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module Test.Snapshot where
import Prelude
import Bin.Operators (parseOperatorTable)
import Control.MonadZero (guard)
import Data.Array (dropEnd, mapMaybe)
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Array.NonEmpty as NEA
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (foldMap, foldl)
import Data.FoldableWithIndex (foldMapWithIndex)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Data.Posix.Signal (Signal(..))
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.String (Pattern(..), Replacement(..), split, stripSuffix)
import Data.String as String
import Data.String.Regex as Regex
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..), fst)
import DefaultOperators (defaultOperators)
import Dodo (PrintOptions)
import Dodo as Dodo
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, Error, catchError, effectCanceler, makeAff, try)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Exception (error)
import Node.Buffer (Buffer, freeze)
import Node.Buffer as Buffer
import Node.Buffer.Immutable as ImmutableBuffer
import Node.ChildProcess (ExecResult, defaultExecOptions)
import Node.ChildProcess as ChildProcess
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(..))
import Node.FS.Aff (readFile, writeFile)
import Node.Glob.Basic (expandGlobs)
import Node.Path (FilePath)
import PureScript.CST (RecoveredParserResult(..), parseModule)
import PureScript.CST.Errors (printParseError)
import PureScript.CST.Tidy (class FormatError, FormatOptions)
import PureScript.CST.Tidy as Tidy
import PureScript.CST.Tidy.Precedence (PrecedenceMap)
import PureScript.CST.Types (Module)
import Test.FormatDirective (defaultFormat, directiveRegex, parseDirectivesFromModule)
data SnapshotResult
= Passed
| Saved
| Accepted
| Failed String
| ErrorRunningTest Error
type SnapshotTest =
{ name :: String
, results :: Array { output :: String, result :: SnapshotResult, directive :: String }
isBad :: SnapshotResult -> Boolean
isBad = case _ of
Failed _ -> true
ErrorRunningTest _ -> true
_ -> false
newtype SnapshotResultGroup = SnapshotResultGroup
{ results :: Array SnapshotTest
, nested :: Map String SnapshotResultGroup
, hasBad :: Boolean
snapshotDirectory :: { path :: String, trimPath :: String -> String }
snapshotDirectory =
{ path: "./test/snapshots"
, trimPath: String.replace (Pattern "test/snapshots/") (Replacement "")
snapshotFormat :: Boolean -> Maybe Pattern -> Aff SnapshotResultGroup
snapshotFormat accept mbPattern = do
paths <- mapMaybe goPath <<< Array.fromFoldable <$> expandGlobs snapshotDirectory.path [ "**/*.purs" ]
tested <- for paths runSnapshot
pure $ groupSnapshots tested
groupSnapshots :: Array (Tuple (Array String) SnapshotTest) -> SnapshotResultGroup
groupSnapshots =
Array.sortWith fst
>>> foldl addToGroup (emptyGroup false)
addToGroup :: SnapshotResultGroup -> Tuple (Array String) SnapshotTest -> SnapshotResultGroup
addToGroup (SnapshotResultGroup { results, nested, hasBad }) (Tuple path result) = do
badResult = Array.any (_.result >>> isBad) result.results
case Array.uncons path of
Nothing ->
{ results: Array.snoc results result
, nested
, hasBad: hasBad || badResult
Just { head, tail } ->
{ results
, nested: Map.alter (fromMaybe (emptyGroup badResult) >>> flip addToGroup (Tuple tail result) >>> Just) head nested
, hasBad: hasBad || badResult
emptyGroup :: Boolean -> SnapshotResultGroup
emptyGroup hasBad = SnapshotResultGroup
{ results: []
, nested: Map.empty
, hasBad
goPath :: String -> Maybe { path :: FilePath, name :: String }
goPath path = do
splitPath = split (Pattern "/") path
name <- filterPath =<< stripSuffix (Pattern ".purs") =<< Array.last splitPath
pure { path, name }
filterPath = case mbPattern of
Just pat ->
\path ->
guard (String.contains pat path) $> path
Nothing ->
makeErrorResult :: String -> Error -> Aff SnapshotTest
makeErrorResult name err = pure { name, results: [ { output: "", result: ErrorRunningTest err, directive: "" } ] }
