mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 06:52:34 +03:00
604 lines
19 KiB
604 lines
19 KiB
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include "_SuffixArraySearchApplicationBase.h"
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <boost/thread/tss.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#ifdef WIN32
#include "WIN32_functions.h"
#include <unistd.h>
// constants
const size_t MINIMUM_SIZE_TO_KEEP = 10000; // increase this to improve memory usage,
// reduce for speed
const std::string SEPARATOR = " ||| ";
const double ALPHA_PLUS_EPS = -1000.0; // dummy value
const double ALPHA_MINUS_EPS = -2000.0; // dummy value
// configuration params
int pfe_filter_limit = 0; // 0 = don't filter anything based on P(f|e)
bool print_cooc_counts = false; // add cooc counts to phrase table?
bool print_neglog_significance = false; // add -log(p) to phrase table?
double sig_filter_limit = 0; // keep phrase pairs with -log(sig) > sig_filter_limit
// higher = filter-more
bool pef_filter_only = false; // only filter based on pef
bool hierarchical = false;
double p_111 = 0.0; // alpha
size_t pt_lines = 0;
size_t nremoved_sigfilter = 0;
size_t nremoved_pfefilter = 0;
C_SuffixArraySearchApplicationBase e_sa;
C_SuffixArraySearchApplicationBase f_sa;
int num_lines;
boost::mutex in_mutex;
boost::mutex out_mutex;
boost::mutex err_mutex;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<TextLenType> > SentIdSet;
class Cache {
typedef std::pair<SentIdSet, clock_t> ClockedSet;
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, ClockedSet> ClockedMap;
SentIdSet get(const std::string& phrase) {
boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
if(m_cont.count(phrase)) {
ClockedSet& set = m_cont[phrase];
set.second = clock();
return set.first;
return SentIdSet( new SentIdSet::element_type() );
void put(const std::string& phrase, const SentIdSet set) {
boost::unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
m_cont[phrase] = std::make_pair(set, clock());
static void set_max_cache(size_t max_cache) {
s_max_cache = max_cache;
void prune() {
if(s_max_cache > 0) {
boost::upgrade_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
if(m_cont.size() > s_max_cache) {
std::vector<clock_t> clocks;
for(ClockedMap::iterator it = m_cont.begin(); it != m_cont.end(); it++)
std::sort(clocks.begin(), clocks.end());
clock_t out = clocks[m_cont.size() - s_max_cache];
boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> uniq_lock(lock);
for(ClockedMap::iterator it = m_cont.begin(); it != m_cont.end(); it++)
if(it->second.second < out)
ClockedMap m_cont;
boost::shared_mutex m_mutex;
static size_t s_max_cache;
size_t Cache::s_max_cache = 0;
Cache f_cache;
Cache e_cache;
#undef min
void usage()
std::cerr << "\nFilter phrase table using significance testing as described\n"
<< "in H. Johnson, et al. (2007) Improving Translation Quality\n"
<< "by Discarding Most of the Phrasetable. EMNLP 2007.\n"
<< "\nUsage:\n"
<< "\n filter-pt -e english.suf-arr -f french.suf-arr\n"
<< " [-c] [-p] [-l threshold] [-n num] [-t num] < PHRASE-TABLE > FILTERED-PHRASE-TABLE\n\n"
<< " [-l threshold] >0.0, a+e, or a-e: keep values that have a -log significance > this\n"
<< " [-n num ] 0, 1...: 0=no filtering, >0 sort by P(e|f) and keep the top num elements\n"
<< " [-c ] add the cooccurence counts to the phrase table\n"
<< " [-p ] add -log(significance) to the phrasetable\n"
<< " [-h ] filter hierarchical rule table\n"
<< " [-t num ] use num threads\n"
<< " [-m num ] limit cache to num most recent phrases\n";
struct PTEntry {
PTEntry(const std::string& str, int index);
std::string f_phrase;
std::string e_phrase;
std::string extra;
std::string scores;
float pfe;
int cf;
int ce;
int cfe;
float nlog_pte;
void set_cooc_stats(int _cef, int _cf, int _ce, float nlp) {
cfe = _cef;
cf = _cf;
ce = _ce;
nlog_pte = nlp;
PTEntry::PTEntry(const std::string& str, int index) :
cf(0), ce(0), cfe(0), nlog_pte(0.0)
size_t pos = 0;
std::string::size_type nextPos = str.find(SEPARATOR, pos);
this->f_phrase = str.substr(pos,nextPos);
pos = nextPos + SEPARATOR.size();
