The following functions and data types have been renamed:
* ‘permute’ → ‘makePermParser’
* ‘buildExpressionParser’ → ‘makeExprParser’
* ‘GenLanguageDef’ → ‘LanguageDef’
* ‘GenTokenParser’ → ‘Lexer’
* ‘makeTokenParser’ → ‘makeLexer’
The improved error messages in Megaparsec are quite sensitive to how
parsers are written, which parts of parser are labeled, etc. Current
implementation of token parsers in ‘Text.Megaparsec.Token’ is written
without this in mind. We will improve the module later, for now let us
rewrite/simplify some parts to avoid failing tests.
Added new character parsers in ‘Text.Megaparsec.Char’:
* ‘controlChar’
* ‘printChar’
* ‘markChar’
* ‘numberChar’
* ‘punctuationChar’
* ‘symbolChar’
* ‘separatorChar’
* ‘asciiChar’
* ‘latin1Char’
* ‘charCategory’
Renamed some parsers:
‘spaces’ → ‘space’
‘space’ → ‘spaceChar’
‘lower’ → ‘lowerChar’
‘upper’ → ‘upperChar’
‘letter’ → ‘letterChar’
‘alphaNum’ → ‘alphaNumChar’
‘digit’ → ‘digitChar’
‘octDigit’ → ‘octDigitChar’
‘hexDigit’ → ‘hexDigitChar’
Descriptions of old parsers have been updated to accent some
Unicode-specific moments. For example, old description of ‘letter’
stated that it parses letters from “a” to “z” and from “A” to “Z”. This
is wrong, since it used ‘Data.Char.isAlpha’ predicate internally and
thus parsed many more characters.