codebase refactor

This commit is contained in:
Neil O'Toole 2020-08-06 11:58:47 -06:00
parent 1a2c9baaf6
commit fd4ae53f31
1391 changed files with 477563 additions and 580250 deletions

View File

@ -1,28 +1,97 @@
name: Go
on: [push]
name: Build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
os: [ macos-latest, ubuntu-latest, windows-latest]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: Set up Go 1.14
uses: actions/setup-go@v1
go-version: 1.14
id: go
- name: Set up Go 1.13
uses: actions/setup-go@v1
go-version: 1.13
id: go
- name: Check out code into the Go module directory
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Check out code into the Go module directory
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Get dependencies
run: |
go get -v -t -d ./...
- name: Get dependencies
run: |
go get -v -t -d ./...
if [ -f Gopkg.toml ]; then
curl | sh
dep ensure
- name: Build
run: go build -v .
- name: Build
run: go build -v .
# build-macos:
# name: Build macOS
# runs-on: macos-latest
# steps:
# - name: Set up Go 1.14
# uses: actions/setup-go@v1
# with:
# go-version: 1.14
# id: go
# - name: Check out code into the Go module directory
# uses: actions/checkout@v2
# - name: Get dependencies
# run: |
# go get -v -t -d ./...
# - name: Build
# run: go build -v .
# build-linux:
# name: Build Linux
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Set up Go 1.14
# uses: actions/setup-go@v1
# with:
# go-version: 1.14
# id: go
# - name: Check out code into the Go module directory
# uses: actions/checkout@v2
# - name: Get dependencies
# run: |
# go get -v -t -d ./...
# - name: Build
# run: go build -v .
# build-windows:
# name: Build Windows
# runs-on: windows-latest
# steps:
# - name: Set up Go 1.14
# uses: actions/setup-go@v1
# with:
# go-version: 1.14
# id: go
# - name: Check out code into the Go module directory
# uses: actions/checkout@v2
# - name: Get dependencies
# run: |
# go get -v -t -d ./...
# - name: Build
# run: go build -v .

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -23,18 +23,21 @@ _testmain.go
# Some apps create temp files when editing, e.g. Excel with drivers/xlsx/testdata/~$test_header.xlsx

.golangci.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
list-type: blacklist
# logging is allowed only by logutils.Log, logrus
# is allowed to use only in logutils package
# -
# - "logging is allowed only by logutils.Log"
threshold: 100
lines: 200
statements: 100
min-len: 2
min-occurrences: 3
- diagnostic
- experimental
- opinionated
- performance
- style
- dupImport #
- ifElseChain
- octalLiteral
- whyNoLint
- wrapperFunc
# minimal code complexity to report, 30 by default (but we recommend 10-20)
min-complexity: 36
min-complexity: 36
# local-prefixes:
min-confidence: 0
# don't include the "operation" and "assign"
checks: argument,case,condition,return
check-shadowing: true
- (
- (
- (
line-length: 180
suggest-new: true
locale: US
# please, do not use `enable-all`: it's deprecated and will be removed soon.
# inverted configuration with `enable-all` and `disable` is not scalable during updates of golangci-lint
disable-all: true
- bodyclose
- deadcode
- depguard
- dogsled
- dupl
- errcheck
- funlen
- gochecknoinits
- goconst
- gocritic
- gocyclo
- gofmt
- goimports
- golint
#- gomnd
- goprintffuncname
- gosec
- gosimple
- govet
- ineffassign
- interfacer
- lll
# - misspell
- nakedret
- rowserrcheck
- scopelint
- staticcheck
- structcheck
- stylecheck
- typecheck
- unconvert
- unparam
- unused
- varcheck
- whitespace
# - gochecknoglobals
- gocognit
# - godox
- maligned
- prealloc
# Excluding configuration per-path, per-linter, per-text and per-source
- path: _test\.go
- gomnd
- lll
- maligned
- dupl
- funlen
- linters:
- gosec
text: "G[202]"
- testdata
# - internal/cache
# - internal/renameio
# - internal/robustio
# configuration
golangci-lint-version: 1.27.x # use the fixed version to not introduce new linters unexpectedly
- echo "here I can run custom commands, but no preparation needed for this repo"

.goreleaser.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
project_name: sq
- GO111MODULE=on
- go version # prints the Go version used for build (can be seen when --debug flag is passed to goreleaser)
- go mod download
- id: build_macos
ldflags: -s -w -X{{.Version}} -X{{.Date}} -X{{ .ShortCommit }}
binary: sq
- CC=o64-clang
- CXX=o64-clang++
main: ./main.go
- darwin
- amd64
- id: build_linux
binary: sq
main: ./main.go
- linux
- amd64
# Note the additional ldflags (-linkmode etc), and the "-tags=netgo" in
# flags below. This is to build a static binary.
ldflags: -linkmode external -extldflags -static -s -w -X{{.Version}} -X{{.Date}} -X{{ .ShortCommit }}
- -tags=netgo
- -v
- id: build_windows
ldflags: -s -w -X{{.Version}} -X{{.Date}} -X{{ .ShortCommit }}
binary: sq
- CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
- CXX=x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++
main: ./main.go
- windows
- amd64
# - id: sq_macos_archive
# builds:
# - build_macos
# name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}-{{.Version}}-{{.Os}}"
# format: tar.gz
# replacements:
# darwin: macos
# files:
# -
# - id: sq_linux_archive
# builds:
# - build_linux
# name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}-{{.Version}}-{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}"
# format: tar.gz
# replacements:
# files:
# -
# - id: sq_windows_archive
# builds:
# - build_windows
# name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}-{{.Version}}-{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}"
# format: zip
# replacements:
# files:
# -
builds: ['build_macos', 'build_linux', 'build_windows']
name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}-{{.Version}}-{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}"
format: tar.gz
# amd64: 64-bit
# 386: 32-bit
darwin: macOS
# linux: Tux
- goos: windows
format: zip
name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}-{{.Version}}-checksums.txt"
name_template: "{{ .Version }}-snapshot"
skip: true
sort: asc
- '^docs:'
- '^test:'
- '^dev:'
- Merge pull request
- Merge branch
owner: neilotoole
name: sq-preview
draft: true
prerelease: auto
# # Repo in which the release will be created.
# # We are using neilotoole/sq-preview for now.
# github:
# owner: neilotoole
# name: sq-preview
# # IDs of the archives to use. Defaults to all.
# ids:
# - sq_macos_archive
# - sq_linux_archive
# - sq_windows_archive
# # If set to true, will not auto-publish the release. Default is false.
# draft: false
# # If set to auto, will mark the release as not ready for production
# # in case there is an indicator for this in the tag e.g. v1.0.0-rc1
# # If set to true, will mark the release as not ready for production.
# # Default is false.
# prerelease: auto
# # You can change the name of the GitHub release.
# # Default is `{{.Tag}}`
# # name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}-v{{.Version}} {{.Env.USER}}"
# # You can disable this pipe in order to not upload any artifacts to
# # GitHub. Defaults to false.
# disable: false
# # You can add extra pre-existing files to the release.
# # The filename on the release will be the last part of the path (base). If
# # another file with the same name exists, the latest one found will be used.
# # Defaults to empty.
# extra_files:
# # - glob: ./path/to/file.txt
# # - glob: ./glob/**/to/**/file/**/*
# # - glob: ./glob/foo/to/bar/file/foobar/override_from_previous
name: sq
homepage: ""
description: "sq is sed for structured data"
caveats: "This is a preview release of sq. Use with caution."
# ids:
# - sq_macos_archive
owner: neilotoole
name: homebrew-sq
url_template: "{{ .Tag }}/{{ .ArtifactName }}"
name: neilotoole
folder: Formula
test: |
system "#{bin}/sq version"
install: |
bin.install "sq"
# Setting this will prevent goreleaser to actually try to commit the updated
# formula - instead, the formula file will be stored on the dist folder only,
# leaving the responsibility of publishing it to the user.
# If set to auto, the release will not be uploaded to the homebrew tap
# in case there is an indicator for prerelease in the tag e.g. v1.0.0-rc1
# Default is false.
skip_upload: false
# scoop is a package installer for Windows, like brew for macOS.
# For background, see
url_template: "{{ .Tag }}/{{ .ArtifactName }}"
owner: neilotoole
name: sq-preview
name: neilotoole
homepage: ""
description: "sq is sed for structured data"
license: MIT
builds: ['build_linux']
file_name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}-{{.Version}}-{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}"
description: sq is sed for structured data
maintainer: Neil O'Toole <>
license: MIT
vendor: Neil O'Toole
- deb
- rpm
# For this to work, snapcraft needs to be installed.
# On macOS, "brew install snapcraft", then "snapcraft login".
# ID of the snapcraft config, must be unique.
# Defaults to "default".
id: neilotoole-sq
- build_linux
# The name of the snap. This is optional.
# Default is project name.
name: neilotoole-sq
# name_template: '`{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}`'
# name_template: "{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}"
name_template: "neilotoole-sq-{{ .Version }}-{{ .Os }}-{{ .Arch }}"
# name_template: "neilotoole-sq"
summary: "sq is sed for structured data"
description: |
sq is sed for structured data. See
grade: devel
confinement: devmode
# Whether to publish the snap to the snapcraft store.
# Remember you need to `snapcraft login` first.
# Defaults to false.
publish: true
license: MIT
# A snap of type base to be used as the execution environment for this snap.
# Valid values are:
# * bare - Empty base snap;
# * core - Ubuntu Core 16;
# * core18 - Ubuntu Core 18.
# Default is empty.
base: core18
# Each binary built by GoReleaser is an app inside the snap. In this section
# you can declare extra details for those binaries. It is optional.
# The name of the app must be the same name as the binary built or the snapcraft name.
# neilotoole-sq:
# Declare "home" and "network" plugs to grant access to
# the user home dir, and the network
plugs: ["home", "network"]
# If your app requires extra permissions to work outside of its default
# confined space, declare them here.
# You can read the documentation about the available plugs and the
# things they allow:
# plugs: ["home", "network", "personal-files"]
# If you want your app to be autostarted and to always run in the
# background, you can make it a simple daemon.
# daemon: simple
# If you any to pass args to your binary, you can add them with the
# args option.
# args: --foo
# Bash completion snippet. More information about completion here:
# completer: drumroll-completion.bash
#name: foo
# config-foo:
# interface: personal-files
# read:
# - $HOME/.config/foo
# foo:
# plugs:
# - config-foo
# ...

.lnav.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
"sq_log": {
"title": "sq",
"url": "https://sq,io",
"description": "Log format for sq",
"json": true,
"hide-extra": false,
"file-pattern": "sq.log",
"multiline": true,
"line-format": [
"field": "__timestamp__",
"timestamp-format": "%H:%M:%S.%L"
"field": "level",
"text-transform": "uppercase"
"field": "caller",
"max-width": 72,
"min-width": 72,
"overflow": "dot-dot"
" ",
"field": "msg"
"level-field": "level",
"level": {
"error": "error",
"debug": "debug",
"warning": "warn"
"highlights": {
"caller": {
"pattern": "caller",
"underline": true
"timestamp-field": "time",
"body-field": "msg",
"value": {
"time": {
"kind": "string",
"identifier": true
"level": {
"kind": "string",
"identifier": true
"caller": {
"kind": "string",
"identifier": true
"msg": {
"kind": "quoted",
"identifier": false

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
FROM golang:1.7.1
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends jq tar zip
RUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
ENV PATH $GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH
RUN mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src" "$GOPATH/bin" && chmod -R 777 "$GOPATH"
RUN mkdir -p "$REPOPATH"
RUN make install-go-tools

View File

@ -1,21 +1,3 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Neil O'Toole <>
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Neil O'Toole <>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
sq is proprietary software created by Neil O'Toole.

View File

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
# Makefile for sq - simple queryer for structured data
BINARY := sq
BUILD_TIMESTAMP := $(shell date +'%FT%T%z')
# SOURCES is the .go files for the project, excluding test files
SOURCES := $(shell find . -name '*.go' ! -name '*_test.go' ! -path "./test/*" ! -path "./tools/*" ! -path "./build/*" ! -path "./vendor/*")
# SOURCES_NO_GENERATED is SOURCES excluding the generated parser files
SOURCES_NO_GENERATED := $(shell find . -name '*.go' ! -name '*_test.go' ! -path "./libsq/slq/*" ! -path "./test/*" ! -path "./tools/*" ! -path "./build/*" ! -path "./vendor/*")
# LDFLAGS are compiler flags, in this case to strip the binary of unneeded stuff
LDFLAGS="-s -w"
default: install
install: $(SOURCES) imports build-assets
@go install
@mkdir -p ./build/assets
@echo $(BUILD_VERSION) > ./build/assets/build_version.txt
@echo $(BUILD_TIMESTAMP) > ./build/assets/build_timestamp.txt
@cd ./build/assets && go-bindata -pkg assets -o ../../cmd/assets/assets.go .
test: $(SOURCES) imports
govendor test -timeout 10s ./libsq/...
govendor test -timeout 10s ./cmd/...
testv: $(SOURCES) imports
govendor test -v -timeout 10s ./libsq/...
govendor test -v -timeout 10s ./cmd/...
rm -f ./sq # Delete the sq binary in the project root
rm -vf $(shell which sq)
rm -rf ./bin/*
rm -rf ./build/*
rm -rf ./dist/*
@goimports -w -srcdir ./vendor/ ./libsq/
@goimports -w -srcdir ./vendor/ ./cmd/
@golint ./cmd/...
@golint ./libsq # Because we want to exclude the generated parser files from linting, we invoke go lint repeatedly (could be doing this wrong)
@golint ./libsq/ast/...
@golint ./libsq/drvr/...
@golint ./libsq/engine
@golint ./libsq/shutdown/...
@golint ./libsq/util/...
@go vet ./libsq/...
@go vet ./cmd/...
check: $(SOURCES) imports lint vet
go get
go get
go get
go get
go get
@echo $(SOURCES)
dist: clean test build-assets
xgo -go=1.7.1 -dest=./dist -ldflags=$(LDFLAGS) -targets=darwin/amd64,linux/amd64,windows/amd64 .
mkdir -p ./dist/darwin64
mv ./dist/sq-darwin-10.6-amd64 ./dist/darwin64/sq
tar -C ./dist/darwin64 -cvzf ./dist/darwin64/sq-$(BUILD_VERSION)-darwin64.tar.gz sq
mkdir -p ./dist/linux64
mv ./dist/sq-linux-amd64 ./dist/linux64/sq
tar -C ./dist/linux64 -cvzf ./dist/linux64/sq-$(BUILD_VERSION)-linux64.tar.gz sq
mkdir -p ./dist/win64
mv ./dist/sq-windows-4.0-amd64.exe ./dist/win64/sq.exe
zip -jr ./dist/win64/sq-$(BUILD_VERSION) ./dist/win64/sq.exe
@cd ./tools && ./
cd ./test/mysql && ./
cd ./test/postgres && ./

View File

@ -1,96 +1,39 @@
# sq: simple queryer for structured data
# sq: swiss army knife for data
`sq` is a command-line tool that provides uniform access to structured data sources.
This includes traditional SQL-style databases, or document formats such as JSON, XML, Excel etc.
`sq` is a swiss army knife for data. `sq` provides uniform access to
structured data sources like traditional SQL-style databases,
or document formats such as CSV or Excel. `sq` can perform cross-source joins, execute database-native SQL, and output to a multitude of formats including JSON, Excel, CSV, HTML markdown and XML, or output directly to a SQL database. `sq` can inspect sources to see metadata about the source structure (tables, columns, size) and has commands for frequent database operations such as copying or dropping tables.
## Installation
> sq '.user | .uid, .username, .email'
"uid": 1,
"username": "neilotoole",
"email": ""
"uid": 2,
"username": "ksoze",
"email": ""
"uid": 3,
"username": "kubla",
"email": ""
### From source
From the `sq` project dir:
```shell script
> go install
> `sq` defines its own query language, seen above, formally known as `SLQ`.
For usage information or to download the binaries, see the `sq` [manual](
## Development
These steps are for Mac OS X (tested on El Capitan `10.11.16`). The examples assume username `ksoze`.
### Prerequisites
- [brew](
- [Xcode]( dev tools.
- [jq]( `brew install jq 1.5`
- [Go]( `brew install go 1.7.1`
- [Docker](
- [Java]( is required if you're working on the *SLQ* grammar.
### Fork
Fork this [repo](, e.g. to ``.
Clone the forked repo and set the `upstream` remote:
The simple go install does not populate the binary with build info that
is output via the `sq version` command. To do so, use [mage](
```shell script
> brew install mage
> mage install
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd ./sq
git remote add upstream
# verify that the remote was set
git remote -v
### Make
From `$GOPATH/src/`, run `./`. This will run `make test`
inside a docker container.
For developing locally, this sequence should get you started:
### Other installation options
make install-go-tools
make start-test-containers
make test
make install
make smoke
make dist
Note that running these steps may take some time (in particular due the use of
Cgo and cross-compiling distributables). Try `sq ls`. Note that by default `sq` uses `~/.sq/sq.yml` as
its config store, and outputs debug logs to `~/.sq/sq.log`.
For homebrew, scoop, rpm etc, see the [wiki](
Assuming the test containers are running (`make start-test-containers`), this workflow is suggested:
- Make your changes
- Run `make test && make install && make smoke`
## Contributing
When your changes are ready and tested, run `make dist` and a final `make smoke`.
Push the changes to your own fork, and then open a PR against the upstream repo. The PR should include a link
to the GitHub issue(s) that it addresses, and it must include the output of `make smoke`.
## Acknowledgements
- The [_Sakila_]( example databases were lifted from [jOOQ](, which
in turn owe their heritage to earlier work on Sakila.
- The `sq` query language was inspired by [jq](

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// Package buildinfo hosts build info variables populated via ldflags.
package buildinfo
var (
// Version is the build version.
Version string
// Commit is the commit hash.
Commit string
// Timestamp is the timestamp of when the cli was built.
Timestamp string

cli/cli.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
// Package cli implements sq's CLI. The spf13/cobra library
// is used, with some notable modifications. Although cobra
// provides excellent functionality, it has some issues.
// Most prominently, its documentation suggests reliance
// upon package-level constructs for initializing the
// command tree (bad for testing). Also, it doesn't provide support
// for context.Context: see
// which has been lingering for a while at the time of writing.
// Thus, this cmd package deviates from cobra's suggested
// usage pattern by eliminating all pkg-level constructs
// (which makes testing easier), and also replaces cobra's
// Command.RunE func signature with a signature that accepts
// as its first argument the RunContext type.
// RunContext is similar to context.Context (and contains
// an instance of that), but also encapsulates injectable
// resources such as config and logging.
// The entry point to this pkg is the Execute function.
package cli
import (
// errNoMsg is a sentinel error indicating that a command
// has failed, but that no error message should be printed.
// This is useful in the case where any error information may
// already have been printed as part of the command output.
var errNoMsg = errors.New("")
// Execute builds a RunContext using ctx and default
// settings, and invokes ExecuteWith.
func Execute(ctx context.Context, stdin *os.File, stdout, stderr io.Writer, args []string) error {
rc, err := newDefaultRunContext(ctx, stdin, stdout, stderr)
if err != nil {
printError(rc, err)
return err
defer rc.Close() // ok to call rc.Close on nil rc
return ExecuteWith(rc, args)
// ExecuteWith invokes the cobra CLI framework, ultimately
// resulting in a command being executed. The caller must
// invoke rc.Close.
func ExecuteWith(rc *RunContext, args []string) error {
rc.Log.Debugf("EXECUTE: %s", strings.Join(args, " "))
rc.Log.Debugf("Using config: %s", rc.ConfigStore.Location())
rootCmd := newCommandTree(rc)
// The following is a workaround for the fact that cobra doesn't currently
// support executing the root command with arbitrary args. That is to say,
// if you execute:
// sq arg1 arg2
// then cobra will look for a command named "arg1", and when it
// doesn't find such a command, it returns an "unknown command"
// error.
cmd, _, err := rootCmd.Find(args[1:])
if err != nil {
// This err will be the "unknown command" error.
// cobra still returns cmd though. It should be
// the root cmd.
if cmd == nil || cmd.Name() != rootCmd.Name() {
// should never happen
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad cobra cmd state: %v", cmd))
// If we have args [sq, arg1, arg2] the we redirect
// to the "query" command by modifying args to
// look like: [query, arg1, arg2] -- noting that SetArgs
// doesn't want the first args element.
queryCmdArgs := append([]string{"slq"}, args[1:]...)
} else {
if cmd.Name() == rootCmd.Name() {
// Not sure why we have two paths to this, but it appears
// that we've found the root cmd again, so again
// we redirect to "query" cmd.
a := append([]string{"slq"}, args[1:]...)
} else {
// It's just a normal command like "sq ls" or such.
// Explicitly set the args on rootCmd as this makes
// cobra happy when this func is executed via tests.
// Haven't explored the reason why.
// Execute the rootCmd; cobra will find the appropriate
// sub-command, and ultimately execute that command.
err = rootCmd.Execute()
if err != nil {
printError(rc, err)
return err
// newCommandTree builds sq's command tree, returning
// the root cobra command.
func newCommandTree(rc *RunContext) (rootCmd *cobra.Command) {
rootCmd = newRootCmd()
// The --help flag must be explicitly added to rootCmd,
// or else cobra tries to do its own (unwanted) thing.
// The behavior of cobra in this regard seems to have
// changed? This particular incantation currently does the trick.
rootCmd.Flags().Bool(flagHelp, false, "Show sq help")
helpCmd := addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newHelpCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newSLQCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newSQLCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newSrcCommand)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newSrcAddCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newSrcListCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newSrcRemoveCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newScratchCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newInspectCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newPingCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newVersionCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newDriversCmd)
notifyCmd := addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newNotifyCmd)
addCmd(rc, notifyCmd, newNotifyListCmd)
addCmd(rc, notifyCmd, newNotifyRemoveCmd)
notifyAddCmd := addCmd(rc, notifyCmd, newNotifyAddCmd)
addCmd(rc, notifyAddCmd, newNotifyAddSlackCmd)
addCmd(rc, notifyAddCmd, newNotifyAddHipChatCmd)
tblCmd := addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newTblCmd)
addCmd(rc, tblCmd, newTblCopyCmd)
addCmd(rc, tblCmd, newTblTruncateCmd)
addCmd(rc, tblCmd, newTblDropCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newInstallBashCompletionCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newGenerateZshCompletionCmd)
return rootCmd
// runFunc is an expansion of cobra's RunE func that
// adds a RunContext as the first param.
type runFunc func(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error
// addCmd adds the command returned by cmdFn to parentCmd.
func addCmd(rc *RunContext, parentCmd *cobra.Command, cmdFn func() (*cobra.Command, runFunc)) *cobra.Command {
cmd, fn := cmdFn()
if cmd.Name() != "help" {
// Don't add the --help flag to the help command.
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagHelp, false, "help for "+cmd.Name())
cmd.PreRunE = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
rc.Cmd = cmd
rc.Args = args
err := rc.preRunE()
return err
cmd.RunE = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
rc.Log.Debugf("sq %s [%s]", cmd.Name(), strings.Join(args, ","))
if cmd.Flags().Changed(flagVersion) {
// Bit of a hack: flag --version on any command
// results in execVersion being invoked
return execVersion(rc, cmd, args)
return fn(rc, cmd, args)
// We handle the errors ourselves (rather than let cobra do it)
cmd.SilenceErrors = true
cmd.SilenceUsage = true
return cmd
// RunContext is a container for injectable resources passed
// to all execX funcs. The Close method should be invoked when
// the RunContext is no longer needed.
type RunContext struct {
// Context is the run's context.Context.
Context context.Context
// Stdin typically is os.Stdin, but can be changed for testing.
Stdin *os.File
// Out is the output destination.
// If nil, default to stdout.
Out io.Writer
// ErrOut is the error output destination.
// If nil, default to stderr.
ErrOut io.Writer
// Cmd is the command instance provided by cobra for
// the currently executing command. This field will
// be set before the command's runFunc is invoked.
Cmd *cobra.Command
// Args is the arg slice supplied by cobra for
// the currently executing command. This field will
// be set before the command's runFunc is invoked.
Args []string
// Config is the run's config.
Config *config.Config
// ConfigStore is run's config store.
ConfigStore config.Store
// Log is the run's logger.
Log lg.Log
wrtr *writers
reg *driver.Registry
files *source.Files
dbases *driver.Databases
clnup *cleanup.Cleanup
// newDefaultRunContext returns a RunContext configured
// with standard values for logging, config, etc. This
// effectively is the bootstrap mechanism for sq.
// Note: This func always returns a RunContext, even if
// an error occurs during bootstrap of the RunContext (for
// example if there's a config error). We do this to provide
// enough framework so that such an error can be logged or
// printed per the normal mechanisms if at all possible.
func newDefaultRunContext(ctx context.Context, stdin *os.File, stdout, stderr io.Writer) (*RunContext, error) {
rc := &RunContext{
Context: ctx,
Stdin: stdin,
Out: stdout,
ErrOut: stderr,
log, clnup, loggingErr := defaultLogging()
rc.Log = log
rc.clnup = clnup
cfg, cfgStore, configErr := defaultConfig()
rc.ConfigStore = cfgStore
rc.Config = cfg
switch {
case rc.Log == nil:
rc.Log = lg.Discard()
case rc.clnup == nil:
rc.clnup = cleanup.New()
case rc.Config == nil:
rc.Config = config.New()
if configErr != nil {
// configErr is more important, return that first
return rc, configErr
if loggingErr != nil {
return rc, loggingErr
return rc, nil
// preRunE is invoked by cobra prior to the command RunE being
// invoked. It sets up the registry, databases, writer and related
// fundamental components.
func (rc *RunContext) preRunE() error {
rc.clnup = cleanup.New()
log, cfg := rc.Log, rc.Config
if cmdFlagChanged(rc.Cmd, flagOutput) {
fpath, _ := rc.Cmd.Flags().GetString(flagOutput)
fpath, err := filepath.Abs(fpath)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "failed to get absolute path for --%s", flagOutput)
f, err := os.Create(fpath)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "failed to open file specified by flag --%s", flagOutput)
rc.clnup.AddC(f) // Make sure the file gets closed eventually
rc.Out = f
rc.wrtr = newWriters(rc.Log, rc.Cmd, rc.Config.Options, rc.Out, rc.ErrOut)
var scratchSrcFunc driver.ScratchSrcFunc
// scratchSrc could be nil, and that's ok
scratchSrc := cfg.Sources.Scratch()
if scratchSrc == nil {
scratchSrcFunc = sqlite3.NewScratchSource
} else {
scratchSrcFunc = func(log lg.Log, name string) (src *source.Source, clnup func() error, err error) {
return scratchSrc, nil, nil
rc.reg = driver.NewRegistry(log)
rc.dbases = driver.NewDatabases(log, rc.reg, scratchSrcFunc)
var err error
rc.files, err = source.NewFiles(log)
if err != nil {
return err
rc.reg.AddProvider(sqlite3.Type, &sqlite3.Provider{Log: log})
rc.reg.AddProvider(postgres.Type, &postgres.Provider{Log: log})
rc.reg.AddProvider(sqlserver.Type, &sqlserver.Provider{Log: log})
rc.reg.AddProvider(mysql.Type, &mysql.Provider{Log: log})
csvp := &csv.Provider{Log: log, Scratcher: rc.dbases, Files: rc.files}
rc.reg.AddProvider(csv.TypeCSV, csvp)
rc.reg.AddProvider(csv.TypeTSV, csvp)
rc.files.AddTypeDetectors(csv.DetectCSV, csv.DetectTSV)
rc.reg.AddProvider(xlsx.Type, &xlsx.Provider{Log: log, Scratcher: rc.dbases, Files: rc.files})
// One day we may have more supported user driver genres.
userDriverImporters := map[string]userdriver.ImportFunc{
xmlud.Genre: xmlud.Import,
for i, userDriverDef := range cfg.Ext.UserDrivers {
userDriverDef := userDriverDef
errs := userdriver.ValidateDriverDef(userDriverDef)
if len(errs) > 0 {
err := errz.Combine(errs...)
err = errz.Wrapf(err, "failed validation of user driver definition [%d] (%q) from config",
i, userDriverDef.Name)
return err
importFn, ok := userDriverImporters[userDriverDef.Genre]
if !ok {
return errz.Errorf("unsupported genre %q for user driver %q specified via config",
userDriverDef.Genre, userDriverDef.Name)
// For each user driver definition, we register a
// distinct userdriver.Provider instance.
udp := &userdriver.Provider{
Log: log,
DriverDef: userDriverDef,
ImportFn: importFn,
Scratcher: rc.dbases,
Files: rc.files,
rc.reg.AddProvider(source.Type(userDriverDef.Name), udp)
return nil
// Close should be invoked to dispose of any open resources
// held by rc. If an error occurs during close and rc.Log
// is not nil, that error is logged at WARN level before
// being returned.
func (rc *RunContext) Close() error {
if rc == nil {
return nil
err := rc.clnup.Run()
if err != nil && rc.Log != nil {
rc.Log.Warnf("failed to close RunContext: %v", err)
return err
// writers returns this run context's writers instance.
func (rc *RunContext) writers() *writers {
return rc.wrtr
// registry returns rc's Registry instance.
func (rc *RunContext) registry() *driver.Registry {
return rc.reg
// registry returns rc's Databases instance.
func (rc *RunContext) databases() *driver.Databases {
return rc.dbases
// writers is a container for the various output writer types.
type writers struct {
fmt *output.Formatting
recordw output.RecordWriter
metaw output.MetadataWriter
srcw output.SourceWriter
notifyw output.NotificationWriter
errw output.ErrorWriter
pingw output.PingWriter
func newWriters(log lg.Log, cmd *cobra.Command, opts config.Options, out, errOut io.Writer) *writers {
fm, out, errOut := getWriterFormatting(cmd, out, errOut)
// we need to determine --header here because the writer/format
// constructor functions, e.g. table.NewRecordWriter, require it.
hasHeader := false
switch {
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagHeader):
hasHeader = true
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagNoHeader):
hasHeader = false
// get the default --header value from config
hasHeader = opts.Header
verbose := false
if cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagVerbose) {
verbose, _ = cmd.Flags().GetBool(flagVerbose)
// Package tablew has writer impls for all of the writer interfaces,
// so we use its writers as the baseline. Later we check the format
// flags and set the various writer fields depending upon which
// writers the format implements.
w := &writers{
fmt: fm,
recordw: tablew.NewRecordWriter(out, fm, hasHeader),
metaw: tablew.NewMetadataWriter(out, fm),
srcw: tablew.NewSourceWriter(out, fm, hasHeader, verbose),
pingw: tablew.NewPingWriter(out, fm),
notifyw: tablew.NewNotifyWriter(out, fm, hasHeader),
errw: tablew.NewErrorWriter(errOut, fm),
// Invoke getFormat to see if the format was specified
// via config or flag.
format := getFormat(cmd, opts)
switch format {
// No format specified, use JSON
w.recordw = jsonw.NewStdRecordWriter(out, fm)
w.metaw = jsonw.NewMetadataWriter(out, fm)
w.errw = jsonw.NewErrorWriter(log, errOut, fm)
case config.FormatTable:
// Table is the base format, already set above, no need to do anything.
case config.FormatTSV:
w.recordw = csvw.NewRecordWriter(out, hasHeader, csvw.Tab)
w.pingw = csvw.NewPingWriter(out, csvw.Tab)
case config.FormatCSV:
w.recordw = csvw.NewRecordWriter(out, hasHeader, csvw.Comma)
w.pingw = csvw.NewPingWriter(out, csvw.Comma)
case config.FormatXML:
w.recordw = xmlw.NewRecordWriter(out, fm)
case config.FormatXLSX:
w.recordw = xlsxw.NewRecordWriter(out, hasHeader)
case config.FormatRaw:
w.recordw = raww.NewRecordWriter(out)
case config.FormatHTML:
w.recordw = htmlw.NewRecordWriter(out)
case config.FormatMarkdown:
w.recordw = markdownw.NewRecordWriter(out)
case config.FormatJSONA:
w.recordw = jsonw.NewArrayRecordWriter(out, fm)
case config.FormatJSONL:
w.recordw = jsonw.NewObjectRecordWriter(out, fm)
return w
// getWriterFormatting returns a Formatting instance and
// colorable or non-colorable writers. It is permissible
// for the cmd arg to be nil.
func getWriterFormatting(cmd *cobra.Command, out, errOut io.Writer) (fm *output.Formatting, out2, errOut2 io.Writer) {
fm = output.NewFormatting()
if cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagPretty) {
fm.Pretty, _ = cmd.Flags().GetBool(flagPretty)
// TODO: Should get this default value from config
colorize := true
if cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagOutput) {
// We're outputting to a file, thus no color.
colorize = false
} else if cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagMonochrome) {
if mono, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool(flagMonochrome); mono {
colorize = false
if !colorize {
color.NoColor = true // TODO: shouldn't rely on package-level var
out2 = out
errOut2 = errOut
return fm, out2, errOut2
// We do want to colorize
if !isColorTerminal(out) {
// But out can't be colorized.
color.NoColor = true
out2, errOut2 = out, errOut
return fm, out2, errOut2
// out can be colorized.
color.NoColor = false
out2 = colorable.NewColorable(out.(*os.File))
// Check if we can colorize errOut
if isColorTerminal(errOut) {
errOut2 = colorable.NewColorable(errOut.(*os.File))
} else {
// errOut2 can't be colorized, but since we're colorizing
// out, we'll apply the non-colorable filter to errOut.
errOut2 = colorable.NewNonColorable(errOut)
return fm, out2, errOut2
func getFormat(cmd *cobra.Command, opts config.Options) config.Format {
var format config.Format
switch {
// cascade through the format flags in low-to-high order of precedence.
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagTSV):
format = config.FormatTSV
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagCSV):
format = config.FormatCSV
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagXLSX):
format = config.FormatXLSX
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagXML):
format = config.FormatXML
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagRaw):
format = config.FormatRaw
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagHTML):
format = config.FormatHTML
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagMarkdown):
format = config.FormatMarkdown
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagTable):
format = config.FormatTable
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagJSONL):
format = config.FormatJSONL
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagJSONA):
format = config.FormatJSONA
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagJSON):
format = config.FormatJSON
// no format flag, use the config value
format = opts.Format
return format
// defaultLogging returns a log (and its associated closer) if
// logging has been enabled via envars.
func defaultLogging() (lg.Log, *cleanup.Cleanup, error) {
truncate, _ := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv(envarLogTruncate))
logFilePath, ok := os.LookupEnv(envarLogPath)
if !ok || logFilePath == "" || strings.TrimSpace(logFilePath) == "" {
return lg.Discard(), nil, nil
// Let's try to create the dir holding the logfile... if it already exists,
// then os.MkdirAll will just no-op
parent := filepath.Dir(logFilePath)
err := os.MkdirAll(parent, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return lg.Discard(), nil, errz.Wrapf(err, "failed to create parent dir of log file %s", logFilePath)
flag := os.O_APPEND
if truncate {
flag = os.O_TRUNC
logFile, err := os.OpenFile(logFilePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|flag, 0666)
if err != nil {
return lg.Discard(), nil, errz.Wrapf(err, "unable to open log file %q", logFilePath)
clnup := cleanup.New().AddE(logFile.Close)
log := zaplg.NewWith(logFile, "json", true, true, true, 0)
return log, clnup, nil
// defaultConfig loads sq config from the default location
// (~/.config/sq/sq.yml) or the location specified in envars.
func defaultConfig() (*config.Config, config.Store, error) {
cfgDir, ok := os.LookupEnv(envarConfigDir)
if !ok {
// envar not set, let's use the default
home, err := homedir.Dir()
if err != nil {
// TODO: we should be able to run without the homedir... revisit this
return nil, nil, errz.Wrap(err, "unable to get user home dir for config purposes")
cfgDir = filepath.Join(home, ".config", "sq")
cfgPath := filepath.Join(cfgDir, "sq.yml")
extDir := filepath.Join(cfgDir, "ext")
cfgStore := &config.YAMLFileStore{Path: cfgPath, ExtPaths: []string{extDir}}
if !cfgStore.FileExists() {
cfg := config.New()
return cfg, cfgStore, nil
// file does exist, let's try to load it
cfg, err := cfgStore.Load()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return cfg, cfgStore, nil
// printError is the centralized function for printing
// and logging errors. This func has a lot of (possibly needless)
// redundancy; ultimately err will print if non-nil (even if
// rc or any of its fields are nil).
func printError(rc *RunContext, err error) {
log := lg.Discard()
if rc != nil && rc.Log != nil {
log = rc.Log
if err == nil {
log.Warnf("printError called with nil error")
if err == errNoMsg {
// errNoMsg is a sentinel err that sq doesn't want to print
switch errz.Cause(err) {
case context.Canceled:
err = errz.New("stopped")
case context.DeadlineExceeded:
err = errz.New("timeout")
var cmd *cobra.Command
if rc != nil {
cmd = rc.Cmd
cmdName := "unknown"
if cmd != nil {
cmdName = fmt.Sprintf("[cmd:%s] ", cmd.Name())
log.Errorf("%s [%T] %+v", cmdName, err, err)
wrtrs := rc.writers()
if wrtrs != nil && wrtrs.errw != nil {
// If we have an errorWriter, we print to it
// and return.
// Else we don't have an errorWriter, so we fall through
// If we get this far, something went badly wrong in bootstrap
// (probably the config is corrupt).
// At this point, we could just print err to os.Stderr and be done.
// However, our philosophy is to always provide the ability
// to output errors in json if possible. So, even though cobra
// may not have initialized and our own config may be borked, we
// will still try to determine if the user wants the error
// in json, specified via flags (by directly using the pflag
// package) or via sq config's default output format.
// getWriterFormatting works even if cmd is nil
fm, _, errOut := getWriterFormatting(cmd, os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
if bootstrapIsFormatJSON(rc) {
// The user wants JSON, either via defaults or flags.
jw := jsonw.NewErrorWriter(log, errOut, fm)
// The user didn't want JSON, so we just print to stderr.
if isColorTerminal(os.Stderr) {
fm.Error.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "sq: "+err.Error())
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "sq: "+err.Error())
// cmdFlagChanged returns true if cmd is non-nil and
// has the named flag and that flag been changed.
func cmdFlagChanged(cmd *cobra.Command, name string) bool {
if cmd == nil {
return false
flag := cmd.Flag(name)
if flag == nil {
return false
return flag.Changed
// bootstrapIsFormatJSON is a last-gasp attempt to check if the user
// supplied --json=true on the command line, to determine if a
// bootstrap error (hopefully rare) should be output in JSON.
func bootstrapIsFormatJSON(rc *RunContext) bool {
// If no RunContext, assume false
if rc == nil {
return false
defaultFormat := config.FormatTable
if rc.Config != nil {
defaultFormat = rc.Config.Options.Format
// If args were provided, create a new flag set and check
// for the --json flag.
if len(rc.Args) > 0 {
flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("bootstrap", pflag.ContinueOnError)
jsonFlag := flags.BoolP(flagJSON, flagJSONShort, false, flagJSONUsage)
err := flags.Parse(rc.Args)
if err != nil {
return false
// No --json flag, return true if the config file default is JSON
if jsonFlag == nil {
return defaultFormat == config.FormatJSON
return *jsonFlag
// No args, return true if the config file default is JSON
return defaultFormat == config.FormatJSON

