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package source
import (
const (
msgUnknownSrc = "unknown source %s"
msgNoActiveSrc = "no active source"
// RootGroup is the identifier for the default root group.
RootGroup = "/"
// Collection is a set of sources. Typically it is loaded from config
// at a start of a run. Collection's methods are safe for concurrent use.
type Collection struct {
// mu is the mutex used by exported methods. A method
// should never call an exported method. Many exported methods
// have an internal equivalent, e.g. "IsExistingGroup" and
// "isExistingGroup", which should be used instead.
mu sync.Mutex
// data holds the set's adata.
data collData
// collData holds Collection data for the purposes of serialization
// to YAML etc. (we don't want to expose collData's exported
// fields directly on Collection.)
// This seemed like a good idea at the time, but probably wasn't.
type collData struct {
// ActiveSrc is the active source. It may be empty.
ActiveSrc string `yaml:"active.source" json:"active.source"`
// ActiveGroup is the active group. It is "" (empty string) or "/" by default.
// The "correct" value is "/", but we also support empty string
// so that the zero value is useful.
ActiveGroup string `yaml:"active.group" json:"active.group"`
// ScratchSrc is the handle of the scratchdb source.
ScratchSrc string `yaml:"scratch" json:"scratch"`
// Sources holds the collection's sources.
Sources []*Source `yaml:"sources" json:"sources"`
// Data returns the internal representation of the set data.
// This is a filthy hack so that the internal data can be passed
// directly to sq's colorizing json encoder (it can't handle colorization
// of values that implement json.Marshaler).
// There are two long-term solutions here:
// 1. The color encoder needs to be able to handle json.RawMessage.
// 2. Refactor source.Collection so that it doesn't have this weird internal
// representation.
func (c *Collection) Data() any {
if c == nil {
return nil
return c.data
// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (c *Collection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return json.Marshal(c.data)
// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
func (c *Collection) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return json.Unmarshal(b, &c.data)
// MarshalYAML implements yaml.Marshaler.
func (c *Collection) MarshalYAML() (any, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.data, nil
// UnmarshalYAML implements yaml.Unmarshaler.
func (c *Collection) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(any) error) error {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return unmarshal(&c.data)
// Sources returns a new slice containing the set's sources.
// It is safe to mutate the returned slice, but note that
// changes to the *Source elements themselves do take effect
// in the set's backing data.
func (c *Collection) Sources() []*Source {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
srcs := make([]*Source, len(c.data.Sources))
copy(srcs, c.data.Sources)
return srcs
// Visit visits each source.
func (c *Collection) Visit(fn func(src *Source) error) error {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
for i := range c.data.Sources {
if err := fn(c.data.Sources[i]); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// String returns a log/debug friendly representation.
func (c *Collection) String() string {
return stringz.SprintJSON(c)
// Add adds src to s.
func (c *Collection) Add(src *Source) error {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
if err := ValidHandle(src.Handle); err != nil {
return err
if c.isExistingHandle(src.Handle) {
return errz.Errorf("conflict: source with handle %s already exists", src.Handle)
srcGroup := src.Group()
if c.isExistingHandle("@" + srcGroup) {
return errz.Errorf("conflict: source's group %q conflicts with existing handle %s",
srcGroup, "@"+srcGroup)
if c.isExistingGroup(src.Handle[1:]) {
return errz.Errorf("conflict: handle %s clashes with existing group %q",
src.Handle, src.Handle[1])
c.data.Sources = append(c.data.Sources, src)
return nil
// IsExistingSource returns true if handle already exists in the set.
func (c *Collection) IsExistingSource(handle string) bool {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.isExistingHandle(handle)
func (c *Collection) isExistingHandle(handle string) bool {
i, _ := c.indexOf(handle)
return i != -1
func (c *Collection) indexOf(handle string) (int, *Source) {
for i, src := range c.data.Sources {
if src.Handle == handle {
return i, src
return -1, nil
// Active returns the active source, or nil if no active source.
func (c *Collection) Active() *Source {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.active()
// RenameSource renames oldHandle to newHandle.
// If the source was the active source, it remains so (under
// the new handle).
