# Contributing to n8n Great that you are here and you want to contribute to n8n ## Code of Conduct This project and everyone participating in it are governed by the Code of Conduct which can be found in the file [CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to jan@n8n.io. ## Directory Structure n8n is split up in different modules which are all in a single mono repository. The most important directories: - [/docker/image](/docker/image) - Dockerfiles to create n8n containers - [/docker/compose](/docker/compose) - Examples Docker Setups - [/packages](/packages) - The different n8n modules - [/packages/cli](/packages/cli) - CLI code to run front- & backend - [/packages/core](/packages/core) - Core code which handles workflow execution, active webhooks and workflows - [/packages/editor-ui](/packages/editor-ui) - Vue frontend workflow editor - [/packages/node-dev](/packages/node-dev) - Simple CLI to create new n8n-nodes - [/packages/nodes-base](/packages/nodes-base) - Base n8n nodes - [/packages/worflow](/packages/worflow) - Workflow code with interfaces which get used by front- & backend ## Development Setup If you want to change or extend n8n you have to make sure that all needed dependencies are installed and the packages get linked correctly. Here a short guide on how that can be done: ### Requirements #### Build Tools The packages which n8n uses depend on a few build tools: Linux: ``` apt-get install -y build-essential python ``` Windows: ``` npm install -g windows-build-tools ``` #### lerna n8n is split up in different modules which are all in a single mono repository. To facilitate those modules management, [lerna](https://lerna.js.org) gets used. It automatically sets up file-links between modules which depend on each other. So for the setup to work correctly lerna has to be installed globally like this: ``` npm install -g lerna ``` ### Actual n8n setup Now that everything n8n requires to run is installed the actual n8n code can be checked out and set up: 1. Clone the repository ``` git clone https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n.git ``` 1. Go into repository folder ``` cd n8n ``` 1. Install all dependencies of all modules and link them together: ``` lerna bootstrap --hoist ``` 1. Build all the code: ``` npm run build ``` ### Start To start n8n execute: ``` npm run start ``` ## Development Cycle While iterating on n8n modules code, you can run `npm run dev`. It will then automatically build your code, restart the backend and refresh the frontend (editor-ui) on every change you make. 1. Start n8n in development mode: ``` npm run dev ``` 1. hack, hack, hack 1. Check if everything still runs in production mode ``` npm run build npm run start ``` 1. Create tests 1. Run all tests ``` npm run test ``` 1. Commit code and create pull request ### Test suite The tests can be started via: ``` npm run test ``` If that gets executed in one of the package folders it will only run the tests of this package. If it gets executed in the n8n-root folder it will run all tests of all packages.