Add Text.Megaparsec.Error.errorBundlePrettyForGhcPreProcessors

This commit is contained in:
Simon Hengel 2024-11-13 06:16:47 +07:00 committed by Mark Karpov
parent 8d1f5cc35e
commit 075477b765
2 changed files with 76 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
* `many` and `some` of the `Alternative` instance of `ParsecT` are now more
efficient, since they use the monadic implementations under the hood.
[Issue 567](
* Add `Text.Megaparsec.Error.errorBundlePrettyForGhcPreProcessors`. [PR
## Megaparsec 9.6.1

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@ -41,12 +41,15 @@ module Text.Megaparsec.Error
-- * Pretty-printing
ShowErrorComponent (..),
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
@ -348,6 +351,36 @@ class (Ord a) => ShowErrorComponent a where
instance ShowErrorComponent Void where
showErrorComponent = absurd
-- | Pretty-print a 'ParseErrorBundle'. All 'ParseError's in the bundle will
-- be pretty-printed in order, by applying a provided format function, with
-- a single pass over the input stream.
-- @since 9.7.0
errorBundlePrettyWith ::
forall s e.
( VisualStream s,
TraversableStream s
) =>
-- | Format function for a single 'ParseError'
(Maybe String -> SourcePos -> ParseError s e -> String) ->
-- | Parse error bundle to display
ParseErrorBundle s e ->
-- | Textual rendition of the bundle
errorBundlePrettyWith format ParseErrorBundle {..} =
let (r, _) = foldl f (id, bundlePosState) bundleErrors
in r ""
f ::
(ShowS, PosState s) ->
ParseError s e ->
(ShowS, PosState s)
f (o, !pst) e = (o . (outChunk ++), pst')
(msline, pst') = reachOffset (errorOffset e) pst
epos = pstateSourcePos pst'
outChunk = format msline epos e
-- | Pretty-print a 'ParseErrorBundle'. All 'ParseError's in the bundle will
-- be pretty-printed in order together with the corresponding offending
-- lines by doing a single pass over the input stream. The rendered 'String'
@ -364,18 +397,15 @@ errorBundlePretty ::
ParseErrorBundle s e ->
-- | Textual rendition of the bundle
errorBundlePretty ParseErrorBundle {..} =
let (r, _) = foldl f (id, bundlePosState) bundleErrors
in drop 1 (r "")
errorBundlePretty = drop 1 . errorBundlePrettyWith format
f ::
(ShowS, PosState s) ->
format ::
Maybe String ->
SourcePos ->
ParseError s e ->
(ShowS, PosState s)
f (o, !pst) e = (o . (outChunk ++), pst')
format msline epos e = outChunk
(msline, pst') = reachOffset (errorOffset e) pst
epos = pstateSourcePos pst'
outChunk =
<> sourcePosPretty epos
@ -418,6 +448,41 @@ errorBundlePretty ParseErrorBundle {..} =
FancyError _ xs ->
E.foldl' (\a b -> max a (errorFancyLength b)) 1 xs
-- | Pretty-print a 'ParseErrorBundle'. All 'ParseError's in the bundle will
-- be pretty-printed in order by doing a single pass over the input stream.
-- The rendered format is suitable for custom GHC pre-processors (as can be
-- specified with -F -pgmF).
-- @since 9.7.0
errorBundlePrettyForGhcPreProcessors ::
forall s e.
( VisualStream s,
TraversableStream s,
ShowErrorComponent e
) =>
-- | Parse error bundle to display
ParseErrorBundle s e ->
-- | Textual rendition of the bundle
errorBundlePrettyForGhcPreProcessors = errorBundlePrettyWith format
format ::
Maybe String ->
SourcePos ->
ParseError s e ->
format _msline epos e =
sourcePosPretty epos
<> ":"
<> indent (parseErrorTextPretty e)
indent :: String -> String
indent =
lines >>> \case
[err] -> err
err -> intercalate "\n" $ map (" " <>) err
-- | Pretty-print a 'ParseError'. The rendered 'String' always ends with a
-- newline.