// If the source's group was the active group and oldHandle was
// the only member of the group, newHandle's group becomes
// the new active group.
func (c *Collection) RenameSource(oldHandle, newHandle string) (*Source, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.renameSource(oldHandle, newHandle)
func (c *Collection) renameSource(oldHandle, newHandle string) (*Source, error) {
if err := ValidHandle(newHandle); err != nil {
return nil, err
src, err := c.get(oldHandle)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if newHandle == oldHandle {
// no-op
return src, nil
if c.isExistingHandle(newHandle) {
return nil, errz.Errorf("conflict: new handle %s already exists", newHandle)
if c.isExistingGroup(newHandle[1:]) {
return nil, errz.Errorf("conflict: new handle %s conflicts with existing group %q",
newHandle, newHandle[1:])
oldGroup := src.Group()
// Do the actual renaming of the handle.
src.Handle = newHandle
if c.data.ActiveSrc == oldHandle {
if _, err = c.setActive(newHandle, false); err != nil {
return nil, err
if oldGroup == c.activeGroup() {
// oldGroup was the active group
if err = c.requireGroupExists(oldGroup); err != nil {
// oldGroup no longer exists, so...
// we set the
if err = c.setActiveGroup(src.Group()); err != nil {
return nil, err
return src, nil
// RenameGroup renames oldGroup to newGroup. Each affected source
// is returned. This effectively "moves" sources in oldGroup to newGroup,
// by renaming those sources.
func (c *Collection) RenameGroup(oldGroup, newGroup string) ([]*Source, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
if oldGroup == "/" || oldGroup == "" {
return nil, errz.New("cannot rename root group")
if err := ValidGroup(oldGroup); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := ValidGroup(newGroup); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := c.requireGroupExists(oldGroup); err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.isExistingHandle("@" + newGroup) {
return nil, errz.Errorf("conflict: new group %q conflicts with existing handle %s",
newGroup, "@"+newGroup)
if newGroup == "/" {
newGroup = ""
oldHandles, err := c.handlesInGroup(oldGroup)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var affectedSrcs []*Source
var newHandle string
for _, oldHandle := range oldHandles {
if newGroup == "" {
if i := strings.LastIndex(oldHandle, "/"); i != -1 {
newHandle = "@" + oldHandle[i+1:]
} else { // else, it's a non-root new group
newHandle = strings.Replace(oldHandle, oldGroup, newGroup, 1)
var src *Source
if src, err = c.renameSource(oldHandle, newHandle); err != nil {
return nil, err
affectedSrcs = append(affectedSrcs, src)
if c.data.ActiveGroup == oldGroup {
c.data.ActiveGroup = newGroup
return affectedSrcs, nil
// MoveHandleToGroup moves renames handle to be in toGroup.
// $ sq mv @prod/db production
// @production/db
// $ sq mv @prod/db /
// @db
func (c *Collection) MoveHandleToGroup(handle, toGroup string) (*Source, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
src, err := c.get(handle)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := ValidGroup(toGroup); err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.isExistingHandle("@" + toGroup) {
return nil, errz.Errorf("conflict: dest group %q conflicts with existing handle %s",
toGroup, "@"+toGroup)
var newHandle string
oldGroup := src.Group()
switch {
case toGroup == "/":
newHandle = strings.Replace(handle, oldGroup+"/", "", 1)
case oldGroup == "":
newHandle = "@" + toGroup + "/" + handle[1:]
newHandle = strings.Replace(handle, oldGroup, toGroup, 1)
return c.renameSource(handle, newHandle)
// ActiveHandle returns the handle of the active source,
// or empty string if no active src.
func (c *Collection) ActiveHandle() string {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
src := c.active()
if src == nil {
return ""
return src.Handle
func (c *Collection) active() *Source {
if c.data.ActiveSrc == "" {
return nil
i, src := c.indexOf(c.data.ActiveSrc)
if i == -1 {
return nil
return src
// Scratch returns the scratch source, or nil.
func (c *Collection) Scratch() *Source {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
if c.data.ScratchSrc == "" {
return nil
i, src := c.indexOf(c.data.ScratchSrc)
if i == -1 {
return nil
return src
// Get gets the src with handle, or returns an error.
func (c *Collection) Get(handle string) (*Source, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.get(handle)
// Get gets the src with handle, or returns an error.
func (c *Collection) get(handle string) (*Source, error) {
handle = strings.TrimSpace(handle)
if handle == "" {
return nil, errz.Errorf(msgUnknownSrc, handle)
if !strings.HasPrefix(handle, "@") {
handle = "@" + handle
// Special handling for "@active", which is the reserved
// handle for the active source.
if handle == ActiveHandle {
activeSrc := c.active()
if activeSrc == nil {
return nil, errz.New(msgNoActiveSrc)
return activeSrc, nil
i, src := c.indexOf(handle)
if i == -1 {
return nil, errz.Errorf(msgUnknownSrc, handle)
return src, nil
// SetActive sets the active src, or unsets any active
// src if handle is empty (and thus returns nil,nil).
// If handle does not exist, an error is returned, unless
// arg force is true. In which case, the returned *Source may
// be nil.
