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package driver
import (
// ScratchSrcFunc is a function that returns a scratch source.
// The caller is responsible for invoking cleanFn.
type ScratchSrcFunc func(ctx context.Context, name string) (src *source.Source, cleanFn func() error, err error)
// Grips provides a mechanism for getting Grip instances.
// Note that at this time instances returned by Open are cached
// and then closed by Close. This may be a bad approach.
type Grips struct {
drvrs Provider
closeErr error
scratchSrcFn ScratchSrcFunc
files *files.Files
grips map[string]Grip
clnup *cleanup.Cleanup
closeOnce sync.Once
mu sync.Mutex
// NewGrips returns a Grips instances.
func NewGrips(drvrs Provider, fs *files.Files, scratchSrcFn ScratchSrcFunc) *Grips {
return &Grips{
drvrs: drvrs,
mu: sync.Mutex{},
scratchSrcFn: scratchSrcFn,
files: fs,
grips: map[string]Grip{},
clnup: cleanup.New(),
// Open returns an opened Grip for src. The returned Grip may be cached and
// returned on future invocations for the identical source. Thus, the caller
// should typically not close the Grip: it will be closed via d.Close.
// NOTE: This entire logic re caching/not-closing is a bit sketchy,
// and needs to be revisited.
func (gs *Grips) Open(ctx context.Context, src *source.Source) (Grip, error) {
lg.FromContext(ctx).Debug(lgm.OpenSrc, lga.Src, src)
defer gs.mu.Unlock()
g, err := gs.doOpen(ctx, src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
gs.grips[src.Handle] = g
return g, nil
// DriverFor returns the driver for typ.
func (gs *Grips) DriverFor(typ drivertype.Type) (Driver, error) {
return gs.drvrs.DriverFor(typ)
// IsSQLSource returns true if src's driver is a SQLDriver.
func (gs *Grips) IsSQLSource(src *source.Source) bool {
if src == nil {
return false
drvr, err := gs.drvrs.DriverFor(src.Type)
if err != nil {
return false
if _, ok := drvr.(SQLDriver); ok {
return true
return false
func (gs *Grips) doOpen(ctx context.Context, src *source.Source) (Grip, error) {
lg.FromContext(ctx).Debug(lgm.OpenSrc, lga.Src, src)
grip, ok := gs.grips[src.Handle]
if ok {
return grip, nil
drvr, err := gs.drvrs.DriverFor(src.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
baseOptions := options.FromContext(ctx)
o := options.Merge(baseOptions, src.Options)
ctx = options.NewContext(ctx, o)
grip, err = drvr.Open(ctx, src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return grip, nil
// OpenEphemeral returns an ephemeral scratch Grip instance. It is not
// necessary for the caller to close the returned Grip as its Close method
// will be invoked by Grips.Close.
func (gs *Grips) OpenEphemeral(ctx context.Context) (Grip, error) {
const msgCloseDB = "Close ephemeral db"
defer gs.mu.Unlock()
log := lg.FromContext(ctx)
dir := filepath.Join(gs.files.TempDir(), fmt.Sprintf("ephemeraldb_%s_%d", stringz.Uniq8(), os.Getpid()))
if err := ioz.RequireDir(dir); err != nil {
return nil, err
clnup := cleanup.New()
clnup.AddE(func() error {
return errz.Wrap(os.RemoveAll(dir), "remove ephemeral db dir")
fp := filepath.Join(dir, "ephemeral.sqlite.db")
src, cleanFn, err := gs.scratchSrcFn(ctx, fp)
if err != nil {
// if err is non-nil, cleanup is guaranteed to be nil
return nil, err
src.Handle = "@ephemeral_" + stringz.Uniq8()
drvr, err := gs.drvrs.DriverFor(src.Type)
if err != nil {
lg.WarnIfFuncError(log, msgCloseDB, clnup.Run)
return nil, err
var grip Grip
if grip, err = drvr.Open(ctx, src); err != nil {
lg.WarnIfFuncError(log, msgCloseDB, clnup.Run)
return nil, err
g := &cleanOnCloseGrip{
Grip: grip,
clnup: clnup,
log.Info("Opened ephemeral db", lga.Src, g.Source())
gs.grips[g.Source().Handle] = g
return g, nil
func (gs *Grips) openNewCacheGrip(ctx context.Context, src *source.Source) (grip Grip,
cleanFn func() error, err error,
) {
const msgRemoveScratch = "Remove cache db"
log := lg.FromContext(ctx)
if err = gs.files.CacheClearSource(ctx, src, false); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cacheDir, srcCacheDBFilepath, _, err := gs.files.CachePaths(src)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if err = ioz.RequireDir(cacheDir); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
scratchSrc, cleanFn, err := gs.scratchSrcFn(ctx, srcCacheDBFilepath)
if err != nil {
// if err is non-nil, cleanup is guaranteed to be nil
return nil, nil, err
log.Debug("Opening scratch cache src", lga.Src, scratchSrc)
backingDrvr, err := gs.drvrs.DriverFor(scratchSrc.Type)
if err != nil {
lg.WarnIfFuncError(log, msgRemoveScratch, cleanFn)
return nil, nil, err
var backingGrip Grip
if backingGrip, err = backingDrvr.Open(ctx, scratchSrc); err != nil {
lg.WarnIfFuncError(log, msgRemoveScratch, cleanFn)
// The os.Remove call may be unnecessary, but doesn't hurt.
