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Close # 27. Backtracking user state can be achieved via combination of ‘StateT’ monad transformer and ‘ParsecT’: StateT StateType (ParsecT s m a) This user state can be more flexible. This fact renders current built-in user state redundant. To help work with this new approach (combining monad transformers more freely) we introduce ‘MonadParsec’ MTL-style type class. All tools that come with Megaparsec library were modified to work smoothly with any instance of ‘MonadParsec’, not only ‘ParsecT’.
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342 lines
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-- |
-- Module : Text.Megaparsec.Char
-- Copyright : © 2015 Megaparsec contributors
-- © 2007 Paolo Martini
-- © 1999–2001 Daan Leijen
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : Mark Karpov <markkarpov@opmbx.org>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Commonly used character parsers.
module Text.Megaparsec.Char
( -- * Simple parsers
, crlf
, eol
, tab
, space
-- * Categories of characters
, controlChar
, spaceChar
, upperChar
, lowerChar
, letterChar
, alphaNumChar
, printChar
, digitChar
, octDigitChar
, hexDigitChar
, markChar
, numberChar
, punctuationChar
, symbolChar
, separatorChar
, asciiChar
, latin1Char
, charCategory
, categoryName
-- * More general parsers
, char
, char'
, anyChar
, oneOf
, oneOf'
, noneOf
, noneOf'
, satisfy
-- * Sequence of characters
, string
, string' )
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Char
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Text.Megaparsec.Combinator
import Text.Megaparsec.Error (Message (..))
import Text.Megaparsec.Pos
import Text.Megaparsec.Prim
import Text.Megaparsec.ShowToken
-- | Parses a newline character.
newline :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
newline = char '\n' <?> "newline"
-- | Parses a carriage return character followed by a newline
-- character. Returns sequence of characters parsed.
crlf :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
crlf = string "\r\n"
-- | Parses a CRLF (see 'crlf') or LF (see 'newline') end of line.
-- Returns the sequence of characters parsed.
-- > eol = (pure <$> newline) <|> crlf
eol :: MonadParsec s m Char => m String
eol = (pure <$> newline) <|> crlf <?> "end of line"
-- | Parses a tab character.
tab :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
tab = char '\t' <?> "tab"
-- | Skips /zero/ or more white space characters. See also 'skipMany' and
-- 'spaceChar'.
space :: MonadParsec s m Char => m ()
space = skipMany spaceChar
-- | Parses control characters, which are the non-printing characters of the
-- Latin-1 subset of Unicode.
controlChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
controlChar = satisfy isControl <?> "control character"
-- | Parses a Unicode space character, and the control characters: tab,
-- newline, carriage return, form feed, and vertical tab.
spaceChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
spaceChar = satisfy isSpace <?> "white space"
-- | Parses an upper-case or title-case alphabetic Unicode character. Title
-- case is used by a small number of letter ligatures like the
-- single-character form of Lj.
upperChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
upperChar = satisfy isUpper <?> "uppercase letter"
-- | Parses a lower-case alphabetic Unicode character.
lowerChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
lowerChar = satisfy isLower <?> "lowercase letter"
-- | Parses alphabetic Unicode characters: lower-case, upper-case and
-- title-case letters, plus letters of case-less scripts and modifiers
-- letters.
letterChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
letterChar = satisfy isLetter <?> "letter"
-- | Parses alphabetic or numeric digit Unicode characters.
-- Note that numeric digits outside the ASCII range are parsed by this
-- parser but not by 'digitChar'. Such digits may be part of identifiers but
-- are not used by the printer and reader to represent numbers.
alphaNumChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
alphaNumChar = satisfy isAlphaNum <?> "alphanumeric character"
-- | Parses printable Unicode characters: letters, numbers, marks,
-- punctuation, symbols and spaces.
printChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
printChar = satisfy isPrint <?> "printable character"
-- | Parses an ASCII digit, i.e between “0” and “9”.
digitChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
digitChar = satisfy isDigit <?> "digit"
-- | Parses an octal digit, i.e. between “0” and “7”.
octDigitChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
octDigitChar = satisfy isOctDigit <?> "octal digit"
-- | Parses a hexadecimal digit, i.e. between “0” and “9”, or “a” and “f”,
-- or “A” and “F”.
hexDigitChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
hexDigitChar = satisfy isHexDigit <?> "hexadecimal digit"
-- | Parses Unicode mark characters, for example accents and the like, which
-- combine with preceding characters.
markChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
markChar = satisfy isMark <?> "mark character"
-- | Parses Unicode numeric characters, including digits from various
-- scripts, Roman numerals, et cetera.
numberChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
numberChar = satisfy isNumber <?> "numeric character"
-- | Parses Unicode punctuation characters, including various kinds of
-- connectors, brackets and quotes.
punctuationChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
punctuationChar = satisfy isPunctuation <?> "punctuation"
-- | Parses Unicode symbol characters, including mathematical and currency
-- symbols.
symbolChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
symbolChar = satisfy isSymbol <?> "symbol"
-- | Parses Unicode space and separator characters.
separatorChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
separatorChar = satisfy isSeparator <?> "separator"
-- | Parses a character from the first 128 characters of the Unicode character set,
-- corresponding to the ASCII character set.
asciiChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
asciiChar = satisfy isAscii <?> "ASCII character"
-- | Parses a character from the first 256 characters of the Unicode
-- character set, corresponding to the ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) character set.
latin1Char :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
latin1Char = satisfy isLatin1 <?> "Latin-1 character"
-- | @charCategory cat@ Parses character in Unicode General Category @cat@,
-- see 'Data.Char.GeneralCategory'.
charCategory :: MonadParsec s m Char => GeneralCategory -> m Char
charCategory cat = satisfy ((== cat) . generalCategory) <?> categoryName cat
-- | Returns human-readable name of Unicode General Category.
categoryName :: GeneralCategory -> String
categoryName cat =
fromJust $ lookup cat
[ (UppercaseLetter , "uppercase letter")
, (LowercaseLetter , "lowercase letter")
, (TitlecaseLetter , "titlecase letter")
, (ModifierLetter , "modifier letter")
, (OtherLetter , "other letter")
, (NonSpacingMark , "non-spacing mark")
, (SpacingCombiningMark, "spacing combining mark")
, (EnclosingMark , "enclosing mark")
, (DecimalNumber , "decimal number character")
, (LetterNumber , "letter number character")
, (OtherNumber , "other number character")
, (ConnectorPunctuation, "connector punctuation")
, (DashPunctuation , "dash punctuation")
, (OpenPunctuation , "open punctuation")
, (ClosePunctuation , "close punctuation")
, (InitialQuote , "initial quote")
, (FinalQuote , "final quote")
, (OtherPunctuation , "other punctuation")
, (MathSymbol , "math symbol")
, (CurrencySymbol , "currency symbol")
, (ModifierSymbol , "modifier symbol")
, (OtherSymbol , "other symbol")
, (Space , "white space")
, (LineSeparator , "line separator")
, (ParagraphSeparator , "paragraph separator")
, (Control , "control character")
, (Format , "format character")
, (Surrogate , "surrogate character")
, (PrivateUse , "private-use Unicode character")
, (NotAssigned , "non-assigned Unicode character") ]
-- | @char c@ parses a single character @c@.
-- > semicolon = char ';'
char :: MonadParsec s m Char => Char -> m Char
char c = satisfy (== c) <?> showToken c
-- | The same as 'char' but case-insensitive. This parser returns actually
-- parsed character preserving its case.
-- >>> parseTest (char' 'e') "E"
-- 'E'
-- >>> parseTest (char' 'e') "G"
-- parse error at line 1, column 1:
-- unexpected 'G'
-- expecting 'E' or 'e'
char' :: MonadParsec s m Char => Char -> m Char
char' = choice . fmap char . extendi . pure
-- | Extends given list of characters adding uppercase version of every
-- lowercase characters and vice versa. Resulting list is guaranteed to have
-- no duplicates.
extendi :: String -> String
extendi cs = nub (cs >>= f)
where f c | isLower c = [c, toUpper c]
| isUpper c = [c, toLower c]
| otherwise = [c]
-- | This parser succeeds for any character. Returns the parsed character.
anyChar :: MonadParsec s m Char => m Char
anyChar = satisfy (const True) <?> "character"
-- | @oneOf cs@ succeeds if the current character is in the supplied
-- list of characters @cs@. Returns the parsed character. Note that this
-- parser doesn't automatically generate “expected” component of error
-- message, so usually you should label it manually with 'label' or
-- ('<?>').
-- See also 'satisfy'.
-- > digit = oneOf ['0'..'9'] <?> "digit"
oneOf :: MonadParsec s m Char => String -> m Char
oneOf cs = satisfy (`elem` cs)
-- | The same as 'oneOf', but case-insensitive. Returns the parsed character
-- preserving its case.
-- > vowel = oneOf' "aeiou" <?> "vowel"
oneOf' :: MonadParsec s m Char => String -> m Char
oneOf' = oneOf . extendi
-- | As the dual of 'oneOf', @noneOf cs@ succeeds if the current
-- character /not/ in the supplied list of characters @cs@. Returns the
-- parsed character.
noneOf :: MonadParsec s m Char => String -> m Char
noneOf cs = satisfy (`notElem` cs)
-- | The same as 'noneOf', but case-insensitive.
-- > consonant = noneOf' "aeiou" <?> "consonant"
noneOf' :: MonadParsec s m Char => String -> m Char
noneOf' = noneOf . extendi
-- | The parser @satisfy f@ succeeds for any character for which the
-- supplied function @f@ returns 'True'. Returns the character that is
-- actually parsed.
-- > digitChar = satisfy isDigit <?> "digit"
-- > oneOf cs = satisfy (`elem` cs)
satisfy :: MonadParsec s m Char => (Char -> Bool) -> m Char
satisfy f = token nextPos testChar
where nextPos pos x _ = updatePosChar pos x
testChar x = if f x
then Right x
else Left . pure . Unexpected . showToken $ x
-- | @string s@ parses a sequence of characters given by @s@. Returns
-- the parsed string (i.e. @s@).
-- > divOrMod = string "div" <|> string "mod"
string :: MonadParsec s m Char => String -> m String
string = tokens updatePosString (==)
-- | The same as 'string', but case-insensitive. On success returns string
-- cased as argument of the function.
-- >>> parseTest (string' "foobar") "foObAr"
-- "foobar"
string' :: MonadParsec s m Char => String -> m String
string' = tokens updatePosString test
where test x y = toLower x == toLower y