// TODO: Revisit SetActive(force) mechanism. It's a hack that
// we shouldn't need.
func (c *Collection) SetActive(handle string, force bool) (*Source, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.setActive(handle, force)
func (c *Collection) setActive(handle string, force bool) (*Source, error) {
if handle == "" {
c.data.ActiveSrc = ""
return nil, nil //nolint:nilnil
if err := ValidHandle(handle); err != nil {
return nil, err
if force {
c.data.ActiveSrc = handle
src, _ := c.get(handle)
return src, nil
for _, src := range c.data.Sources {
if src.Handle == handle {
c.data.ActiveSrc = handle
return src, nil
return nil, errz.Errorf(msgUnknownSrc, handle)
// SetScratch sets the scratch src to handle. If handle
// is empty string, the scratch src is unset, and nil,nil
// is returned.
func (c *Collection) SetScratch(handle string) (*Source, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
if handle == "" {
c.data.ScratchSrc = ""
return nil, nil //nolint:nilnil
for _, src := range c.data.Sources {
if src.Handle == handle {
c.data.ScratchSrc = handle
return src, nil
return nil, errz.Errorf(msgUnknownSrc, handle)
// Remove removes from the set the src having handle.
func (c *Collection) Remove(handle string) error {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.remove(handle)
// RemoveGroup removes all sources that are children of group.
// The removed sources are returned. If group was the active
// group, the active group is set to "/" (root group).
func (c *Collection) RemoveGroup(group string) ([]*Source, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
activeGroup := c.activeGroup()
srcs, err := c.sourcesInGroup(group, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := range srcs {
if err = c.remove(srcs[i].Handle); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = c.requireGroupExists(activeGroup); err != nil {
if err = c.setActiveGroup("/"); err != nil {
return nil, err
return srcs, nil
// remove handle from the set. By virtue of removing
// handle, the active source and active group may be reset
// to their defaults.
func (c *Collection) remove(handle string) error {
if len(c.data.Sources) == 0 {
return errz.Errorf(msgUnknownSrc, handle)
activeG := c.activeGroup()
i, _ := c.indexOf(handle)
if i == -1 {
return errz.Errorf(msgUnknownSrc, handle)
if c.data.ActiveSrc == handle {
c.data.ActiveSrc = ""
if c.data.ScratchSrc == handle {
c.data.ScratchSrc = ""
if len(c.data.Sources) == 1 {
c.data.Sources = c.data.Sources[0:0]
return nil
pre := c.data.Sources[:i]
post := c.data.Sources[i+1:]
c.data.Sources = pre
c.data.Sources = append(c.data.Sources, post...)
if c.data.ActiveSrc == handle {
c.data.ActiveSrc = ""
if !c.isExistingGroup(activeG) {
return c.setActiveGroup(RootGroup)
return nil
// Handles returns a new slice containing the set of all source handles.
func (c *Collection) Handles() []string {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.handles()
func (c *Collection) handles() []string {
handles := make([]string, len(c.data.Sources))
for i := range c.data.Sources {
handles[i] = c.data.Sources[i].Handle
return handles
// HandlesInGroup returns the set of handles in the active group.
func (c *Collection) HandlesInGroup(group string) ([]string, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.handlesInGroup(group)
func (c *Collection) handlesInGroup(group string) ([]string, error) {
group = strings.TrimSpace(group)
if group == "" || group == "/" {
return c.handles(), nil
if err := c.requireGroupExists(group); err != nil {
return nil, err
groupSrcs, err := c.sourcesInGroup(group, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
handles := make([]string, len(groupSrcs))
for i := range groupSrcs {
handles[i] = groupSrcs[i].Handle
return handles, nil
// Clone returns a deep copy of s. If s is nil, nil is returned.
func (c *Collection) Clone() *Collection {
if c == nil {
return nil
defer c.mu.Unlock()
data := collData{
ActiveGroup: c.data.ActiveGroup,
ActiveSrc: c.data.ActiveSrc,
ScratchSrc: c.data.ScratchSrc,
Sources: make([]*Source, len(c.data.Sources)),
for i, src := range c.data.Sources {
data.Sources[i] = src.Clone()
return &Collection{
mu: sync.Mutex{},
data: data,
// Groups returns the sorted set of groups, as defined
// via the handle names.
// Given a set of handles:
// @handle1
// @group1/handle2
// @group1/handle3
// @group2/handle4
// @group2/sub1/handle5
// @group2/sub1/sub2/sub3/handle6
// Then these groups will be returned.