nextPos = str.find(SEPARATOR, pos);
this->e_phrase = str.substr(pos,nextPos-pos);
pos = nextPos + SEPARATOR.size();
nextPos = str.find(SEPARATOR, pos);
if (nextPos < str.size()) {
this->scores = str.substr(pos,nextPos-pos);
pos = nextPos + SEPARATOR.size();
this->extra = str.substr(pos);
else {
this->scores = str.substr(pos,str.size()-pos);
int c = 0;
std::string::iterator i=scores.begin();
if (index > 0) {
for (; i != scores.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i) == ' ') {
if (c == index) break;
if (i != scores.end()) {
char f[24];
char *fp=f;
while (i != scores.end() && *i != ' ') {
this->pfe = atof(f);
struct PfeComparer {
bool operator()(const PTEntry* a, const PTEntry* b) const {
return a->pfe > b->pfe;
struct NlogSigThresholder {
NlogSigThresholder(float threshold) : t(threshold) {}
float t;
bool operator()(const PTEntry* a) const {
if (a->nlog_pte < t) {
delete a;
return true;
} else return false;
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PTEntry& pp)
os << pp.f_phrase << " ||| " << pp.e_phrase;
os << " ||| " << pp.scores;
if (pp.extra.size()>0) os << " ||| " << pp.extra;
if (print_cooc_counts) os << " ||| " << pp.cfe << " " << pp.cf << " " << pp.ce;
if (print_neglog_significance) os << " ||| " << pp.nlog_pte;
return os;
void print(int a, int b, int c, int d, float p)
std::cerr << a << "\t" << b << "\t P=" << p << "\n"
<< c << "\t" << d << "\t xf="
<< (double)(b)*(double)(c)/(double)(a+1)/(double)(d+1) << "\n\n";
// 2x2 (one-sided) Fisher's exact test
// see B. Moore. (2004) On Log Likelihood and the Significance of Rare Events
double fisher_exact(int cfe, int ce, int cf)
assert(cfe <= ce);
assert(cfe <= cf);
int a = cfe;
int b = (cf - cfe);
int c = (ce - cfe);
int d = (num_lines - ce - cf + cfe);
int n = a + b + c + d;
double cp = exp(lgamma(1+a+c) + lgamma(1+b+d) + lgamma(1+a+b) + lgamma(1+c+d)
- lgamma(1+n) - lgamma(1+a) - lgamma(1+b) - lgamma(1+c)
- lgamma(1+d));
double total_p = 0.0;
int tc = std::min(b,c);
for (int i=0; i<=tc; i++) {
total_p += cp;
double coef = (double)(b)*(double)(c)/(double)(a+1)/(double)(d+1);
cp *= coef;
return total_p;
template <class setType>
void ordered_set_intersect(setType& out, const setType set_1, const setType set_2)
std::set_intersection(set_1->begin(), set_1->end(), set_2->begin(),
set_2->end(), inserter(*out, out->begin()) );
void lookup_phrase(SentIdSet& ids, const std::string& phrase,
C_SuffixArraySearchApplicationBase & my_sa, Cache& cache)
ids = cache.get(phrase);
if(ids->empty()) {
vector<S_SimplePhraseLocationElement> locations;
locations = my_sa.locateExactPhraseInCorpus(phrase.c_str());
if(locations.size()==0) {
cerr<<"No occurrences found!!\n";
for (vector<S_SimplePhraseLocationElement>::iterator i=locations.begin();
i != locations.end(); ++i) {
std::sort(ids->begin(), ids->end());
SentIdSet::element_type::iterator it =
std::unique(ids->begin(), ids->end());
ids->resize(it - ids->begin());
if(ids->size() >= MINIMUM_SIZE_TO_KEEP)
cache.put(phrase, ids);
void lookup_multiple_phrases(SentIdSet& ids, vector<std::string> & phrases,
C_SuffixArraySearchApplicationBase & my_sa,
const std::string & rule, Cache& cache)
if (phrases.size() == 1) {
lookup_phrase(ids, phrases.front(), my_sa, cache);
else {
SentIdSet main_set( new SentIdSet::element_type() );
bool first = true;
SentIdSet first_set( new SentIdSet::element_type() );
lookup_phrase(first_set, phrases.front(), my_sa, cache);
for (vector<std::string>::iterator phrase=phrases.begin()+1;
phrase != phrases.end(); ++phrase) {
SentIdSet temp_set( new SentIdSet::element_type() );
lookup_phrase(temp_set, *phrase, my_sa, cache);
if (first) {
ordered_set_intersect(main_set, first_set, temp_set);
first = false;
else {
SentIdSet new_set( new SentIdSet::element_type() );
ordered_set_intersect(new_set, main_set, temp_set);
void find_occurrences(SentIdSet& ids, const std::string& rule,
C_SuffixArraySearchApplicationBase& my_sa, Cache& cache)
// we search for hierarchical rules by stripping away NT and looking for terminals sequences
// if a rule contains multiple sequences of terminals, we intersect their occurrences.
