// Package flag holds CLI flags. package flag const ( ActiveSrc = "src" ActiveSrcUsage = "Override the active source for this query" ConfigSrc = "src" ConfigSrcUsage = "Config for source" CSV = "csv" CSVShort = "C" CSVUsage = "Output CSV" AddDriver = "driver" AddDriverShort = "d" AddDriverUsage = "Explicitly specify the driver to use" IngestDriver = "ingest.driver" IngestDriverUsage = "Explicitly specify the driver to use for ingesting data" HTML = "html" HTMLUsage = "Output HTML table" Header = "header" HeaderShort = "h" HeaderUsage = "Print header row" NoHeader = "no-header" NoHeaderShort = "H" NoHeaderUsage = "Don't print header row" Handle = "handle" HandleShort = "n" HandleUsage = "Handle for the source" ListGroup = "group" ListGroupShort = "g" ListGroupUsage = "List groups instead of sources" Help = "help" Insert = "insert" InsertUsage = "Insert query results into @HANDLE.TABLE. If not existing, TABLE will be created." JSON = "json" JSONShort = "j" JSONUsage = "Output JSON" JSONA = "jsona" JSONAShort = "A" JSONAUsage = "Output LF-delimited JSON arrays" JSONL = "jsonl" JSONLShort = "l" JSONLUsage = "Output LF-delimited JSON objects" Markdown = "markdown" MarkdownUsage = "Output Markdown" AddActive = "active" AddActiveShort = "a" AddActiveUsage = "Make this the active source" Monochrome = "monochrome" MonochromeShort = "M" MonochromeUsage = "Don't colorize output" Output = "output" OutputShort = "o" OutputUsage = "Write output to instead of stdout" PasswordPrompt = "password" PasswordPromptShort = "p" PasswordPromptUsage = "Read password from stdin or prompt" Compact = "compact" CompactShort = "c" CompactUsage = "Compact instead of pretty-printed output" Raw = "raw" RawShort = "r" RawUsage = "Output each record field in raw format without any encoding or delimiter" SQLExec = "exec" SQLExecUsage = "Execute the SQL as a statement (as opposed to query)" SQLQuery = "query" SQLQueryUsage = "Execute the SQL as a query (as opposed to statement)" TSV = "tsv" TSVUsage = "Output TSV" Text = "text" TextShort = "t" TextUsage = "Output text" TblData = "data" TblDataUsage = "Copy table data" PingTimeout = "timeout" PingTimeoutUsage = "Max time to wait for ping" Verbose = "verbose" VerboseShort = "v" VerboseUsage = "Verbose output" Version = "version" VersionUsage = "Print version info" XLSX = "xlsx" XLSXShort = "x" XLSXUsage = "Output Excel XLSX" YAML = "yaml" YAMLShort = "y" YAMLUsage = "Output YAML" XML = "xml" XMLUsage = "Output XML" SkipVerify = "skip-verify" SkipVerifyUsage = "Don't ping source before adding it" Arg = "arg" ArgUsage = "Set a string value to a variable" Config = "config" ConfigUsage = "Load config from here" IngestHeader = "ingest.header" IngestHeaderUsage = "Treat first row of ingest data as header" CSVEmptyAsNull = "driver.csv.empty-as-null" CSVEmptyAsNullUsage = "Treat empty CSV fields as null" CSVDelim = "driver.csv.delim" CSVDelimUsage = "CSV delimiter: one of comma, space, pipe, tab, colon, semi, period" CSVDelimDefault = "comma" ConfigDelete = "delete" ConfigDeleteShort = "D" ConfigDeleteUsage = "Reset this option to default value" InspectDBProps = "dbprops" InspectDBPropsShort = "p" InspectDBPropsUsage = "Show DB properties only" LogEnabled = "log" LogEnabledUsage = "Enable logging" LogFile = "log.file" LogFileUsage = "Path to log file; empty disables logging" LogLevel = "log.level" LogLevelUsage = "Log level: one of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR" DiffOverview = "overview" DiffOverviewShort = "O" DiffOverviewUsage = "Compare source overview" DiffSchema = "schema" DiffSchemaShort = "S" DiffSchemaUsage = "Compare schema structure" DiffDBProps = "dbprops" DiffDBPropsShort = "B" DiffDBPropsUsage = "Compare DB properties" DiffRowCount = "counts" DiffRowCountShort = "N" DiffRowCountUsage = "When comparing table schema structure, include row counts" DiffData = "data" DiffDataShort = "d" DiffDataUsage = "Compare values of each data row (caution: may be slow)" DiffAll = "all" DiffAllShort = "a" DiffAllUsage = "Compare everything (caution: may be slow)" ) // OutputFormatFlags is the set of flags that control output format. var OutputFormatFlags = []string{ Text, JSON, JSONA, JSONL, CSV, TSV, HTML, Markdown, Raw, XLSX, XML, YAML, }