2015-08-03 10:19:23 +03:00
-- QuickCheck tests for Megaparsec's primitive parser combinators.
2016-01-09 15:56:33 +03:00
-- Copyright © 2015–2016 Megaparsec contributors
2015-08-03 10:19:23 +03:00
-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-- met:
-- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
2015-10-30 16:41:21 +03:00
2015-08-03 10:19:23 +03:00
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-}
2015-08-03 10:19:23 +03:00
module Prim (tests) where
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
import Control.Applicative
2015-09-21 16:59:04 +03:00
import Data.Char (isLetter, toUpper)
2015-08-26 13:15:30 +03:00
import Data.Foldable (asum)
2015-08-24 13:35:58 +03:00
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
2016-02-17 20:32:48 +03:00
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
2015-10-25 19:20:30 +03:00
import Control.Monad.Cont
import Control.Monad.Except
2015-10-25 22:24:48 +03:00
import Control.Monad.Identity
2015-09-21 18:40:27 +03:00
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Lazy as L
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as S
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy as L
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Strict as S
2015-09-21 16:59:04 +03:00
2015-08-03 10:19:23 +03:00
import Test.Framework
2016-02-17 21:12:27 +03:00
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
2015-09-18 12:41:18 +03:00
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (label)
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
import Test.HUnit (Assertion)
2015-08-03 10:19:23 +03:00
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
2016-02-17 23:07:08 +03:00
import Text.Megaparsec.Combinator
2016-02-07 21:37:35 +03:00
import Text.Megaparsec.Error
2015-08-21 22:13:20 +03:00
import Text.Megaparsec.Pos
2015-08-03 10:19:23 +03:00
import Text.Megaparsec.Prim
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
import Text.Megaparsec.String
import Pos ()
2015-10-26 10:52:21 +03:00
import Error ()
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
import Util
2015-08-03 10:19:23 +03:00
tests :: Test
tests = testGroup "Primitive parser combinators"
2016-02-08 10:30:57 +03:00
[ testProperty "ParsecT functor" prop_functor
, testProperty "ParsecT applicative (<*>)" prop_applicative_0
, testProperty "ParsecT applicative (*>)" prop_applicative_1
, testProperty "ParsecT applicative (<*)" prop_applicative_2
, testProperty "ParsecT alternative empty and (<|>)" prop_alternative_0
, testProperty "ParsecT alternative (<|>)" prop_alternative_1
, testProperty "ParsecT alternative (<|>) pos" prop_alternative_2
, testProperty "ParsecT alternative (<|>) hints" prop_alternative_3
, testProperty "ParsecT alternative many" prop_alternative_4
, testProperty "ParsecT alternative some" prop_alternative_5
, testProperty "ParsecT alternative optional" prop_alternative_6
, testProperty "ParsecT monad return" prop_monad_0
, testProperty "ParsecT monad (>>)" prop_monad_1
, testProperty "ParsecT monad (>>=)" prop_monad_2
, testProperty "ParsecT monad fail" prop_monad_3
, testProperty "ParsecT monad laws: left identity" prop_monad_left_id
, testProperty "ParsecT monad laws: right identity" prop_monad_right_id
, testProperty "ParsecT monad laws: associativity" prop_monad_assoc
, testProperty "ParsecT monad reader ask" prop_monad_reader_ask
, testProperty "ParsecT monad reader local" prop_monad_reader_local
, testProperty "ParsecT monad state get" prop_monad_state_get
, testProperty "ParsecT monad state put" prop_monad_state_put
, testProperty "ParsecT monad cont" prop_monad_cont
, testProperty "ParsecT monad error: throw" prop_monad_error_throw
, testProperty "ParsecT monad error: catch" prop_monad_error_catch
, testProperty "combinator unexpected" prop_unexpected
, testProperty "combinator failure" prop_failure
, testProperty "combinator label" prop_label
, testProperty "combinator hidden hints" prop_hidden_0
, testProperty "combinator hidden error" prop_hidden_1
, testProperty "combinator try" prop_try
, testProperty "combinator lookAhead" prop_lookAhead_0
, testProperty "combinator lookAhead hints" prop_lookAhead_1
, testProperty "combinator lookAhead messages" prop_lookAhead_2
2016-02-17 21:12:27 +03:00
, testCase "combinator lookAhead cerr" case_lookAhead_3
2016-02-08 10:30:57 +03:00
, testProperty "combinator notFollowedBy" prop_notFollowedBy_0
, testProperty "combinator notFollowedBy twice" prop_notFollowedBy_1
, testProperty "combinator notFollowedBy eof" prop_notFollowedBy_2
2016-02-17 21:12:27 +03:00
, testCase "combinator notFollowedBy cerr" case_notFollowedBy_3a
