2022-08-08 22:14:42 +03:00
//go:build mage
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
// Magefile for building/test sq. This magefile was originally copied from
// the Hugo magefile, and may contain functionality that can be ditched.
package main
// See https://magefile.org
// This file originally derived from the Hugo magefile, see https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo
import (
const (
packageName = "github.com/neilotoole/sq"
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
ldflags = "-X $PACKAGE/cli/buildinfo.Version=$BUILD_VERSION -X $PACKAGE/cli/buildinfo.Timestamp=$BUILD_TIMESTAMP -X $PACKAGE/cli/buildinfo.Commit=$BUILD_COMMIT"
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
var Default = Install
func ldflagsEnv() map[string]string {
hash := gitHeadCommit(true)
return map[string]string{
"PACKAGE": packageName,
"BUILD_TIMESTAMP": time.Now().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z0700"),
"BUILD_VERSION": generateBuildVersion(),
"BUILD_BRANCH": gitCurrentBranch(),
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
// Clean cleans the dist dirs, and binaries.
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
func Clean() error {
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
if err := sh.Run("rm", "-rf", "./dist*"); err != nil {
return err
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
// Delete the sq binary that "go build" might produce
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
if err := sh.Rm("./sq"); err != nil {
return err
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
if gopath, ok := os.LookupEnv("GOPATH"); ok {
if err := sh.Rm(filepath.Join(gopath, "bin", "sq")); err != nil {
return err
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
return nil
// Build builds sq.
func Build() error {
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
return sh.RunWith(ldflagsEnv(), "go", "build", "-ldflags", ldflags, packageName)
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
// Install installs the sq binary.
func Install() error {
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
return sh.RunWith(ldflagsEnv(), "go", "install", "-ldflags", ldflags, packageName)
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
// Test runs go test.
func Test() error {
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
return sh.RunV("go", "test", "-v", "./...")
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
// Lint runs the golangci-lint linters.
// The golangci-lint binary must be installed:
// $ brew install golangci-lint
// See .golangci.yml for configuration.
func Lint() error {
return sh.RunV("golangci-lint", "run", "./...")
2023-03-19 07:58:00 +03:00
// Fmt runs gofumpt on the source.
func Fmt() error {
return sh.RunV("gofumpt", "-l", "-w", ".")
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
// Generate generates SLQ parser Go files from the
// antlr grammar. Note that the antlr generator tool is Java-based; you
// must have Java installed.
func Generate() error {
return sh.Run("go", "generate", "./...")
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
func panicIf(err error) {
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
if err != nil {
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
// CheckDocker verifies that docker is running by executing echo
// on alpine.
func CheckDocker() error {
return execDocker("run", "-it", "alpine", "echo", "docker is working")
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
// execDocker executes a docker command with args, returning
// any error. Example:
// execDocker("run", "-it", "alpine", "echo", "hello world")
func execDocker(cmd string, args ...string) error {
args = append([]string{cmd}, args...)
return sh.RunV("docker", args...)
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
func gitHeadCommit(short bool) string {
args := []string{"rev-parse", "HEAD"}
if short {
args = []string{"rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"}
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
hash, err := sh.Output("git", args...)
return hash
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
func gitCommitForLatestTag() string {
hash, err := sh.Output("git", "rev-list", "--tags", "--max-count=1")
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
return hash
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
func gitTagForCommit(commit string) string {
tag, err := sh.Output("git", "describe", "--tags", commit)
return tag
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
func gitLatestTag() string {
commitForLatestTag := gitCommitForLatestTag()
tag := gitTagForCommit(commitForLatestTag)
return tag
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
func gitCurrentBranch() string {
branch, err := sh.Output("git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD")
return branch
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
func gitIsDirtyWorkingDir() bool {
diff, err := sh.Output("git", "diff", "HEAD")
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
// If no diff, then diff's output will be empty.
return diff != ""
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
// BuildVersion prints the build version that would be
// incorporated into the sq binary. The build version is of
// the form TAG[-SUFFIX], for example "v0.5.9-dev".
// - If working dir is dirty, or if the HEAD commit does not
// match the latest tag commit, the suffix is "-wip" (Work In
// Progress), e.g. "v0.5.9-wip".
// - Else, if the branch is not master, the branch name is
// used as the suffix, e.g. "v0.5.9-dev".
// - Else, we're on master and the HEAD commit is the latest
// tag, so the suffix is omitted, e.g. "v0.5.9".
func BuildVersion() {
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
func generateBuildVersion() string {
commitForLatestTag := gitCommitForLatestTag()
headCommit := gitHeadCommit(false)
latestTag := gitTagForCommit(commitForLatestTag)
currentBranch := gitCurrentBranch()
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
// If working dis is dirty or we're not on the latest tag,
// then add a "-wip" suffix (Work In Progress).
isDirty := gitIsDirtyWorkingDir()
if isDirty || headCommit != commitForLatestTag {
return latestTag + "-wip"
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
// Else, if the current branch is not master, append the
// branch.
if currentBranch != "master" {
return latestTag + "-" + currentBranch
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00
2022-12-24 19:43:21 +03:00
return latestTag
2020-08-06 20:58:47 +03:00