// /
// group1
// group2
// group2/sub1
// group2/sub1/sub2
// group2/sub1/sub2/sub3
// Note that default or root group is represented by "/".
func (c *Collection) Groups() []string {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.groups()
func (c *Collection) groups() []string {
groups := make([]string, 0, len(c.data.Sources)+1)
groups = append(groups, "/")
for _, src := range c.data.Sources {
h := src.Handle
if !strings.ContainsRune(h, '/') {
// Trim the '@' prefix
h = h[1:]
parts := strings.Split(h, "/")
parts = parts[:len(parts)-1]
groups = append(groups, parts[0])
for i := 1; i < len(parts); i++ {
arr := parts[0 : i+1]
g := strings.Join(arr, "/")
groups = append(groups, g)
groups = lo.Uniq(groups)
return groups
// ActiveGroup returns the active group, which may be
// the root group, represented by "/".
func (c *Collection) ActiveGroup() string {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.activeGroup()
func (c *Collection) activeGroup() string {
if c.data.ActiveGroup == "" {
return "/"
return c.data.ActiveGroup
// IsExistingGroup returns false if group does not exist.
func (c *Collection) IsExistingGroup(group string) bool {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.isExistingGroup(group)
func (c *Collection) isExistingGroup(group string) bool {
group = strings.TrimSpace(group)
if group == "" || group == "/" {
return true
groups := c.groups()
return slices.Contains(groups, group)
// requireGroupExists returns an error if group does not exist.
func (c *Collection) requireGroupExists(group string) error {
if !c.isExistingGroup(group) {
return errz.Errorf("group does not exist: %s", group)
return nil
// SetActiveGroup sets the active group, returning an error
// if group does not exist.
func (c *Collection) SetActiveGroup(group string) error {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.setActiveGroup(group)
func (c *Collection) setActiveGroup(group string) error {
group = strings.TrimSpace(group)
if group == "" || group == "/" {
c.data.ActiveGroup = "/"
return nil
if err := c.requireGroupExists(group); err != nil {
return err
c.data.ActiveGroup = group
return nil
// SourcesInGroup returns all sources that are descendants of group.
// If group is "" or "/", all sources are returned.
func (c *Collection) SourcesInGroup(group string) ([]*Source, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.sourcesInGroup(group, false)
func (c *Collection) sourcesInGroup(group string, directMembersOnly bool) ([]*Source, error) {
group = strings.TrimSpace(group)
if group == "" || group == "/" {
srcs := make([]*Source, len(c.data.Sources))
copy(srcs, c.data.Sources)
if directMembersOnly {
srcs = lo.Reject(srcs, func(item *Source, index int) bool {
srcGroup := item.Group()
if srcGroup == "/" || srcGroup == "" {
return false
return srcGroup != group
return srcs, nil
if err := c.requireGroupExists(group); err != nil {
return nil, err
srcs := make([]*Source, 0)
for i := range c.data.Sources {
srcGroup := c.data.Sources[i].Group()
if srcGroup == group || strings.HasPrefix(srcGroup, group+"/") {
srcs = append(srcs, c.data.Sources[i])
if directMembersOnly {
srcs = lo.Reject(srcs, func(item *Source, index int) bool {
return item.Group() != group
return srcs, nil
// Tree returns a new Group representing the structure of the set
// starting at fromGroup downwards. If fromGroup is empty, RootGroup is used.
// The Group structure is a snapshot of the Collection at the time Tree is invoked.
// Thus, any change to Collection structure is not reflected in the Group. However,
// the Source elements of Group are pointers back to the Collection elements, and
// thus changes to the fields of a Source are reflected in the Collection.
func (c *Collection) Tree(fromGroup string) (*Group, error) {
if c == nil {
return nil, nil //nolint:nilnil
if fromGroup == "" {
fromGroup = RootGroup
if err := ValidGroup(fromGroup); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.tree(fromGroup)
func (c *Collection) tree(fromGroup string) (*Group, error) {
group := &Group{
Name: fromGroup,
Active: fromGroup == c.activeGroup(),
var err error
if group.Sources, err = c.sourcesInGroup(fromGroup, true); err != nil {
return nil, err
// This part does a bunch of repeated work, but probably doesn't matter.
groupNames := c.groups()
// We only want the direct children of fromGroup.
groupNames = groupsFilterOnlyDirectChildren(fromGroup, groupNames)
group.Groups = make([]*Group, len(groupNames))
for i := range groupNames {
if group.Groups[i], err = c.tree(groupNames[i]); err != nil {
return nil, err
return group, nil
// Group models the hierarchical group structure of a set.
type Group struct {
// Name is the group name. For the root group, this is source.RootGroup ("/").
Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"`
// Active is true if this is the active group in the set.