, testCase "combinator notFollowedBy cerr" case_notFollowedBy_3b
, testCase "combinator notFollowedBy eerr" case_notFollowedBy_4a
, testCase "combinator notFollowedBy eerr" case_notFollowedBy_4b
2016-02-17 23:07:08 +03:00
, testProperty "combinator withRecovery" prop_withRecovery_0
, testCase "combinator withRecovery eok" case_withRecovery_1
, testCase "combinator withRecovery meerr-rcerr" case_withRecovery_2
, testCase "combinator withRecovery meerr-reok" case_withRecovery_3a
, testCase "combinator withRecovery meerr-reok" case_withRecovery_3b
, testCase "combinator withRecovery mcerr-rcok" case_withRecovery_4a
, testCase "combinator withRecovery mcerr-rcok" case_withRecovery_4b
, testCase "combinator withRecovery mcerr-rcerr" case_withRecovery_5
, testCase "combinator withRecovery mcerr-reok" case_withRecovery_6a
, testCase "combinator withRecovery mcerr-reok" case_withRecovery_6b
, testCase "combinator withRecovery mcerr-reerr" case_withRecovery_7
2016-02-17 21:12:27 +03:00
, testCase "combinator eof return value" case_eof
2016-02-08 10:30:57 +03:00
, testProperty "combinator token" prop_token
, testProperty "combinator tokens" prop_tokens
, testProperty "parser state position" prop_state_pos
, testProperty "parser state input" prop_state_input
, testProperty "parser state tab width" prop_state_tab
, testProperty "parser state general" prop_state
, testProperty "custom state parsing" prop_runParser'
, testProperty "custom state parsing (transformer)" prop_runParserT'
, testProperty "state on failure (mplus)" prop_stOnFail_0
, testProperty "state on failure (tab)" prop_stOnFail_1
, testProperty "state on failure (eof)" prop_stOnFail_2
, testProperty "state on failure (notFollowedBy)" prop_stOnFail_3
, testProperty "ReaderT try" prop_ReaderT_try
, testProperty "ReaderT notFollowedBy" prop_ReaderT_notFollowedBy
, testProperty "StateT alternative (<|>)" prop_StateT_alternative
, testProperty "StateT lookAhead" prop_StateT_lookAhead
, testProperty "StateT notFollowedBy" prop_StateT_notFollowedBy
, testProperty "WriterT" prop_WriterT ]
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
2015-09-18 12:41:18 +03:00
instance Arbitrary (State String) where
2015-10-25 22:24:48 +03:00
arbitrary = State <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> choose (1, 20)
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
-- Functor instance
prop_functor :: Integer -> Integer -> Property
prop_functor n m =
((+ m) <$> return n) /=\ n + m .&&. ((* n) <$> return m) /=\ n * m
-- Applicative instance
prop_applicative_0 :: Integer -> Integer -> Property
prop_applicative_0 n m = ((+) <$> pure n <*> pure m) /=\ n + m
prop_applicative_1 :: Integer -> Integer -> Property
prop_applicative_1 n m = (pure n *> pure m) /=\ m
prop_applicative_2 :: Integer -> Integer -> Property
prop_applicative_2 n m = (pure n <* pure m) /=\ n
-- Alternative instance
prop_alternative_0 :: Integer -> Property
prop_alternative_0 n = (empty <|> return n) /=\ n
prop_alternative_1 :: String -> String -> Property
prop_alternative_1 s0 s1
2015-08-24 13:35:58 +03:00
| s0 == s1 = checkParser p (Right s0) s1
| null s0 = checkParser p (posErr 0 s1 [uneCh (head s1), exEof]) s1
| s0 `isPrefixOf` s1 =
checkParser p (posErr s0l s1 [uneCh (s1 !! s0l), exEof]) s1
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
| otherwise = checkParser p (Right s0) s0 .&&. checkParser p (Right s1) s1
2016-02-17 20:32:48 +03:00
where p = string s0 <|> string s1
2015-08-24 13:35:58 +03:00
s0l = length s0
prop_alternative_2 :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Bool -> Property
prop_alternative_2 a b c l = checkParser p r s
where p = char a <|> (char b >> char a)
r | l = Right a
| a == b = posErr 1 s [uneCh c, exEof]
| a == c = Right a
| otherwise = posErr 1 s [uneCh c, exCh a]
s = if l then [a] else [b,c]
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
2015-08-26 13:15:30 +03:00
prop_alternative_3 :: Property
prop_alternative_3 = checkParser p r s
2016-02-17 20:32:48 +03:00
where p = asum [empty, string ">>>", empty, return "foo"] <?> "bar"
p' = bsum [empty, string ">>>", empty, return "foo"] <?> "bar"
2015-08-26 13:15:30 +03:00
bsum = foldl (<|>) empty
r = simpleParse p' s
s = ">>"
2015-09-23 16:46:24 +03:00
prop_alternative_4 :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int
-> NonNegative Int -> Property
2015-08-26 13:15:30 +03:00
prop_alternative_4 a' b' c' = checkParser p r s
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
where [a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
p = (++) <$> many (char 'a') <*> many (char 'b')
r | null s = Right s