cli/cli_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
package cli_test
import (
func TestSmoke(t *testing.T) {
// Execute a bunch of smoke test cases.
sqargs := func(a ...string) []string {
return append([]string{"sq"}, a...)
testCases := []struct {
a []string
// errBecause, if non-empty, indicates an error is expected.
errBecause string
{a: sqargs("ls")},
{a: sqargs("ls", "-v")},
{a: sqargs("ls", "--help")},
{a: sqargs("inspect"), errBecause: "no active data source"},
{a: sqargs("inspect", "--help")},
{a: sqargs("version")},
{a: sqargs("--version")},
{a: sqargs("help")},
{a: sqargs("--help")},
{a: sqargs("ping", "all")},
{a: sqargs("ping", "--help")},
{a: sqargs("ping"), errBecause: "no active data source"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(strings.Join(tc.a, "_"), func(t *testing.T) {
rc, out, errOut := newTestRunCtx(testlg.New(t))
err := cli.ExecuteWith(rc, tc.a)
// We log sq's output before doing assert, because it reads
// better in testing's output that way.
if out.Len() > 0 {
t.Log(strings.TrimSuffix(out.String(), "\n"))
if errOut.Len() > 0 {
t.Log(strings.TrimSuffix(errOut.String(), "\n"))
if tc.errBecause != "" {
assert.Error(t, err, tc.errBecause)
} else {
assert.NoError(t, err, tc.errBecause)
func TestCreateTblTestBytes(t *testing.T) {
th, src, _, _ := testh.NewWith(t, sakila.Pg9)
tblDef := sqlmodel.NewTableDef(
[]string{"col_name", "col_bytes"},
[]sqlz.Kind{sqlz.KindText, sqlz.KindBytes},
fBytes := proj.ReadFile(fixt.GopherPath)
data := []interface{}{fixt.GopherFilename, fBytes}
require.Equal(t, int64(1), th.CreateTable(true, src, tblDef, data))
// TestOutputRaw verifies that the raw output format works.
// We're particularly concerned that bytes output is correct.
func TestOutputRaw(t *testing.T) {
for _, handle := range sakila.SQLAll {
handle := handle
t.Run(handle, func(t *testing.T) {
// Sanity check
wantBytes := proj.ReadFile(fixt.GopherPath)
require.Equal(t, fixt.GopherSize, len(wantBytes))
_, err := gif.Decode(bytes.NewReader(wantBytes))
require.NoError(t, err)
tblDef := sqlmodel.NewTableDef(
[]string{"col_name", "col_bytes"},
[]sqlz.Kind{sqlz.KindText, sqlz.KindBytes},
th, src, _, _ := testh.NewWith(t, handle)
// Create the table and insert data
insertRow := []interface{}{fixt.GopherFilename, wantBytes}
require.Equal(t, int64(1), th.CreateTable(true, src, tblDef, insertRow))
// 1. Query and check that libsq is returning bytes correctly.
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT col_bytes FROM %s WHERE col_name = '%s'",
tblDef.Name, fixt.GopherFilename)
sink, err := th.QuerySQL(src, query)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(sink.Recs))
require.Equal(t, sqlz.KindBytes, sink.RecMeta[0].Kind())
dbBytes := *(sink.Recs[0][0].(*[]byte))
require.Equal(t, fixt.GopherSize, len(dbBytes))
require.Equal(t, wantBytes, dbBytes)
// 1. Now that we've verified libsq, we'll test cli. First
// using using --output=/path/to/file
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
outputPath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "gopher.gif")
t.Cleanup(func() {
ru := newRun(t).add(*src).hush()
err = ru.exec("sql", "--raw", "--output="+outputPath, query)
require.NoError(t, err)
outputBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(outputPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, fixt.GopherSize, len(outputBytes))
_, err = gif.Decode(bytes.NewReader(outputBytes))
require.NoError(t, err)
// 2. Now test that stdout also gets the same data
ru = newRun(t).add(*src)
err = ru.exec("sql", "--raw", query)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, wantBytes, ru.out.Bytes())

cli/cmd_add.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
package cli
import (
func newSrcAddCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "add [--driver=TYPE] [--handle=@HANDLE] LOCATION",
Example: ` # add a Postgres source; will have generated handle @sakila_pg
sq add 'postgres://user:pass@localhost/sakila?sslmode=disable'
# same as above, but explicitly setting flags
sq add --handle=@sakila_pg --driver=postgres 'postgres://user:pass@localhost/sakila?sslmode=disable'
# same as above, but with short flags
sq add -h @sakila_pg --d postgres 'postgres://user:pass@localhost/sakila?sslmode=disable'
# add a SQL Server source; will have generated handle @sakila_mssql
sq add 'sqlserver://user:pass@localhost?database=sakila'
# add a sqlite db
sq add ./testdata/sqlite1.db
# add an Excel spreadsheet, with options
sq add ./testdata/test1.xlsx --opts=header=true
# add a CSV source, with options
sq add ./testdata/person.csv --opts='header=true'
# add a CSV source from a server (will be downloaded)
sq add
Short: "Add data source",
Long: `Add data source specified by LOCATION and optionally identified by @HANDLE.
The format of LOCATION varies, but is generally a DB connection string, a
file path, or a URL.
If flag --handle is omitted, sq will generate a handle based
on LOCATION and the source driver type.
If flag --driver is omitted, sq will attempt to determine the
type from LOCATION via file suffix, content type, etc.. If the result
is ambiguous, specify the driver tye type via flag --driver.
Flag --opts sets source specific options. Generally opts are relevant
to document source types (such as a CSV file). The most common
use is to specify that the document has a header row:
sq add actor.csv --opts=header=true
Available source driver types can be listed via "sq drivers".
At a minimum, the following drivers are bundled:
sqlite3 SQLite3
postgres Postgres
sqlserver Microsoft SQL Server
xlsx Microsoft Excel XLSX
mysql MySQL
csv Comma-Separated Values
tsv Tab-Separated Values
cmd.Flags().StringP(flagDriver, flagDriverShort, "", flagDriverUsage)
cmd.Flags().StringP(flagSrcOptions, "", "", flagSrcOptionsUsage)
cmd.Flags().StringP(flagHandle, flagHandleShort, "", flagHandleUsage)
return cmd, execSrcAdd
func execSrcAdd(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) != 1 {
return errz.Errorf(msgInvalidArgs)
cfg := rc.Config
loc := source.AbsLocation(strings.TrimSpace(args[0]))
var err error
var typ source.Type
if cmd.Flags().Changed(flagDriver) {
val, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString(flagDriver)
typ = source.Type(strings.TrimSpace(val))
if !rc.reg.HasProviderFor(typ) {
return errz.Errorf("unsupported source driver type %q", val)
} else {
typ, err = rc.files.Type(rc.Context, loc)
if err != nil {
return errz.Errorf("unable to determine source driver type: use --driver flag")
var handle string
if cmd.Flags().Changed(flagHandle) {
handle, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(flagHandle)
} else {
handle, err = source.SuggestHandle(typ, loc, cfg.Sources.Exists)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrap(err, "unable to suggest a handle: use --handle flag")
if stringz.InSlice(source.ReservedHandles(), handle) {
return errz.Errorf("handle reserved for system use: %s", handle)
err = source.VerifyLegalHandle(handle)
if err != nil {
return err
if cfg.Sources.Exists(handle) {
return errz.Errorf("source handle already exists: %s", handle)
var opts options.Options
if cmd.Flags().Changed(flagSrcOptions) {
val, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString(flagSrcOptions)
val = strings.TrimSpace(val)
if val != "" {
opts, err = options.ParseOptions(val)
if err != nil {
return err
// Special handling for SQLite, because it's a file-based SQL DB
// unlike the other SQL DBs sq supports so far.
// Both of these forms are allowed:
// sq add sqlite3:///path/to/sakila.db
// sq add /path/to/sakila.db
// The second form is particularly nice for bash completion etc.
if typ == sqlite3.Type {
if !strings.HasPrefix(loc, "sqlite3:") {
loc = "sqlite3:" + loc
src, err := newSource(rc.Log, rc.registry(), typ, handle, loc, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
err = cfg.Sources.Add(src)
if err != nil {
return err
if cfg.Sources.Active() == nil {
// If no current active data source, use this one.
_, err = cfg.Sources.SetActive(src.Handle)
if err != nil {
return err
drvr, err := rc.registry().DriverFor(src.Type)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: should we really be pinging this src right now?
err = drvr.Ping(rc.Context, src)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "failed to ping %s [%s]", src.Handle, src.RedactedLocation())
err = rc.ConfigStore.Save(rc.Config)
if err != nil {
return err
return rc.writers().srcw.Source(src)

cli/cmd_add_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
package cli_test
import (
func TestCmdAdd(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
testCases := []struct {
loc string // first arg to "add" cmd
driver string // --driver flag
handle string // --handle flag
wantHandle string
wantType source.Type
wantErr bool
{loc: "", wantErr: true},
{loc: " ", wantErr: true},
{loc: "/", wantErr: true},
{loc: "../../", wantErr: true},
{loc: "does/not/exist", wantErr: true},
{loc: "_", wantErr: true},
{loc: ".", wantErr: true},
{loc: "/", wantErr: true},
{loc: "../does/not/exist.csv", wantErr: true},
{loc: proj.Rel(sakila.PathCSVActor), handle: "@h1", wantHandle: "@h1", wantType: csv.TypeCSV}, // relative path
{loc: proj.Abs(sakila.PathCSVActor), handle: "@h1", wantHandle: "@h1", wantType: csv.TypeCSV}, // absolute path
{loc: proj.Abs(sakila.PathCSVActor), wantHandle: "@actor_csv", wantType: csv.TypeCSV},
{loc: proj.Abs(sakila.PathCSVActor), driver: "csv", wantHandle: "@actor_csv", wantType: csv.TypeCSV},
{loc: proj.Abs(sakila.PathCSVActor), driver: "xlsx", wantErr: true},
// sqlite can be added both with and without the scheme "sqlite://"
{loc: "sqlite3://" + proj.Abs(sakila.PathSL3), wantHandle: "@sakila_sqlite", wantType: sqlite3.Type}, // with scheme
{loc: proj.Abs(sakila.PathSL3), wantHandle: "@sakila_sqlite", wantType: sqlite3.Type}, // without scheme, abs path
{loc: proj.Rel(sakila.PathSL3), wantHandle: "@sakila_sqlite", wantType: sqlite3.Type}, // without scheme, relative path
{loc: th.Source(sakila.Pg).Location, wantHandle: "@sakila_pg", wantType: postgres.Type},
{loc: th.Source(sakila.MS).Location, wantHandle: "@sakila_mssql", wantType: sqlserver.Type},
{loc: th.Source(sakila.My).Location, wantHandle: "@sakila_my", wantType: mysql.Type},
{loc: proj.Abs(sakila.PathCSVActor), handle: source.StdinHandle, wantErr: true}, // reserved handle
{loc: proj.Abs(sakila.PathCSVActor), handle: source.ActiveHandle, wantErr: true}, // reserved handle
{loc: proj.Abs(sakila.PathCSVActor), handle: source.ScratchHandle, wantErr: true}, // reserved handle
{loc: proj.Abs(sakila.PathCSVActor), handle: source.JoinHandle, wantErr: true}, // reserved handle
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(testh.TName(tc.wantHandle, tc.loc, tc.driver), func(t *testing.T) {
args := []string{"add", tc.loc}
if tc.handle != "" {
args = append(args, "--handle="+tc.handle)
if tc.driver != "" {
args = append(args, "--driver="+tc.driver)
ru := newRun(t)
err := ru.exec(args...)
if tc.wantErr {
require.Error(t, err)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Verify that the src was actually added
gotSrc, err := ru.rc.Config.Sources.Get(tc.wantHandle)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tc.wantHandle, gotSrc.Handle)
require.Equal(t, tc.wantType, gotSrc.Type)

cli/cmd_completion.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
package cli
import (
const bashCompletionFunc = `
local sq_output out
if sq_output=$(sq ls 2>/dev/null); then
out=($(echo "${sq_output}" | awk 'NR > 1 {print $1}'))
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${out[*]}" -- "$cur" ) )
if [[ ${#nouns[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
return 1
__sq_list_sources ${nouns[${#nouns[@]} -1]}
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
return 0
__custom_func() {
case ${last_command} in
sq_ls | sq_src | sq_rm | sq_inspect )
func newInstallBashCompletionCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "install-bash-completion",
Short: "Install bash completion script on Unix-ish systems.",
Hidden: true,
return cmd, execInstallBashCompletion
func execInstallBashCompletion(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
log := rc.Log
var path string
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "windows":
log.Warnf("skipping install bash completion on windows")
return nil
case "darwin":
path = "/usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/sq"
// it's unixish
path = " /etc/bash_completion.d/sq"
// TODO: only write if necessary (check for version/timestamp/checksum)
err := cmd.Root().GenBashCompletionFile(path)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed to write bash completion to %q: %v", path, err)
return err
return nil
func newGenerateZshCompletionCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "gen-zsh-completion",
Short: "Generate zsh completion script on Unix-ish systems.",
Hidden: true,
return cmd, execGenerateZshCompletion
func execGenerateZshCompletion(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
log := rc.Log
var path string
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "windows":
log.Warnf("skipping install zsh completion on windows")
return nil
case "darwin":
path = "/usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/sq"
// it's unixish
path = " /etc/bash_completion.d/sq"
err := cmd.Root().GenZshCompletion(os.Stdout)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed to write zsh completion to %q: %v", path, err)
return err
return nil

cli/cmd_drivers.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package cli
import (
func newDriversCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "drivers",
Short: "List available drivers",
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagJSON, flagJSONShort, false, flagJSONUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagTable, flagTableShort, false, flagTableUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagHeader, flagHeaderShort, false, flagHeaderUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagNoHeader, flagNoHeaderShort, false, flagNoHeaderUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagMonochrome, flagMonochromeShort, false, flagMonochromeUsage)
return cmd, execDrivers
func execDrivers(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) > 0 {
return errz.Errorf("invalid arguments: zero arguments expected")
drvrs := rc.registry().DriversMetadata()
return rc.writers().metaw.DriverMetadata(drvrs)

cli/cmd_help.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package cli
import ""
func newHelpCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "help",
Short: "Show sq help",
Hidden: true,
return cmd, execHelp
func execHelp(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return cmd.Root().Help()

cli/cmd_inspect.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
package cli
import (
func newInspectCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "inspect [@HANDLE|@HANDLE.TABLE|.TABLE]",
Example: ` # inspect active data source
sq inspect
# inspect @pg1 data source
sq inspect @pg1
# inspect 'tbluser' in @pg1 data source
sq inspect @pg1.tbluser
# inspect 'tbluser' in active data source
sq inspect .tbluser
# inspect piped data
cat data.xlsx | sq inspect`,
Short: "Inspect data source schema and stats",
Long: `Inspect a data source, including table schemata, columns, etc.
If @HANDLE is not provided, use the active data source.`,
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagJSON, flagJSONShort, false, flagJSONUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagTable, flagTableShort, false, flagTableUsage)
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagInspectFull, false, flagInspectFullUsage)
return cmd, execInspect
func execInspect(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) > 1 {
return errz.Errorf("too many arguments")
srcs := rc.Config.Sources
var src *source.Source
var table string
var err error
if len(args) == 0 {
// No args supplied.
// There are two paths from here:
// - There's input on stdin, which we'll inspect, or
// - We're inspecting the active src
// check if there's input on stdin
src, err = checkStdinSource(rc)
if err != nil {
return err
if src != nil {
// We have a valid source on stdin.
// Add the source to the set.
err = srcs.Add(src)
if err != nil {
return err
// Set the stdin pipe data source as the active source,
// as it's commonly the only data source the user is acting upon.
src, err = srcs.SetActive(src.Handle)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// No source on stdin. Let's see if there's an active source.
src = srcs.Active()
if src == nil {
return errz.Errorf("no data source specified and no active data source")
} else {
// We received an argument, which can be one of these forms:
// @my1 -- inspect the named source
// @my1.tbluser -- inspect a table of the named source
// .tbluser -- inspect a table from the active source
var handle string
handle, table, err = source.ParseTableHandle(args[0])
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrap(err, "invalid input")
if handle == "" {
src = srcs.Active()
if src == nil {
return errz.Errorf("no data source specified and no active data source")
} else {
src, err = srcs.Get(handle)
if err != nil {
return err
dbase, err := rc.databases().Open(rc.Context, src)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "failed to inspect %s", src.Handle)
defer rc.Log.WarnIfCloseError(dbase)
if table != "" {
var tblMeta *source.TableMetadata
tblMeta, err = dbase.TableMetadata(rc.Context, table)
if err != nil {
return err
return rc.writers().metaw.TableMetadata(tblMeta)
meta, err := dbase.SourceMetadata(rc.Context)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "failed to read %s source metadata", src.Handle)
// This is a bit hacky, but it works... if not "--full", then just zap
// the DBVars, as we usually don't want to see those
if !cmd.Flags().Changed(flagInspectFull) {
meta.DBVars = nil
return rc.writers().metaw.SourceMetadata(meta)

cli/cmd_inspect_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
package cli_test
import (
func TestCmdInspect(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(sakila.SL3)
ru := newRun(t)
err := ru.exec("inspect")
require.Error(t, err, "should fail because no active src")
ru = newRun(t)
ru.add(*src) // now have an active src
err = ru.exec("inspect", "--json")
require.NoError(t, err, "should pass because there is an active src")
md := &source.Metadata{}
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(ru.out.Bytes(), md))
require.Equal(t, sqlite3.Type, md.SourceType)
require.Equal(t, sakila.SL3, md.Handle)
require.Equal(t, src.Location, md.Location)
require.Equal(t, sakila.AllTbls, md.TableNames())
// Try one more source for good measure
ru = newRun(t)
src = th.Source(sakila.CSVActor)
err = ru.exec("inspect", "--json", src.Handle)
require.NoError(t, err)
md = &source.Metadata{}
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(ru.out.Bytes(), md))
require.Equal(t, csv.TypeCSV, md.SourceType)
require.Equal(t, sakila.CSVActor, md.Handle)
require.Equal(t, src.Location, md.Location)
require.Equal(t, []string{source.MonotableName}, md.TableNames())
func TestCmdInspect_Stdin(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
fpath string
wantErr bool
wantType source.Type
wantTbls []string
{fpath: proj.Abs(sakila.PathCSVActor), wantType: csv.TypeCSV, wantTbls: []string{source.MonotableName}},
{fpath: proj.Abs(sakila.PathTSVActor), wantType: csv.TypeTSV, wantTbls: []string{source.MonotableName}},
{fpath: proj.Abs(sakila.PathXLSX), wantType: xlsx.Type, wantTbls: sakila.AllTbls},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(testh.TName(tc.fpath), func(t *testing.T) {
testh.SkipShort(t, tc.wantType == xlsx.Type)
f, err := os.Open(tc.fpath)
require.NoError(t, err)
ru := newRun(t)
ru.rc.Stdin = f
err = ru.exec("inspect", "--json")
if tc.wantErr {
require.Error(t, err)
require.NoError(t, err, "should read from stdin")
md := &source.Metadata{}
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(ru.out.Bytes(), md))
require.Equal(t, tc.wantType, md.SourceType)
require.Equal(t, source.StdinHandle, md.Handle)
require.Equal(t, source.StdinHandle, md.Location)
require.Equal(t, tc.wantTbls, md.TableNames())

cli/cmd_list.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package cli
import (
func newSrcListCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "ls",
Short: "List data sources",
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagVerbose, flagVerboseShort, false, flagVerboseUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagHeader, flagHeaderShort, false, flagHeaderUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagNoHeader, flagNoHeaderShort, false, flagNoHeaderUsage)
return cmd, execSrcList
func execSrcList(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) != 0 {
return errz.Errorf(msgInvalidArgs)
return rc.writers().srcw.SourceSet(rc.Config.Sources)

cli/cmd_notify.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
package cli
import (
func newNotifyCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "notify",
Hidden: true, // Not advertising this feature right now
Short: "Manage notification destinations",
Example: `sq notify ls
sq notify add slack devops [...]
sq notify rm devops
sq notify add --help`,
return cmd, func(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return cmd.Help()
func newNotifyListCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "ls",
Aliases: []string{"list"},
Short: "List notification destinations",
return cmd, execNotifyList
func execNotifyList(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return rc.writers().notifyw.NotifyDestinations(rc.Config.Notification.Destinations)
func newNotifyRemoveCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "rm",
Aliases: []string{"remove"},
Short: "Remove notification destination",
return cmd, execNotifyRemove
func execNotifyRemove(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) != 1 {
return errz.Errorf("this command takes exactly one argument")
cfg := rc.Config
if len(cfg.Notification.Destinations) == 0 {
return errz.Errorf("the notification destination %q does not exist", args[0])
var dests []notify.Destination
for _, dest := range cfg.Notification.Destinations {
if dest.Label == args[0] {
dests = append(dests, dest)
if len(dests) == len(cfg.Notification.Destinations) {
return errz.Errorf("the notification destination %q does not exist", args[0])
cfg.Notification.Destinations = dests
err := rc.ConfigStore.Save(rc.Config)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func newNotifyAddCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "add",
Short: "Add notification destination",
Example: `sq notify add slack #devops xoxp-892529...911b8a
sq notify add slack --help
sq notify add hipchat myteam ABAD098ASDF...99AB
sq notify add hipchat --help
return cmd, nil
func newNotifyAddSlackCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Short: "Add Slack channel",
Long: `Add Slack channel. The CHANNEL param should not include the leading '#'.
The HANDLE param is optional; if not provided, a handle
will be generated. To generate the auth token using your browser, login to and then visit
and use the "Legacy token generator" to get the token value.`,
Example: `sq notify add slack devops xoxp-892529...911b8a`,
return cmd, execNotifyAddSlack
func execNotifyAddSlack(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) != 2 && len(args) != 3 {
return errz.Errorf(`this command takes either 2 or 3 arguments: see "sq notify add slack --help"`)
cfg := rc.Config
labelAvailableFn := func(label string) bool {
for _, dest := range cfg.Notification.Destinations {
if dest.Label == label {
return false
return true
provider, err := notify.ProviderFor("slack")
if err != nil {
return err
target := args[0]
var label string
var token string
if len(args) == 2 {
token = args[1]
} else {
label = args[1]
token = args[2]
if !labelAvailableFn(label) {
return errz.Errorf("a notifier with the label %q already exists", label)
err = notify.ValidHandle(label)
if err != nil {
return err
dest, err := provider.Destination(notify.DestType("slack"), target, label, token, labelAvailableFn)
if err != nil {
return err
cfg.Notification.Destinations = append(cfg.Notification.Destinations, *dest)
err = rc.ConfigStore.Save(rc.Config)
if err != nil {
return err
return rc.writers().notifyw.NotifyDestinations([]notify.Destination{*dest})
func newNotifyAddHipChatCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "hipchat ROOM TOKEN",
Short: "Add HipChat room",
Example: `sq notify add hipchat devops --label="hip_devops" BOuyOe...VRBksq6`,
cmd.Flags().String(flagNotifierLabel, "", flagNotifierLabelUsage)
return cmd, execNotifyAddHipChat
func execNotifyAddHipChat(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
fmt.Println("Add HipChat room")
fmt.Println(strings.Join(args, " | "))
var label string
var err error
if cmd.Flags().Changed(flagNotifierLabel) {
label, err = cmd.Flags().GetString(flagNotifierLabel)
if err != nil {
return errz.Err(err)
if label != "" {
fmt.Printf("Label: %s", label)
return nil

cli/cmd_ping.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
package cli
import (
func newPingCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "ping [@HANDLE|all]",
Example: ` # ping active data source
sq ping
# ping all data sources
sq ping all
# ping @my1 with 2s timeout
sq ping @my1 --timeout=2s
# ping @my1 and @pg1
sq ping @my1 @pg1
# output in TSV format
sq ping --tsv @my1`,
Short: "Check data source connection health",
Long: `Ping data sources to check connection health. If no arguments provided, the
active data source is pinged. The exit code is 1 if ping fails for any of the sources.`,
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagTable, flagTableShort, false, flagTableUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagCSV, flagCSVShort, false, flagCSVUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagTSV, flagTSVShort, false, flagTSVUsage)
cmd.Flags().Duration(flagTimeout, time.Second*10, flagTimeoutPingUsage)
return cmd, execPing
func execPing(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
cfg := rc.Config
var srcs []*source.Source
var gotAll bool
// args can be:
// [empty] : ping active source
// all : ping all sources
// @handle1 @handleN: ping multiple sources
if len(args) == 0 {
src := cfg.Sources.Active()
if src == nil {
return errz.New(msgNoActiveSrc)
srcs = []*source.Source{src}
} else {
for i, arg := range args {
if arg == "all" {
if gotAll || i != 0 {
// If "all" is an arg, it must the the only one
return errz.New("arg 'all' must be supplied without other args")
gotAll = true
srcs = cfg.Sources.Items()
if gotAll {
// This can happen if arg "all" is mixed in with
// handle args, e.g. [@handle1 all @handle2]
return errz.New("arg 'all' must be supplied without other args")
err := source.VerifyLegalHandle(arg)
if err != nil {
return err
src, err := cfg.Sources.Get(arg)
if err != nil {
return err
srcs = append(srcs, src)
timeout := cfg.Options.Timeout
if cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagTimeout) {
timeout, _ = cmd.Flags().GetDuration(flagTimeout)
rc.Log.Debugf("Using timeout value: %s", timeout)
return pingSources(rc.Context, rc.Log, rc.registry(), srcs, rc.writers().pingw, timeout)
// pingSources pings each of the sources in srcs, and prints results
// to w. If any error occurs pinging any of srcs, that error is printed
// inline as part of the ping results, and an errNoMsg is returned.
func pingSources(ctx context.Context, log lg.Log, dp driver.Provider, srcs []*source.Source, w output.PingWriter, timeout time.Duration) error {
defer log.WarnIfFuncError(w.Close)
resultCh := make(chan pingResult, len(srcs))
// pingErrExists is set to true if there was an error for
// any of the pings. This later determines if an error
// is returned from this func.
var pingErrExists bool
for _, src := range srcs {
go pingSource(ctx, dp, src, timeout, resultCh)
// This func doesn't check for context.Canceled itself; instead
// it checks if any of the goroutines return that value on
// resultCh.
for i := 0; i < len(srcs); i++ {
result := <-resultCh
switch {
case result.err == context.Canceled:
// If any one of the goroutines have received context.Canceled,
// then we'll bubble that up and ignore the remaining goroutines.
return context.Canceled
case result.err == context.DeadlineExceeded:
// If timeout occurred, set the duration to timeout.
result.duration = timeout
pingErrExists = true
case result.err != nil:
pingErrExists = true
w.Result(result.src, result.duration, result.err)
// If there's at least one error, we return the
// sentinel errNoMsg so that sq can os.Exit(1) without printing
// an additional error message (as the error message will already have
// been printed by PingWriter).
if pingErrExists {
return errNoMsg
return nil
// pingSource pings an individual driver.Source. It always returns a
// result on resultCh, even when ctx is done.
func pingSource(ctx context.Context, dp driver.Provider, src *source.Source, timeout time.Duration, resultCh chan<- pingResult) {
drvr, err := dp.DriverFor(src.Type)
if err != nil {
resultCh <- pingResult{src: src, err: err}
if timeout > 0 {
var cancelFn context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancelFn = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
defer cancelFn()
doneCh := make(chan pingResult)
start := time.Now()
go func() {
err = drvr.Ping(ctx, src)
doneCh <- pingResult{src: src, duration: time.Since(start), err: err}
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
resultCh <- pingResult{src: src, err: ctx.Err()}
case result := <-doneCh:
resultCh <- result
type pingResult struct {
src *source.Source
duration time.Duration
err error

cli/cmd_ping_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
package cli_test
import (
func TestCmdPing(t *testing.T) {
err := newRun(t).exec("ping")
require.Error(t, err, "no active data source")
err = newRun(t).exec("ping", "invalid_handle")
require.Error(t, err)
err = newRun(t).exec("ping", "@not_a_handle")
require.Error(t, err)
var ru *run
th := testh.New(t)
src1, src2 := th.Source(sakila.CSVActor), th.Source(sakila.CSVActorNoHeader)
ru = newRun(t).add(*src1)
err = ru.exec("ping", "--csv", src1.Handle)
require.NoError(t, err)
checkPingOutputCSV(t, ru, *src1)
ru = newRun(t).add(*src2)
err = ru.exec("ping", "--csv", src2.Handle)
require.NoError(t, err)
checkPingOutputCSV(t, ru, *src2)
ru = newRun(t).add(*src1, *src2)
err = ru.exec("ping", "--csv", src1.Handle, src2.Handle)
require.NoError(t, err)
checkPingOutputCSV(t, ru, *src1, *src2)
// checkPintOutputCSV reads CSV records from h.out, and verifies
// that there's an appropriate record for each of srcs.
func checkPingOutputCSV(t *testing.T, h *run, srcs ...source.Source) {
recs, err := csv.NewReader(h.out).ReadAll()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, len(srcs), len(recs))
if len(srcs) > 0 {
require.Equal(t, 3, len(recs[0]), "each ping record should have 3 fields, but got %d fields", len(recs[0]))
handles := make(map[string]bool)
for _, src := range srcs {
handles[src.Handle] = true
for i := 0; i < len(recs); i++ {
recHandle := recs[i][0]
require.True(t, handles[recHandle], "should have handle %q in map", recHandle)
_, err := time.ParseDuration(recs[i][1])
require.NoError(t, err, "should be a valid duration value")
require.Empty(t, recs[i][2], "error field should be empty")

cli/cmd_remove.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package cli
import (
func newSrcRemoveCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "rm @HANDLE",
Example: ` sq rm @my1`,
Aliases: []string{"remove"},
Short: "Remove data source",
return cmd, execSrcRemove
func execSrcRemove(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) != 1 {
return errz.Errorf(msgInvalidArgs)
cfg := rc.Config
src, err := cfg.Sources.Get(args[0])
if err != nil {
return err
err = cfg.Sources.Remove(src.Handle)
if err != nil {
return err
err = rc.ConfigStore.Save(cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(rc.Out, "Removed data source ")
_, _ = rc.wrtr.fmt.Hilite.Fprintf(rc.Out, "%s", src.Handle)
return nil

cli/cmd_remove_test.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package cli_test
import (
func TestCmdRemove(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
// 1. Should fail if bad handle
ru := newRun(t)
err := ru.exec("rm", "@not_a_source")
require.Error(t, err)
// 2. Check normal operation
src := th.Source(sakila.SL3)
ru = newRun(t).add(*src)
// The src we just added should be the active src
activeSrc := ru.rc.Config.Sources.Active()
require.NotNil(t, activeSrc)
require.Equal(t, src.Handle, activeSrc.Handle)
err = ru.exec("rm", src.Handle)
require.NoError(t, err)
activeSrc = ru.rc.Config.Sources.Active()
require.Nil(t, activeSrc, "should be no active src anymore")