lg.WarnIfError(log, msgRemoveScratch, os.Remove(srcCacheDBFilepath))
return nil, nil, err
log.Info("Opened new cache db", lga.Src, backingGrip.Source())
return backingGrip, cleanFn, nil
// OpenIngest implements driver.GripOpenIngester. It opens a Grip, ingesting
// the source's data into the Grip. If allowCache is true, the ingest cache DB
// is used if possible. If allowCache is false, any existing ingest cache DB
// is not utilized, and is overwritten by the ingestion process.
func (gs *Grips) OpenIngest(ctx context.Context, src *source.Source, allowCache bool,
ingestFn func(ctx context.Context, dest Grip) error,
) (Grip, error) {
log := lg.FromContext(ctx).With(lga.Handle, src.Handle)
ctx = lg.NewContext(ctx, log)
unlock, err := gs.files.CacheLockAcquire(ctx, src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer unlock()
if !allowCache || src.Handle == source.StdinHandle {
// Note that we can never cache stdin, because it's a stream
// that is effectively unique each time.
return gs.openIngestGripNoCache(ctx, src, ingestFn)
return gs.openIngestGripCache(ctx, src, ingestFn)
func (gs *Grips) openIngestGripNoCache(ctx context.Context, src *source.Source,
ingestFn func(ctx context.Context, destGrip Grip) error,
) (Grip, error) {
log := lg.FromContext(ctx)
// Clear any existing ingest cache (but don't delete any downloads).
// Note that we have already acquired the cache lock at this point.
if err := gs.files.CacheClearSource(ctx, src, false); err != nil {
return nil, err
impl, cleanFn, err := gs.openNewCacheGrip(ctx, src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
start := time.Now()
err = ingestFn(ctx, impl)
elapsed := time.Since(start)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Ingest failed",
lga.Src, src, lga.Dest, impl.Source(),
lga.Elapsed, elapsed, lga.Err, err,
lg.WarnIfCloseError(log, lgm.CloseDB, impl)
lg.WarnIfFuncError(log, "Remove cache DB after failed ingest", cleanFn)
return nil, err
// Because this is a no-cache situation, we need to clear the
// cache db on close.
g := &cleanOnCloseGrip{
Grip: impl,
clnup: cleanup.New().AddE(cleanFn),
log.Info("Ingest completed",
lga.Src, src, lga.Dest, g.Source(),
lga.Elapsed, elapsed)
return g, nil
func (gs *Grips) openIngestGripCache(ctx context.Context, src *source.Source,
ingestFn func(ctx context.Context, destGrip Grip) error,
) (Grip, error) {
log := lg.FromContext(ctx)
var impl Grip
var foundCached bool
var err error
if impl, foundCached, err = gs.openCachedGripFor(ctx, src); err != nil {
return nil, err
if foundCached {
log.Info("Ingest cache HIT: found cached ingest DB",
lga.Src, src, "cached", impl.Source(),
return impl, nil
log.Info("Ingest cache MISS: no cache for source", lga.Src, src)
var cleanFn func() error
impl, cleanFn, err = gs.openNewCacheGrip(ctx, src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
start := time.Now()
err = ingestFn(ctx, impl)
elapsed := time.Since(start)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Ingest failed", lga.Src, src, lga.Dest, impl.Source(), lga.Elapsed, elapsed, lga.Err, err)
lg.WarnIfCloseError(log, lgm.CloseDB, impl)
lg.WarnIfFuncError(log, "Remove cache DB after failed ingest", cleanFn)
return nil, err
log.Info("Ingest completed", lga.Src, src, lga.Dest, impl.Source(), lga.Elapsed, elapsed)
if err = gs.files.WriteIngestChecksum(ctx, src, impl.Source()); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to write checksum for cache DB",
lga.Src, src, lga.Dest, impl.Source(), lga.Err, err)
lg.WarnIfCloseError(log, lgm.CloseDB, impl)
lg.WarnIfFuncError(log, "Remove cache DB after failed ingest checksum write", cleanFn)
return nil, err
return impl, nil
// openCachedGripFor returns the cached backing grip for src.