Active bool `json:"active" yaml:"active"`
// Sources are the direct members of the group.
Sources []*Source `json:"sources,omitempty" yaml:"sources,omitempty"`
// Groups holds any subgroups.
Groups []*Group `json:"groups,omitempty" yaml:"groups,omitempty"`
// Counts returns counts for g.
// - directSrc: direct source child members of g
// - totalSrc: all source descendants of g
// - directGroup: direct group child members of g
// - totalGroup: all group descendants of g
// If g is empty, {0,0,0,0} is returned.
func (g *Group) Counts() (directSrc, totalSrc, directGroup, totalGroup int) {
if g == nil {
return 0, 0, 0, 0
directSrc = len(g.Sources)
directGroup = len(g.Groups)
totalSrc = directSrc
totalGroup = directGroup
for i := range g.Groups {
_, srcCount, _, groupCount := g.Groups[i].Counts()
totalSrc += srcCount
totalGroup += groupCount
return directSrc, totalSrc, directGroup, totalGroup
// String returns a log/debug friendly representation.
func (g *Group) String() string {
return g.Name
// AllSources returns a new flattened slice of *Source containing
// all the sources in g and its descendants.
func (g *Group) AllSources() []*Source {
if g == nil {
return []*Source{}
srcs := make([]*Source, 0, len(g.Sources))
srcs = append(srcs, g.Sources...)
for i := range g.Groups {
srcs = append(srcs, g.Groups[i].AllSources()...)
return srcs
// RedactGroup modifies g, cloning each descendant Source, and setting
// the Source.Location field of each contained source to its redacted value.
func RedactGroup(g *Group) {
if g == nil {
for i := range g.Sources {
g.Sources[i] = g.Sources[i].Clone()
g.Sources[i].Location = g.Sources[i].RedactedLocation()
for i := range g.Groups {
// AllGroups returns a new flattened slice of Groups containing g
// and any subgroups.
func (g *Group) AllGroups() []*Group {
if g == nil {
return []*Group{}
groups := make([]*Group, 1, len(g.Groups)+1)
groups[0] = g
for i := range g.Groups {
groups = append(groups, g.Groups[i].AllGroups()...)
return groups
// groupsFilterOnlyDirectChildren rejects from groups any element that
// is not a direct child of parentGroup.
func groupsFilterOnlyDirectChildren(parentGroup string, groups []string) []string {
groups = lo.Reject(groups, func(item string, index int) bool {
if parentGroup == "/" {
return strings.ContainsRune(item, '/')
if !strings.HasPrefix(item, parentGroup+"/") {
return true
item = strings.TrimPrefix(item, parentGroup+"/")
return strings.ContainsRune(item, '/')
return groups
// VerifyIntegrity verifies the internal state of coll.
// Typically this func is invoked after coll has been loaded
// from config, verifying that the config is not corrupt.
// If err is returned non-nil, repaired may be returned true
// to indicate that coll has been repaired and modified. The
// caller should save the config to persist the repair.
func VerifyIntegrity(coll *Collection) (repaired bool, err error) {
if coll == nil {
return false, errz.New("collection is nil")
defer coll.mu.Unlock()
handles := map[string]*Source{}
for i := range coll.data.Sources {
src := coll.data.Sources[i]
if src == nil {
return false, errz.Errorf("collection item %d is nil", i)
err := validSource(src)
if err != nil {
return false, errz.Wrapf(err, "collection item %d", i)
if _, exists := handles[src.Handle]; exists {
return false, errz.Errorf("collection item %d duplicates handle %s", i, src.Handle)
handles[src.Handle] = src
if strings.TrimSpace(coll.data.ActiveSrc) != "" {
if _, exists := handles[coll.data.ActiveSrc]; !exists {
// The active source doesn't exist. We'll unset the active source.
activeSrc := coll.data.ActiveSrc
coll.data.ActiveSrc = ""
repaired = true
// Note that the caller will still need to save the collection
// to the config file for the repair to take effect.
return repaired, errz.Errorf("active source {%s} does not exist in collection: config has been repaired: please try again", activeSrc) //nolint:lll
return repaired, nil
// Sort sorts a slice of sources by handle.
func Sort(srcs []*Source) {
slices.SortFunc(srcs, func(a, b *Source) bool {
switch {
case a == nil && b == nil:
return false
case a == nil:
return true
case b == nil:
return false
return a.Handle < b.Handle
// SortGroups sorts a slice of groups by name.
func SortGroups(groups []*Group) {
slices.SortFunc(groups, func(a, b *Group) bool {
switch {
case a == nil && b == nil:
return false
case a == nil:
return true
case b == nil:
return false
return a.Name < b.Name