if (hierarchical) {
// std::cerr << "splitting up phrase: " << phrase << "\n";
int pos = 0;
int NTStartPos, NTEndPos;
vector<std::string> phrases;
while (rule.find("] ", pos) < rule.size()) {
NTStartPos = rule.find("[",pos) - 1; // -1 to cut space before NT
NTEndPos = rule.find("] ",pos);
if (NTStartPos < pos) { // no space: NT at start of rule (or two consecutive NTs)
pos = NTEndPos + 2;
pos = NTEndPos + 2;
NTStartPos = rule.find("[",pos) - 1; // LHS of rule
if (NTStartPos > pos) {
lookup_multiple_phrases(ids, phrases, my_sa, rule, cache);
else {
lookup_phrase(ids, rule, my_sa, cache);
// input: unordered list of translation options for a single source phrase
void compute_cooc_stats_and_filter(std::vector<PTEntry*>& options,
Cache& f_cache, Cache& e_cache)
if (pfe_filter_limit > 0 && options.size() > pfe_filter_limit) {
nremoved_pfefilter += (options.size() - pfe_filter_limit);
std::nth_element(options.begin(), options.begin() + pfe_filter_limit,
options.end(), PfeComparer());
for (std::vector<PTEntry*>::iterator i = options.begin() + pfe_filter_limit;
i != options.end(); ++i)
delete *i;
options.erase(options.begin() + pfe_filter_limit,options.end());
if (pef_filter_only)
if (options.empty())
SentIdSet fset( new SentIdSet::element_type() );
find_occurrences(fset, options.front()->f_phrase, f_sa, f_cache);
size_t cf = fset->size();
for (std::vector<PTEntry*>::iterator i = options.begin();
i != options.end(); ++i) {
const std::string& e_phrase = (*i)->e_phrase;
SentIdSet eset( new SentIdSet::element_type() );
find_occurrences(eset, e_phrase, e_sa, e_cache);
size_t ce = eset->size();
SentIdSet efset( new SentIdSet::element_type() );
ordered_set_intersect(efset, fset, eset);
size_t cef = efset->size();
double nlp = -log(fisher_exact(cef, cf, ce));
(*i)->set_cooc_stats(cef, cf, ce, nlp);
std::vector<PTEntry*>::iterator new_end =
std::remove_if(options.begin(), options.end(),
nremoved_sigfilter += (options.end() - new_end);
void filter(std::istream* in, std::ostream* out, int pfe_index) {
std::vector<std::string> lines;
std::string prev = "";
std::vector<PTEntry*> options;
while(true) {
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(in_mutex);
std::string line;
while(getline(*in, line) && lines.size() < 500000)
std::stringstream out_temp;
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); it++) {
size_t tmp_lines = ++pt_lines;
if(tmp_lines % 10000 == 0) {
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(err_mutex);
std::cerr << ".";
if(tmp_lines % 500000 == 0)
std::cerr << "[n:" << tmp_lines << "]\n";
if(tmp_lines % 10000000 == 0) {
float pfefper = (100.0*(float)nremoved_pfefilter)/(float)pt_lines;
float sigfper = (100.0*(float)nremoved_sigfilter)/(float)pt_lines;
std::cerr << "------------------------------------------------------\n"
<< " unfiltered phrases pairs: " << pt_lines << "\n"
<< "\n"
<< " P(f|e) filter [first]: " << nremoved_pfefilter << " (" << pfefper << "%)\n"
<< " significance filter: " << nremoved_sigfilter << " (" << sigfper << "%)\n"
<< " TOTAL FILTERED: " << (nremoved_pfefilter + nremoved_sigfilter) << " (" << (sigfper + pfefper) << "%)\n"
<< "\n"
<< " FILTERED phrase pairs: " << (pt_lines - nremoved_pfefilter - nremoved_sigfilter) << " (" << (100.0-sigfper - pfefper) << "%)\n"
<< "------------------------------------------------------\n";
if(pt_lines % 10000 == 0) {
if(it->length() > 0) {
PTEntry* pp = new PTEntry(it->c_str(), pfe_index);
if (prev != pp->f_phrase) {
prev = pp->f_phrase;
if (!options.empty()) { // always true after first line
compute_cooc_stats_and_filter(options, f_cache, e_cache);
for (std::vector<PTEntry*>::iterator i = options.begin();
