float total = std::accumulate(weights.begin(),weights.end(),0.0);
for (size_t i=0;i < weights.size();i++) {
ret[i] = weights[i]/total;
return ret;
ChartRuleLookupManager *PhraseDictionaryMultiModel::CreateRuleLookupManager(const InputType&, const ChartCellCollectionBase&)
UTIL_THROW(util::Exception, "Phrase table used in chart decoder");
//copied from PhraseDictionaryCompact; free memory allocated to TargetPhraseCollection (and each TargetPhrase) at end of sentence
void PhraseDictionaryMultiModel::CacheForCleanup(TargetPhraseCollection* tpc) {
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_sentenceMutex);
PhraseCache &ref = m_sentenceCache[boost::this_thread::get_id()];
PhraseCache &ref = m_sentenceCache;
void PhraseDictionaryMultiModel::CleanUpAfterSentenceProcessing(const InputType &source) {
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_sentenceMutex);
PhraseCache &ref = m_sentenceCache[boost::this_thread::get_id()];
PhraseCache &ref = m_sentenceCache;
for(PhraseCache::iterator it = ref.begin(); it != ref.end(); it++) {
delete *it;
PhraseCache temp;
const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance();
std::vector<float> empty_vector;
void PhraseDictionaryMultiModel::CleanUpComponentModels(const InputType &source) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < m_numModels; ++i){
#ifdef WITH_DLIB
vector<float> PhraseDictionaryMultiModel::MinimizePerplexity(vector<pair<string, string> > &phrase_pair_vector) {
const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance();
const string& factorDelimiter = staticData.GetFactorDelimiter();
map<pair<string, string>, size_t> phrase_pair_map;
for ( vector<pair<string, string> >::const_iterator iter = phrase_pair_vector.begin(); iter != phrase_pair_vector.end(); ++iter ) {
phrase_pair_map[*iter] += 1;
vector<multiModelStatisticsOptimization*> optimizerStats;
for ( map<pair<string, string>, size_t>::iterator iter = phrase_pair_map.begin(); iter != phrase_pair_map.end(); ++iter ) {
pair<string, string> phrase_pair = iter->first;
string source_string = phrase_pair.first;
string target_string = phrase_pair.second;
vector<float> fs(m_numModels);
map<string,multiModelStatistics*>* allStats = new(map<string,multiModelStatistics*>);
Phrase sourcePhrase(0);
sourcePhrase.CreateFromString(m_input, source_string, factorDelimiter);
CollectSufficientStatistics(sourcePhrase, allStats); //optimization potential: only call this once per source phrase
//phrase pair not found; leave cache empty
if (allStats->find(target_string) == allStats->end()) {
delete allStats;
multiModelStatisticsOptimization* targetStatistics = new multiModelStatisticsOptimization();
targetStatistics->targetPhrase = new TargetPhrase(*(*allStats)[target_string]->targetPhrase);
targetStatistics->p = (*allStats)[target_string]->p;
targetStatistics->f = iter->second;
delete allStats;
Sentence sentence;
CleanUp(sentence); // free memory used by compact phrase tables
size_t numWeights = m_numScoreComponents;
if (m_mode == "interpolate") {
//interpolation of phrase penalty is skipped, and fixed-value (2.718) is used instead. results will be screwed up if phrase penalty is not last feature
numWeights = m_numScoreComponents-1;
vector<float> ret (m_numModels*numWeights);
for (size_t iFeature=0; iFeature < numWeights; iFeature++) {
CrossEntropy * ObjectiveFunction = new CrossEntropy(optimizerStats, this, iFeature);
vector<float> weight_vector = Optimize(ObjectiveFunction, m_numModels);
if (m_mode == "interpolate") {
weight_vector = normalizeWeights(weight_vector);
cerr << "Weight vector for feature " << iFeature << ": ";
for (size_t i=0; i < m_numModels; i++) {
ret[(iFeature*m_numModels)+i] = weight_vector[i];
cerr << weight_vector[i] << " ";
cerr << endl;
delete ObjectiveFunction;
return ret;
vector<float> PhraseDictionaryMultiModel::Optimize(OptimizationObjective *ObjectiveFunction, size_t numModels) {
dlib::matrix<double,0,1> starting_point;
starting_point = 1.0;
try {
2*numModels+1, // number of interpolation points
dlib::uniform_matrix<double>(numModels,1, 1e-09), // lower bound constraint
dlib::uniform_matrix<double>(numModels,1, 1e100), // upper bound constraint
1.0, // initial trust region radius
1e-5, // stopping trust region radius
10000 // max number of objective function evaluations
catch (dlib::bobyqa_failure& e)
cerr << e.what() << endl;
vector<float> weight_vector (numModels);
for (int i=0; i < starting_point.nr(); i++) {
weight_vector[i] = starting_point(i);
cerr << "Cross-entropy: " << (*ObjectiveFunction)(starting_point) << endl;
return weight_vector;
double CrossEntropy::operator() ( const dlib::matrix<double,0,1>& arg) const
double total = 0.0;
double n = 0.0;
std::vector<float> weight_vector (m_model->m_numModels);
for (int i=0; i < arg.nr(); i++) {
weight_vector[i] = arg(i);
if (m_model->m_mode == "interpolate") {
weight_vector = m_model->normalizeWeights(weight_vector);
for ( std::vector<multiModelStatisticsOptimization*>::const_iterator iter = m_optimizerStats.begin(); iter != m_optimizerStats.end(); ++iter ) {
multiModelStatisticsOptimization* statistics = *iter;
size_t f = statistics->f;
double score;
score = std::inner_product(statistics->p[m_iFeature].begin(), statistics->p[m_iFeature].end(), weight_vector.begin(), 0.0);
total -= (FloorScore(TransformScore(score))/TransformScore(2))*f;
n += f;
return total/n;
} //namespace