Steven Dee 2c33b12f83 Collapse the fas recursive cases together
This "obviously" works. Just in case, I've added a check.
2013-10-26 17:58:05 -04:00

58 lines
1.8 KiB

import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Exception as C
import Language.Nock5K
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (parse)
import Text.Printf
instance Arbitrary Noun where
arbitrary = choose (0, 32) >>= arbD
arbD :: Int -> Gen Noun
arbD 0 = (Atom . abs) <$> arbitrary
arbD n = do coin <- arbitrary
if coin
then arbD 0
else (:-) <$> arbD (n - 1) <*> arbD (n - 1)
pn n = case parse noun "" n of Right n -> n
prop_parse_show n = n == (pn . show) n
prop_dec a' = nock (Atom (a + 1) :- dec) == (Right $ Atom a)
ds = "[8 [1 0] 8 [1 6 [5 [0 7] 4 0 6] [0 6] 9 2 [0 2] [4 0 6] 0 7] 9 2 0 1]"
dec = pn ds
a = abs a'
prop_6_is_if a' b = nock (ifs $ Atom 0) == Right (Atom (a + 1)) && nock (ifs $ Atom 1) == Right b
ifs c = Atom a :- Atom 6 :- (Atom 1 :- c) :- (Atom 4 :- Atom 0 :- Atom 1) :- (Atom 1 :- b)
a = abs a'
prop_fas_induct a' b = fas (a + a) b == fasmn 2 a b && fas (a + a + 1) b == fasmn 3 a b
where fas c d = nock $ d :- Atom c
fasmn m n c = do x <- fas n c
fas m x
a = abs a'
test_hint_crash = assert $ nock bad == Left "/a"
where bad = pn "[42 10 [0 0 2] 0 1]"
test_eval_strict = assert $ nock bad == Left "/a"
where bad = pn "[0 2 [0 2] 1 1 42]"
tests = [ testProperty "parse.show" prop_parse_show
, testProperty "decrement" prop_dec
, testProperty "6_is_if" prop_6_is_if
, testProperty "fas_induct" prop_fas_induct
, testCase "10_hint_crash" test_hint_crash
, testCase "eval_strict" test_eval_strict
main = defaultMain tests