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synced 2024-12-18 22:01:41 +03:00
Close # 27. Backtracking user state can be achieved via combination of ‘StateT’ monad transformer and ‘ParsecT’: StateT StateType (ParsecT s m a) This user state can be more flexible. This fact renders current built-in user state redundant. To help work with this new approach (combining monad transformers more freely) we introduce ‘MonadParsec’ MTL-style type class. All tools that come with Megaparsec library were modified to work smoothly with any instance of ‘MonadParsec’, not only ‘ParsecT’.
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-- |
-- Module : Text.Megaparsec.Prim
-- Copyright : © 2015 Megaparsec contributors
-- © 2007 Paolo Martini
-- © 1999–2001 Daan Leijen
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : Mark Karpov <markkarpov@opmbx.org>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- The primitive parser combinators.
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Text.Megaparsec.Prim
( -- * Used data-types
State (..)
, Stream (..)
, Consumed (..)
, Reply (..)
, Parsec
, ParsecT
-- * Primitive combinators
, MonadParsec (..)
-- * Parser state combinators
, getPosition
, setPosition
, getInput
, setInput
, setParserState
-- * Running parser
, runParser
, runParserT
, parse
, parse'
, parseTest )
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Cont.Class
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class
import Control.Monad.State.Class hiding (state)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Text.Megaparsec.Error
import Text.Megaparsec.Pos
import Text.Megaparsec.ShowToken
-- | This is Megaparsec state, it's parametrized over stream type @s@.
data State s = State
{ stateInput :: s
, statePos :: !SourcePos }
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | An instance of @Stream s t@ has stream type @s@, and token type @t@
-- determined by the stream.
-- Some rough guidelines for a “correct” instance of Stream:
-- * @unfoldM uncons@ gives the @[t]@ corresponding to the stream.
-- * A @Stream@ instance is responsible for maintaining the “position
-- within the stream” in the stream state @s@. This is trivial unless
-- you are using the monad in a non-trivial way.
class (ShowToken t, ShowToken [t]) => Stream s t | s -> t where
uncons :: s -> Maybe (t, s)
instance (ShowToken t, ShowToken [t]) => Stream [t] t where
uncons [] = Nothing
uncons (t:ts) = Just (t, ts)
{-# INLINE uncons #-}
instance Stream B.ByteString Char where
uncons = B.uncons
{-# INLINE uncons #-}
instance Stream BL.ByteString Char where
uncons = BL.uncons
{-# INLINE uncons #-}
instance Stream T.Text Char where
uncons = T.uncons
{-# INLINE uncons #-}
instance Stream TL.Text Char where
uncons = TL.uncons
{-# INLINE uncons #-}
-- | This data structure represents an aspect of result of parser's
-- work. The two constructors have the following meaning:
-- * @Cosumed@ is a wrapper for result when some part of input stream
-- was consumed.
-- * @Empty@ is a wrapper for result when no input was consumed.
-- See also: 'Reply'.
data Consumed a = Consumed a | Empty !a
-- | This data structure represents an aspect of result of parser's
-- work. The two constructors have the following meaning:
-- * @Ok@ for successfully run parser.
-- * @Error@ for failed parser.
-- See also 'Consumed'.
data Reply s a = Ok a !(State s) | Error ParseError
-- | 'Hints' represent collection of strings to be included into 'ParserError'
-- as “expected” messages when a parser fails without consuming input right
-- after successful parser that produced the hints.
-- For example, without hints you could get:
-- >>> parseTest (many (char 'r') <* eof) "ra"
-- parse error at line 1, column 2:
-- unexpected 'a'
-- expecting end of input
-- we're getting better error messages with help of hints:
-- >>> parseTest (many (char 'r') <* eof) "ra"
-- parse error at line 1, column 2:
-- unexpected 'a'
-- expecting 'r' or end of input
newtype Hints = Hints [[String]] deriving Monoid
-- | Convert 'ParseError' record into 'Hints'.