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
| c > 0 = posErr (a + b) s $ [uneCh 'c', exCh 'b', exEof]
++ [exCh 'a' | b == 0]
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
| otherwise = Right s
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
s = abcRow a b c
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
2015-09-23 16:46:24 +03:00
prop_alternative_5 :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int
-> NonNegative Int -> Property
2015-08-26 13:15:30 +03:00
prop_alternative_5 a' b' c' = checkParser p r s
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
where [a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
p = (++) <$> some (char 'a') <*> some (char 'b')
r | null s = posErr 0 s [uneEof, exCh 'a']
| a == 0 = posErr 0 s [uneCh (head s), exCh 'a']
| b == 0 = posErr a s $ [exCh 'a', exCh 'b'] ++
if c > 0 then [uneCh 'c'] else [uneEof]
| c > 0 = posErr (a + b) s [uneCh 'c', exCh 'b', exEof]
| otherwise = Right s
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
s = abcRow a b c
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
2015-08-26 13:15:30 +03:00
prop_alternative_6 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Property
prop_alternative_6 a b c = checkParser p r s
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
where p = f <$> optional (char 'a') <*> optional (char 'b')
f x y = maybe "" (:[]) x ++ maybe "" (:[]) y
r | c = posErr ab s $ [uneCh 'c', exEof] ++
[exCh 'a' | not a && not b] ++ [exCh 'b' | not b]
| otherwise = Right s
2016-02-17 21:12:27 +03:00
s = abcRow a b c
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
ab = fromEnum a + fromEnum b
-- Monad instance
prop_monad_0 :: Integer -> Property
prop_monad_0 n = checkParser (return n) (Right n) ""
prop_monad_1 :: Char -> Char -> Maybe Char -> Property
prop_monad_1 a b c = checkParser p r s
where p = char a >> char b
r = simpleParse (char a *> char b) s
s = a : b : maybeToList c
prop_monad_2 :: Char -> Char -> Maybe Char -> Property
prop_monad_2 a b c = checkParser p r s
where p = char a >>= \x -> char b >> return x
r = simpleParse (char a <* char b) s
s = a : b : maybeToList c
prop_monad_3 :: String -> Property
prop_monad_3 m = checkParser p r s
where p = fail m :: Parser ()
r | null m = posErr 0 s []
| otherwise = posErr 0 s [msg m]
s = ""
2015-10-25 19:20:30 +03:00
prop_monad_left_id :: Integer -> Integer -> Property
2015-11-07 13:24:45 +03:00
prop_monad_left_id a b = (return a >>= f) !=! f a
2015-10-25 19:20:30 +03:00
where f x = return $ x + b
2015-08-21 22:13:20 +03:00
2015-10-25 19:20:30 +03:00
prop_monad_right_id :: Integer -> Property
prop_monad_right_id a = (m >>= return) !=! m
where m = return a
2015-09-21 18:40:27 +03:00
2015-10-25 19:20:30 +03:00
prop_monad_assoc :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Property
prop_monad_assoc a b c = ((m >>= f) >>= g) !=! (m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g))
where m = return a
f x = return $ x + b
g x = return $ x + c
2015-09-21 18:40:27 +03:00
2015-10-25 19:20:30 +03:00
-- MonadReader instance
prop_monad_reader_ask :: Integer -> Property
prop_monad_reader_ask a = runReader (runParserT ask "" "") a === Right a
prop_monad_reader_local :: Integer -> Integer -> Property
prop_monad_reader_local a b = runReader (runParserT p "" "") a === Right (a + b)
where p = local (+ b) ask
-- MonadState instance
prop_monad_state_get :: Integer -> Property
prop_monad_state_get a = L.evalState (runParserT L.get "" "") a === Right a
prop_monad_state_put :: Integer -> Integer -> Property
prop_monad_state_put a b = L.execState (runParserT (L.put b) "" "") a === b
-- MonadCont instance
prop_monad_cont :: Integer -> Integer -> Property
prop_monad_cont a b = runCont (runParserT p "" "") id === Right (max a b)
where p = do x <- callCC $ \e -> when (a > b) (e a) >> return b
return x
-- MonadError instance
prop_monad_error_throw :: Integer -> Integer -> Property
prop_monad_error_throw a b = runExcept (runParserT p "" "") === Left a
where p = throwError a >> return b
prop_monad_error_catch :: Integer -> Integer -> Property
prop_monad_error_catch a b =
runExcept (runParserT p "" "") === Right (Right $ a + b)
where p = (throwError a >> return b) `catchError` handler
handler e = return $ e + b
2015-08-21 22:13:20 +03:00
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
-- Primitive combinators
prop_unexpected :: String -> Property
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
prop_unexpected m = checkParser' p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
p = unexpected m
r = posErr 0 s $ if null m then [] else [uneSpec m]
2015-10-26 10:52:21 +03:00
s = ""
