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package driver
import (
// Provider is a factory that returns Driver instances.
type Provider interface {
// DriverFor returns a driver instance for the given type.
DriverFor(typ drivertype.Type) (Driver, error)
// Driver is the core interface that must be implemented for each type
// of data source.
type Driver interface {
// Open returns a Grip instance for src.
Open(ctx context.Context, src *source.Source) (Grip, error)
// Ping verifies that the source is reachable, or returns an error if not.
// The exact behavior of Ping is driver-dependent. Even if Ping does not
// return an error, the source may still be bad for other reasons.
Ping(ctx context.Context, src *source.Source) error
// DriverMetadata returns driver metadata.
DriverMetadata() Metadata
// ValidateSource verifies that the source is valid for this driver. It
// may transform the source into a canonical form, which is returned in
// the return value (the original source is not changed). An error
// is returned if the source is invalid.
ValidateSource(src *source.Source) (*source.Source, error)
// SQLDriver is implemented by Driver instances for SQL databases.
type SQLDriver interface {
// Dialect returns the SQL dialect.
Dialect() dialect.Dialect
// ConnParams returns the db parameters available for use in a connection
// string. The key is the parameter name (e.g. "sslmode"), and the value
// can be either the set of allowed values, sample values, or nil.
// These values are used for shell completion and the like. The returned
// map does not have to be exhaustive, and can be nil.
ConnParams() map[string][]string
// ErrWrapFunc returns a func that wraps the driver's errors.
ErrWrapFunc() func(error) error
// Renderer returns the SQL renderer for this driver.
Renderer() *render.Renderer
// CurrentSchema returns the current schema name.
CurrentSchema(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB) (string, error)
// ListSchemas lists the names of the schemas on db.
ListSchemas(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB) ([]string, error)
// ListSchemaMetadata returns the metadata for the schemas on db.
ListSchemaMetadata(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB) ([]*metadata.Schema, error)
// CurrentCatalog returns the current catalog name. An error is
// returned if the driver doesn't support catalogs.
CurrentCatalog(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB) (string, error)
// ListCatalogs lists the available catalog names on db. The first
// returned element is the current catalog, and the remaining
// catalogs are sorted alphabetically. An error is returned
// if the driver doesn't support catalogs.
ListCatalogs(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB) ([]string, error)
// TableColumnTypes returns the column type info from
// the SQL driver. If len(colNames) is 0, info is returned
// for all columns in the table.
TableColumnTypes(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tblName string, colNames []string) ([]*sql.ColumnType, error)
// RecordMeta returns the result metadata (the metadata for
// each col) from colTypes. RecordMeta is preferred over
// sql.Rows.ColumnTypes because of the inconsistent behavior
// of various SQL driver implementations wrt reporting
// "nullable" information and other quirks. The returned
// metadata may differ from the original metadata returned
// by rows.ColumnTypes.
// The caller should typically should invoke rows.Next before
// this method is invoked, as some implementations do not return
// complete column type info until after the first call to rows.Next.
// RecordMeta also returns a NewRecordFunc which can be
// applied to the scan row from sql.Rows.
RecordMeta(ctx context.Context, colTypes []*sql.ColumnType) (record.Meta, NewRecordFunc, error)
// PrepareInsertStmt prepares a statement for inserting
// values to destColNames in destTbl. numRows specifies
// how many rows of values are inserted by each execution of
// the insert statement (1 row being the prototypical usage).
// It is the caller's responsibility to close the execer.
// Note that db must guarantee a single connection: that is, db
// must be a sql.Conn or sql.Tx.
PrepareInsertStmt(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, destTbl string, destColNames []string,
numRows int) (*StmtExecer, error)
// PrepareUpdateStmt prepares a statement for updating destColNames in
// destTbl, using the supplied where clause (which may be empty).
// The where arg should use question mark "?" as the placeholder: it will
// be translated to the appropriate driver-specific placeholder. For example,
// the where arg could be:
// "actor_id = ? AND first_name = ?".
// Use the returned StmtExecer per its documentation. It is the caller's
// responsibility to close the execer.
// Note that db must guarantee a single connection: that is, db
// must be a sql.Conn or sql.Tx.
PrepareUpdateStmt(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, destTbl string, destColNames []string,
where string) (*StmtExecer, error)
// CreateTable creates the table defined by tblDef. Some implementations
// may not honor every field of tblDef, e.g. an impl might not
// build the foreign key constraints. At a minimum the implementation
// must honor the table name and column names and kinds from tblDef.
