mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 07:50:22 +03:00
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-}
@ -41,12 +42,13 @@ import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Char (isLetter, toUpper, chr)
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, foldl')
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList, fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Prelude hiding (span)
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Lazy as L
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as S
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy as L
@ -85,6 +87,9 @@ tests = testGroup "Primitive parser combinators"
, testProperty "Stream lazy text (pos)" prop_textL_pos
, testProperty "Stream strict text" prop_textS
, testProperty "Stream strict text (pos)" prop_textS_pos
, testProperty "position in custom stream, eof" prop_cst_eof
, testProperty "position in custom stream, token" prop_cst_token
, testProperty "position in custom stream, tokens" prop_cst_tokens
, testProperty "ParsecT functor" prop_functor
, testProperty "ParsecT applicative (<*>)" prop_applicative_0
, testProperty "ParsecT applicative (<*>) meok-cerr" prop_applicative_1
@ -164,7 +169,7 @@ tests = testGroup "Primitive parser combinators"
, testProperty "StateT notFollowedBy" prop_StateT_notFollowedBy
, testProperty "WriterT" prop_WriterT ]
instance Arbitrary (State String) where
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (State a) where
arbitrary = State
<$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
@ -217,6 +222,124 @@ prop_textS_pos w pos ch =
updatePos (Proxy :: Proxy String) w pos ch ===
updatePos (Proxy :: Proxy T.Text) w pos ch
-- Custom stream of tokens and position advancing
-- | This data type will represent tokens in input stream for the purposes
-- of next several tests.
data Span = Span
{ spanStart :: SourcePos
, spanEnd :: SourcePos
, spanBody :: NonEmpty Char
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Stream [Span] where
type Token [Span] = Span
uncons [] = Nothing
uncons (t:ts) = Just (t, ts)
updatePos _ _ _ (Span start end _) = (start, end)
instance Arbitrary Span where
arbitrary = do
start <- arbitrary
end <- arbitrary `suchThat` (> start)
Span start end <$> arbitrary
type CustomParser = Parsec Dec [Span]
prop_cst_eof :: State [Span] -> Property
prop_cst_eof st =
(not . null . stateInput) st ==> (runParser' p st === r)
p = eof :: CustomParser ()
h = head (stateInput st)
apos = let (_:|z) = statePos st in spanStart h :| z
r = (st { statePos = apos }, Left ParseError
{ errorPos = apos
, errorUnexpected = E.singleton (Tokens (nes h))
, errorExpected = E.singleton EndOfInput
, errorCustom = E.empty })
prop_cst_token :: State [Span] -> Span -> Property
prop_cst_token st@State {..} span = runParser' p st === r
p = pSpan span
h = head stateInput
(apos, npos) =
let z = NE.tail statePos
in (spanStart h :| z, spanEnd h :| z)
r | null stateInput =
( st
, Left ParseError
{ errorPos = statePos
, errorUnexpected = E.singleton EndOfInput
, errorExpected = E.singleton (Tokens $ nes span)
, errorCustom = E.empty } )
| spanBody h == spanBody span =
( st { statePos = npos
, stateInput = tail stateInput }
, Right span )
| otherwise =
( st { statePos = apos }
, Left ParseError
{ errorPos = apos
, errorUnexpected = E.singleton (Tokens $ nes h)
, errorExpected = E.singleton (Tokens $ nes span)
, errorCustom = E.empty } )
pSpan :: Span -> CustomParser Span
pSpan span = token testToken (Just span)
f = E.singleton . Tokens . nes
testToken x =
if spanBody x == spanBody span
then Right span
else Left (f x, f span , E.empty)
prop_cst_tokens :: State [Span] -> [Span] -> Property
prop_cst_tokens st' ts =
forAll (incCoincidence st' ts) $ \st@State {..} ->
p = tokens compareTokens ts :: CustomParser [Span]
compareTokens x y = spanBody x == spanBody y
updatePos' = updatePos (Proxy :: Proxy [Span]) stateTabWidth
ts' = NE.fromList ts
il = length . takeWhile id $ zipWith compareTokens stateInput ts
tl = length ts
consumed = take il stateInput
(apos, npos) =
let (pos:|z) = statePos
in ( spanStart (head stateInput) :| z
, foldl' (\q t -> snd (updatePos' q t)) pos consumed :| z )
r | null ts = (st, Right [])
| null stateInput =
( st
, Left ParseError
{ errorPos = statePos
, errorUnexpected = E.singleton EndOfInput
, errorExpected = E.singleton (Tokens ts')
, errorCustom = E.empty } )
| il == tl =
( st { statePos = npos
, stateInput = drop (length ts) stateInput }
, Right consumed )
| otherwise =
( st { statePos = apos }
, Left ParseError
{ errorPos = apos
, errorUnexpected = E.singleton
(Tokens . NE.fromList $ take (il + 1) stateInput)
, errorExpected = E.singleton (Tokens ts')
, errorCustom = E.empty } )
in runParser' p st === r
incCoincidence :: State [Span] -> [Span] -> Gen (State [Span])
incCoincidence st ts = do
n <- getSmall <$> arbitrary
let (pre, post) = splitAt n (stateInput st)
pre' = zipWith (\x t -> x { spanBody = spanBody t }) pre ts
return st { stateInput = pre' ++ post }
-- Functor instance
prop_functor :: Integer -> Integer -> Property
@ -412,7 +535,7 @@ prop_failure us ps xs = checkParser' p r s
where p :: (MonadParsec Dec s m, Token s ~ Char) => m String
p = failure us ps xs
r = Left ParseError
{ errorPos = initialPos "" :| []
{ errorPos = nes (initialPos "")
, errorUnexpected = us
, errorExpected = ps
, errorCustom = xs }
@ -679,7 +802,7 @@ prop_token mtok s = checkParser' p r s
p = token testChar mtok
testChar x = if isLetter x
then Right x
else Left (E.singleton (Tokens (x:|[])), E.empty, E.empty)
else Left (E.singleton (Tokens $ nes x), E.empty, E.empty)
h = head s
r | null s = posErr 0 s $ ueof : maybeToList (etok <$> mtok)
| isLetter h && length s == 1 = Right (head s)
@ -738,7 +861,7 @@ prop_state s1 s2 = checkParser' p r s
where p :: MonadParsec Dec String m => m (State String)
p = do
st <- getParserState
guard (st == State s (initialPos "" :| []) defaultTabWidth)
guard (st == State s (nes $ initialPos "") defaultTabWidth)
setParserState s1
updateParserState (f s2)
liftM2 const getParserState (setInput "")
@ -808,7 +931,7 @@ prop_stOnFail_3 s = runParser' p (stateFromInput s) === (i, r)
p = notFollowedBy (string s)
stateFromInput :: s -> State s
stateFromInput s = State s (initialPos "" :| []) defaultTabWidth
stateFromInput s = State s (nes $ initialPos "") defaultTabWidth
-- ReaderT instance of MonadParsec
@ -888,3 +1011,7 @@ prop_WriterT pre post =
void logged_letter'
return cs
r = Right ("ab", pre ++ "AB" ++ post ++ "x")
nes :: a -> NonEmpty a
nes x = x :| []
{-# INLINE nes #-}
Reference in New Issue
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