cli/cmd_root.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
package cli
import (
// Import the providers package to initialize provider implementations
_ ""
func newRootCmd() *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: `sq QUERY`,
Short: "sq",
Long: `sq is a swiss army knife for data.
Use sq to uniformly query Postgres, SQLite, SQLServer, MySQL, CSV, TSV,
Excel (and more), and output in text, JSON, CSV, Excel, etc.
You can query using sq's own jq-like syntax, or in native SQL.
More at
Example: ` # pipe an Excel file and output the first 10 rows from sheet1
cat data.xlsx | sq '.sheet1 | .[0:10]'
# add Postgres source identified by handle @sakila_pg
sq add --handle=@sakila_pg 'postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/sakila?sslmode=disable'
# add SQL Server source; will have generated handle @sakila_mssql
sq add 'sqlserver://user:pass@localhost?database=sakila'
# list available data sources
sq ls
# ping all data sources
sq ping all
# set active data source
sq src @sakila_pg
# get specified cols from table address in active data source
sq '.address | .address_id, .city, .country'
# get metadata (schema, stats etc) for data source
sq inspect @sakila_pg
# get metadata for a table
sq inspect @pg1.person
# output in JSON
sq -j '.person | .uid, .username, .email'
# output in table format (with header)
sq -th '.person | .uid, .username, .email'
# output in table format (no header)
sq -t '.person | .uid, .username, .email'
# output to a HTML file
sq --html '' -o actor.html
# join across data sources
sq '@my1.person, @pg1.address | join(.uid) | .username, .email, .city'
# insert query results into a table in another data source
sq --insert=@pg1.person '@my1.person | .username, .email'
# execute a database-native SQL query, specifying the source
sq sql --src=@pg1 'SELECT uid, username, email FROM person LIMIT 2'
# copy a table (in the same source)
sq tbl copy .actor2
# truncate tables
sq tbl truncate @sakila_sl3.actor2
# drop table
sq tbl drop @sakila_sl3.actor2
BashCompletionFunction: bashCompletionFunc,
// the query cmd does the real work when the root cmd is invoked
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagVersion, false, flagVersionUsage)
cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolP(flagMonochrome, flagMonochromeShort, false, flagMonochromeUsage)
return cmd

cli/cmd_scratch.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
package cli
import (
// TODO: dump all this "internal" stuff: make the options as follows: @HANDLE, file, memory
func newScratchCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "scratch [@HANDLE|internal|internal:file|internal:mem|@scratch]",
Example: ` # get scratch data source
sq scratch
# set @my1 as scratch data source
sq scratch @my1
# use the default embedded db
sq scratch internal
# explicitly specify use of embedded file db
sq scratch internal:file
# explicitly specify use of embedded memory db
sq scratch internal:mem
# restore default scratch db (equivalent to "internal")
sq scratch @scratch`,
Short: "Get or set scratch data source",
Long: `Get or set scratch data source. The scratch db is used internally by sq for multiple purposes such as
importing non-SQL data, or cross-database joins. If no argument provided, get the current scratch data
source. Otherwise, set @HANDLE or an internal db as the scratch data source. The reserved handle "@scratch" resets the
return cmd, execScratch
func execScratch(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) > 1 {
return errz.Errorf(msgInvalidArgs)
cfg := rc.Config
var src *source.Source
var err error
defaultScratch := &source.Source{
Handle: source.ScratchHandle,
Location: "internal:file",
Type: sqlite3.Type,
if len(args) == 0 {
// Print the scratch src
src = cfg.Sources.Scratch()
if src == nil {
src = defaultScratch
return rc.writers().srcw.Source(src)
// Set the scratch src
switch args[0] {
case "internal", "internal:file", "internal:mem":
// TODO: currently only supports file sqlite3 db, fairly trivial to do mem as well
_, _ = cfg.Sources.SetScratch("")
src = defaultScratch
src, err = cfg.Sources.SetScratch(args[0])
if err != nil {
return err
err = rc.ConfigStore.Save(rc.Config)
if err != nil {
return err
return rc.writers().srcw.Source(src)

cli/cmd_slq.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
package cli
import (
func newSLQCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "slq",
Short: "",
Hidden: true,
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagVersion, false, flagVersionUsage)
cmd.SetUsageFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command) error {
return cmd.Root().Help()
return cmd, execSLQ
func execSLQ(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
srcs := rc.Config.Sources
// check if there's input on stdin
src, err := checkStdinSource(rc)
if err != nil {
return err
if src != nil {
// We have a valid source on stdin.
// Add the source to the set.
err = srcs.Add(src)
if err != nil {
return err
// Set the stdin pipe data source as the active source,
// as it's commonly the only data source the user is acting upon.
_, err = srcs.SetActive(src.Handle)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// No source on stdin, so we're using the source set.
src = srcs.Active()
if src == nil {
// TODO: Should sq be modified to support executing queries
// even when there's no active data source. Probably.
return errz.New(msgNoActiveSrc)
if !cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagInsert) {
// The user didn't specify the --insert=@src.tbl flag,
// so we just want to print the records.
return execSLQPrint(rc)
// Instead of printing the records, they will be
// written to another database
insertTo, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString(flagInsert)
if insertTo == "" {
return errz.Errorf("invalid --%s value: empty", flagInsert)
destHandle, destTbl, err := source.ParseTableHandle(insertTo)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "invalid --%s value", flagInsert)
destSrc, err := srcs.Get(destHandle)
if err != nil {
return err
return execSLQInsert(rc, destSrc, destTbl)
// execSQLInsert executes the SQL and inserts resulting records
// into destTbl in destSrc.
func execSLQInsert(rc *RunContext, destSrc *source.Source, destTbl string) error {
args, srcs, dbases := rc.Args, rc.Config.Sources, rc.databases()
slq, err := preprocessUserSLQ(rc, args)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithCancel(rc.Context)
defer cancelFn()
destDB, err := dbases.Open(ctx, destSrc)
if err != nil {
return err
// Note: We don't need to worry about closing fromConn and
// destConn because they are closed by databases.Close, which
// is invoked by rc.Close, and rc is closed further up the
// stack.
inserter := libsq.NewDBWriter(rc.Log, destDB, destTbl, libsq.DefaultRecordChSize)
err = libsq.ExecuteSLQ(ctx, rc.Log, rc.dbases, rc.dbases, srcs, slq, inserter)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "insert %s.%s failed", destSrc.Handle, destTbl)
affected, err := inserter.Wait() // Wait for the writer to finish processing
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "insert %s.%s failed", destSrc.Handle, destTbl)
fmt.Fprintf(rc.Out, stringz.Plu("Inserted %d row(s) into %s.%s\n", int(affected)), affected, destSrc.Handle, destTbl)
return nil
func execSLQPrint(rc *RunContext) error {
slq, err := preprocessUserSLQ(rc, rc.Args)
if err != nil {
return err
recw := output.NewRecordWriterAdapter(rc.writers().recordw)
err = libsq.ExecuteSLQ(rc.Context, rc.Log, rc.dbases, rc.dbases, rc.Config.Sources, slq, recw)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = recw.Wait()
if err != nil {
return err
return err
// preprocessUserSLQ does a bit of validation and munging on the
// SLQ input (provided in args), returning the SLQ query. This
// function is something of a hangover from the early days of
// seek and may need to be rethought.
// 1. If there's piped input but no query args, the first table
// from the pipe source becomes the query. Invoked like this:
// $ cat something.csv | sq
// The query effectively becomes:
// $ cat something.csv | sq
// For non-monotable sources, the first table is used:
// $ cat something.xlsx | sq @stdin.sheet1
// 2. If the query doesn't contain a source selector segment
// starting with @HANDLE, the active src handle is prepended
// to the query. This allows a query where the first selector
// segment is the table name.
// $ sq '.person' --> sq '@active.person'
func preprocessUserSLQ(rc *RunContext, args []string) (string, error) {
log, reg, dbases, srcs := rc.Log, rc.registry(), rc.databases(), rc.Config.Sources
activeSrc := srcs.Active()
if len(args) == 0 {
// Special handling for the case where no args are supplied
// but sq is receiving pipe input. Let's say the user does this:
// $ cat something.csv | sq # query becomes ""
if activeSrc == nil {
// Piped input would result in an active @stdin src. We don't
// have that; we don't have any active src.
return "", errz.New(msgEmptyQueryString)
if activeSrc.Handle != source.StdinHandle {
// It's not piped input.
return "", errz.New(msgEmptyQueryString)
// We know for sure that we've got pipe input
drvr, err := reg.DriverFor(activeSrc.Type)
if err != nil {
return "", err
tblName := source.MonotableName
if !drvr.DriverMetadata().Monotable {
// This isn't a monotable src, so we can't
// just select Instead we'll select
// the first table name, as found in the source meta.
dbase, err := dbases.Open(rc.Context, activeSrc)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer log.WarnIfCloseError(dbase)
srcMeta, err := dbase.SourceMetadata(rc.Context)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if len(srcMeta.Tables) == 0 {
return "", errz.New(msgSrcNoData)
tblName = srcMeta.Tables[0].Name
if tblName == "" {
return "", errz.New(msgSrcEmptyTableName)
log.Debug("Using first table name from document source metadata as table selector: ", tblName)
selector := source.StdinHandle + "." + tblName
log.Debug("Added selector to argument-less piped query: ", selector)
return selector, nil
// We have at least one query arg
for i, arg := range args {
args[i] = strings.TrimSpace(arg)
start := strings.TrimSpace(args[0])
parts := strings.Split(start, " ")
if parts[0][0] == '@' {
// The query starts with a handle, e.g. sq '@my | .person'.
// Let's perform some basic checks on it.
// We split on . because both @my1.person and @my1 need to be checked.
dsParts := strings.Split(parts[0], ".")
handle := dsParts[0]
if len(handle) < 2 {
// handle name is too short
return "", errz.Errorf("invalid data source: %q", handle)
// Check that the handle actual exists
_, err := srcs.Get(handle)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// All is good, return the query.
query := strings.Join(args, " ")
return query, nil
// The query doesn't start with a handle selector; let's prepend
// a handle selector segment.
if activeSrc == nil {
return "", errz.New("no data source provided, and no active data source")
query := strings.Join(args, " ")
query = fmt.Sprintf("%s | %s", activeSrc.Handle, query)
log.Debug("The query didn't start with @handle, so the active src was prepended: ", query)
return query, nil
// addQueryCmdFlags sets flags for the slq/sql commands.
func addQueryCmdFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.Flags().StringP(flagOutput, flagOutputShort, "", flagOutputUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagJSON, flagJSONShort, false, flagJSONUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagJSONA, flagJSONAShort, false, flagJSONAUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagJSONL, flagJSONLShort, false, flagJSONLUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagTable, flagTableShort, false, flagTableUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagXML, flagXMLShort, false, flagXMLUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagXLSX, flagXLSXShort, false, flagXLSXUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagCSV, flagCSVShort, false, flagCSVUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagTSV, flagTSVShort, false, flagTSVUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagRaw, flagRawShort, false, flagRawUsage)
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagHTML, false, flagHTMLUsage)
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagMarkdown, false, flagMarkdownUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagHeader, flagHeaderShort, false, flagHeaderUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagNoHeader, flagNoHeaderShort, false, flagNoHeaderUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagPretty, "", true, flagPrettyUsage)
cmd.Flags().StringP(flagInsert, "", "", flagInsertUsage)
cmd.Flags().StringP(flagActiveSrc, "", "", flagActiveSrcUsage)
// The driver flag can be used if data is piped to sq over stdin
cmd.Flags().StringP(flagDriver, "", "", flagQueryDriverUsage)
cmd.Flags().StringP(flagSrcOptions, "", "", flagQuerySrcOptionsUsage)

cli/cmd_slq_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
package cli_test
import (
func TestCmdSLQ_Insert_LONG(t *testing.T) {
testh.SkipShort(t, true)
testCmdSLQ_Insert(t, sakila.All, sakila.SQLAll)
func TestCmdSLQ_Insert(t *testing.T) {
testCmdSLQ_Insert(t, sakila.SQLLatest, sakila.SQLLatest)
// testCmdSLQ_Insert tests "sq slq QUERY --insert=dest.tbl".
func testCmdSLQ_Insert(t *testing.T, origins, dests []string) {
for _, origin := range origins {
origin := origin
t.Run("origin_"+origin, func(t *testing.T) {
testh.SkipShort(t, origin == sakila.XLSX)
for _, dest := range dests {
dest := dest
t.Run("dest_"+dest, func(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
originSrc, destSrc := th.Source(origin), th.Source(dest)
srcTbl := sakila.TblActor
if th.IsMonotable(originSrc) {
srcTbl = source.MonotableName
// To avoid dirtying the destination table, we make a copy
// of it (without data).
actualDestTbl := th.CopyTable(false, destSrc, sakila.TblActor, "", false)
t.Cleanup(func() { th.DropTable(destSrc, actualDestTbl) })
ru := newRun(t).add(*originSrc)
if destSrc.Handle != originSrc.Handle {
insertTo := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", destSrc.Handle, actualDestTbl)
cols := stringz.PrefixSlice(sakila.TblActorCols, ".")
query := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s | %s", originSrc.Handle, srcTbl, strings.Join(cols, ", "))
err := ru.exec("slq", "--insert="+insertTo, query)
require.NoError(t, err)
sink, err := th.QuerySQL(destSrc, "select * from "+actualDestTbl)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, sakila.TblActorCount, len(sink.Recs))
func TestCmdSLQ_CSV(t *testing.T) {
src := testh.New(t).Source(sakila.CSVActor)
ru := newRun(t).add(*src)
err := ru.exec("slq", "--no-header", "--csv", fmt.Sprintf("", src.Handle))
require.NoError(t, err)
recs := ru.mustReadCSV()
require.Equal(t, sakila.TblActorCount, len(recs))
// TestCmdSLQ_OutputFlag verifies that flag --output=<file> works.
func TestCmdSLQ_OutputFlag(t *testing.T) {
src := testh.New(t).Source(sakila.SL3)
ru := newRun(t).add(*src)
outputFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", t.Name())
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
assert.NoError(t, outputFile.Close())
assert.NoError(t, os.Remove(outputFile.Name()))
err = ru.exec("slq",
"--no-header", "--csv", fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", src.Handle, sakila.TblActor),
"--output", outputFile.Name())
require.NoError(t, err)
recs, err := csv.NewReader(outputFile).ReadAll()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, sakila.TblActorCount, len(recs))
func TestCmdSLQ_Join(t *testing.T) {
const queryTpl = `%s.customer, %s.address | join(.address_id) | .customer_id == %d | .[0] | .customer_id, .email, .city_id`
handles := sakila.SQLAll
// Attempt to join every SQL test source against every SQL test source.
for _, h1 := range handles {
h1 := h1
t.Run("origin_"+h1, func(t *testing.T) {
for _, h2 := range handles {
h2 := h2
t.Run("dest_"+h2, func(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
src1, src2 := th.Source(h1), th.Source(h2)
ru := newRun(t).add(*src1)
if src2.Handle != src1.Handle {
query := fmt.Sprintf(queryTpl, src1.Handle, src2.Handle, sakila.MillerCustID)
err := ru.exec("slq", "--no-header", "--csv", query)
require.NoError(t, err)
recs := ru.mustReadCSV()
require.Equal(t, 1, len(recs), "should only be one matching record")
require.Equal(t, 3, len(recs[0]), "should have three fields")
require.Equal(t, strconv.Itoa(sakila.MillerCustID), recs[0][0])
require.Equal(t, sakila.MillerEmail, recs[0][1])
require.Equal(t, strconv.Itoa(sakila.MillerCityID), recs[0][2])
// TestCmdSLQ_ActiveSrcHandle verifies that source.ActiveHandle is
// interpreted as the active src in a SLQ query.
func TestCmdSLQ_ActiveSrcHandle(t *testing.T) {
src := testh.New(t).Source(sakila.SL3)
// 1. Verify that the query works as expected using the actual src handle
ru := newRun(t).add(*src).hush()
require.Equal(t, src.Handle, ru.rc.Config.Sources.Active().Handle)
err := ru.exec("slq", "--no-header", "--csv", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
recs := ru.mustReadCSV()
require.Equal(t, sakila.TblActorCount, len(recs))
// 2. Verify that it works using source.ActiveHandle as the src handle
ru = newRun(t).add(*src).hush()
require.Equal(t, src.Handle, ru.rc.Config.Sources.Active().Handle)
err = ru.exec("slq", "--no-header", "--csv", source.ActiveHandle+".actor")
require.NoError(t, err)
recs = ru.mustReadCSV()
require.Equal(t, sakila.TblActorCount, len(recs))

cli/cmd_sql.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
package cli
import (
func newSQLCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "sql QUERY|STMT",
Short: "Execute DB-native SQL query or statement",
Long: `Execute a SQL query or statement using the source's SQL dialect
against the active source. Use the --src=@HANDLE to specify
an alternative source.
If flag --query is set, sq will run the input as a query
(SELECT) and return the query rows. If the --exec flag is set,
sq will execute the input and return the result. If neither
flag is set, sq determines the appropriate mode.`,
Example: ` # Select from active source
sq sql 'SELECT * FROM actor'
# Select from a specified source
sq sql --src=@sakila_pg12 'SELECT * FROM actor'
# Drop table
sq sql --exec --src=@sakila_pg12 'DROP TABLE actor'
# Select from active source and write results to
sq sql 'SELECT * FROM actor'`,
// User explicitly wants to execute the SQL using sql.DB.Query
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagSQLQuery, false, flagSQLQueryUsage)
// User explicitly wants to execute the SQL using sql.DB.Exec
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagSQLExec, false, flagSQLExecUsage)
return cmd, execSQL
func execSQL(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
switch len(args) {
// FIXME: we should allow multiple args and concat them
return errz.New("a single query string is required")
case 0:
return errz.New("empty SQL query string")
case 1:
if strings.TrimSpace(args[0]) == "" {
return errz.New("empty SQL query string")
err := determineSources(rc)
if err != nil {
return err
srcs := rc.Config.Sources
// activeSrc is guaranteed to be non-nil after
// determineSources successfully returns.
activeSrc := srcs.Active()
if !cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagInsert) {
// The user didn't specify the --insert=@src.tbl flag,
// so we just want to print the records.
return execSQLPrint(rc, activeSrc)
// Instead of printing the records, they will be
// written to another database
insertTo, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString(flagInsert)
if insertTo == "" {
return errz.Errorf("invalid --%s value: empty", flagInsert)
destHandle, destTbl, err := source.ParseTableHandle(insertTo)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "invalid --%s value", flagInsert)
destSrc, err := srcs.Get(destHandle)
if err != nil {
return err
return execSQLInsert(rc, activeSrc, destSrc, destTbl)
// execSQLPrint executes the SQL and prints resulting records
// to the configured writer.
func execSQLPrint(rc *RunContext, fromSrc *source.Source) error {
args := rc.Args
dbase, err := rc.databases().Open(rc.Context, fromSrc)
if err != nil {
return err
recw := output.NewRecordWriterAdapter(rc.writers().recordw)
err = libsq.QuerySQL(rc.Context, rc.Log, dbase, recw, args[0])
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = recw.Wait() // Wait for the writer to finish processing
return err
// execSQLInsert executes the SQL and inserts resulting records
// into destTbl in destSrc.
func execSQLInsert(rc *RunContext, fromSrc, destSrc *source.Source, destTbl string) error {
args := rc.Args
dbases := rc.databases()
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithCancel(rc.Context)
defer cancelFn()
fromDB, err := dbases.Open(ctx, fromSrc)
if err != nil {
return err
destDB, err := dbases.Open(ctx, destSrc)
if err != nil {
return err
// Note: We don't need to worry about closing fromDB and
// destDB because they are closed by dbases.Close, which
// is invoked by rc.Close, and rc is closed further up the
// stack.
inserter := libsq.NewDBWriter(rc.Log, destDB, destTbl, libsq.DefaultRecordChSize)
err = libsq.QuerySQL(ctx, rc.Log, fromDB, inserter, args[0])
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "insert %s.%s failed", destSrc.Handle, destTbl)
affected, err := inserter.Wait() // Wait for the writer to finish processing
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "insert %s.%s failed", destSrc.Handle, destTbl)
rc.Log.Debugf("Rows affected: %d", affected)
fmt.Fprintf(rc.Out, stringz.Plu("Inserted %d row(s) into %s.%s\n", int(affected)), affected, destSrc.Handle, destTbl)
return nil

cli/cmd_sql_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
package cli_test
import (
func TestCmdSQL_Insert_LONG(t *testing.T) {
testh.SkipShort(t, true)
testCmdSQL_Insert(t, sakila.All, sakila.All)
func TestCmdSQL_Insert(t *testing.T) {
testCmdSQL_Insert(t, sakila.SQLLatest, sakila.SQLLatest)
// testCmdSQL_Insert tests "sq sql QUERY --insert=dest.tbl".
func testCmdSQL_Insert(t *testing.T, origins, dests []string) {
for _, origin := range origins {
origin := origin
t.Run("origin_"+origin, func(t *testing.T) {
testh.SkipShort(t, origin == sakila.XLSX)
for _, dest := range dests {
dest := dest
t.Run("dest_"+dest, func(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
originSrc, destSrc := th.Source(origin), th.Source(dest)
originTbl := sakila.TblActor
if th.IsMonotable(originSrc) {
originTbl = source.MonotableName
// To avoid dirtying the destination table, we make a copy
// of it (without data).
actualDestTbl := th.CopyTable(false, destSrc, sakila.TblActor, "", false)
t.Cleanup(func() { th.DropTable(destSrc, actualDestTbl) })
ru := newRun(t).add(*originSrc)
if destSrc.Handle != originSrc.Handle {
insertTo := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", destSrc.Handle, actualDestTbl)
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s", strings.Join(sakila.TblActorCols, ", "), originTbl)
err := ru.exec("sql", "--insert="+insertTo, query)
require.NoError(t, err)
sink, err := th.QuerySQL(destSrc, "select * from "+actualDestTbl)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, sakila.TblActorCount, len(sink.Recs))
func TestCmdSQL_SelectFromUserDriver(t *testing.T) {
testCases := map[string][]struct {
tblName string
wantRows int
wantCols int
testsrc.PplUD: {
{tblName: "person", wantRows: 3, wantCols: 7},
{tblName: "skill", wantRows: 6, wantCols: 3},
testsrc.RSSNYTLocalUD: {
{tblName: "category", wantRows: 251, wantCols: 4},
{tblName: "channel", wantRows: 1, wantCols: 7},
{tblName: "item", wantRows: 45, wantCols: 9},
for handle, wantTbls := range testCases {
for _, wantTbl := range wantTbls {
handle, wantTbl := handle, wantTbl
t.Run(handle+"__"+wantTbl.tblName, func(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(handle)
ru := newRun(t).add(*src)
udDefs := testh.DriverDefsFrom(t, testsrc.PathDriverDefPpl, testsrc.PathDriverDefRSS)
for _, udDef := range udDefs {
require.Empty(t, userdriver.ValidateDriverDef(udDef))
ru.rc.Config.Ext.UserDrivers = append(ru.rc.Config.Ext.UserDrivers, udDefs...)
err := ru.exec("sql", "--csv", "--no-header", "SELECT * FROM "+wantTbl.tblName)
require.NoError(t, err)
recs := ru.mustReadCSV()
require.Equal(t, wantTbl.wantRows, len(recs), "expected %d rows in tbl %q but got %s", wantTbl.wantRows, wantTbl, len(recs))
require.Equal(t, wantTbl.wantCols, len(recs[0]), "expected %d cols in tbl %q but got %s", wantTbl.wantCols, wantTbl, len(recs[0]))
// TestCmdSQL_StdinQuery verifies that cmd sql can read from stdin.
func TestCmdSQL_StdinQuery(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
fpath string
tbl string
wantCount int
wantErr bool
{fpath: proj.Abs(sakila.PathCSVActor), tbl: source.MonotableName, wantCount: sakila.TblActorCount + 1}, // +1 is for the header row
{fpath: proj.Abs(sakila.PathXLSXSubset), tbl: sakila.TblActor, wantCount: sakila.TblActorCount + 1},
{fpath: proj.Abs(""), wantErr: true},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(testh.TName(tc.fpath), func(t *testing.T) {
f, err := os.Open(tc.fpath)
require.NoError(t, err)
ru := newRun(t).hush()
ru.rc.Stdin = f
err = ru.exec("sql", "SELECT * FROM "+tc.tbl)
if tc.wantErr {
require.Error(t, err)
require.NoError(t, err)
results := ru.mustReadCSV()
require.Equal(t, tc.wantCount, len(results))

cli/cmd_src.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package cli
import (
func newSrcCommand() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "src [@HANDLE]",
Example: ` # get active data source
sq src
# set @my1 as active data source
sq src @my1`,
// RunE: execSrc,
Short: "Get or set active data source",
Aliases: []string{"using"},
Long: `Get or set active data source. If no argument provided, get the active data
source. Otherwise, set @HANDLE as the active data source.`,
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagJSON, flagJSONShort, false, flagJSONUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagTable, flagTableShort, false, flagTableUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagHeader, flagHeaderShort, false, flagHeaderUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagNoHeader, flagNoHeaderShort, false, flagNoHeaderUsage)
return cmd, execSrc
func execSrc(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) > 1 {
return errz.Errorf(msgInvalidArgs)
cfg := rc.Config
if len(args) == 0 {
// Get the active data source
src := cfg.Sources.Active()
if src == nil {
return nil
return rc.writers().srcw.Source(src)
src, err := cfg.Sources.SetActive(args[0])
if err != nil {
return err
err = rc.ConfigStore.Save(cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
return rc.writers().srcw.Source(src)

cli/cmd_tbl.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
package cli
import (
func newTblCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "tbl",
Short: "Common actions on tables (copy, truncate, drop)",
Example: ` # Copy table actor to new table actor2
sq tbl copy actor2
# Truncate table actor2
sq tbl truncate @sakila_sl3.actor2
# Drop table actor2
sq tbl drop @sakila_sl3.actor2`,
return cmd, func(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return cmd.Help()
func newTblCopyCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Short: "Make a copy of a table",
Long: `Make a copy of a table in the same database. The table data is also copied by default.`,
Example: ` # Copy table "actor" in @sakila_sl3" to new table "actor2"
sq tbl copy .actor2
# Copy table "actor" in active src to table "actor2"
sq tbl copy .actor .actor2
# Copy table "actor" in active src to generated table name (e.g. "@sakila_sl3.actor_copy__1ae03e9b")
sq tbl copy .actor
# Copy table structure, but don't copy table data
sq tbl copy --data=false .actor
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagJSON, flagJSONShort, false, flagJSONUsage)
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagTblData, true, flagTblDataUsage)
return cmd, execTblCopy
func execTblCopy(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) == 0 || len(args) > 2 {
return errz.New("one or two table args required")
tblHandles, err := parseTableHandleArgs(rc.reg, rc.Config.Sources, args)
if err != nil {
return err
if tblHandles[0].tbl == "" {
return errz.Errorf("arg %q does not specify a table name")
switch len(tblHandles) {
case 1:
// Make a copy of the first tbl handle
tblHandles = append(tblHandles, tblHandles[0])
// But we can't copy the table to itself, so we create a new name
tblHandles[1].tbl = stringz.UniqTableName(tblHandles[0].tbl + "_copy")
case 2:
if tblHandles[1].tbl == "" {
tblHandles[1].tbl = stringz.UniqTableName(tblHandles[0].tbl + "_copy")
return errz.New("one or two table args required")
if tblHandles[0].src.Handle != tblHandles[1].src.Handle {
return errz.Errorf("tbl copy only works on the same source, but got %s.%s --> %s.%s",
tblHandles[0].handle, tblHandles[0].tbl,
tblHandles[1].handle, tblHandles[1].tbl)
if tblHandles[0].tbl == tblHandles[1].tbl {
return errz.Errorf("cannot copy table %s.%s to itself", tblHandles[0].handle, tblHandles[0].tbl)
sqlDrvr, ok := tblHandles[0].drvr.(driver.SQLDriver)
if !ok {
return errz.Errorf("source type %q (%s) doesn't support dropping tables", tblHandles[0].src.Type, tblHandles[0].src.Handle)
copyData := true // copy data by default
if cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagTblData) {
copyData, err = cmd.Flags().GetBool(flagTblData)
if err != nil {
return errz.Err(err)
var dbase driver.Database
dbase, err = rc.databases().Open(rc.Context, tblHandles[0].src)
if err != nil {
return err
copied, err := sqlDrvr.CopyTable(rc.Context, dbase.DB(), tblHandles[0].tbl, tblHandles[1].tbl, copyData)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "failed tbl copy %s.%s --> %s.%s",
tblHandles[0].handle, tblHandles[0].tbl,
tblHandles[1].handle, tblHandles[1].tbl)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Copied table: %s.%s --> %s.%s",
tblHandles[0].handle, tblHandles[0].tbl,
tblHandles[1].handle, tblHandles[1].tbl)
if copyData {
switch copied {
case 1:
msg += " (1 row copied)"
msg += fmt.Sprintf(" (%d rows copied)", copied)
fmt.Fprintln(rc.Out, msg)
return nil
func newTblTruncateCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "truncate @HANDLE.TABLE",
Short: "Truncate one or more tables",
Example: ` # truncate table "actor"" in source @sakila_sl3
sq tbl truncate
# truncate table "payment"" in the active src
sq tbl truncate .payment
# truncate multiple tables
sq tbl truncate .payment
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagJSON, flagJSONShort, false, flagJSONUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagTable, flagTableShort, false, flagTableUsage)
return cmd, execTblTruncate
func execTblTruncate(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (err error) {
var tblHandles []tblHandle
tblHandles, err = parseTableHandleArgs(rc.reg, rc.Config.Sources, args)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, tblH := range tblHandles {
var affected int64
affected, err = tblH.drvr.Truncate(rc.Context, tblH.src, tblH.tbl, true)
if err != nil {
return err
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Truncated %d row(s) from %s.%s", affected, tblH.src.Handle, tblH.tbl)
msg = stringz.Plu(msg, int(affected))
fmt.Fprintln(rc.Out, msg)
return nil
func newTblDropCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "drop @HANDLE.TABLE",
Short: "Drop one or more tables",
Example: `# drop table "actor" in src @sakila_sl3
sq tbl drop
# drop table "payment"" in the active src
sq tbl drop .payment
# drop multiple tables
sq drop .payment
return cmd, execTblDrop
func execTblDrop(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (err error) {
var tblHandles []tblHandle
tblHandles, err = parseTableHandleArgs(rc.reg, rc.Config.Sources, args)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, tblH := range tblHandles {
sqlDrvr, ok := tblH.drvr.(driver.SQLDriver)
if !ok {
return errz.Errorf("source type %q (%s) doesn't support dropping tables", tblH.src.Type, tblH.src.Handle)
var dbase driver.Database
dbase, err = rc.databases().Open(rc.Context, tblH.src)
if err != nil {
return err
err = sqlDrvr.DropTable(rc.Context, dbase.DB(), tblH.tbl, false)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(rc.Out, "Dropped table %s.%s\n", tblH.src.Handle, tblH.tbl)
return nil
// parseTableHandleArgs parses args of the form:
// It returns a slice of tblHandle, one for each arg. If an arg
// does not have a HANDLE, the active src is assumed: it's an error
// if no active src. It is also an error if len(args) is zero.
func parseTableHandleArgs(dp driver.Provider, srcs *source.Set, args []string) ([]tblHandle, error) {
if len(args) == 0 {
return nil, errz.New(msgInvalidArgs)
var tblHandles []tblHandle
activeSrc := srcs.Active()
// We iterate over the args several times, because we want
// to present error checks consistently.
for _, arg := range args {
handle, tbl, err := source.ParseTableHandle(arg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tblHandles = append(tblHandles, tblHandle{
handle: handle,
tbl: tbl,
for i := range tblHandles {
if tblHandles[i].tbl == "" {
return nil, errz.Errorf("arg[%d] %q doesn't specify a table", i, args[i])
if tblHandles[i].handle == "" {
// It's a table name without a handle, so we use the active src
if activeSrc == nil {
return nil, errz.Errorf("arg[%d] %q doesn't specify a handle and there's no active source",
i, args[i])
tblHandles[i].handle = activeSrc.Handle
src, err := srcs.Get(tblHandles[i].handle)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
drvr, err := dp.DriverFor(src.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tblHandles[i].src = src
tblHandles[i].drvr = drvr
return tblHandles, nil
// tblHandle represents a @HANDLE.TABLE, with the handle's associated
// src and driver.
type tblHandle struct {
handle string
tbl string
src *source.Source
drvr driver.Driver

cli/cmd_tbl_test.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
package cli_test
import (
func TestCmdTblCopy(t *testing.T) {
for _, handle := range sakila.SQLAll {
handle := handle
t.Run(handle, func(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(handle)
srcTblHandle := src.Handle + "." + sakila.TblActor
destTblName := stringz.UniqTableName(sakila.TblActor)
ru := newRun(t).add(*src)
err := ru.exec("tbl", "copy", "--data=false", srcTblHandle, src.Handle+"."+destTblName)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() { th.DropTable(src, destTblName) })
require.Equal(t, int64(0), th.RowCount(src, destTblName), "should not have copied any rows because --data=false")
destTblName = stringz.UniqTableName(sakila.TblActor)
err = ru.exec("tbl", "copy", "--data=true", srcTblHandle, src.Handle+"."+destTblName)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() { th.DropTable(src, destTblName) })
require.Equal(t, int64(sakila.TblActorCount), th.RowCount(src, destTblName), "should have copied rows because --data=true")
func TestCmdTblDrop(t *testing.T) {
for _, handle := range sakila.SQLAll {
handle := handle
t.Run(handle, func(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(handle)
destTblName := th.CopyTable(false, src, sakila.TblActor, "", true)
t.Cleanup(func() { th.DropTable(src, destTblName) })
tblMeta, err := th.Open(src).TableMetadata(th.Context, destTblName)
require.NoError(t, err) // verify that the table exists
require.Equal(t, destTblName, tblMeta.Name)
require.Equal(t, int64(sakila.TblActorCount), tblMeta.RowCount)
err = newRun(t).add(*src).exec("tbl", "drop", src.Handle+"."+destTblName)
require.NoError(t, err)
tblMeta, err = th.Open(src).TableMetadata(th.Context, destTblName)
require.Error(t, err, "should get an error because the table was dropped")
require.Nil(t, tblMeta)
func TestCmdTblTruncate(t *testing.T) {
for _, handle := range sakila.SQLAll {
handle := handle
t.Run(handle, func(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(handle)
destTblName := th.CopyTable(false, src, sakila.TblActor, "", true)
t.Cleanup(func() { th.DropTable(src, destTblName) })
tblMeta, err := th.Open(src).TableMetadata(th.Context, destTblName)
require.NoError(t, err) // verify that the table exists
require.Equal(t, destTblName, tblMeta.Name)
require.Equal(t, int64(sakila.TblActorCount), tblMeta.RowCount)
err = newRun(t).add(*src).exec("tbl", "truncate", src.Handle+"."+destTblName)
require.NoError(t, err)
tblMeta, err = th.Open(src).TableMetadata(th.Context, destTblName)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), tblMeta.RowCount)

cli/cmd_version.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package cli
import (
func newVersionCmd() (*cobra.Command, runFunc) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "version",
Short: "Print sq version",
return cmd, execVersion
func execVersion(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
version := buildinfo.Version
// If buildinfo.Version is not set (building without ldflags),
// then we set a dummy version.
if version == "" {
version = ""
rc.wrtr.fmt.Hilite.Fprintf(rc.Out, "sq %s", version)
if len(buildinfo.Commit) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(rc.Out, " ")
rc.wrtr.fmt.Faint.Fprintf(rc.Out, "#"+buildinfo.Commit)
if len(buildinfo.Timestamp) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(rc.Out, " ")
rc.wrtr.fmt.Faint.Fprintf(rc.Out, buildinfo.Timestamp)
return nil