prop_failure :: [Message] -> Property
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
prop_failure msgs = checkParser' p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
p = failure msgs
2015-10-26 10:52:21 +03:00
r | null msgs = posErr 0 s []
| otherwise = Left $ newErrorMessages msgs (initialPos "")
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
s = ""
2015-09-23 16:46:24 +03:00
prop_label :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int
-> NonNegative Int -> String -> Property
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
prop_label a' b' c' l = checkParser' p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
p = (++) <$> many (char 'a') <*> (many (char 'b') <?> l)
r | null s = Right s
2015-09-22 12:09:40 +03:00
| c > 0 = posErr (a + b) s $ [uneCh 'c', exEof]
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
++ [exCh 'a' | b == 0]
2015-09-22 12:09:40 +03:00
++ [if b == 0 || null l
then exSpec l
else exSpec $ "rest of " ++ l]
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
| otherwise = Right s
s = abcRow a b c
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
[a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
2015-09-23 16:46:24 +03:00
prop_hidden_0 :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int
-> NonNegative Int -> Property
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
prop_hidden_0 a' b' c' = checkParser' p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
p = (++) <$> many (char 'a') <*> hidden (many (char 'b'))
r | null s = Right s
| c > 0 = posErr (a + b) s $ [uneCh 'c', exEof]
++ [exCh 'a' | b == 0]
| otherwise = Right s
s = abcRow a b c
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
[a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
2016-02-17 20:32:48 +03:00
prop_hidden_1 :: NonEmptyList Char -> String -> Property
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
prop_hidden_1 c' s = checkParser' p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m (Maybe String)
2016-02-17 20:32:48 +03:00
p = optional (hidden $ string c)
r | null s = Right Nothing
| c == s = Right (Just s)
| c `isPrefixOf` s = posErr cn s [uneCh (s !! cn), exEof]
| otherwise = posErr 0 s [uneCh (head s), exEof]
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
c = getNonEmpty c'
cn = length c
2016-02-17 20:32:48 +03:00
prop_try :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Property
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
prop_try pre ch1 ch2 = checkParser' p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
p = try (sequence [char pre, char ch1])
<|> sequence [char pre, char ch2]
2016-02-17 20:32:48 +03:00
r = posErr 1 s [uneEof, exCh ch1, exCh ch2]
s = [pre]
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
prop_lookAhead_0 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Property
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
prop_lookAhead_0 a b c = checkParser' p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
p = do
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
l <- lookAhead (oneOf "ab" <?> "label")
guard (l == h)
char 'a'
h = head s
r | null s = posErr 0 s [uneEof, exSpec "label"]
| s == "a" = Right 'a'
| h == 'b' = posErr 0 s [uneCh 'b', exCh 'a']
| h == 'c' = posErr 0 s [uneCh 'c', exSpec "label"]
| otherwise = posErr 1 s [uneCh (s !! 1), exEof]
2016-02-17 21:12:27 +03:00
s = abcRow a b c
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
prop_lookAhead_1 :: String -> Property
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
prop_lookAhead_1 s = checkParser' p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m ()
p = lookAhead (some letterChar) >> fail "failed"
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
h = head s
r | null s = posErr 0 s [uneEof, exSpec "letter"]
| isLetter h = posErr 0 s [msg "failed"]
| otherwise = posErr 0 s [uneCh h, exSpec "letter"]
2015-08-21 22:13:20 +03:00
prop_lookAhead_2 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Property
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
prop_lookAhead_2 a b c = checkParser' p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
p = lookAhead (some (char 'a')) >> char 'b'
2015-08-21 22:13:20 +03:00
r | null s = posErr 0 s [uneEof, exCh 'a']
| a = posErr 0 s [uneCh 'a', exCh 'b']
| otherwise = posErr 0 s [uneCh (head s), exCh 'a']
2016-02-17 21:12:27 +03:00
s = abcRow a b c
case_lookAhead_3 :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_lookAhead_3 = checkCase p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
p = lookAhead (char 'a' *> fail emsg)
r = posErr 1 s [msg emsg]
2016-02-17 21:12:27 +03:00
emsg = "ops!"
