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package csv_test
import (
func TestSmoke(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []string{sakila.CSVActor, sakila.TSVActor, sakila.CSVActorHTTP}
for _, handle := range testCases {
handle := handle
t.Run(handle, func(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(sakila.CSVActor)
sink, err := th.QuerySQL(src, nil, "SELECT * FROM data")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, len(sakila.TblActorCols()), len(sink.RecMeta))
require.Equal(t, sakila.TblActorCount, len(sink.Recs))
func TestSakila_query(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
file string
wantCols []string
wantCount int
wantKinds []kind.Kind
wantRec0 record.Record
file: sakila.TblActor,
wantCols: sakila.TblActorCols(),
wantCount: sakila.TblActorCount,
wantKinds: sakila.TblActorColKinds(),
wantRec0: record.Record{
int64(1), "PENELOPE", "GUINESS",
time.Date(2020, time.February, 15, 6, 59, 28, 0, time.UTC),
file: sakila.TblFilmActor,
wantCols: sakila.TblFilmActorCols(),
wantCount: sakila.TblFilmActorCount,
wantKinds: sakila.TblFilmActorColKinds(),
wantRec0: record.Record{
int64(1), int64(1),
time.Date(2020, time.February, 15, 6, 59, 32, 0, time.UTC),
file: sakila.TblPayment,
wantCols: sakila.TblPaymentCols(),
wantCount: sakila.TblPaymentCount,
wantKinds: sakila.TblPaymentColKinds(),
wantRec0: record.Record{
int64(1), int64(1), int64(1), int64(76), "2.99",
time.Date(2005, time.May, 25, 11, 30, 37, 0, time.UTC),
time.Date(2020, time.February, 15, 6, 59, 47, 0, time.UTC),
for _, driver := range []source.DriverType{csv.TypeCSV, csv.TypeTSV} {
driver := driver
t.Run(driver.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.file, func(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t, testh.OptLongOpen())
src := th.Add(&source.Source{
Handle: "@" + tc.file,
Type: driver,
Location: filepath.Join("testdata", "sakila-"+driver.String(), tc.file+"."+driver.String()),
sink, err := th.QuerySLQ(src.Handle+".data", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
gotCols, gotKinds := sink.RecMeta.MungedNames(), sink.RecMeta.Kinds()
require.Equal(t, tc.wantCols, gotCols)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantKinds, gotKinds)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantCount, len(sink.Recs))
if tc.wantRec0 != nil {
require.EqualValues(t, tc.wantRec0, sink.Recs[0])
func TestQuerySQL_Count(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []string{sakila.CSVActor, sakila.TSVActor}
for _, handle := range testCases {
handle := handle
t.Run(handle, func(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(handle)
sink, err := th.QuerySQL(src, nil, "SELECT * FROM data")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, sakila.TblActorCount, len(sink.Recs))
sink, err = th.QuerySQL(src, nil, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.EqualValues(t, int64(sakila.TblActorCount), sink.Result())
func TestEmptyAsNull(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
sink, err := th.QuerySLQ(sakila.CSVAddress+`| .data | .[0:1]`, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(sink.Recs))
require.Equal(t, stringz.Strings(sakila.TblAddressColKinds()), stringz.Strings(sink.RecMeta.Kinds()))
ts, err := timez.ParseTimestampUTC("2020-02-15T06:59:28Z")
require.NoError(t, err)
rec0 := sink.Recs[0]
want := []any{
"47 MySakila Drive",
for i := range want {
require.EqualValues(t, want[i], rec0[i], "field [%d]", i)
func TestIngestDuplicateColumns(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
tr := testrun.New(ctx, t, nil)
err := tr.Exec(
"add", filepath.Join("testdata", "actor_duplicate_cols.csv"),