cli/config/config.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
// Package config holds CLI configuration.
package config
import (
// Config holds application config/session data.
type Config struct {
Options Options `yaml:"options" json:"options"`
Sources *source.Set `yaml:"sources" json:"sources"`
Notification *Notification `yaml:"notification" json:"notification"`
// Ext holds sq config extensions, such as user driver config.
Ext Ext `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
func (c *Config) String() string {
return stringz.SprintJSON(c)
// Ext holds additional config (extensions) loaded from other
// config files, e.g. ~/.config/sq/ext/*.sq.yml
type Ext struct {
UserDrivers []*userdriver.DriverDef `yaml:"user_drivers" json:"user_drivers"`
// Options contains sq default values.
type Options struct {
Timeout time.Duration `yaml:"timeout" json:"timeout"`
Format Format `yaml:"output_format" json:"output_format"`
Header bool `yaml:"output_header" json:"output_header"`
// Notification holds notification configuration.
type Notification struct {
Enabled []string `yaml:"enabled" json:"enabled"`
Destinations []notify.Destination `yaml:"destinations" json:"destinations"`
// New returns a config instance with default options set.
func New() *Config {
cfg := &Config{}
// By default, we want header to be true; this is
// ugly wrt applyDefaults, as the zero value of a bool
// is false, but we actually want it to be true for Header.
cfg.Options.Header = true
return cfg
// applyDefaults checks if required values are present, and if not, sets them.
func applyDefaults(cfg *Config) {
if cfg.Sources == nil {
cfg.Sources = &source.Set{}
if cfg.Notification == nil {
cfg.Notification = &Notification{}
if cfg.Options.Format == "" {
cfg.Options.Format = FormatTable
if cfg.Options.Timeout == 0 {
cfg.Options.Timeout = 10 * time.Second
// Format is a sq output format such as json or xml.
type Format string
// UnmarshalText implements encoding.TextUnmarshaler.
func (f *Format) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
switch Format(text) {
return errz.Errorf("unknown output format %q", string(text))
case FormatJSON, FormatJSONA, FormatJSONL, FormatTable, FormatGrid, FormatRaw,
FormatHTML, FormatMarkdown, FormatXLSX, FormatXML, FormatCSV, FormatTSV:
*f = Format(text)
return nil
// Constants
const (
FormatJSON Format = "json"
FormatJSONL Format = "jsonl"
FormatJSONA Format = "jsona"
FormatTable Format = "table" // FIXME: rename to FormatText
FormatGrid Format = "grid"
FormatRaw Format = "raw"
FormatHTML Format = "html"
FormatMarkdown Format = "markdown"
FormatXLSX Format = "xlsx"
FormatXML Format = "xml"
FormatCSV Format = "csv"
FormatTSV Format = "tsv"

cli/config/config_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
package config_test
import (
func TestFileStore_Nil_Save(t *testing.T) {
var f *config.YAMLFileStore
// noinspection GoNilness
err := f.Save(config.New())
require.Error(t, err)
func TestFileStore_LoadSaveLoad(t *testing.T) {
// good.01.sq.yml has a bunch of fixtures in it
fs := &config.YAMLFileStore{Path: "testdata/good.01.sq.yml", HookLoad: hookExpand}
const expectGood01SrcCount = 34
cfg, err := fs.Load()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, cfg)
require.NotNil(t, cfg.Sources)
require.Equal(t, expectGood01SrcCount, len(cfg.Sources.Items()))
f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "*.sq.yml")
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() { assert.NoError(t, f.Close()) })
fs.Path = f.Name()
t.Logf("writing to tmp file: %s", fs.Path)
err = fs.Save(cfg)
require.NoError(t, err)
cfg2, err := fs.Load()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, cfg2)
require.Equal(t, expectGood01SrcCount, len(cfg2.Sources.Items()))
require.EqualValues(t, cfg, cfg2)
// hookExpand expands variables in data, e.g. ${SQ_ROOT}.
var hookExpand = func(data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(proj.Expand(string(data))), nil
func TestFileStore_Load(t *testing.T) {
good, err := filepath.Glob("testdata/good.*")
require.NoError(t, err)
bad, err := filepath.Glob("testdata/bad.*")
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("%d good fixtures, %d bad fixtures", len(good), len(bad))
fs := &config.YAMLFileStore{HookLoad: hookExpand}
for _, match := range good {
fs.Path = match
_, err := fs.Load()
require.NoError(t, err, match)
for _, match := range bad {
fs.Path = match
_, err := fs.Load()
require.Error(t, err, match)
t.Logf("got err: %s", err)

cli/config/store.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
package config
import (
// Store saves and loads config.
type Store interface {
// Save writes config to the store.
Save(cfg *Config) error
// Load reads config from the store.
Load() (*Config, error)
// Location returns the location of the store, typically
// a file path.
Location() string
// YAMLFileStore provides persistence of config via YAML file.
type YAMLFileStore struct {
// Path is the location of the config file
Path string
// If HookLoad is non-nil, it is invoked by Load
// on Path's bytes before the YAML is unmarshaled.
// This allows expansion of variables etc.
HookLoad func(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
// ExtPaths holds locations of potential ext config, both dirs and files (with suffix ".sq.yml")
ExtPaths []string
func (fs *YAMLFileStore) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("config filestore: %v", fs.Path)
// Location implements Store.
func (fs *YAMLFileStore) Location() string {
return fs.Path
// Load reads config from disk.
func (fs *YAMLFileStore) Load() (*Config, error) {
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fs.Path)
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Wrapf(err, "config: failed to load file %q", fs.Path)
loadHookFn := fs.HookLoad
if loadHookFn != nil {
bytes, err = loadHookFn(bytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cfg := &Config{}
err = yaml.Unmarshal(bytes, cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Wrapf(err, "config: %s: failed to unmarshal config YAML", fs.Path)
err = source.VerifySetIntegrity(cfg.Sources)
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Wrapf(err, "config: %s", fs.Path)
err = fs.loadExt(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cfg, nil
// loadExt loads extension config files into cfg.
func (fs *YAMLFileStore) loadExt(cfg *Config) error {
const extSuffix = ".sq.yml"
var extCfgCandidates []string
for _, extPath := range fs.ExtPaths {
// TODO: This seems overly complicated: could just use glob
// for any files in the same or child dir?
if fiExtPath, err := os.Stat(extPath); err == nil {
// path exists
if fiExtPath.IsDir() {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(extPath)
if err != nil {
// just continue; no means of logging this yet (logging may
// not have bootstrapped), and we shouldn't stop bootstrap
// because of bad sqext files.
for _, file := range files {
if file.IsDir() {
// We don't currently descend through sub dirs
if !strings.HasSuffix(file.Name(), extSuffix) {
extCfgCandidates = append(extCfgCandidates, filepath.Join(extPath, file.Name()))
// it's a file
if !strings.HasSuffix(fiExtPath.Name(), extSuffix) {
extCfgCandidates = append(extCfgCandidates, filepath.Join(extPath, fiExtPath.Name()))
} else {
// Again, won't stop bootstrap because of sqext failures
// return nil, errz.Wrapf(err, "failed to load ext config from %q", extPath)
// else file does not exist
for _, f := range extCfgCandidates {
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(f)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "error reading config ext file %q", f)
ext := &Ext{}
err = yaml.Unmarshal(bytes, ext)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "error parsing config ext file %q", f)
cfg.Ext.UserDrivers = append(cfg.Ext.UserDrivers, ext.UserDrivers...)
return nil
// Save writes config to disk.
func (fs *YAMLFileStore) Save(cfg *Config) error {
if fs == nil {
return errz.New("config file store is nil")
bytes, err := yaml.Marshal(cfg)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal config to YAML")
// It's possible that the parent dir of fs.Path doesn't exist.
dir := filepath.Dir(fs.Path)
err = os.MkdirAll(dir, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "failed to make parent dir of sq config file: %s", dir)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(fs.Path, bytes, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrap(err, "failed to save config file")
return nil
// FileExists returns true if the backing file can be accessed, false if it doesn't
// exist or on any error.
func (fs *YAMLFileStore) FileExists() bool {
_, err := os.Stat(fs.Path)
return err == nil
// DiscardStore implements Store but its Save method is no-op
// and Load always returns a new empty Config. Useful for testing.
type DiscardStore struct {
var _ Store = (*DiscardStore)(nil)
// Load returns a new empty Config.
func (DiscardStore) Load() (*Config, error) {
return New(), nil
// Save is no-op.
func (DiscardStore) Save(*Config) error {
return nil
// Location returns /dev/null
func (DiscardStore) Location() string {
return "/dev/null"

cli/config/testdata/bad.01.sq.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
timeout: not_a_duration

cli/config/testdata/bad.02.sq.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
output_format: not_a_format

cli/config/testdata/bad.03.sq.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
output_header: not_a_bool

cli/config/testdata/bad.04.sq.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
active: '@does_not_exist'

cli/config/testdata/bad.05.sq.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
- handle: "illegal_handle"
type: sqlite3
location: sqlite3://${SQ_ROOT}/drivers/sqlite3/testdata/sqtest.db

cli/config/testdata/bad.06.sq.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- handle: "@sl1"
type: sqlite3
# location is empty: illegal

cli/config/testdata/bad.07.sq.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- handle: "@sl1"
# type is empty: illegal
location: sqlite3://${SQ_ROOT}/drivers/sqlite3/testdata/sqtest.db

cli/config/testdata/good.01.sq.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
timeout: 10s
output_format: table
output_header: true
active: '@sl1'
scratch: ""
- handle: '@sl1'
type: sqlite3
location: sqlite3://${SQ_ROOT}/drivers/sqlite3/testdata/sqtest.db
- handle: '@xl1'
type: xlsx
location: ${SQ_ROOT}/drivers/xlsx/testdata/test_header.xlsx
- "true"
- handle: '@csv1'
type: csv
location: ${SQ_ROOT}/drivers/csv/testdata/person_comma_header.csv
- "true"
- handle: '@ms1'
type: sqlserver
location: sqlserver://sq:p_ssW0rd@localhost?database=sqtest
- handle: '@my1'
type: mysql
location: mysql://sq:p_ssW0rd@localhost:3306/sqtest
- handle: '@pg1'
type: postgres
location: postgres://sq:p_ssW0rd@localhost/sqtest?sslmode=disable
- handle: '@ms_sqtest'
type: sqlserver
location: sqlserver://sq:p_ssW0rd@localhost?database=sqtest
- handle: '@ms_sqtype'
type: sqlserver
location: sqlserver://sq:p_ssW0rd@localhost?database=sqtype
- handle: '@pg_sqtest'
type: postgres
location: postgres://sq:p_ssW0rd@localhost/sqtest?sslmode=disable
- handle: '@pg_sqtype'
type: postgres
location: postgres://sq:p_ssW0rd@localhost/sqtype?sslmode=disable
- handle: '@sl_sqtest'
type: sqlite3
location: sqlite3://${SQ_ROOT}/drivers/sqlite3/testdata/sqtest.db
- handle: '@sl_sqtype'
type: sqlite3
location: sqlite3://${SQ_ROOT}/drivers/sqlite3/testdata/sqtype.db
- handle: '@my_sqtest'
type: mysql
location: mysql://sq:p_ssW0rd@localhost:3306/sqtest
- handle: '@my_sqtype'
type: mysql
location: mysql://sq:p_ssW0rd@localhost:3306/sqtype
- handle: '@xl_header'
type: xlsx
location: ${SQ_ROOT}/drivers/xlsx/testdata/test_header.xlsx
- "true"
- handle: '@xl_noheader'
type: xlsx
location: ${SQ_ROOT}/drivers/xlsx/testdata/test_noheader.xlsx
- handle: '@xl_remote'
type: xlsx
- handle: '@csv_person_comma_header'
type: csv
location: ${SQ_ROOT}/drivers/csv/testdata/person_comma_header.csv
- "true"
- handle: '@csv_person_comma_noheader'
type: csv
location: ${SQ_ROOT}/drivers/csv/testdata/person_comma_noheader.csv
- handle: '@tsv_person_header'
type: tsv
location: ${SQ_ROOT}/drivers/csv/testdata/person_header.tsv
- handle: '@tsv_person_noheader'
type: tsv
location: ${SQ_ROOT}/drivers/csv/testdata/person_noheader.tsv
- handle: '@tsv_person_noheader_cols'
type: tsv
location: ${SQ_ROOT}/drivers/csv/testdata/person_noheader.tsv
- uid,username,email
- handle: '@rss_basic'
type: rss
location: ${SQ_ROOT}/libsq/driver/userdriver/testdata/basic.rss.xml
- handle: '@nytimes'
type: rss
- handle: '@myfriends'
type: ppl
location: ${SQ_ROOT}/libsq/driver/userdriver/testdata/people.xml
- handle: '@peeps'
type: ppl
location: ${SQ_ROOT}/libsq/driver/userdriver/testdata/people2.xml
- handle: '@ds_invalid_creds'
type: mysql
location: mysql://root:badpass@localhost:3306/sqtest
- handle: '@ds_invalid_port'
type: mysql
location: mysql://root:root@localhost:33661/sqtest
- handle: '@ds_invalid_host'
type: mysql
location: mysql://
- handle: '@ds_invalid_db'
type: mysql
location: mysql://sq:sq@localhost:3306/not_a_db
- handle: '@csvbig'
type: csv
location: ${SQ_ROOT}/drivers/csv/testdata/person_comma_header_big.csv
- "true"
- handle: '@sl_sakila'
type: sqlite3
location: sqlite3://${SQ_ROOT}/examples/sakila/sqlite-sakila-db/sakila.db
- handle: '@my_sakila'
type: mysql
location: mysql://root:sakila@localhost:33067/sakila
- handle: '@pg_sakila'
type: postgres
location: postgres://sq:p_ssW0rd@localhost:54321/sakila?sslmode=disable
enabled: []
destinations: []

cli/config/testdata/good.02.sq.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
active: ""
scratch: ""

cli/config/testdata/good.03.sq.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
active: ""
scratch: ""

cli/config/testdata/good.04.sq.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

cli/consts.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
package cli
// cli flags
const (
flagActiveSrc = "src"
flagActiveSrcUsage = "Override the active source for this query"
flagCSV = "csv"
flagCSVShort = "c"
flagCSVUsage = "CSV output"
flagDriver = "driver"
flagDriverShort = "d"
flagDriverUsage = "Explicitly specify the data source driver to use"
flagHTML = "html"
flagHTMLUsage = "HTML table output"
flagHeader = "header"
flagHeaderShort = "h"
flagHeaderUsage = "Print header row in output"
flagHandle = "handle"
flagHandleShort = "h"
flagHandleUsage = "Handle for the source"
flagHelp = "help"
flagInsert = "insert"
flagInsertUsage = "Insert query results into @HANDLE.TABLE"
flagInspectFull = "full"
flagInspectFullUsage = "Output full data source details (JSON only)"
flagJSON = "json"
flagJSONUsage = "JSON output"
flagJSONShort = "j"
flagJSONA = "jsona"
flagJSONAShort = "A"
flagJSONAUsage = "JSON: output each record's values as JSON array on its own line"
flagJSONL = "jsonl"
flagJSONLShort = "l"
flagJSONLUsage = "JSON: output each record as a JSON object on its own line"
flagMarkdown = "markdown"
flagMarkdownUsage = "Markdown table output"
flagMonochrome = "monochrome"
flagMonochromeShort = "M"
flagMonochromeUsage = "Don't colorize output"
flagNoHeader = "no-header"
flagNoHeaderShort = "H"
flagNoHeaderUsage = "Don't print header row in output"
flagNotifierLabel = "label"
flagNotifierLabelUsage = "Optional label for the notification destination"
flagOutput = "output"
flagOutputShort = "o"
flagOutputUsage = "Write output to <file> instead of stdout"
flagPretty = "pretty"
flagPrettyUsage = "Pretty-print output for certain formats such as JSON or XML"
flagQueryDriverUsage = "Explicitly specify the data source driver to use when piping input"
flagQuerySrcOptionsUsage = "Driver-dependent data source options when piping input"
flagRaw = "raw"
flagRawShort = "r"
flagRawUsage = "Output each record field in raw format without any encoding or delimiter"
flagSQLExec = "exec"
flagSQLExecUsage = "Execute the SQL as a statement (as opposed to query)"
flagSQLQuery = "query"
flagSQLQueryUsage = "Execute the SQL as a query (as opposed to statement)"
flagSrcOptions = "opts"
flagSrcOptionsUsage = "Driver-dependent data source options"
flagTSV = "tsv"
flagTSVShort = "T"
flagTSVUsage = "TSV output"
flagTable = "table"
flagTableShort = "t"
flagTableUsage = "Table output"
flagTblData = "data"
flagTblDataUsage = "Copy table data (defualt true)"
flagTimeout = "timeout"
flagTimeoutPingUsage = "Max time to wait for ping"
flagVerbose = "verbose"
flagVerboseShort = "v"
flagVerboseUsage = "Print verbose data, if applicable"
flagVersion = "version"
flagVersionUsage = "Print sq version"
flagXLSX = "xlsx"
flagXLSXShort = "x"
flagXLSXUsage = "Excel XLSX output"
flagXML = "xml"
flagXMLShort = "X"
flagXMLUsage = "XML output"
const (
msgInvalidArgs = "invalid args"
msgNoActiveSrc = "no active data source"
msgEmptyQueryString = "query string is empty"
msgSrcNoData = "source has no data"
msgSrcEmptyTableName = "source has empty table name"
envarLogPath = "SQ_LOGFILE"
envarLogTruncate = "SQ_LOGFILE_TRUNCATE"
envarConfigDir = "SQ_CONFIGDIR"

cli/ioutilz.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package cli
import (
// isTerminal returns true if w is a terminal.
func isTerminal(w io.Writer) bool {
switch v := w.(type) {
case *os.File:
return terminal.IsTerminal(int(v.Fd()))
return false
// isColorTerminal returns true if w is a colorable terminal.
func isColorTerminal(w io.Writer) bool {
if w == nil {
return false
if !isTerminal(w) {
return false
if os.Getenv("TERM") == "dumb" {
return false
f, ok := w.(*os.File)
if !ok {
return false
if isatty.IsCygwinTerminal(f.Fd()) {
return false
return true

cli/output/adapter.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
package output
import (
// RecordWriterAdapter implements libsq.RecordWriter and
// wraps an output.RecordWriter instance, providing a
// bridge between the asynchronous libsq.RecordWriter and
// synchronous output.RecordWriter interfaces.
// Note that a writer implementation such as the JSON or
// CSV writer could directly implement libsq.RecordWriter.
// But that interface is non-trivial to implement, hence
// this bridge type.
// The FlushAfterN and FlushAfterDuration fields control
// flushing of the writer.
type RecordWriterAdapter struct {
rw RecordWriter
wg *sync.WaitGroup
recCh chan sqlz.Record
errCh chan error
errs []error
written *atomic.Int64
cancelFn context.CancelFunc
// FlushAfterN indicates that the writer's Flush method
// should be invoked after N invocations of WriteRecords.
// A value of 0 will flush every time a record is written.
// Set to -1 to disable.
FlushAfterN int64
// FlushAfterDuration controls whether the writer's Flush method
// is invoked periodically. A duration <= 0 disables periodic flushing.
FlushAfterDuration time.Duration
// RecordWriterAdapterChSize is the size of the record chan (effectively
// the buffer) used by RecordWriterAdapter.
// Possibly this value should be user-configurable.
const RecordWriterAdapterChSize = 1000
// NewRecordWriterAdapter returns a new RecordWriterAdapter.
func NewRecordWriterAdapter(rw RecordWriter) *RecordWriterAdapter {
recCh := make(chan sqlz.Record, RecordWriterAdapterChSize)
return &RecordWriterAdapter{rw: rw, recCh: recCh, wg: &sync.WaitGroup{}, written: atomic.NewInt64(0)}
// Open implements libsq.RecordWriter.
func (w *RecordWriterAdapter) Open(ctx context.Context, cancelFn context.CancelFunc, recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta) (chan<- sqlz.Record, <-chan error, error) {
w.cancelFn = cancelFn
err :=
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// errCh has size 2 because that's the maximum number of
// errs that could be sent. Typically only one err is sent,
// but in the case of ctx.Done, we send ctx.Err, followed
// by any error returned by
w.errCh = make(chan error, 2)
go func() {
defer func() {
var lastFlushN, recN int64
var flushTimer *time.Timer
var flushCh <-chan time.Time
if w.FlushAfterDuration > 0 {
flushTimer = time.NewTimer(w.FlushAfterDuration)
flushCh = flushTimer.C
defer flushTimer.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-flushCh:
// The flushTimer has expired, time to flush.
err =
if err != nil {
lastFlushN = recN
case rec := <-w.recCh:
if rec == nil { // no more results on recCh, it has been closed
err =
if err != nil {
// rec is not nil, therefore we write it out.
// We could accumulate a bunch of recs into a slice here,
// but we'll worry about that if benchmarking shows it'll matter.
writeErr :=[]sqlz.Record{rec})
if writeErr != nil {
recN = w.written.Inc()
// Check if we should flush
if w.FlushAfterN >= 0 && (recN-lastFlushN >= w.FlushAfterN) {
err =
if err != nil {
lastFlushN = recN
if flushTimer != nil {
// Reset the timer, but we need to stop and drain it first.
// See the timer.Reset docs.
if !flushTimer.Stop() {
// If we got this far, we successfully wrote rec to rw.
// Therefore continue to wait/select for the next
// element on recCh (or for recCh to close)
// or for ctx.Done indicating timeout or cancel etc.
return w.recCh, w.errCh, nil
// Wait implements libsq.RecordWriter.
func (w *RecordWriterAdapter) Wait() (written int64, err error) {
if w.cancelFn != nil {
return w.written.Load(), errz.Combine(w.errs...)
// addErrs handles any non-nil err in errs by appending it to w.errs
// and sending it on w.errCh.
func (w *RecordWriterAdapter) addErrs(errs ...error) {
for _, err := range errs {
if err != nil {
w.errs = append(w.errs, err)
w.errCh <- err

cli/output/adapter_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
package output_test
import (
var _ libsq.RecordWriter = (*output.RecordWriterAdapter)(nil)
func TestRecordWriterAdapter(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
handle string
sqlQuery string
wantRowCount int
wantColCount int
handle: sakila.SL3,
sqlQuery: "SELECT * FROM actor",
wantRowCount: sakila.TblActorCount,
wantColCount: len(sakila.TblActorCols),
handle: testsrc.CSVPersonBig,
sqlQuery: "SELECT * FROM data",
wantRowCount: 10000,
wantColCount: len(sakila.TblActorCols),
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.handle, func(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(tc.handle)
dbase := th.Open(src)
sink := &testh.RecordSink{}
recw := output.NewRecordWriterAdapter(sink)
err := libsq.QuerySQL(th.Context, th.Log, dbase, recw, tc.sqlQuery)
require.NoError(t, err)
written, err := recw.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(tc.wantRowCount), written)
require.True(t, len(sink.Closed) == 1)
require.Equal(t, tc.wantRowCount, len(sink.Recs))
require.Equal(t, tc.wantColCount, len(sink.Recs[0]))
func TestRecordWriterAdapter_FlushAfterN(t *testing.T) {
const writeRecCount = 200
testCases := map[int]int{
-1: 0,
0: writeRecCount,
1: writeRecCount,
2: writeRecCount / 2,
10: writeRecCount / 10,
100: writeRecCount / 100,
writeRecCount + 1: 0,
// Get some recMeta to feed to RecordWriter.Open.
// In this case, the field is "actor_id", which is an int.
recMeta := testh.NewRecordMeta([]string{"col_int"}, []sqlz.Kind{sqlz.KindInt})
for flushAfterN, wantFlushed := range testCases {
flushAfterN, wantFlushed := flushAfterN, wantFlushed
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("flustAfter_%d__wantFlushed_%d", flushAfterN, wantFlushed), func(t *testing.T) {
sink := &testh.RecordSink{}
recw := output.NewRecordWriterAdapter(sink)
recw.FlushAfterN = int64(flushAfterN)
recw.FlushAfterDuration = -1 // not testing duration
recCh, _, err := recw.Open(context.Background(), nil, recMeta)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Write some records
for i := 0; i < writeRecCount; i++ {
recCh <- []interface{}{1}
written, err := recw.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(writeRecCount), written)
require.Equal(t, writeRecCount, len(sink.Recs))
require.Equal(t, wantFlushed, len(sink.Flushed))
func TestRecordWriterAdapter_FlushAfterDuration(t *testing.T) {
// Don't run this as t.Parallel because it's timing sensitive.
const (
sleepTime = time.Millisecond * 10
writeRecCount = 10
testCases := []struct {
flushAfter time.Duration
wantFlushed int
assertFn testh.AssertCompareFunc
{flushAfter: -1, wantFlushed: 0, assertFn: require.Equal},
{flushAfter: 0, wantFlushed: 0, assertFn: require.Equal},
{flushAfter: 1, wantFlushed: 10, assertFn: require.GreaterOrEqual},
{flushAfter: time.Millisecond * 20, wantFlushed: 2, assertFn: require.GreaterOrEqual},
{flushAfter: time.Second, wantFlushed: 0, assertFn: require.Equal},
// Get some recMeta to feed to RecordWriter.Open.
// In this case, the field is "actor_id", which is an int.
recMeta := testh.NewRecordMeta([]string{"col_int"}, []sqlz.Kind{sqlz.KindInt})
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("flushAfter_%s__wantFlushed_%d", tc.flushAfter, tc.wantFlushed), func(t *testing.T) {
sink := &testh.RecordSink{}
recw := output.NewRecordWriterAdapter(sink)
recw.FlushAfterN = -1 // not testing FlushAfterN
recw.FlushAfterDuration = tc.flushAfter
recCh, _, err := recw.Open(context.Background(), nil, recMeta)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Write some records
for i := 0; i < writeRecCount; i++ {
recCh <- []interface{}{1}
written, err := recw.Wait()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(writeRecCount), written)
require.Equal(t, writeRecCount, len(sink.Recs))
tc.assertFn(t, len(sink.Flushed), tc.wantFlushed)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package csvw_test
import (
func TestDateTimeHandling(t *testing.T) {
var (
colNames = []string{"col_datetime", "col_date", "col_time"}
kinds = []sqlz.Kind{sqlz.KindDatetime, sqlz.KindDate, sqlz.KindTime}
when = time.Unix(0, 0).UTC()
const want = "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\t1970-01-01\t00:00:00\n"
recMeta := testh.NewRecordMeta(colNames, kinds)
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
w := csvw.NewRecordWriter(buf, false, csvw.Tab)
require.NoError(t, w.Open(recMeta))
rec := sqlz.Record{&when, &when, &when}
require.NoError(t, w.WriteRecords([]sqlz.Record{rec}))
require.NoError(t, w.Close())
require.Equal(t, want, buf.String())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
// Package csvw implements writers for CSV.
package csvw
import (
const (
// Tab is the tab rune.
Tab = '\t'
// Comma is the comma rune.
Comma = ','
// RecordWriter implements output.RecordWriter.
type RecordWriter struct {
recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta
csvW *csv.Writer
needsHeader bool
// NewRecordWriter returns a writer instance.
func NewRecordWriter(out io.Writer, header bool, sep rune) *RecordWriter {
csvW := csv.NewWriter(out)
csvW.Comma = sep
return &RecordWriter{needsHeader: header, csvW: csvW}
// Open implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *RecordWriter) Open(recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta) error {
w.recMeta = recMeta
return nil
// Flush implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *RecordWriter) Flush() error {
return nil
// Close implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *RecordWriter) Close() error {
return w.csvW.Error()
// WriteRecords implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *RecordWriter) WriteRecords(recs []sqlz.Record) error {
if w.needsHeader {
headerRow := w.recMeta.Names()
err := w.csvW.Write(headerRow)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrap(err, "failed to write header record")
w.needsHeader = false
for _, rec := range recs {
fields := make([]string, len(rec))
for i, val := range rec {
switch val := val.(type) {
// should never happen
fields[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", val)
case nil:
// nil is rendered as empty string, which this cell already is
case *int64:
fields[i] = strconv.FormatInt(*val, 10)
case *string:
fields[i] = *val
case *bool:
fields[i] = strconv.FormatBool(*val)
case *float64:
fields[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", *val)
case *[]byte:
fields[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", string(*val))
case *time.Time:
switch w.recMeta[i].Kind() {
fields[i] = val.Format(stringz.DatetimeFormat)
case sqlz.KindTime:
fields[i] = val.Format(stringz.TimeFormat)
case sqlz.KindDate:
fields[i] = val.Format(stringz.DateFormat)
err := w.csvW.Write(fields)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrap(err, "failed to write records")
return w.csvW.Error()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package csvw
import (
// NewPingWriter returns a new instance.
func NewPingWriter(out io.Writer, sep rune) output.PingWriter {
csvw := csv.NewWriter(out)
csvw.Comma = sep
return &pingWriter{csvw: csvw}
// pingWriter implements out.pingWriter.
type pingWriter struct {
csvw *csv.Writer
// Open implements output.PingWriter.
func (p *pingWriter) Open(srcs []*source.Source) {
// Result implements output.PingWriter.
func (p *pingWriter) Result(src *source.Source, d time.Duration, err error) {
rec := make([]string, 3)
rec[0] = src.Handle
rec[1] = d.Truncate(time.Millisecond).String()
if err != nil {
if err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
rec[2] = "timeout exceeded"
} else {
rec[2] = err.Error()
_ = p.csvw.Write(rec)
// Close implements output.PingWriter.
func (p *pingWriter) Close() error {
return errz.Err(p.csvw.Error())

cli/output/formatting.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
package output
import ""
// Formatting describes color and pretty-printing options.
type Formatting struct {
monochrome bool
// Pretty indicates that output should be pretty-printed.
// Typically this means indentation, new lines, etc, but
// varies by output format.
Pretty bool
// Indent is the indent string to use when pretty-printing,
// typically two spaces.
Indent string
// Bool is the color for boolean values.
Bool *color.Color
// Bytes is the color for byte / binary values.
Bytes *color.Color
// Datetime is the color for time-related values.
Datetime *color.Color
// Null is the color for null.
Null *color.Color
// Number is the color for number values, including int,
// float, decimal etc.
Number *color.Color
// String is the color for string values.
String *color.Color
// Success is the color for success elements.
Success *color.Color
// Error is the color for error elements such as an error message.
Error *color.Color
// Handle is the color for source handles such as "@my_db"
Handle *color.Color
// Header is the color for header elements in a table.
Header *color.Color
// Hilite is the color for highlighted elements.
Hilite *color.Color
// Faint is the color for faint elements - the opposite of Hilite.
Faint *color.Color
// Bold is the color for bold elements.
Bold *color.Color
// Key is the color for keys such as a JSON field name.
Key *color.Color
// Punc is the color for punctuation such as colons, braces, etc.
// Frequently Punc will just be color.Bold.
Punc *color.Color
// NewFormatting returns a Formatting instance. Color and pretty-print
// are enabled. The default indent is two spaces.
func NewFormatting() *Formatting {
fm := &Formatting{
Pretty: true,
monochrome: false,
Indent: " ",
Bool: color.New(color.FgCyan),
Bold: color.New(color.Bold),
Bytes: color.New(color.FgGreen),
Datetime: color.New(color.FgGreen),
Error: color.New(color.FgRed, color.Bold),
Faint: color.New(color.Faint),
Handle: color.New(color.FgBlue),
Header: color.New(color.FgBlue, color.Bold),
Hilite: color.New(color.FgHiBlue),
Key: color.New(color.FgBlue, color.Bold),
Null: color.New(color.FgBlue, color.Faint),
Number: color.New(),
String: color.New(color.FgGreen),
Success: color.New(color.FgGreen, color.Bold),
Punc: color.New(color.Bold),
return fm
// IsMonochrome returns true if in monochrome (no color) mode.
// Default is false (color enabled) for a new instance.
func (f *Formatting) IsMonochrome() bool {
return f.monochrome
// EnableColor enables or disables all colors.
func (f *Formatting) EnableColor(enable bool) {
if enable {
f.monochrome = false
} else {
f.monochrome = true

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
package output_test

cli/output/htmlw/htmlw.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
// Package htmlw implements a RecordWriter for HTML.
package htmlw
import (
// RecordWriter implements output.RecordWriter.
type recordWriter struct {
recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta
out io.Writer
buf *bytes.Buffer
// NewRecordWriter an output.RecordWriter for HTML.
func NewRecordWriter(out io.Writer) output.RecordWriter {
return &recordWriter{out: out}
// Open implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *recordWriter) Open(recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta) error {
w.recMeta = recMeta
w.buf = &bytes.Buffer{}
const header = `<!doctype html>
<title>sq output</title>
for _, field := range recMeta {
w.buf.WriteString(" <col class=\"kind-")
w.buf.WriteString("\" />\n")
w.buf.WriteString(" </colgroup>\n <thead>\n <tr>\n")
for _, field := range recMeta {
w.buf.WriteString(" <th scope=\"col\">")
w.buf.WriteString(" </tr>\n </thead>\n <tbody>\n")
return nil
// Flush implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *recordWriter) Flush() error {
_, err := w.buf.WriteTo(w.out) // resets buf
return errz.Err(err)
// Close implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *recordWriter) Close() error {
err := w.Flush()
if err != nil {
return err
const footer = ` </tbody>
_, err = w.out.Write([]byte(footer))
return errz.Err(err)
func (w *recordWriter) writeRecord(rec sqlz.Record) error {
w.buf.WriteString(" <tr>\n")
var s string
for i, field := range rec {
w.buf.WriteString(" <td>")
switch val := field.(type) {
s = html.EscapeString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", val))
// should never happen
case nil:
// nil is rendered as empty string, which this cell already is
case *int64:
s = strconv.FormatInt(*val, 10)
case *string:
s = html.EscapeString(*val)
case *bool:
s = strconv.FormatBool(*val)
case *float64:
s = stringz.FormatFloat(*val)
case *[]byte:
s = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(*val)
case *time.Time:
switch w.recMeta[i].Kind() {
s = val.Format(stringz.DatetimeFormat)
case sqlz.KindTime:
s = val.Format(stringz.TimeFormat)
case sqlz.KindDate:
s = val.Format(stringz.DateFormat)
w.buf.WriteString(" </tr>\n")
return nil
// WriteRecords implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *recordWriter) WriteRecords(recs []sqlz.Record) error {
var err error
for _, rec := range recs {
err = w.writeRecord(rec)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package htmlw_test
import (
func TestRecordWriter(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
numRecs int
fixtPath string
{name: "actor_0", numRecs: 0, fixtPath: "testdata/actor_0_rows.html"},
{name: "actor_3", numRecs: 3, fixtPath: "testdata/actor_3_rows.html"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
recMeta, recs := testh.RecordsFromTbl(t, sakila.SL3, sakila.TblActor)
recs = recs[0:tc.numRecs]
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
w := htmlw.NewRecordWriter(buf)
require.NoError(t, w.Open(recMeta))
require.NoError(t, w.WriteRecords(recs))
require.NoError(t, w.Close())
want, err := ioutil.ReadFile(tc.fixtPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, string(want), buf.String())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<!doctype html>
<title>sq output</title>
<col class="kind-int" />
<col class="kind-text" />
<col class="kind-text" />
<col class="kind-datetime" />
<th scope="col">actor_id</th>
<th scope="col">first_name</th>
<th scope="col">last_name</th>
<th scope="col">last_update</th>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
<!doctype html>
<title>sq output</title>
<col class="kind-int" />
<col class="kind-text" />
<col class="kind-text" />
<col class="kind-datetime" />
<th scope="col">actor_id</th>
<th scope="col">first_name</th>
<th scope="col">last_name</th>
<th scope="col">last_update</th>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# Package `jsonw`
Package `jsonw` implements JSON output writers.
Note that there are three implementations of `output.RecordWriter`.
- `NewStdRecordWriter` returns a writer that outputs in "standard" JSON.
- `NewArrayRecordWriter` outputs each record on its own line as an element of a JSON array.
- `NewObjectRecordWriter` outputs each record as a JSON object on its own line.
These `RecordWriter`s correspond to the `--json`, `--jsona`, and `--jsonl` flags (where `jsonl` means "JSON Lines"). There are also other writer implementations, such as an `output.ErrorWriter` and an `output.MetadataWriter`.
#### Standard JSON `--json`:
"actor_id": 1,
"first_name": "PENELOPE",
"last_name": "GUINESS",
"last_update": "2020-06-11T02:50:54Z"
"actor_id": 2,
"first_name": "NICK",
"last_name": "WAHLBERG",
"last_update": "2020-06-11T02:50:54Z"
#### JSON Array `--jsona`:
[1, "PENELOPE", "GUINESS", "2020-06-11T02:50:54Z"]
[2, "NICK", "WAHLBERG", "2020-06-11T02:50:54Z"]
#### Object aka JSON Lines `--jsonl`:
{"actor_id": 1, "first_name": "PENELOPE", "last_name": "GUINESS", "last_update": "2020-06-11T02:50:54Z"}
{"actor_id": 2, "first_name": "NICK", "last_name": "WAHLBERG", "last_update": "2020-06-11T02:50:54Z"}
## Notes
At the time of development there was not a JSON encoder library available that provided the functionality that `sq` required. These requirements:
- Optional colorization
- Optional pretty-printing (indentation, spacing)
- Preservation of the order of record fields (columns).
For the `RecordWriter` implementations, given the known "flat" structure of a record, it was relatively straightforward to create custom writers for each type of JSON output.
For general-purpose JSON output (such as metadata output), it was necessary to modify an existing JSON library to provide colorization (and also on-the-fly indentation). After benchmarking, the [ encoder]( was selected as the base library. Rather than a separate forked project (which probably would not make sense to ever merge with its parent project), the modified encoder is found in `jsonw/internal/jcolorenc`.