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
s = "abc"
2015-08-21 22:13:20 +03:00
2015-09-23 16:46:24 +03:00
prop_notFollowedBy_0 :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int
-> NonNegative Int -> Property
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
prop_notFollowedBy_0 a' b' c' = checkParser' p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
p = many (char 'a') <* notFollowedBy (char 'b') <* many (char 'c')
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
r | b > 0 = posErr a s [uneCh 'b', exCh 'a']
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
| otherwise = Right (replicate a 'a')
s = abcRow a b c
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
[a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
2015-09-23 16:46:24 +03:00
prop_notFollowedBy_1 :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int
-> NonNegative Int -> Property
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
prop_notFollowedBy_1 a' b' c' = checkParser' p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
p = many (char 'a')
<* (notFollowedBy . notFollowedBy) (char 'c')
<* many (char 'c')
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
r | b == 0 && c > 0 = Right (replicate a 'a')
| b > 0 = posErr a s [uneCh 'b', exCh 'a']
| otherwise = posErr a s [uneEof, exCh 'a']
s = abcRow a b c
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
[a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
2015-09-23 16:46:24 +03:00
prop_notFollowedBy_2 :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int
-> NonNegative Int -> Property
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
prop_notFollowedBy_2 a' b' c' = checkParser' p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
2015-08-21 17:08:15 +03:00
p = many (char 'a') <* notFollowedBy eof <* many anyChar
r | b > 0 || c > 0 = Right (replicate a 'a')
| otherwise = posErr a s [uneEof, exCh 'a']
s = abcRow a b c
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
[a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
2016-02-17 21:12:27 +03:00
case_notFollowedBy_3a :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_notFollowedBy_3a = checkCase p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m ()
p = notFollowedBy (char 'a' *> char 'c')
r = Right ()
s = "ab"
2016-02-17 21:12:27 +03:00
case_notFollowedBy_3b :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_notFollowedBy_3b = checkCase p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m ()
p = notFollowedBy (char 'a' *> char 'd') <* char 'c'
r = posErr 0 s [uneCh 'a', exCh 'c']
2016-02-17 21:12:27 +03:00
s = "ab"
case_notFollowedBy_4a :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_notFollowedBy_4a = checkCase p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m ()
2016-02-19 13:04:49 +03:00
p = notFollowedBy mzero
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
r = Right ()
s = "ab"
2016-02-17 21:12:27 +03:00
case_notFollowedBy_4b :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_notFollowedBy_4b = checkCase p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m ()
2016-02-19 13:04:49 +03:00
p = notFollowedBy mzero <* char 'c'
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
r = posErr 0 s [uneCh 'a', exCh 'c']
2016-02-17 21:12:27 +03:00
s = "ab"
2016-02-17 23:07:08 +03:00
prop_withRecovery_0 :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
-> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_withRecovery_0 a' b' c' = checkParser' p r s
p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m (Either ParseError String)
p = let g = count' 1 3 . char in v <$>
withRecovery (\e -> Left e <$ g 'b') (Right <$> g 'a') <*> g 'c'
v (Right x) y = Right (x ++ y)
v (Left m) _ = Left m
r | a == 0 && b == 0 && c == 0 = posErr 0 s [uneEof, exCh 'a']
| a == 0 && b == 0 && c > 3 = posErr 0 s [uneCh 'c', exCh 'a']
