This patch introduces compatibility to base-4.7.0.x. It was tested
on Win 8.1 x86_64, using GHC 7.8.4. It mainly consists of a bunch
of #if !MIN_VERSION(4,8,0) ... #endif additions and a lower bound
on base in the cabal file as well as a general introduction of the
CPP extension via default-extensions.
It also removes a potential error source in tests/Util.hs, since
the backslash in /=\ can lead to strange quirks on certain systems
(backslash and newline only separated by whitespace).
Other, squashed commits:
- Remove 'recent version of base' from Readme
- Change necessary version of GHC
The single test covers 100 % of the module's code. However it doesn't
check quality of error messages, so we still have room for improvement.
Manual tests show that error messages are good.