// If not cached, exists returns false.
func (gs *Grips) openCachedGripFor(ctx context.Context, src *source.Source) (backingGrip Grip, exists bool, err error) {
var backingSrc *source.Source
backingSrc, exists, err = gs.files.CachedBackingSourceFor(ctx, src)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if !exists {
return nil, false, nil
if backingGrip, err = gs.doOpen(ctx, backingSrc); err != nil {
return nil, false, errz.Wrapf(err, "open cached DB for source %s", src.Handle)
return backingGrip, true, nil
// OpenJoin opens an appropriate Grip for use as a work DB for joining across sources.
// REVISIT: There is much work to be done on this method. Ultimately OpenJoin
// should be able to inspect the join srcs and use heuristics to determine
// the best location for the join to occur (to minimize copying of data for
// the join etc.).
func (gs *Grips) OpenJoin(ctx context.Context, srcs ...*source.Source) (Grip, error) {
const msgCloseJoinDB = "Close join db"
defer gs.mu.Unlock()
log := lg.FromContext(ctx)
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, src := range srcs {
sum := checksum.Sum(buf.Bytes())
dir := filepath.Join(gs.files.TempDir(), fmt.Sprintf("joindb_%s_%s_%d", sum, stringz.Uniq8(), os.Getpid()))
if err := ioz.RequireDir(dir); err != nil {
return nil, err
clnup := cleanup.New()
clnup.AddE(func() error {
err := errz.Wrap(os.RemoveAll(dir), "remove join db dir")
if err != nil {
lg.FromContext(ctx).Warn("Failed to remove join db dir", lga.Path, dir, lga.Err, err)
return err
lg.FromContext(ctx).Debug("Removed join db dir", lga.Path, dir)
return nil
fp := filepath.Join(dir, "join.sqlite.db")
joinSrc, cleanFn, err := gs.scratchSrcFn(ctx, fp)
if err != nil {
// if err is non-nil, cleanup is guaranteed to be nil
return nil, err
joinSrc.Handle = "@join_" + stringz.Uniq8()
drvr, err := gs.drvrs.DriverFor(joinSrc.Type)
if err != nil {
lg.WarnIfFuncError(log, msgCloseJoinDB, clnup.Run)
return nil, err
log.Debug("Opening join db", lga.Path, fp)
var grip Grip
if grip, err = drvr.Open(ctx, joinSrc); err != nil {
lg.WarnIfFuncError(log, msgCloseJoinDB, clnup.Run)
return nil, err
g := &cleanOnCloseGrip{
Grip: grip,
clnup: clnup,
gs.grips[g.Source().Handle] = g
return g, nil
// Close closes gs, invoking any cleanup funcs.
func (gs *Grips) Close() error {
gs.closeOnce.Do(func() {
gs.closeErr = gs.clnup.Run()
return gs.closeErr
var _ Grip = (*cleanOnCloseGrip)(nil)
// cleanOnCloseGrip is Grip decorator, invoking clnup after the backing Grip is
// closed, thus permitting arbitrary cleanup on Grip.Close. Subsequent
// invocations of Close are no-ops and return the same error.
type cleanOnCloseGrip struct {
closeErr error
clnup *cleanup.Cleanup
once sync.Once
// Close implements Grip. It invokes the underlying Grip's Close
// method, and then the closeFn, returning a combined error.
func (g *cleanOnCloseGrip) Close() error {
g.once.Do(func() {
err1 := g.Grip.Close()
err2 := g.clnup.Run()
g.closeErr = errz.Append(err1, err2)
return g.closeErr