cli/output/jsonw/encode.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
package jsonw
import (
// monoEncoder provides methods for encoding JSON values
// without colorization (that is, in monochrome).
type monoEncoder struct {
func (e monoEncoder) encodeTime(b []byte, v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return e.doEncodeTime(b, v, stringz.TimeFormat)
func (e monoEncoder) encodeDatetime(b []byte, v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return e.doEncodeTime(b, v, stringz.DatetimeFormat)
func (e monoEncoder) encodeDate(b []byte, v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return e.doEncodeTime(b, v, stringz.DateFormat)
func (e monoEncoder) doEncodeTime(b []byte, v interface{}, layout string) ([]byte, error) {
switch v := v.(type) {
case nil:
return append(b, "null"...), nil
case *time.Time:
b = append(b, '"')
b = v.AppendFormat(b, layout)
b = append(b, '"')
return b, nil
case *string:
// If we've got a string, assume it's in the correct format
return encodeString(b, *v, false)
return b, errz.Errorf("unsupported time type %T: %v", v, v)
func (e monoEncoder) encodeAny(b []byte, v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
switch v := v.(type) {
return b, errz.Errorf("unexpected record field type %T: %#v", v, v)
case nil:
return append(b, "null"...), nil
case *int64:
return strconv.AppendInt(b, *v, 10), nil
case *float64:
return append(b, stringz.FormatFloat(*v)...), nil
case *bool:
return strconv.AppendBool(b, *v), nil
case *[]byte:
var err error
b, err = encodeBytes(b, *v)
if err != nil {
return b, errz.Err(err)
return b, nil
case *string:
var err error
b, err = encodeString(b, *v, false)
if err != nil {
return b, errz.Err(err)
return b, nil
case *time.Time:
b = append(b, '"')
b = v.AppendFormat(b, stringz.DatetimeFormat)
b = append(b, '"')
return b, nil
// colorEncoder provides methods for encoding JSON values
// with color.
type colorEncoder struct {
clrs internal.Colors
func (e *colorEncoder) encodeTime(b []byte, v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return e.doEncodeTime(b, v, stringz.TimeFormat)
func (e *colorEncoder) encodeDatetime(b []byte, v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return e.doEncodeTime(b, v, stringz.DatetimeFormat)
func (e *colorEncoder) encodeDate(b []byte, v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return e.doEncodeTime(b, v, stringz.DateFormat)
func (e *colorEncoder) doEncodeTime(b []byte, v interface{}, layout string) ([]byte, error) {
start := len(b)
switch v := v.(type) {
case nil:
return e.clrs.AppendNull(b), nil
case *time.Time:
b = append(b, e.clrs.Time.Prefix...)
b = append(b, '"')
b = v.AppendFormat(b, layout)
b = append(b, '"')
b = append(b, e.clrs.Time.Suffix...)
return b, nil
case *string:
// If we've got a string, assume it's in the correct format
b = append(b, e.clrs.Time.Prefix...)
var err error
b, err = encodeString(b, *v, false)
if err != nil {
return b[0:start], err
b = append(b, e.clrs.Time.Suffix...)
return b, nil
return b, errz.Errorf("unsupported time type %T: %v", v, v)
func (e *colorEncoder) encodeAny(b []byte, v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
switch v := v.(type) {
return b, errz.Errorf("unexpected record field type %T: %#v", v, v)
case nil:
return e.clrs.AppendNull(b), nil
case *int64:
b = append(b, e.clrs.Number.Prefix...)
b = strconv.AppendInt(b, *v, 10)
return append(b, e.clrs.Number.Suffix...), nil
case *float64:
b = append(b, e.clrs.Number.Prefix...)
b = append(b, stringz.FormatFloat(*v)...)
return append(b, e.clrs.Number.Suffix...), nil
case *bool:
b = append(b, e.clrs.Bool.Prefix...)
b = strconv.AppendBool(b, *v)
return append(b, e.clrs.Bool.Suffix...), nil
case *[]byte:
var err error
b = append(b, e.clrs.Bytes.Prefix...)
b, err = encodeBytes(b, *v)
if err != nil {
return b, errz.Err(err)
b = append(b, e.clrs.Bytes.Suffix...)
return b, nil
case *string:
b = append(b, e.clrs.String.Prefix...)
var err error
b, err = encodeString(b, *v, false)
if err != nil {
return b, errz.Err(err)
return append(b, e.clrs.String.Suffix...), nil
case *time.Time:
b = append(b, e.clrs.Time.Prefix...)
b = append(b, '"')
b = v.AppendFormat(b, stringz.DatetimeFormat)
b = append(b, '"')
return append(b, e.clrs.Time.Suffix...), nil
// punc holds the byte values of JSON punctuation chars
// like left bracket "[", right brace "}" etc. When
// colorizing, these values will include the terminal color codes.
type punc struct {
comma []byte
colon []byte
lBrace []byte
rBrace []byte
lBracket []byte
rBracket []byte
// null is also included in punc just for convenience
null []byte
func newPunc(fm *output.Formatting) punc {
var p punc
if fm == nil || fm.IsMonochrome() || !fm.Pretty {
p.comma = append(p.comma, ',')
p.colon = append(p.colon, ':')
p.lBrace = append(p.lBrace, '{')
p.rBrace = append(p.rBrace, '}')
p.lBracket = append(p.lBracket, '[')
p.rBracket = append(p.rBracket, ']')
p.null = append(p.null, "null"...)
return p
clrs := internal.NewColors(fm)
p.comma = clrs.AppendPunc(p.comma, ',')
p.colon = clrs.AppendPunc(p.colon, ':')
p.lBrace = clrs.AppendPunc(p.lBrace, '{')
p.rBrace = clrs.AppendPunc(p.rBrace, '}')
p.lBracket = clrs.AppendPunc(p.lBracket, '[')
p.rBracket = clrs.AppendPunc(p.rBracket, ']')
p.null = clrs.AppendNull(p.null)
return p
func getFieldEncoders(recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta, fm *output.Formatting) []func(b []byte, v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
encodeFns := make([]func(b []byte, v interface{}) ([]byte, error), len(recMeta))
if fm.IsMonochrome() {
enc := monoEncoder{}
for i := 0; i < len(recMeta); i++ {
switch recMeta[i].Kind() {
case sqlz.KindTime:
encodeFns[i] = enc.encodeTime
case sqlz.KindDate:
encodeFns[i] = enc.encodeDate
case sqlz.KindDatetime:
encodeFns[i] = enc.encodeDatetime
encodeFns[i] = enc.encodeAny
return encodeFns
clrs := internal.NewColors(fm)
// Else, we want color encoders
enc := &colorEncoder{clrs: clrs}
for i := 0; i < len(recMeta); i++ {
switch recMeta[i].Kind() {
case sqlz.KindTime:
encodeFns[i] = enc.encodeTime
case sqlz.KindDate:
encodeFns[i] = enc.encodeDate
case sqlz.KindDatetime:
encodeFns[i] = enc.encodeDatetime
encodeFns[i] = enc.encodeAny
return encodeFns
// encodeString encodes s, appending to b and returning
// the resulting []byte.
func encodeString(b []byte, s string, escapeHTML bool) ([]byte, error) { //nolint:unparam
// This function is copied from the JSON encoder.
const hex = "0123456789abcdef"
i := 0
j := 0
b = append(b, '"')
for j < len(s) {
c := s[j]
if c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7f && c != '\\' && c != '"' && (!escapeHTML || (c != '<' && c != '>' && c != '&')) {
// fast path: most of the time, printable ascii characters are used
switch c {
case '\\', '"':
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, '\\', c)
i = j + 1
case '\n':
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, '\\', 'n')
i = j + 1
case '\r':
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, '\\', 'r')
i = j + 1
case '\t':
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, '\\', 't')
i = j + 1
case '<', '>', '&':
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, `\u00`...)
b = append(b, hex[c>>4], hex[c&0xF])
i = j + 1
// This encodes bytes < 0x20 except for \t, \n and \r.
if c < 0x20 {
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, `\u00`...)
b = append(b, hex[c>>4], hex[c&0xF])
i = j + 1
r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[j:])
if r == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, `\ufffd`...)
i = j + size
j += size
switch r {
case '\u2028', '\u2029':
// U+2028 is LINE SEPARATOR.
// They are both technically valid characters in JSON strings,
// but don't work in JSONP, which has to be evaluated as JavaScript,
// and can lead to security holes there. It is valid JSON to
// escape them, so we do so unconditionally.
// See for discussion.
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, `\u202`...)
b = append(b, hex[r&0xF])
i = j + size
j += size
j += size
b = append(b, s[i:]...)
b = append(b, '"')
return b, nil
// encodeBytes encodes v in base64 and appends to b, returning
// the resulting slice.
func encodeBytes(b, v []byte) ([]byte, error) { // nolint:unparam
// This function is copied from the JSON encoder.
if v == nil {
return append(b, "null"...), nil
n := base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(v)) + 2
if avail := cap(b) - len(b); avail < n {
newB := make([]byte, cap(b)+(n-avail))
copy(newB, b)
b = newB[:len(b)]
i := len(b)
j := len(b) + n
b = b[:j]
b[i] = '"'
base64.StdEncoding.Encode(b[i+1:j-1], v)
b[j-1] = '"'
return b, nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package jsonw
import (
// errorWriter implements output.ErrorWriter.
type errorWriter struct {
log lg.Log
out io.Writer
fm *output.Formatting
// NewErrorWriter returns an output.ErrorWriter that outputs in JSON.
func NewErrorWriter(log lg.Log, out io.Writer, fm *output.Formatting) output.ErrorWriter {
return &errorWriter{log: log, out: out, fm: fm}
// Error implements output.ErrorWriter.
func (w *errorWriter) Error(err error) {
const tplNoPretty = "{%s: %s}"
tplPretty := "{\n" + + "%s" + ": %s\n}"
b, err2 := encodeString(nil, err.Error(), false)
key :=`"error"`)
val := // trim the newline
var s string
if {
s = fmt.Sprintf(tplPretty, key, val)
} else {
s = fmt.Sprintf(tplNoPretty, key, val)
fmt.Fprintln(w.out, s)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
package internal_test
import (
stdj "encoding/json"
segmentj ""
jcolorenc ""
// The following benchmarks compare the encoding performance
// of JSON encoders. These are:
// - stdj: the std lib json encoder
// - segmentj: the encoder by
// - jcolorenc: sq's fork of segmentj that supports color
func BenchmarkStdj(b *testing.B) {
_, recs := testh.RecordsFromTbl(b, sakila.SL3, "payment")
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
enc := stdj.NewEncoder(ioutil.Discard)
for i := range recs {
err := enc.Encode(recs[i])
if err != nil {
func BenchmarkStdj_Indent(b *testing.B) {
_, recs := testh.RecordsFromTbl(b, sakila.SL3, "payment")
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
enc := stdj.NewEncoder(ioutil.Discard)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
for i := range recs {
err := enc.Encode(recs[i])
if err != nil {
func BenchmarkSegmentj(b *testing.B) {
_, recs := testh.RecordsFromTbl(b, sakila.SL3, "payment")
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
enc := segmentj.NewEncoder(ioutil.Discard)
for i := range recs {
err := enc.Encode(recs[i])
if err != nil {
func BenchmarkSegmentj_Indent(b *testing.B) {
_, recs := testh.RecordsFromTbl(b, sakila.SL3, "payment")
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
enc := segmentj.NewEncoder(ioutil.Discard)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
for i := range recs {
err := enc.Encode(recs[i])
if err != nil {
func BenchmarkJColorEnc(b *testing.B) {
_, recs := testh.RecordsFromTbl(b, sakila.SL3, "payment")
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
enc := jcolorenc.NewEncoder(ioutil.Discard)
for i := range recs {
err := enc.Encode(recs[i])
if err != nil {
func BenchmarkJColorEnc_Indent(b *testing.B) {
_, recs := testh.RecordsFromTbl(b, sakila.SL3, "payment")
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
enc := jcolorenc.NewEncoder(ioutil.Discard)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
for i := range recs {
err := enc.Encode(recs[i])
if err != nil {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
package internal
import (
fcolor ""
// Colors encapsulates colorization of JSON output.
type Colors struct {
Null Color
Bool Color
Number Color
String Color
Key Color
Bytes Color
Time Color
Punc Color
// AppendNull appends a colorized "null" to b.
func (c Colors) AppendNull(b []byte) []byte {
b = append(b, c.Null.Prefix...)
b = append(b, "null"...)
return append(b, c.Null.Suffix...)
// AppendBool appends the colorized bool v to b.
func (c Colors) AppendBool(b []byte, v bool) []byte {
b = append(b, c.Bool.Prefix...)
if v {
b = append(b, "true"...)
} else {
b = append(b, "false"...)
return append(b, c.Bool.Suffix...)
// AppendKey appends the colorized key v to b.
func (c Colors) AppendKey(b []byte, v []byte) []byte {
b = append(b, c.Key.Prefix...)
b = append(b, v...)
return append(b, c.Key.Suffix...)
// AppendInt64 appends the colorized int64 v to b.
func (c Colors) AppendInt64(b []byte, v int64) []byte {
b = append(b, c.Number.Prefix...)
b = strconv.AppendInt(b, v, 10)
return append(b, c.Number.Suffix...)
// AppendUint64 appends the colorized uint64 v to b.
func (c Colors) AppendUint64(b []byte, v uint64) []byte {
b = append(b, c.Number.Prefix...)
b = strconv.AppendUint(b, v, 10)
return append(b, c.Number.Suffix...)
// AppendPunc appends the colorized punctuation mark v to b.
func (c Colors) AppendPunc(b []byte, v byte) []byte {
b = append(b, c.Punc.Prefix...)
b = append(b, v)
return append(b, c.Punc.Suffix...)
// Color is used to render terminal colors. The Prefix
// value is written, then the actual value, then the suffix.
type Color struct {
// Prefix is the terminal color code prefix to print before the value (may be empty).
Prefix []byte
// Suffix is the terminal color code suffix to print after the value (may be empty).
Suffix []byte
// newColor creates a Color instance from a fatih/color instance.
func newColor(c *fcolor.Color) Color {
// Dirty conversion function ahead: print
// a space using c, then grab the bytes printed
// before and after the space, and those are the
// bytes we need for the prefix and suffix.
if c == nil {
return Color{}
// Make a copy because the pkg-level color.NoColor could be false.
c2 := *c
b := []byte(c2.Sprint(" "))
i := bytes.IndexByte(b, ' ')
if i <= 0 {
return Color{}
return Color{Prefix: b[:i], Suffix: b[i+1:]}
// NewColors builds a Colors instance from a Formatting instance.
func NewColors(fm *output.Formatting) Colors {
if fm == nil || fm.IsMonochrome() {
return Colors{}
return Colors{
Null: newColor(fm.Null),
Bool: newColor(fm.Bool),
Bytes: newColor(fm.Bytes),
Number: newColor(fm.Number),
String: newColor(fm.String),
Time: newColor(fm.Datetime),
Key: newColor(fm.Key),
Punc: newColor(fm.Punc),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
package internal_test
import (
stdjson "encoding/json"
jcolorenc ""
// Encoder encapsulates the methods of a JSON encoder.
type Encoder interface {
Encode(v interface{}) error
SetEscapeHTML(on bool)
SetIndent(prefix, indent string)
var _ Encoder = (*jcolorenc.Encoder)(nil)
func TestEncode(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
pretty bool
color bool
sortMap bool
v interface{}
want string
{name: "nil", pretty: true, v: nil, want: "null\n"},
{name: "slice_empty", pretty: true, v: []int{}, want: "[]\n"},
{name: "slice_1_pretty", pretty: true, v: []interface{}{1}, want: "[\n 1\n]\n"},
{name: "slice_1_no_pretty", v: []interface{}{1}, want: "[1]\n"},
{name: "slice_2_pretty", pretty: true, v: []interface{}{1, true}, want: "[\n 1,\n true\n]\n"},
{name: "slice_2_no_pretty", v: []interface{}{1, true}, want: "[1,true]\n"},
{name: "map_int_empty", pretty: true, v: map[string]int{}, want: "{}\n"},
{name: "map_interface_empty", pretty: true, v: map[string]interface{}{}, want: "{}\n"},
{name: "map_interface_empty_sorted", pretty: true, sortMap: true, v: map[string]interface{}{}, want: "{}\n"},
{name: "map_1_pretty", pretty: true, sortMap: true, v: map[string]interface{}{"one": 1}, want: "{\n \"one\": 1\n}\n"},
{name: "map_1_no_pretty", sortMap: true, v: map[string]interface{}{"one": 1}, want: "{\"one\":1}\n"},
{name: "map_2_pretty", pretty: true, sortMap: true, v: map[string]interface{}{"one": 1, "two": 2}, want: "{\n \"one\": 1,\n \"two\": 2\n}\n"},
{name: "map_2_no_pretty", sortMap: true, v: map[string]interface{}{"one": 1, "two": 2}, want: "{\"one\":1,\"two\":2}\n"},
{name: "tinystruct", pretty: true, v: TinyStruct{FBool: true}, want: "{\n \"f_bool\": true\n}\n"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
fm := output.NewFormatting()
fm.Pretty = tc.pretty
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
enc := jcolorenc.NewEncoder(buf)
if fm.Pretty {
enc.SetIndent("", fm.Indent)
require.NoError(t, enc.Encode(tc.v))
require.True(t, stdjson.Valid(buf.Bytes()))
require.Equal(t, tc.want, buf.String())
func TestEncode_Slice(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
pretty bool
color bool
v []interface{}
want string
{name: "nil", pretty: true, v: nil, want: "null\n"},
{name: "empty", pretty: true, v: []interface{}{}, want: "[]\n"},
{name: "one", pretty: true, v: []interface{}{1}, want: "[\n 1\n]\n"},
{name: "two", pretty: true, v: []interface{}{1, true}, want: "[\n 1,\n true\n]\n"},
{name: "three", pretty: true, v: []interface{}{1, true, "hello"}, want: "[\n 1,\n true,\n \"hello\"\n]\n"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
fm := output.NewFormatting()
fm.Pretty = tc.pretty
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
enc := jcolorenc.NewEncoder(buf)
if fm.Pretty {
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
require.NoError(t, enc.Encode(tc.v))
require.True(t, stdjson.Valid(buf.Bytes()))
require.Equal(t, tc.want, buf.String())
func TestEncode_SmallStruct(t *testing.T) {
v := SmallStruct{
FInt: 7,
FSlice: []interface{}{64, true},
FMap: map[string]interface{}{
"m_float64": 64.64,
"m_string": "hello",
FTinyStruct: TinyStruct{FBool: true},
FString: "hello",
testCases := []struct {
pretty bool
color bool
want string
{pretty: false, color: false, want: "{\"f_int\":7,\"f_slice\":[64,true],\"f_map\":{\"m_float64\":64.64,\"m_string\":\"hello\"},\"f_tinystruct\":{\"f_bool\":true},\"f_string\":\"hello\"}\n"},
{pretty: true, color: false, want: "{\n \"f_int\": 7,\n \"f_slice\": [\n 64,\n true\n ],\n \"f_map\": {\n \"m_float64\": 64.64,\n \"m_string\": \"hello\"\n },\n \"f_tinystruct\": {\n \"f_bool\": true\n },\n \"f_string\": \"hello\"\n}\n"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("pretty_%v__color_%v", tc.pretty, tc.color), func(t *testing.T) {
fm := output.NewFormatting()
fm.Pretty = tc.pretty
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
enc := jcolorenc.NewEncoder(buf)
if fm.Pretty {
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
require.NoError(t, enc.Encode(v))
require.True(t, stdjson.Valid(buf.Bytes()))
require.Equal(t, tc.want, buf.String())
func TestEncode_Map_Nested(t *testing.T) {
v := map[string]interface{}{
"m_bool1": true,
"m_nest1": map[string]interface{}{
"m_nest1_bool": true,
"m_nest2": map[string]interface{}{
"m_nest2_bool": true,
"m_nest3": map[string]interface{}{
"m_nest3_bool": true,
"m_string1": "hello",
testCases := []struct {
pretty bool
color bool
want string
{pretty: false, want: "{\"m_bool1\":true,\"m_nest1\":{\"m_nest1_bool\":true,\"m_nest2\":{\"m_nest2_bool\":true,\"m_nest3\":{\"m_nest3_bool\":true}}},\"m_string1\":\"hello\"}\n"},
{pretty: true, want: "{\n \"m_bool1\": true,\n \"m_nest1\": {\n \"m_nest1_bool\": true,\n \"m_nest2\": {\n \"m_nest2_bool\": true,\n \"m_nest3\": {\n \"m_nest3_bool\": true\n }\n }\n },\n \"m_string1\": \"hello\"\n}\n"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("pretty_%v__color_%v", tc.pretty, tc.color), func(t *testing.T) {
fm := output.NewFormatting()
fm.Pretty = tc.pretty
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
enc := jcolorenc.NewEncoder(buf)
if fm.Pretty {
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
require.NoError(t, enc.Encode(v))
require.True(t, stdjson.Valid(buf.Bytes()))
require.Equal(t, tc.want, buf.String())
// TestEncode_Map_StringNotInterface tests maps with a string key
// but the value type is not interface{}.
// For example, map[string]bool. This test is necessary because the
// encoder has a fast path for map[string]interface{}
func TestEncode_Map_StringNotInterface(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
pretty bool
color bool
sortMap bool
v map[string]bool
want string
{pretty: false, sortMap: true, v: map[string]bool{}, want: "{}\n"},
{pretty: false, sortMap: false, v: map[string]bool{}, want: "{}\n"},
{pretty: true, sortMap: true, v: map[string]bool{}, want: "{}\n"},
{pretty: true, sortMap: false, v: map[string]bool{}, want: "{}\n"},
{pretty: false, sortMap: true, v: map[string]bool{"one": true}, want: "{\"one\":true}\n"},
{pretty: false, sortMap: false, v: map[string]bool{"one": true}, want: "{\"one\":true}\n"},
{pretty: false, sortMap: true, v: map[string]bool{"one": true, "two": false}, want: "{\"one\":true,\"two\":false}\n"},
{pretty: true, sortMap: true, v: map[string]bool{"one": true, "two": false}, want: "{\n \"one\": true,\n \"two\": false\n}\n"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("size_%d__pretty_%v__color_%v", len(tc.v), tc.pretty, tc.color), func(t *testing.T) {
fm := output.NewFormatting()
fm.Pretty = tc.pretty
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
enc := jcolorenc.NewEncoder(buf)
if fm.Pretty {
enc.SetIndent("", fm.Indent)
require.NoError(t, enc.Encode(tc.v))
require.True(t, stdjson.Valid(buf.Bytes()))
require.Equal(t, tc.want, buf.String())
func TestEncode_RawMessage(t *testing.T) {
type RawStruct struct {
FString string `json:"f_string"`
FRaw jcolorenc.RawMessage `json:"f_raw"`
raw := jcolorenc.RawMessage(`{"one":1,"two":2}`)
testCases := []struct {
name string
pretty bool
color bool
v interface{}
want string
{name: "empty", pretty: false, v: jcolorenc.RawMessage(`{}`), want: "{}\n"},
{name: "no_pretty", pretty: false, v: raw, want: "{\"one\":1,\"two\":2}\n"},
{name: "pretty", pretty: true, v: raw, want: "{\n \"one\": 1,\n \"two\": 2\n}\n"},
{name: "pretty_struct", pretty: true, v: RawStruct{FString: "hello", FRaw: raw}, want: "{\n \"f_string\": \"hello\",\n \"f_raw\": {\n \"one\": 1,\n \"two\": 2\n }\n}\n"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
fm := output.NewFormatting()
fm.Pretty = tc.pretty
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
enc := jcolorenc.NewEncoder(buf)
if fm.Pretty {
enc.SetIndent("", fm.Indent)
err := enc.Encode(tc.v)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, stdjson.Valid(buf.Bytes()))
require.Equal(t, tc.want, buf.String())
// TestEncode_Map_StringNotInterface tests map[string]json.RawMessage.
// This test is necessary because the encoder has a fast path
// for map[string]interface{}
func TestEncode_Map_StringRawMessage(t *testing.T) {
raw := jcolorenc.RawMessage(`{"one":1,"two":2}`)
testCases := []struct {
pretty bool
color bool
sortMap bool
v map[string]jcolorenc.RawMessage
want string
{pretty: false, sortMap: true, v: map[string]jcolorenc.RawMessage{}, want: "{}\n"},
{pretty: false, sortMap: false, v: map[string]jcolorenc.RawMessage{}, want: "{}\n"},
{pretty: true, sortMap: true, v: map[string]jcolorenc.RawMessage{}, want: "{}\n"},
{pretty: true, sortMap: false, v: map[string]jcolorenc.RawMessage{}, want: "{}\n"},
{pretty: false, sortMap: true, v: map[string]jcolorenc.RawMessage{"msg1": raw, "msg2": raw}, want: "{\"msg1\":{\"one\":1,\"two\":2},\"msg2\":{\"one\":1,\"two\":2}}\n"},
{pretty: true, sortMap: true, v: map[string]jcolorenc.RawMessage{"msg1": raw, "msg2": raw}, want: "{\n \"msg1\": {\n \"one\": 1,\n \"two\": 2\n },\n \"msg2\": {\n \"one\": 1,\n \"two\": 2\n }\n}\n"},
{pretty: true, sortMap: false, v: map[string]jcolorenc.RawMessage{"msg1": raw}, want: "{\n \"msg1\": {\n \"one\": 1,\n \"two\": 2\n }\n}\n"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
name := fmt.Sprintf("size_%d__pretty_%v__color_%v__sort_%v", len(tc.v), tc.pretty, tc.color, tc.sortMap)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
fm := output.NewFormatting()
fm.Pretty = tc.pretty
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
enc := jcolorenc.NewEncoder(buf)
if fm.Pretty {
enc.SetIndent("", fm.Indent)
require.NoError(t, enc.Encode(tc.v))
require.True(t, stdjson.Valid(buf.Bytes()))
require.Equal(t, tc.want, buf.String())
func TestEncode_BigStruct(t *testing.T) {
v := newBigStruct()
testCases := []struct {
pretty bool
color bool
want string
{pretty: false, want: "{\"f_int\":-7,\"f_int8\":-8,\"f_int16\":-16,\"f_int32\":-32,\"f_int64\":-64,\"f_uint\":7,\"f_uint8\":8,\"f_uint16\":16,\"f_uint32\":32,\"f_uint64\":64,\"f_float32\":32.32,\"f_float64\":64.64,\"f_bool\":true,\"f_bytes\":\"aGVsbG8=\",\"f_nil\":null,\"f_string\":\"hello\",\"f_map\":{\"m_bool\":true,\"m_int64\":64,\"m_nil\":null,\"m_smallstruct\":{\"f_int\":7,\"f_slice\":[64,true],\"f_map\":{\"m_float64\":64.64,\"m_string\":\"hello\"},\"f_tinystruct\":{\"f_bool\":true},\"f_string\":\"hello\"},\"m_string\":\"hello\"},\"f_smallstruct\":{\"f_int\":7,\"f_slice\":[64,true],\"f_map\":{\"m_float64\":64.64,\"m_string\":\"hello\"},\"f_tinystruct\":{\"f_bool\":true},\"f_string\":\"hello\"},\"f_interface\":\"hello\",\"f_interfaces\":[64,\"hello\",true]}\n"},
{pretty: true, want: "{\n \"f_int\": -7,\n \"f_int8\": -8,\n \"f_int16\": -16,\n \"f_int32\": -32,\n \"f_int64\": -64,\n \"f_uint\": 7,\n \"f_uint8\": 8,\n \"f_uint16\": 16,\n \"f_uint32\": 32,\n \"f_uint64\": 64,\n \"f_float32\": 32.32,\n \"f_float64\": 64.64,\n \"f_bool\": true,\n \"f_bytes\": \"aGVsbG8=\",\n \"f_nil\": null,\n \"f_string\": \"hello\",\n \"f_map\": {\n \"m_bool\": true,\n \"m_int64\": 64,\n \"m_nil\": null,\n \"m_smallstruct\": {\n \"f_int\": 7,\n \"f_slice\": [\n 64,\n true\n ],\n \"f_map\": {\n \"m_float64\": 64.64,\n \"m_string\": \"hello\"\n },\n \"f_tinystruct\": {\n \"f_bool\": true\n },\n \"f_string\": \"hello\"\n },\n \"m_string\": \"hello\"\n },\n \"f_smallstruct\": {\n \"f_int\": 7,\n \"f_slice\": [\n 64,\n true\n ],\n \"f_map\": {\n \"m_float64\": 64.64,\n \"m_string\": \"hello\"\n },\n \"f_tinystruct\": {\n \"f_bool\": true\n },\n \"f_string\": \"hello\"\n },\n \"f_interface\": \"hello\",\n \"f_interfaces\": [\n 64,\n \"hello\",\n true\n ]\n}\n"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("pretty_%v__color_%v", tc.pretty, tc.color), func(t *testing.T) {
fm := output.NewFormatting()
fm.Pretty = tc.pretty
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
enc := jcolorenc.NewEncoder(buf)
if fm.Pretty {
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
require.NoError(t, enc.Encode(v))
require.True(t, stdjson.Valid(buf.Bytes()))
require.Equal(t, tc.want, buf.String())
// TestEncode_Map_Not_StringInterface tests map encoding where
// the map is not map[string]interface{} (for which the encoder
// has a fast path).
// NOTE: Currently the encoder is broken wrt colors enabled
// for non-string map keys. It's possible we don't actually need
// to address this for sq purposes.
