package sqlserver import ( "context" "database/sql" "fmt" "log/slog" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // kindFromDBTypeName determines the kind.Kind from the database // type name. For example, "VARCHAR" -> kind.Text. func kindFromDBTypeName(log *slog.Logger, colName, dbTypeName string) kind.Kind { var knd kind.Kind dbTypeName = strings.ToUpper(dbTypeName) switch dbTypeName { default: log.Warn("Unknown SQLServer database type for column: using default kind", "db_type", dbTypeName, lga.Col, colName, lga.Kind, kind.Unknown) knd = kind.Unknown case "INT", "BIGINT", "SMALLINT", "TINYINT": knd = kind.Int case "CHAR", "NCHAR", "VARCHAR", "JSON", "NVARCHAR", "NTEXT", "TEXT": knd = kind.Text case "BIT": knd = kind.Bool case "BINARY", "VARBINARY", "IMAGE": knd = kind.Bytes case "DECIMAL", "NUMERIC": knd = kind.Decimal case "MONEY", "SMALLMONEY": knd = kind.Decimal case "DATETIME", "DATETIME2", "SMALLDATETIME", "DATETIMEOFFSET": knd = kind.Datetime case "DATE": knd = kind.Date case "TIME": knd = kind.Time case "FLOAT", "REAL": knd = kind.Float case "XML": knd = kind.Text case "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER": knd = kind.Text case "ROWVERSION", "TIMESTAMP": knd = kind.Int } return knd } // setScanType does some manipulation of ct's scan type. // Most importantly, if ct is nullable column, we set colTypeData.ScanType // to a nullable type. This is because the driver doesn't report nullable // scan types. func setScanType(ct *record.ColumnTypeData, knd kind.Kind) { if knd == kind.Decimal { // The driver wants us to use []byte for DECIMAL, so // we override that here to use decimal.Decimal. if ct.Nullable { ct.ScanType = sqlz.RTypeNullDecimal } else { ct.ScanType = sqlz.RTypeDecimal } return } if !ct.Nullable { // If the col type is not nullable, there's nothing // to do here. return } switch ct.ScanType { default: ct.ScanType = sqlz.RTypeNullString case sqlz.RTypeInt64: ct.ScanType = sqlz.RTypeNullInt64 case sqlz.RTypeBool: ct.ScanType = sqlz.RTypeNullBool case sqlz.RTypeFloat64: ct.ScanType = sqlz.RTypeNullFloat64 case sqlz.RTypeString: ct.ScanType = sqlz.RTypeNullString case sqlz.RTypeTime: ct.ScanType = sqlz.RTypeNullTime case sqlz.RTypeBytes: ct.ScanType = sqlz.RTypeBytes // no change } } func getSourceMetadata(ctx context.Context, src *source.Source, db sqlz.DB, noSchema bool) (*metadata.Source, error) { log := lg.FromContext(ctx) ctx = options.NewContext(ctx, src.Options) const query = `SELECT DB_NAME(), SCHEMA_NAME(), SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion'), @@VERSION, (SELECT SUM(size) * 8192 FROM sys.master_files WITH(NOWAIT) WHERE database_id = DB_ID() GROUP BY database_id) AS total_size_bytes` md := &metadata.Source{Driver: Type, DBDriver: Type} md.Handle = src.Handle md.Location = src.Location var catalog, schema string err := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, query). Scan(&catalog, &schema, &md.DBVersion, &md.DBProduct, &md.Size) if err != nil { return nil, errw(err) } progress.Incr(ctx, 1) progress.DebugDelay() md.Name = catalog md.FQName = catalog + "." + schema md.Catalog = catalog md.Schema = schema if md.DBProperties, err = getDBProperties(ctx, db); err != nil { return nil, err } if noSchema { return md, nil } tblNames, tblTypes, err := getAllTables(ctx, db) if err != nil { return nil, err } g, gCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx) g.SetLimit(driver.OptTuningErrgroupLimit.Get(src.Options)) tblMetas := make([]*metadata.Table, len(tblNames)) for i := range tblNames { i := i g.Go(func() error { select { case <-gCtx.Done(): return gCtx.Err() default: } tblMeta, gErr := getTableMetadata(gCtx, db, catalog, schema, tblNames[i], tblTypes[i]) if gErr != nil { if hasErrCode(gErr, errCodeObjectNotExist) { // This can happen if the table is dropped while // we're collecting metadata. We log a warning and continue. log.Warn("Table metadata: table not found (continuing regardless)", lga.Table, tblNames[i], lga.Err, gErr, ) return nil } return gErr } tblMetas[i] = tblMeta return nil }) } err = g.Wait() if err != nil { return nil, errw(err) } // If a table wasn't found (possibly dropped while querying), then // its entry could be nil. We copy the non-nil elements to the // final slice. md.Tables = make([]*metadata.Table, 0, len(tblMetas)) for i := range tblMetas { if tblMetas[i] != nil { md.Tables = append(md.Tables, tblMetas[i]) } } for _, tbl := range md.Tables { if tbl.TableType == sqlz.TableTypeTable { md.TableCount++ } else if tbl.TableType == sqlz.TableTypeView { md.ViewCount++ } } return md, nil } func