| a == 0 && b == 0 = posErr 0 s [uneCh 'c', exCh 'a']
| a == 0 && b > 3 = posErr 3 s [uneCh 'b', exCh 'a', exCh 'c']
| a == 0 && c == 0 = posErr b s [uneEof, exCh 'a', exCh 'c']
| a == 0 && c > 3 = posErr (b + 3) s [uneCh 'c', exEof]
| a == 0 = Right (posErr 0 s [uneCh 'b', exCh 'a'])
| a > 3 = posErr 3 s [uneCh 'a', exCh 'c']
| b == 0 && c == 0 = posErr a s $ [uneEof, exCh 'c'] ++ ma
| b == 0 && c > 3 = posErr (a + 3) s [uneCh 'c', exEof]
| b == 0 = Right (Right s)
| otherwise = posErr a s $ [uneCh 'b', exCh 'c'] ++ ma
ma = [exCh 'a' | a < 3]
s = abcRow a b c
[a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
2016-02-17 23:07:08 +03:00
case_withRecovery_1 :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_withRecovery_1 = checkCase p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
p = withRecovery (const $ return "bar") (return "foo")
r = Right "foo"
s = "abc"
2016-02-17 23:07:08 +03:00
case_withRecovery_2 :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_withRecovery_2 = checkCase p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
2016-02-19 13:04:49 +03:00
p = withRecovery (\_ -> char 'a' *> mzero) (string "cba")
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
r = posErr 0 s [uneCh 'a', exStr "cba"]
2016-02-17 23:07:08 +03:00
s = "abc"
case_withRecovery_3a :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_withRecovery_3a = checkCase p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
p = withRecovery (const $ return "abd") (string "cba")
r = Right "abd"
s = "abc"
2016-02-17 23:07:08 +03:00
case_withRecovery_3b :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_withRecovery_3b = checkCase p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
p = withRecovery (const $ return "abd") (string "cba") <* char 'd'
r = posErr 0 s [uneCh 'a', exStr "cba", exCh 'd']
2016-02-17 23:07:08 +03:00
s = "abc"
case_withRecovery_4a :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_withRecovery_4a = checkCase p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
2016-02-19 13:04:49 +03:00
p = withRecovery (const $ string "bc") (char 'a' *> mzero)
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
r = Right "bc"
s = "abc"
2016-02-17 23:07:08 +03:00
case_withRecovery_4b :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_withRecovery_4b = checkCase p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
p = withRecovery (const $ string "bc")
(char 'a' *> char 'd' *> pure "foo") <* char 'f'
r = posErr 3 s [uneEof, exCh 'f']
2016-02-17 23:07:08 +03:00
s = "abc"
case_withRecovery_5 :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_withRecovery_5 = checkCase p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
2016-02-17 23:07:08 +03:00
p = withRecovery (\_ -> char 'b' *> fail emsg) (char 'a' *> fail emsg)
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
r = posErr 1 s [msg emsg]
2016-02-17 23:07:08 +03:00
emsg = "ops!"
s = "abc"
case_withRecovery_6a :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_withRecovery_6a = checkCase p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
2016-02-19 13:04:49 +03:00
p = withRecovery (const $ return "abd") (char 'a' *> mzero)
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
r = Right "abd"
s = "abc"
2016-02-17 23:07:08 +03:00
case_withRecovery_6b :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_withRecovery_6b = checkCase p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
p = withRecovery (const $ return 'g') (char 'a' *> char 'd') <* char 'f'
r = posErr 1 s [uneCh 'b', exCh 'd', exCh 'f']
2016-02-17 23:07:08 +03:00
s = "abc"
case_withRecovery_7 :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_withRecovery_7 = checkCase p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
2016-02-19 13:04:49 +03:00
p = withRecovery (const mzero) (char 'a' *> char 'd')
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