func TestEncode_Map_Not_StringInterface(t *testing.T) {
fm := output.NewFormatting()
fm.Pretty = true
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
enc := jcolorenc.NewEncoder(buf)
if fm.Pretty {
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
v := map[int32]string{
0: "zero",
1: "one",
2: "two",
require.NoError(t, enc.Encode(v))
require.False(t, stdjson.Valid(buf.Bytes()),
"expected to be invalid JSON because the encoder currently doesn't handle maps with non-string keys")
// BigStruct is a big test struct.
type BigStruct struct {
FInt int `json:"f_int"`
FInt8 int8 `json:"f_int8"`
FInt16 int16 `json:"f_int16"`
FInt32 int32 `json:"f_int32"`
FInt64 int64 `json:"f_int64"`
FUint uint `json:"f_uint"`
FUint8 uint8 `json:"f_uint8"`
FUint16 uint16 `json:"f_uint16"`
FUint32 uint32 `json:"f_uint32"`
FUint64 uint64 `json:"f_uint64"`
FFloat32 float32 `json:"f_float32"`
FFloat64 float64 `json:"f_float64"`
FBool bool `json:"f_bool"`
FBytes []byte `json:"f_bytes"`
FNil interface{} `json:"f_nil"`
FString string `json:"f_string"`
FMap map[string]interface{} `json:"f_map"`
FSmallStruct SmallStruct `json:"f_smallstruct"`
FInterface interface{} `json:"f_interface"`
FInterfaces []interface{} `json:"f_interfaces"`
// SmallStruct is a small test struct.
type SmallStruct struct {
FInt int `json:"f_int"`
FSlice []interface{} `json:"f_slice"`
FMap map[string]interface{} `json:"f_map"`
FTinyStruct TinyStruct `json:"f_tinystruct"`
FString string `json:"f_string"`
// Tiny Struct is a tiny test struct.
type TinyStruct struct {
FBool bool `json:"f_bool"`
func newBigStruct() BigStruct {
return BigStruct{
FInt: -7,
FInt8: -8,
FInt16: -16,
FInt32: -32,
FInt64: -64,
FUint: 7,
FUint8: 8,
FUint16: 16,
FUint32: 32,
FUint64: 64,
FFloat32: 32.32,
FFloat64: 64.64,
FBool: true,
FBytes: []byte("hello"),
FNil: nil,
FString: "hello",
FMap: map[string]interface{}{
"m_int64": int64(64),
"m_string": "hello",
"m_bool": true,
"m_nil": nil,
"m_smallstruct": newSmallStruct(),
FSmallStruct: newSmallStruct(),
FInterface: interface{}("hello"),
FInterfaces: []interface{}{int64(64), "hello", true},
func newSmallStruct() SmallStruct {
return SmallStruct{
FInt: 7,
FSlice: []interface{}{64, true},
FMap: map[string]interface{}{
"m_float64": 64.64,
"m_string": "hello",
FTinyStruct: TinyStruct{FBool: true},
FString: "hello",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# encoding/json [![GoDoc](](
Go package offering a replacement implementation of the standard library's
[`encoding/json`]( package, with much
better performance.
## Usage
The exported API of this package mirrors the standard library's
[`encoding/json`]( package, the only
change needed to take advantage of the performance improvements is the import
path of the `json` package, from:
import (
import (
One way to gain higher encoding throughput is to disable HTML escaping.
It allows the string encoding to use a much more efficient code path which
does not require parsing UTF-8 runes most of the time.
## Performance Improvements
The internal implementation uses a fair amount of unsafe operations (untyped
code, pointer arithmetic, etc...) to avoid using reflection as much as possible,
which is often the reason why serialization code has a large CPU and memory
The package aims for zero unnecessary dynamic memory allocations and hot code
paths that are mostly free from calls into the reflect package.
## Compatibility with encoding/json
This package aims to be a drop-in replacement, therefore it is tested to behave
exactly like the standard library's package. However, there are still a few
missing features that have not been ported yet:
- Streaming decoder, currently the `Decoder` implementation offered by the
package does not support progressively reading values from a JSON array (unlike
the standard library). In our experience this is a very rare use-case, if you
need it you're better off sticking to the standard library, or spend a bit of
time implementing it in here ;)
Note that none of those features should result in performance degradations if
they were implemented in the package, and we welcome contributions!
## Trade-offs
As one would expect, we had to make a couple of trade-offs to achieve greater
performance than the standard library, but there were also features that we
did not want to give away.
Other open-source packages offering a reduced CPU and memory footprint usually
do so by designing a different API, or require code generation (therefore adding
complexity to the build process). These were not acceptable conditions for us,
as we were not willing to trade off developer productivity for better runtime
performance. To achieve this, we chose to exactly replicate the standard
library interfaces and behavior, which meant the package implementation was the
only area that we were able to work with. The internals of this package make
heavy use of unsafe pointer arithmetics and other performance optimizations,
and therefore are not as approachable as typical Go programs. Basically, we put
a bigger burden on maintainers to achieve better runtime cost without
sacrificing developer productivity.
For these reasons, we also don't believe that this code should be ported upstream
to the standard `encoding/json` package. The standard library has to remain
readable and approachable to maximize stability and maintainability, and make
projects like this one possible because a high quality reference implementation
already exists.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,989 @@
package json
import (
const hex = "0123456789abcdef"
func (e encoder) encodeNull(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
return e.clrs.AppendNull(b), nil
func (e encoder) encodeBool(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
return e.clrs.AppendBool(b, *(*bool)(p)), nil
func (e encoder) encodeInt(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
return e.clrs.AppendInt64(b, int64(*(*int)(p))), nil
func (e encoder) encodeInt8(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
return e.clrs.AppendInt64(b, int64(*(*int8)(p))), nil
func (e encoder) encodeInt16(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
return e.clrs.AppendInt64(b, int64(*(*int16)(p))), nil
func (e encoder) encodeInt32(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
return e.clrs.AppendInt64(b, int64(*(*int32)(p))), nil
func (e encoder) encodeInt64(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
return e.clrs.AppendInt64(b, int64(*(*int64)(p))), nil
func (e encoder) encodeUint(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
return e.clrs.AppendUint64(b, uint64(*(*uint)(p))), nil
func (e encoder) encodeUintptr(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
return e.clrs.AppendUint64(b, uint64(*(*uintptr)(p))), nil
func (e encoder) encodeUint8(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
return e.clrs.AppendUint64(b, uint64(*(*uint8)(p))), nil
func (e encoder) encodeUint16(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
return e.clrs.AppendUint64(b, uint64(*(*uint16)(p))), nil
func (e encoder) encodeUint32(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
return e.clrs.AppendUint64(b, uint64(*(*uint32)(p))), nil
func (e encoder) encodeUint64(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
return e.clrs.AppendUint64(b, uint64(*(*uint64)(p))), nil
func (e encoder) encodeFloat32(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
b = append(b, e.clrs.Number.Prefix...)
var err error
b, err = e.encodeFloat(b, float64(*(*float32)(p)), 32)
b = append(b, e.clrs.Number.Suffix...)
return b, err
func (e encoder) encodeFloat64(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
b = append(b, e.clrs.Number.Prefix...)
var err error
b, err = e.encodeFloat(b, *(*float64)(p), 64)
b = append(b, e.clrs.Number.Suffix...)
return b, err
func (e encoder) encodeFloat(b []byte, f float64, bits int) ([]byte, error) {
switch {
case math.IsNaN(f):
return b, &UnsupportedValueError{Value: reflect.ValueOf(f), Str: "NaN"}
case math.IsInf(f, 0):
return b, &UnsupportedValueError{Value: reflect.ValueOf(f), Str: "inf"}
// Convert as if by ES6 number to string conversion.
// This matches most other JSON generators.
// See and
// Like fmt %g, but the exponent cutoffs are different
// and exponents themselves are not padded to two digits.
abs := math.Abs(f)
fmt := byte('f')
// Note: Must use float32 comparisons for underlying float32 value to get precise cutoffs right.
if abs != 0 {
if bits == 64 && (abs < 1e-6 || abs >= 1e21) || bits == 32 && (float32(abs) < 1e-6 || float32(abs) >= 1e21) {
fmt = 'e'
b = strconv.AppendFloat(b, f, fmt, -1, int(bits))
if fmt == 'e' {
// clean up e-09 to e-9
n := len(b)
if n >= 4 && b[n-4] == 'e' && b[n-3] == '-' && b[n-2] == '0' {
b[n-2] = b[n-1]
b = b[:n-1]
return b, nil
func (e encoder) encodeNumber(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
n := *(*Number)(p)
if n == "" {
n = "0"
_, _, err := parseNumber(stringToBytes(string(n)))
if err != nil {
return b, err
b = append(b, e.clrs.Number.Prefix...)
b = append(b, n...)
b = append(b, e.clrs.Number.Suffix...)
return b, nil
func (e encoder) encodeKey(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
b = append(b, e.clrs.Key.Prefix...)
var err error
b, err = e.doEncodeString(b, p)
b = append(b, e.clrs.Key.Suffix...)
return b, err
func (e encoder) encodeString(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
b = append(b, e.clrs.String.Prefix...)
var err error
b, err = e.doEncodeString(b, p)
b = append(b, e.clrs.String.Suffix...)
return b, err
func (e encoder) doEncodeString(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
s := *(*string)(p)
i := 0
j := 0
escapeHTML := (e.flags & EscapeHTML) != 0
b = append(b, '"')
for j < len(s) {
c := s[j]
if c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7f && c != '\\' && c != '"' && (!escapeHTML || (c != '<' && c != '>' && c != '&')) {
// fast path: most of the time, printable ascii characters are used
switch c {
case '\\', '"':
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, '\\', c)
i = j + 1
j = j + 1
case '\n':
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, '\\', 'n')
i = j + 1
j = j + 1
case '\r':
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, '\\', 'r')
i = j + 1
j = j + 1
case '\t':
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, '\\', 't')
i = j + 1
j = j + 1
case '<', '>', '&':
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, `\u00`...)
b = append(b, hex[c>>4], hex[c&0xF])
i = j + 1
j = j + 1
// This encodes bytes < 0x20 except for \t, \n and \r.
if c < 0x20 {
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, `\u00`...)
b = append(b, hex[c>>4], hex[c&0xF])
i = j + 1
j = j + 1
r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[j:])
if r == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, `\ufffd`...)
i = j + size
j = j + size
switch r {
case '\u2028', '\u2029':
// U+2028 is LINE SEPARATOR.
// They are both technically valid characters in JSON strings,
// but don't work in JSONP, which has to be evaluated as JavaScript,
// and can lead to security holes there. It is valid JSON to
// escape them, so we do so unconditionally.
// See for discussion.
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, `\u202`...)
b = append(b, hex[r&0xF])
i = j + size
j = j + size
j += size
b = append(b, s[i:]...)
b = append(b, '"')
return b, nil
func (e encoder) encodeToString(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer, encode encodeFunc) ([]byte, error) {
i := len(b)
b, err := encode(e, b, p)
if err != nil {
return b, err
j := len(b)
s := b[i:]
if b, err = e.doEncodeString(b, unsafe.Pointer(&s)); err != nil {
return b, err
n := copy(b[i:], b[j:])
return b[:i+n], nil
func (e encoder) encodeBytes(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
b = append(b, e.clrs.Bytes.Prefix...)
var err error
b, err = e.doEncodeBytes(b, p)
return append(b, e.clrs.Bytes.Suffix...), err
func (e encoder) doEncodeBytes(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
v := *(*[]byte)(p)
if v == nil {
return e.clrs.AppendNull(b), nil
n := base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(v)) + 2
if avail := cap(b) - len(b); avail < n {
newB := make([]byte, cap(b)+(n-avail))
copy(newB, b)
b = newB[:len(b)]
i := len(b)
j := len(b) + n
b = b[:j]
b[i] = '"'
base64.StdEncoding.Encode(b[i+1:j-1], v)
b[j-1] = '"'
return b, nil
func (e encoder) encodeDuration(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
b = append(b, e.clrs.Time.Prefix...)
b = append(b, '"')
b = appendDuration(b, *(*time.Duration)(p))
b = append(b, '"')
b = append(b, e.clrs.Time.Suffix...)
return b, nil
func (e encoder) encodeTime(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
t := *(*time.Time)(p)
b = append(b, e.clrs.Time.Prefix...)
b = append(b, '"')
b = t.AppendFormat(b, time.RFC3339Nano)
b = append(b, '"')
b = append(b, e.clrs.Time.Suffix...)
return b, nil
func (e encoder) encodeArray(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer, n int, size uintptr, t reflect.Type, encode encodeFunc) ([]byte, error) {
var start = len(b)
var err error
b = append(b, '[')
if n > 0 {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if i != 0 {
b = append(b, ',')
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
b = e.indenter.AppendIndent(b)
if b, err = encode(e, b, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+(uintptr(i)*size))); err != nil {
return b[:start], err
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
b = e.indenter.AppendIndent(b)
b = append(b, ']')
return b, nil
func (e encoder) encodeSlice(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, t reflect.Type, encode encodeFunc) ([]byte, error) {
s := (*slice)(p)
if == nil && s.len == 0 && s.cap == 0 {
return e.clrs.AppendNull(b), nil
return e.encodeArray(b,, s.len, size, t, encode)
func (e encoder) encodeMap(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer, t reflect.Type, encodeKey, encodeValue encodeFunc, sortKeys sortFunc) ([]byte, error) {
m := reflect.NewAt(t, p).Elem()
if m.IsNil() {
return e.clrs.AppendNull(b), nil
keys := m.MapKeys()
if sortKeys != nil && (e.flags&SortMapKeys) != 0 {
var start = len(b)
var err error
b = append(b, '{')
if len(keys) != 0 {
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
for i, k := range keys {
v := m.MapIndex(k)
if i != 0 {
b = append(b, ',')
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
b = e.indenter.AppendIndent(b)
if b, err = encodeKey(e, b, (*iface)(unsafe.Pointer(&k)).ptr); err != nil {
return b[:start], err
b = append(b, ':')
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, ' ')
if b, err = encodeValue(e, b, (*iface)(unsafe.Pointer(&v)).ptr); err != nil {
return b[:start], err
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
b = e.indenter.AppendIndent(b)
b = append(b, '}')
return b, nil
type element struct {
key string
val interface{}
raw RawMessage
type mapslice struct {
elements []element
func (m *mapslice) Len() int { return len(m.elements) }
func (m *mapslice) Less(i, j int) bool { return m.elements[i].key < m.elements[j].key }
func (m *mapslice) Swap(i, j int) { m.elements[i], m.elements[j] = m.elements[j], m.elements[i] }
var mapslicePool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} { return new(mapslice) },
func (e encoder) encodeMapStringInterface(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
m := *(*map[string]interface{})(p)
if m == nil {
return e.clrs.AppendNull(b), nil
if (e.flags & SortMapKeys) == 0 {
// Optimized code path when the program does not need the map keys to be
// sorted.
b = append(b, '{')
if len(m) != 0 {
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
var err error
var i = 0
for k, v := range m {
if i != 0 {
b = append(b, ',')
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
b = e.indenter.AppendIndent(b)
b, err = e.encodeKey(b, unsafe.Pointer(&k))
if err != nil {
return b, err
b = append(b, ':')
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, ' ')
b, err = Append(b, v, e.flags, e.clrs, e.indenter)
if err != nil {
return b, err
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
b = e.indenter.AppendIndent(b)
b = append(b, '}')
return b, nil
s := mapslicePool.Get().(*mapslice)
if cap(s.elements) < len(m) {
s.elements = make([]element, 0, align(10, uintptr(len(m))))
for key, val := range m {
s.elements = append(s.elements, element{key: key, val: val})
var start = len(b)
var err error
b = append(b, '{')
if len(s.elements) > 0 {
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
for i, elem := range s.elements {
if i != 0 {
b = append(b, ',')
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
b = e.indenter.AppendIndent(b)
b, _ = e.encodeKey(b, unsafe.Pointer(&elem.key))
b = append(b, ':')
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, ' ')
b, err = Append(b, elem.val, e.flags, e.clrs, e.indenter)
if err != nil {
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
b = e.indenter.AppendIndent(b)
for i := range s.elements {
s.elements[i] = element{}
s.elements = s.elements[:0]
if err != nil {
return b[:start], err
b = append(b, '}')
return b, nil
func (e encoder) encodeMapStringRawMessage(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
m := *(*map[string]RawMessage)(p)
if m == nil {
return e.clrs.AppendNull(b), nil
if (e.flags & SortMapKeys) == 0 {
// Optimized code path when the program does not need the map keys to be
// sorted.
b = append(b, '{')
if len(m) != 0 {
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
var err error
var i = 0
for k, v := range m {
if i != 0 {
b = append(b, ',')
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
b = e.indenter.AppendIndent(b)
b, _ = e.encodeKey(b, unsafe.Pointer(&k))
b = append(b, ':')
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, ' ')
b, err = e.encodeRawMessage(b, unsafe.Pointer(&v))
if err != nil {
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
b = e.indenter.AppendIndent(b)
b = append(b, '}')
return b, nil
s := mapslicePool.Get().(*mapslice)
if cap(s.elements) < len(m) {
s.elements = make([]element, 0, align(10, uintptr(len(m))))
for key, raw := range m {
s.elements = append(s.elements, element{key: key, raw: raw})
var start = len(b)
var err error
b = append(b, '{')
if len(s.elements) > 0 {
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
for i, elem := range s.elements {
if i != 0 {
b = append(b, ',')
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
b = e.indenter.AppendIndent(b)
b, _ = e.encodeKey(b, unsafe.Pointer(&elem.key))
b = append(b, ':')
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, ' ')
b, err = e.encodeRawMessage(b, unsafe.Pointer(&elem.raw))
if err != nil {
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
b = e.indenter.AppendIndent(b)
for i := range s.elements {
s.elements[i] = element{}
s.elements = s.elements[:0]
if err != nil {
return b[:start], err
b = append(b, '}')
return b, nil
func (e encoder) encodeStruct(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer, st *structType) ([]byte, error) {
var start = len(b)
var err error
var k string
var n int
b = append(b, '{')
if len(st.fields) > 0 {
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
for i := range st.fields {
f := &st.fields[i]
v := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + f.offset)
if f.omitempty && f.empty(v) {
if n != 0 {
b = append(b, ',')
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
if (e.flags & EscapeHTML) != 0 {
k = f.html
} else {
k = f.json
lengthBeforeKey := len(b)
b = e.indenter.AppendIndent(b)
b = append(b, e.clrs.Key.Prefix...)
b = append(b, k...)
b = append(b, e.clrs.Key.Suffix...)
b = append(b, ':')
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, ' ')
if b, err = f.codec.encode(e, b, v); err != nil {
if err == (rollback{}) {
b = b[:lengthBeforeKey]
return b[:start], err
if n > 0 {
b = e.indenter.AppendByte(b, '\n')
b = e.indenter.AppendIndent(b)
b = append(b, '}')
return b, nil
type rollback struct{}
func (rollback) Error() string { return "rollback" }
func (e encoder) encodeEmbeddedStructPointer(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer, t reflect.Type, unexported bool, offset uintptr, encode encodeFunc) ([]byte, error) {
p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
if p == nil {
return b, rollback{}
return encode(e, b, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+offset))
func (e encoder) encodePointer(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer, t reflect.Type, encode encodeFunc) ([]byte, error) {
if p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p); p != nil {
return encode(e, b, p)
return e.encodeNull(b, nil)
func (e encoder) encodeInterface(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
return Append(b, *(*interface{})(p), e.flags, e.clrs, e.indenter)
func (e encoder) encodeMaybeEmptyInterface(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer, t reflect.Type) ([]byte, error) {
return Append(b, reflect.NewAt(t, p).Elem().Interface(), e.flags, e.clrs, e.indenter)
func (e encoder) encodeUnsupportedTypeError(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer, t reflect.Type) ([]byte, error) {
return b, &UnsupportedTypeError{Type: t}
func (e encoder) encodeRawMessage(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
v := *(*RawMessage)(p)
if v == nil {
return e.clrs.AppendNull(b), nil
var s []byte
if (e.flags & TrustRawMessage) != 0 {
s = v
} else {
var err error
s, _, err = parseValue(v)
if err != nil {
return b, &UnsupportedValueError{Value: reflect.ValueOf(v), Str: err.Error()}
if e.indenter == nil {
if (e.flags & EscapeHTML) != 0 {
return appendCompactEscapeHTML(b, s), nil
return append(b, s...), nil
// In order to get the tests inherited from the original segmentio
// encoder to work, we need to support indentation. However, due to
// the complexity of parsing and then colorizing, we're not going to
// go to the effort of adding color support for JSONMarshaler right
// now. Possibly revisit this in future if needed.
// This below is sloppy, but seems to work.
if (e.flags & EscapeHTML) != 0 {
s = appendCompactEscapeHTML(nil, s)
// The "prefix" arg to Indent is the current indentation.
pre := e.indenter.AppendIndent(nil)
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
// And now we just make use of the existing Indent function.
err := Indent(buf, s, string(pre), e.indenter.Indent)
if err != nil {
return b, err
s = buf.Bytes()
return append(b, s...), nil
func (e encoder) encodeJSONMarshaler(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer, t reflect.Type, pointer bool) ([]byte, error) {
v := reflect.NewAt(t, p)
if !pointer {
v = v.Elem()
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface:
if v.IsNil() {
return e.clrs.AppendNull(b), nil
j, err := v.Interface().(Marshaler).MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
return b, err
s, _, err := parseValue(j)
if err != nil {
return b, &MarshalerError{Type: t, Err: err}
if e.indenter == nil {
if (e.flags & EscapeHTML) != 0 {
return appendCompactEscapeHTML(b, s), nil
return append(b, s...), nil
// In order to get the tests inherited from the original segmentio
// encoder to work, we need to support indentation. However, due to
// the complexity of parsing and then colorizing, we're not going to
// go to the effort of supporting color for JSONMarshaler.
// Possibly revisit this in future if needed.
// This below is sloppy, but seems to work.
if (e.flags & EscapeHTML) != 0 {
s = appendCompactEscapeHTML(nil, s)
// The "prefix" arg to Indent is the current indentation.
pre := e.indenter.AppendIndent(nil)
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
// And now we just make use of the existing Indent function.
err = Indent(buf, s, string(pre), e.indenter.Indent)
if err != nil {
return b, err
s = buf.Bytes()
return append(b, s...), nil
func (e encoder) encodeTextMarshaler(b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer, t reflect.Type, pointer bool) ([]byte, error) {
v := reflect.NewAt(t, p)
if !pointer {
v = v.Elem()
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface:
if v.IsNil() {
return append(b, `null`...), nil
s, err := v.Interface().(encoding.TextMarshaler).MarshalText()
if err != nil {
return b, err
return e.doEncodeString(b, unsafe.Pointer(&s))
func appendCompactEscapeHTML(dst []byte, src []byte) []byte {
start := 0
escape := false
inString := false
for i, c := range src {
if !inString {
switch c {
case '"': // enter string
inString = true
case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t': // skip space
if start < i {
dst = append(dst, src[start:i]...)
start = i + 1
if escape {
escape = false
if c == '\\' {
escape = true
if c == '"' {
inString = false
if c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '&' {
if start < i {
dst = append(dst, src[start:i]...)
dst = append(dst, `\u00`...)
dst = append(dst, hex[c>>4], hex[c&0xF])
start = i + 1
// Convert U+2028 and U+2029 (E2 80 A8 and E2 80 A9).
if c == 0xE2 && i+2 < len(src) && src[i+1] == 0x80 && src[i+2]&^1 == 0xA8 {
if start < i {
dst = append(dst, src[start:i]...)
dst = append(dst, `\u202`...)
dst = append(dst, hex[src[i+2]&0xF])
start = i + 3
if start < len(src) {
dst = append(dst, src[start:]...)
return dst
// Indenter is used to indent JSON. The Push and Pop methods
// change indentation level. The AppendIndent method appends the
// computed indentation. The AppendByte method appends a byte. All
// methods are safe to use with a nil receiver.
type Indenter struct {
disabled bool
Prefix string
Indent string
depth int
// NewIndenter returns a new Indenter instance. If prefix and
// indent are both empty, the indenter is effectively disabled,
// and the AppendIndent and AppendByte methods are no-op.
func NewIndenter(prefix, indent string) *Indenter {
return &Indenter{
disabled: prefix == "" && indent == "",
Prefix: prefix,
Indent: indent,
// Push increases the indentation level.
func (in *Indenter) Push() {
if in != nil {
// Pop decreases the indentation level.
func (in *Indenter) Pop() {
if in != nil {
// AppendByte appends a to b if the indenter is non-nil and enabled.
// Otherwise b is returned unmodified.
func (in *Indenter) AppendByte(b []byte, a byte) []byte {
if in == nil || in.disabled {
return b
return append(b, a)
// AppendIndent writes indentation to b, returning the resulting slice.
// If the indenter is nil or disabled b is returned unchanged.
func (in *Indenter) AppendIndent(b []byte) []byte {
if in == nil || in.disabled {
return b
b = append(b, in.Prefix...)
for i := 0; i < in.depth; i++ {
b = append(b, in.Indent...)
return b