runSnapshot :: { path :: FilePath, name :: String } -> Aff (Tuple (Array String) SnapshotTest)
runSnapshot { path, name } = flip catchError (map (Tuple testPath) <<< makeErrorResult name) do
let outputPath = String.replace (Pattern ".purs") (Replacement ".output") path
contents <- liftEffect <<< bufferToUTF8 =<< readFile path
case parseModule contents of
ParseSucceeded mod ->
Tuple testPath <$> runSnapshotForModule name outputPath mod
ParseSucceededWithErrors mod _ ->
Tuple testPath <$> runSnapshotForModule name outputPath mod
ParseFailed err -> do
formattedError =
printParseError err.error
<> " at "
<> show (err.position.line + 1)
<> ":"
<> show (err.position.column + 1)
pure (Tuple testPath { name, results: [ { output: "", result: Failed formattedError, directive: "" } ] })
testPath :: Array String
testPath = dropEnd 1 $ String.split (Pattern "/") $ snapshotDirectory.trimPath path
runSnapshotForModule :: forall e. FormatError e => String -> FilePath -> Module e -> Aff SnapshotTest
runSnapshotForModule name outputPath mod = do
inputModule = parseDirectivesFromModule mod
formatModuleWith { printOptions, formatOptions } =
formatModule printOptions formatOptions inputModule.module
defaultFormattedModule =
formatModuleWith defaultFormat
snapshotOutputs =
Array.cons (Tuple "Default formatting" defaultFormattedModule)
$ map (\(Tuple s d) -> Tuple s (formatModuleWith d))
$ Map.toUnfoldable inputModule.directives
snapshotOutputFileContents = Array.fold
[ defaultFormattedModule
, inputModule.directives # foldMapWithIndex \directiveSource directive ->
<> directiveSource
<> "\n"
<> formatModuleWith directive
acceptOutput =
writeFile outputPath
=<< liftEffect (Buffer.fromString snapshotOutputFileContents UTF8)
savedOutputFile <- try $ readFile outputPath
case savedOutputFile of
Left _ -> do
{ name
, results: map (\(Tuple directive output) -> { result: Saved, output, directive }) snapshotOutputs
Right buffer -> do
storedOutput <- liftEffect $ bufferToUTF8 buffer
storedOutputDirectives :: Array String
storedOutputDirectives =
# Regex.match directiveRegex
# foldMap (NEA.toUnfoldable >>> Array.catMaybes)
# map String.trim
# Array.mapMaybe (\input -> if String.contains (String.Pattern "@format") input then Just input else Nothing)
matchedOutputs =
# Regex.split directiveRegex
# Array.zip snapshotOutputs
checkOutput :: Tuple (Tuple String String) String -> Aff { output :: String, result :: SnapshotResult, directive :: String }
checkOutput (Tuple (Tuple directive output) saved) =
if output == saved then
pure { output, result: Passed, directive }
else if accept then do
pure { output, result: Accepted, directive }
else do
diffCmd = "diff <(echo \"" <> output <> "\") <(echo \"" <> saved <> "\")"
{ stdout: diffBuff } <- exec diffCmd
diffOutput <- liftEffect $ bufferToUTF8 diffBuff
pure { output, result: Failed diffOutput, directive }
acceptedOutput :: Tuple String String -> Aff { output :: String, result :: SnapshotResult, directive :: String }
acceptedOutput (Tuple directive output) =
pure { output, result: Accepted, directive }
if storedOutputDirectives == Set.toUnfoldable (Map.keys inputModule.directives) then do
results <- for matchedOutputs checkOutput
pure { name, results }
else if accept then do
results <- for snapshotOutputs acceptedOutput
pure { name, results }
makeErrorResult name (error "Mismatched format options in output file.")
formatModule :: forall e a. PrintOptions -> FormatOptions e a -> Module e -> String
formatModule opts conf = Dodo.print Dodo.plainText opts <<< Tidy.toDoc <<< Tidy.formatModule (conf { operators = operators })
operators :: PrecedenceMap
operators = parseOperatorTable defaultOperators
exec :: String -> Aff ExecResult
exec command = makeAff \k -> do
childProc <- ChildProcess.exec command (defaultExecOptions { shell = Just "/bin/bash" }) (k <<< pure)
pure $ effectCanceler $ ChildProcess.kill SIGABRT childProc
bufferToUTF8 :: Buffer -> Effect String
bufferToUTF8 = map (ImmutableBuffer.toString UTF8) <<< freeze