r = posErr 1 s [uneCh 'b', exCh 'd']
2016-02-17 23:07:08 +03:00
s = "abc"
2016-02-17 21:12:27 +03:00
case_eof :: Assertion
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
case_eof = checkCase eof (Right ()) ""
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
2015-08-21 22:13:20 +03:00
prop_token :: String -> Property
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
prop_token s = checkParser' p r s
where p :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
p = token updatePosChar testChar
2015-09-23 13:47:17 +03:00
testChar x = if isLetter x
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
then Right x
else Left . pure . Unexpected . showToken $ x
2015-08-21 22:13:20 +03:00
h = head s
r | null s = posErr 0 s [uneEof]
| isLetter h && length s == 1 = Right (head s)
| isLetter h && length s > 1 = posErr 1 s [uneCh (s !! 1), exEof]
| otherwise = posErr 0 s [uneCh h]
prop_tokens :: String -> String -> Property
2015-09-04 15:12:59 +03:00
prop_tokens a = checkString p a (==) (showToken a)
where p = tokens updatePosString (==) a
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
-- Parser state combinators
prop_state_pos :: SourcePos -> Property
prop_state_pos pos = p /=\ pos
where p = setPosition pos >> getPosition
prop_state_input :: String -> Property
prop_state_input s = p /=\ s
where p = do
st0 <- getInput
guard (null st0)
setInput s
result <- string s
st1 <- getInput
guard (null st1)
return result
2015-09-23 13:47:17 +03:00
prop_state_tab :: Int -> Property
prop_state_tab w = p /=\ w
where p = setTabWidth w >> getTabWidth
2015-09-18 12:41:18 +03:00
prop_state :: State String -> State String -> Property
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
prop_state s1 s2 = checkParser' p r s
where p :: MonadParsec String m Char => m (State String)
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
p = do
st <- getParserState
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
guard (st == State s (initialPos "") defaultTabWidth)
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
setParserState s1
updateParserState (f s2)
2016-02-18 20:36:26 +03:00
liftM2 const getParserState (setInput "")
f (State s1' pos w) (State s2' _ _) = State (max s1' s2' ) pos w
r = Right (f s2 s1)
s = ""
2015-08-20 14:12:44 +03:00
2015-10-25 22:24:48 +03:00
-- Running a parser
prop_runParser' :: State String -> String -> Property
prop_runParser' st s = runParser' p st === r
where p = string s
r = emulateStrParsing st s
prop_runParserT' :: State String -> String -> Property
prop_runParserT' st s = runIdentity (runParserT' p st) === r
where p = string s
r = emulateStrParsing st s
emulateStrParsing :: State String
-> String
-> (State String, Either ParseError String)
emulateStrParsing st@(State i pos t) s =
if l == length s
then (State (drop l i) (updatePosString t pos s) t, Right s)
else let uneStuff = if null i then uneEof else uneStr (take (l + 1) i)
in (st, Left $ newErrorMessages (exStr s : [uneStuff]) pos)
where l = length $ takeWhile id $ zipWith (==) s i
2016-02-07 21:37:35 +03:00
-- Additional tests to check returned state on failure
prop_stOnFail_0 :: Positive Int -> Positive Int -> Property
prop_stOnFail_0 na' nb' = runParser' p (stateFromInput s) === (i, r)
where i = let (Left x) = r in State "" (errorPos x) defaultTabWidth
na = getPositive na'
nb = getPositive nb'
p = try (many (char 'a') <* many (char 'b') <* char 'c')
<|> (many (char 'a') <* char 'c')
r = posErr (na + nb) s [exCh 'b', exCh 'c', uneEof]
s = replicate na 'a' ++ replicate nb 'b'
prop_stOnFail_1 :: Positive Int -> Positive Int -> Property
prop_stOnFail_1 na' t' = runParser' p (stateFromInput s) === (i, r)
where i = let (Left x) = r in State "" (errorPos x) t
na = getPositive na'
t = getPositive t'
p = many (char 'a') <* setTabWidth t <* fail myMsg
r = posErr na s [msg myMsg]
s = replicate na 'a'
myMsg = "failing now!"