View File

@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Large data benchmark.
// The JSON data is a summary of agl's changes in the
// go, webkit, and chromium open source projects.
// We benchmark converting between the JSON form
// and in-memory data structures.
package json
import (
type codeResponse struct {
Tree *codeNode `json:"tree"`
Username string `json:"username"`
type codeNode struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Kids []*codeNode `json:"kids"`
CLWeight float64 `json:"cl_weight"`
Touches int `json:"touches"`
MinT int64 `json:"min_t"`
MaxT int64 `json:"max_t"`
MeanT int64 `json:"mean_t"`
var codeJSON []byte
var codeStruct codeResponse
func codeInit() {
f, err := os.Open("testdata/code.json.gz")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
gz, err := gzip.NewReader(f)
if err != nil {
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(gz)
if err != nil {
codeJSON = data
if err := Unmarshal(codeJSON, &codeStruct); err != nil {
panic("unmarshal code.json: " + err.Error())
if data, err = Marshal(&codeStruct); err != nil {
panic("marshal code.json: " + err.Error())
if !bytes.Equal(data, codeJSON) {
println("different lengths", len(data), len(codeJSON))
for i := 0; i < len(data) && i < len(codeJSON); i++ {
if data[i] != codeJSON[i] {
println("re-marshal: changed at byte", i)
println("orig: ", string(codeJSON[i-10:i+10]))
println("new: ", string(data[i-10:i+10]))
panic("re-marshal code.json: different result")
func BenchmarkCodeEncoder(b *testing.B) {
if codeJSON == nil {
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
enc := NewEncoder(ioutil.Discard)
for pb.Next() {
if err := enc.Encode(&codeStruct); err != nil {
b.Fatal("Encode:", err)
func BenchmarkCodeMarshal(b *testing.B) {
if codeJSON == nil {
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
for pb.Next() {
if _, err := Marshal(&codeStruct); err != nil {
b.Fatal("Marshal:", err)
func benchMarshalBytes(n int) func(*testing.B) {
sample := []byte("hello world")
// Use a struct pointer, to avoid an allocation when passing it as an
// interface parameter to Marshal.
v := &struct {
Bytes []byte
bytes.Repeat(sample, (n/len(sample))+1)[:n],
return func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if _, err := Marshal(v); err != nil {
b.Fatal("Marshal:", err)
func BenchmarkMarshalBytes(b *testing.B) {
// 32 fits within encodeState.scratch.
b.Run("32", benchMarshalBytes(32))
// 256 doesn't fit in encodeState.scratch, but is small enough to
// allocate and avoid the slower base64.NewEncoder.
b.Run("256", benchMarshalBytes(256))
// 4096 is large enough that we want to avoid allocating for it.
b.Run("4096", benchMarshalBytes(4096))
func BenchmarkCodeDecoder(b *testing.B) {
if codeJSON == nil {
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
dec := NewDecoder(&buf)
var r codeResponse
for pb.Next() {
// hide EOF
if err := dec.Decode(&r); err != nil {
b.Fatal("Decode:", err)
func BenchmarkUnicodeDecoder(b *testing.B) {
j := []byte(`"\uD83D\uDE01"`)
r := bytes.NewReader(j)
dec := NewDecoder(r)
var out string
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if err := dec.Decode(&out); err != nil {
b.Fatal("Decode:", err)
r.Seek(0, 0)
func BenchmarkDecoderStream(b *testing.B) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
dec := NewDecoder(&buf)
buf.WriteString(`"` + strings.Repeat("x", 1000000) + `"` + "\n\n\n")
var x interface{}
if err := dec.Decode(&x); err != nil {
b.Fatal("Decode:", err)
ones := strings.Repeat(" 1\n", 300000) + "\n\n\n"
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if i%300000 == 0 {
x = nil
if err := dec.Decode(&x); err != nil || x != 1.0 {
b.Fatalf("Decode: %v after %d", err, i)
func BenchmarkCodeUnmarshal(b *testing.B) {
if codeJSON == nil {
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
for pb.Next() {
var r codeResponse
if err := Unmarshal(codeJSON, &r); err != nil {
b.Fatal("Unmarshal:", err)
func BenchmarkCodeUnmarshalReuse(b *testing.B) {
if codeJSON == nil {
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
var r codeResponse
for pb.Next() {
if err := Unmarshal(codeJSON, &r); err != nil {
b.Fatal("Unmarshal:", err)
func BenchmarkUnmarshalString(b *testing.B) {
data := []byte(`"hello, world"`)
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
var s string
for pb.Next() {
if err := Unmarshal(data, &s); err != nil {
b.Fatal("Unmarshal:", err)
func BenchmarkUnmarshalFloat64(b *testing.B) {
data := []byte(`3.14`)
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
var f float64
for pb.Next() {
if err := Unmarshal(data, &f); err != nil {
b.Fatal("Unmarshal:", err)
func BenchmarkUnmarshalInt64(b *testing.B) {
data := []byte(`3`)
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
var x int64
for pb.Next() {
if err := Unmarshal(data, &x); err != nil {
b.Fatal("Unmarshal:", err)
func BenchmarkIssue10335(b *testing.B) {
j := []byte(`{"a":{ }}`)
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
var s struct{}
for pb.Next() {
if err := Unmarshal(j, &s); err != nil {
func BenchmarkUnmapped(b *testing.B) {
j := []byte(`{"s": "hello", "y": 2, "o": {"x": 0}, "a": [1, 99, {"x": 1}]}`)
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
var s struct{}
for pb.Next() {
if err := Unmarshal(j, &s); err != nil {
func BenchmarkTypeFieldsCache(b *testing.B) {
var maxTypes int = 1e6
if testenv.Builder() != "" {
maxTypes = 1e3 // restrict cache sizes on builders
// Dynamically generate many new types.
types := make([]reflect.Type, maxTypes)
fs := []reflect.StructField{{
Type: reflect.TypeOf(""),
Index: []int{0},
for i := range types {
fs[0].Name = fmt.Sprintf("TypeFieldsCache%d", i)
types[i] = reflect.StructOf(fs)
// clearClear clears the cache. Other JSON operations, must not be running.
clearCache := func() {
fieldCache = sync.Map{}
// MissTypes tests the performance of repeated cache misses.
// This measures the time to rebuild a cache of size nt.
for nt := 1; nt <= maxTypes; nt *= 10 {
ts := types[:nt]
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("MissTypes%d", nt), func(b *testing.B) {
nc := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for j := 0; j < nc; j++ {
go func(j int) {
for _, t := range ts[(j*len(ts))/nc : ((j+1)*len(ts))/nc] {
// HitTypes tests the performance of repeated cache hits.
// This measures the average time of each cache lookup.
for nt := 1; nt <= maxTypes; nt *= 10 {
// Pre-warm a cache of size nt.
for _, t := range types[:nt] {
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("HitTypes%d", nt), func(b *testing.B) {
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
for pb.Next() {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package json_test
import (
type Animal int
const (
Unknown Animal = iota
func (a *Animal) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var s string
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &s); err != nil {
return err
switch strings.ToLower(s) {
*a = Unknown
case "gopher":
*a = Gopher
case "zebra":
*a = Zebra
return nil
func (a Animal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
var s string
switch a {
s = "unknown"
case Gopher:
s = "gopher"
case Zebra:
s = "zebra"
return json.Marshal(s)
func Example_customMarshalJSON() {
blob := `["gopher","armadillo","zebra","unknown","gopher","bee","gopher","zebra"]`
var zoo []Animal
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(blob), &zoo); err != nil {
census := make(map[Animal]int)
for _, animal := range zoo {
census[animal] += 1
fmt.Printf("Zoo Census:\n* Gophers: %d\n* Zebras: %d\n* Unknown: %d\n",
census[Gopher], census[Zebra], census[Unknown])
// Output:
// Zoo Census:
// * Gophers: 3
// * Zebras: 2
// * Unknown: 3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package json_test
import (
func ExampleMarshal() {
type ColorGroup struct {
ID int
Name string
Colors []string
group := ColorGroup{
ID: 1,
Name: "Reds",
Colors: []string{"Crimson", "Red", "Ruby", "Maroon"},
b, err := json.Marshal(group)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error:", err)
// Output:
// {"ID":1,"Name":"Reds","Colors":["Crimson","Red","Ruby","Maroon"]}
func ExampleUnmarshal() {
var jsonBlob = []byte(`[
{"Name": "Platypus", "Order": "Monotremata"},
{"Name": "Quoll", "Order": "Dasyuromorphia"}
type Animal struct {
Name string
Order string
var animals []Animal
err := json.Unmarshal(jsonBlob, &animals)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error:", err)
fmt.Printf("%+v", animals)
// Output:
// [{Name:Platypus Order:Monotremata} {Name:Quoll Order:Dasyuromorphia}]
// This example uses a Decoder to decode a stream of distinct JSON values.
func ExampleDecoder() {
const jsonStream = `
{"Name": "Ed", "Text": "Knock knock."}
{"Name": "Sam", "Text": "Who's there?"}
{"Name": "Ed", "Text": "Go fmt."}
{"Name": "Sam", "Text": "Go fmt who?"}
{"Name": "Ed", "Text": "Go fmt yourself!"}
type Message struct {
Name, Text string
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(jsonStream))
for {
var m Message
if err := dec.Decode(&m); err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", m.Name, m.Text)
// Output:
// Ed: Knock knock.
// Sam: Who's there?
// Ed: Go fmt.
// Sam: Go fmt who?
// Ed: Go fmt yourself!
// This example uses a Decoder to decode a stream of distinct JSON values.
func ExampleDecoder_Token() {
const jsonStream = `
{"Message": "Hello", "Array": [1, 2, 3], "Null": null, "Number": 1.234}
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(jsonStream))
for {
t, err := dec.Token()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%T: %v", t, t)
if dec.More() {
fmt.Printf(" (more)")
// Output:
// json.Delim: { (more)
// string: Message (more)
// string: Hello (more)
// string: Array (more)
// json.Delim: [ (more)
// float64: 1 (more)
// float64: 2 (more)
// float64: 3
// json.Delim: ] (more)
// string: Null (more)
// <nil>: <nil> (more)
// string: Number (more)
// float64: 1.234
// json.Delim: }
// This example uses a Decoder to decode a streaming array of JSON objects.
func ExampleDecoder_Decode_stream() {
const jsonStream = `
{"Name": "Ed", "Text": "Knock knock."},
{"Name": "Sam", "Text": "Who's there?"},
{"Name": "Ed", "Text": "Go fmt."},
{"Name": "Sam", "Text": "Go fmt who?"},
{"Name": "Ed", "Text": "Go fmt yourself!"}
type Message struct {
Name, Text string
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(jsonStream))
// read open bracket
t, err := dec.Token()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%T: %v\n", t, t)
// while the array contains values
for dec.More() {
var m Message
// decode an array value (Message)
err := dec.Decode(&m)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%v: %v\n", m.Name, m.Text)
// read closing bracket
t, err = dec.Token()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%T: %v\n", t, t)
// Output:
// json.Delim: [
// Ed: Knock knock.
// Sam: Who's there?
// Ed: Go fmt.
// Sam: Go fmt who?
// Ed: Go fmt yourself!
// json.Delim: ]
// This example uses RawMessage to delay parsing part of a JSON message.
func ExampleRawMessage_unmarshal() {
type Color struct {
Space string
Point json.RawMessage // delay parsing until we know the color space
type RGB struct {
R uint8
G uint8
B uint8
type YCbCr struct {
Y uint8
Cb int8
Cr int8
var j = []byte(`[
{"Space": "YCbCr", "Point": {"Y": 255, "Cb": 0, "Cr": -10}},
{"Space": "RGB", "Point": {"R": 98, "G": 218, "B": 255}}
var colors []Color
err := json.Unmarshal(j, &colors)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("error:", err)
for _, c := range colors {
var dst interface{}
switch c.Space {
case "RGB":
dst = new(RGB)
case "YCbCr":
dst = new(YCbCr)
err := json.Unmarshal(c.Point, dst)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("error:", err)
fmt.Println(c.Space, dst)
// Output:
// YCbCr &{255 0 -10}
// RGB &{98 218 255}
// This example uses RawMessage to use a precomputed JSON during marshal.
func ExampleRawMessage_marshal() {
h := json.RawMessage(`{"precomputed": true}`)
c := struct {
Header *json.RawMessage `json:"header"`
Body string `json:"body"`
}{Header: &h, Body: "Hello Gophers!"}
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(&c, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error:", err)
// Output:
// {
// "header": {
// "precomputed": true
// },
// "body": "Hello Gophers!"
// }
func ExampleIndent() {
type Road struct {
Name string
Number int
roads := []Road{
{"Diamond Fork", 29},
{"Sheep Creek", 51},
b, err := json.Marshal(roads)
if err != nil {
var out bytes.Buffer
json.Indent(&out, b, "=", "\t")
// Output:
// [
// = {
// = "Name": "Diamond Fork",
// = "Number": 29
// = },
// = {
// = "Name": "Sheep Creek",
// = "Number": 51
// = }
// =]
func ExampleMarshalIndent() {
data := map[string]int{
"a": 1,
"b": 2,
json, err := json.MarshalIndent(data, "<prefix>", "<indent>")
if err != nil {
// Output:
// {
// <prefix><indent>"a": 1,
// <prefix><indent>"b": 2
// <prefix>}
func ExampleValid() {
goodJSON := `{"example": 1}`
badJSON := `{"example":2:]}}`
fmt.Println(json.Valid([]byte(goodJSON)), json.Valid([]byte(badJSON)))
// Output:
// true false
func ExampleHTMLEscape() {
var out bytes.Buffer
json.HTMLEscape(&out, []byte(`{"Name":"<b>HTML content</b>"}`))
// Output:
//{"Name":"\u003cb\u003eHTML content\u003c/b\u003e"}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package json
import (
func TestNumberIsValid(t *testing.T) {
// From:
var jsonNumberRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?$`)
validTests := []string{
for _, test := range validTests {
if !isValidNumber(test) {
t.Errorf("%s should be valid", test)
var f float64
if err := Unmarshal([]byte(test), &f); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s should be valid but Unmarshal failed: %v", test, err)
if !jsonNumberRegexp.MatchString(test) {
t.Errorf("%s should be valid but regexp does not match", test)
invalidTests := []string{
for _, test := range invalidTests {
var f float64
if err := Unmarshal([]byte(test), &f); err == nil {
t.Errorf("%s should be invalid but unmarshal wrote %v", test, f)
if jsonNumberRegexp.MatchString(test) {
t.Errorf("%s should be invalid but matches regexp", test)
func BenchmarkNumberIsValid(b *testing.B) {
s := "-61657.61667E+61673"
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkNumberIsValidRegexp(b *testing.B) {
var jsonNumberRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?$`)
s := "-61657.61667E+61673"
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@ -8,10 +8,29 @@ import (
var validTests = []struct {
data string
ok bool
{`foo`, false},
{`}{`, false},
{`{]`, false},
{`{}`, true},
{`{"foo":"bar"}`, true},
{`{"foo":"bar","bar":{"baz":["qux"]}}`, true},
func TestValid(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range validTests {
if ok := Valid([]byte(; ok != tt.ok {
t.Errorf("Valid(%#q) = %v, want %v",, ok, tt.ok)
// Tests of simple examples.
type example struct {
@ -28,6 +47,7 @@ var examples = []example{
{`[1,2,3]`, "[\n\t1,\n\t2,\n\t3\n]"},
{`{"x":1}`, "{\n\t\"x\": 1\n}"},
{ex1, ex1i},
{"{\"\":\"<>&\u2028\u2029\"}", "{\n\t\"\": \"<>&\u2028\u2029\"\n}"}, // See
var ex1 = `[true,false,null,"x",1,1.5,0,-5e+2]`
@ -69,8 +89,8 @@ func TestCompactSeparators(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
in, compact string
{"{\"\u2028\": 1}", `{"\u2028":1}`},
{"{\"\u2029\" :2}", `{"\u2029":2}`},
{"{\"\u2028\": 1}", "{\"\u2028\":1}"},
{"{\"\u2029\" :2}", "{\"\u2029\":2}"},
for _, tt := range tests {
var buf bytes.Buffer
@ -119,6 +139,7 @@ func TestCompactBig(t *testing.T) {
func TestIndentBig(t *testing.T) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := Indent(&buf, jsonBig, "", "\t"); err != nil {
@ -162,59 +183,19 @@ type indentErrorTest struct {
var indentErrorTests = []indentErrorTest{
{`{"X": "foo", "Y"}`, &SyntaxError{"invalid character '}' after object key", 17}},
{`{"X": "foo" "Y": "bar"}`, &SyntaxError{"invalid character '\"' after object key:value pair", 13}},
{`{"X": "foo", "Y"}`, &testSyntaxError{"invalid character '}' after object key", 17}},
{`{"X": "foo" "Y": "bar"}`, &testSyntaxError{"invalid character '\"' after object key:value pair", 13}},
func TestIndentErrors(t *testing.T) {
for i, tt := range indentErrorTests {
slice := make([]uint8, 0)
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(slice)
if err := Indent(buf, []uint8(, "", ""); err != nil {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, tt.err) {
t.Errorf("#%d: Indent: %#v", i, err)
err := Indent(buf, []uint8(, "", "")
assertErrorPresence(t, tt.err, err, i)
func TestNextValueBig(t *testing.T) {
var scan Scanner
item, rest, err := NextValue(jsonBig, &scan)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NextValue: %s", err)
if len(item) != len(jsonBig) || &item[0] != &jsonBig[0] {
t.Errorf("invalid item: %d %d", len(item), len(jsonBig))
if len(rest) != 0 {
t.Errorf("invalid rest: %d", len(rest))
item, rest, err = NextValue(append(jsonBig, "HELLO WORLD"...), &scan)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NextValue extra: %s", err)
if len(item) != len(jsonBig) {
t.Errorf("invalid item: %d %d", len(item), len(jsonBig))
if string(rest) != "HELLO WORLD" {
t.Errorf("invalid rest: %d", len(rest))
var benchScan Scanner
func BenchmarkSkipValue(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
NextValue(jsonBig, &benchScan)
func diff(t *testing.T, a, b []byte) {
for i := 0; ; i++ {
if i >= len(a) || i >= len(b) || a[i] != b[i] {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
// This file is a shim for dependencies of golang_*_test.go files that are normally provided by the standard library.
// It helps importing those files with minimal changes.
package json
import (
// Field cache used in golang_bench_test.go
var fieldCache = sync.Map{}
func cachedTypeFields(reflect.Type) {}
// Fake test env for golang_bench_test.go
type testenvShim struct {
func (ts testenvShim) Builder() string {
return ""
var testenv testenvShim
// Fake scanner for golang_decode_test.go
type scanner struct {
func checkValid(in []byte, scan *scanner) error {
return nil
// Actual isSpace implementation
func isSpace(c byte) bool {
return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n'
// Fake encoder for golang_encode_test.go
type encodeState struct {
Buffer bytes.Buffer
func (es *encodeState) string(s string, escapeHTML bool) {
func (es *encodeState) stringBytes(b []byte, escapeHTML bool) {
// Fake number test
func isValidNumber(n string) bool {
return true
func assertErrorPresence(t *testing.T, expected error, actual error, prefixes ...interface{}) {
if expected != nil && actual == nil {
errorWithPrefixes(t, prefixes, "expected error, but did not get an error")
} else if expected == nil && actual != nil {
errorWithPrefixes(t, prefixes, "did not expect error but got %v", actual)
func errorWithPrefixes(t *testing.T, prefixes []interface{}, format string, elements ...interface{}) {
fullFormat := format
allElements := append(prefixes, elements...)
for range prefixes {
fullFormat = "%v: " + fullFormat
t.Errorf(fullFormat, allElements...)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@ -37,11 +37,15 @@ type miscPlaneTag struct {
type percentSlashTag struct {
V string `json:"text/html%"` //
V string `json:"text/html%"` //
type punctuationTag struct {
V string `json:"!#$%&()*+-./:<=>?@[]^_{|}~"` //
V string `json:"!#$%&()*+-./:<=>?@[]^_{|}~"` //
type dashTag struct {
V string `json:"-,"`
type emptyTag struct {
@ -80,6 +84,7 @@ var structTagObjectKeyTests = []struct {
{basicLatin6xTag{"6x"}, "6x", "abcdefghijklmno"},
{basicLatin7xTag{"7x"}, "7x", "pqrstuvwxyz"},
{miscPlaneTag{"いろはにほへと"}, "いろはにほへと", "色は匂へど"},
{dashTag{"foo"}, "foo", "-"},
{emptyTag{"Pour Moi"}, "Pour Moi", "W"},
{misnamedTag{"Animal Kingdom"}, "Animal Kingdom", "X"},
{badFormatTag{"Orfevre"}, "Orfevre", "Y"},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
package json
import (
// Delim is documented at
type Delim = json.Delim
// InvalidUTF8Error is documented at
type InvalidUTF8Error = json.InvalidUTF8Error
// InvalidUnmarshalError is documented at
type InvalidUnmarshalError = json.InvalidUnmarshalError
// Marshaler is documented at
type Marshaler = json.Marshaler
// MarshalerError is documented at
type MarshalerError = json.MarshalerError
// Number is documented at
type Number = json.Number
// RawMessage is documented at
type RawMessage = json.RawMessage
// A SyntaxError is a description of a JSON syntax error.
type SyntaxError = json.SyntaxError
// Token is documented at
type Token = json.Token
// UnmarshalFieldError is documented at
type UnmarshalFieldError = json.UnmarshalFieldError
// UnmarshalTypeError is documented at
type UnmarshalTypeError = json.UnmarshalTypeError
// Unmarshaler is documented at
type Unmarshaler = json.Unmarshaler
// UnsupportedTypeError is documented at
type UnsupportedTypeError = json.UnsupportedTypeError
// UnsupportedValueError is documented at
type UnsupportedValueError = json.UnsupportedValueError
// AppendFlags is a type used to represent configuration options that can be
// applied when formatting json output.
type AppendFlags int
const (
// EscapeHTML is a formatting flag used to to escape HTML in json strings.
EscapeHTML AppendFlags = 1 << iota
// SortMapKeys is formatting flag used to enable sorting of map keys when
// encoding JSON (this matches the behavior of the standard encoding/json
// package).
// TrustRawMessage is a performance optimization flag to skip value
// checking of raw messages. It should only be used if the values are
// known to be valid json (e.g., they were created by json.Unmarshal).
// ParseFlags is a type used to represent configuration options that can be
// applied when parsing json input.
type ParseFlags int
const (
// DisallowUnknownFields is a parsing flag used to prevent decoding of
// objects to Go struct values when a field of the input does not match
// with any of the struct fields.
DisallowUnknownFields ParseFlags = 1 << iota
// UseNumber is a parsing flag used to load numeric values as Number
// instead of float64.
// DontCopyString is a parsing flag used to provide zero-copy support when
// loading string values from a json payload. It is not always possible to
// avoid dynamic memory allocations, for example when a string is escaped in
// the json data a new buffer has to be allocated, but when the `wire` value
// can be used as content of a Go value the decoder will simply point into
// the input buffer.
// DontCopyNumber is a parsing flag used to provide zero-copy support when
// loading Number values (see DontCopyString and DontCopyRawMessage).
// DontCopyRawMessage is a parsing flag used to provide zero-copy support
// when loading RawMessage values from a json payload. When used, the
// RawMessage values will not be allocated into new memory buffers and
// will instead point directly to the area of the input buffer where the
// value was found.
// DontMatchCaseInsensitiveStructFields is a parsing flag used to prevent
// matching fields in a case-insensitive way. This can prevent degrading
// performance on case conversions, and can also act as a stricter decoding
// mode.
// ZeroCopy is a parsing flag that combines all the copy optimizations
// available in the package.
// The zero-copy optimizations are better used in request-handler style
// code where none of the values are retained after the handler returns.
ZeroCopy = DontCopyString | DontCopyNumber | DontCopyRawMessage
// Append acts like Marshal but appends the json representation to b instead of
// always reallocating a new slice.
func Append(b []byte, x interface{}, flags AppendFlags, clrs internal.Colors, indenter *Indenter) ([]byte, error) {
if x == nil {
// Special case for nil values because it makes the rest of the code
// simpler to assume that it won't be seeing nil pointers.
return clrs.AppendNull(b), nil
t := reflect.TypeOf(x)
p := (*iface)(unsafe.Pointer(&x)).ptr
cache := cacheLoad()
c, found := cache[typeid(t)]
if !found {
c = constructCachedCodec(t, cache)
b, err := c.encode(encoder{flags: flags, clrs: clrs, indenter: indenter}, b, p)
return b, err
// Compact is documented at
func Compact(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte) error {
return json.Compact(dst, src)
// HTMLEscape is documented at
func HTMLEscape(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte) {
json.HTMLEscape(dst, src)
// Indent is documented at
func Indent(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte, prefix, indent string) error {
return json.Indent(dst, src, prefix, indent)
// Marshal is documented at
func Marshal(x interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
var err error
var buf = encoderBufferPool.Get().(*encoderBuffer)
if, err = Append([:0], x, EscapeHTML|SortMapKeys, internal.Colors{}, nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
b := make([]byte, len(
return b, nil
// MarshalIndent is documented at
func MarshalIndent(x interface{}, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error) {
b, err := Marshal(x)
if err == nil {
tmp := &bytes.Buffer{}
tmp.Grow(2 * len(b))
Indent(tmp, b, prefix, indent)
b = tmp.Bytes()
return b, err
// Unmarshal is documented at
func Unmarshal(b []byte, x interface{}) error {
r, err := Parse(b, x, 0)
if len(r) != 0 {
if _, ok := err.(*SyntaxError); !ok {
// The encoding/json package prioritizes reporting errors caused by
// unexpected trailing bytes over other issues; here we emulate this
// behavior by overriding the error.
err = syntaxError(r, "invalid character '%c' after top-level value", r[0])
return err
// Parse behaves like Unmarshal but the caller can pass a set of flags to
// configure the parsing behavior.
func Parse(b []byte, x interface{}, flags ParseFlags) ([]byte, error) {
t := reflect.TypeOf(x)
p := (*iface)(unsafe.Pointer(&x)).ptr
if t == nil || p == nil || t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
_, r, err := parseValue(skipSpaces(b))
r = skipSpaces(r)
if err != nil {
return r, err
return r, &InvalidUnmarshalError{Type: t}
t = t.Elem()
cache := cacheLoad()
c, found := cache[typeid(t)]
if !found {
c = constructCachedCodec(t, cache)
r, err := c.decode(decoder{flags: flags}, skipSpaces(b), p)
return skipSpaces(r), err
// Valid is documented at
func Valid(data []byte) bool {
_, data, err := parseValue(skipSpaces(data))
if err != nil {
return false
return len(skipSpaces(data)) == 0
// Decoder is documented at
type Decoder struct {
reader io.Reader
buffer []byte
remain []byte
inputOffset int64
err error
flags ParseFlags
// NewDecoder is documented at
func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder { return &Decoder{reader: r} }
// Buffered is documented at
func (dec *Decoder) Buffered() io.Reader {
return bytes.NewReader(dec.remain)
// Decode is documented at
func (dec *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) error {
raw, err := dec.readValue()
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = Parse(raw, v, dec.flags)
return err
const (
minBufferSize = 32768
minReadSize = 4096
// readValue reads one JSON value from the buffer and returns its raw bytes. It
// is optimized for the "one JSON value per line" case.
func (dec *Decoder) readValue() (v []byte, err error) {
var n int
var r []byte
for {
if len(dec.remain) != 0 {
v, r, err = parseValue(dec.remain)
if err == nil {
dec.remain, n = skipSpacesN(r)
dec.inputOffset += int64(len(v) + n)
if len(r) != 0 {
// Parsing of the next JSON value stopped at a position other
// than the end of the input buffer, which indicaates that a
// syntax error was encountered.
if err = dec.err; err != nil {
if len(dec.remain) != 0 && err == io.EOF {
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if dec.buffer == nil {
dec.buffer = make([]byte, 0, minBufferSize)
} else {
dec.buffer = dec.buffer[:copy(dec.buffer[:cap(dec.buffer)], dec.remain)]
dec.remain = nil
if (cap(dec.buffer) - len(dec.buffer)) < minReadSize {
buf := make([]byte, len(dec.buffer), 2*cap(dec.buffer))
copy(buf, dec.buffer)
dec.buffer = buf
n, err = io.ReadFull(dec.reader, dec.buffer[len(dec.buffer):cap(dec.buffer)])
if n > 0 {
dec.buffer = dec.buffer[:len(dec.buffer)+n]
if err != nil {
err = nil
} else if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
err = io.EOF
dec.remain, n = skipSpacesN(dec.buffer)
dec.inputOffset += int64(n)
dec.err = err
// DisallowUnknownFields is documented at
func (dec *Decoder) DisallowUnknownFields() { dec.flags |= DisallowUnknownFields }
// UseNumber is documented at
func (dec *Decoder) UseNumber() { dec.flags |= UseNumber }
// DontCopyString is an extension to the standard encoding/json package
// which instructs the decoder to not copy strings loaded from the json
// payloads when possible.
func (dec *Decoder) DontCopyString() { dec.flags |= DontCopyString }
// DontCopyNumber is an extension to the standard encoding/json package
// which instructs the decoder to not copy numbers loaded from the json
// payloads.
func (dec *Decoder) DontCopyNumber() { dec.flags |= DontCopyNumber }
// DontCopyRawMessage is an extension to the standard encoding/json package
// which instructs the decoder to not allocate RawMessage values in separate
// memory buffers (see the documentation of the DontcopyRawMessage flag for
// more detais).
func (dec *Decoder) DontCopyRawMessage() { dec.flags |= DontCopyRawMessage }
// DontMatchCaseInsensitiveStructFields is an extension to the standard
// encoding/json package which instructs the decoder to not match object fields
// against struct fields in a case-insensitive way, the field names have to
// match exactly to be decoded into the struct field values.
func (dec *Decoder) DontMatchCaseInsensitiveStructFields() {
dec.flags |= DontMatchCaseInsensitiveStructFields
// ZeroCopy is an extension to the standard encoding/json package which enables
// all the copy optimizations of the decoder.
func (dec *Decoder) ZeroCopy() { dec.flags |= ZeroCopy }
// InputOffset returns the input stream byte offset of the current decoder position.
// The offset gives the location of the end of the most recently returned token
// and the beginning of the next token.
func (dec *Decoder) InputOffset() int64 {
return dec.inputOffset
// Encoder is documented at
type Encoder struct {
writer io.Writer
// prefix string
// indent string
buffer *bytes.Buffer
err error
flags AppendFlags
clrs internal.Colors
indenter *Indenter
// NewEncoder is documented at
func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder { return &Encoder{writer: w, flags: EscapeHTML | SortMapKeys} }
// SetColors sets the colors for the encoder to use.
func (enc *Encoder) SetColors(c internal.Colors) {
enc.clrs = c
// Encode is documented at
func (enc *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) error {
if enc.err != nil {
return enc.err
var err error
var buf = encoderBufferPool.Get().(*encoderBuffer)
// Note: unlike the original segmentio encoder, indentation is
// performed via the Append function., err = Append([:0], v, enc.flags, enc.clrs, enc.indenter)
if err != nil {
return err
} = append(, '\n')
b :=
if _, err := enc.writer.Write(b); err != nil {
enc.err = err
return err
// SetEscapeHTML is documented at
func (enc *Encoder) SetEscapeHTML(on bool) {
if on {
enc.flags |= EscapeHTML
} else {
enc.flags &= ^EscapeHTML
// SetIndent is documented at
func (enc *Encoder) SetIndent(prefix, indent string) {
enc.indenter = NewIndenter(prefix, indent)
// SetSortMapKeys is an extension to the standard encoding/json package which
// allows the program to toggle sorting of map keys on and off.
func (enc *Encoder) SetSortMapKeys(on bool) {
if on {
enc.flags |= SortMapKeys
} else {
enc.flags &= ^SortMapKeys
// SetTrustRawMessage skips value checking when encoding a raw json message. It should only
// be used if the values are known to be valid json, e.g. because they were originally created
// by json.Unmarshal.
func (enc *Encoder) SetTrustRawMessage(on bool) {
if on {
enc.flags |= TrustRawMessage
} else {
enc.flags &= ^TrustRawMessage
var encoderBufferPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} { return &encoderBuffer{data: make([]byte, 0, 4096)} },
type encoderBuffer struct{ data []byte }

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
package json
import (
// All spaces characters defined in the json specification.
const (
sp = ' '
ht = '\t'
nl = '\n'
cr = '\r'
const (
escape = '\\'
quote = '"'
func skipSpaces(b []byte) []byte {
b, _ = skipSpacesN(b)
return b
func skipSpacesN(b []byte) ([]byte, int) {
for i := range b {
switch b[i] {
case sp, ht, nl, cr:
return b[i:], i
return nil, 0
// parseInt parses a decimanl representation of an int64 from b.
// The function is equivalent to calling strconv.ParseInt(string(b), 10, 64) but
// it prevents Go from making a memory allocation for converting a byte slice to
// a string (escape analysis fails due to the error returned by strconv.ParseInt).
// Because it only works with base 10 the function is also significantly faster
// than strconv.ParseInt.
func parseInt(b []byte, t reflect.Type) (int64, []byte, error) {
var value int64
var count int
if len(b) == 0 {
return 0, b, syntaxError(b, "cannot decode integer from an empty input")
if b[0] == '-' {
const max = math.MinInt64
const lim = max / 10
if len(b) == 1 {
return 0, b, syntaxError(b, "cannot decode integer from '-'")
if len(b) > 2 && b[1] == '0' && '0' <= b[2] && b[2] <= '9' {
return 0, b, syntaxError(b, "invalid leading character '0' in integer")
for _, d := range b[1:] {
if !(d >= '0' && d <= '9') {
if count == 0 {
b, err := inputError(b, t)
return 0, b, err
if value < lim {
return 0, b, unmarshalOverflow(b, t)
value *= 10
x := int64(d - '0')
if value < (max + x) {
return 0, b, unmarshalOverflow(b, t)
value -= x
} else {
const max = math.MaxInt64
const lim = max / 10
if len(b) > 1 && b[0] == '0' && '0' <= b[1] && b[1] <= '9' {
return 0, b, syntaxError(b, "invalid leading character '0' in integer")
for _, d := range b {
if !(d >= '0' && d <= '9') {
if count == 0 {
b, err := inputError(b, t)
return 0, b, err
x := int64(d - '0')
if value > lim {
return 0, b, unmarshalOverflow(b, t)
if value *= 10; value > (max - x) {
return 0, b, unmarshalOverflow(b, t)
value += x
if count < len(b) {
switch b[count] {
case '.', 'e', 'E': // was this actually a float?
v, r, err := parseNumber(b)
if err != nil {
v, r = b[:count+1], b[count+1:]
return 0, r, unmarshalTypeError(v, t)
return value, b[count:], nil
// parseUint is like parseInt but for unsigned integers.
func parseUint(b []byte, t reflect.Type) (uint64, []byte, error) {
const max = math.MaxUint64
const lim = max / 10
var value uint64
var count int
if len(b) == 0 {
return 0, b, syntaxError(b, "cannot decode integer value from an empty input")
if len(b) > 1 && b[0] == '0' && '0' <= b[1] && b[1] <= '9' {
return 0, b, syntaxError(b, "invalid leading character '0' in integer")
for _, d := range b {
if !(d >= '0' && d <= '9') {
if count == 0 {
b, err := inputError(b, t)
return 0, b, err
x := uint64(d - '0')
if value > lim {
return 0, b, unmarshalOverflow(b, t)
if value *= 10; value > (max - x) {
return 0, b, unmarshalOverflow(b, t)
value += x
if count < len(b) {
switch b[count] {
case '.', 'e', 'E': // was this actually a float?
v, r, err := parseNumber(b)
if err != nil {
v, r = b[:count+1], b[count+1:]
return 0, r, unmarshalTypeError(v, t)
return value, b[count:], nil
// parseUintHex parses a hexadecimanl representation of a uint64 from b.
// The function is equivalent to calling strconv.ParseUint(string(b), 16, 64) but
// it prevents Go from making a memory allocation for converting a byte slice to
// a string (escape analysis fails due to the error returned by strconv.ParseUint).
// Because it only works with base 16 the function is also significantly faster
// than strconv.ParseUint.
func parseUintHex(b []byte) (uint64, []byte, error) {
const max = math.MaxUint64
const lim = max / 0x10
var value uint64
var count int
if len(b) == 0 {
return 0, b, syntaxError(b, "cannot decode hexadecimal value from an empty input")
for i, d := range b {
var x uint64
switch {
case d >= '0' && d <= '9':
x = uint64(d - '0')
case d >= 'A' && d <= 'F':
x = uint64(d-'A') + 0xA
case d >= 'a' && d <= 'f':
x = uint64(d-'a') + 0xA
if i == 0 {
return 0, b, syntaxError(b, "expected hexadecimal digit but found '%c'", d)
break parseLoop
if value > lim {
return 0, b, syntaxError(b, "hexadecimal value out of range")
if value *= 0x10; value > (max - x) {
return 0, b, syntaxError(b, "hexadecimal value out of range")
value += x
return value, b[count:], nil
func parseNull(b []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
if hasNullPrefix(b) {
return b[:4], b[4:], nil
if len(b) < 4 {
return nil, b[len(b):], unexpectedEOF(b)
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "expected 'null' but found invalid token")
func parseTrue(b []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
if hasTruePrefix(b) {
return b[:4], b[4:], nil
if len(b) < 4 {
return nil, b[len(b):], unexpectedEOF(b)
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "expected 'true' but found invalid token")
func parseFalse(b []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
if hasFalsePrefix(b) {
return b[:5], b[5:], nil
if len(b) < 5 {
return nil, b[len(b):], unexpectedEOF(b)
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "expected 'false' but found invalid token")
func parseNumber(b []byte) (v, r []byte, err error) {
if len(b) == 0 {
r, err = b, unexpectedEOF(b)
i := 0
// sign
if b[i] == '-' {
if i == len(b) {
r, err = b[i:], syntaxError(b, "missing number value after sign")
if b[i] < '0' || b[i] > '9' {
r, err = b[i:], syntaxError(b, "expected digit but got '%c'", b[i])
// integer part
if b[i] == '0' {
if i == len(b) || (b[i] != '.' && b[i] != 'e' && b[i] != 'E') {
v, r = b[:i], b[i:]
if '0' <= b[i] && b[i] <= '9' {
r, err = b[i:], syntaxError(b, "cannot decode number with leading '0' character")
for i < len(b) && '0' <= b[i] && b[i] <= '9' {
// decimal part
if i < len(b) && b[i] == '.' {
decimalStart := i
for i < len(b) {
if c := b[i]; !('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
if i == decimalStart {
r, err = b[i:], syntaxError(b, "expected digit but found '%c'", c)
if i == decimalStart {
r, err = b[i:], syntaxError(b, "expected decimal part after '.'")
// exponent part
if i < len(b) && (b[i] == 'e' || b[i] == 'E') {
if i < len(b) {
if c := b[i]; c == '+' || c == '-' {
if i == len(b) {
r, err = b[i:], syntaxError(b, "missing exponent in number")
exponentStart := i
for i < len(b) {
if c := b[i]; !('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
if i == exponentStart {
err = syntaxError(b, "expected digit but found '%c'", c)
v, r = b[:i], b[i:]
func parseUnicode(b []byte) (rune, int, error) {
if len(b) < 4 {
return 0, 0, syntaxError(b, "unicode code point must have at least 4 characters")
u, r, err := parseUintHex(b[:4])
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, syntaxError(b, "parsing unicode code point: %s", err)
if len(r) != 0 {
return 0, 0, syntaxError(b, "invalid unicode code point")
return rune(u), 4, nil
func parseStringFast(b []byte) ([]byte, []byte, bool, error) {
if len(b) < 2 {
return nil, b[len(b):], false, unexpectedEOF(b)
if b[0] != '"' {
return nil, b, false, syntaxError(b, "expected '\"' at the beginning of a string value")
n := bytes.IndexByte(b[1:], '"') + 2
if n <= 1 {
return nil, b[len(b):], false, syntaxError(b, "missing '\"' at the end of a string value")
if bytes.IndexByte(b[1:n], '\\') < 0 && ascii.ValidPrint(b[1:n]) {
return b[:n], b[n:], false, nil
for i := 1; i < len(b); i++ {
switch b[i] {
case '\\':
if i++; i < len(b) {
switch b[i] {
case '"', '\\', '/', 'n', 'r', 't', 'f', 'b':
case 'u':
_, n, err := parseUnicode(b[i+1:])
if err != nil {
return nil, b, false, err
i += n
return nil, b, false, syntaxError(b, "invalid character '%c' in string escape code", b[i])
case '"':
return b[:i+1], b[i+1:], true, nil
if b[i] < 0x20 {
return nil, b, false, syntaxError(b, "invalid character '%c' in string escape code", b[i])
return nil, b[len(b):], false, syntaxError(b, "missing '\"' at the end of a string value")
func parseString(b []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
s, b, _, err := parseStringFast(b)
return s, b, err
func parseStringUnquote(b []byte, r []byte) ([]byte, []byte, bool, error) {
s, b, escaped, err := parseStringFast(b)
if err != nil {
return s, b, false, err
s = s[1 : len(s)-1] // trim the quotes
if !escaped {
return s, b, false, nil
if r == nil {
r = make([]byte, 0, len(s))
for len(s) != 0 {
i := bytes.IndexByte(s, '\\')
if i < 0 {
r = appendCoerceInvalidUTF8(r, s)
r = appendCoerceInvalidUTF8(r, s[:i])
s = s[i+1:]
c := s[0]
switch c {
case '"', '\\', '/':
// simple escaped character
case 'n':
c = '\n'
case 'r':
c = '\r'
case 't':
c = '\t'
case 'b':
c = '\b'
case 'f':
c = '\f'
case 'u':
s = s[1:]
r1, n1, err := parseUnicode(s)
if err != nil {
return r, b, true, err
s = s[n1:]
if utf16.IsSurrogate(r1) {
if !hasPrefix(s, `\u`) {
r1 = unicode.ReplacementChar
} else {
r2, n2, err := parseUnicode(s[2:])
if err != nil {
return r, b, true, err
if r1 = utf16.DecodeRune(r1, r2); r1 != unicode.ReplacementChar {
s = s[2+n2:]
r = appendRune(r, r1)
default: // not sure what this escape sequence is
return r, b, false, syntaxError(s, "invalid character '%c' in string escape code", c)
r = append(r, c)
s = s[1:]
return r, b, true, nil
func appendRune(b []byte, r rune) []byte {
n := len(b)
b = append(b, 0, 0, 0, 0)
return b[:n+utf8.EncodeRune(b[n:], r)]
func appendCoerceInvalidUTF8(b []byte, s []byte) []byte {
c := [4]byte{}
for _, r := range string(s) {
b = append(b, c[:utf8.EncodeRune(c[:], r)]...)
return b
func parseObject(b []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
if len(b) < 2 {
return nil, b[len(b):], unexpectedEOF(b)
if b[0] != '{' {
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "expected '{' at the beginning of an object value")
var err error
var a = b
var n = len(b)
var i = 0
b = b[1:]
for {
b = skipSpaces(b)
if len(b) == 0 {
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "cannot decode object from empty input")
if b[0] == '}' {
j := (n - len(b)) + 1
return a[:j], a[j:], nil
if i != 0 {
if len(b) == 0 {
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "unexpected EOF after object field value")
if b[0] != ',' {
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "expected ',' after object field value but found '%c'", b[0])
b = skipSpaces(b[1:])
if len(b) == 0 {
return nil, b, unexpectedEOF(b)
if b[0] == '}' {
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "unexpected trailing comma after object field")
_, b, err = parseString(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, b, err
b = skipSpaces(b)
if len(b) == 0 {
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "unexpected EOF after object field key")
if b[0] != ':' {
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "expected ':' after object field key but found '%c'", b[0])
b = skipSpaces(b[1:])
_, b, err = parseValue(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, b, err
func parseArray(b []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
if len(b) < 2 {
return nil, b[len(b):], unexpectedEOF(b)
if b[0] != '[' {
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "expected '[' at the beginning of array value")
var err error
var a = b
var n = len(b)
var i = 0
b = b[1:]
for {
b = skipSpaces(b)
if len(b) == 0 {
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "missing closing ']' after array value")
if b[0] == ']' {
j := (n - len(b)) + 1
return a[:j], a[j:], nil
if i != 0 {
if len(b) == 0 {
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "unexpected EOF after array element")
if b[0] != ',' {
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "expected ',' after array element but found '%c'", b[0])
b = skipSpaces(b[1:])
if len(b) == 0 {
return nil, b, unexpectedEOF(b)
if b[0] == ']' {
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "unexpected trailing comma after object field")
_, b, err = parseValue(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, b, err
func parseValue(b []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
if len(b) != 0 {
switch b[0] {
case '{':
return parseObject(b)
case '[':
return parseArray(b)
case '"':
return parseString(b)
case 'n':
return parseNull(b)
case 't':
return parseTrue(b)
case 'f':
return parseFalse(b)
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return parseNumber(b)
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "invalid character '%c' looking for beginning of value", b[0])
return nil, b, syntaxError(b, "unexpected end of JSON input")
func hasNullPrefix(b []byte) bool {
return len(b) >= 4 && string(b[:4]) == "null"
func hasTruePrefix(b []byte) bool {
return len(b) >= 4 && string(b[:4]) == "true"
func hasFalsePrefix(b []byte) bool {
return len(b) >= 5 && string(b[:5]) == "false"
func hasPrefix(b []byte, s string) bool {
return len(b) >= len(s) && s == string(b[:len(s)])
func hasLeadingSign(b []byte) bool {
return len(b) > 0 && (b[0] == '+' || b[0] == '-')
func hasLeadingZeroes(b []byte) bool {
if hasLeadingSign(b) {
b = b[1:]
return len(b) > 1 && b[0] == '0' && '0' <= b[1] && b[1] <= '9'
func appendToLower(b, s []byte) []byte {
if ascii.Valid(s) { // fast path for ascii strings
i := 0
for j := range s {
c := s[j]
if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' {
b = append(b, s[i:j]...)
b = append(b, c+('a'-'A'))
i = j + 1
return append(b, s[i:]...)
for _, r := range string(s) {
b = appendRune(b, foldRune(r))
return b
func foldRune(r rune) rune {
if r = unicode.SimpleFold(r); 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' {
r = r + ('a' - 'A')
return r

View File

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
package json
import (
func TestParseString(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
in string
out string
ext string
{`""`, `""`, ``},
{`"1234567890"`, `"1234567890"`, ``},
{`"Hello World!"`, `"Hello World!"`, ``},
{`"Hello\"World!"`, `"Hello\"World!"`, ``},
{`"\\"`, `"\\"`, ``},
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
out, ext, err := parseString([]byte(
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s => %s",, err)
if s := string(out); s != test.out {
t.Error("invalid output")
t.Logf("expected: %s", test.out)
t.Logf("found: %s", s)
if s := string(ext); s != test.ext {
t.Error("invalid extra bytes")
t.Logf("expected: %s", test.ext)
t.Logf("found: %s", s)
func TestAppendToLower(t *testing.T) {
tests := []string{
"Hello World!",
for _, test := range tests {
s1 := strings.ToLower(test)
s2 := string(appendToLower(nil, []byte(test)))
if s1 != s2 {
t.Error("lowercase values mismatch")
t.Log("expected:", s1)
t.Log("found: ", s2)
func BenchmarkParseString(b *testing.B) {
s := []byte(`"__segment_internal"`)
for i := 0; i != b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkToLower(b *testing.B) {
s := []byte("someFieldWithALongName")
for i := 0; i != b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkAppendToLower(b *testing.B) {
a := []byte(nil)
s := []byte("someFieldWithALongName")
for i := 0; i != b.N; i++ {
a = appendToLower(a[:0], s)
var benchmarkHasPrefixString = []byte("some random string")
var benchmarkHasPrefixResult = false
func BenchmarkHasPrefix(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
benchmarkHasPrefixResult = hasPrefix(benchmarkHasPrefixString, "null")
func BenchmarkHasNullPrefix(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
benchmarkHasPrefixResult = hasNullPrefix(benchmarkHasPrefixString)
func BenchmarkHasTruePrefix(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
benchmarkHasPrefixResult = hasTruePrefix(benchmarkHasPrefixString)
func BenchmarkHasFalsePrefix(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
benchmarkHasPrefixResult = hasFalsePrefix(benchmarkHasPrefixString)
func BenchmarkParseStringEscapeNone(b *testing.B) {
var j = []byte(`"` + strings.Repeat(`a`, 1000) + `"`)
var s string
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if err := Unmarshal(j, &s); err != nil {
s = ""
func BenchmarkParseStringEscapeOne(b *testing.B) {
var j = []byte(`"` + strings.Repeat(`a`, 998) + `\n"`)
var s string
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if err := Unmarshal(j, &s); err != nil {
s = ""
func BenchmarkParseStringEscapeAll(b *testing.B) {
var j = []byte(`"` + strings.Repeat(`\`, 1000) + `"`)
var s string
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if err := Unmarshal(j, &s); err != nil {
s = ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// +build go1.15
package json
import (
func extendSlice(t reflect.Type, s *slice, n int) slice {
arrayType := reflect.ArrayOf(n, t.Elem())
arrayData := reflect.New(arrayType)
reflect.Copy(arrayData.Elem(), reflect.NewAt(t, unsafe.Pointer(s)).Elem())
return slice{
data: unsafe.Pointer(arrayData.Pointer()),
len: s.len,
cap: n,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// +build !go1.15
package json
import (
//go:linkname unsafe_NewArray reflect.unsafe_NewArray
func unsafe_NewArray(rtype unsafe.Pointer, length int) unsafe.Pointer
//go:linkname typedslicecopy reflect.typedslicecopy
func typedslicecopy(elemType unsafe.Pointer, dst, src slice) int
func extendSlice(t reflect.Type, s *slice, n int) slice {
elemTypeRef := t.Elem()
elemTypePtr := ((*iface)(unsafe.Pointer(&elemTypeRef))).ptr
d := slice{
data: unsafe_NewArray(elemTypePtr, n),
len: s.len,
cap: n,
typedslicecopy(elemTypePtr, d, *s)
return d

