
507 lines
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-- -*- Mode: Haskell; -*-
-- QuickCheck tests for Megaparsec's primitive parser combinators.
-- Copyright © 2015 Megaparsec contributors
-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-- met:
-- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-- This software is provided by the copyright holders "as is" and any
-- express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
-- warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are
-- disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright holders be liable for any
-- direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential
-- damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods
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-- possibility of such damage.
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Prim (tests) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (guard, void)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Char (isLetter, toUpper)
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList, fromMaybe)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Identity as Identity
import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as Reader
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Lazy as L.State
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as S.State
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy as L.Writer
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Strict as S.Writer
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (label)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Text.Megaparsec.Error (Message (..))
import Text.Megaparsec.Pos
import Text.Megaparsec.Prim
import Text.Megaparsec.String
import Pos ()
import Util
tests :: Test
tests = testGroup "Primitive parser combinators"
[ testProperty "ParsecT functor" prop_functor
, testProperty "ParsecT applicative (<*>)" prop_applicative_0
, testProperty "ParsecT applicative (*>)" prop_applicative_1
, testProperty "ParsecT applicative (<*)" prop_applicative_2
, testProperty "ParsecT alternative empty and (<|>)" prop_alternative_0
, testProperty "ParsecT alternative (<|>)" prop_alternative_1
, testProperty "ParsecT alternative (<|>) pos" prop_alternative_2
, testProperty "ParsecT alternative (<|>) hints" prop_alternative_3
, testProperty "ParsecT alternative many" prop_alternative_4
, testProperty "ParsecT alternative some" prop_alternative_5
, testProperty "ParsecT alternative optional" prop_alternative_6
, testProperty "ParsecT monad return" prop_monad_0
, testProperty "ParsecT monad (>>)" prop_monad_1
, testProperty "ParsecT monad (>>=)" prop_monad_2
, testProperty "ParsecT monad fail" prop_monad_3
, testProperty "combinator unexpected" prop_unexpected
, testProperty "combinator label" prop_label
, testProperty "combinator hidden hints" prop_hidden_0
, testProperty "combinator hidden error" prop_hidden_1
, testProperty "combinator try" prop_try
, testProperty "combinator lookAhead" prop_lookAhead_0
, testProperty "combinator lookAhead hints" prop_lookAhead_1
, testProperty "combinator lookAhead messages" prop_lookAhead_2
, testProperty "combinator notFollowedBy" prop_notFollowedBy_0
, testProperty "combinator notFollowedBy twice" prop_notFollowedBy_1
, testProperty "combinator notFollowedBy eof" prop_notFollowedBy_2
, testProperty "combinator token" prop_token
, testProperty "combinator tokens" prop_tokens
, testProperty "parser state position" prop_state_pos
, testProperty "parser state input" prop_state_input
, testProperty "parser state general" prop_state
, testProperty "IdentityT try" prop_IdentityT_try
, testProperty "IdentityT notFollowedBy" prop_IdentityT_notFollowedBy
, testProperty "ReaderT try" prop_ReaderT_try
, testProperty "ReaderT notFollowedBy" prop_ReaderT_notFollowedBy
, testProperty "lazy StateT alternative (<|>)" prop_lazy_StateT_alternative
, testProperty "strict StateT alternative (<|>)" prop_strict_StateT_alternative
, testProperty "lazy StateT lookAhead" prop_lazy_StateT_lookAhead
, testProperty "strict StateT lookAhead" prop_strict_StateT_lookAhead
, testProperty "lazy StateT notFollowedBy" prop_lazy_StateT_notFollowedBy
, testProperty "strict StateT notFollowedBy" prop_strict_StateT_notFollowedBy
, testProperty "lazy WriterT" prop_lazy_WriterT
, testProperty "strict WriterT" prop_strict_WriterT
instance Arbitrary (State String) where