prop_stOnFail_2 :: String -> Char -> Property
prop_stOnFail_2 s' ch = runParser' p (stateFromInput s) === (i, r)
where i = let (Left x) = r in State [ch] (errorPos x) defaultTabWidth
r = posErr (length s') s [uneCh ch, exEof]
p = string s' <* eof
s = s' ++ [ch]
prop_stOnFail_3 :: String -> Property
prop_stOnFail_3 s = runParser' p (stateFromInput s) === (i, r)
where i = let (Left x) = r in State s (errorPos x) defaultTabWidth
r = posErr 0 s [if null s then uneEof else uneCh (head s)]
p = notFollowedBy (string s)
2016-03-05 06:33:32 +03:00
stateFromInput :: s -> State s
2016-02-07 21:37:35 +03:00
stateFromInput s = State s (initialPos "") defaultTabWidth
2015-09-21 18:40:27 +03:00
-- ReaderT instance of MonadParsec
2016-02-17 20:32:48 +03:00
prop_ReaderT_try :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Property
prop_ReaderT_try pre ch1 ch2 = checkParser (runReaderT p (s1, s2)) r s
where s1 = pre : [ch1]
s2 = pre : [ch2]
getS1 = asks fst
getS2 = asks snd
p = try (g =<< getS1) <|> (g =<< getS2)
g = sequence . fmap char
r = posErr 1 s [uneEof, exCh ch1, exCh ch2]
s = [pre]
2015-09-21 16:59:04 +03:00
2015-09-21 18:40:27 +03:00
prop_ReaderT_notFollowedBy :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int
-> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_ReaderT_notFollowedBy a' b' c' = checkParser (runReaderT p 'a') r s
2015-09-21 16:59:04 +03:00
where [a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
2015-09-21 18:40:27 +03:00
p = many (char =<< ask) <* notFollowedBy eof <* many anyChar
2015-09-21 16:59:04 +03:00
r | b > 0 || c > 0 = Right (replicate a 'a')
| otherwise = posErr a s [uneEof, exCh 'a']
s = abcRow a b c
2015-09-21 18:40:27 +03:00
-- StateT instance of MonadParsec
2015-09-21 16:59:04 +03:00
2015-09-21 20:12:17 +03:00
prop_StateT_alternative :: Integer -> Property
2015-10-28 14:51:35 +03:00
prop_StateT_alternative n =
checkParser (L.evalStateT p 0) (Right n) "" .&&.
checkParser (S.evalStateT p' 0) (Right n) ""
2015-09-23 16:46:24 +03:00
where p = L.put n >> ((L.modify (* 2) >>
void (string "xxx")) <|> return ()) >> L.get
p' = S.put n >> ((S.modify (* 2) >>
void (string "xxx")) <|> return ()) >> S.get
2015-09-21 20:12:17 +03:00
prop_StateT_lookAhead :: Integer -> Property
2015-10-28 14:51:35 +03:00
prop_StateT_lookAhead n =
checkParser (L.evalStateT p 0) (Right n) "" .&&.
checkParser (S.evalStateT p' 0) (Right n) ""
2015-09-21 20:12:17 +03:00
where p = L.put n >> lookAhead (L.modify (* 2) >> eof) >> L.get
p' = S.put n >> lookAhead (S.modify (* 2) >> eof) >> S.get
prop_StateT_notFollowedBy :: Integer -> Property
prop_StateT_notFollowedBy n = checkParser (L.runStateT p 0) r "abx" .&&.
checkParser (S.runStateT p' 0) r "abx"
2015-09-21 16:59:04 +03:00
where p = do
2015-09-21 18:40:27 +03:00
L.put n
let notEof = notFollowedBy (L.modify (* 2) >> eof)
2015-09-21 16:59:04 +03:00
some (try (anyChar <* notEof)) <* char 'x'
2015-09-21 20:12:17 +03:00
p' = do
2015-09-21 18:40:27 +03:00
S.put n
let notEof = notFollowedBy (S.modify (* 2) >> eof)
2015-09-21 16:59:04 +03:00
some (try (anyChar <* notEof)) <* char 'x'
2015-09-21 18:40:27 +03:00
r = Right ("ab", n)
-- WriterT instance of MonadParsec
2015-09-21 16:59:04 +03:00
2015-09-21 20:12:17 +03:00
prop_WriterT :: String -> String -> Property
2015-10-28 14:51:35 +03:00
prop_WriterT pre post =
checkParser (L.runWriterT p) r "abx" .&&.
checkParser (S.runWriterT p') r "abx"
2015-09-21 20:12:17 +03:00
where logged_letter = letterChar >>= \x -> L.tell [x] >> return x
logged_letter' = letterChar >>= \x -> L.tell [x] >> return x
logged_eof = eof >> L.tell "EOF"
logged_eof' = eof >> L.tell "EOF"
2015-09-21 16:59:04 +03:00
p = do
2015-09-21 18:40:27 +03:00
L.tell pre
cs <- L.censor (fmap toUpper) $
2015-09-21 16:59:04 +03:00
some (try (logged_letter <* notFollowedBy logged_eof))
2015-09-21 18:40:27 +03:00
L.tell post
void logged_letter
2015-09-21 16:59:04 +03:00
return cs
2015-09-21 20:12:17 +03:00
p' = do
L.tell pre
cs <- L.censor (fmap toUpper) $
some (try (logged_letter' <* notFollowedBy logged_eof'))
L.tell post
void logged_letter'
2015-09-21 16:59:04 +03:00
return cs
2015-09-21 18:40:27 +03:00
r = Right ("ab", pre ++ "AB" ++ post ++ "x")