toHints :: ParseError -> Hints
toHints err = Hints hints
where hints = if null msgs then [] else [messageString <$> msgs]
msgs = filter ((== 1) . fromEnum) $ errorMessages err
-- | @withHints hs c@ makes “error” continuation @c@ use given hints @hs@.
withHints :: Hints -> (ParseError -> m b) -> ParseError -> m b
withHints (Hints xs) c = c . addHints
where addHints err = foldr addErrorMessage err (Expected <$> concat xs)
-- | @accHints hs c@ results in “OK” continuation that will add given hints
-- @hs@ to third argument of original continuation @c@.
accHints :: Hints -> (a -> State s -> Hints -> m b) ->
a -> State s -> Hints -> m b
accHints hs1 c x s hs2 = c x s (hs1 <> hs2)
-- | Replace most recent group of hints (if any) with given string. Used in
-- 'label' combinator.
refreshLastHint :: Hints -> String -> Hints
refreshLastHint (Hints []) _ = Hints []
refreshLastHint (Hints (_:xs)) "" = Hints xs
refreshLastHint (Hints (_:xs)) l = Hints ([l]:xs)
-- If you're reading this, you may be interested in how Megaparsec works on
-- lower level. That's quite simple. 'ParsecT' is a wrapper around function
-- that takes five arguments:
-- * State. It includes input stream, position in input stream and
-- user's backtracking state.
-- * “Consumed-OK” continuation (cok). This is just a function that
-- takes three arguments: result of parsing, state after parsing, and
-- hints (see their description above). This continuation is called when
-- something has been consumed during parsing and result is OK (no error
-- occurred).
-- * “Consumed-error” continuation (cerr). This function is called when
-- some part of input stream has been consumed and parsing resulted in
-- an error. When error happens, parsing stops and we're only interested
-- in error message, so this continuation takes 'ParseError' as its only
-- argument.
-- * “Empty-OK” continuation (eok). The function takes the same
-- arguments as “consumed-OK” continuation. “Empty-OK” is called when no
-- input has been consumed and no error occurred.
-- * “Empty-error” continuation (eerr). The function is called when no
-- input has been consumed, but nonetheless parsing resulted in an
-- error. Just like “consumed-error”, the continuation take single
-- argument — 'ParseError' record.
-- You call specific continuation when you want to proceed in that specific
-- branch of control flow.
-- | @Parsec@ is non-transformer variant of more general @ParsecT@
-- monad-transformer.
type Parsec s = ParsecT s Identity
-- | @ParsecT s m a@ is a parser with stream type @s@, underlying monad @m@
-- and return type @a@.
newtype ParsecT s m a = ParsecT
{ unParser :: forall b. State s
-> (a -> State s -> Hints -> m b) -- consumed-OK
-> (ParseError -> m b) -- consumed-error
-> (a -> State s -> Hints -> m b) -- empty-OK
-> (ParseError -> m b) -- empty-error
-> m b }
instance Functor (ParsecT s m) where
fmap = pMap
pMap :: (a -> b) -> ParsecT s m a -> ParsecT s m b
pMap f p = ParsecT $ \s cok cerr eok eerr ->
unParser p s (cok . f) cerr (eok . f) eerr
{-# INLINE pMap #-}
instance A.Applicative (ParsecT s m) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
(*>) = (>>)
p1 <* p2 = do { x1 <- p1 ; void p2 ; return x1 }
instance A.Alternative (ParsecT s m) where
empty = mzero
(<|>) = mplus
many p = reverse <$> manyAcc p
manyAcc :: ParsecT s m a -> ParsecT s m [a]
manyAcc p = ParsecT $ \s cok cerr eok _ ->
let errToHints c err = c (toHints err)
walk xs x s' _ =
unParser p s'
(seq xs $ walk $ x:xs) -- consumed-OK
cerr -- consumed-error
manyErr -- empty-OK
(errToHints $ cok (x:xs) s') -- empty-error
in unParser p s (walk []) cerr manyErr (errToHints $ eok [] s)
manyErr :: a
manyErr = error
"Text.Megaparsec.Prim.many: combinator 'many' is applied to a parser \
\that accepts an empty string."