arbitrary = State <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
-- Functor instance
prop_functor :: Integer -> Integer -> Property
prop_functor n m =
((+ m) <$> return n) /=\ n + m .&&. ((* n) <$> return m) /=\ n * m
-- Applicative instance
prop_applicative_0 :: Integer -> Integer -> Property
prop_applicative_0 n m = ((+) <$> pure n <*> pure m) /=\ n + m
prop_applicative_1 :: Integer -> Integer -> Property
prop_applicative_1 n m = (pure n *> pure m) /=\ m
prop_applicative_2 :: Integer -> Integer -> Property
prop_applicative_2 n m = (pure n <* pure m) /=\ n
-- Alternative instance
prop_alternative_0 :: Integer -> Property
prop_alternative_0 n = (empty <|> return n) /=\ n
prop_alternative_1 :: String -> String -> Property
prop_alternative_1 s0 s1
| s0 == s1 = checkParser p (Right s0) s1
| null s0 = checkParser p (posErr 0 s1 [uneCh (head s1), exEof]) s1
| s0 `isPrefixOf` s1 =
checkParser p (posErr s0l s1 [uneCh (s1 !! s0l), exEof]) s1
| otherwise = checkParser p (Right s0) s0 .&&. checkParser p (Right s1) s1
where p = try (string s0) <|> string s1
s0l = length s0
prop_alternative_2 :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Bool -> Property
prop_alternative_2 a b c l = checkParser p r s
where p = char a <|> (char b >> char a)
r | l = Right a
| a == b = posErr 1 s [uneCh c, exEof]
| a == c = Right a
| otherwise = posErr 1 s [uneCh c, exCh a]
s = if l then [a] else [b,c]
prop_alternative_3 :: Property
prop_alternative_3 = checkParser p r s
where p = asum [empty, try (string ">>>"), empty, return "foo"] <?> "bar"
p' = bsum [empty, try (string ">>>"), empty, return "foo"] <?> "bar"
bsum = foldl (<|>) empty
r = simpleParse p' s
s = ">>"
prop_alternative_4 :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int ->
prop_alternative_4 a' b' c' = checkParser p r s
where [a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
p = (++) <$> many (char 'a') <*> many (char 'b')
r | null s = Right s
| c > 0 = posErr (a + b) s $ [uneCh 'c', exCh 'b', exEof]
++ [exCh 'a' | b == 0]
| otherwise = Right s
s = abcRow a b c
prop_alternative_5 :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int ->
prop_alternative_5 a' b' c' = checkParser p r s
where [a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
p = (++) <$> some (char 'a') <*> some (char 'b')
r | null s = posErr 0 s [uneEof, exCh 'a']
| a == 0 = posErr 0 s [uneCh (head s), exCh 'a']
| b == 0 = posErr a s $ [exCh 'a', exCh 'b'] ++
if c > 0 then [uneCh 'c'] else [uneEof]
| c > 0 = posErr (a + b) s [uneCh 'c', exCh 'b', exEof]
| otherwise = Right s
s = abcRow a b c
prop_alternative_6 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Property
prop_alternative_6 a b c = checkParser p r s
where p = f <$> optional (char 'a') <*> optional (char 'b')
f x y = maybe "" (:[]) x ++ maybe "" (:[]) y
r | c = posErr ab s $ [uneCh 'c', exEof] ++
[exCh 'a' | not a && not b] ++ [exCh 'b' | not b]
| otherwise = Right s
s = abcRow' a b c
ab = fromEnum a + fromEnum b
-- Monad instance
prop_monad_0 :: Integer -> Property
prop_monad_0 n = checkParser (return n) (Right n) ""
prop_monad_1 :: Char -> Char -> Maybe Char -> Property
prop_monad_1 a b c = checkParser p r s
where p = char a >> char b
r = simpleParse (char a *> char b) s
s = a : b : maybeToList c
prop_monad_2 :: Char -> Char -> Maybe Char -> Property
prop_monad_2 a b c = checkParser p r s
where p = char a >>= \x -> char b >> return x
r = simpleParse (char a <* char b) s
s = a : b : maybeToList c
prop_monad_3 :: String -> Property
prop_monad_3 m = checkParser p r s
where p = fail m :: Parser ()
r | null m = posErr 0 s []
| otherwise = posErr 0 s [msg m]
s = ""
-- TODO MonadReader instance
-- TODO MonadState instance
-- Primitive combinators
prop_unexpected :: String -> Property
prop_unexpected m = checkParser p r s
where p = unexpected m :: Parser ()
r | null m = posErr 0 s []
| otherwise = posErr 0 s [uneSpec m]
s = ""
prop_label :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int ->
String -> Property
prop_label a' b' c' l = checkParser p r s
where [a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
p = (++) <$> many (char 'a') <*> (many (char 'b') <?> l)
r | null s = Right s
| c > 0 = posErr (a + b) s $ [uneCh 'c', exSpec l, exEof]
++ [exCh 'a' | b == 0]
| otherwise = Right s
s = abcRow a b c
prop_hidden_0 :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int ->
prop_hidden_0 a' b' c' = checkParser p r s
where [a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