"--handle", "@actor_dup",
require.NoError(t, err)
tr = testrun.New(ctx, t, tr).Hush()
require.NoError(t, tr.Exec("--csv", ".data"))
wantHeaders := []string{"actor_id", "first_name", "last_name", "last_update", "actor_id_1"}
data := tr.BindCSV()
require.Equal(t, wantHeaders, data[0])
// Make sure the data is correct
require.Len(t, data, sakila.TblActorCount+1) // +1 for header row
wantFirstDataRecord := []string{"1", "PENELOPE", "GUINESS", "2020-02-15T06:59:28Z", "1"}
require.Equal(t, wantFirstDataRecord, data[1])
// Verify that changing the template works
const tpl2 = "x_{{.Name}}{{with .Recurrence}}_{{.}}{{end}}"
tr = testrun.New(ctx, t, tr)
require.NoError(t, tr.Exec(
tr = testrun.New(ctx, t, tr)
require.NoError(t, tr.Exec("--csv", ".data"))
wantHeaders = []string{"x_actor_id", "x_first_name", "x_last_name", "x_last_update", "x_actor_id_1"}
data = tr.BindCSV()
require.Equal(t, wantHeaders, data[0])
func TestDatetime(t *testing.T) {
denver, err := time.LoadLocation("America/Denver")
require.NoError(t, err)
wantDtNanoUTC := time.Date(1989, 11, 9, 15, 17, 59, 123456700, time.UTC)
wantDtMilliUTC := wantDtNanoUTC.Truncate(time.Millisecond)
wantDtSecUTC := wantDtNanoUTC.Truncate(time.Second)
wantDtMinUTC := wantDtNanoUTC.Truncate(time.Minute)
wantDtNanoMST := time.Date(1989, 11, 9, 15, 17, 59, 123456700, denver)
wantDtMilliMST := wantDtNanoMST.Truncate(time.Millisecond)
wantDtSecMST := wantDtNanoMST.Truncate(time.Second)
wantDtMinMST := wantDtNanoMST.Truncate(time.Minute)
testCases := []struct {
file string
wantHeaders []string
wantKinds []kind.Kind
wantVals []any
file: "test_date",
wantHeaders: []string{"Long", "Short", "d-mmm-yy", "mm-dd-yy", "mmmm d, yyyy"},
wantKinds: loz.Make(5, kind.Date),
wantVals: lo.ToAnySlice(loz.Make(5,
time.Date(1989, time.November, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))),
file: "test_time",
wantHeaders: []string{"time1", "time2", "time3", "time4", "time5", "time6"},
wantKinds: loz.Make(6, kind.Time),
wantVals: []any{"15:17:00", "15:17:00", "15:17:00", "15:17:00", "15:17:00", "15:17:59"},
file: "test_datetime",
wantHeaders: []string{
wantKinds: loz.Make(20, kind.Datetime),
wantVals: lo.ToAnySlice([]time.Time{
wantDtSecUTC, // ANSIC
wantDtMinUTC, // DateHourMinute
wantDtSecUTC, // DateHourMinuteSecond
wantDtMilliMST, // ISO8601
wantDtMilliUTC, // ISO8601Z
wantDtSecMST, // RFC1123
wantDtSecMST, // RFC1123Z
wantDtSecMST, // RFC3339
wantDtNanoMST, // RFC3339Nano
wantDtNanoUTC, // RFC3339NanoZ
wantDtSecUTC, // RFC3339Z
wantDtMinMST, // RFC8222
wantDtMinMST, // RFC8222Z
wantDtSecMST, // RFC850
wantDtSecMST, // RubyDate
wantDtSecMST, // UnixDate
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.file, func(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t, testh.OptLongOpen())
src := &source.Source{
Handle: "@tsv/" + tc.file,
Type: csv.TypeTSV,
Location: filepath.Join("testdata", tc.file+".tsv"),
src = th.Add(src)
sink, err := th.QuerySLQ(src.Handle+".data", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantHeaders, sink.RecMeta.MungedNames())
require.Len(t, sink.Recs, 1)
for i, col := range sink.RecMeta.MungedNames() {
i, col := i, col
t.Run(col, func(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantKinds[i].String(), sink.RecMeta.Kinds()[i].String())
if gotTime, ok := sink.Recs[0][i].(time.Time); ok {
// REVISIT: If it's a time value, we want to compare UTC times.
// This may actually be a bug.
wantTime, ok := tc.wantVals[i].(time.Time)
require.True(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, wantTime.Unix(), gotTime.Unix())
assert.Equal(t, wantTime.UTC(), gotTime.UTC())
} else {
assert.EqualValues(t, tc.wantVals[i], sink.Recs[0][i])