instance Monad (ParsecT s m) where
return = pReturn
(>>=) = pBind
fail = pFail
pReturn :: a -> ParsecT s m a
pReturn x = ParsecT $ \s _ _ eok _ -> eok x s mempty
{-# INLINE pReturn #-}
pBind :: ParsecT s m a -> (a -> ParsecT s m b) -> ParsecT s m b
pBind m k = ParsecT $ \s cok cerr eok eerr ->
let mcok x s' hs = unParser (k x) s' cok cerr
(accHints hs cok) (withHints hs cerr)
meok x s' hs = unParser (k x) s' cok cerr
(accHints hs eok) (withHints hs eerr)
in unParser m s mcok cerr meok eerr
{-# INLINE pBind #-}
pFail :: String -> ParsecT s m a
pFail msg = ParsecT $ \s _ _ _ eerr ->
eerr $ newErrorMessage (Message msg) (statePos s)
{-# INLINE pFail #-}
-- | Low-level creation of the ParsecT type.
mkPT :: Monad m => (State s -> m (Consumed (m (Reply s a)))) -> ParsecT s m a
mkPT k = ParsecT $ \s cok cerr eok eerr -> do
cons <- k s
case cons of
Consumed mrep -> do
rep <- mrep
case rep of
Ok x s' -> cok x s' mempty
Error err -> cerr err
Empty mrep -> do
rep <- mrep
case rep of
Ok x s' -> eok x s' mempty
Error err -> eerr err
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (ParsecT s m) where
liftIO = lift . liftIO
instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (ParsecT s m) where
ask = lift ask
local f p = mkPT $ \s -> local f (runParsecT p s)
instance MonadState s m => MonadState s (ParsecT s' m) where
get = lift get
put = lift . put
instance MonadCont m => MonadCont (ParsecT s m) where
callCC f = mkPT $ \s ->
callCC $ \c ->
runParsecT (f (\a -> mkPT $ \s' -> c (pack s' a))) s
where pack s a = Empty $ return (Ok a s)
instance MonadError e m => MonadError e (ParsecT s m) where
throwError = lift . throwError
p `catchError` h = mkPT $ \s ->
runParsecT p s `catchError` \e ->
runParsecT (h e) s
instance MonadPlus (ParsecT s m) where
mzero = pZero
mplus = pPlus
pZero :: ParsecT s m a
pZero = ParsecT $ \(State _ pos) _ _ _ eerr -> eerr $ newErrorUnknown pos
pPlus :: ParsecT s m a -> ParsecT s m a -> ParsecT s m a
pPlus m n = ParsecT $ \s cok cerr eok eerr ->
let meerr err =
let ncerr err' = cerr (mergeError err' err)
neok x s' hs = eok x s' (toHints err <> hs)
neerr err' = eerr (mergeError err' err)
in unParser n s cok ncerr neok neerr
in unParser m s cok cerr eok meerr
{-# INLINE pPlus #-}
instance MonadTrans (ParsecT s) where
lift amb = ParsecT $ \s _ _ eok _ -> amb >>= \a -> eok a s mempty
-- Primitive combinators
infix 0 <?>
-- | Type class describing parsers independent of input type.
class (A.Alternative m, Monad m, Stream s t) =>
MonadParsec s m t | m -> s t where
-- | The parser @unexpected msg@ always fails with an unexpected error
-- message @msg@ without consuming any input.
-- The parsers 'fail', ('<?>') and @unexpected@ are the three parsers used
-- to generate error messages. Of these, only ('<?>') is commonly used.
unexpected :: String -> m a
-- | The parser @p \<?> msg@ behaves as parser @p@, but whenever the
-- parser @p@ fails /without consuming any input/, it replaces expect
-- error messages with the expect error message @msg@.
-- This is normally used at the end of a set alternatives where we want to
-- return an error message in terms of a higher level construct rather
-- than returning all possible characters. For example, if the @expr@
-- parser from the “try” example would fail, the error message is: “…:
-- expecting expression”. Without the @(\<?>)@ combinator, the message
-- would be like “…: expecting \"let\" or letter”, which is less friendly.