p = (++) <$> many (char 'a') <*> hidden (many (char 'b'))
r | null s = Right s
| c > 0 = posErr (a + b) s $ [uneCh 'c', exEof]
++ [exCh 'a' | b == 0]
| otherwise = Right s
s = abcRow a b c
prop_hidden_1 :: String -> NonEmptyList Char -> String -> Property
prop_hidden_1 a c' s = checkParser p r s
where c = getNonEmpty c'
p = fromMaybe a <$> optional (hidden $ string c)
r | null s = Right a
| c == s = Right s
| head c /= head s = posErr 0 s [uneCh (head s), exEof]
| otherwise = simpleParse (string c) s
prop_try :: String -> String -> String -> Property
prop_try pre s1' s2' = checkParser p r s
where s1 = pre ++ s1'
s2 = pre ++ s2'
p = try (string s1) <|> string s2
r | s == s1 || s == s2 = Right s
| otherwise = posErr 0 s $ bool [uneStr pre] [uneEof] (null s)
++ [uneStr pre, exStr s1, exStr s2]
s = pre
prop_lookAhead_0 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Property
prop_lookAhead_0 a b c = checkParser p r s
where p = do
l <- lookAhead (oneOf "ab" <?> "label")
guard (l == h)
char 'a'
h = head s
r | null s = posErr 0 s [uneEof, exSpec "label"]
| s == "a" = Right 'a'
| h == 'b' = posErr 0 s [uneCh 'b', exCh 'a']
| h == 'c' = posErr 0 s [uneCh 'c', exSpec "label"]
| otherwise = posErr 1 s [uneCh (s !! 1), exEof]
s = abcRow' a b c
prop_lookAhead_1 :: String -> Property
prop_lookAhead_1 s = checkParser p r s
where p = lookAhead (some letterChar) >> fail "failed" :: Parser ()
h = head s
r | null s = posErr 0 s [uneEof, exSpec "letter"]
| isLetter h = posErr 0 s [msg "failed"]
| otherwise = posErr 0 s [uneCh h, exSpec "letter"]
prop_lookAhead_2 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Property
prop_lookAhead_2 a b c = checkParser p r s
where p = lookAhead (some (char 'a')) >> char 'b'
r | null s = posErr 0 s [uneEof, exCh 'a']
| a = posErr 0 s [uneCh 'a', exCh 'b']
| otherwise = posErr 0 s [uneCh (head s), exCh 'a']
s = abcRow' a b c
prop_notFollowedBy_0 :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int ->
prop_notFollowedBy_0 a' b' c' = checkParser p r s
where [a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
p = many (char 'a') <* notFollowedBy (char 'b') <* many (char 'c')
r | b > 0 = posErr a s [uneCh 'b', exCh 'a']
| otherwise = Right (replicate a 'a')
s = abcRow a b c
prop_notFollowedBy_1 :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int ->
prop_notFollowedBy_1 a' b' c' = checkParser p r s
where [a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
p = many (char 'a') <* f (char 'c') <* many (char 'c')
f = notFollowedBy . notFollowedBy -- = 'lookAhead' in this case
r | b == 0 && c > 0 = Right (replicate a 'a')
| b > 0 = posErr a s [uneCh 'b', exCh 'a']
| otherwise = posErr a s [uneEof, exCh 'a']
s = abcRow a b c
prop_notFollowedBy_2 :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int ->
prop_notFollowedBy_2 a' b' c' = checkParser p r s
where [a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
p = many (char 'a') <* notFollowedBy eof <* many anyChar
r | b > 0 || c > 0 = Right (replicate a 'a')
| otherwise = posErr a s [uneEof, exCh 'a']
s = abcRow a b c
-- We omit tests for 'eof' here because it's used virtually everywhere, it's
-- already thoroughly tested.
prop_token :: String -> Property
prop_token s = checkParser p r s
where p = token nextPos testChar
nextPos pos x _ = updatePosChar pos x
testChar x = if isLetter x
then Right x
else Left . pure . Unexpected . showToken $ x
h = head s
r | null s = posErr 0 s [uneEof]
| isLetter h && length s == 1 = Right (head s)
| isLetter h && length s > 1 = posErr 1 s [uneCh (s !! 1), exEof]
| otherwise = posErr 0 s [uneCh h]
prop_tokens :: String -> String -> Property
prop_tokens a = checkString p a (==) (showToken a)
where p = tokens updatePosString (==) a
-- Parser state combinators
prop_state_pos :: SourcePos -> Property
prop_state_pos pos = p /=\ pos
where p = setPosition pos >> getPosition
prop_state_input :: String -> Property
prop_state_input s = p /=\ s
where p = do
st0 <- getInput
guard (null st0)
setInput s
result <- string s
st1 <- getInput
guard (null st1)
return result
prop_state :: State String -> State String -> Property
prop_state s1 s2 = runParser p "" "" === Right (f s2 s1)
where f (State s1' pos) (State s2' _) = State (max s1' s2' ) pos
p = do
st <- getParserState
guard (st == State "" (initialPos ""))
setParserState s1
updateParserState (f s2)
-- IdentityT/ReaderT + Parser
-- | A copy of 'prop_try'.