i != options.end(); ++i) {
out_temp << **i << '\n';
delete *i;
} else {
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(out_mutex);
*out << out_temp.str() << std::flush;
compute_cooc_stats_and_filter(options, f_cache, e_cache);
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(out_mutex);
for (std::vector<PTEntry*>::iterator i = options.begin();
i != options.end(); ++i) {
*out << **i << '\n';
delete *i;
*out << std::flush;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
int c;
const char* efile=0;
const char* ffile=0;
int pfe_index = 2;
int threads = 1;
size_t max_cache = 0;
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "cpf:e:i:n:t:l:m:h")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 'e':
efile = optarg;
case 'f':
ffile = optarg;
case 'i': // index of pfe in phrase table
pfe_index = atoi(optarg);
case 'n': // keep only the top n entries in phrase table sorted by p(f|e) (0=all)
pfe_filter_limit = atoi(optarg);
std::cerr << "P(f|e) filter limit: " << pfe_filter_limit << std::endl;
case 't':
threads = atoi(optarg);
std::cerr << "Using threads: " << threads << std::endl;
case 'm':
max_cache = atoi(optarg);
std::cerr << "Using max phrases in caches: " << max_cache << std::endl;
case 'c':
print_cooc_counts = true;
case 'p':
print_neglog_significance = true;
case 'h':
hierarchical = true;
case 'l':
std::cerr << "-l = " << optarg << "\n";
if (strcmp(optarg,"a+e") == 0) {
sig_filter_limit = ALPHA_PLUS_EPS;
} else if (strcmp(optarg,"a-e") == 0) {
sig_filter_limit = ALPHA_MINUS_EPS;
} else {
char *x;
sig_filter_limit = strtod(optarg, &x);
if (sig_filter_limit < 0.0) {
std::cerr << "Filter limit (-l) must be either 'a+e', 'a-e' or a real number >= 0.0\n";
if (sig_filter_limit == 0.0) pef_filter_only = true;
if (optind != argc || ((!efile || !ffile) && !pef_filter_only)) {
//load the indexed corpus with vocabulary(noVoc=false) and with offset(noOffset=false)
if (!pef_filter_only) {
e_sa.loadData_forSearch(efile, false, false);
f_sa.loadData_forSearch(ffile, false, false);
size_t elines = e_sa.returnTotalSentNumber();
size_t flines = f_sa.returnTotalSentNumber();
if (elines != flines) {
std::cerr << "Number of lines in e-corpus != number of lines in f-corpus!\n";
} else {
std::cerr << "Training corpus: " << elines << " lines\n";
num_lines = elines;
p_111 = -log(fisher_exact(1,1,1));
std::cerr << "\\alpha = " << p_111 << "\n";
if (sig_filter_limit == ALPHA_MINUS_EPS) {
sig_filter_limit = p_111 - 0.001;
} else if (sig_filter_limit == ALPHA_PLUS_EPS) {
sig_filter_limit = p_111 + 0.001;
std::cerr << "Sig filter threshold is = " << sig_filter_limit << "\n";
} else {
std::cerr << "Filtering using P(e|f) only. n=" << pfe_filter_limit << std::endl;
boost::thread_group threadGroup;
for(int i = 0; i < threads; i++)
threadGroup.add_thread(new boost::thread(filter, &std::cin, &std::cout, pfe_index));
float pfefper = (100.0*(float)nremoved_pfefilter)/(float)pt_lines;
float sigfper = (100.0*(float)nremoved_sigfilter)/(float)pt_lines;
std::cerr << "\n\n------------------------------------------------------\n"
<< " unfiltered phrases pairs: " << pt_lines << "\n"
<< "\n"
<< " P(f|e) filter [first]: " << nremoved_pfefilter << " (" << pfefper << "%)\n"
<< " significance filter: " << nremoved_sigfilter << " (" << sigfper << "%)\n"
<< " TOTAL FILTERED: " << (nremoved_pfefilter + nremoved_sigfilter) << " (" << (sigfper + pfefper) << "%)\n"
<< "\n"
<< " FILTERED phrase pairs: " << (pt_lines - nremoved_pfefilter - nremoved_sigfilter) << " (" << (100.0-sigfper - pfefper) << "%)\n"
<< "------------------------------------------------------\n";