(<?>) :: m a -> String -> m a
(<?>) = flip label
-- | A synonym for @(\<?>)@, but as a function instead of an operator.
label :: String -> m a -> m a
label = flip (<?>)
-- | @hidden p@ behaves just like parser @p@, but it doesn't show any
-- “expected” tokens in error message when @p@ fails.
hidden :: m a -> m a
hidden = label ""
-- | The parser @try p@ behaves like parser @p@, except that it
-- pretends that it hasn't consumed any input when an error occurs.
-- This combinator is used whenever arbitrary look ahead is needed. Since
-- it pretends that it hasn't consumed any input when @p@ fails, the
-- ('A.<|>') combinator will try its second alternative even when the
-- first parser failed while consuming input.
-- For example, here is a parser that will /try/ (sorry for the pun) to
-- parse word “let” or “lexical”:
-- >>> parseTest (string "let" <|> string "lexical") "lexical"
-- parse error at line 1, column 1:
-- unexpected "lex"
-- expecting "let"
-- First parser consumed “le” and failed, @string "lexical"@ couldn't
-- succeed with “xical” as its input! Things get much better with help of
-- @try@:
-- >>> parseTest (try (string "let") <|> string "lexical") "lexical"
-- "lexical"
-- @try@ also improves error messages in case of overlapping alternatives,
-- because Megaparsec's hint system can be used:
-- >>> parseTest (try (string "let") <|> string "lexical") "le"
-- parse error at line 1, column 1:
-- unexpected "le"
-- expecting "let" or "lexical"
try :: m a -> m a
-- | @lookAhead p@ parses @p@ without consuming any input.
-- If @p@ fails and consumes some input, so does @lookAhead@. Combine with
-- 'try' if this is undesirable.
lookAhead :: m a -> m a
-- | @notFollowedBy p@ only succeeds when parser @p@ fails. This parser
-- does not consume any input and can be used to implement the “longest
-- match” rule.
notFollowedBy :: m a -> m ()
-- | This parser only succeeds at the end of the input.
eof :: m ()
-- | The parser @token nextPos testTok@ accepts a token @t@ with result
-- @x@ when the function @testTok t@ returns @'Just' x@. The position of
-- the /next/ token should be returned when @nextPos@ is called with the
-- current source position @pos@, the current token @t@ and the rest of
-- the tokens @toks@, @nextPos pos t toks@.
-- This is the most primitive combinator for accepting tokens. For
-- example, the 'Text.Megaparsec.Char.char' parser could be implemented
-- as:
-- > char c = token nextPos testChar
-- > where testChar x = if x == c then Just x else Nothing
-- > nextPos pos x xs = updatePosChar pos x
token :: (SourcePos -> t -> s -> SourcePos) -- ^ Next position calculating function.
-> (t -> Either [Message] a) -- ^ Matching function for the token to parse.
-> m a
-- | The parser @tokens posFromTok test@ parses list of tokens and returns
-- it. The resulting parser will use 'showToken' to pretty-print the
-- collection of tokens. Supplied predicate @test@ is used to check
-- equality of given and parsed tokens.
-- This can be used to example to write 'Text.Megaparsec.Char.string':
-- > string = tokens updatePosString (==)
tokens :: Eq t =>
(SourcePos -> [t] -> SourcePos) -- ^ Computes position of tokens.
-> (t -> t -> Bool) -- ^ Predicate to check equality of tokens.
-> [t] -- ^ List of tokens to parse
-> m [t]
-- | Returns the full parser state as a 'State' record.
getParserState :: m (State s)
-- | @updateParserState f@ applies function @f@ to the parser state.