prop_IdentityT_try :: String -> String -> String -> Property
prop_IdentityT_try pre s1' s2' = checkParser (Identity.runIdentityT p) r s
where s1 = pre ++ s1'
s2 = pre ++ s2'
p = try (string s1) <|> string s2
r | s == s1 || s == s2 = Right s
| otherwise = posErr 0 s $ bool [uneStr pre] [uneEof] (null s)
++ [uneStr pre, exStr s1, exStr s2]
s = pre
prop_ReaderT_try :: String -> String -> String -> Property
prop_ReaderT_try pre s1' s2' = checkParser (Reader.runReaderT p (s1', s2')) r s
where s1 = pre ++ s1'
s2 = pre ++ s2'
getS1 = Reader.asks ((pre ++) . fst)
getS2 = Reader.asks ((pre ++) . snd)
p = try (string =<< getS1) <|> (string =<< getS2)
r | s == s1 || s == s2 = Right s
| otherwise = posErr 0 s $ bool [uneStr pre] [uneEof] (null s)
++ [uneStr pre, exStr s1, exStr s2]
s = pre
-- | A copy of 'prop_notFollowedBy_2'.
:: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_IdentityT_notFollowedBy a' b' c' = checkParser (Identity.runIdentityT p) r s
where [a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
p = many (char 'a') <* notFollowedBy eof <* many anyChar
r | b > 0 || c > 0 = Right (replicate a 'a')
| otherwise = posErr a s [uneEof, exCh 'a']
s = abcRow a b c
:: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_ReaderT_notFollowedBy a' b' c' = checkParser (Reader.runReaderT p 'a') r s
where [a,b,c] = getNonNegative <$> [a',b',c']
p = many (char =<< Reader.ask) <* notFollowedBy eof <* many anyChar
r | b > 0 || c > 0 = Right (replicate a 'a')
| otherwise = posErr a s [uneEof, exCh 'a']
s = abcRow a b c
-- StateT + Parsec
prop_lazy_StateT_alternative :: Integer -> Property
prop_lazy_StateT_alternative n = checkParser (L.State.evalStateT p 0) (Right n) ""
where p = do
L.State.put n
(L.State.modify (*2) >> void (string "xxx")) <|> return ()
prop_strict_StateT_alternative :: Integer -> Property
prop_strict_StateT_alternative n = checkParser (S.State.evalStateT p 0) (Right n) ""
where p = do
S.State.put n
(S.State.modify (*2) >> void (string "xxx")) <|> return ()
-- | See <>.
prop_lazy_StateT_lookAhead :: Integer -> Property
prop_lazy_StateT_lookAhead n = checkParser (L.State.evalStateT p 0) (Right n) ""
where p = do
L.State.put n
lookAhead (L.State.modify (*2) >> eof)
prop_strict_StateT_lookAhead :: Integer -> Property
prop_strict_StateT_lookAhead n = checkParser (S.State.evalStateT p 0) (Right n) ""
where p = do
S.State.put n
lookAhead (S.State.modify (*2) >> eof)
prop_lazy_StateT_notFollowedBy :: Integer -> Property
prop_lazy_StateT_notFollowedBy n = checkParser (L.State.runStateT p 0) result "abx"
where p = do
L.State.put n
let notEof = notFollowedBy (L.State.modify (*2) >> eof)
some (try (anyChar <* notEof)) <* char 'x'
result = Right ("ab", n)
prop_strict_StateT_notFollowedBy :: Integer -> Property
prop_strict_StateT_notFollowedBy n = checkParser (S.State.runStateT p 0) result "abx"
where p = do
S.State.put n
let notEof = notFollowedBy (S.State.modify (*2) >> eof)
some (try (anyChar <* notEof)) <* char 'x'
result = Right ("ab", n)
-- WriterT + Parsec
prop_lazy_WriterT :: String -> String -> Property
prop_lazy_WriterT pre post = checkParser (L.Writer.runWriterT p) result "abx"
where logged_letter = do
x <- letterChar
L.Writer.tell [x]
return x
logged_eof = do
S.Writer.tell "EOF"
p = do
L.Writer.tell pre
cs <- L.Writer.censor (map toUpper) $
some (try (logged_letter <* notFollowedBy logged_eof))
L.Writer.tell post
_ <- logged_letter
return cs
result = Right ("ab", pre ++ "AB" ++ post ++ "x")
prop_strict_WriterT :: String -> String -> Property
prop_strict_WriterT pre post = checkParser (S.Writer.runWriterT p) result "abx"
where logged_letter = do
x <- letterChar
S.Writer.tell [x]
return x
logged_eof = do
S.Writer.tell "EOF"
p = do
S.Writer.tell pre
cs <- S.Writer.censor (map toUpper) $
some (try (logged_letter <* notFollowedBy logged_eof))
S.Writer.tell post
_ <- logged_letter
return cs
result = Right ("ab", pre ++ "AB" ++ post ++ "x")