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2013-10-21 05:57:27 +04:00
name : hsnock
version : 0.5.1
2013-10-21 05:57:27 +04:00
category : Language
license : PublicDomain
synopsis : Nock 5K interpreter.
author : Steven Dee
maintainer : mrdomino@gmail.com
homepage : https://github.com/mrdomino/hsnock/
description :
This is an implementation of the Nock 5K spec with an accompanying
Nock is a tiny stateless virtual machine that can be thought of
as a functional assembly language. Nock is the lowest layer in
the Urbit stack. On top of it rests the Hoon language, in which
the Arvo OS is written.
More on Urbit: <http://www.urbit.org/>
More on Nock: <http://www.urbit.org/2013/08/22/Chapter-2-nock.html>
2013-10-21 02:43:55 +04:00
2013-10-21 05:57:27 +04:00
build-type : Simple
cabal-version : >=1.8
data-files : README
source-repository head
type : git
location : https://github.com/mrdomino/hsnock.git
2013-10-21 23:30:44 +04:00
build-depends : base >=4.5 && <5
2013-10-21 05:57:27 +04:00
, parsec >=3.1
, readline >=1.0
exposed-modules : Language.Nock5K
, Language.Nock5K.Parse
, Language.Nock5K.Spec
, Language.Nock5K.Repl
2013-10-21 04:41:51 +04:00
2013-10-21 05:57:27 +04:00
executable hsnock
main-is : hsnock.lhs
2013-10-21 23:30:44 +04:00
build-depends : base >=4.5 && <5
2013-10-21 05:57:27 +04:00
, parsec >=3.1
, readline >=1.0
test-suite test
type : exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is : test.hs
2013-10-21 23:30:44 +04:00
build-depends : base >=4.5 && <5
2013-10-22 18:39:01 +04:00
, HUnit >=1.2
, QuickCheck >=2.6
2013-10-21 05:57:27 +04:00
, parsec >=3.1
, readline >=1.0
, test-framework >=0.8
2013-10-22 18:39:01 +04:00
, test-framework-hunit >=0.3
, test-framework-quickcheck2 >=0.3