updateParserState :: (State s -> State s) -> m ()
instance Stream s t => MonadParsec s (ParsecT s m) t where
unexpected = pUnexpected
label = pLabel
try = pTry
lookAhead = pLookAhead
notFollowedBy = pNotFollowedBy
eof = pEof
token = pToken
tokens = pTokens
getParserState = pGetParserState
updateParserState = pUpdateParserState
pUnexpected :: String -> ParsecT s m a
pUnexpected msg = ParsecT $ \(State _ pos) _ _ _ eerr ->
eerr $ newErrorMessage (Unexpected msg) pos
pLabel :: String -> ParsecT s m a -> ParsecT s m a
pLabel l p = ParsecT $ \s cok cerr eok eerr ->
let cok' x s' hs = cok x s' $ refreshLastHint hs l
eok' x s' hs = eok x s' $ refreshLastHint hs l
eerr' err = eerr $ setErrorMessage (Expected l) err
in unParser p s cok' cerr eok' eerr'
pTry :: ParsecT s m a -> ParsecT s m a
pTry p = ParsecT $ \s cok _ eok eerr -> unParser p s cok eerr eok eerr
{-# INLINE pTry #-}
pLookAhead :: ParsecT s m a -> ParsecT s m a
pLookAhead p = ParsecT $ \s _ cerr eok eerr ->
let eok' a _ _ = eok a s mempty
in unParser p s eok' cerr eok' eerr
{-# INLINE pLookAhead #-}
pNotFollowedBy :: Stream s t => ParsecT s m a -> ParsecT s m ()
pNotFollowedBy p = ParsecT $ \s@(State input pos) _ _ eok eerr ->
let l = maybe eoi (showToken . fst) (uncons input)
cok' _ _ _ = eerr $ unexpectedErr l pos
cerr' _ = eok () s mempty
eok' _ _ _ = eerr $ unexpectedErr l pos
eerr' _ = eok () s mempty
in unParser p s cok' cerr' eok' eerr'
pEof :: Stream s t => ParsecT s m ()
pEof = label eoi $ ParsecT $ \s@(State input pos) _ _ eok eerr ->
case uncons input of
Nothing -> eok () s mempty
Just (x,_) -> eerr $ unexpectedErr (showToken x) pos
{-# INLINE pEof #-}
pToken :: Stream s t =>
(SourcePos -> t -> s -> SourcePos)
-> (t -> Either [Message] a)
-> ParsecT s m a
pToken nextpos test = ParsecT $ \(State input pos) cok _ _ eerr ->
case uncons input of
Nothing -> eerr $ unexpectedErr eoi pos
Just (c,cs) ->
case test c of
Left ms -> eerr $ foldr addErrorMessage (newErrorUnknown pos) ms
Right x -> let newpos = nextpos pos c cs
newstate = State cs newpos
in seq newpos $ seq newstate $ cok x newstate mempty
{-# INLINE pToken #-}
pTokens :: Stream s t =>
(SourcePos -> [t] -> SourcePos)
-> (t -> t -> Bool)
-> [t]
-> ParsecT s m [t]
pTokens _ _ [] = ParsecT $ \s _ _ eok _ -> eok [] s mempty
pTokens nextpos test tts = ParsecT $ \(State input pos) cok cerr _ eerr ->
let errExpect x = setErrorMessage (Expected $ showToken tts)
(newErrorMessage (Unexpected x) pos)
walk [] _ rs = let pos' = nextpos pos tts
s' = State rs pos'
in cok tts s' mempty
walk (t:ts) is rs =
let errorCont = if null is then eerr else cerr
what = bool (showToken $ reverse is) "end of input" (null is)
in case uncons rs of
Nothing -> errorCont . errExpect $ what
Just (x,xs)
| test t x -> walk ts (x:is) xs
| otherwise -> errorCont . errExpect . showToken $ reverse (x:is)
in walk tts [] input
{-# INLINE pTokens #-}
pGetParserState :: ParsecT s m (State s)
pGetParserState = ParsecT $ \s _ _ eok _ -> eok s s mempty
{-# INLINE pGetParserState #-}
pUpdateParserState :: (State s -> State s) -> ParsecT s m ()
pUpdateParserState f = ParsecT $ \s _ _ eok _ -> eok () (f s) mempty
{-# INLINE pUpdateParserState #-}
unexpectedErr :: String -> SourcePos -> ParseError
unexpectedErr msg = newErrorMessage (Unexpected msg)
eoi :: String
eoi = "end of input"
-- Parser state combinators
-- | Returns the current source position. See also 'SourcePos'.
