`sq` operates on data sources, which are treated as SQL databases (even if the source is really a CSV or XLSX file etc). In a nutshell, you add a source (giving it a `handle`), and then execute commands against the source.
Let's add a source. First we'll add a SQLite database, but this could also be Postgres, SQL Server, Excel, etc. Let's download the sample DB, and add the source.
`sq src` lists the _active source_, which in our case is `@sakila_sqlite3`. You can change the active source using `sq src @other_src`. When there's an active source set, you can usually omit the handle from commands. Thus you could instead do:
Use the `--json` flag to output in JSON (output abbreviated):
sq inspect -j
"handle": "@sakila_sqlite",
"name": "sakila.db",
"driver": "sqlite3",
"db_version": "3.31.1",
"location": "sqlite3:///root/sakila.db",
"size": 5828608,
"tables": [
"name": "actor",
"table_type": "table",
"row_count": 200,
"columns": [
"name": "actor_id",
"position": 0,
"primary_key": true,
"base_type": "numeric",
"column_type": "numeric",
"kind": "decimal",
"nullable": false
Combine `sq inspect` with [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) for some very useful capabilities. Here's how to [list](https://github.com/neilotoole/sq/wiki/Cookbook#list-name-of-each-table-in-a-source) all the table names in the active source:
$ sq inspect -j | jq -r '.tables[] | .name'
And here's how you could [export](https://github.com/neilotoole/sq/wiki/Cookbook#export-all-tables-to-csv) each table to a CSV file:
`sq` query results can be output in various formats (JSON, XML, CSV, etc), and can also be "outputted" as an *insert* into database sources.
Thus, you can use `sq` to copy a Postgres table into MySQL, or to copy an Excel worksheet into a SQLite table, or a CSV file into SQL Server table.
> **Note:** If you want to copy a table inside the same (database) source, use `sq tbl copy` instead, which uses the database's native table copy functionality.
For this example, we'll insert an Excel worksheet into our SQLite DB. First, we download the XLSX file, and `sq add` it as a source.
`sq` has rudimentary support for cross-source joins. That is, you can join an Excel sheet with a CSV file, or Postgres table, etc.
> Note that the current mechanism for these joins is highly naive: it basically copies the joined table from each source to a "scratch database" (SQLite by default), and then performs the JOIN using the scratch database's SQL interface. Thus, performance is currently abysmal for larger tables.
See the [tutorial](https://github.com/neilotoole/sq/wiki/Tutorial#join) for further details, but given an Excel source `@xl_demo` and a CSV source `@csv_demo`, you can do:
`sq` provides several handy commands for working with tables. Note that these commands work directly against SQL database sources, using their native SQL commands.
- The [_Sakila_](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/sakila/en/) example databases were lifted from [jOOQ](https://github.com/jooq/jooq), which in turn owe their heritage to earlier work on Sakila.