getTableMetadata(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tblCatalog, tblSchema, tblName, tblType string, ) (*metadata.Table, error) { const tplTblUsage = `sp_spaceused '%s'` tblMeta := &metadata.Table{Name: tblName, DBTableType: tblType} tblMeta.FQName = tblCatalog + "." + tblSchema + "." + tblName switch tblMeta.DBTableType { case "BASE TABLE": tblMeta.TableType = sqlz.TableTypeTable case "VIEW": tblMeta.TableType = sqlz.TableTypeView default: } var rowCount, reserved, data, indexSize, unused sql.NullString row := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(tplTblUsage, tblName)) // REVISIT: This error can occur: // // sql: Scan error on column index 0, name "name": converting NULL to string is unsupported // // We should probably use sql.NullString? This situation can arise if the table // is deleted while this process is taking place. Maybe wrap the entire thing // in a transaction? Or figure out how to fail more gracefully? err := row.Scan(&tblMeta.Name, &rowCount, &reserved, &data, &indexSize, &unused) if err != nil { return nil, errw(err) } progress.Incr(ctx, 1) progress.DebugDelay() if rowCount.Valid { tblMeta.RowCount, err = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(rowCount.String), 10, 64) if err != nil { return nil, errw(err) } } else { // We can't get the "row count" for a VIEW from sp_spaceused, // so we need to select it the old-fashioned way. err = db.QueryRowContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %q", tblName)).Scan(&tblMeta.RowCount) if err != nil { return nil, errw(err) } progress.Incr(ctx, 1) progress.DebugDelay() } if reserved.Valid { var byteCount datasize.ByteSize err = byteCount.UnmarshalText([]byte(reserved.String)) if err != nil { return nil, errw(err) } size := int64(byteCount.Bytes()) tblMeta.Size = &size } var dbCols []columnMeta dbCols, err = getColumnMeta(ctx, db, tblCatalog, tblSchema, tblName) if err != nil { return nil, err } var dbConstraints []constraintMeta dbConstraints, err = getConstraints(ctx, db, tblCatalog, tblSchema, tblName) if err != nil { return nil, errw(err) } cols := make([]*metadata.Column, len(dbCols)) for i := range dbCols { cols[i] = &metadata.Column{ Name: dbCols[i].ColumnName, Position: dbCols[i].OrdinalPosition, BaseType: dbCols[i].DataType, Kind: kindFromDBTypeName(lg.FromContext(ctx), dbCols[i].ColumnName, dbCols[i].DataType), Nullable: dbCols[i].Nullable.Bool, DefaultValue: dbCols[i].ColumnDefault.String, } // We want to output something like VARCHAR(255) for ColType // REVISIT: This is all a bit messy and inconsistent with other drivers var colLength *int64 switch { case dbCols[i].CharMaxLength.Valid: colLength = &dbCols[i].CharMaxLength.Int64 case dbCols[i].NumericPrecision.Valid: colLength = &dbCols[i].NumericPrecision.Int64 case dbCols[i].DateTimePrecision.Valid: colLength = &dbCols[i].DateTimePrecision.Int64 } if colLength != nil { cols[i].ColumnType = fmt.Sprintf("%s(%v)", dbCols[i].DataType, *colLength) } else { cols[i].ColumnType = dbCols[i].DataType } for _, dbConstraint := range dbConstraints { if dbCols[i].ColumnName == dbConstraint.ColumnName { if dbConstraint.ConstraintType == "PRIMARY KEY" { cols[i].PrimaryKey = true break } } } } tblMeta.Columns = cols return tblMeta, nil } // getAllTables returns all of the table names, and the table types // (i.e. "BASE TABLE" or "VIEW"). func getAllTables(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB) (tblNames, tblTypes []string, err error) { log := lg.FromContext(ctx) const query = `SELECT TABLE_NAME, TABLE_TYPE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' OR TABLE_TYPE='VIEW' ORDER BY TABLE_NAME ASC, TABLE_TYPE ASC` rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, query) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } defer lg.WarnIfCloseError(log, lgm.CloseDBRows, rows) for rows.Next() { var tblName, tblType string err = rows.Scan(&tblName, &tblType) if err != nil { return nil, nil, errw(err) } progress.Incr(ctx, 1) progress.DebugDelay() tblNames = append(tblNames, tblName) tblTypes = append(tblTypes, tblType) } if rows.Err() != nil { return nil, nil, errw(rows.Err()) } return tblNames, tblTypes, nil } func getColumnMeta(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tblCatalog, tblSchema, tblName string) ([]columnMeta, error) { log := lg.FromContext(ctx) // TODO: sq doesn't use all of these columns, no need to select them all. const query = `SELECT TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, ORDINAL_POSITION, COLUMN_DEFAULT, IS_NULLABLE, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH, NUMERIC_PRECISION, NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX, NUMERIC_SCALE, DATETIME_PRECISION, CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG, CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA, CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_CATALOG, COLLATION_SCHEMA, COLLATION_NAME, DOMAIN_CATALOG, DOMAIN_SCHEMA, DOMAIN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_CATALOG = @p1 AND TABLE_SCHEMA = @p2 AND TABLE_NAME = @p3` rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, query, tblCatalog, tblSchema, tblName) if err != nil { return nil, errw(err) } defer lg.WarnIfCloseError(log, lgm.CloseDBRows, rows) var cols []columnMeta for rows.Next() { c := columnMeta{} err = rows.Scan(&c.TableCatalog, &c.TableSchema, &c.TableName, &c.ColumnName, &c.OrdinalPosition, &c.ColumnDefault, &c.Nullable, &c.DataType, &c.CharMaxLength, &c.CharOctetLength, &c.NumericPrecision, &c.NumericPrecisionRadix, &c.NumericScale, &c.DateTimePrecision, &c.CharSetCatalog, &c.CharSetSchema, &c.CharSetName, &c.CollationCatalog, &c.CollationSchema, &c.CollationName, &c.DomainCatalog, &c.DomainSchema, &c.DomainName) if err != nil { return nil, errw(err) } progress.Incr(ctx, 1) progress.DebugDelay() cols = append(cols, c) } if err = rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, errw(err) } return cols, nil } func getConstraints(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tblCatalog, tblSchema, tblName string) ([]constraintMeta, error) { log := lg.FromContext(ctx) const query = `SELECT kcu.TABLE_CATALOG, kcu.TABLE_SCHEMA, kcu.TABLE_NAME, tc.CONSTRAINT_TYPE, kcu.COLUMN_NAME, kcu.CONSTRAINT_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS AS tc JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS kcu ON tc.TABLE_NAME = kcu.TABLE_NAME AND tc.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = kcu.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG AND tc.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = kcu.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA AND tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME = kcu.CONSTRAINT_NAME WHERE tc.TABLE_CATALOG = @p1 AND tc.TABLE_SCHEMA = @p2 AND tc.TABLE_NAME = @p3 ORDER BY kcu.TABLE_NAME, tc.CONSTRAINT_TYPE, kcu.CONSTRAINT_NAME` rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, query, tblCatalog, tblSchema, tblName) if err != nil { return nil, errw(err) } progress.Incr(ctx, 1) progress.DebugDelay() defer lg.WarnIfCloseError(log, lgm.CloseDBRows, rows) var constraints []constraintMeta for rows.Next() { c := constraintMeta{} err = rows.Scan(&c.TableCatalog, &c.TableSchema, &c.TableName, &c.ConstraintType, &c.ColumnName, &c.ConstraintName) if err != nil { return nil, errw(err) } progress.Incr(ctx, 1) progress.DebugDelay() constraints = append(constraints, c) } if err = rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, errw(err) } return constraints, nil } // constraintMeta models constraint metadata from information schema. type constraintMeta struct { TableCatalog string `db:"TABLE_CATALOG"` // REVISIT: why do we have the `db` tag here? TableSchema string `db:"TABLE_SCHEMA"` TableName string `db:"TABLE_NAME"` ConstraintType string `db:"CONSTRAINT_TYPE"` ColumnName string `db:"COLUMN_NAME"` ConstraintName string `db:"CONSTRAINT_NAME"` } // columnMeta models column metadata from information schema. type columnMeta struct { TableCatalog string `db:"TABLE_CATALOG"` TableSchema string `db:"TABLE_SCHEMA"` TableName string `db:"TABLE_NAME"` ColumnName string `db:"COLUMN_NAME"` OrdinalPosition int64 `db:"ORDINAL_POSITION"` ColumnDefault sql.NullString `db:"COLUMN_DEFAULT"` Nullable sqlz.NullBool `db:"IS_NULLABLE"` DataType string `db:"DATA_TYPE"` CharMaxLength sql.NullInt64 `db:"CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"` CharOctetLength sql.NullString `db:"CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH"` NumericPrecision sql.NullInt64 `db:"NUMERIC_PRECISION"` NumericPrecisionRadix sql.NullInt64 `db:"NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX"` NumericScale sql.NullInt64 `db:"NUMERIC_SCALE"` DateTimePrecision sql.NullInt64 `db:"DATETIME_PRECISION"` CharSetCatalog sql.NullString `db:"CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG"` CharSetSchema sql.NullString `db:"CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA"` CharSetName sql.NullString `db:"CHARACTER_SET_NAME"` CollationCatalog sql.NullString `db:"COLLATION_CATALOG"` CollationSchema sql.NullString `db:"COLLATION_SCHEMA"` CollationName sql.NullString `db:"COLLATION_NAME"` DomainCatalog sql.NullString `db:"DOMAIN_CATALOG"` DomainSchema sql.NullString `db:"DOMAIN_SCHEMA"` DomainName sql.NullString `db:"DOMAIN_NAME"` }