getPosition :: MonadParsec s m t => m SourcePos
getPosition = statePos <$> getParserState
-- | @setPosition pos@ sets the current source position to @pos@.
setPosition :: MonadParsec s m t => SourcePos -> m ()
setPosition pos = updateParserState (\(State s _) -> State s pos)
-- | Returns the current input.
getInput :: MonadParsec s m t => m s
getInput = stateInput <$> getParserState
-- | @setInput input@ continues parsing with @input@. The 'getInput' and
-- @setInput@ functions can for example be used to deal with #include files.
setInput :: MonadParsec s m t => s -> m ()
setInput s = updateParserState (\(State _ pos) -> State s pos)
-- | @setParserState st@ set the full parser state to @st@.
setParserState :: MonadParsec s m t => State s -> m ()
setParserState st = updateParserState (const st)
-- Running a parser
-- | @parse p file input@ runs a parser @p@ over 'Identity'. The
-- @file@ is only used in error messages and may be the empty
-- string. Returns either a 'ParseError' ('Left') or a value of type @a@
-- ('Right'). This is a synonym for 'runParser'.
-- > main = case (parse numbers "" "11, 2, 43") of
-- > Left err -> print err
-- > Right xs -> print (sum xs)
-- >
-- > numbers = commaSep integer
parse :: Stream s t => Parsec s a -> SourceName -> s -> Either ParseError a
parse = runParser
-- | @parse' p input@ runs parser @p@ on @input@ and returns result
-- inside 'Just' on success and 'Nothing' on failure. This function also
-- parses 'eof', so all input should be consumed by the parser @p@.
-- The function is supposed to be useful for lightweight parsing, where
-- error messages (and thus file name) are not important and entire input
-- should be parsed. For example it can be used when parsing of single
-- number according to specification of its format is desired.
parse' :: Stream s t => Parsec s a -> s -> Maybe a
parse' p s =
case parse (p <* eof) "" s of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right x -> Just x
-- | The expression @parseTest p input@ applies a parser @p@ against
-- input @input@ and prints the result to stdout. Used for testing.
parseTest :: (Stream s t, Show a) => Parsec s a -> s -> IO ()
parseTest p input =
case parse p "" input of
Left err -> putStr "parse error at " >> print err
Right x -> print x
-- | The most general way to run a parser over the 'Identity' monad.
-- @runParser p file input@ runs parser @p@ on the input list of tokens
-- @input@, obtained from source @file@. The @file@ is only used in error
-- messages and may be the empty string. Returns either a 'ParseError'
-- ('Left') or a value of type @a@ ('Right').
-- > parseFromFile p file = runParser p file <$> readFile file
runParser :: Stream s t => Parsec s a -> SourceName -> s -> Either ParseError a
runParser p name s = runIdentity $ runParserT p name s
-- | The most general way to run a parser. @runParserT p file input@ runs
-- parser @p@ on the input list of tokens @input@, obtained from source
-- @file@. The @file@ is only used in error messages and may be the empty
-- string. Returns a computation in the underlying monad @m@ that return
-- either a 'ParseError' ('Left') or a value of type @a@ ('Right').
runParserT :: (Monad m, Stream s t) =>
ParsecT s m a -> SourceName -> s -> m (Either ParseError a)
runParserT p name s = do
res <- runParsecT p $ State s (initialPos name)
r <- parserReply res
case r of
Ok x _ -> return $ Right x
Error err -> return $ Left err
where parserReply res =
case res of
Consumed r -> r
Empty r -> r
-- | Low-level unpacking of the ParsecT type. 'runParserT' and 'runParser'
-- are built upon this.
runParsecT :: Monad m => ParsecT s m a -> State s -> m (Consumed (m (Reply s a)))
runParsecT p s = unParser p s cok cerr eok eerr
where cok a s' _ = return . Consumed . return $ Ok a s'
cerr err = return . Consumed . return $ Error err
eok a s' _ = return . Empty . return $ Ok a s'
eerr err = return . Empty . return $ Error err