import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import { NDV, WorkflowPage as WorkflowPageClass } from '../pages'; const workflowPage = new WorkflowPageClass(); const ndv = new NDV(); describe('ADO-1338-ndv-missing-input-panel', () => { beforeEach(() => { workflowPage.actions.visit(); }); it('should show the input and output panels when node is missing input and output data', () => { cy.createFixtureWorkflow('Test_ado_1338.json', uuid()); // Execute the workflow workflowPage.getters.zoomToFitButton().click(); workflowPage.getters.executeWorkflowButton().click(); // Check success toast (works because Cypress waits enough for the element to show after the http request node has finished) workflowPage.getters.successToast().should('be.visible'); workflowPage.actions.openNode('Discourse1'); ndv.getters.inputPanel().should('be.visible'); ndv.getters.outputPanel().should('be.visible'); }); });