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
package json
// Tokenizer is an iterator-style type which can be used to progressively parse
// through a json input.
// Tokenizing json is useful to build highly efficient parsing operations, for
// example when doing tranformations on-the-fly where as the program reads the
// input and produces the transformed json to an output buffer.
// Here is a common pattern to use a tokenizer:
// for t := json.NewTokenizer(b); t.Next(); {
// switch t.Delim {
// case '{':
// ...
// case '}':
// ...
// case '[':
// ...
// case ']':
// ...
// case ':':
// ...
// case ',':
// ...
// }
// switch {
// case t.Value.String():
// ...
// case t.Value.Null():
// ...
// case t.Value.True():
// ...
// case t.Value.False():
// ...
// case t.Value.Number():
// ...
// }
// }
type Tokenizer struct {
// When the tokenizer is positioned on a json delimiter this field is not
// zero. In this case the possible values are '{', '}', '[', ']', ':', and
// ','.
Delim Delim
// This field contains the raw json token that the tokenizer is pointing at.
// When Delim is not zero, this field is a single-element byte slice
// continaing the delimiter value. Otherwise, this field holds values like
// null, true, false, numbers, or quoted strings.
Value RawValue
// When the tokenizer has encountered invalid content this field is not nil.
Err error
// When the value is in an array or an object, this field contains the depth
// at which it was found.
Depth int
// When the value is in an array or an object, this field contains the
// position at which it was found.
Index int
// This field is true when the value is the key of an object.
IsKey bool
// Tells whether the next value read from the tokenizer is a key.
isKey bool
// json input for the tokenizer, pointing at data right after the last token
// that was parsed.
json []byte
// Stack used to track entering and leaving arrays, objects, and keys. The
// buffer is used as a AppendPre-allocated space to
stack []state
buffer [8]state
type state struct {
typ scope
len int
type scope int
const (
inArray scope = iota
// NewTokenizer constructs a new Tokenizer which reads its json input from b.
func NewTokenizer(b []byte) *Tokenizer { return &Tokenizer{json: b} }
// Reset erases the state of t and re-initializes it with the json input from b.
func (t *Tokenizer) Reset(b []byte) {
// This code is similar to:
// *t = Tokenizer{json: b}
// However, it does not compile down to an invocation of duff-copy, which
// ends up being slower and prevents the code from being inlined.
t.Delim = 0
t.Value = nil
t.Err = nil
t.Depth = 0
t.Index = 0
t.IsKey = false
t.isKey = false
t.json = b
t.stack = nil
// Next returns a new tokenizer pointing at the next token, or the zero-value of
// Tokenizer if the end of the json input has been reached.
// If the tokenizer encounters malformed json while reading the input the method
// sets t.Err to an error describing the issue, and returns false. Once an error
// has been encountered, the tokenizer will always fail until its input is
// cleared by a call to its Reset method.
func (t *Tokenizer) Next() bool {
if t.Err != nil {
return false
// Inlined code of the skipSpaces function, this give a ~15% speed boost.
i := 0
for _, c := range t.json {
switch c {
case sp, ht, nl, cr:
break skipLoop
if t.json = t.json[i:]; len(t.json) == 0 {
return false
var d Delim
var v []byte
var b []byte
var err error
switch t.json[0] {
case '"':
v, b, err = parseString(t.json)
case 'n':
v, b, err = parseNull(t.json)
case 't':
v, b, err = parseTrue(t.json)
case 'f':
v, b, err = parseFalse(t.json)
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
v, b, err = parseNumber(t.json)
case '{', '}', '[', ']', ':', ',':
d, v, b = Delim(t.json[0]), t.json[:1], t.json[1:]
v, b, err = t.json[:1], t.json[1:], syntaxError(t.json, "expected token but found '%c'", t.json[0])
t.Delim = d
t.Value = RawValue(v)
t.Err = err
t.Depth = t.depth()
t.Index = t.index()
t.IsKey = d == 0 && t.isKey
t.json = b
if d != 0 {
switch d {
case '{':
t.isKey = true
case '[':
case '}':
err = t.pop(inObject)
t.Index = t.index()
case ']':
err = t.pop(inArray)
t.Index = t.index()
case ':':
t.isKey = false
case ',':
if {
t.isKey = true
return (d != 0 || len(v) != 0) && err == nil
func (t *Tokenizer) push(typ scope) {
if t.stack == nil {
t.stack = t.buffer[:0]
t.stack = append(t.stack, state{typ: typ, len: 1})
func (t *Tokenizer) pop(expect scope) error {
i := len(t.stack) - 1
if i < 0 {
return syntaxError(t.json, "found unexpected character while tokenizing json input")
if found := t.stack[i]; expect != found.typ {
return syntaxError(t.json, "found unexpected character while tokenizing json input")
t.stack = t.stack[:i]
return nil
func (t *Tokenizer) is(typ scope) bool {
return len(t.stack) != 0 && t.stack[len(t.stack)-1].typ == typ
func (t *Tokenizer) depth() int {
return len(t.stack)
func (t *Tokenizer) index() int {
if len(t.stack) == 0 {
return 0
return t.stack[len(t.stack)-1].len - 1
// RawValue represents a raw json value, it is intended to carry null, true,
// false, number, and string values only.
type RawValue []byte
// String returns true if v contains a string value.
func (v RawValue) String() bool { return len(v) != 0 && v[0] == '"' }
// Null returns true if v contains a null value.
func (v RawValue) Null() bool { return len(v) != 0 && v[0] == 'n' }
// True returns true if v contains a true value.
func (v RawValue) True() bool { return len(v) != 0 && v[0] == 't' }
// False returns true if v contains a false value.
func (v RawValue) False() bool { return len(v) != 0 && v[0] == 'f' }
// Number returns true if v contains a number value.
func (v RawValue) Number() bool {
if len(v) != 0 {
switch v[0] {
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return true
return false
// AppendUnquote writes the unquoted version of the string value in v into b.
func (v RawValue) AppendUnquote(b []byte) []byte {
s, r, new, err := parseStringUnquote([]byte(v), b)
if err != nil {
if len(r) != 0 {
panic(syntaxError(r, "unexpected trailing tokens after json value"))
if new {
b = s
} else {
b = append(b, s...)
return b
// Unquote returns the unquoted version of the string value in v.
func (v RawValue) Unquote() []byte {
return v.AppendUnquote(nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
package json
import (
type token struct {
delim Delim
value RawValue
err error
depth int
index int
isKey bool
func delim(s string, depth, index int) token {
return token{
delim: Delim(s[0]),
value: RawValue(s),
depth: depth,
index: index,
func key(v string, depth, index int) token {
return token{
value: RawValue(v),
depth: depth,
index: index,
isKey: true,
func value(v string, depth, index int) token {
return token{
value: RawValue(v),
depth: depth,
index: index,
func tokenize(b []byte) (tokens []token) {
t := NewTokenizer(b)
for t.Next() {
tokens = append(tokens, token{
delim: t.Delim,
value: t.Value,
err: t.Err,
depth: t.Depth,
index: t.Index,
isKey: t.IsKey,
if t.Err != nil {
func TestTokenizer(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input []byte
tokens []token
input: []byte(`null`),
tokens: []token{
value(`null`, 0, 0),
input: []byte(`true`),
tokens: []token{
value(`true`, 0, 0),
input: []byte(`false`),
tokens: []token{
value(`false`, 0, 0),
input: []byte(`""`),
tokens: []token{
value(`""`, 0, 0),
input: []byte(`"Hello World!"`),
tokens: []token{
value(`"Hello World!"`, 0, 0),
input: []byte(`-0.1234`),
tokens: []token{
value(`-0.1234`, 0, 0),
input: []byte(` { } `),
tokens: []token{
delim(`{`, 0, 0),
delim(`}`, 0, 0),
input: []byte(`{ "answer": 42 }`),
tokens: []token{
delim(`{`, 0, 0),
key(`"answer"`, 1, 0),
delim(`:`, 1, 0),
value(`42`, 1, 0),
delim(`}`, 0, 0),
input: []byte(`{ "sub": { "key-A": 1, "key-B": 2, "key-C": 3 } }`),
tokens: []token{
delim(`{`, 0, 0),
key(`"sub"`, 1, 0),
delim(`:`, 1, 0),
delim(`{`, 1, 0),
key(`"key-A"`, 2, 0),
delim(`:`, 2, 0),
value(`1`, 2, 0),
delim(`,`, 2, 0),
key(`"key-B"`, 2, 1),
delim(`:`, 2, 1),
value(`2`, 2, 1),
delim(`,`, 2, 1),
key(`"key-C"`, 2, 2),
delim(`:`, 2, 2),
value(`3`, 2, 2),
delim(`}`, 1, 0),
delim(`}`, 0, 0),
input: []byte(` [ ] `),
tokens: []token{
delim(`[`, 0, 0),
delim(`]`, 0, 0),
input: []byte(`[1, 2, 3]`),
tokens: []token{
delim(`[`, 0, 0),
value(`1`, 1, 0),
delim(`,`, 1, 0),
value(`2`, 1, 1),
delim(`,`, 1, 1),
value(`3`, 1, 2),
delim(`]`, 0, 0),
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(string(test.input), func(t *testing.T) {
tokens := tokenize(test.input)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(tokens, test.tokens) {
t.Error("tokens mismatch")
t.Logf("expected: %+v", test.tokens)
t.Logf("found: %+v", tokens)
func BenchmarkTokenizer(b *testing.B) {
values := []struct {
scenario string
payload []byte
scenario: "null",
payload: []byte(`null`),
scenario: "true",
payload: []byte(`true`),
scenario: "false",
payload: []byte(`false`),
scenario: "number",
payload: []byte(`-1.23456789`),
scenario: "string",
payload: []byte(`"1234567890"`),
scenario: "object",
payload: []byte(`{
"timestamp": "2019-01-09T18:59:57.456Z",
"channel": "server",
"type": "track",
"event": "Test",
"userId": "test-user-whatever",
"messageId": "test-message-whatever",
"integrations": {
"whatever": {
"debugMode": false
"myIntegration": {
"debugMode": true
"properties": {
"trait1": 1,
"trait2": "test",
"trait3": true
"settings": {
"apiKey": "1234567890",
"debugMode": false,
"directChannels": [
"endpoint": ""
benchmarks := []struct {
scenario string
function func(*testing.B, []byte)
scenario: "",
function: func(b *testing.B, json []byte) {
t := NewTokenizer(nil)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
for t.Next() {
// Does nothing other than iterating over each token to measure the
// CPU and memory footprint.
if t.Err != nil {
for _, bechmark := range benchmarks {
b.Run(bechmark.scenario, func(b *testing.B) {
for _, value := range values {
b.Run(value.scenario, func(b *testing.B) {
bechmark.function(b, value.payload)

cli/output/jsonw/jsonw.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
// Package jsonw implements output writers for JSON.
package jsonw
import (
// NewStdRecordWriter returns a record writer that outputs each
// record as a JSON object that is an element of JSON array. This is
// to say, standard JSON. For example:
// [
// {
// "actor_id": 1,
// "first_name": "PENELOPE",
// "last_name": "GUINESS",
// "last_update": "2020-06-11T02:50:54Z"
// },
// {
// "actor_id": 2,
// "first_name": "NICK",
// "last_name": "WAHLBERG",
// "last_update": "2020-06-11T02:50:54Z"
// }
// ]
func NewStdRecordWriter(out io.Writer, fm *output.Formatting) output.RecordWriter {
return &stdWriter{
out: out,
fm: fm,
// stdWriter outputs records in standard JSON format.
type stdWriter struct {
err error
out io.Writer
fm *output.Formatting
// b is used as a buffer by writeRecord
b []byte
// outBuf is used to hold output prior to flushing.
outBuf *bytes.Buffer
recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta
recsWritten bool
tpl *stdTemplate
encodeFns []func(b []byte, v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
// Open implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *stdWriter) Open(recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta) error {
if w.err != nil {
return w.err
w.outBuf = &bytes.Buffer{}
w.recMeta = recMeta
if len(recMeta) == 0 {
// should never happen
return errz.New("empty record metadata")
w.encodeFns = getFieldEncoders(recMeta,
tpl, err := newStdTemplate(recMeta,
if err != nil {
w.err = err
return err
w.tpl = tpl
return nil
// WriteRecords implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *stdWriter) WriteRecords(recs []sqlz.Record) error {
if w.err != nil {
return w.err
var err error
for i := range recs {
err = w.writeRecord(recs[i])
if err != nil {
w.err = err
return err
return nil
func (w *stdWriter) writeRecord(rec sqlz.Record) error {
var err error
if w.recsWritten {
// we need to add the separator
w.b = append(w.b, w.tpl.recSep...)
} else {
// This is the first record: we'll need the separator next time.
w.recsWritten = true
for i := range w.recMeta {
w.b = append(w.b, w.tpl.recTpl[i]...)
w.b, err = w.encodeFns[i](w.b, rec[i])
if err != nil {
return errz.Err(err)
w.b = append(w.b, w.tpl.recTpl[len(w.recMeta)]...)
w.b = w.b[:0]
if w.outBuf.Len() > output.FlushThreshold {
return w.Flush()
return nil
// Flush implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *stdWriter) Flush() error {
if w.err != nil {
return w.err
_, err := w.outBuf.WriteTo(w.out)
if err != nil {
return errz.Err(err)
return nil
// Close implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *stdWriter) Close() error {
if w.err != nil {
return w.err
if w.recsWritten && {
return w.Flush()
// stdTemplate holds the various parts of the output template
// used by stdWriter.
type stdTemplate struct {
header []byte
recTpl [][]byte
recSep []byte
footer []byte
func newStdTemplate(recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta, fm *output.Formatting) (*stdTemplate, error) {
tpl := make([][]byte, len(recMeta)+1)
clrs := internal.NewColors(fm)
pnc := newPunc(fm)
fieldNames := make([][]byte, len(recMeta))
var err error
for i := range recMeta {
fieldNames[i], err = encodeString(nil, recMeta[i].Name(), false)
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Err(err)
if !fm.IsMonochrome() {
fieldNames[i] = clrs.AppendKey(nil, fieldNames[i])
if !fm.Pretty {
tpl[0] = append(tpl[0], pnc.lBrace...)
tpl[0] = append(tpl[0], fieldNames[0]...)
tpl[0] = append(tpl[0], pnc.colon...)
for i := 1; i < len(fieldNames); i++ {
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], pnc.comma...)
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], fieldNames[i]...)
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], pnc.colon...)
tpl[len(recMeta)] = append(tpl[len(recMeta)], pnc.rBrace...)
stdTpl := &stdTemplate{recTpl: tpl}
stdTpl.header = append(stdTpl.header, pnc.lBracket...)
stdTpl.footer = append(stdTpl.footer, pnc.rBracket...)
stdTpl.footer = append(stdTpl.footer, '\n')
stdTpl.recSep = append(stdTpl.recSep, pnc.comma...)
return stdTpl, nil
// Else we're doing pretty printing
tpl[0] = append(tpl[0], []byte("\n"+fm.Indent)...)
tpl[0] = append(tpl[0], pnc.lBrace...)
tpl[0] = append(tpl[0], '\n')
tpl[0] = append(tpl[0], strings.Repeat(fm.Indent, 2)...)
tpl[0] = append(tpl[0], fieldNames[0]...)
tpl[0] = append(tpl[0], pnc.colon...)
tpl[0] = append(tpl[0], ' ')
for i := 1; i < len(fieldNames); i++ {
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], pnc.comma...)
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], '\n')
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], strings.Repeat(fm.Indent, 2)...)
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], fieldNames[i]...)
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], pnc.colon...)
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], ' ')
last := len(recMeta)
tpl[last] = append(tpl[last], '\n')
tpl[last] = append(tpl[last], fm.Indent...)
tpl[last] = append(tpl[last], pnc.rBrace...)
stdTpl := &stdTemplate{recTpl: tpl}
stdTpl.header = append(stdTpl.header, pnc.lBracket...)
stdTpl.footer = append(stdTpl.footer, pnc.rBracket...)
stdTpl.footer = append(stdTpl.footer, '\n')
stdTpl.recSep = append(stdTpl.recSep, pnc.comma...)
return stdTpl, nil
// NewObjectRecordWriter writes out each record as a JSON object
// on its own line. For example:
// {"actor_id": 1, "first_name": "PENELOPE", "last_name": "GUINESS", "last_update": "2020-06-11T02:50:54Z"}
// {"actor_id": 2, "first_name": "NICK", "last_name": "WAHLBERG", "last_update": "2020-06-11T02:50:54Z"}
func NewObjectRecordWriter(out io.Writer, fm *output.Formatting) output.RecordWriter {
return &lineRecordWriter{
out: out,
fm: fm,
newTplFn: newJSONObjectsTemplate,
// NewArrayRecordWriter returns a RecordWriter that outputs each
// record as a JSON array on its own line. For example:
// [1, "PENELOPE", "GUINESS", "2020-06-11T02:50:54Z"]
// [2, "NICK", "WAHLBERG", "2020-06-11T02:50:54Z"]
func NewArrayRecordWriter(out io.Writer, fm *output.Formatting) output.RecordWriter {
return &lineRecordWriter{
out: out,
fm: fm,
newTplFn: newJSONArrayTemplate,
// lineRecordWriter is an output.RecordWriter that outputs each
// record as its own line. This type is used to generate
// both the "json array" and "json lines" output formats.
// For each element of a record, there is an encoding function in
// w.encodeFns. So, there's len(rec) encode fns. The elements of w.tpl
// surround the output of each encode func. Therefore there
// are len(rec)+1 tpl elements.
type lineRecordWriter struct {
err error
out io.Writer
fm *output.Formatting
recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta
// outBuf holds the output of the writer prior to flushing.
outBuf *bytes.Buffer
// newTplFn is invoked during open to get the "template" for
// generating output.
newTplFn func(sqlz.RecordMeta, *output.Formatting) ([][]byte, error)
// tpl is a slice of []byte, where len(tpl) == len(recMeta) + 1.
tpl [][]byte
// encodeFns holds an encoder func for each element of the record.
encodeFns []func(b []byte, v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
// Open implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *lineRecordWriter) Open(recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta) error {
if w.err != nil {
return w.err
w.outBuf = &bytes.Buffer{}
w.recMeta = recMeta
w.tpl, w.err = w.newTplFn(recMeta,
if w.err != nil {
return w.err
w.encodeFns = getFieldEncoders(recMeta,
return nil
// WriteRecords implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *lineRecordWriter) WriteRecords(recs []sqlz.Record) error {
if w.err != nil {
return w.err
var err error
for i := range recs {
err = w.writeRecord(recs[i])
if err != nil {
w.err = err
return err
return nil
func (w *lineRecordWriter) writeRecord(rec sqlz.Record) error {
var err error
b := make([]byte, 0, 10)
for i := range w.recMeta {
b = append(b, w.tpl[i]...)
b, err = w.encodeFns[i](b, rec[i])
if err != nil {
return errz.Err(err)
b = append(b, w.tpl[len(w.recMeta)]...)
if w.outBuf.Len() > output.FlushThreshold {
return w.Flush()
return nil
// Flush implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *lineRecordWriter) Flush() error {
if w.err != nil {
return w.err
_, err := w.outBuf.WriteTo(w.out)
if err != nil {
return errz.Err(err)
return nil
// Close implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *lineRecordWriter) Close() error {
if w.err != nil {
return w.err
return w.Flush()
func newJSONObjectsTemplate(recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta, fm *output.Formatting) ([][]byte, error) {
tpl := make([][]byte, len(recMeta)+1)
clrs := internal.NewColors(fm)
pnc := newPunc(fm)
fieldNames := make([][]byte, len(recMeta))
var err error
for i := range recMeta {
fieldNames[i], err = encodeString(nil, recMeta[i].Name(), false)
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Err(err)
if !fm.IsMonochrome() {
fieldNames[i] = clrs.AppendKey(nil, fieldNames[i])
tpl[0] = append(tpl[0], pnc.lBrace...)
tpl[0] = append(tpl[0], fieldNames[0]...)
tpl[0] = append(tpl[0], pnc.colon...)
if fm.Pretty {
tpl[0] = append(tpl[0], ' ')
for i := 1; i < len(fieldNames); i++ {
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], pnc.comma...)
if fm.Pretty {
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], ' ')
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], fieldNames[i]...)
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], pnc.colon...)
if fm.Pretty {
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], ' ')
tpl[len(recMeta)] = append(tpl[len(recMeta)], pnc.rBrace...)
tpl[len(recMeta)] = append(tpl[len(recMeta)], '\n')
return tpl, nil
func newJSONArrayTemplate(recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta, fm *output.Formatting) ([][]byte, error) {
tpl := make([][]byte, len(recMeta)+1)
pnc := newPunc(fm)
tpl[0] = append(tpl[0], pnc.lBracket...)
for i := 1; i < len(recMeta); i++ {
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], pnc.comma...)
if fm.Pretty {
tpl[i] = append(tpl[i], ' ')
tpl[len(recMeta)] = append(tpl[len(recMeta)], pnc.rBracket...)
tpl[len(recMeta)] = append(tpl[len(recMeta)], '\n')
return tpl, nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
package jsonw_test
import (
func TestRecordWriters(t *testing.T) {
const (
wantStdJSONNoPretty = `[{"col_int":64,"col_float":64.64,"col_decimal":"10000000000000000.99","col_bool":true,"col_text":"hello","col_datetime":"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z","col_date":"1970-01-01","col_time":"00:00:00","col_bytes":"aGVsbG8="},{"col_int":null,"col_float":null,"col_decimal":null,"col_bool":null,"col_text":null,"col_datetime":null,"col_date":null,"col_time":null,"col_bytes":null},{"col_int":64,"col_float":64.64,"col_decimal":"10000000000000000.99","col_bool":true,"col_text":"hello","col_datetime":"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z","col_date":"1970-01-01","col_time":"00:00:00","col_bytes":"aGVsbG8="}]
wantStdJSONPretty = `[
"col_int": 64,
"col_float": 64.64,
"col_decimal": "10000000000000000.99",
"col_bool": true,
"col_text": "hello",
"col_datetime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"col_date": "1970-01-01",
"col_time": "00:00:00",
"col_bytes": "aGVsbG8="
"col_int": null,
"col_float": null,
"col_decimal": null,
"col_bool": null,
"col_text": null,
"col_datetime": null,
"col_date": null,
"col_time": null,
"col_bytes": null
"col_int": 64,
"col_float": 64.64,
"col_decimal": "10000000000000000.99",
"col_bool": true,
"col_text": "hello",
"col_datetime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"col_date": "1970-01-01",
"col_time": "00:00:00",
"col_bytes": "aGVsbG8="
wantArrayNoPretty = `[64,64.64,"10000000000000000.99",true,"hello","1970-01-01T00:00:00Z","1970-01-01","00:00:00","aGVsbG8="]
wantArrayPretty = `[64, 64.64, "10000000000000000.99", true, "hello", "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "1970-01-01", "00:00:00", "aGVsbG8="]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[64, 64.64, "10000000000000000.99", true, "hello", "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "1970-01-01", "00:00:00", "aGVsbG8="]
wantObjectsNoPretty = `{"col_int":64,"col_float":64.64,"col_decimal":"10000000000000000.99","col_bool":true,"col_text":"hello","col_datetime":"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z","col_date":"1970-01-01","col_time":"00:00:00","col_bytes":"aGVsbG8="}
wantObjectsPretty = `{"col_int": 64, "col_float": 64.64, "col_decimal": "10000000000000000.99", "col_bool": true, "col_text": "hello", "col_datetime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "col_date": "1970-01-01", "col_time": "00:00:00", "col_bytes": "aGVsbG8="}
{"col_int": null, "col_float": null, "col_decimal": null, "col_bool": null, "col_text": null, "col_datetime": null, "col_date": null, "col_time": null, "col_bytes": null}
{"col_int": 64, "col_float": 64.64, "col_decimal": "10000000000000000.99", "col_bool": true, "col_text": "hello", "col_datetime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "col_date": "1970-01-01", "col_time": "00:00:00", "col_bytes": "aGVsbG8="}
testCases := []struct {
name string
pretty bool
color bool
factoryFn func(io.Writer, *output.Formatting) output.RecordWriter
multiline bool
want string
name: "std_no_pretty",
pretty: false,
color: false,
factoryFn: jsonw.NewStdRecordWriter,
want: wantStdJSONNoPretty,
name: "std_pretty",
pretty: true,
color: false,
factoryFn: jsonw.NewStdRecordWriter,
want: wantStdJSONPretty,
name: "array_no_pretty",
pretty: false,
color: false,
multiline: true,
factoryFn: jsonw.NewArrayRecordWriter,
want: wantArrayNoPretty,
name: "array_pretty",
pretty: true,
color: false,
multiline: true,
factoryFn: jsonw.NewArrayRecordWriter,
want: wantArrayPretty,
name: "object_no_pretty",
pretty: false,
color: false,
multiline: true,
factoryFn: jsonw.NewObjectRecordWriter,
want: wantObjectsNoPretty,
name: "object_pretty",
pretty: true,
color: false,
multiline: true,
factoryFn: jsonw.NewObjectRecordWriter,
want: wantObjectsPretty,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
colNames, kinds := fixt.ColNamePerKind(false, false, false)
recMeta := testh.NewRecordMeta(colNames, kinds)
v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8 := int64(64), float64(64.64), "10000000000000000.99", true, "hello", time.Unix(0, 0).UTC(), time.Unix(0, 0).UTC(), time.Unix(0, 0).UTC(), []byte("hello")
recs := []sqlz.Record{
{&v0, &v1, &v2, &v3, &v4, &v5, &v6, &v7, &v8},
{nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil},
{&v0, &v1, &v2, &v3, &v4, &v5, &v6, &v7, &v8},
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
fm := output.NewFormatting()
fm.Pretty = tc.pretty
w := tc.factoryFn(buf, fm)
require.NoError(t, w.Open(recMeta))
require.NoError(t, w.WriteRecords(recs))
require.NoError(t, w.Close())
require.Equal(t, tc.want, buf.String())
if !tc.multiline {
require.True(t, json.Valid(buf.Bytes()))
lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(buf.String()), "\n")
require.Equal(t, len(recs), len(lines))
for _, line := range lines {
require.True(t, json.Valid([]byte(line)))
func TestErrorWriter(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
pretty bool
color bool
want string
name: "no_pretty",
pretty: false,
color: false,
want: "{\"error\": \"err1\"}\n",
name: "pretty",
pretty: true,
color: false,
want: "{\n \"error\": \"err1\"\n}\n",
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(t.Name(), func(t *testing.T) {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
fm := output.NewFormatting()
fm.Pretty = tc.pretty
errw := jsonw.NewErrorWriter(testlg.New(t), buf, fm)
got := buf.String()
require.Equal(t, tc.want, got)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package jsonw
import (
jcolorenc ""
// mdWriter implements output.MetadataWriter for JSON.
type mdWriter struct {
out io.Writer
fm *output.Formatting
// NewMetadataWriter returns a new output.MetadataWriter instance
// that outputs metadata in JSON.
func NewMetadataWriter(out io.Writer, fm *output.Formatting) output.MetadataWriter {
return &mdWriter{out: out, fm: fm}
func (w *mdWriter) write(v interface{}) error {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
enc := jcolorenc.NewEncoder(buf)
if {
err := enc.Encode(v)
if err != nil {
return errz.Err(err)
_, err = fmt.Fprint(w.out, buf.String())
if err != nil {
return errz.Err(err)
return nil
// DriverMetadata implements output.MetadataWriter.
func (w *mdWriter) DriverMetadata(md []driver.Metadata) error {
return w.write(md)
// TableMetadata implements output.MetadataWriter.
func (w *mdWriter) TableMetadata(md *source.TableMetadata) error {
return w.write(md)
// SourceMetadata implements output.MetadataWriter.
func (w *mdWriter) SourceMetadata(md *source.Metadata) error {
return w.write(md)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
// Package markdownw implements writers for Markdown.
package markdownw
import (
// RecordWriter implements output.RecordWriter.
type RecordWriter struct {
recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta
out io.Writer
buf *bytes.Buffer
// NewRecordWriter returns a writer instance.
func NewRecordWriter(out io.Writer) *RecordWriter {
return &RecordWriter{out: out}
// Open implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *RecordWriter) Open(recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta) error {
w.recMeta = recMeta
w.buf = &bytes.Buffer{}
// Write the header
for i, field := range recMeta {
w.buf.WriteString("| ")
w.buf.WriteString(field.Name() + " ")
if i == len(recMeta)-1 {
// Write the header separator row
for i := range recMeta {
w.buf.WriteString("| --- ")
if i == len(recMeta)-1 {
return nil
// Flush implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *RecordWriter) Flush() error {
_, err := w.buf.WriteTo(w.out) // resets buf
return err
// Close implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *RecordWriter) Close() error {
return w.Flush()
func (w *RecordWriter) writeRecord(rec sqlz.Record) error {
var s string
for i, field := range rec {
w.buf.WriteString("| ")
switch val := field.(type) {
// should never happen
s = escapeMarkdown(fmt.Sprintf("%v", val))
case nil:
// nil is rendered as empty string, which this cell already is
case *int64:
s = strconv.FormatInt(*val, 10)
case *string:
s = escapeMarkdown(*val)
case *bool:
s = strconv.FormatBool(*val)
case *float64:
s = stringz.FormatFloat(*val)
case *[]byte:
s = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(*val)
case *time.Time:
switch w.recMeta[i].Kind() {
s = val.Format(stringz.DatetimeFormat)
case sqlz.KindTime:
s = val.Format(stringz.TimeFormat)
case sqlz.KindDate:
s = val.Format(stringz.DateFormat)
w.buf.WriteString(s + " ")
return nil
// WriteRecords implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *RecordWriter) WriteRecords(recs []sqlz.Record) error {
var err error
for _, rec := range recs {
err = w.writeRecord(rec)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// escapeMarkdown is quick effort at escaping markdown
// table cell text. It is not at all tested. Replace this
// function with a real library call at the earliest opportunity.
func escapeMarkdown(s string) string {
s = html.EscapeString(s)
s = strings.Replace(s, "|", "&vert;", -1)
s = strings.Replace(s, "\r\n", "<br/>", -1)
s = strings.Replace(s, "\n", "<br/>", -1)
return s

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package markdownw_test
import (
func TestRecordWriter(t *testing.T) {
const (
want0 = `| actor_id | first_name | last_name | last_update |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
want3 = `| actor_id | first_name | last_name | last_update |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | PENELOPE | GUINESS | 2020-06-11T02:50:54Z |
| 2 | NICK | WAHLBERG | 2020-06-11T02:50:54Z |
| 3 | ED | CHASE | 2020-06-11T02:50:54Z |
testCases := []struct {
name string
numRecs int
want string
{name: "actor_0", numRecs: 0, want: want0},
{name: "actor_3", numRecs: 3, want: want3},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
recMeta, recs := testh.RecordsFromTbl(t, sakila.SL3, sakila.TblActor)
recs = recs[0:tc.numRecs]
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
w := markdownw.NewRecordWriter(buf)
require.NoError(t, w.Open(recMeta))
require.NoError(t, w.WriteRecords(recs))
require.NoError(t, w.Close())
require.Equal(t, tc.want, buf.String())

cli/output/raww/raww.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
package raww
import (
// recordWriter implements output.RecordWriter for raw output.
// This is typically used to output a single blob result, such
// as a gif etc. The elements of each record are directly
// written to the backing writer without any separator, or
// encoding, etc.
type recordWriter struct {
out io.Writer
recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta
// NewRecordWriter returns an output.RecordWriter instance for
// raw output. This is typically used to output a single blob result,
// such as a gif etc. The elements of each record are directly
// written to the backing writer without any separator, or
// encoding, etc..
func NewRecordWriter(out io.Writer) output.RecordWriter {
return &recordWriter{out: out}
// Open implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *recordWriter) Open(recMeta sqlz.RecordMeta) error {
w.recMeta = recMeta
return nil
// WriteRecords implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *recordWriter) WriteRecords(recs []sqlz.Record) error {
if len(recs) == 0 {
return nil
for _, rec := range recs {
for i, val := range rec {
switch val := val.(type) {
case nil:
case *[]byte:
_, _ = w.out.Write(*val)
case *string:
_, _ = w.out.Write([]byte(*val))
case *bool:
fmt.Fprint(w.out, strconv.FormatBool(*val))
case *int64:
fmt.Fprint(w.out, strconv.FormatInt(*val, 10))
case *float64:
fmt.Fprint(w.out, stringz.FormatFloat(*val))
case *time.Time:
switch w.recMeta[i].Kind() {
fmt.Fprint(w.out, val.Format(stringz.DatetimeFormat))
case sqlz.KindTime:
fmt.Fprint(w.out, val.Format(stringz.TimeFormat))
case sqlz.KindDate:
fmt.Fprint(w.out, val.Format(stringz.DateFormat))
// should never happen
fmt.Fprintf(w.out, "%s", val)
return nil
// Flush implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *recordWriter) Flush() error {
return nil
// Close implements output.RecordWriter.
func (w *recordWriter) Close() error {
return nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
package raww_test
import (
func TestRecordWriter_TblActor(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
numRecs int
want []byte
{name: "actor_0", numRecs: 0, want: nil},
{name: "actor_3", numRecs: 3, want: []byte("1PENELOPEGUINESS2020-06-11T02:50:54Z2NICKWAHLBERG2020-06-11T02:50:54Z3EDCHASE2020-06-11T02:50:54Z")},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
recMeta, recs := testh.RecordsFromTbl(t, sakila.SL3, sakila.TblActor)
recs = recs[0:tc.numRecs]
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
w := raww.NewRecordWriter(buf)
require.NoError(t, w.Open(recMeta))
require.NoError(t, w.WriteRecords(recs))
require.NoError(t, w.Close())
require.Equal(t, tc.want, buf.Bytes())
func TestRecordWriter_TblBytes(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
th.Log = lg.Discard()
src := th.Source(testsrc.MiscDB)
sink, err := th.QuerySQL(src, "SELECT col_bytes FROM tbl_bytes WHERE col_name='gopher.gif'")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(sink.Recs))
fBytes := proj.ReadFile(fixt.GopherPath)
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
w := raww.NewRecordWriter(buf)
require.NoError(t, w.Open(sink.RecMeta))
require.NoError(t, w.WriteRecords(sink.Recs))
require.NoError(t, w.Close())
require.Equal(t, fBytes, buf.Bytes())
_, err = gif.Decode(bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes()))
require.NoError(t, err)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Package `tablew`
Package `tablew` implements text table output writers.
The actual rendering of the text table is handled by a modified version of
which can be found in the `internal` sub-package. At the time, `tablewriter`
didn't provide all the functionality that sq required. However,
that package has been significantly developed since then
fork, and it may be possible that we could dispense with the forked
version entirely and directly use a newer version of `tablewriter`.
This entire package could use a rewrite, a lot has changed with sq
since this package was first created. So, if you see code in here
that doesn't make sense to you, you're probably judging it correctly.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package tablew
import (
// errorWriter implements output.ErrorWriter.
type errorWriter struct {
w io.Writer
f *output.Formatting
// NewErrorWriter returns an output.ErrorWriter that
// outputs in text format.
func NewErrorWriter(w io.Writer, f *output.Formatting) output.ErrorWriter {
return &errorWriter{w: w, f: f}
// Error implements output.ErrorWriter.
func (w *errorWriter) Error(err error) {
fmt.Fprintln(w.w, w.f.Error.Sprintf("sq: %v", err))

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More