CreateTable(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tblDef *schema.Table) error
// CreateSchema creates a new schema in db. Note that db's current
// connection schema is not changed.
CreateSchema(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, schemaName string) error
// DropSchema drops the named schema in db.
DropSchema(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, schemaName string) error
// Truncate truncates tbl in src. If arg reset is true, the
// identity counter for tbl should be reset, if supported
// by the driver. Some DB impls may reset the identity
// counter regardless of the val of reset.
Truncate(ctx context.Context, src *source.Source, tbl string, reset bool) (affected int64, err error)
// TableExists returns true if there's an existing table tbl in db.
TableExists(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tbl string) (bool, error)
// CopyTable copies fromTable into a new table toTable.
// If copyData is true, fromTable's data is also copied.
// Constraints (keys, defaults etc.) may not be copied. The
// number of copied rows is returned in copied.
CopyTable(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, fromTable, toTable tablefq.T, copyData bool) (copied int64, err error)
// DropTable drops tbl from db. If ifExists is true, an "IF EXISTS"
// or equivalent clause is added, if supported.
DropTable(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tbl tablefq.T, ifExists bool) error
// AlterTableRename renames a table.
AlterTableRename(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tbl, newName string) error
// AlterTableAddColumn adds column col to tbl. The column is appended
// to the list of columns (that is, the column position cannot be
// specified).
AlterTableAddColumn(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tbl, col string, knd kind.Kind) error
// AlterTableRenameColumn renames a column.
AlterTableRenameColumn(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tbl, col, newName string) error
// DBProperties returns a map of key-value database properties. The value
// is often a scalar such as an int, string, or bool, but can be a nested
// map or array.
DBProperties(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB) (map[string]any, error)
// Metadata holds driver metadata.
// TODO: Can driver.Metadata and dialect.Dialect be merged?
type Metadata struct {
// Type is the driver type, e.g. "mysql" or "csv", etc.
Type drivertype.Type `json:"type" yaml:"type"`
// Description is typically the long name of the driver, e.g.
// "MySQL" or "Microsoft Excel XLSX".
Description string `json:"description" yaml:"description"`
// Doc is optional documentation, typically a URL.
Doc string `json:"doc,omitempty" yaml:"doc,omitempty"`
// UserDefined is true if this driver is the product of a
// user driver definition, and false if built-in.
UserDefined bool `json:"user_defined" yaml:"user_defined"`
// IsSQL is true if this driver is a SQL driver.
IsSQL bool `json:"is_sql" yaml:"is_sql"`
// Monotable is true if this is a non-SQL document type that
// effectively has a single table, such as CSV.
Monotable bool `json:"monotable" yaml:"monotable"`
// DefaultPort is the default port that a driver connects on. A
// value <= 0 indicates not applicable.
DefaultPort int `json:"default_port" yaml:"default_port"`
// OpeningPing is a standardized mechanism to ping db using
// driver.OptConnOpenTimeout. This should be invoked by each SQL
// driver impl in its Open method. If the ping fails, db is closed.
// In practice, this function probably isn't needed. Maybe ditch it.
func OpeningPing(ctx context.Context, src *source.Source, db *sql.DB) error {
bar := progress.FromContext(ctx).NewWaiter("Ping "+src.Handle, true)
defer bar.Stop()
o := options.Merge(options.FromContext(ctx), src.Options)
timeout := OptConnOpenTimeout.Get(o)
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
defer cancelFn()
if err := db.PingContext(ctx); err != nil {
err = errz.Wrapf(err, "open ping %s", src.Handle)
log := lg.FromContext(ctx)
log.Error("Failed opening ping", lga.Src, src, lga.Err, err)
lg.WarnIfCloseError(log, lgm.CloseDB, db)
return err
return nil
// EmptyDataError indicates that there's no data, e.g. an empty document.
// This is subtly different to NotExistError, which would indicate that
// the document doesn't exist.
type EmptyDataError string
// Error satisfies the stdlib error interface.
func (e EmptyDataError) Error() string { return string(e) }
// NewEmptyDataError returns a EmptyDataError.
func NewEmptyDataError(format string, args ...any) error {
return errz.Err(EmptyDataError(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)), errz.Skip(1))
// NotExistError indicates that a DB object, such
// as a table, does not exist.
type NotExistError struct {
// Unwrap satisfies the stdlib errors.Unwrap function.
func (e *NotExistError) Unwrap() error { return e.error }
// NewNotExistError returns a NotExistError, or nil.
func NewNotExistError(err error) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
return errz.Err(&NotExistError{error: err})